
Now I really did it :((


Feb 27, 2007

Happy New Year! Who made it to midnight last night?

LLJsmom, I’m not going to lie; I am chuckling that you bought down jackets for 40 to 55 degree weather. That sounds pretty warm to me. Of course if you are getting breeze off the ocean that can be very chilly. Thank you; I am glad you enjoyed my pictures. I thought of taking pictures this morning of my EC ring and EC earrings together but I was too lazy today. The forehead cookie challenge sounds fun. I’d loose for sure. I am anxious for you to get your diamond from GOG, it looks beautiful. How cool to own an IF diamond. That is pretty special. I hope you love it. I am sure your 5 stone ring is a lot of bling and that you are enjoying wearing it.

Missy, my car has a steering heater too; I love it. Yay for seat heaters. Heat is precious to me. That is great the Spanish restaurant gives you so much food you get several meals from it. We get 3 meals out of the spaghetti and meatballs from Olive garden. How was your shopping marathon? Did you enjoy the evening with your sister? How was the tree? I hope you’ll post pictures of it. I love the picture of you and your friends from Alaska. You do look very happy.

Jimmianne, sorry to hear you had bad weather. Good day to stay in and take it easy. How is your diamond fever coming along? You always find amazing pieces on your searches.

Sharon, it doesn’t get much better than bling, fur babies and clothes. Thank you for the nice compliment about my photography skills. It has been a hobby of mine since college. I am pretty happy with my upgrade. That is nice you can see some nice blue sky. It sounds like you get weather similar to ours that may have a lot of snow but you still get to see the Sun most days.

Junebug, I think both of our EC brightened our days. It will be interesting to see which one of us pulls out another ring to wear first. I eventually miss my sapphires but not so far. I really enjoy making collages; it’s kind of fun to dig through pictures anyway. The party we went to last night was fun and I enjoyed Marty taking care of the lasagna.

Callie, how was your dinner last night? Was the restaurant really busy?

I got off work about 2:30 yesterday. When I got home Marty had the lasagna made already and the dishes all done. We went to some friends house for pot luck dinner and game night. It was fun. Marty’s lasagna was a bit hit; my friends little girl even went back for 2nd and 3rd helpings on it. We made it until midnight but I was fading fast. Sadly when we got home I couldn’t fall asleep so I got to bed about 2:30 and then Marty’s watch had an alarm go off at 4:30 am. Rats. He set it for 4:30 pm to put the lasagna in the oven put it set itself for 4:30 am - his smart watch wasn’t so smart. Then my MIL sent a text at 7:30 am. Short night. I am kind of nappy today. Weird.

We had roast beef and mashed potatoes for lunch. I finished the new Michael Connelly book today and we are watching Despicable Me and will catch Despicable Me 2. They are pretty funny.



Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

Marcy, your evening sounded like a great way to bring in the New Year. Yay for heated steering wheels-what a great invention. I wish I could have heated seats everywhere I go in the winter. It was cold for me yesterday that's for sure. I'm sorry you had to work NYE but great it was a short day and even better Marty made the NYE lasagna that was a big hit at the party. I love vegetarian lasagna and cannot remember the last time I had some. OK you did it again. I'm hungry for lasagna at 8:45 in the morning LOL.

New Year's Eve was a very long day. We actually made it to and past midnight NYE though we were in bed. Shopped all day at Tanger in Riverhead and then went to my sister's house and spent some time with the family and then we left for home and were in bed at midnight. We have an amazing fireworks display where we live and we saw the whole thing out of our bedroom window. Scared the kitties but it was beautiful I have to admit. My girlfriend and neighbor got the whole fireworks display on video but not sure how to share it here without showing her full name and info so if anyone wants to see it I will email it to you. Beautiful. Front row seats from bed. :bigsmile:

Then we watched some twilight zone marathon episodes and fell asleep.

Yesterday New Year's Day was a good day. We went to Rockefeller and saw the Christmas tree and enjoyed the Saks fifth avenue holiday windows. We also went to Bryant Park and saw the Christmas tree there and went to the holiday pop up shops which always is fun. Unique shops and items. Also checked out the ice skating rink there. It was a fun day and yes it is getting cold here. Winter has arrived. Good news is the days are getting longer so woohoo!

Marcy, I took the bunny pics for you and Jimmianne I got the eiffel tower for you. My NIRDIs are never far from my thoughts. Hope you enjoy!

rockefellertree2015.jpg bryantparktree_0.jpg iceskatingatbryantpark.jpg iceprincesssaksfifthchristmaswindows_0.jpg sakseiffel2015_0.jpg bunnysaks2015_0.jpg bunnyatsaks_0.jpg saksfifthholidaywindows2015.jpg


Dec 9, 2013
Glad the NIRDIs were well-represented in the "after midnight" New Years Eve category.
ah youth. lol

Missy, I love the window photos. Thanks for the Eiffel Tower!

I'm waiting to hear back from LAD. It's holiday time so I understand, but the last two times I've tried to do business with them I have ended up at other vendors because of the response time. Therefore, no bling news yet. The thing I hate about waiting is that common sense takes over and the impulse fades---supposedly that is a good thing - to think it out. I don't like it. lol

Sharon, I hope 2016 is a great year for you. You deserve a break after last year.

Marcy, I hope you get your naps today!
Now all I can think about is lasagna. If it isn't cookies, it's lasagna : )


Jun 8, 2008
Forgot this one for Marcy. Bears need equal time right? :cheeky:



Jun 17, 2009
Hi everyone!

Wow, you've had a couple of busy days missy! You and Greg have been on the go - so glad you had a nice NYE and and a very enjoyable day being out and about in the city on New Years Day. How cool you could see fireworks out your window. Love the pics! Looks like a lot of fun, I love the energy and excitement of NYC.

Glad you had fun on NYE marcy! I love lasagna, I think it might be my favorite food (and I have lots of them lol). It's a shame you got so little sleep though, but at least you had the day off and could recuperate. I hope you're having a nice few days off from work (I'm going to bet you are haha). It's SO awesome you have a heated steering wheel - I got in my car the other night and the steering wheel was freezing and I thought how wonderful it would be if I could make it warm up lol. I do have a heated seat and it's one of the best inventions ever.

Jimmianne, I noticed you're considering the pink spinel ring - I adore that ring! It is just gorgeous, I hope it works out for you. :dance:

NYE was a weird night - dh and I went out for something to eat, which was nice, but my son drove to some bar 45 minutes away so I was on edge the whole night. He made it home fine - but my brother called me at 12:06 to tell me my mother was sick (vomiting). Yikes. Luckily it passed as quickly as it came on and she was fine for the rest of the night. Strange but I'm glad it wasn't anything serious. Today I met 2 friends for lunch and I really wasn't up for it - just feeling tired and a little "blah" - but I ended up having a nice time. Dh and I went out for dinner when I got home, so all I have done today is eat haha!

I hope everyone is having a good start to the New Year!


Feb 27, 2007

Missy, you should have some lasagna. It was delicious. I think I need to have Marty make a pan for us soon. I am glad you had a nice NYE and made it past midnight. That is fabulous you can enjoy a beautiful fireworks show from your bedroom. We thought we’d be able to watch our local fireworks display from our house because it’s only about 2 - 3 miles from our house but sadly there are too many houses in the way. Aren’t the old Twilight Zones fabulous to watch? It sounds like you had a fabulous day yesterday seeing the sights and thank you for posting pictures of some of the famous NYC Christmas sights. Very cool. And of course there is one with a bear.

Jimmianne, I am too old to be up after midnight and I paid for it yesterday. Marty had what he called the bottle flu; I didn’t drink that much. I am drawing a blank on who LAD is but I hope they get back to you. I definitely understand what you mean about how common sense and impulse can take over when you have time to think about a purchase. Do tell what you are inquiring about from them. Unless it’s a secret. Thank you for taking naps for me.

I went to bed early last night and I slept in until about 7. Marty was at the gym when I got up so I sent him a text to bring home breakfast. We went grocery shopping then went to see the new Star Wars movie. We stopped on the way home and had supper. I am working on laundry and need to work on my club newsletter.

I am watching How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days only because they have some pretty diamond jewelry towards the end of the movie. Liz Taylor sized stuff. Who knows if it’s real but it’s big and sparkly.

Have a great evening and day tomorrow.



Oct 24, 2012
Marcy, your taste in movies coincide with mine. The kids just watched How To Lose A Guy in 10 Days. They thought it was hilarious, and my son could kinda relate. Eeek!!


Feb 27, 2007
LLJsmom, eek indeed your son can relate to that movie. It is pretty funny though. I watched the Other Woman this morning. That one is amusing as well. I admit I am easily entertained.


Dec 9, 2013
Good morning dear NIRDIs!

June, I'm glad your son got home safely. That would have worried me too and sent me to the computer to scroll through soothing bling.
Good that your Mom's tummy problem was just a passing thing. At that age you worry about every thing that happens. When my parents were still with us I felt like I was being squeezed to death by the generations on either side of me. If my DD wasn't having issues, my parents were.
I can see that you are not in an easy position and hope you experience many of those saving "little moments of joy" every day of this new year!

I just committed to the Martin Flyer ring. A terrific & blingy ring! Not my usual style, but I might as well get it over with - the total jump over to the dark and sparkly side. lol
I was actually thinking I could re-set my Asscher in it, but we shall see. There is a 0.50mm difference between the spinel currently in the ring and my stone, and I do really like that pink asscher cut contrasting with the white side diamonds.
I really should be *resting my budget* but bling fever is mysterious. I have been looking at that ring for almost a year and greatly admiring it, then suddenly when I looked at this week I had a strong desire to buy it. Perhaps something to do with 2 months of rainy gray days, but more likely the fault of any and all NIRDIs who posted photos of their new bling recently. You know who you are!!! :lol:

LLJs - I saw, but don't remember the details of the movie your son could relate to that prompt an EEK!
but perhaps he's not seeing things from quite the same perspective as we do. One can only hope lol

Marcy, sorry to hear that was a bit of that flu at your house. I'm sure the rabbits and the rabbitmiester have recovered.[so watch out!] Thank you for staying up to be witness to the New Year. LAD is Love Affair, but you probably remembered that already : )
What did you think of the new Star Wars movie??


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls! It's a sunny bright windy cold morning here but I keep thinking just a couple more months and we will be enjoying spring so I can deal with this. Plus I have that super warm coat coming to me. Now if only the ferals could remain safe and warm winter would be just fine with me.

June, I am sorry your mom became ill after midnight on NYE but I am glad it was nothing serious. Still I know what a scare that was and on top of your son being out I can imagine how worried you were. I am glad everyone is safe and sound and survived another NYE. I hope you feel much more rested now and have caught up on your sleep.

Marcy, yes I need some lasagna right now. :lickout:
I hope Marty is all recovered from the bottle flu lol and I am the same as you in that I don't do well deviating from my sleep routine. Unfortunately for me my sleep routine is pretty stringent and prevents much of a social life in terms of going to parties and staying late. I really cannot sleep well if I go to bed much later than usual but hey it's only once or twice a year so I guess I just have to suck it up.

That bear would hold his own with your killer bunnies don't you think? :cheeky: That is a big bear. And how sweet is that bunny with the pearls? I just had to get a close up of that sweet bunny.

How was the Star Wars movie? We watched Rounders last night. An oldie but a goodie. And we started watching Fringe from season 1 as we somehow missed the first 2 seasons. Only got through the first episode but it already filled in some blanks we had from missing the first 2 seasons. I just love Netflix.

We had a lazy day yesterday and just walked around the neighborhood and visited the rescue kitties which we have not done since spring I believe as we have been at the beach house most weekends and not in Brooklyn. So that was nice and they have 4 orange kitties which is a lot more than they ever have. Usually they don't even have 1 orange kitty. And they have a beautiful white cat with the iciest blue eyes. Of course I wanted to adopt them all but we all know how mean my dh is sometimes and he said we cannot adopt any more cats ;( ... :wink2:

I was thinking of getting tickets to Fiddler on the Roof and would have been able to snag first row center mezzanine for today's show but I don't feel like sitting for 3 hours in the middle of a sunny day and would prefer to do something more active so I passed. I do want to see that show and I only like to go to matinees (haha read why above I cannot stay up so late lol) so it would have been perfect but when the weather is nice I just cannot bear staying inside during the daylight. So I passed on those sweet seat tickets. They were full price tickets but for front row center mezzanine it was worth the cost.

Callie, I don't know what you have decided to do regarding the dress but I think black tie these days is more flexible re dress and you don't need to wear a gown. It has changed from years past and that dress you showed me is perfect for a black tie affair IMO. But you need to feel good in whatever you chose so you are comfortable and feel attractive so if the dress does that for you go for it and if not keep looking. You have a lot of time until the wedding. My vote is keep that dress though. Don't forget diamonds dress anything up. :naughty: :cheeky:

Jimmianne, I am glad Erica finally got back to you and that the ring is coming to you. Very excited for you. :appl:

Hi to the rest of the girls- LLJsmom, Kristie, Sharon, Sunstorm, and anyone else reading. Hope your New Year is going well. :wavey:


Feb 27, 2007

Junebug, we were posting at the same time last night. I missed yours. I am glad your son made it home all right; there are too many people out there on NYE who shouldn’t be driving. I am glad you had dinner out with your DH and caught up with some friends for lunch. I am sorry to hear you mom got sick but that is good it passed so quickly. Lasagna is one of my favorite foods too. I might have Marty make us a pan soon; just one serving the other night wasn’t enough. We left the rest of the pan there. I am always weary of eating food that has set out on the counter for several hours or more. I really enjoy the heated steering wheel. It seems to get the most warm at the 9 and 3 position so I have my hands there most of the time. Our car has ventilated seats too and it’s kind of weird but it also helps on those sweltering hot days. I think it was a Lexus we test drove that had AC and heated seats. Such great ideas.

Jimmianne, that pink spinel ring is fabulous. What a great color and a beautiful ring. I don’t tend to like that much bling on my hand but wow I can see why you’ve been looking at it for a few years. I had a 5 x 7 pink oval spinel RHR and it was one of my favorite gemstones. I sold it to pay for other bling projects though. I am anxious for you to get your ring. I had not remembered who LAD was yet - thanks. Like I need more places to look at jewelry. Ha Ha. I did like the Star Wars movie. It was lots of action and I like the new main character - a girl that appears to have the force. If you like Star Wars movies I think you’d like it.

Missy, I chucked you have spring coming in a few months; our spring arrives about June 5. They had a special on our state PBS called the Blizzard of ’49 which anyone who has lived in Wyoming has heard the horror stories of that blizzard. I guess it was initially about a 3-5 day blizzard starting Jan. 3 then it never cleared up really with more blizzards coming off and on for 5 weeks. They were showing some drifts over the top of roofs and barns. One guy they interviewed said some drifts remained through September the following year. At least we aren’t buried like they were. I want lasagna too. When we have a NIRDI’s GTG in the man cave we’ll have Marty make us lasagna. Yes that bear could probably fend off one of those mean killer rabbits and I loved the rabbit with the pearls. Very cool pictures. I liked the Star Wars movie. Rounders sounds familiar; I’ll have to look it up and see if I’ve watched it. I am glad you enjoyed a nice walk around your neighborhood and yes I can see you wanting to bring home all the rescue kitties.

We got up about 7:30 today. I made homemade biscuits for us and Marty made himself some sausage and gravy to go with them. We had mimosas too. Mm. What a great way to start the day.

Not much going on here today. I am trying to psych myself up to going back to work realizing there isn’t another holiday for us until Memorial Day. Phooey on that!

I have one more batch of laundry to do and hope to watch my football team win this afternoon.

I have a pan of brownies baking. They sure smell delicious. True reason for baking brownies - I bought a nylon knife from Pampered Chef that is designed to cut brownies and cake but not tear them. I want to test it.

If any of you shop at they are going out of business and have big discounts on some things. I’ve been buying from them for over 20 years. I just ordered Marty a Staub skillet, me a ceramic electric skillet and some potholders and kitchen towels.

Have a great day.


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls and happy 2016 first full week!

Marcy, I hope your football team won yesterday and that your brownies turned out perfectly. I sent Greg the link to the chefs catalog thank you for letting us know about it. Greg said he has ordered from there before. Have a good first day back at work in this new year.

Greg too is heading back to work so I am sad and will miss him. I got used to having him around most of the day and I liked it. But back to the coal mines. Last night I dreamt about work lol. I guess going back this week is on my mind.

Callie, I am sending you buckets of good luck dust for today's appointment. I am with you in spirit the whole time and don't forget that sweetheart. (((Hugs))).

Have a good Monday everyone. :wavey:


Dec 9, 2013
Good Morning, Missy.
Sorry your fun playmate has to go back to work : ( Some wives might be breathing a sigh of relief right now!
It's nice that you have such a good time and he is such a handsomeseacreature.

I bought the Martin Flyer for us last night. yippee! I think Erica ships rather quickly. double yippee I was feeling guilty about continuing to buy & buy, so I listed three of my rings on LT before going to bed. About a million people have looked at them [at least 75] and no comments or offers, so maybe I will get to keep them haha.
I fantasize about after I die when my family opens my safe and thinks OMG we didn't realize how blingsick she really was! Only you guys would understand I was a minor player. We do love those blings, huh. I was bragging about the wonderful bling tote bag last night : )

Happy Monday everyone. No one said if they had New Year's resolutions. Anyone?? :confused:
The only thing I've thought of is to make more art this year and to be more social with the local artists - - - showing up both at my home studio and the community events. I've been seriously slacking off.


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning Jimmianne! I am excited for you purchasing that Martin Flyer ring and I cannot wait for you to get it!

Your New Year's resolutions are good ones Jimmianne. The world needs more of your art and being social is always nice.

I don't make formal resolutions for the New Year and I hope this doesn't seem corny but rather all year long I strive to be a "good" person as I see it. I try to be kind to others (which is always easy when people are kind to me but more challenging with people who are not), help people and animals in need. I try to be a supportive and loving spouse and friend, daughter and sister and aunt and just do my best in all endeavors though sometimes it is harder than other times.

I need to work on being patient and calm as those are 2 big weaknesses as is my tendency to worry worry worry.
Every year I work on being more positive and less negative but I worry I don't do very well at that personal challenge and every year I try to work on worrying less but always worry I don't succeed. Hahaha at least I still have my sense of humor right? Some might say that is a major accomplishment given the past 2 years. LOL.

Oh and I almost forgot a big one. I am working on (as I have been working on for the past few years at least) living in the moment and enjoying each day and not constantly looking ahead worrying (there's that worry thing again LOL) about the future. It is challenging to be in and live in the moment and be at peace but it is something I am striving to do.

I am interested to see if any of the other NIRDIs make New Year's resolutions and if so what they are.

Just have to share a song/artist Greg introduced me to yesterday. I love this song and the artist. Greg really gets my music (and other) taste. Whenever he hears a song he thinks I will like he writes it down and then has been adding it to a new playlist for me (unbeknownst to me until yesterday... isn't he sweet?) and here is the first song on that list. I LOVE it. Please ignore the youtube video but I cannot share Tidal here so had to search to find the song to share it with you girls and that happens to be on youtube with the video as I don't want it to distract from the music.


Feb 27, 2007

Missy, my football team did win. Woo hoo! The brownies turned out delicious. I had to laugh at Marty’s idea of “a” brownie. He cut the 8 x 8 pan in to 6 brownies. I told him tonight I usually cut the pan in to 16 brownies. He just said “huh”. Yes Greg and I went back to the coal minds today. When do you go back to work - Thursday? I am sure you missed Greg today. I missed Marty too. I chuckled at your comment about being more patient. I sure need a few doses of that. Neither of us are patient which is why there is not a piece of tinsel on our trees. There would be about 12 pieces at my height and about 10 pieces on the top of the tree then 2 blobs. Ha! That is nice Greg finds music for you that you will like. Very cool.

Jimmianne, how exciting your bought the Martin Flyer ring. I try to sell stuff when I buy something new; good luck with selling what you posted on LT unless of course you get to keep them. Glad you are enjoying the bling tote bag. Good idea to try and spend more time with the local artists. I know you enjoy doing that. I wish they had something like that here for Marty to join.

I don’t really do NY resolutions either. I always try to do my best and be nice, kind and decent to people. Don’t get me wrong there are many things I can and should work on to improve myself but I always try.

My UV flashlight showed up. These are kind of fuzzy but I had fun looking at my rings.

My EC is med fluorescent. The diamond with my emerald diamond shows up as blue and some of the diamonds in my 2 channel bands from WF are blue - one of them looks strong blue. The 2 red ovals are actually pink sapphires, the red rectangle is my Kentucky blue sapphire and one of it’s accent PC diamonds is blue. On the top row the 2nd band from the left is my pink sapphire / diamond band with one blue and the ring on the top right is my garnet ring with one blue. FUN!!! I will have to work on better pictures this weekend when I have time to play.

We met at Olive Garden for supper tonight. We had salad and I ordered spaghetti. I ate 1/4 of it and will take a 1/4 of it for lunch tomorrow and Marty can have the other half of it. I did eat 1 breadstick too.

Work was hectic busy but the day zipped by.

Have a great evening.



Dec 9, 2013
Marcy, wow! I love these photos.
I am staying up late so I can get a text from my dd in France to know that she has awakened as planned with plenty of time for the shuttle & her flight.
So thank you for keeping me company with interesting photos.

Isn't it so fascinating that our stones have that invisible world. You sound like a treasure hunter with your UV flashlight research.
What kind did you get? Having a UV flashlight sounds like a good upgrade from those tiny lights on loupes.

Marty is my kind of brownie cutter.
"huh?" very funny.

and now...good night!


Feb 27, 2007
Jimmianne, I am glad I can keep you entertained while you wait up to text with your DD. I was delighted to see a few of the diamonds in my WF bands are fluorescent. I couldn't believe the pink sapphires went so red and was really surprised the KB sapphire went pink/red. The round diamond on the 3rd image on the 2nd row is with my emerald which you can't see at all in the photo. I will have to explore my earrings, bracelets and pendants as well. Such entertainment for a little flashlight. Marty even enjoyed playing with it. Fun toy!

It is amazing how different things look in different wavelengths. I kind of am familiar with that in astronomy. I used some infrared film onetime in my film SLR. It was kind of interesting.

Here is the link to the one I bought.

Marty definitely cuts good sized brownies. :lol:

Good night! :wavey:


Feb 27, 2007
I may never go to sleep tonight. My other camera worked better:

Left to Right
Top Row: Diamond Sapphire Band, 3mm channel band, 5 pointer channel band, KB Sapphire (it is blue)
Middle Row: baby pink sapphire band, emerald & diamond ring, pale pink sapphire, garnet ring
Bottom Row: EC, hot pink sapphire, rhodolite garnet ring, heart diamond

Who knew what cool things were lurking in another wavelength.

That assorted color diamond ring is bizarre one of the red or orange diamonds is bright yellow/green. The picture turned out bad though.

Off to bed. Really.



Dec 9, 2013
Do I detect a science nerd under all that beautiful fluorescing mineral?
I just had my first amusement of the day when i checked out the amazon page for the flashlight..." Discover Counterfeit Banknotes, Scorpions, Minerals, diamonds, etc. !"
Hm-m-m. Let me I want to find scorpions? or diamonds? or etceteras?

Stay tuned.


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

Marcy, woohoo for your football team winning. Haha on Marty's brownie sizes. My sister does the same thing with her peanut butter brownies and I always cut the pb brownies in half when she brings them so I fool myself into eating less lol. But I'm with Marty in that I love the large brownie size. :lickout: Yay for your pasta leftovers. Love the leftovers.

I LOVE LOVE LOVE all the gorgeous photo additions showing the UV fluorescence, thank you! It makes me happy seeing all your beautiful blowy bling pics. :love:

My workweek begins on Wednesday and that is tomorrow. Boo. I was enjoying waking up closer to 7AM rather than 4:45 AM. So much more civilized yanno? I suppose I could skip my workout on my workdays but I would rather just miss a few hours of sleep because I know if I skip the workout it will stress me out all day. Oh well. At least I am still working and hoping to continue that as long as it is viable for me. Lots of changes so not sure what is in store for me there in the next few months and beyond but working on taking it one day at a time!

It is really cold here and I wonder how you are faring re the weather by you. We are in a deep freeze (teens here) and I sure hope the ferals are staying warm.

Jimmianne, I hope your DD has safe travels and everything works out well. Keeping you both in my thoughts as always.
When is your new ring arriving? I need bling to look forward to and sure hope we get to see your beautiful new bling soon. :appl:
Please stay away from those scorpions you find. They look pretty but their sting is deadly. Diamonds on the other hand just sting our pocketbooks which eventually (hopefully) we can recover from... 8)

Talking about stinging the pocketbooks OMG our medical insurance has gone up quite a bit. I hope you girls are not getting as much of an increase in costs as we are. Happy New Year. :knockout: Thankfully though we all have medical insurance and that's the main thing. It's only money right? Though I keep thinking all that extra $$$ could have gone to big beautiful bling. Hoping my NIRDI girls can keep the bling coming to keep my mind off the additional expenses. :halo:

Enjoy the day girls!


Dec 9, 2013

the above is a good & interesting article with pretty photos. Marcy, what you have started!
They say not to look at your floors with the UV light [especially if you have pets!] or you will have to move, haha
I got the light you linked to, also the eye protection even though I didn't know if it was needed.

Missy, I am so sorry you have to go back to reality. I hate it. I was supposed to help the farrier with the horses this morning and cancelled our appointment. I could not bear to stand out in the cold when I could be toasty warm in front of my computer : )
Could you cancel Wednesday? LOL
The ring arrives tomorrow. I am excited and scared. I hope I like it! Martin Flyer gets mixed reviews, but most are positive, and I never would have even thought about acquiring it at it's retail. I am hoping it's great quality & I love it and Tony tells me it is a good fit for my asscher. Maybe, maybe not. I turned the LAD photos into black & white to see what it might look like... img_5692-x3.jpg
I need to learn more about spinels - have been trying to research because I am curious about pricing but may just have to ask the seller.

My DD is 4 hours from Atlanta. Isn't technology amazing?! We are texting as she travels which helps us both.
My heart goes out to her - I know that trip all too well in terms of the complexity and exhaustion. She gets in around 3:30pm.

If it helps - it's very cold here as well. The good news is that it warms up during the day. My birds are out in this weather and thriving [not Puff of course!] so I think your ferals will weather this [hopefully brief] cold snap with all the amenities you and Greg have provided.


Oct 24, 2012
Hi girls! Just been back at work and school and adjusting.

Marcy, your Fluor pics are so cool. And I didn't know that other stones exhibit Fluor too.

Missy, hope you at having a great new year. How thoughtful and sweet of Greg to keep a list of the songs you may like.

Jimmianne, congrats on the new Martin flyer ring. Can't wait to see it. :).

Hope everyone has a great day! I'm gonna kinda busy with Doctor appts and driving a kids to lessons. Hugs!!


Jun 17, 2009
Hi everyone!

Missy, where the heck did this bitter cold weather come from lol? I guess we've been pretty spoiled up until now. All we can do is bundle up and trudge through it I guess. Your new warm coat is going to come in very handy. I'm thinking of the ferals too and hoping they're using the shelter Greg made. I like your New Year's resolutions, I think I'll borrow them haha! Everything you mentioned are things I need to keep in mind as well. And yes, having a sense of humor about it all helps too, that's for sure. Love the song you posted! So sweet and thoughtful of Greg to make a playlist for you!

Jimmianne, thank you for your compassionate comments - yes, you are so right, I do feel a bit squeezed by the generations right now. In addition to dealing with my own issues on aging, health, etc. And at my mother's age, I agree, every health issue is concerning. Been feeling a bit on edge lately but luckily I have you girls to turn to for a comforting word and just some good old companionship.

Sounds like your dd is coming for a visit, I'm so happy for you!

I'm SO excited about your new ring!!! :dance: I've been admiring it for a while now and I just think it is so beautiful. :love: I guess by now everyone is catching on that I lean towards somewhat blingy settings lol. But this setting is also so elegant and tasteful and just a joy to look at. I think your asscher would look amazing in it, although the contrast of the pink spinel and diamonds is gorgeous too. I can't wait for you to get it and hear what you think!

LLJsmom, good luck getting back into the swing of things, I know it's hard after having some down time. I'm looking forward to seeing your new pendant, so exciting!!!

Marcy, hope you are having a good start to your work week, my husband was also struggling with returning to work after having some time off. Wow, the blizzard of '49 sounds brutal, I can't even imagine, and I guess it's some comfort that you're not dealing with something as extreme as that! :o Congrats on your team winning! That means they're in the playoffs, right? I think my husband has finally come to terms about his team doing so badly this year. Oh well, there's always next year lol. Wow, your pics are fantastic, the fluorescence is such a cool effect! You take such great pics :clap:

Kristie, hope Maggie and Finn are doing ok - are you wearing your new ruby band a lot? I hope so because it is gorgeous!

Have a good Tuesday everyone!


Feb 27, 2007

Jimmianne, yes I am a science nerd. I wasn’t interested in science at all until I got in to astronomy then so many of the sciences are necessary to understand astronomy so then I started paying attention to science. I know most of the things you can see with that UV flashlight I’d rather not know is there. Thanks for the link to the article it looks interesting. I think your asscher would look fabulous in that setting. I will be anxious to hear what you think of the ring. That is great DD can communicate with you from the plane. I always am happy to hear from Marty when he’s in fight too.

Missy, your sister’s PB brownies sound delicious. I’m with you eating 2 smaller brownies doesn’t sounds as bad a 1 large brownie. Rats that you have to get up before 7 am again tomorrow. I think that is a good idea to just see how things go at work. Change is sometimes for the better or at least you get used to it and then it’s not so bad. We are in the 40’s for a few days. Then the cold and snow is returning. I hope you warm up there then since it’s pretty cold now. Hopefully the ferals are staying warm in their shelter. I think our medical insurance will go up next year or our benefits will drop or both. Ugh.

LLJsmom, it sounds like you had a busy day. Running kids around is almost a full time job in itself.

Junebug, I didn’t send our cold weather your way. Really. I definitely agree keeping a sense of humor can always help. You certainly have reason to feel squeezed and a bit on edge. I think you are doing a great job of juggling it all but I know it can wear on you. I can’t imagine dealing with 20 to 30 foot snow drifts. I’d just get out my iPad and stay home. For weeks! My team did make the playoffs and are #1 seed. Tell you husband I am very familiar with my team not winning or making the playoffs. Some years I am glad that I won’t have to watch them lose again that year.

Thank you all for your comments about the UV light pictures. I haven’t played with it yet tonight because I need to get to bed on time.

Work was busy again. I listened to several TV shows from last night while I worked so that made it nice. My former problem employee is over the cube wall so I get sick of listening to him and listen to stuff on my DVR.

For supper today Marty cooked little steaks on the grill, veggies and we finished off some mashed potatoes from Sunday. He also cooked some squash in the oven but it got way too done. Still kind of stinks in here. Oops.

That stupid 4 letter S word is in the forecast again. The glaciers are still awful on the side streets.

Have a great evening.


Oct 24, 2012
Hi NIRDIs, I'm sitting in my car waiting for the final lesson of the day to be over. Another 20 minutes. It took 2 hours to drive from the City back home today. Usually it takes about an hour. I missed my workout window, but strangely enough I am not screaming at anybody. Weird huh? I asked my son if he was taking drugs. He's been lethargic the past couple of days (and not even out of my sight), but I have to ask. I'm a mom. He said he was hurt that I asked. I told him not to take it personally. I'm a mom.m it's my job to ask. Funny how issues and challenges change. When they are little it's getting them to eat and all the illnesses and preschool and all that stuff. Now it's drugs and sex. Sorry. Just ruminating. See why I need bling therapy?

I love my kids and my life. However, you can see why I love reading about things like what you guys make for dinner. I don't have enough time to cook dinner. My dad cooks and I am in charge of working and chauffeuring. I'm not complaining. For a dual income household, I am lucky I get to concentrate on the kids. But I do think that I would enjoy having time to do something like cooking.

DH made apple pie on Sunday. He's never made a pie in his life. It turned out really good. I ate the last piece and didn't save it for anybody. Bad girl...


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

Jimmianne, I'm relieved your DD made it home to you safely and wishing you both lots of good thoughts and PS ***DUST***. I know you are both getting lots of hugs and love from each other and count me in too. XOXO.

Don't forget though we are looking forward to you sharing your MF ring with us. :love: :cheeky:

LLJsmom, it is a full time job being a parent that I know and see from my friends and sister. Working and being a parent is challenging! And I agree it is best to talk talk talk to your kids about drugs/sex and everything. Better to over share than regret not having asked and suffering the consequences. Glad your DS seems a straight and narrow kid that doesn't do drugs. Both your kids are great kids and that's because of you and your DD. And their grandparents too. I bet your dad is a wonderful chef. Hope he is continuing to do well!

And wow to your DH making a delicious apple pie. Nice surprise! And I'm glad you had the last piece. You deserve it girlfriend. :appl:

Marcy, Snow again oh no. We are still in a deep freeze but it is supposed to warm up by the end of the week and just in time for rain. In fact they are predicting torrential downpours Sunday when we are supposed to see Avenue Q and meet friends for dinner afterwards. I am so lazy I want to just not go despite having the tickets if it is pouring but Greg is like don't be a baby. LOL.

I feel like a baby. I didn't share with you girls that I cut myself shredding cabbage on Sunday (using a Mandolin slicer for the first time) despite being super careful. My mom was like what is Greg doing letting you use the Mandolin slicer LOL he knows better. He was upset with me but I swear I was being careful. Anyway I am telling you this because I feel like a baby. I cannot do anything it seems. Something as simple as shredding greens is too difficult for me. :nono: And I swear I was being careful. So I have been banned from using the Mandolin slicer from hereon in. And my cut is quite deep on my right thumb and I cannot type with it so work should be even more challenging today. LOL.

I was a science nerd myself when I was in school Marcy. So we have that in common. Science was always one of my favorite subjects. I also enjoyed math. Now I feel as I have forgotten everything having to do with both subjects. ::)

Your dinner last night sounds good Marcy. I actually love burnt squash but I guess it depends on how burnt it is...I hope the smell is gone by this morning.

Forgot to tell you a few nights ago I dreamt we were visiting (not sure where we were but not familiar territory so maybe your turf) and we were having a grand time. I don't remember any details but you were the only NIRDI in my dream. 8) We were enjoying our visit though!

Junie, I hope you are staying warm. It is way too cold! My coat arrived a yesterday-a day early. The good news is it fits. The bad news is I got navy because I loved another style they have in navy and hoped it would be a similar navy but no it almost looks black. I didn't want another black coat ugh. But it is super warm and I will be trying it out today probably since it is still quite cold. Though on the subway it will be overkill so not sure if I should wear it today. By this weekend though it will be in the 50s again and wet so I won't be wearing it then. In fact one of the reasons I bought it was in the hopes it would stave off the freezing weather. You know, Murphy's law and all. I would be happy to pay to keep the winter mild. :bigsmile:

Thank you for listening to that song June. I really love the music and the words and hoped you would enjoy it too. I know it can be a pain clicking onto links and thank you for doing that because I wanted to share the song share with you girls. I find it hauntingly beautiful.

I hope your dh's return to work is going smoothly and painlessly. It is always a shock to the system (for me at least) returning after a vacation. I started dreaming about work 2 days ago. Right on queue LOL. Hope your week is going well! Also hope your mom is doing well and keeping her in my thoughts as always.

Have a good Wednesday girls!


Dec 9, 2013
Bling Report:
The ring arrived a little after 8 this morning. It's beautiful and more delicate than it appeared in the sales photos. The spinel is raspberry-colored, very pretty & active. I really liked it right of of the box, but I've fallen in love. It has gone from beautiful to gorgeous in just a few hours. I'm in my office with low light now and it's shining. yay!

The diamonds are clean [I could not find any inclusions with a 10x ]. All of the diamonds are well-cut and look very white and the setting has been hand assembled from cast components. Not a "hair out of place" ... so I got the quality I wanted and am very happy to be the new owner! :appl:
Off to flaunt my bling at Whole Foods. I think I will have to call my rings my "grocery store collection" because truly that is the most exciting place I ever wear them.



Jun 8, 2008
LOVE your ring Jimmianne. I would keep the spinel in it too. What a beautiful pink. The ring is so lovely and feminine and just :love: .


Jun 17, 2009
Will be back later but had to pop in to say…Jimmianne, that ring is gorgeous!!! :love: Wow what a knockout - It's even more beautiful in your pics than the ones on the website - and the color of the spinel is just SO pretty! I really love it, it looks amazing on you and I'm so glad you're enjoying it! :appl:


Dec 9, 2013
Thanks! Tony already has it to be sized. I didn't wait even a day to take it to him, and he agreed with Missy that the spinel is a keeper for this setting...I like the "flush fit" feature a lot and can't wait to try it with all my various bands. How serendipitous that I got that pink and white Mege band last year.

i am VERY happy to report that Tony has won first place in Bridal Wear for the 2016 AGTA Spectrum Awards and will receive his award at the Tuscon Gem Show!!! Maybe he and some PSers will get to meet. I'm very proud of him and feel lucky to have his talent close-by. This was the winning entry:
bridalwear1st_tn__1_.jpg img_2430.jpg
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