
Now I really did it :((


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

LLJsmom, Woohoo!!! Good for you and so glad you are doing so well!!! Back to running marathons any day now! Slow and steady was the winning combo here.:appl: :appl: :appl:

I hear you on those cravings as I have been having my own lately. Dark chocolate sounds heavenly just about now.

I cannot believe they are not teaching grammar as a separate subject in school anymore. WTH. That's nuts. No wonder kids cannot form proper sentences these days. And I thought it was because of texting etc that was wreaking havoc on grammar but turns out they were never taught correct grammar to begin with OMG. The deterioration of society. No more script and now grammar being tossed aside. :nono:
Good for you for teaching your children proper grammar LLJsmom. I don't know where you get the time and energy and I am very impressed you are doing this.

I am sorry you still have not found your rings but I know you will. I am sure of it and I am sending more finding dust your way. Those rings are going to turn up! I am willing it to happen!

Kristie, how are you feeling? I hope you enjoyed your Sunday and all is well again. Thinking of you and sweet Finn and Maggie and sending more hugs your way.

Junie, Yay! Glad you are up for it whenever life gets calmer. Just let me know and we will make it happen. During autumn it will be cooler and nicer to walk around Lambertville anyway so that might just work out perfectly.

I am glad you are feeling better and your mom is doing well. Sending more hugs your and your mom's way.

Haha love the Lucy cartoon. I LOVE Lucy. I do. She is one of my idols and for better or worse I am as Kooky as she was when she was at her kookiest. LOL. I am lucky Greg loves me anyway. When we were dating Greg called me his Kooky Valentine (long story I will share one day but too long to write about now) and of course he still calls me that.

Marcy, so glad the fridge was delivered and without any issues and glad Marty is enjoying his man cave with cold drinks and all. I love that you have the bears and rabbits in the photo display on the fridge. That is so cool.

Yay for getting the umbrella at such a good bargain and yes I agree you definitely won that bet. Make Marty pay his due. Put it towards more bling! After adding a few zeros that is. Hehehe. :naughty:

How sweet of you to give the stoneware you are not using anymore to your colleagues mom. That is very thoughtful and glad they are going to continue getting use and love. :appl:

Jimmianne, I hope you had a better night's sleep last night and wake up feeling refreshed this morning. Let's all eat well today (though I have already eaten a pound of cashews and almonds this morning lol) so we can start feeling better and more energized. I am trying to power up the will/energy to get moving and working out before we head back to Brooklyn. Wish we could do a bike ride Monday mornings before we leave but that is too tight time wise for Greg since he is on the work clock. Oh well, I am getting up and ready to do the arc trainer. In a minute or so. LOL.

Callie, so glad you enjoyed a wonderful weekend with your dh and sweet baby! Hoping your trees start growing under your caring and loving watch and that the Magnolia remains healthy and strong.

So we hit and passed the 2,000 mile mark on the bike for this season. Woohoo! We are officially at 2025 right now. Of course I am trying not to get my hopes up at hitting the 4K mark before the cycling season ends but that is my unofficial goal. If it happens great but if not that's OK. I am just going to do the best I can and that is all I can do. I am keeping things in perspective as this has been a crazy year and a half plus health wise and one never knows what is coming. So keeping hopeful and positive and taking it one day at a time. As long as I do my best that is all I can ask of myself right?

Back to Brooklyn in a few hours and hoping everyone has a great morning. :wavey:


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

LLJsmom, Woohoo!!! Good for you and so glad you are doing so well!!! Back to running marathons any day now! Slow and steady was the winning combo here.:appl: :appl: :appl:

I hear you on those cravings as I have been having my own lately. Dark chocolate sounds heavenly just about now.

I cannot believe they are not teaching grammar as a separate subject in school anymore. WTH. That's nuts. No wonder kids cannot form proper sentences these days. And I thought it was because of texting etc that was wreaking havoc on grammar but turns out they were never taught correct grammar to begin with OMG. The deterioration of society. No more script and now grammar being tossed aside. :nono:
Good for you for teaching your children proper grammar LLJsmom. I don't know where you get the time and energy and I am very impressed you are doing this.

I am sorry you still have not found your rings but I know you will. I am sure of it and I am sending more finding dust your way. Those rings are going to turn up! I am willing it to happen!

Kristie, how are you feeling? I hope you enjoyed your Sunday and all is well again. Thinking of you and sweet Finn and Maggie and sending more hugs your way.

Junie, Yay! Glad you are up for it whenever life gets calmer. Just let me know and we will make it happen. During autumn it will be cooler and nicer to walk around Lambertville anyway so that might just work out perfectly.

I am glad you are feeling better and your mom is doing well. Sending more hugs your and your mom's way.

Haha love the Lucy cartoon. I LOVE Lucy. I do. She is one of my idols and for better or worse I am as Kooky as she was when she was at her kookiest. LOL. I am lucky Greg loves me anyway. When we were dating Greg called me his Kooky Valentine (long story I will share one day but too long to write about now) and of course he still calls me that.

Marcy, so glad the fridge was delivered and without any issues and glad Marty is enjoying his man cave with cold drinks and all. I love that you have the bears and rabbits in the photo display on the fridge. That is so cool.

Yay for getting the umbrella at such a good bargain and yes I agree you definitely won that bet. Make Marty pay his due. Put it towards more bling! After adding a few zeros that is. Hehehe. :naughty:

How sweet of you to give the stoneware you are not using anymore to your colleagues mom. That is very thoughtful and glad they are going to continue getting use and love. :appl:

Jimmianne, I hope you had a better night's sleep last night and wake up feeling refreshed this morning. Let's all eat well today (though I have already eaten a pound of cashews and almonds this morning lol) so we can start feeling better and more energized. I am trying to power up the will/energy to get moving and working out before we head back to Brooklyn. Wish we could do a bike ride Monday mornings before we leave but that is too tight time wise for Greg since he is on the work clock. Oh well, I am getting up and ready to do the arc trainer. In a minute or so. LOL.

Callie, so glad you enjoyed a wonderful weekend with your dh and sweet baby! Hoping your trees start growing under your caring and loving watch and that the Magnolia remains healthy and strong.

So we hit and passed the 2,000 mile mark on the bike for this season. Woohoo! We are officially at 2025 right now. Of course I am trying not to get my hopes up at hitting the 4K mark before the cycling season ends but that is my unofficial goal. If it happens great but if not that's OK. I am just going to do the best I can and that is all I can do. I am keeping things in perspective as this has been a crazy year and a half plus health wise and one never knows what is coming. So keeping hopeful and positive and taking it one day at a time. As long as I do my best that is all I can ask of myself right?

Back to Brooklyn in a few hours and hoping everyone has a great morning. :wavey:


Jul 1, 2014
Some of the worst grammar I heard or read came from TEACHERS. One of many contributors to realizing it was time for me to get out of teaching :lol:


Jul 1, 2014
YOWZAH to MIssy and Greg for their cra cra mileage thus far this summer! Way to go!!!!


Jun 8, 2008
Thanks Kristie! This pic is for you. Right before we left today Greg took a quick dip in the bay which was the calmest I had ever seen it. I was still working out but I snapped a few pics from the exercise room balcony. Wanted to share with you girls. Shallow near the deck and then deeper as you go out so something for everyone.






Dec 9, 2013
The bay looks so beautiful. How lucky to have that resource right outside your back door!


Apr 19, 2004
missy|1438635041|3910610 said:
Thanks Kristie! This pic is for you. Right before we left today Greg took a quick dip in the bay which was the calmest I had ever seen it. I was still working out but I snapped a few pics from the exercise room balcony. Wanted to share with you girls. Shallow near the deck and then deeper as you go out so something for everyone.

Very cool picture. Could be on a travel ad? :love:



Oct 24, 2012
Need that first one poster sized.... In my office so I can stare at it when I get stressed.


Jul 1, 2014
I KNOW, LLJs, and look at the cool ripple effect radiating out from Greg.

Wave In...................................Wave out.
Wave In...................................Wave out.
Wave zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Your NIRDI Moment of Zen Brought to You Today by Missy and Greg!


Feb 27, 2007

Junebug I love the Lucy picture. It says it all. She was such a great comedian. You and your mom are in my thoughts. It’s not a bad thing that she is doing okay and you are doing pretty well. I guess I should have realized Marty would make that carton of eggs fit in that spot. When I lose bets to Marty one of his rabbits gets the money (until Marty needs cash for coffee somewhere then they “donate” it to him).

LLJsmom that is a great idea to put your son through grammar boot camp this summer. Marty is a grammar patrol and I like to make up words just to drive him crazy. I hate when Marty and I have different opinions about where and what to spend money on the house or other necessities. I sure miss my second job sometimes. I hope one of your kids like your wedding dishes and will give them a good home. I had my dad’s mom china and I hope to find one of my nieces or nephews that want it. I want to keep it in the family. I am glad to hear the Coke is cleaning up your light fixtures. You know I drink one of those every day – only the 8 oz. size but I still drink one. I am sorry to hear you haven’t found your rings yet; we are all sending your rings come out of hiding dust.

Jimmianne, I hate to hear you had a fuss with your DD and you had a rough night. I hope you got a nice nap today and your day got better as it went along.

Missy, I get all excited when I get ice and water then see pictures of the rabbits and bears scroll by. Of course I am easily entertained. Speaking of umbrellas we had quite a bit of wind today and Marty was cooking burgers on the grill and we heard this awful noise “TWICE” out on the deck. We both thought the wind had picked up that darn umbrella with the 250 pounds of sand in the base. Nope it was one of our new plates. It fell off the side of the grill and hit the “deck”. Lucky for Marty it didn’t break or chip. I think I will add a 0 every day to that ten dollars Marty owes me; I’ll have bling money in no time. Good plan my friend. I am very excited for you to be at 2025 miles on a bike this season. That is awesome! I love the pictures of the bay. Wave back at Greg for me. Good luck at the surgeons tomorrow.

Hi Kristie! Did you take a relaxing dip in the pool? Thank you for that moment of zen.

Hi Sharon.

I spent most of my day moving my cube closer to my new boss and his other team. I get 2 cubes there but they didn’t have it made in to a double cube for me. I think it is all strange but I spread my stuff across both cubes; I have 2 name plates so I put one up on each cube and I plan on using both spots every day so no one can complain “she only needs one of those cubes”. I got in lots of exercise that way.

I bought a 12 pack of Nabisco animal crackers that are 120-calorie servings per package. I was rather sad at how few there were in the package and I didn’t like them as much as I thought it did. But I faithfully ate only them for a snack when I got hungry.

Marty made us blue cheese hamburgers for supper. He got pretzel buns and dill pickles. He had potato chips but I ate raw veggies.

Take care.


Dec 9, 2013
azstonie|1438645693|3910714 said:
I KNOW, LLJs, and look at the cool ripple effect radiating out from Greg.

Wave In...................................Wave out.
Wave In...................................Wave out.
Wave zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Your NIRDI Moment of Zen Brought to You Today by Missy and Greg!

AZ you made me laugh out loud last night when I read this.


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

Haha I'm with Jimmianne. Love the moment of Zen caption, thank you Kristie. I am glad you liked the photos Callie, LLJSmom and Sharon.

Marcy, that wind is sneaky and I am glad it didn't take any of your new dishes but I do think adding a few 0s to the amount Marty owes you for losing that bet is a good idea anyway. Hehe.

Glad to hear your new umbrella held steady and strong in the winds. When we got our 2 large backyard umbrellas from one of the most important features it had was that it swayed/swiveled at the base thereby moving with the wind and not falling over. It is so heavy yet the wind can move it quite easily however has never fallen over. The base locks into position and is very steady though the umbrella moves with the wind. Not sure I am explaining it well but suffice it to say we are very pleased with our backyard umbrellas which can really stand up to strong winds. However when there is another hurricane (and I know there will be) we will be taking the umbrellas apart and moving them to the side of the house. Not leaving them vulnerable in the backyard to test out the hurricane. No no no.

Hope everyone's week is going well. I saw my surgeon yesterday and he was very pleased with the X-rays. He has a new PA who is very nice though I loved the prior PA who has moved to SC and is getting married so good for him. The new PA is similar in many ways to the prior PA isn't that funny. Similar temperament and very lovely. Both very handsome (and the surgeon too) also not that matters in any way. It doesn't hurt to have a little eye candy when one is at the doctor's office for hours now does it? :bigsmile:

So my surgeon is happy and said he doesn't need to see me back unless there is a problem. Possible problems:

1. Infection which is a higher risk until after the 2nd year because of all the metal in my leg.

2. Ankle wears out and need an ankle replacement. Nothing I can do about this and he didn't like it when I said probably I won't make it that long to see that happen. Hey I knew what I meant but he thought I was being morbid LOL. Not really. The thought of an ankle replacement sort of freaks me out as I know those do NOT go well. ;( And my surgeon does not do ankle replacements either so I would have to go to another surgeon. OK moving along.

3. Arthritis setting in which he said WILL happen but so far so good. After this type of accident/surgery it is inevitable and once again nothing to do for it and to continue living my life and enjoying my activities.

I asked him about my ROM because I still cannot move my ankle nearly as much as my unaffected ankle. He said my affected ankle is about 10 degrees less mobile when he tries to push my foot back towards my leg (I cannot remember what the correct term is for that motion) so while it is a good amount less mobility I am still doing well for a Pilon fracture. He said that most Pilon fractures do not have good outcomes at all and mine was a bad fracture so I am doing very well.

I asked the PA about a letter to help getting through airports but he said in all his years working with people with these injuries a letter doesn't help them at all. They still want to screen you and I may or may not beep. It shouldn't be a problem plus they can see my scars. So it wasn't necessary and I didn't push it.

Interestingly enough I can still get MRIs (oh goodie haha) because I have stainless steel in my leg and that won't cause any issues re the magnets though the image of my leg might look messy due to all the stainless steel I have. So that is good news in case I *need* to have an MRI. I asked why the surgeon put stainless steel in my leg vs titanium (I have been wondering about that for the last year LOL) and he said it was because SS is much stronger.

Of course the rash around my incision that was worrying me for the last week (OK 6 days) was almost totally gone when I woke up yesterday so nothing to show them. Murphy's Law once again. Grrrr. Though I was relieved it went away! Anyway I am seeing my derm August 18th so if it rears its ugly head again there or anywhere I will see what David says. Fingers crossed it stays away though! Pretty please. :pray:

All in all I am pleased though I would be lying to say I am a little concerned about what the future holds re my leg/ankle. There is nothing I can do but enjoy my life as the surgeon said so that is exactly what I will do.

OK enough about me. How is everyone doing? Please share with me any happy news or bling stories. Any new bling? Sharon, how are your projects coming? I am very excited to hear about anything in the works. Hugs to everyone and enjoy a good Wednesday! :wavey:



Dec 9, 2013
OMG Missy,
The details of your accident had faded from my memory, but wow that is a lot of metal! and what you went through! OMG again.

This is good - now you know all you have to do to make things better is make a Doctor appointment. Seriously, I'm glad the incision is better and that you had a great check-up. We want our Queen NIRDI in excellent shape...and she is.

I feel bling fever starting to return. When I think of my bucket list, good heavens, it' LONG.To me...maybe to some of you it's short : ) Tennis bracelet, larger dangle earrings [step cut], reset my Mom's marquis, DBTY necklace. And then my Asscher, which I love but looks small. Maybe that's OK - it's great for an everyday ring, but my heart wants a big ol'square.[think trade-in at GOG while in the area this Fall]. If I hadn't paid for a SK setting I would re-set in a heartbeat. Don't want to be wasteful.
Am thinking of selling my Ritani floral solitaire with Fortekitties brown OEC. Since Joy it's been sitting in the safe.
The funny thing is I really don't wear jewelry all that often, but I loves my diamonds! Sometimes I go ring-less all day, then put Joy on when I go to bed so I can see her when I wake up.
Meanwhile, a visit to the Estate jewelers after Mammo today. I will try to be good.

ah back to is a photo of my overgrown garden in some wonderful morning light. I thought the colors were remarkable due to the sunrise on very humid air... Would that a Zen bay stretched out behind the trees! Fall is coming. p1140916.jpg

Am going to look at the house for sale next door tomorrow. I think I will probably get it and it will have to be knocked down, but for the first time in 15 years I feel comfortable walking in my woods with no shotguns or sneaking teens to think about. That's worth a lot.

well, forgive the morning blather! I hope to read some long messages about "this & that" from each of you.


Jun 8, 2008
Gorgeous picture Jimmianne! That's very zen too. :love:
And yay from me to you for going ahead with the land purchase. Peace of mind and peace and quiet is priceless!!!! :appl:
Good luck sweetheart!

ETA: good luck with your mammogram today. See what happens when I read and post while working out lol I miss some key elements. Good luck Jimmianne, wishing you all clear results. :appl:


Jun 17, 2009
Missy, that is so awesome that you and Greg have reached 2,000 miles! :clap: Wow, that's impressive. I'm hoping you can reach your goal, that would be great, but if you don't that's ok too lol. Just the fact you are so active and have logged so many miles is an accomplishment in itself.

I thought you'd like the Lucy pic lol, I'm a big fan too and I've been known to get myself into some "Lucy" situations myself!

I'm so glad the surgeon is happy with how your leg has progressed! I hear you on being concerned about possible problems in the future, it's hard to shut that off sometimes but it sounds like you are doing your best to focus on the present and enjoy your life as it is now. I have a tendency to worry about the future too, and I just keep reminding myself that worrying about things that may or may not happen is kind of futile, and I'm hurting myself in the long run by fretting about things I don't have any control over. I don't always succeed but at least I'm working on it haha!

And I'm also glad the mystery rash cleared up, but yeah, it would be nice to know what the heck is up with that. I'm hoping right along with you that it never shows up again!

Love the pics you posted! Tommy looks so sweet in the pic, how wonderful that he found such a good home with you and Greg. And the bay looks beautiful! Greg looks like he's really enjoying himself, all he needs is a noodle teehee.

Marcy, thanks for keeping my mother in your thoughts! I could definitely use the positive vibes lol. I love that you see the rabbits and bears on your fridge…and yes, it doesn't take much to entertain me either! I'm relieved your new plate didn't break, whew, that was a close one. I'm glad you have some extra space at work, and I will be so annoyed for you if anyone complains.

Jimmianne, I enjoyed reading your bucket list! I didn't comment yet, but I saw your mother's ring in the SMTB thread and it is just gorgeous! :love: And congrats on your decision to buy the property! Sounds like it will give you a tremendous amount of peace of mind, I think it's a great idea. Your pic is beautiful, the lighting gives the scene such an ethereal look and feel.

LLJsmom, I might have missed it but how is your tendonitis? Are you back to running yet? I empathize with the cravings, I deal with that too! I recently inhaled a large amount of ice cream and could have kept going, I don't know what stopped me. Eh, all we can do is just start over the next day and try to climb back on that wagon, no sense beating ourselves up over it. It's very frustrating that grammar isn't a separate subject anymore, it really should be. Good for you for working on it with your kids, it will serve them well.

Kristie, hope you are feeling ok and relaxing a little! Thinking of you my friend.

Nothing too exciting here - had a day at home and of course didn't really get anything done, what else is new :knockout: Heading back to mom's tomorrow - I can't believe it's almost Thursday. It's a little scary how quickly these weeks are flying by :errrr:

Hope everyone is having a good night!


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

Junie, thank you sweetie! I appreciate all your good thoughts and wishes more than I can properly express. I am so happy things are coming together for you and know you will enjoy many happy times/memories at your new beach house. Any updates with the sale of your other beach house?

Have a good trip to your mother's today and a lovely visit.I am with you in that I do not know where the time is going. Speeding by impossibly fast.

Jimmianne, how did your mammography go yesterday? Hoping you received good news. And please keep us updated re potential property purchase. :appl:

I hope everyone is having a good week and Kristie, thanks for all your support yesterday. Why is life (sometimes it feels like it is this way at least) a constant struggle? Sigh. OK thinking happy thoughts for everyone for a good rest of the week and summer in fact. :wavey:


Dec 9, 2013
ah - the mammo took about 2 seconds [I got the 2-D/3-D] and then I was off to the estate jewelry case at my local jeweler. They have some gorgeous pieces, but all top prices : ( .
I found just what I wanted in the new case - a sturdy but delicate-looking one mm diamond tennis bracelet, but the diamonds were not well cut & it was $1700. With WF ACAs it would have been an irresistible fabulous little river of bling.
While I was there Tony took the sizing balls out of my floral eternity band because it was uncomfortable with the milgrain quatrefoils on a size that didn't fit right - I didn't know he could just pop them off with a pliers & a quick polish - so now I have a middle finger ring instead and it feels as though I have a whole new ring!

June , thank you for the comment on my Mom's ring. I am just now remembering what a bling-hound she was. Always wore all her solitaires and even stacked them. At the time I thought it was silly....what did I know?? Mother Knows Best. It's true!

Very hot here yesterday - around 100, now today cloudy and hopefully some rain. The cleaner comes [!!!] and then my contractor is going with me to look at the property next door and I will probably make an offer.

I called my petsitter and reserved June 2016 for the vintage bike festival in Saumur, France to feed my fantasy - who knows what next June will be like?! However...Wouldn't that make a nice NIRDI GTG?
What about NYC this Fall. Will it really happen? Will I get to see all of you? I had a vision of driving a little bus around the country and picking everyone up to take to Missy's : ) The most fun would be picking up Orsi with a submarine bus :naughty:

Good vibes today to all of you. What's up?


Jun 7, 2014
Hi Girls, I hope everyone is having a great week.

Missy, What wonderful news about your leg. Congratulations on all the miles you have logged this summer. I haven't even put that many miles on the car! I love the picture of Greg in the water.

Marcy, I can't believe your manager didn't make arrangements for the two cubicles to be converted into one. That's crazy. Is everything else been going okay with your job?

Jimmianne, I'm glad you decided to purchase the land next door. Your property is lovely and having the extra land will be much nicer than having neighbors. I can't wait to hear about your next jewelry purchase.

LLJ'smom, Please tell know long it took for you to get used to not consuming sugar on a regular basis? I would love to cut back on my sugar intake. I just don't know if I have the willpower to do it!

Kristie, The vet called yesterday and said basically the same thing you did. She also seems to think the furbaby was just anxious. If it happens again she will be checking for a urinary tract infection but seems to think it won't happen again. Any new updates on your end?


Feb 27, 2007

Missy, I have no idea if our umbrella sways with the wind at the base. That really makes sense. I hope this sucker doesn’t go over because it would probably get our picture window. Good idea for you and Greg to move your umbrellas if another hurricane comes that way. It sounds like your surgeon is very pleased with your progress and recovery. Yay Missy! I am glad your incision cleared up.

Jimmianne, I am right there with you on bling fever. However I am buying tires, have to pay my deductible, we just bought that other stuff and Marty’s birthday is October. I’d best quit spending money now. Your picture is awesome. I love the colors and I think that time of day is the best for capturing rich colors. Feeling comfortable walking in your woods is priceless. I will be anxious to hear what happens with the place next door. Glad the mammo was quick. How cool you are planning a trip back to France next summer. I am going to hunt down the thread on your mother’s ring after I post this. I am excited already.

Junebug, I am definitely sending you positive vibes. It is hard to not worry about the future but I know it doesn’t do us much good. I keep hitting the touch screen on the frig just to get the little slide show to start. I keep opening the left door of the French doors to get in the freezer. I am glad you had a quiet day at home; you deserve to relax and take a day for yourself.

Callie, my job continues to be an adventure. I am not letting it get to me though. I hope your furbaby is doing better.

We’ve had a busy few days. Tuesday night I came home, cooked supper, hit the dinner bell but Marty didn’t come upstairs. I was hungry so I ate. Pretty soon I heard voices downstairs and he had a friend over here visiting. Oh well I ate without him.

Last night we had his friend and family over for supper and to hopefully look through a telescope. They are in town from New Jersey. They have 3 little girls – ages 3, 5 and 7. They were so cute. The 3 year old was a serious giggler. We did see a few stars in the telescope but nothing exciting at all.

We ordered pizza tonight because Marty has a project to finish by tomorrow.

I get my new windshield tomorrow and I’ll get new tires Saturday. That same tire went flat again so I went to visit the Michelin Man. I decided I might as well get the tires I want now and enjoy them.

Work has been interesting. I told my employee I’d told him no for the last time about something he has been bringing up for 3 years. My new boss had a meeting with the 3 of us the next day. It got rather heated at times. My employee definitely doesn’t think I do any work or do my job. The 3 of us are meeting next week go over his review from last year and I have to do a mid year review on him this year. It’s the fun that never ends.

My new cubes are right by the printer on our floor so there is a lot of traffic by me. It made me think of something I used to do at my old job. I sat at the intersection between 4 different parts of the building and I used to amuse myself by telling people they had a phone call or someone was looking for them. I might have to start doing that to some people who come to the printer. I do think I’m funny.

Tomorrow is Friday. Woo hoo!

Take care.


Dec 9, 2013
Marcy, you do sound so busy! Pizza for dinner is a wonderful, although I do like hearing about the dinners Marty cooks for you it's nice of you to give him a night off :cheeky:
New, safest tires & windshield will be practical upgrades. Not exciting but will make life better. It's funny how we think of purchases in terms of bling - I always compare a larger, practical purchase to it's equivalent in bling dollars, so you are not alone.

The visit to the property next door yesterday with the agent and my contractor was productive. It is not cost effect to restore the house, so it will have to be demolished. I made a low-ball offer and we will see how it goes over with the seller. Like tires and windshields it's not a very glamourous purchase but will give peace of mind.
And this land I'm looking at, my current farm, and all my neighbors' farms were once one huge farm. Little by little each of us had bought up the land around us, so in a way the original farm is being put back together. It is a nice healing thought.

Callie, I'm glad to hear that your furbaby is OK. This peace of mind thing cannot be beat! :appl:

It rained here yesterday and is gray today - most welcome. Missy, I'm glad to see that it's cooling off in NY and happy to report that the rain I'm sending you should be there by Tuesday!

LLJsmom-happy Friday!
Hi AZ!
Hi June!
Cheers, Sharron
Orsi - how are you?


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls from the beach. :wavey:
It is a lovely day here albeit windy so our cycling adventures today should prove challenging but good. Tests our strength physical and mental when dealing with these strong winds. Woohoo! Greg is just finishing up some work thing and then hopefully we are off biking. What are everyone's plans today and for the weekend?

Marcy, hope work goes well and yay for Fridays! I think they need to combine your cubicles and haha love the jokes you play on your colleagues. You are very funny and in fact we NIRDIs have some of that in common re good sense of humor IMO. I am so glad you are taking care of what needs to be done re the tires and windshield. Safety is first above all else so relieved it is all being done. Think how lovely driving will be with your new upgrades. :appl:

Jimmianne, glad so far so good re the property. Fingers crossed!
How are your French lessons going? Also I have been meaning to ask do you sail every day? If I had your amazing setup I think I would!

Kristie, Thank you again. LOVE it all and (((HUGS))) for being so thoughtful. Hope you and Finn and Maggie enjoy a good swim today and that you have fun plans with Bob this weekend.

Callie, glad all is well with your sweet pup and hope you are having a good Friday. Any upcoming weddings/showers? What are your plans for your anniversary this September? It's almost here!

LLJsmom, hey there! Hope the rest of the summer is going well for your kiddos. Before they know it school is back in session. I still remember the trauma of mid August and anticipating the start of school. Haha I was never one to love school like others I know. So GLAD those days are over. Don't get me wrong, I love learning but I HATE testing and the stress of all that.

I have spoken with Orsi and all is well. Just an FYI I think she would love it if you girls would contact her if you had the time.

Have a wonderful Friday and (((HUGS))) to all. :wavey:


Feb 27, 2007

Jimmianne, I am crossing my fingers and toes that your low-ball offer gets accepted. That makes so much sense to get the original farm back together. It was meant to be. I am glad it cooled off for you there today. Marty is still work now so I might have to brew up supper. He is all of a sudden crazy busy and he had to travel next week so he won’t be able to work on projects much while he is on the road. I think it’s smart to get better tires – Marty asked me what the tires were rated for when the car is cornering on 2 wheels. Sadly he’s not kidding. I don’t think either of us are throwing away money on safety or land. It’s not like we don’t have bling already, right?

Missy, you and Greg will be fine out there cycling through the wind. Have fun! I only sent one person off looking for someone today and they never said anything to me later. Ha Ha. I am sure I’ll like my new tires. When we put these on my 2010 car we noticed it cornered better and was quieter on the highway. Thanks for letting us know Orsi is doing well.

We got off work 30 minutes early today. Sweet!!!

My windshield got installed. It doesn’t quite look the same on the top but maybe I’m crazy on that. Marty said there was a lot of electronics behind the mirror. A piece of plastic in the headrest broke but it’s not anywhere you’d see it. I am going to check everything tomorrow when I go get my tires and make sure the blind spot and lane assist works.

Marty is playing golf and working this weekend. I am doing laundry and being a bum. Sounds FUN huh?

Take care


Dec 9, 2013
Marcy, being a bum sounds like fun, yes! I think I will give it a try today.

Is this a loaded question? "It's not like we don't have enough bling". I'll have to think about that and get back to you.


Feb 27, 2007
Jimmianne I will never readily admit I have enough jewelry. It must have been a typo. [emoji2]


Dec 9, 2013
marcy|1439046038|3912490 said:
Jimmianne I will never readily admit I have enough jewelry. It must have been a typo. [emoji2]

It's a relief to hear that!

My only problem is when I scroll through items for sale and my hearts skips a beat it's always something expensive - I mean EXPENSIVE.
A side-effect of spending so much time on PS :wall:


Jul 1, 2014
marcy|1439046038|3912490 said:
Jimmianne I will never readily admit I have enough jewelry. It must have been a typo. [emoji2]

Marcy, if you were going to keep up that kind of crazee talk we were going to have our first NIRDI intervention!!! :lol: :D :d

Jimmianne, I like your real estate style: If Hell is other people, just buy out your neighbor at the soonest possible opportunity! Now you may honestly say "I *love* my neighbor, she's just the BEST." :lol:


May 27, 2009
Hello everyone.
I don't often post, but Missy, just wanted to give you a quick thank you for your pictures of the bay. I'm not sure exactly what part of NJ you are in, but I think from past posts, I have a general idea. Given that, it's a nice reminder of my home state and area.
Thanks again.

Have a great day, all!


Feb 27, 2007

Jimmianne, I definitely think browsing threads on PS has led to more and varied jewelry than I would have ever pursued on my own.

Kristie, We’ve got lots of wine over there in our wine rack so let the intervention begin. It doesn’t take much to talk me in to buying another piece of jewelry. Good point – Jimmianne will have an awesome neighbor.

KaeKae, I’m totally land locked but love to see Missy’s pictures of the bay. I can almost imagine myself on the deck watching the water.

I got my Michelin’s yesterday morning. Woo hoo! The car rides nice. The tire shop is a block away from the donut shop my dad went to every morning so I walked over there and had coffee and donuts with 3 of my dad’s buddies. It was nice to see them. After I got back to the tire dealer I only had to wait about 30 more minutes. I came home and cleaned the interior of my car. Then I sucked it up and went grocery shopping. That way Marty didn’t have to take me. We had lunch at the golf course then came home and did some things around the house. Last night we rented the new Divergent movie – Insergent.

This morning Marty’s tee time was 9:45 so that means Marcy had to get up and make breakfast. I made your basic toast, hash browns, bacon and eggs. I had Marty text me when he was done with golf and I started making tacos for lunch. We just had some cheese and crackers for supper.

Today I am ashamed to admit I watched all of the Sharknado movies. They were so cheesy they were amusing (at times).

Tomorrow Marty heads back to D.C.

Take care!

P.S. After getting my new tires I had to go mail a check and was very careful going through the drive-up at the post office. The last thing I wanted to do was have a curby incident with my new tires.


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

Marcy, so glad you got your new tires (and windshield) and that you love them. And good for you being extra careful at least while they are so new. Love the newness of things but I also love when they get less new so I don't have to be super careful if that makes sense. Though of course while driving super careful is good. I won't share a little road rage incident I almost got into yesterday haha. As Greg says I can be a hot head at times. :shock: :oops: :bigsmile:
But I really dislike rude and inconsiderate drivers whether I am on the bike or driving the car or being a pedestrian. Rudeness always makes me go Grrrr.

Hope Marty's business trip in DC goes well and that he can return home soon. Glad you enjoyed the weekend.

Jimmianne, I have been holding my breath for you. Has your offer been accepted yet or have they countered? Have you heard anything? I am keeping my fingers and toes crossed that you get to purchase this property. As Kristie says then you will have the best neighbors. Hahaha. True that. :lol:

Glad your weather cooled off. We have had lovely lovely weather for the last few days. Perfect in fact. High 70's low 80's low humidity. No complaints!

Kristie, the problem with a bling intervention is who do we know who will run it? Too much bling? That's PS blasphemy LOL and I think we might have trouble finding someone outside of PS who shares our sentiments re bling. :naughty:

KaeKae, I hope you enjoyed the visit with your family in NJ and that you get to come back every year for a few weeks and I am glad you enjoyed my bay pics. It is very peaceful being outside here even when the bay is stormy. It is quite pretty and the sky has so many different moods on the water. Lots of pinks, blues, purples and other colors and it is never the same sky twice.

We had a great weekend. Lots of cycling due to the perfect weather and we are now a little over 2200 miles WOOHOO! We did 70 miles yesterday and 61 miles on Saturday and 45 miles on Friday. Friday was a travel day and we also ran into a wonderful couple that day while we were cycling. They live in Pittsburgh and we had a very long and fun chat but that's a long story anyhow it ate up some of the afternoon but that's OK. And we are already planning to meet them when they come back this way. They were staying in Ocean Grove (shout out to KaeKae) but headed home yesterday.

Yesterday near the end of our 70 mile ride the derailleur cable broke but luckily we were able to get home as we were close. Whew that was a bit hairy. And luckily Greg had a spare cable in his shed and was able to fix it. He's the MAN, Woohoo! So today's ride is saved as is hopefully the rest of the week as we are staying here this week.:appl:

The weather is going to be more muggy and hot today and then lots and lots of rain tomorrow but I think by tomorrow we could use a little bike break haha. And hopefully back to decent weather by Wednesday so we can get back to cycling.

How is everyone else doing? Hi Callie, LLJsmom, Junie and Sharon! Hope everyone is well and enjoying August. :wavey:

Have a good day NIRDIs and I will check in later to say hello to those girls I missed. (((Hugs))).


Dec 9, 2013
Missy, no news on the property yet. I assume they did not like the offer and are trying to figure out what to do - if they counter and I don't accept they are back to square one looking for a buyer.
Glad you had "Greg, he's the MAN!" close by for that pesky cable debacle so you can go out today. Your miles are impressive and I love the idea of you two experiencing together all that each ride has to offer. I am going to work on getting you to the 2016 Bike Festival!

[K]Curby, Those Sharknado movies are great! They are so wonderfully ridiculously stupid and well-done. Can't wait for Sharknado 3 !!!
Congratulations on those new curb avoiders.

I dreamed in French last night for the second time. Of course all I was saying was "I understand French a little but I can't speak very well". LOL
Despite the subject matter I think this means brain-progress.

Yesterday on NPR a very interesting People's Pharmacy about the effect of gut bacteria on health. Just fascinating. Two things that stood out - fecal transplants from healthy children given to autistic children work [!] and two: when we take antidepressants they do not work on the brain as originally thought, but affect the chemistry of gut bacteria, which in turn affect brain cells.
Sugar & other simpler carbs are a total no-no, meat should be a side dish with fibrous above-ground vegs the star and fermented foods get an A+. Wine is good. Kombucha tea is good. I know we probably all know these things, but it was a good reminder. I tend to sugar binge - like last week I "treated" myself to a MacD milkshake and had a depressive hangover for 2 days. I need to take the "no sugar" more seriously. I know several of us try to do the same. It's hard!
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