
Now I really did it :((


Jun 8, 2008
LLJsmom,Beautiful wallet and I love the color too. Good luck with the sale!

Update on the outdoor table Greg is making. In 90 degree heat with high humidity but he was out there all afternoon after our bike ride working on it.

Dimensions are 90 inches by 52 inches. Epay wood. Here is the table top so far. He needs to finish the trim and assemble the base. He already created the parts for the base. He has yet to make the seating (doing benches) so not sure how long it will all take to finish as we have cycling to do yanno? LOL. But looking good so far.

Have I mentioned how hot it is here today? I need a sweating emoticon. Thank goodness for central A/C!





Oct 24, 2012
:o Greg made that?? Amazing job! Super impressed. Tell him to keep going. He can make you a whole house of furniture! And you can save all the money for bling!!


Jul 1, 2014
That looks fantastic! Bob says he gets immediate satisfaction from his projects as opposed to his work-work. Does Greg feel the same way? That table is going to get a lot of good use and happy times, Go Greg!!! :appl: :wavey: :appl:


Jul 1, 2014
LLJs, I love the wallet. :love: :love: :love:

I had no idea of the cost of Louis Vuitton :shock: If someone tried to mug me instead of throwing the wallet at them in the opposite direction, I'd take out the $ and cards and throw those, hoping to at least hang on to the wallet!!!!!


Feb 27, 2007

Callie, I generally like my work and my job. I don’t have many complaints about the company I work for but I do hate the personnel issues. I agree it would be awful to spend 40 hours a week at a job you hate. Good idea to return those shoes; I’d kill myself on those high of heels. I am quite used to my 5 hours of being a golf widow. Marty likes to go early to go to the range then I know about 4 hours after tee time he’ll call or text me for a drink or lunch.

Kristie, the Bail out fund and legal defense fund for NIRDIs may just come in handy! I am hanging in there, thank you. I am always stunned at the price of designer bags. I am generally cheap where handbags and wallets are concerned

Missy, I am glad to hear you like your dishwasher drawers. We were looking at those at Lowes. OMG I can’t believe that some idiot in a car almost cut you guys off yesterday. Good for you giving that guy heck that was not slowing down for the gooslings. Some people! I am glad you are taking Tommy to see your sister. Your dinner looks delicious! I like the idea of putting your earrings up for sale for a few days. If they sell quickly it was meant to be and they are very pretty. How cool you saw a deer up close. Gregs table is looking fabulous.

LLJsmom, I think your running analogy works well for being a golf widow. A stack of mail can topple over pretty quickly. I have a hard time sleeping when Marty is first gone then again when Marty gets home. Your bracelet looks great and I like it with your other bracelets. Marty got me a purple “copy” Dolce and Gabanna bag in Hong Kong. The die they used on it absolutely reeked. I used it of and on for 2 years and the smell never went away so when we moved it got pitched.

Junebug, thank you. I am hanging in there. How are you doing? Are you guys packing yet?

I had a pretty good talk with my new boss this morning and unfortunately shed a few tears. He reassured me things are fine and he’s only trying to help. I did go apologize to him for crying; I am generally not a crier but those tears were being suppressed for other reasons this was just the outlet.

I had a supervisor class today at our community college so came home after class. Yay for going home 2 hours early.

We are going to game night tonight. I am anxious for cheesecake.

Take care.


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

Junie, I love your homemade jewelry boxes. They are so beautiful. The newest one you made absolutely looks perfect but I love all of the JBs you created. I think you should start selling them on Etsy or another site and use the extra funds for bling. 8) I would buy one at least!

Any plans for the weekend?

LLJsmom, LOL, I love the way you think! I once asked Greg if he could quit his job and just make things and sell them and he said then it wouldn't be the same for him. So for now it will just be a hobby. He made all our bookcases in Brooklyn in our library room, both headboards for our beds in the MBRs, all the radiator covers in Brooklyn, refinished our gorgeous mahogany table in the DR, the stand for our tv, and other assorted projects. He enjoys this hobby as long as it is a hobby and on his own terms.

That LV wallet and other purses you are selling are gorgeous and I hope you can sell them to fund something you will get enjoy and use. That purple color I love love love.

Kristie, Greg agrees with Bob and he loves making things with his hands. It brings him a lot of joy. Did I ever share with you the barbecue he built at our old beach house in Sea Girt? I might have sent you a pic not sure or shared it here I cannot remember. That was one of the first things he ever built and it was before he got into woodworking. I am just glad he can do some of his woodworking outside here until his real workshop is built. You should have seen him yesterday wearing his Solumbra sun hat and all his tools/saws/equipment in the backyard around him as he was working on the table. I know he was experiencing bliss. :halo:

One of his next projects (not sure of the timeline though so maybe not this year) will be to build a new barbecue here like the one at our old house but from brick instead of stone as we have lots of extra bricks. Found the pic of the SG BBQ and attaching it here.

Marcy , I am so glad you had a good talk with your new boss. I hear you about crying at work but don't beat yourself up about it. I have cried at work myself once or twice (I know shocker right LOL) but the one and only time I cried in front of our clinic chief years ago (had nothing to do with work) he was unbelievably nice about it and when I apologized he said why am I apologizing. We are human and have feelings and I shouldn't apologize. I was pretty shocked needless to say this coming from someone who well is emotionally devoid in many (most?) ways. I guess even the coldest people can have appropriate reactions at time so yay for that and it sounds like your new boss more than understood. (((HUGS))) to you.

How was game night last night and how was your amazing delicious cheesecake that my mouth is watering for just thinking about it thought it is 7AM in the morning lol.
Glad you were able to get home 2 hours early yesterday and guess what? It's Friday and YAY for Fridays! What are your weekend plans?

Callie, I see your point and it is probably best to return those shoes and I am glad you are being very careful when walking in those heels. I wish I was taller too (I am the shortest one in my immediate family) but won't wear heels to make that happen since obviously I am accident prone. :doh: I even wore flats for my wedding ceremony and reception much to my hairdresser's chagrin LOL. I didn't care because I was going to be the most comfortable bride ever able to dance the whole night away and I was and I did. :appl:

You are the perfect height Callie just the way you are. But since you are comfie in 3 and a half inch heels I know you rock it so you go girl! :appl:

I promise to be careful when we are riding and we do our best watching out for careless motorists and pedestrians and believe me they are everywhere. ::)

Jimmianne, hey there greetings from PS!
Espérons que vous rencontrez un moment merveilleux!

(I am sure that is mangled but hope you get the meaning behind it LOL).

Ovi, hope your week is going well and do you have any weekend plans?

Off for our ride in a little while. Supposed to be another hot and humid day here with thunderstorms in the afternoon so want to get some good cycling in if possible. Also hoping this is the last detour day as the bridge is supposed to be ready for use this weekend. We shall see. They are planning on replacing the whole bridge soon but I hope that will built be right next to this bridge while the construction is going on so the original bridge can be used during that time.

Have a good morning NIRDIs and hope to see you later. :wavey:



Jun 17, 2009
Missy, the table Greg is making looks beautiful!!! And the barbecue is fantastic, wow, he does great work and is very talented. It's great that he enjoys it, it's rewarding and satisfying to have a creative outlet like that.

How awful about that man driving so recklessly! :angryfire: I just don't get people, is it that important to get where you're going a minute or two earlier? Why is everyone always in such a hurry? There were people clearly doing at least 85 on the Turnpike the other day. Really? Ever notice there's never a cop around when you need him? Grrr.

And yes, buying bands can definitely scratch the bling itch lol! I think a lot of the fun for me is just waiting for the package to arrive in the mail lol.

Thinking of sweet Tommy and hoping this all turns out to be nothing.

Marcy, I'm sorry the work situation is getting to you, I know what you mean…it's usually not one thing bothering us, but an accumulation of other things that just overwhelms us a bit at some point. It sounds like there is something else bothering you right now and I hope you are feeling better soon. Remember that your NIRDI friends are always here for you! (((hugs)))

I haven't started packing yet, it's going to be challenging handling this from a distance! We still have to get the house ready to be shown too. I have a feeling I'm going to be making some weekend trips in the near future just to get things organized.

LLJsmom, I LOVE your new bracelet!!! It's beautiful and works so well with your other bracelets, I hope you're enjoying it!

Thanks for the nice words about my OEC ring - I just wanted to let everyone know what ring I was talking about for anyone who might not be familiar with it. I felt I was being a little confusing!

Oh, here's a pic of a few bands I bought recently - I like the plain gold band but wish it was a bit higher - but this one works for now. And I just couldn't resist the second one, it's my size and I like those little flowers…it probably won't even go with the pear but if not I'll wear it with my OEC ring.




Oct 24, 2012
Hi Marcy, you’re not alone. I’ve had the cry before too. I’ve never cried until I got to my current job. No fun, but at least it’s nice to know the bosses can be compassionate when faced with a watering pot. LOL!! Yeah, reeking purple colored fake D&G, no bueno. ;-) Glad you got rid of it. Now I want cheesecake!!

Missy, did Greg build that BBQ too? OMG. Don’t know what to say. But yeah, when people start doing what they love for a living, they may not love it so much. My dad is an amazing cook, but if he had to do it for a living, he would probably be pretty miserable. Seriously a ride sounds like so much fun. I need to move. I’m being so lazy, not doing anything at all. Hope you and Greg have a wonderful ride.

Callie, so you’re returning the shoes? LOL!! Your DH would object? LOL!!!!! Yeah, maybe they don’t need additional encouragement. ;-)

Kristie, how is Finn today?

Jimmianne, sending happy jewelry shopping thoughts your way…

Orsi, have a good weekend. Thank goodness it’s finally here.

JB, are you enjoying wearing your lovely pear? I like the band you have on more than the one with flowers. I actually like that it’s a little recessed. And I love its shininess. So pretty! But, you can find a ton that will work. Oh, the dilemma...

I’m wearing my bracelet, and it’s fun and happy. However, I’m in desperate need of distraction so I am sitting on my hands not allowing myself to buy more stuff on ebay. ARGH!! I am trying my best to follow your advice and NOT buy anything more now and save up for Paris. Here is a piece I am eyeing at VCA. Help me stay strong girls! I may need the emergency evac when my husband leaves me behind!

I want the mother of pearl on gold this time. I love this b/c it's attached at the wings, rather than dangling as a pendant, and it's BIGGER!! See VCA-SS is already developing. :Up_to_something: We shall see...Paris, VCA...


Jun 17, 2009
LLJsmom, I'm glad you like the shiny one, honestly that's the style that will work best with the ring I think. I bought the one with the flowers just because I liked it lol. But I think I can wear it with my vintage style ring. I'm really enjoying the pear ring, I've been wearing it a lot. I really like having both a modern and vintage style ring, it's fun to switch them out.

The necklace you're dreaming of is beautiful!!! I really like that it has a casual feel to it, you will get so much use out of it if you do decide to get it. I'm into yg ever since I got the yellow pear ring, I love the warmth of it.


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

Junie, I love those bands with your pear ring and the flower band is very sweet. Reminds me of my engraved platinum band that I usually wear with Bea. Beautiful. I am so glad you are enjoying your new pear. It is a gorgeous ring in every way and couldn't look any better on anyone else than it does on your lovely hand. It was meant to be!

Good luck with all your packing (I remember those not so fun days but it will feel so good to be done and all moved in!) and good luck with your home sale! Sending dust for a quick and easy sale!

LLJsmom, so glad you are enjoying the VCA bracelet more. It looks gorgeous on your wrist, it really does. That is a beautiful would look amazing on your neck so if you think you would love and enjoy it and it is a good deal go for it. You only live once and I think it is a special piece. But OTOH Paris is waiting and if you don't think you have to have the necklace you could save those funds for bling in Paris. If the necklace is at full price it will still be waiting for you at the VCA store when you get back from your trip should you decide you need to have it. Just saying. If it is not priced at a discount hold off till after your trip to decide just in case you fall in love with something else in France.

Greg did build that BBQ and we were sad to leave it behind when we sold the house. He is going to build one like it here but out of bricks instead as we have so many extra bricks. I hope it comes out as good. Not sure when he will be starting that project though. So much on his honey to do list LOL. He finished the table top when we got home from our bike ride yesterday so now he has the base to work on and of course the seating. Definitely not going to finish this month because there is no time left. We are heading back Monday AM to NYC and work and real life and so only have a couple of weekends left and one of them for entertaining my family so we have run out of time. I will attach a pic of the table top from yesterday. The pics are from various stages and it is still on the saw horses since the base is not yet finished.

After our long bike ride yesterday I noticed my ankle and foot where it meets the ankle was more swollen and it hurt more to walk. I hope this is normal from all the extra activity I have been doing and not something I need to worry about. ;( It is 11 months after the surgery now so is the swelling always going to be with me? I think I know the answer to that and the answer is yes. I am sad about that because reality is hitting me that it will never be the way it was but I am very grateful that I can still cycle long distances. Just not the same way I used to be able to before the accident but I know I am lucky to be able to do what I am doing. The swelling just freaked me out yesterday. Not sure how long it was swollen because truthfully I haven't been looking at it and it has been more painful to walk and do stairs this last week so my guess is I have been swollen for a while now.

Good morning Kristie, Callie, Marcy, Jimmianne, Orsi, Sharon! Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend!

Sharon, any new bling to share with us? :halo:





Jul 1, 2014
Hey Missy!

Love the table shots, looks fantastic! Although it could be the most wonky POS and with the water backdrop, I'll still love it, heehee!!!

Re the swelling. This August I'm year #3. Every rare once in awhile I see a little swelling with certain weather events BUT I pop down a couple extra Wobenzym which moves all the debris out. Try upping your dose or taking an extra dose on those days, see if you can control the swelling that way.

I would say don't tell yourself you'll always have some swelling----because then, you will. Tell yourself you are doing all the things you love and its not even 1 year since the wreck; its only going to get better. And, since you are looking into the future, when you have your revision surgery to deal with screws please envision a terrific surgical result because for this surgery, you won't be also working with a terrifying and serious injury. You'll go into that surgery completely mobile, uninjured and have your game brain on!!! I've been told, quit thinking about the future and what you'll have to expect. That only brings anxiety and some sad feelings. Stick with today, you're doing fantastic, how great is that?

I would also like to point out you are staring your ### birthday in the face and NO ONE is what they used to be; so you're putting in a kabillion miles on the bike, Girlfriend, that comes at a small cost and it most likely has nothing to do with your injury and lots to do with being #### years old and a weekend warrior on that bike.

So live it up! Feel fortunate!!! Take some extra Wobenzym and get some Voltaren gel (although I'm sending you some for your ### birthday) and do all the things that make you happy :wavey: :appl: :love:


Oct 24, 2012
Missy, I totally know that feeling of slightly freaking out with something happening that you would dread. I am really happy that you can still do long distances, except that your body may not respond the same way as before. Like Kristine said, each year our bodies may feel it a little more. But I am also going to take her advice and deal wit it, pop a pill ;-) and keep doing the things I love until my body no longer allows.

I've been dealing with an injury too, for the past month. I'm probably petty depressed about it because it s throws off my training schedule to run a fast race in August to qualify for Boston. Posterior tibialis tendonitis. :(. Running really aggravates it, as does bikram yoga. So I did a spin class today, my first one in a couple of years. Need to keep up some fitnes. Oh well. Gotta keep moving forward. I've missed plenty of marathons due to injury. This is nothing new. Just gotta not lose the battle in my head. :). VCA and vacay keeping me occupied. :)


Apr 19, 2004
missy|1434192562|3888707 said:
Good morning girls!

After our long bike ride yesterday I noticed my ankle and foot where it meets the ankle was more swollen and it hurt more to walk. I hope this is normal from all the extra activity I have been doing and not something I need to worry about. ;( It is 11 months after the surgery now so is the swelling always going to be with me? I think I know the answer to that and the answer is yes. I am sad about that because reality is hitting me that it will never be the way it was but I am very grateful that I can still cycle long distances. Just not the same way I used to be able to before the accident but I know I am lucky to be able to do what I am doing. The swelling just freaked me out yesterday. Not sure how long it was swollen because truthfully I haven't been looking at it and it has been more painful to walk and do stairs this last week so my guess is I have been swollen for a while now.

Good morning Kristie, Callie, Marcy, Jimmianne, Orsi, Sharon! Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend!

Sharon, any new bling to share with us? :halo:

Soon! I am excited!! :bigsmile: Thanks for asking Missy. Incidentally, you have such a treasure in Greg--he cooks, and makes gorgeous furniture and is a all round fabu guy! :appl: Sorry your ankle is giving you grief.

Shout out to all the other ladies---I hope JA is having fun in France!!!!



Jun 8, 2008
HI Kristie and LLJsmom and thanks for your encouragement.

LLJsmom, I am so sorry you are dealing with this injury especially now when you have so much going on and the upcoming marathons! I totally understand you being depressed about it. :blackeye: Greg always tells me that means we are real athletes getting these injuries. It sort of makes me feel better sometimes thinking about it that way. If we weren't so active and doing what we love we wouldn't get these injuries and what fun would that be? It comes with the territory but it does suck.

I hope your tendonitis starts healing and you are back to training for your upcoming marathons and marathon qualifications very soon. In the meantime yay for alternative exercises to keep you in shape and at the same time allow the tendonitis to heal. Please don't overdo because we both know that if we push when we shouldn't it could set us back even further. Today I ended the bike ride 25 miles earlier than I wanted to because I was listening to my body and decided cycling any further through the pain would not benefit me in any way. I am sending healing dust and lots of good luck your way. And of course big (((hugs))).

And thank you for all your support and understanding and encouragement. You are a sweetheart and I am so grateful for you and the other NIRDIs who are in my life. This accident did have some positives and this is a huge one!

Kristie, I won't be doing any further surgery because at my January visit the surgeon told me unless the metal is bothering me significantly it is best to leave it in. He went on to tell me there is no way he could get it all the metal out in any case because I have over 25 (well over he said when I asked) pieces of metal in my left leg and 3 major plates with one of them being really large. He said if he had to go in there again it would cause further damage (and remember it is damaged from the first surgery as there was no other way to get in there) to my lymphatic drainage system which could be why I am swelling now a full 11 plus months after the surgery.

I appreciate what you are saying though and believe me I am grateful to be able to still cycle and be active. I would be lying however if I wasn't still sad at times thinking about what I lost. I am in some pain pretty much most of the time if walking or using that leg and the swelling yesterday sort of freaked me out to use LLJs word. I looked at my leg/foot and saw the swelling and was unable to see my veins there and it made me sad. Sometimes it feels almost as if my body is betraying me. But I realize my body is allowing me to do all the activities I love and enjoy and allowing me to be active and I am very very grateful. It is just sometimes I feel down about it I know you understand. I do hope the swelling will go away most of the time but I also remember my surgeon saying with activity etc it might not go completely away. HA it's just like my darn POD. Yes I am almost 50 but why does everything have to fall apart at once? :cry: :boohoo:

I also don't really consider myself a weekend warrior since I do try to keep fit during the week too if you kwim so I never got those weekend warrior injuries and before my accident I was feeling good. This pain (and swelling) is related 100% to the accident and surgical repair and it's something I am making peace with as I have no other option and yes 100% you are right. Thank goodness I came through it as well as I did and Greg and I are back to cycling far distances and enjoying ourselves. Some days more than others because OMG we had another strong wind today and I was so happy to be done with our ride today! LOL. I am very appreciative and thankful that I am walking, cycling etc. I remember my surgeon told me if I had this injury decades ago I would probably not have been walking again so yes I am counting my blessings and thank you for listening and supporting me the whole way through. You are the BEST!

And I am thrilled that your swelling and pain/discomfort is practically non existent most of the time WOOHOO!!!! It also gives me hope that I will keep improving so thank you for that. Hope is a good thing!

Sharon! Ooh I am so excited for you!!! I will wait patiently till you have further info to share. :appl: :appl: :appl:

Thank you for those lovely comments about Greg. He is my most valuable treasure no doubt. I love him so much I cannot even accurately put it into words. I don't know how I got so lucky to have him in my life but thank goodness he is. Just went outside and snapped a pic of Greg working on the base of the table and attaching the legs. Haha I know he thinks I am nuts posting all these pics. :cheeky:



Jun 8, 2008
It's not completely finished but here it is so far...




Jul 1, 2014
Ackkkk!!!! I shouldn't have said "weekend warrior!!!" I meant to indicate a bunch of work to that ankle :doh: bad bad choice of words. I know you and LLJs are no weekend warriors but are, instead, complete ass-kickers!!!!!

Missy, I was thinking about the possibility of moving screws in terms of revision...seems like so many patients a couple years in have quick procedures to handle screws.


Jun 17, 2009
Hi everyone!

Missy, the table looks amazing! Greg is doing a beautiful job. :clap:

So sorry to hear about the swelling and discomfort - It really sounds like it's from the extra cycling you've been doing on your vacation and I hope it calms down soon for you. I understand how it could make you feel down that you can't do as much as you used to. Try to keep in mind you're still very active and doing much more than most people your age! That includes me, there's no way could I do even your shortened cycling schedule. I'm glad you took it a little easy today, and hopefully with some rest your leg will be feeling better. Big hugs, try not to worry (I know, not always so easy) and just take it one day at a time. Your NIRDI friends are always here for you!

LLJsmom, sorry about your injury, I know it's frustrating and I hope you recover soon - sounds like the spinning class is a good way for you to get some exercise. You're right, all we can do is just keep going and do the best we can! I hope you're back to your regular training soon.

Marcy, thinking of you and hope you're having a relaxing weekend and feeling ok!

Ovi, thinking of you too my friend, hope you're doing well.

Sharon, sounds like you have a purchase in the works and I can't wait to find out what it is! :dance:

Calliecake, hope your weekend is going well!


Oct 24, 2012
missy|1434230006|3888892 said:
It's not completely finished but here it is so far...

Missy, I can't believe you actually have a house there. I looks so beautiful, peaceful, just amazing. Greg's such a keeper, isn't he?? So wonderful to see him working away happily and so contentedly. Not to mention that the piece looks like it comes from a Pottery Barn catalog, even more beautiful.

Sharon, new bling?! :clap: :clap: Yay!! can't wait to se :whistle:

Kristie, Didn't even notice. All good. I think of myself as a weekend warrior, in that I don't do it full time. :lol:

JB, thank you for the positive wishes. I hope to be much better soon, not sure how, but hopeful. Until then, I will focus on the sparkly stuff. :Up_to_something:

I am so happy to have found some PSers who love the branded stuff. So fun!! :dance:


Jul 1, 2014
LLJs, you are a baaaad baaaad influence, heebee, you're bringing me over to The Brand Darkside :devil:


Jul 1, 2014
Marcy, is there a delivery date for your scrumptious band?????


Feb 27, 2007

Missy, I am glad Greg enjoys making things. Marty sure loves making things as well. Today he finished a lamp for the man cave and a step for his weight lifting machine. He even dug out his shop vac and cleaned his shop then. WOW!!!! That BBQ is fabulous and the table looks terrific. Game night turned in to talk night but it was still fun. The cheesecake was a big hit! We left the few pieces left with them but I keep thinking I’ll make another one soon. Sorry to hear your ankle is swollen and you are having more pain. You guys have put on a lot of miles these past few weeks so I am sure it’s kind of a natural response to daily long bike rides. You are doing GREAT though; you are out there riding lots and lots of miles.

Junebug, your ring boxes are fabulous! You do a very nice job on them. The bands you’ve bought are nice; they look great with your pear halo. Moving is so much work but it’s going to be worth it once you get settled in your new house. We had the city bring us a big construction bin and filled it 3 times at our old house. Once we moved I decided we didn’t throw out enough stuff.

LLJsmom, my new boss doesn’t tolerate the emotional stuff too week from people but he was quite decent about it. That D&B bag smelled horrid. Good luck saving your money for shopping in Paris. I am glad you are enjoying your new bracelet. Sorry to hear about your injury; I hope you get better soon.

Kristie, I agree, once you get a nice background of the ocean everything looks great! It’s interesting you bring up thinking about today and quit thinking about the future. The disgruntled employee I have who talked to my new boss last week complained I never ask him where he sees himself in 6 months, a year. And I honestly don’t think about that and I have to admit when someone asks me that question I don’t have an answer. I am happy to get through the day; why worry about something I can’t do anything about until it gets here? I am glad your knee is doing so well after 3 years.

Sharon, I’ll be anxious to see your new jewelry.

I was lazy today. I did my Saturday morning go snip off dead flowers in my flowerpots (my weekly chore for the summer, I swear!), read for awhile, met Marty at the golf course for lunch then worked on a few things around the house.

Keep an eye on the western sky this month to enjoy Venus and Jupiter closing in on each other. The moon will be nearby next weekend.

I enjoyed a beautiful orange, red and pink sunset tonight. Life is good.



Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

Kristie, OK that makes total sense thank you! I think I overreacted with that term only because I work so hard not to be a weekend warrior if you kwim. LOL sorry! Haha I agree and think all the NIRDIs are ass kickers and if it is OK with you I will borrow that expression. :cheeky:

I am seeing the surgeon in July for my one year (one year already hard to believe) follow up and will ask him about the possibility of this revision surgery. I have a feeling his answer will not have changed from the last time but now I have a more specific term. The thing is his philosophy seems to be once it is fixed don't go back in. IOW if it aint broke don't fix it. Haha how's that for an orthopedic surgeon's philosophy. :lol:

How is Finn doing on the extra Wobenzym? Still doing well I hope. I hope you and Bob are enjoying this weekend before the official start of summer. I think that is this coming week right? Hoping it is a good summer this year for us all!!!

Junie, thank you for your comforting words and thank you for letting me vent. It is so nice to have this place where all of us can be ourselves and share even our darkest emotions. Being cheerful and upbeat takes a lot of energy when one doesn't feel that way and it is cathartic to just be the way we can be here. Having said that I am feeling better today and more cheerful despite the fact that my ankle is still a bit swollen. Perspective changes things and sometimes I just need to get it out of my system.

Is your son and his band playing again any time soon? How often does he usually have a gig? Not sure if that is even the right term. We have a good friend (our age though so way older than your son) who plays in a band every weekend at local bars etc. We usually cannot make his show because it starts after 9PM and we are usually getting ready for bed by then LOL. We got up almost as early every morning this vacation as we do during our workweek so it should help us ease back into our work schedule. Though these last few days of vacation I allowed myself to sleep till 6AM which is a full hour after I usually wake up during the workweek so hope that doesn't come back to bite us in the butt. Isn't that always the way? You start getting into vacation right about when that vacation is ending LOL. I always say you need 3-4 weeks of vacation at a time because it takes 2 weeks to start feeling like you are on vacation. :loopy:

Have you started your packing yet? How is that going? Have you put your current beach house up for sale yet? I think you are planning to close in July on the new beach house and that is very soon! Woohoo!!! So exciting!!!

LLJsmom, it is very peaceful here much of the time. And this past week and weekend have been amazing. One for weather and two for those nosy neighbors who have not been around this past week and weekend. They have friends visiting this weekend and those friends obviously don't care to hang out in the backyard all the time like A and C do so we have had a lovely break from them. How do I know they have friends visiting? The wife posts every single thing on FB and I mean every single thing they do. Go out to dinner she is posting as they are in the restaurant eating, have friends visiting and that goes there too LOL.

So it has been so quiet and lovely and wonderful and the weather has been cooperating. Every night a beautiful sunset with a pink and blue sky and a city view. Beautiful. Also last night right before sunset when Greg and I were outside in the backyard enjoying the view and the weather our other neighbor came outside to say hi as we had not seen him for months. They are our quiet neighbors who are so lovely. He owns a popular local restaurant and they had to move that restaurant after Sandy due to extreme damage and he has still not reopened. Lots of red tape and construction issues but they are due to open soon.

Anyway he came over to chat a bit and Greg asked if he would do us a favor and take our keys in case of emergency and of course he was happy to do so. This man is really someone we like and he is not ever in your business though friendly he is not too friendly and never oversteps boundaries. The perfect neighbor. So far. Ha ha no really a good guy.

And as an added bonus we know he doesn't care for A and C though he has never come out and said so. In fact A once told Greg that P doesn't seem to like him. I wonder why LOL. P doesn't like nosy aggressive know it all neighbors and that fits A to a tee. We however have never discussed A with P or P with A as we don't do that and dislike gossiping that way. So as far as P knows we are on good terms with A and we are not sharing what happened with the trees unless we have to. Hope using all these initials are not too confusing. A=nosy neighbor who is mad about our trees. P=good neighbor on the other side of us who is very nice and not nosy in the least. Oh and have I mentioned P is from Brooklyn originally. I mean how could be not be great. :cheeky: Seriously though do you know (and I think this statistic is correct) that 1 out of 7 people you meet in the USA is from Brooklyn originally? I don't remember where I got that from but I think that is the right statistic.

OK getting to the really important info now. LLJsmom, any decisions re that lovely VCA necklace? Or are you waiting for France to see what they french have to offer in terms of beautiful bling?

Marcy, I am glad your cheesecake was a big hit but I had no doubt it would be. Darn, nothing left over for me? You know I love cheesecake but Greg doesn't want to make it just for us because he says I will have one or 2 pieces and then refuse to eat the rest so he will have to finish it. LOL, that is true but one or 2 pieces are enough to satiate me at least till the next time hehe.

Good for Marty making that lamp and step for his weight lifting machine. I see we NIRDIs have handy creative men and that is a bonus. I agree sometimes it is best to take things one day at a time and not look too far into the future when things seem a bit overwhelming. Other times it is good to plan ahead at least a bit so one is prepared. It sounds like you had a productive and relaxing day yesterday. The best of both worlds. Thank you for the astronomy tip and we will be sure to watch the sky this month. We are patiently waiting for your band to show up. I am sure you are looking forward to it too! :appl:

I will leave you girls with a pic of one of our favorite birds we see as we cycle down the shore. This bird is in Manasquan and we always see him on our biking trips. He is a Snowy Egret. This is not my picture but one from a local online paper. We love how graceful and beautiful and elegant this bird is. Love him. Enjoy!



Jun 8, 2008
Hi NIRDIs! I hope everyone is enjoying a lovely Sunday! It is beautiful here.

We had a great last day of June vacation cycling trip today and the weather was a perfect 10. And almost as exciting Greg is now working on the benches for the table seating. The table looks better in person IMO in the photos. It is really good though I am sort of prejudiced LOL. It is the farmhouse table I envisioned when Greg asked me what type of outdoor table I wanted.

Back to the real world tomorrow. :wavey:




Jun 8, 2008






Jun 8, 2008
Last pics. Thank you for allowing me to share with you girls!




May 27, 2009
Missy, I love the pictures. Is your home on the river? We spend three weeks in OG every summer, visiting family. I may live in CA now, but I'll always be a Jersey Shore girl!


Oct 24, 2012
Hi!! quick check in. that whole set is amazing!!! my son says Greg should try his hand at a boat!


Oct 24, 2012
azstonie|1434253249|3888995 said:
LLJs, you are a baaaad baaaad influence, heebee, you're bringing me over to The Brand Darkside :devil:

Remember Kristie? I'm working toward "affiliator"... ;-)

Missy, Lucas changed his mind. He says Greg should build an outdoor hot tub now. I think that is a better idea. I love the pics of you and Greg. When I see them, I think that you two are on your honeymoon. You look so happy and Greg looks so contented working outside. The house is on the water. I'm so envious. It's 10:55 and I just finished vacuuming the house b/c we have just been to messy this weekend. I'm trying really hard NOT to pull the trigger on the VCA Vintage MOP pendant necklace b/c I may regret not waiting till I see what is available in Paris. It's a staple so I know I'll be able to get it when I get back if nothing strikes me. I'm just weak and want retail therapy. If I bought it now, I would not have funds for Paris. But not working out and eating all the junk food I can find is doing my brain no favors. It's all in the head. You know what I mean.

Marcy, when I read your posts, and you share about your meals, and the projects, and hanging out with friends, I forget that you have your share of challenges too. It all sounds so peaceful, and everybody seems calm and together. I hope that when I retire, or when the kids are in college, I can enjoy that too.

Btw, totally broke down today on the sugar thing. half bag of annie's chocolate bunnies. Cara's meyer lemon cupcakes. (These are my absolute favorite cupcakes. They make the ultimate keylime pie cupcake too...) La Boulange buttery butterfly cookies. Fried chicken, three bags of skinny pop (not so skinny if you eat three bags), pizza. All today... I've gotta keep typing on my keyboard if I am going to keep them from putting food in my mouth. It's going to be long healing process... Gonna climb back on the wagon in the morning.

Good night NIRDI's! Callie, Orsi, Jimmianne in Paris, JB...


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

Haha LLJsmom, I shared what Lucas said with Greg and he said he has thought about building a boat. For a minute lol. You know what they say are the 2 happiest times in a boat owners life...the day he gets the boat and then the day he sells the boat hehe. I would love a boat but too much work and money and time.
And please thank your son for his confidence in Greg's abilities. As for hot tub no thanks. We do not like hot tubs. Swimming pool that's another story but not if we stay here because there is no room for the indoor one I really want. 8)

Stay strong re the VCA MOP necklace because that will always be available retail.
OK just rereading and you wrote the VCA necklace is vintage. Does this mean it won't be readily available if you want it at a later date? I would say hold onto the bling funds for Paris and as you said if nothing strikes you in Paris you can come back and buy the VCA necklace but the fact that it is vintage has me wondering if it will be available. So scratch what I said if it is a one of a kind necklace as that changes things. If it is rare and you love it I would say get it but if you can still get it at a later date should you decide you want it then hold off and wait till Paris to decide. Sorry if I am not helping I just don't want to give you bad advice.

Sorry about the chocolate bunnies and I feel your pain but it is only one day of sugar slip up so don't despair. Today is another day and you can make good choices all day today. When that happens to me I just take a deep breath and say it is OK because once in a while it won't hurt us and then we start again the next day eating clean. Don't beat yourself up. Those cupcakes you mentioned sound awesome though and now I am craving them myself LOL. Have you ever tried Costco lemon poppy muffins? I don't eat muffins but Greg does when we are on vacation so has been enjoying them for the last 2 weeks and he says they are delicious. Costco bakes some yummy goods.

Thank you for saying that about us. I still feel like we are on our honeymoon much of the time even given all we have been through. However we still fight believe me. We had some pretty big fights even when we were dating so it is not all love and romance all the time haha. You know the saying happy wife happy life well it is so true both ways because when Greg is focused on his hobbies he is in such a zen happy place and that works well for both of us. And it doesn't hurt that he makes beautiful things we can enjoy. Win win.

How is your tendonitis? Have you noticed any improvements?

Jimmianne, hoping you are loving France and enjoying the company of your friends and dd. And I hope Puff and the gang are doing well.

Callie, hope you enjoyed the weekend and enjoyed your time with the girls! Thinking of you sweetheart. Hugs to your sweet baby.

Kristie, thank you for that further info re revision surgery. I appreciate getting the 411 on that stuff so I am not taken by surprise. So relieved Finn is happy and active and back to swimming Woohoo!!!

Junie, hope the rest of your weekend was good and that everyone is well.

Orsi, glad it was all a misunderstanding b/w you and your friend. Hugs.

Marcy, hope you had a great Sunday. I am still thinking of your cheesecake. :lickout: And I am keeping watch on the beautiful sky also thinking of you and your astronomy expertise. It is funny how different the sky is in NY vs NJ where we are. I enjoy both views though both different both still so pretty. I hope your Monday goes smoothly and that things start looking up at work. Sending hugs and good luck work dust your way.

Sharon, we are patiently waiting on your new bling and I hope it turns out to be everything you want it to be. :appl:

KaeKae, hi! Thanks for visiting us here. We have a house on the bay at the Jersey shore. I had never been to the Jersey shore till I met my dh in the 1990's and he introduced me to the Jersey shore. I love the Jersey shore now. When do you come to visit OG? We are not far from there at all and always ride our bikes through there. I don't know if you read any of the pages before but OG is where I take all my duckling and gosling pics. In Ocean Grove. I am guessing that is what you mean by OG. If not I apologize LOL. I also love California for the perfect weather. I hope you are not dealing with too much of a drought problem where you live though. Anyway let me know when and if you will be visiting Ocean Grove. It would be lovely to meet you if it worked out.

Have a good Monday NIRDIs. Back to NY this morning. :wavey:


Feb 3, 2008
Missy, Gregs woodworking skills are incredible! I love your table and benches set. O my gosh, I LOVE it. Just perfect. I am so happy to see that you are back biking too. Our hubs would have a lot in common. Mine loves biking and woodworking as well. He hasn't had a chance to do much woodworking the last few years but I am trying to get him to make a sign for our daughters wedding- and even that seems like a lot to him right now.

I also loved your bluefish dishes. Usually my fish likes are rather limited but that looks delicious.

Sigh.. having to leave the beach is always hard! Hope your monday is great anyway.

LLJsmom, that wallet is beautiful! I have never liked LV all that much but I am really starting to get a bug now. I am thinking the one I bought from eBay was a huge mistake. I will be surprised if it even comes. Usually, I am so careful about what I put on my watch list, but this one I wasn't for some reason. It is coming from out of the country and I never buy anything from a seller not in the US. Oh well, mistakes happen. It was only 300. It could have been worse. I hate to lose but what are you going to do. This one really falls in the 'now I really did it' file.
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