
Now I really did it :((


Jun 7, 2014
Jimmianne, You know how much I love Joy but I have fallen in love with Izzy more. Send her to me anytime. I will be happy to watch her.

Kristie and Marcy, When you see me running down them street with a medium to large size dog in my arms, don't worry. i'm just STEALING izzy! Jimmianne has come to retrieve her and I just couldn't part with her.


Jul 1, 2014
:love: Izzy :love:

How could you NOT bring Izzy into your family after seeing those pics? I almost passed out from the adorable cute-i-tude in those pics!!!! Heehee, "Hauling Aus!" love it!!! Big hugs and chin scratches to Miss Izzy!

Jimmianne, re available in their hearts, is his heart the part you're most interested in? LOL!!! I think people have a certain capacity to love and care for other people and if we keep things light in the beginning you see what that capacity is before anything gets heavy.

Have some fun with Jimmy!


Jun 17, 2009
Missy and Marcy, I'm feeling much better today, thanks! I don't know what was going on with me yesterday. I started feeling better towards the evening, thank goodness.

Missy, yes, the weather looks like it's not going to be that great this weekend, my dh is probably out of luck with regard to playing golf. Oh well, at least it's the weekend, we'll manage to have fun somehow!

And yes, that train accident is just horrible. That's the train my dh takes, in fact he's in Washington DC right now. Scary to think about, and my heart just breaks for all the victims.

Thanks for your words of encouragement in the Mrs. Box thread - I'm determined to do this, it's a matter of principal now :D

I understand what you're saying about the ring - after wearing it a few days, I'm good with the size! It measures 12 mm lengthwise, and it's over 9 mm at its widest point, so it's not like it's a small ring lol. One thing in my favor is short fingers. And I have to be mindful of my budget too…yeah, it would be nice to have a larger yellow diamond, but then I'm paying more, which I don't want to do. :cheeky: My plan is that my next ring is going to be a big colored stone with a double halo haha! It might take me a while, but my next ring is gonna be a honker. :lol:

Sharon, thanks for the nice words on my ring! I have to say, this soft yellow color is rather yummy. Hope all is well with you!

Jimmianne, Izzy is just beautiful! What a sweetie. I hope you have a nice visit with Jimmie today.

Marcy, sorry work is boring right now…luckily you have your beautiful earrings to look forward to! Although waiting is a bit torturous , isn't it lol. I'm so excited for you. :dance: Anything special going on for you this weekend?

Kristie, I totally get what you're saying about me not feeling pressured, I could see where that could happen. But I'm feeling good about the ring and really enjoying it! As I told missy, it's a good fit for my budget, and it's actually a nice sized ring for the price point.

Forgot to say…I love the rings you posted!! :love: Gorgeous colors! You really do have a great jewelry collection.

Calliecake, how about you, anything special going on this weekend?

Have a good afternoon, NIRDIS, and I'll see you later!


Jun 7, 2014
Jimmianne, You know how much I love Joy but I have fallen in love with Izzy more. Send her to me anytime. I will be happy to watch her.

Kristie and Marcy, When you see me running down the street with a medium to large size dog in my arms, don't worry. i'm just STEALING izzy! Jimmianne has come to retrieve her and I just couldn't part with her.


Apr 19, 2004
Jimmianne|1431604266|3876582 said:
yes, Sharon, you're next to go shopping. No arguments!

You mean for this??? :D

Izzy is a most beautiful, people oriented Australian Shepherd and where ever we go people make a fuss & she makes a fuss : ). Most importantly though, having her allows me to legitimately have a "Hauling Auss" decal on the back window of my SUV!
here are her baby pictures...I found her online and it was love at first sight.
47a3d727b3127cce98548f57b96d00000035102aatndry0anw_0.jpg acf3ppp.jpg

Your Pooch, JA, is beyond precious!!

I love coming to this thread since it makes me feel good--and that is good given the pile-on we've been living the last few months. So many wonderful visuals and words. :wavey:



Jun 7, 2014
I have no idea why this posted twice unless the furbaby jumped on the IPad. I left it in a place she like to sleep so anything is possible.

Missy, Does Greg make Mrs. Boxes?

Kristie, As always, you are too funny! You coud brighten the worst day!

Jimmianne, My SIL has an Australian Shepard that looked just like Izzy. She is the reason I fell in love with dogs. I watched their kids at their house while they went on vacation. The dog never left my side the week I was there. She even laid on my feet as I put makeup on in the morning. She was such a sweetheart and her name was Missy. Two of our relatives have furbabies names Missy. Speaking of names. His name is really Jimmie? One can never have too many friends. How is your daughter feeling now.

Junebug, I'm glad you are feeling better. i love that you are making the Mrs Box. I was very intrigued but the more others chimed in I put that idea out of my head. A girl has to know her limitations. I think in my case it would just be better to buy the box and avoid the frustration. Thank goodness your husband was not on that train.

Marcy, Two days until Saturday. Are you really excited about your earrings? I can't wait to see them as I'm sure they will be beautiful.

Sharon, I love that necklace!!! Is the beauty now in your possession?


Feb 27, 2007
Happy Thursday!

Sharon, I think I could get used to a beautiful yellow pear ring on my hand too. All I need to something else to add to my wish list.

Callie, I think it’s fun to have a few rings to swap out to wear as a wedding ring. That is a good idea to relieve DSS by seeing your ring on someone else’s hand. That is funny the guys won’t even try the WW bars. I think they are good. I will watch for you running down the street with cute Izzy in your arms and that huge EC ring on your finger. You can hide in the man cave - I’ll let Jimmianne know Izzy is safe and she can come over too. I won’t “know” a thing about that EC ring though. I am excited about my earrings but I am starting to think they’ll be arriving next week.

Missy, that Amtrack accident is awful. I think I read they had the train clocked at 106 mph on a curve that they should be going 50. Teddies and Killers will be happy to have a new teddy bear join the den. I haven’t heard from WF on a shipping date so I am guessing I’ll get my earrings next week. I was just hoping they’d show up on Saturday. Wishful thinking. Rats you won’t be going to the beach house this weekend. Has Greg come up with some plans and ideas for his shop.

Jimmianne, I may have to wait until next week for my earrings. I am kind of surprised EC studs are so hard to find so maybe I will start a trend. Izzy is a real cutie. I hope you had a great day.

Kristie, I am sure Izzy would love to come visit Finnie and Maggie.

Junebug, I am glad to hear you are feeling better today. How scary your husband takes that train. My heart goes out to all those families; that accident is so awful. Marty is in DC right now too. It sound like you’ll be keeping your pretty ring. Sweet. I keep looking at your pictures. Marty will get home about 3 am Saturday morning. He is hoping to play golf this weekend but there are thunderstorms in the forecast. Do you have any plans? Have you and your husband made a decision on the beach house?

Marty was up by 4 and I got up at 4:30. He had to be to DIA at 6 and then his flight was late 30 minutes. He’ll get back at 2-3 am Saturday morning then head out for a few days again Sunday evening. I think he was getting bored not traveling much.

I wore my lavender sapphire ring today and decided to see if those dangles I like came in amethyst; luckily they do so I ordered a pair. They were on sale for $24.90 and amethyst should match that color of sapphire and if they don’t I’m not out much money. I’ll have some new dangles after as well.

Hi Deegee, Rod and Zoe!

No word again today from WF on a delivery date.

Have a great day tomorrow. :wavey:


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

Jimmianne, how was your day yesterday? Any Jimmy (or is it spelled Jimmie?) updates? Thank you for posting those extra pics of Izzy. She is gorgeous and I really want to hug her. She looks so soft and sweet. :love: I think the NIRDIs need to bring their furbabies to our GTG. I think I might like meeting them more than the bling. Uh oh did I just say that. :oops:
But I look forward to meeting the NIRDIs most of all. No question about that! :appl: :bigsmile:

Marcy, yay for new dangle earrings and at a bargain price too. Woohoo! I am sorry no word from WF yet. Darn, we really want you to get those emerald cut earrings. C'mon WF. But at least you have some other pretty nice bling to keep you company till your new earrings arrive. Wishing Marty a safe flight and return home to you.

Please post pics of your amethyst dangles when you get them. We enjoy all bling no matter the price point. :appl:

Junie, I am happy you love the ring and are pleased with its size. It looks beautiful on your hand that is for sure. :love:

Is your dh coming home soon? I don't think the Amtrak trains from DC are running right now so is he flying home?

I wish the weather would cooperate this weekend but we will all make the best of it. Sorry if the NIRDIs dhs cannot play golf this weekend and hoping the weather turns out better than predicted.

Sharon, love that necklace. You have beautiful taste. Any weekend plans?

Callie, Yay for a successful day yesterday! I am excited for you and looking forward to seeing it. :appl:

Greg has not started making a Mrs Box. I really enjoy wood jewelry boxes with velvet or another plush material inside so a while back he said he would make me an earring box for my Grace earrings. He has not started on that yet however as life is very busy right now as you can imagine so perhaps in a few months. I will be sure to post the results if he does make one for me.

I wish I could teach my kitties how to post on the iPad lol. Your sweet girl is a smarty pants. :read: Now if we could just teach them to make $$$ we would be set. If cuteness earned big bucks we could all buy lots more bling and retire because the NIRDIs have some good looking furbabies to be sure. :love: :appl:

Kristie, is your weather warming up yet? I think Finn and Maggie are looking forward to swimming again and are impatient to get back into the pool. Weekend plans?

Hi Ovi, hope your last few days off went well and that you enjoy a nice weekend. :wavey:

We are probably going to make a day trip to the beach today as we want to see some new trees Julio planted and also cycle today as today is the best of the next 3 days. It is nice we don't live too far from our beach house because we can do day trips.


Dec 9, 2013
Good morning!
I'm so happy that everyone likes Izzy and she has so many godmothers.

The estate jewelry sale yesterday was such a disappointment. It was just a bunch of old stuff, some nice, but nothing FABULOUS or really old and the prices were out-of-this-world. In seven long cases of jewelry I found nothing to make my heart beat faster..

That's a good thing!'s not my turn.
So, Sharon, yes, that's a good one :lol: [understatement]. The fact that there were not prices on the website led me to research on Ebay, and your necklace is for sale on eBay right now!


Jun 17, 2009
Hi all!

Missy, I talked to my husband last night and he didn't mention anything about getting home, I wasn't aware the trains weren't running. Hmm, I'll send him a text.

I'm glad you'll be able to go to the beach for the day - That is one very nice advantage to having a house at the Jersey shore!

Calliecake, I know, it would be easier to just buy a box lol! But it's a matter of pride now - I'm struggling with it and have vowed to myself I'll at least make one that looks halfway decent.

And yes, as soon as we put our house on the market I will send you the listing!

Sharon, you have my vote for the next person to buy something lol! And yes, make it that gorgeous necklace :halo:

Marcy, the amethyst earrings sound really pretty, I have been looking at CS earrings on etsy and am seriously thinking about buying some - a good way to add some variety and get something pretty without spending a lot.

I snapped a few more pics - I'm dying to get a yellow gold band now to wear with it lol






Jun 7, 2014
Hi Girls,

Missy, I hope you are having a wonderful day biking and enjoying the time at the beach house. You really have the best of both world with the beach house being close enough to make day trips. I hope I am still invited to come to New York after being such a pain in the neck this morning. I'm sorry for bothering you and thank you so much for your advice. It was appreciated more than you know. If anyine can master the Mrs Box it would be Greg. If I was still working I would probably give it a try. The engineers I worked with would figure out solutions to make it look presentable for me. Heavens knows what it would look like if I did it myself.

Junebug, Are you thinking of a plain gold band to wear with your ring. I'm so happy you love it. it really looks beautiful on your hand. Jimmianne always has the best luck finding beautiful bands to go with rings. Maybe she has some advice for what would look best.
When you mentioned the measurements of the ring I thought it was along that size. It really looks perfect on your and. As you know I've made the mistake if going too big. Not a good thing as the ring sits in a drawer unworn. It's always hard to judge what looks best. That why I recommended seeing the ring on your daughter's hand. It really gives you the true prespective if what others see. I'm so glad you are keeping it. I love the color. I've tried yellow diamonds on many times and prefer the paler ones on my hand. Does your husband get excited when you buy new jewelry. My husband is always glad that I'm happy when I ger something new but I know he doesn't get the excitement over a ring. Then again, I don't see the reason for excitement over golf clubs.

Jimmianne, Any suggestions for a gold band for Junebug? Did you happen to run in to Jimmie? I'm sorry the sale was so disappointing. I hate it when that happens. Why is it you usually stumble upon piece you fall in love with when you aren't looking at all. When we had our 20th anniversary I didn't see anything I was crazy about. I told my husband I was waiting until I found something I couldn't live without even if it took me a couple of years to find.

Kristie, What are you up today? I wish I could drag you along to Nordies with me. I need to get a dress tailored and have a $40 tailoring coupon that expires today so I figured I better use them coupon. We could shop for some new clothes!

Marcy, Can't wait to see the dangling earrings! If I get a large EC ring I will definely need to hide out in your man cave. Just don't tell my husband where I am until the ring is paid for! My husband is also leaving to travel soon. For someone who didn't mind traveling a few years ago he sure hates it now.

Sharon, Have you decided to purchase the necklace?


Feb 5, 2014
Hi Girls,

Yeah I missed a lot of action again I can tell.

Missy I miss you and now you are gone! But have tons of fun girlfriend. This sounds so cool and I am so proud of you being able to cycle so much once again. Unfortunately, my perfume order is still delayed. I am not happy to say the least. I threw a fit at Le Labo London because by Monday it will be two weeks after dispatch. There were lies involved from the courier and so on, Le Labo is handling it well sending me some samples free of charge but I never expected this ordeal and I truly hope it will just arrive, I mean that both packages will arrive at the end, Le Labo is not cheap and not worth ordering very little as shipping costs quite a bit.I hope to just enjoy them soon. We will get to talk tomorrow or Sunday.

Callie I tried on different Spanx. The first one really shaped and I tore that one off in two seconds and almost threw it at the poor salesgirl telling her that there was no way in hell that I would wear that thing. I cannot tell you what it felt like but I can imagine how ladies centuries ago must have felt and no clue how so many of them are sold because that thing was like locking myself in metal or something. Hurt like crazy, I could not tolerate something like that ever. Most shaping is terribly uncomfortable but I love shaping pantyhose from Wolford, very comfy, however, I cannot wear them in the summer obviously. So then I tried on something made for summer from Spanx and it was incredibly lightweight and comfy. It shapes moderately but still the look is really nice and even for summer dresses and it goes from waist down to mid thigh but not up my stomach thankfully. I love this but it cost a lot, seriously, I feel it is ridiculous, after one wash a thread was already pulled, so I figure one pair is fine for whenever you need it for occasions or whatever but I will certainly be not become a fan.

I have not hunted for sunglasses yet, that will be a tough one but must do it soon or I will go blind in the summer.

Kristie your ring is perfect, no worries, pears often have the V-prong shaped like that, your ring is beautifully executed. I have no problem with V-prongs personally and they do protect the most susceptible pointy part of the diamond. My pear is also set like that and perhaps not 100 % symmetrical but that is part of hand work too. I love your ring, it is one of my favorites.

Junebug congrats on the ring yet again, I cannot say it enough how much I love pears and of course you all know that I love yellow diamonds the most. Well, I think oranges first and then yellows. I love all yellows, lower end of the letter scale too and the whole range can be stunning. I forget the specs of your center stone, how many carats? I am not going to say we are pear twins because my yellow pear is a fancy but much smaller than yours, I still love her and she is very lemony, I tend to call her Lemony.:))) Did I say I loved halos too? You so deserved something beautiful and fun to enjoy.

Marcy I am dying to see your new EC studs too. Curious about your CS earrings as well, I hope you got better weather over there by now.

Jimmianne I totally missed your story about this guy friend, not sure what happened with him. You look awful cute in your outfit. How have things been going for you? I love anything and everything estate, old, antique, it is so much fun to go these events but of course they can be hit and miss. Sometimes it is not meant to be and it is not time but I am still sorry about that. I tend to be like a child and feel disappointed when I go on a hunt and do not find something to fall for, OTOH, it is better at certain times. I wish we had unlimited funds to hunt for bling. :rodent:

Sharon, so nice to see you posting here, I remember you as my perfume friend. :shifty: I know you are a natural perfumista too.

I love Izzy BTW, what is not to love? Dogs and cats are fine over here. I was supposed to do cleaning today, again, nada, bad girl but I got home sort of late and going to work early tomorrow, I hate working Saturdays more than anything and of course my friend got upset because she wanted me to go to Lake Balaton to visit them and I sure wish I could have gone, I would have loved to. So now here I got an upset friend and I cannot go and am being blamed for it when I wish I could have gone, I would have packed fast tonight and left early morning tomorrow at the latest, we would have had such a great time. I naturally prefer that and worse next weekend she may not be able to do it. We shall see. I better not even talk to her when she is upset like that. I would have certainly needed and could have used a fun weekend but that is ok, next time.

Depending on how things go, I still plan on going for at least a short vacay this summer. But we shall see, if I do, that will be last minute or otherwise just do a couple of weekend things.

Well, you girls have a great weekend, I am of course getting up at 5 and heading to Vienna. Talk to you later tomorrow.


Apr 19, 2004
Calliecake|1431710075|3877131 said:
Hi Girls,

Sharon, Have you decided to purchase the necklace?

Callie: I am still thinking about it. Full retail $$ is pretty ridiculous--and the link JA posted was a to an estate piece; but I hesitate on buying this style second hand because of the ease in which this type if chain is damaged (insertion into clasp is easily compromised...). Anyway, I might lurk about town and see what is out there for nonbranded styles. My favorite jewellery shop is closed for the long weekend, so perhaps next week......

OV--sorry for your perfume debacles, shipping/deliveries can pose disappointments!!

JuneB: your new pictures are wonderful--I can't get enough of them!! :appl:

Hope everyone is making fun plans for the weekend. It is pretty cool here for Spring--and gloomy clouds. Le sigh.



Dec 9, 2013
Sort of chilly here too, Sharon. The last cool weather for a long time. Glad you are hunting around to find something you love : ) FUN.

and speaking of FUN...What fun to try to figure out what band would go with our new sunny DBL!
I keep looking at the photos and it's so beautiful on its own it's hard to imagine what band, but it's fun trying.


Feb 5, 2014
Hi Jimmianne and Sharon :wavey: , hope you are enjoying your day. It is chilly here too, only today, then it is supposed to be nicer by tomorrow and we will get some real summery weather by next week too I think. Sharon, what bling are you planning to buy? I am glad you joined us here, we are happy to have you here. Now I really should start heading towards bed, soon it is 11 and getting up at 5. :wavey:


Apr 19, 2004
OVincze|1431721863|3877216 said:
Hi Jimmianne and Sharon :wavey: , hope you are enjoying your day. It is chilly here too, only today, then it is supposed to be nicer by tomorrow and we will get some real summery weather by next week too I think. Sharon, what bling are you planning to buy? I am glad you joined us here, we are happy to have you here. Now I really should start heading towards bed, soon it is 11 and getting up at 5. :wavey:

This! Sweet dreams.



Jun 7, 2014
OV, Your Spanx story had me laughing out loud. I can relate to much of what you said. I wear them when I get dressed up, but it is pretty much a love hate relationship I have with them. Love the way they look but hate every second I have them on. A friend of mine wears 2 pair at a time. I have no idea how she does it.

Sharon, Good luck in your search. I hope you favorite jewelry store can help you find what you are looking for. I would also be leary of purchasing something like the necklace second hand.


Feb 5, 2014
Pretty necklace Sharon! I love the style and hope you can get it, are you?

Callie, I have no clue how you can wear those with strong shaping, I seriously thought I could not move and would surely throw up wearing them. I felt like I was in a cage being constricted. I heard great things about them but I did not expect how much they hurt. Thing is that all my extra 5-10 pounds is concentrated on my tummy. Ok there is a bit on my bust and hip area but my tummy sometimes looks like I am a 7 month pregnant hippo. Worse that in the summer I always gain weight due to water retention I believe. No matter how thin I was, when I was 10 pounds less with all my ribs sticking out, I could get bloat up like crazy, now of course it is worse. When you have pain then the Spanx aggravates it. This thing that I got though, I think it is out of their summer wedding collection, is incredibly lightweight and it even out the area and midly shapes it instead of really mininizing it. Normal shaping panties, not Spanx just generic, do not work, I tried them but not only they hurt they make me bulge a lot where the fabric ends, so Spanx is still the answer but I could not believe how much most hurt and cost too. :o I am clueless how you girls can wear the regular ones. I sure wish I had Missy's body, no need for anything like this then. :bigsmile:

Better get going for now, have a great Saturday everyone.


Feb 27, 2007

Missy, I think all of our fur babies are pretty cute and special. It’s a tough call whether they’d be a bigger hit than NIRDI bling. I couldn’t believe how cheap those earrings were. It is 10K gold so if that bothers me and I like the earrings I’ll get them moved to lever backs. They have genuine gemstones or created all for about $25 so what they heck, why not? I bet Greg could make you awesome jewelry boxes. Marty made some really cool penholders for his desk. He loves to putter around and make things. Do you have any of the apps for cats on you iPad? My niece has one where there is a fish swimming around and her cat loves it. Did you enjoy your day trip to the beach?

Jimmianne, I am sure Izzy makes friends with everyone. Sorry to hear the estate sale didn’t have anything that grabbed your attention.

Junebug, I hope your husband found a way to get home. I love CS earrings. I’ll have to check Esty out too. My favorite gemstone earrings are some small oval sapphires studs. What kind of band are you thinking to go with your pretty ring?

Callie, weird that our husbands get excited over golf clubs but yawn at our excitement for a pretty new ring. Rings and earrings are way more cool than golf clubs. You’d be safe hiding in the man cave. You can’t google our address because it’s a new street. That’s too bad your husband hates to travel now. I wonder how long it will take Marty to reach that point. Right now he enjoys it.

Ovi, I hope your perfume and samples arrive soon. Cleaning can always wait; I hope you have a nice weekend even if you have to work. I am sure you can get together with your friend soon. That is great your weather is getting warmer. Your spanx story was funny. The wedding I was in last summer the bride was really smashed in to one of those so her dress would fit. I can’t imagine it didn’t hurt.

Sharon, that necklace is fabulous. I hope you find something like it locally so you can try it on. It would go well with so many different outfits. We are having cool rainy whether here this weekend too.

I gave the program at the astronomy meeting tonight. I decided I am cancelling the meetings for the summer. We’ve met at the local Botanic Gardens for years but they are closing it for a remodeling / rebuilding project for over a year and I haven’t found a place to move the meetings. I figure I can look around this summer for a new place. The library offered to let us meet there but we meet on Friday nights and they close at 5 pm. I kind of don’t like going without Marty so I think it’s lack of motivation too.

I wasn’t very hungry for supper and didn’t want to cook so I had chips and salsa. I’ll probably be starving about bedtime.

No word from WF today so I guess my earrings won’t be magically showing up tomorrow.

Have a great weekend.


Feb 27, 2007
Kristie, I like your new avatar. Cute Westies! I saw the weather was cool for your area today.


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning NIRDIs and happy weekend!

Marcy, Marty and Greg have much in common. Greg is not happy unless he is being creative in some way. And we are the happy recipients of their imagination and talent.

It's too bad that the astronomy meetings are cancelled for the summer but I get your reasons and it probably will make it that much better when you resume the meetings. Sometimes it is good to take a break. Hopefully you will be able to find a suitable replacement for the Botanical center once the autumn begins and before you know it the renovations will be complete. I bet it will be beautiful.

I am sorry you did not hear from WF and knowing me I would have given them a call yesterday asking where are my earrings lol. Are they open today? Call them and find out if they are. We are waiting for the next NIRDI bling delivery. :appl: Which brings me to the lovely Sharon.

Sharon, I love that necklace and it is right up your alley. :love: Elegant and beautiful. Hoping you purchase it and then of course share it with us. I think it is your turn. :cheeky:

Ovi, once many years ago I tried Spanx. No thanks to the Spanx. :knockout: Not worth it IMO. Not comfortable at all for me. But then I have never been able to tolerate tight clothing or anything wrapping around me too tightly. But it certainly can make women look smoother so good for you if you can deal with it. I guess I am not willing to suffer for beauty though I do want to look my best but my threshold for tolerating discomfort for these things has never been too high.

Hope you have a good day at work today.

Junie, how is that yellow pear looking on your hand? Don't answer that's rhetorical I know it is looking fantastic. OK off to search for a suitable band. Fun! Have you checked in with your dh? How is he returning home? I am not sure but I heard the Amtrak trains are still suspended in the NE corridor. But it could change. OK just heard an update on the news. Service expected to resume to normal this Tuesday.

Kristie, hey there! Hope you are enjoying the weekend. I love your new avatar. Sending Finn and Maggie big hugs.

Callie, you know I love you and please contact me whenever for whatever reason. I am here for you (and all the other NIRDIs) no matter what. And of course you are still invited over! C'mon girlfriend what are you waiting for. Greg is ready to cook for us and pamper us as the NIRDI royalty we are. :bigsmile:

Please don't worry about that purchase. I promise it will all work out. I want you to enjoy your weekend and have fun!

We enjoyed a lovely bike ride at the beach yesterday but it was over too fast. Back in Brooklyn now and unsure as to our weekend plans but hoping we all have a good weekend. :wavey:

Jimmianne, sorry the estate sale was disappointing. I feel the same way when I go someplace expecting to see a piece I might love and want to bring home and then there's nothing. But the positive of that is no money spent so think of it as a way to save for future pieces and this way you get to rejuvenate your bling fund.

How did yesterday go? Anything news worthy to share with us? You know what I am talking about. :naughty: Hoping you had fun either way. :appl:


Feb 27, 2007

Missy, we are lucky to get nice surprises from our DH. WF is not open on the weekend but my gemologist will often answer my emails. I have bought a few things from them in the last year and they usually take about 5 – 7 business days to get through production so while I think my pretty EC should be put to the head of the line I kind of doubt they see it that way. Weird. I am delighted to hear you did get in a nice bike ride at the beach yesterday.

Marty's flight had to fly 300 extra miles around thunderstorms last night so he got to DIA about 1 am. He rolled in here about 3 am. I felt bad waking him up this morning but his tee time was 10:30. I had breakfast started so I woke him about 9:30 and told him to take his shower and breakfast would be ready. What a good wife I was this morning. :bigsmile:

Have a great weekend. I doubt I'll do anything for a few hours. I just started watching Die Hard 2. I have no idea why but I really like Die Hard movies. I like to see the good guys kick arse and win.



Jun 17, 2009
Missy, turns out my husband just got a car to take him home. And he has to go to Connecticut Monday by the same train, so he's just going by car again. I am just so upset by that accident, and feel so badly for all those affected by it. Such a traumatic experience for the survivors, and of course just horrible that people died, I feel for their families too.

Dh seems to really like the ring. He said it was sparkly and he likes the diamonds on the band! Oh, he also said it was big enough and that I'm crazy :lol:

I'm glad you were able to get in a bike ride this weekend - we have to take advantage of this warm weather while it's here!

Calliecake, my husband sounds like yours…he's happy for me when I get a new piece of jewelry, but he really doesn't get it lol - when I purchased my OEC and it was due to arrive, I said to him the night before "I'm so excited about this I'm not sure I'll be able to sleep" and he smiled, but had a puzzled look on his face and said "Really?" haha - yes, I guess he just doesn't get it.

Ovi, it's a shame you haven't received your package yet, how frustrating!!! And I'm sorry your friend got annoyed with you about the trip, obviously you had very good reasons why you couldn't make it, I hope she calms down about it.

I'm so glad you like the ring Ovi! It's Y-Z color and it measures 8.96 x 6.36 mm. It's 1.49 ct. The halo is delicate, I wouldn't have minded it being a bit bigger lol. But the halo does help with the finger coverage. I understand now why you love yellow diamonds, it's such a joy to look down and see this sunny color.

Sharon, I keep going back and looking at that necklace - I really hope you can find something similar, it is just beautiful. :love:

Marcy, I do the same thing - I'm not hungry at dinnertime so I eat something light, and by 9:00 I'm starving! I'm looking forward to seeing your amethyst earrings. I've been admiring jambalaya's interchangeable earrings over in SMTB.

Yes, we're going forward with the house - will keep you updated!

And NIRDIS, let me know if you come across any gold bands in your travels around the internet- I was thinking a plain band, or maybe an engraved one - I'm tempted to just go to a local jewelry store and see what they have, because I want it right now haha! The ring does look nice on its own though too.

Hope everyone is enjoying their Saturday! Oh, here's Miss Zoe helping me make my Mrs. Box



Jul 1, 2014
marcy|1431750706|3877365 said:
Kristie, I like your new avatar. Cute Westies! I saw the weather was cool for your area today.

Hi Marcy!!!

66 degrees today!!!!yes!!!!! Bob rototilled the backyard yesterday and re-sodded the grass so it was an amazing reprieve to have the cool breezes. Then two rainstorms came and cleaned the air and helped seat and feed the new sod. I'm not surprised Marty's fight got held up by the storms, they were a driving, hard rain. Glad he made it home safe/sound!!!


Jul 1, 2014
Oh, look at sweet Zoe helping mom sew!!!! She's so petite, the kitty version of Mrs Box lol :cheeky:

Junebug, have you tried on any narrow bands with your ring to get ideas?

Also, we need a name for this ring as you plan to keep her!!!!


Jun 7, 2014
Hi Girls,

Missy, Thank you so much for yesterday! My husband will also thank you when he finds out the whole story. Because of you he didn't need to calm me down. I promise not to do that to you ever again. I really feel bad for bothering you.

Junebug, I have seen a ring similar to yours paired with an extremely thin gold band. Considerably slimmer than the standard slim band and it really looked beautiful, very feminine and dainty. I believe I came across it on a Pinterest page. If I'm not mistake J Crew had some in there "FIne Jewelry" section for around $50. Might be something to consider if you think you would like that type of look. Miss Zoe is adorable. How could you not have fallen in love with her? She looks like she is thinking "Mom, Why are you doing this!" I'm glad your husband made it home safely. I can't imagine what those poor people went thru. Years ago when the bombs went off in the London subway, my husband had just returned home from London. had they gone off a few days earlier my husband would have been in the subway at the exact time. It was a very uneasy feeling.

Marcy, I'm glad Marty arrived home safely. He must have been thrilled just to get home. You are a very good wife for cooking him breakfast before golf. My husband told me once if he ever came home to find me cooking he would bring me to the nearest psych ward because he knows something would be seriously wrong with me. My husband wasn't this morning about having to travel today. It was a last minute trip so there were few options for traveling and he had to be there early Monday morning for meetings. He also didn't mind traveling the in the beginning but the traveling internationally wore off as soon as he had seen everything he wanted to in London. Which didn't take long as he has spent many weekends there. When he was working for another company he traveled to San Diego frequently. I loved that because I would go along occasionally. He had no problem going there when we were experiencing the dead of winter here.

Jimmianne, How did your outing go the other day. Did you happen to run into anyone?

Kristie, Does grass actually grow where you are? I don't remember seeing a lot of it when I was in AZ.


Dec 9, 2013
Just dropping in before falling asleep and will be back tomorrow.

I love the idea of a very thin shiny gold band. With all the diamonds it would be a nice accent/contrast.
Tied to find some pictures, but his is as close as I could find. It has diamonds, but at least shows the idea. images_28.jpg

I did not see dear Jimmy this week, for those of you who have asked, but my local friends are scheming LOL

goodnight everyone!


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning everyone and happy Sunday!

Junie, I love that picture of Zoe helping you with the Mrs. Box. Adorable.
I think a simple yellow gold band similar width to the pear band would be perfect and even an engraved band would look lovely with it too.

I am relieved your dh made it home safely. The Amtrak derailment so horrible and I feel terribly for the families. The investigation continues but no matter what they find the conductor was going to fast into that turn. What is most heartbreaking is that they have the technology to prevent human error like that but it wasn't in place in that section of track. There is just no making sense of such tragedy. :cry:

I'm glad your dh loves your ring. Now we know it is a keeper! And WOOHOO on buying the new beach house. I am very excited for you both! :appl:

Marcy, sorry Marty experienced delays but so glad he is home safely. And you are a great wife making sure he had a good breakfast and getting him out in time for Tee time.

Believe it or not I never watched any of the Die Hard movies. Are they violent? I like movies where the good guys overcome the bad guys but not a fan of violence. Last night we finally watched Still Alice. Really good but so sad. And was is even more difficult to watch because Greg's dad had Alzheimer's disease and it is such a terrible disease. :cry:

Callie, you did not bother me in any way. I PROMISE you. It was my pleasure to be there for you and I cannot say it enough ways. Truly my pleasure. (((HUGS))).

I am sorry Jeff had a last minute trip and on the weekend too. Wish we NIRDIs lived closer so we could all keep you and Marcy company when your dhs travel.

Haha on what Jeff said about if he came home and found you cooking for him. LOL. Same here. :cheeky:

Kristie, it was cooler by you yesterday than here and today is going to be high 80's. OMG I do not think I can wear my boots today and I am sad because I am not sure what I will do. I need that support so we shall what shoes I end up wearing. What is your weather like today and what are your plans?

Jimmianne, I like that picture you shared for Junie. And glad to hear your friends are getting involved to see if there is anything special b/w you and Jimmy. I remember the wise words about when you look back on your life, you'll regret the things you didn't do more than the ones you did. So go for it girl. You have nothing to lose and something to gain even if that is a friend vs something more romantic. Just sayin...

Hi Orsi and Sharon, hope you are enjoying the weekend. Looking forward to hearing about any new purchases bling or otherwise. :wavey:

We had a good day yesterday. Greg and I headed into Soho and met my oldest and dearest friend Tom and walked around enjoying the day. It only sprinkled a bit during the day (rained at night) so it worked out well. Tom snapped a picture of us enjoying the day. I wanted to get a pic of all 3 of us but never got the chance. Notice I am still wearing my boots but it was cooler yesterday. And that sports coat Greg is wearing in the pic? He just bought it a minute before the picture. LOL my dh loves to shop almost as much as I do. It needs a pressing but it still looks better on him than it did on the hangar in the store. ;))

We also went to Warby Parker and I think we are going to order glasses and see how it goes. Have you guys ever heard of Warby Parker? I never heard of them but Tom told us about it and took us there as it was right in Soho and wow. Great prices. Only problem is they were so crowded so I was going to order online but their online ordering is not organized so I am going to try getting a person on the phone this week and see if I can order via phone. Greg and I chose new frames. Exciting lol as my last pair of Rx glasses was years ago. Come to think of it I need an eye exam but believe it or not it's not easy to get one even though I am in the field so I am going with an rx from 2007. Is that bad? :o :cheeky:

Have a great Sunday! Oh and I am also attaching a pic of Tom and me from our Alaska trip from 1995. What a great trip that was! My sister is in the last picture. I cannot believe 20 years have passed. Tom is my closest friend and we have been besties since 1985. He is currently single so if anyone knows of a lovely woman for him don't be shy. He is a great guy. Smart, funny and sweet. And he has a good career. Just sayin... :appl:






Feb 5, 2014
Hi Girls,

Junie I am sooo happy that you love your yellow, I love classic white diamonds in rings, I do I mean it but there is just something extra that yellows add to me, perhaps it is that they make me feel so happy and they are special and different and have such personalities. I am always torn about what I want next, whether I want another yellow for a ring, I must admit I have a thing for them, especially pears and ovals and I could imagine wearing one in a ring, ok a cushion may be nice too but I find that my deep orange yellow has so much personality and presence but really getting another orange yellow oval? Then, I am also in love with old cuts, these OECs on PS are so striking, I just think that the really nice ones are very difficult to come by over here. I definitely understand the ladies here that pick OECs or yellows over MRBs. I own MRBs too but somehow fancies and old cuts have something special to me. I love your rings Missy and Jimmianne but finding stones here wholesale like that would be well more than just a bit hard. We shall see.

Junie so glad about your husband getting home! Did not know you too were owned by a kitty, Zoe is adorable. I read the Mrs. Box thread yesterday and I can tell you that I cannot imagine how you girls are able to make these boxes, I certainly would not have the skill or patience, otherwise I would love to because then I would not have to pay a lot for fancy boxes. Right now I own kind of crappy boxes myself but that is also because I carry a lot of my bling, etc. with me, I know how safe that is but this way I get to show them to people and I must do this, also carry it to work because we will be putting some of mine into the window but I would only leave it there during the day as it is not part of the store's stock.

Yesterday I was dead tired at work, really, not sure what it was the weather or what but I felt that I would pass out all day long. Of course getting up at 5 after 5 hours of sleep does not help, this is what I hate, I would love to be able to go to work and not have to get up so early, I am really not a morning person. Today I slept very well and feeling really good in general but my allergies are seriously killing me, not sure why because I have taken everything under the sun yet my nose is nonstop irritated and I keep sneezing, also taken immune supplements and do not think it is a virus, just terrible allergies.

Yesterday I actually spent a lot of time on PS at work, it is so much fun reading stuff I do not have time to read otherwise but work was terribly boring yesterday and that makes it worse on a Saturday. I particularly enjoyed the Hall of Fame thread and then visiting the specific threads where people's bling was listed. I have not finished but really enjoyed Fortekitty's gorgeous OEC story. Today I should take the effort to respond to people's thread but now of course I need to do cleaning and laundry and so on.

Marcy I cannot wait to see pix of both pairs of earrings! I think you are like me with this shipping taking forever, ok, yours have not shipped out yet and I think it would be much worse for me if I was waiting for bling or stones than waitingn for perfume, in this case I am just annoyed. It would be much more difficult to wait for diamonds or jewelry to me. Then I tend to go out and shop for everything else under the sun because I cannot tolerate waiting.

Missy, I loved your pix, wow you are so gorgeous. You are absolutely right about Spanx, I cannot tolerate it either, it is only this new line they have which really feels like you are wearing nothing that I can bear wearing. They work pretty well and feel great on, it is a summer line for weddings and such. Ok I admit that I tolerate discomfort for shoes, I have to as I am so annoyed by shoes. By now I am on the verge of wanting to go everywhere barefoot. I have extremely problematic feet. Up until now I could never wait for nice weather to be able to wear sandals, now the two pairs that never gave me problems gave me such horrid blisters that for days I had to go to work in beach shoes pretty much with bandages around all my toes and ankles. I have no idea why this happened. The Tods were incredibly comfy all last summer and my Burberry wedges never gave me blisters before either. I am a bad girl as I tend to wear gorgeous shoes and not care about comfort but then even the most comfy shoes kill my feet. It is really annoying.

So happy you went out, see Missy, you are really doing great, getting out of there, etc.

Hope that everyone else is having a great weekend, hi to all of you girls and hope to hear from you soon! :appl: :wavey:


Jul 1, 2014
Happy Sunday, NIRDIs!

Ovi, your schedule would KILL lesser women, hahahaha. Glad you are doing so well :wavey: Chin scratches to Sapphie!!!

Greg looks great in his new jacket and again, the guy cannot take a bad pic. Are you sure he wasn't a model before he settled on a day job?

Hey I was thinking about all the jewels we've bought this year, lot of great things on the NIRDI list for 2015.

We need to get a list going of NIRDI bling bought in 2015.

I'll start the list with my buys:
1. Black opal and 14 kt yg ring, estate. Found on Ruby Lane.
2. Ruby, emerald, diamond 14 kt yg band, antique/estate.
3. Setting for Bubbles, 14 kt wg.
4. Peridot wire-wrapped mini-bomb pendant.
5. Ammonite ring and pendant.

Okay, let's get everybody else's then as we get jewels we add them on and at the end of the year we can see just what kind of support we are giving the economy :bigsmile:
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