
Now I really did it :((


Feb 27, 2007
Happy Mother’s Day! Whether you are the mom of a real kid or a furry kid; you all deserve to be recognized today for helping and caring about other people, kind of like what a mom does!

Kristie, I wish snow was illegal after Cino de Mayo but around here it is more like June 5th not May. Marty and I split the grape Fanta today. I think it would have matched my rhodolite garnet ring. I was too busy drinking it to go get my ring and take a picture. I’ll be curious to see if Squirt makes me think of any of my gemstone rings. I loved the pictures of the bouquet of flowers especially the one with beautiful gemstone rings in with the petals. Also, what a very nice thing to say about the love and support you (and all of us) have found on this thread.

Sharon, tell your kid I’ve got sodas chilling in the frig. The grape is gone now but it was tasty enough that I’ll pick up another one. I hope you had a nice dinner last night with some real grape juice. We picked up Ragu that has marinara with merlot; we decided how bad can it be?

Jimmianne, that purple ring sure matched grape Fanta. Maybe I can find grape Nehi somewhere. I like the idea of a pink lady to match that beautiful pink ring.

Missy, we are doing good. I think the snow is moving out finally. The weather service is saying we had about 5 inches but it is hard to tell since so much of it melted. Having thick hair has benefits and drawbacks. It is like having a big fur hat on when you are warm. LOL to Greg’s line about what doesn’t kill you makes your miserable. I love the cute pictures you found of mom’s and their babies.

Ovi, enjoy your perfume hunt. Rats for losing your favorite sunglasses. Finding the perfect pair is often a challenge for me too. I hope you have a great week!

We watched the movie “Blackhat” last night. It was pretty good. Today we watched an old favorite “Hot Shots”. I watched “Taken 3” while I was cooking and doing dishes.

I am finishing up laundry this afternoon then sadly will venture back to work tomorrow. BOO!

Marty is bored today since he can’t play golf. He asked me “why do we still live here?”

Have a great day!


Jun 7, 2014
Marcy, I get asked the "Why do we still live here" question by my husband whenever it's snowing here. He is usually thinking of golf when he says it. I hope you and Marty had a nice day today even if you were stuck inside. It was a little cooler here today too so your prediction was right as its is also supposed to stay cooler the next couple of days. I'm sorry you have to go to work tomorrow. Has your slow employee picked up the pace at all?

Kristie, Your flower pictures are incredible. You can send the rings my way. Your collection is gorgeous! I love the picture of little Finn! He looks so sweet. Your post had me in tears. Thank you for all the kindness you show all of us here. I hope you know how very much I appreciate your friendship.

Missy, I hope you are resting after your bike ride today. You are almost where you were cycling wise before your accident. What an accomplishment!!!

Jimmianne, I hope you were able to spend time with your daughter today's and that you had a fun day.

Junebug, I can't wait to hear all about your trip and thank goodness the pear makes her debut in two days!

OV, I can't buy bling right now either. I've resorted to clothes shopping and coming here to feed my addiction. Thank goodness everyone here has been posting their beautiful finds. I'm so glad we all seem to loves rings.


Dec 9, 2013
Happy Monday NIRDIs :wavey:

Oh Missy I found boots for you! What do you think? Will they become a staple of your wardrobe?

How was your trip to Lambertville?

I spent the weekend cleaning and vegging out. I spent a lot of time on the couch and saw the whole first season of Grace & Frankie and loved it. Jane Fonda is fearless in flaunting her old age and is so beautiful - really an inspiration.
We are having Mother's Day lunch today and figuring out more of the trip. The more I research, the more I want to just stay in tiny Montreuil-Bellay and explore. I did spend a couple of hours studying the maps and the places to eat and shop, trying to get a feeling of place so it's not entirely unfamiliar.

OV - I hope you can make it to the GTG - wouldn't that be wonderful! Let's think positive!

So we are all waiting for "our" DBL bling to arrive. I think a quick meeting later this week to get some group hand shots is in order!


Dec 9, 2013
running out the door but had to say - I've been getting Bolle sunglasses on Amazon and have been very happy with them : )


Jun 17, 2009
Hi NIRDIS! I'm afraid I'm hopelessly behind because of that dumb iPad eating my post so I'm sure I missed some things, but I want to try to catch up as best I can -

Missy, how was your trip to Lambertville? Did you see any bling that you loved?

Thank you for the Mother's Day wishes - I hope you had a nice day as well! Loved your animal pics, so sweet and very touching to see animals displaying love like that.

Greg's line made me laugh too - So funny, and so true.

Ovi, I'm really behind on this thread, but I hope you had a nice visit with your mom. It's refreshing sometimes to get away for even a few days. I'm glad you're having such a good time shopping for perfume, sometimes we have to make our own fun! :D I hope things are going well for you, I know things are busy and stressful at times for you.

Good luck on your search for a yellow outfit! I'm going to buy myself a few yellow things too - I actually really love yellow, I'm surprised I don't have anything in that color.

Jimmianne, I'm glad you've met someone nice, and it would be wonderful if this turned into a friendship for you.

Lol on the thread in RT - Last time I looked the vote was tied - she can't go wrong with either choice, that's for sure!

Oh, I've been wondering…what did you decide on the Tiffany band? Did you end up keeping it? Sorry if I missed anything on this.

And woo-hoo to trip planning, so fun! :appl:

Marcy, I know this happened a few days ago, but I wanted to let you know I'm sorry for your experience when you visited the cemetery, I can understand how upsetting that was. The flowers sound so beautiful, I hope the visit brought you a little comfort. Hugs to you my friend.

I'm so excited about your earrings!!! I can't wait to see them - I'm not a diamond expert by any means, but the stones look well-performing and beautiful. I wear studs all the time myself, I really like the simple but classic look of them.

Sorry about the snow! I hope it's all melted by now.

Marcy and Callie, my husband says the same thing! He said it a lot during the cold and snowy winter we just had - he'd walk in the door and say "remind me why we still live here" :D I think he hates the cold weather more than I do at this point.

Kristie, love the Waterford and Fanta lol! Your table looks beautiful. I have some pretty Waterford crystal glasses that I never use, you've inspired me to break them out, I'll drink iced tea out of them haha

I love what your wrote about this thread, I feel the same way. Everyone is so supportive and non-judgmental, and when advice is offered it's done in a kind and caring way, not harsh or critical. Honestly, the great ladies in this thread have been kinder and more comforting to me than people in my real life! My feelings are acknowledged and understood here, not so all the time IRL. Hugs to you kristie, and thanks for the nice words and gorgeous flowers!

And…you have a fabulous collection of rings!!! :love: Ok, I have to ask, one ring in particular caught my eye…it's the one at the top of the bouquet, it looks like it might be a spess in a halo? It's beautiful, could I have a few more deets on it? I love all your rings.

Oh, and thanks for the excellent suggestion about the warranty! That is such a great idea.

And omg, I literally laughed out loud when I read your "mommy or a nurse" comment! You never fail to crack me up! And you are so right too!

Calliecake, hope you had a nice time at the shower, and a good weekend.

Oh, and thanks for your nice words - I dunno, the only time I think I look ok is when the camera is very far away lol! but you made me feel better, thank you!

Sharon, hope you had a nice evening Mother's Day celebration, and that you enjoyed your purple drink haha! Such a good idea to go out the night before, restaurants are so crowded on the actual day.

You know, I hope this ring is decent after all this build-up! :lol: I'm getting just a "little" nervous about the finger coverage, but then I remind myself I didn't want to spend all my bling budget on one piece anyway, and to get more coverage I would have had to. Love waiting for a sparkly to arrive though - makes me feel like a kid at Christmas hehe

Went back for a second look at the house, and loved it! It's funny though, now that it's more of a reality, I'm having slight second thoughts I think? But then I think…my dh really wants to do this, he's been working really hard for 30+ years, never complaining, always putting his family first - he deserves this, and as long as we can swing it financially, why not.

Hmm, thanks for listening to my musings :oops:

Hope everyone is having a good Monday so far!


Jul 1, 2014
Hi Junie!

That ring, it has a yellow-orange stone, its a citrine. I'll get a couple better pics of it to post.

Definitely have the seller get you that home warranty, its a speck of dust cost-wise when you frame it in the entirety of the sales price of the house. It buys everyone peace of mind and you can get it to also cover the heating/AC, plumbing and electrical in addition to appliances.

The mommy/nurse dynamic is something I observed in guys in the retirement communities my parents lived in. Most of the single guys could easily get female company as dates but very few of the women wanted to get remarried because, as I was told by the women there: At this age, they either want a mommy or a nurse and I'm not signing up!

LOL, having said that, there are men out there of every age who are NOT looking for Mommy or Nursie and I heartily encourage Jimmianne to follow through when her interest is piqued 8-)


Jun 17, 2009
Oooh a citrine, love that CS! I was loopy for thinking it was a spess :oops:

And yes, I wholeheartedly agree, I'm sure Jimmianne doesn't have to worry about that issue! I just get a kick sometimes out of your observations and comments!

Yep, I already mentioned your suggestion to dh and he likes it!


Jun 8, 2008
Good afternoon NIRDIs!

Jimmianne, LOL. Love those boots but I am sorry to say I would kill myself if I wore those I am such a klutz. Almost all my shoes are flats or at the most a small chunky heel. So while I appreciate that look on others it doesn't work for me. Thank you for thinking of me though. :bigsmile:

We started watching Frankie and Grace this weekend but didn't finish it yet like you lol. Here is my take on the show. It's good not great though as I was expecting a lot given the cast. Jane Fonda looks beautiful but I definitely think she has had some work done. Gorgeous as always though. And a very talented cast. They make the men look like caricatures though and that is my issue with the show. They took the easy way out and it could be a smarter show IMO.

Love your ideas for your France trip. Hope you are enjoying your Mother's Day brunch with your dd today.

Kristie, I loved your flower pictures if I forgot to say that. Beautiful! How's the weather by you? It is in the 80's here and a bit too warm for May in NYC IMO. I need some temperate weather in the low 70's with sun please. :sun:
What plans are on tap for this week?
Ooh please post pics of your citrine ring when you have a chance. You take beautiful photos.

Marcy, glad the snow is melting. I think we all need to move someplace where the weather is beautiful and golf friendly all year long. Hawaii anyone? :cheeky:

Thanks for the movie recs. We started watching Glengarry glen ross last night. So far I am enjoying it. Oh and just wanted to mention Karate for little Harold. Think about it. :cheeky:

Callie, I'm glad you had a good weekend and got to spend some time with your mom and I am glad your sweet fur baby got you a card and gift. MY little ones got me nada. Ungrateful little kitties. HRH Francesca thought I should have gotten her a gift. The nerve. :lol:

Thanks for the cycling encouragement! So far we are averaging a bit over 100 miles for our weekend re cycling. We had to skip Saturday but we got to go Friday so that was good but it was very windy Friday so we only managed 40 miles. Sunday the weather was better and we had a long 61 mile ride and that was very enjoyable though I do feel a bit sore it is good sore.

I know you will understand how I am feeling when I say I have gained some weight and while I normally would not be stressing about that as I was too thin last year I have gained a bit too much. And what makes it worse is I have my annual physical next MONDAY! :errrr: LOL I can see my internist and my gyn when they see I probably gained 30 lbs from last year this time OMG.Honestly it happened so fast. All those cashews and almonds and walnuts really add up. :shock: Of course you might think I would be watching what I eat at least starting now but nope. Just ate a lot. For some reason my appetite is quite voracious even with the knowledge I have my annual physical and gyn appointments next Monday. I am incorrigible and have lost all self control. I am glad I do not own a scale! ;(

Junie, I am so happy you had a good time this weekend and glad you are leaning towards getting this new beach house woohoo! We have to celebrate when it becomes a done deal. And tomorrow you are getting your DBL pear ring double woohoo! I hear you on feeling the pressure with such high expectations but don't worry. If you don't love it just send it back. Worth the small amount of money for returning and sizing if it isn't what you love. No pressure!

Ovi, hi there. I am happy you got away for the weekend though it went fast and glad you got to spend some time with your mom. Taking it one day at a time is a good plan and the GTG is still many months away. You never know how things might work out. Keeping all my fingers and toes crossed. Glad you are enjoying perfumes again. Any word on the shipment from the USA?

Sharon, hope you enjoyed your Mother's day weekend and are feeling well. :wavey:


Jul 1, 2014
Citrine Time!

This proves I feel comfortable with my NIRDI possee: I bought this on QVC! Heehee. It was my second bling purchase ever. I loved the bark texture of the gold work and that it was bark texture all around the basket AND the shank. The citrine is not bad, its a checkerboard cut all around, there are two pieces of suspended diamond dust bezeled on each side of the stone (too small to justify calling them chips or melee!).

It was a cheapie, made by some outfit in Israel, and I wear it a lot. I travel with it because if someone stole it from me I'd be sad but not out a lot of $.

Two pics!




Jun 8, 2008
Kristie, I LOVE it! It's so pretty! :love: OK I know nothing about colored gems but I know what is pretty and what I love and this ring takes the cake on both of those. :appl:


Jun 8, 2008
And I also love the frogs. :bigsmile:

Checkerboard cut is so pretty. :love:


Jul 1, 2014
Its fun to get something ALREADY MADE! and not have to go through "custom" :angryfire: Already made is always and I mean ALWAYS affordable.

Finnie boy is doing really well today, he's getting around just fine. He did not swim last week because the pool was too cold. We have put a large bucket weighted down with 4 bricks inside by the pool ramp where Finn likes to cut the ramp---> instead of walking up the entire length of the ramp and walking onto the kool deck, he likes to cut the ramp by hopping on the kool deck at the first point its level next to the ramp. He lost his footing a week ago this way and his right side went right out from under him and his furry little leg was btw the ramp and the deck. Sigh. I'm just glad he didn't break the leg. The knee is fixed into place from arthritic calcifications, he's already had lots of ACL damage so I don't believe THAT could get worse. We just need to keep him from breaking that leg in an accidental fall or something similar.



Jul 1, 2014
From my band director and musician days, I have every animal possible playing sax or clarinet or flute (my instruments). I have good light on top of my piano, which is where I have some of that stuff displayed.

Junebug, is OUR ring there yet?!?!?! I saved a bottle of Bubbles' Fanta for your FantaTASTIC ring toast!


Jun 7, 2014
Hi Girls,

Missy, The weight you gained will be gone soon with all the cycling you are doing. They were discussing today how Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin were upset that the two males in this show made the same amount of money as they were making. Tomlin said the show IS named Frankie and Grace! The two women also have larger roles in the show.

Kristie, I love the picture of Finn with all his toys. I'm glad he us feeling better!

Jimmianne, Are you getting excited about your trip? Is your daughter happy to be going?

Junebug, How cool you may be getting a new beach house. I'm so glad both you and your husband liked the house. Will you put you home up for sale soon? I am so excited for you to get your new ring tomorrow. I think you will be happy with the finger coverage. I will be checking quite often tomorrow to see the pictures of the ring on your finger. Were you able to see your son and daughter yesterday?

Marcy, How was your day at work today? Has the snow melted yet?


Dec 9, 2013
Callie, I saw that you added your encouragement for the OEC solitaire. Yes!

I am mostly just lurking here again - just in from work and still everyone to feed.
I thought the men in Grace and Frankie were a little OTT and not too believable as a couple. Come to think of it, there was a lot of odd stuff - all that getting high, kissing convicts, etc. Pretty wild 70 year olds!
But I loved Jane Fonda wiggling the flappy underside of her arms in the bedroom scene... or sitting down at the mirror and taking off her eyelashes and hair extensions. Thing like that take courage - flaunting the down side of aging. It made me think - oh! if Jane is falling apart then I guess it's OK lol
[but I agree she MUST have had some surgeries - no one that age has a firm chin line!]

See you all tomorrow.


Jun 7, 2014
Jimmianne|1431389468|3875269 said:
Callie, I saw that you added your encouragement for the OEC solitaire. Yes!

I am mostly just lurking here again - just in from work and still everyone to feed.
I thought the men in Grace and Frankie were a little OTT and not too believable as a couple. Come to think of it, there was a lot of odd stuff - all that getting high, kissing convicts, etc. Pretty wild 70 year olds!
But I loved Jane Fonda wiggling the flappy underside of her arms in the bedroom scene... or sitting down at the mirror and taking off her eyelashes and hair extensions. Thing like that take courage - flaunting the down side of aging. It made me think - oh! if Jane is falling apart then I guess it's OK lol
[but I agree she MUST have had some surgeries - no one that age has a firm chin line!]

See you all tomorrow.

Hi Jimmianne, Was there any doubt in your mind that I would vote for the large OEC? I sure hope we swayed her! I haven't seen Frankie and Grace show but it was being talked about on TV this morning. Jane Finda has admitted to having plastic surgery but in my opinion she hasn't gone over board. She still looks like herself. The scene with the hair extensions and eye lashes sounds hysterical. I swear once you're over fifty it's all smoke and mirrors! You just do the best you can with what you have.

I want to tell you a cute story. When I was in my mid twenties I remember going to lunch with a guy I had dated grandma. She was in her early 80 and had been widowed twice. She was telling me about her first husband and it was obvious she had loved him and they had a good marriage. Then she talked about her husband who had passed away a year earlier. She met him in her early 60's. She said she thought her romantic life was over after her first husband passed away and she was fine with that. Then she met her second husband who she described as the love of her life. She said the years spent with him were the happiest of her life and he was her soul mate. I left that lunch knowing I wanted someone that made my face light up like hers did when she spoke of him.


Dec 9, 2013
Callie, it WILL be fun to see if she is swayed toward the dark side!

I heard a Fonda interview on NPR [with Diane Rehm] where Fonda said she would not have had plastic surgery if she were not a public figure.
She is very down to earth - now 77 & beautiful. Gosh, Lily Tomlin [75] looks great too! Such inspiration to pull a look together. Clean & neat is usually about as far as I get lol They are good role models - sort of like you all here!


Feb 27, 2007

Callie, that is funny several of us get the same question about “why do we still live here?” It must be a golf thing. Today was the first day of retraining for my slow employee and from some of the comments I heard her make she isn’t thrilled at having someone watch her. I talked to my boss again this afternoon and there isn’t anyone in our department he could trade with her. Going through the hiring process takes so long and you don’t know how good someone is until you get them on the job. Sorry you are getting the cooler weather. Most of our snow was gone today. Is there any news on your landscaping project? How was the shower?

Jimmianne, those are some nice sparkly boots. I’d kill myself in those heals. I am happy to hear you are familiarizing yourself with the area where you’ll be on your trip so you can find things you want to see and do. Good idea!

Junebug, I type up things in notepad on my iPad so I don’t lose things. It is so frustrating to lose a post. Thank you for thinking of me about the cemetery. I felt pretty relieved when I found the marker. I will go back soon with something for memorial day and try to park further from the Veteran’s marker that I use to find it. I can’t wait for your ring to arrive tomorrow. I am excited for my earrings as well. I wear studs most of the time too. I think it is natural to have second thoughts about buying the beach house, it is a big decision but it felt right when you were there though so that should tell you it’s something you’ll both enjoy. I will be anxious to hear what you guys decide.

Kristie, all of your rings are fabulous with such great colors. A house warranty does sound like a really good idea. As you say peace of mind is worth every penny of it. I really do think what you said about men looking for a mommy or a nurse is funny. Sad thing is I can put many faces and names to it without trying. Your citrine ring is fabulous! It is such a rich and saturated color and the setting is perfect. I am glad Finnie is doing well today. I was cringing and going “oh no” a lot reading your story about him falling getting out of the pool. Cute picture of Finnie with all his toys.

Missy, I’ll be dreaming of Hawaii tonight. Harold will definitely need karate to survive around here. I am thrilled how many miles you guys are putting in on the weekend cycling. That is awesome. Don’t worry about gaining a few pounds; your cycling will take care of a few extra pounds in no time. You’ll be fine!

Work was a way to earn a few books for sparkly things today. We went out for supper then wandered around Pier 1. Marty found some cool little book ends with planes on them. It matches stuff in his man cave.

Take care.


Jun 17, 2009
Missy, yes, you make a good point that I don't have to keep the ring if I feel it's not for me. I'm really hoping I like it though.

Thanks for sharing in my excitement about the house! I'll keep everyone posted as to what's happening.

Kristie, thanks for the pics, your citrine ring is really beautiful! I LOVE the setting, and the stone is so pretty! Love the color :love: You choosing such a nice piece in your early days of bling -buying is proof of your great eye and good taste!

Love the pic of Finn! He is just so cute :love: I'm so glad he's feeling well - sorry to hear about his near accident and I'm relieved he wasn't hurt, that must have been so scary for you.

And the ring will be here tomorrow! I'll post pics when I get it. Fingers crossed this is a nice ring!

Calliecake, thanks for asking about my Mother's Day, you are so nice…my husband and I got home late Saturday night, and my daughter and son got me some flowers, a few small gifts, and cards. But I went to my mothers early on Sunday and spent the day and night there - I told everyone they didn't need to go, they had been there a few weeks ago and my husband needed to get ready for a business trip.

Have a good night everyone, I'll check in tomorrow!

ETA - Marcy, I think we were posting at the same time lol! Thanks for the reassurance about the house - yeah, the fact that it's such a big decision is a little intimidating! Dh is feeling pretty confident, so we'll see what happens. When do you think your earrings will arrive?


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

Kristie, love that picture of Finn surrounded by his toys and I am relieved he avoided breaking his leg last week. Sweet Finnie boy!

There's a lot to be said for purchasing finished bling vs doing a custom piece. I think most of us have had disappointments with custom bling projects unfortunately. I really love your citrine ring. I mean next to Bubbles there is no contest but a sweet ring nonetheless! And I agree a great piece to travel with and not worry too much.

Junie, today is the day! To share Marcy's phrase I am feeling anxious for you and hope the ring wows you when it arrives. :love: I am glad you shared a nice Mother's Day with your mom and also got love and appreciation from your DD and DS. They know how lucky they are to have you as their mom. Yay for a good Mother's Day all around. :appl:

And also continuing to send good luck house dust and hoping things work out well in that arena too. It's a good sign your dh feels confident about it. If you are like me you are going to harbor some doubts until the house is yours. I think that is normal. Fingers and toes crossed!

Marcy, ugh, I'm sorry there is no one at work to take the slow employee's place and that she is not being open to the help you are offering her.

I am looking forward to you receiving your emerald cut studs. Those diamonds you chose are beautiful and will look gorgeous on your ears. :love:

Jimmianne, I agree that whatever Jane Fonda had done looks natural and she looks beautiful for any age. 77, WOW. She looks great and so does Lily Tomlin. And I didn't even notice the underside of her arms flapping. How did I miss that? All I could see was her lovely figure (again lovely for any age) and beautiful face. I only hope we can age as gracefully (without the plastic surgery though).

I cannot believe that Martin Sheen and Sam Waterston get as much $$$ as Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin. But then again I don't know how it works in Hollywood and maybe they get paid based on their star power and not their time on screen and they are all relatively equal in that area?

Callie, what are your plans for the rest of the week? It is boiling here today but supposed to cool down tomorrow and unfortunately rain (but much needed so I guess it's good) this weekend so looks like no cycling for us this weekend. Is it still cooler by you? I am dying of the heat here right now. Too much for this time of year but today I am going to still wear my boots lol. I am sure people will think I'm crazy but I say to them "a mile in my shoes" yanno? Greg and I both have a derm appt this AM. His is for a full body check due to his melanoma history and he is overdue. Hoping that goes well.

I love that story you shared about the grandmother of your boyfriend. So sweet and just goes to show love is truly timeless. Thank you for sharing that lovely story Callie.

See you later NIRDIs. :wavey:


Dec 9, 2013
I see Finn is a squirrel collector too! How does he keep them so nice - - -they look as though they still have their tails! What a dear sweet boy.

Can't wait to see a photo of that ring, Junebug. Here's hoping you love it!


Jun 17, 2009
Hi all! The ring came this morning and it is beautiful! Very sparkly, and the yellow gold is lovely - the whole ring is a lemonade color, a soft pastel shade, and it's very pretty. I honestly wasn't sure how the pear shape was going to look on my hand, but I have to say I love it! It is flattering and I like that it's a bit different. The shape of the pear itself is very nice. I was worried about the inclusion, and I can see it if I hold the ring a few inches from my face, but from a normal viewing distance I can't see it at all so I'm fine with it.

Here are a few pics I took this morning, didn't get a chance to redo my nails lol - Ok, everyone is going to do this :roll: when I say this, but…I'm a little on the fence about the finger coverage? I have to mention that the ring looks bigger in the pics than IRL. I dunno, on the other hand I'm starting to think I'm being a bit silly about this finger coverage thing. I think part of the problem is my ering takes up a lot of finger real estate and I'm used to that look.

I'm just going to wear it around today and see how I feel. It is a really pretty ring though and it does show up nicely.






Dec 9, 2013
oh oh oh!!!
I'm so glad I checked in before going out to mow!
It's beautiful and it looks very elegant on your finger. The color is gorgeous - yum.

Until you mentioned finger coverage I never would have thought of that... it looks just right - - - as big as is a good balance for your finger size.
I would only want bigger if I were going stark raving OTT
I hear what you are saying about the camera accentuating the size a little but It certain looks generously large from here lol.

It will be interesting to learn what you think after wearing it around today.
I hope we will see more shots from all angles in all lighting too.

Our DBL has arrived. yay!


Jun 17, 2009
Aw, thanks Jimmianne! I'm glad you like it!

Just a few more, a few from farther away






Jun 8, 2008
Junie, I love it on you. It looks delicate but sizable. However I get what you mean re the size IRL so I agree that you should wear it for a while and see what you think. It looks beautiful on your hand though. I love the halo and I love the color. Really beautiful. :love:


Jun 17, 2009
ok, this is it haha!






Jun 8, 2008
Love the perspective shot Junie! It really looks great on you. :love:
Live with it for a few days and see what your thoughts are after that. DSS is real so wear it and live with it and then you will know if this is a keeper. From my perspective though it is gorgeous on your lovely hand. :love:


Jun 7, 2014
Hi Girls,

Missy, I hope all goes well with both you and Greg's appointment today. We are having frost warnings tonight and I have to admit I am enjoying the cool sleeping weather. Do you know of any place where they have 80 degree days and 40 degree nights? I have to put all the plants in the garage tonight for fear they will die if left outside. I ended things with the woman's grandson the following week. After hearing her speak I knew he was never going to be the guy for me. I was young and had felt I would never find the right guy. She helped me more than she could ever have known,that day. 27 didn't seem so hopeless for ever finding someone who was perfect for me after our lunch. The crazy things we think when we are young. I guess Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin were very upset that the men were paid the same salary. It's the old double standard in Hollywood where the male actors are worth so much more money. I'm glad they were very vocal with how they felt. I love hearing when older woman stand up for woman's rights. It's nice to know they are are STILL fighting for all the young ones.

Jimmianne, Jane Fonda is how old??? I know you said her correct age but when I look at her I can believe it. She is gorgeous.

Junebug, Has the ring been delivered????? You're killing me here. I told my husband I was waiting for you to list yiur other home in South Carolina., I think my exact words were I found our retirement home!

Kristie, I hope you are having a fun day today. After your pictures of the ice cream bars I ate the Hagen Daas. I'm throwing the ice cream out today and going to look for the brand you told me about. I hope I can find the mint chip. My niece told me to pick some up for her if I find them. I'm in for a fun afternoon. I'm giving the furbaby a bath. Hopefully my niece and I are going shoe shopping later.

Marcy, If your employee is havig a rough time I would think she would be glad you are helping her. This isn't sounding so promising with her getting up to speed. When are your new earrings expected to arrive?

OV, I hope you are having a good week and have just been to busy post.


Jun 8, 2008
Callie, Junie's ring is here. Check out the posts above. It's beautiful. :love:
And wow that is crazy weather. 80 during the day and 40 at night OMG. At least you can wear all your clothes- summer and winter in the same day haha.

And what is this about shoe shopping? Spill girl. You know I enjoy shoes. :cheeky:


Jun 7, 2014
Oh Junebug, I love it!!! It's the perfect balance of size and still looking delicate. I also love the color. For some reason I don't like the intense yellow diamonds. This color looks perfect to my eyes. Would you really want to go bigger? It looks beautiul on your hand. I love how pear shapes look on hands. They really elongate your finger and as you know I love that you don't see them on every woman's hand. I can't wait for Kristie to,chime in here. I so hope you keep this ring. Thank you so much for posting all the pictures. This ring made my day today! Thank you!
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