
Now I really did it :((

Hi Girls,

Kristie, How is Finn feeling this morning? I see you have found a new jewelry site. This could be trouble! I checked first thing this mornig for an email from you asking what I thought about a piece of jewelry. I was so disappointed when there wasn't one. You always manage to find great pieces and your emails always brighten my day.

Missy, I have no idea how someone could get a new puppy and not be home. I had no idea how much work potty training a new puppy could be. Mine didn't get the hang of it until she was about 4 months olds. It was a long couple of months of taking her out every 20 minutes only to have her still go the floor. It really was like having a baby because all she wanted to do was cuddle and play and find something new to get into. I'm getting my hair colored today. Doesn't that sound exciting! I have showers to attend this weekend.

Junebug, Can't wait till Thursday although I have to admit I'm also more excited about the beach house too. I can't wait to hear what you think of it once you are in SC. You have a lot of exciting things going on this week and they are ALL good. I wish that happened more in life!

Jimmianne, Can you please post a picture of Joy with your new tiffany band. I bet they look beautiful together. Congrats on having your tickets. I always feel better when the tickets are purchased. It makes the trip seem more real to me. One of my friends came home from Europe yesterday but they spent their time in London.

Marcy, Sorry to hear about your new employee. Hopefully it's just the learning curve and once she gets the hang of it all will be fine.
Imhave never heard of anyone allergic to chicken. I'm with Missy and would avoid it. I have a family member who is allergic to shellfish
And is usually ok if they take allergy med but there have been times the reaction has been bad.

OV, I thought of you yesterday. I heard a comment that there will probably be more yellow clothes showing up in the stores because Princess Kate wore a yellow dress home from the hospital. I have seen very few yellow dresses lately. Junebug will also probably be on the lookout for something to complement her yellow diamond. I'm know you understand the sickness of coordinating our outfits to our jewelry. What have you found to wear with your pink sapphire. That's why I like black and diamonds. They go with everything. Have you bought any new dresses lately. I bought a cute violet colored one the other day but I need to take to the tailor. I have a couple pounds to lose and need to get it off quickly. I bought a couple really cute dresses at the end of last summer and they look terrible on me now. Time to throw out the ice cream! I have mostly bought casual tee shirt dresses this past month. Nothing exciting at all.
Hi Girls,

Thanks so much everyone for all these wonderful wishes and nice comments and trying to cheer me up.:))) You made my day. So shopping I had to do some today.

Sooo today I got some really good peeling cleansers and stuff for a rebate I had for 80 Euros almost and then sniffed perfumes and took home samples. I really like Serge's vanilla. Then I ordered from Le Labo, I have lately had this perfume nostalgia now that my ex gave me back that Rose 31 but it is almost empty and I am loving it, I got a small bottle along with body products and some samples from them. They are not cheap but a gift for my senses. I cannot make real big purchases right now as who knows about my future expenses but every once in a while when everything seems bad I have to do something for myself, even if it is small pleasures.

No new dresses but pleasures for the senses. Today went a bit better and now exciting waiting for my Le Labo package to arrive.

Now, the salsa partner flaked out. I am torn on how I feel about this, I really did not like him. But now I am really bummed out because the beginner class started now and if I miss out on this, maybe my whole salsa carreer is over and not that it was a big carreer but I really like the people there. So, my only chance may be to get away for a weekend for a workshop, do a beginner workshop for an entire weekend if I find one and then go to the more intermediate one. We shall see, this may not be an easy solution but if I want to learn somehow then what else can I do?

I love these endless pools girls, I wish I could get one now too. :love:

Marcy that ring is really very pretty, thanks for sharing a pic, we always love to see eye candy.

The headache was over for the last two days but the weather is still very changeable and I am dealing with hormonal issues still so we shall see.

This week I am done with two days of work, have two days off and obviously thought Thursday would be salsa night but it may not be anymore. I am only pissed as we had to prepay for the lessons, may tell the instructor but not sure what he can do. Friday I have to work again. Then Saturday I am supposed to go to Budapest for a girls's party and maybe meeting some old friends on Sunday. These friends are awesome, so that would be a nice meeting, I have to still call them and see if we can do it.

How are your weeks going girls?

You all have a really nice day. Hugs to you all and thanks so much for the caring, loving support and positive energy from all of you. I hope to be able to send it back your way.
Missy, I was fine all weekend but once Monday hit I've been dying with anticipation over the ring lol! I have my hopes up for tomorrow. :pray:

I hear you about living for the moment, and just enjoying life as it is now. I understand how you feel though - the plan is to sell our home in NJ at some point, and honestly that's going to be kind of tough for me. We've been here for 20 years, our kids grew up in this house, and I'm not normally very sentimental but I'm attached to this place. But I'll worry about it when the time comes. As Scarlett O'Hara says, "I can't think about that right now. If I do, I'll go crazy. I'll think about that tomorrow." :D

I'm looking forward to seeing the house - we're actually going to look at a few just for a comparison. My husband seems to have his heart set on the one we're interested in though lol. Thanks for being so supportive and excited for me!

Ah, I was wondering when the pad ring would show up on JbG! I do think it is a very pretty ring, but the price is just too high (I knew it would be lol). I would love to have a pink stone ring, but I can put together one I will like for a price I'm comfortable with.

Jimmianne, the band is beautiful! :love: Wow, what a fabulous find, I love it. Glad to hear you have tickets now - very exciting! :appl:

Calliecake, thank you for your nice words - life has been a little *meh* for me lately - I'm not complaining, things could always be worse and there are good things in my life I'm grateful for - but it is nice to have something to be excited about, and to look forward to. Things will calm down and I'll be back to reality soon, but I'm enjoying this period of fun lol! Thanks for understanding.

Yes, I'm also thinking it would be nice to have room for future spouses and grandkids as well, that's another reason I've changed my tune a bit. Property taxes are a bit high but not too bad, so financially it seems like it's doable for us. Everything is in the preliminary stages though, so we'll see.

It's so funny you mentioned Kate's dress - I love that dress haha! I actually love her style, I think most of her outfits are beautiful. Most of them are too young for me, but I love how she looks most of the time - classic and elegant, but not old fashioned or stuffy. Of course, being young and beautiful helps! ;(

Marcy, I'm so excited about your new EC earrings!!! :dance: They sound like the perfect size and will look sooo pretty :love:

Sorry to hear about the slow worker, it's always something, isn't it? I really hope she starts to get the hang of the job soon, fingers crossed she improves in the next few weeks.

Kristie, hope everything is going ok - I'm picking up that Finn hasn't been feeling up to par, I hope he's doing better. Did I ever mention I love your dogs?

Ovi, hope you're having a good day at work!
Ovi, just saw your latest post…

I'm glad you treated yourself to something special! Yes, a beautiful fragrance can really lift the spirits, and the new skin products sound great. It's nice to have something to look forward to.

Ugh, I'm so sorry these salsa lessons aren't working out for you. Actually, your idea of doing a beginner workshop and then taking the intermediate class sounds like a good idea! I hope you can figure something out, I can tell how much you enjoy salsa dancing.

Your weekend getaway sounds like fun! A change of scenery for a few days will be nice - I hope your friends can meet you on Sunday. :pray:
Aww, a pad ring, I think I have to go see that, I absolutely love pads. I am really a colored diamond person at heart but I love certain colored stones and pads are definitely one of them. Although pink is not usually me, yes I love Pink Sapphie, I think the piece came out really really beautiful, to me at least. It is so feminine, there is something understated yet of course intricate about it as everything Art Nouveau style would be.

Of course I forgot to respond to certain things, new projects, well, I have thought about my big black diamonds for the last 14 months and I really think I should set them. That will be a grandiose project as they are really not for the faint at heart, also a nicely matched pair, so of course dangle earrings but something my ears can handle because we will have a problem with weight here. If we want to make something very Art Deco with white melee and enough gold for the dangles, well, the diamonds are already over a gram each being close to 6 carats each. But this will be something special, I have always felt that. So really thinking this over now.

Yellow dresses, yummm. The ones I have been eyeing, well the Cavalli was yellow and violet, really beautiful, not necessarily a fan of Cavalli but this one I loved. The Escada was the perfect color, orangey-yellow. :love: :rodent: Waiting for some others or sales but they may be gone by then. We shall see, not in a rush.

Hi Junebug! We may have posted at the same time. Hope you are well and excited about your ring and your mom is doing ok too, as well as your whole family.

Ovi, I was only looking at rings; I am committed to getting my earrings. It was fun to look though. How was work today? I am leaning towards dangle earrings right now. I hope you continue your salsa classes; you seem to like it so much. Enjoy your days off. I am glad you bought yourself some special treats.

Jimmianne, Hot Spring Bling. Ha Ha. None of us need much encouragement for sure.

Missy, I did hear that 4-letter word snow in the forecast today. NOOOO!!! I think people can use their leave any way they want but over the years I’ve heard some whoopers for why people call in sick. I have a lot of food allergies. Turkey almost kills me. My reaction yesterday (tingling lips, etc.) was to the medicine rather than the chicken. I probably took too much of it. I basically can eat beef.

Callie, yay for a new hairdo today. Do you like it? I am sure training a new puppy takes a lot of care and attention. I will avoid turkey since it makes me to sick and I think chicken just moved in to that category. Funny thing is I crave it. Your new dress sounds cute. I really like yellow clothes. They are so bright and cheery.

Junebug, good plan to compare a few beach houses but you’ll know which one is right for you. I am so excited for you. I am going to have that employee cross train for a few weeks then she’s taking a week off, sigh. It is always something. The same thing happened when she started. She took a week off after being there a week.

Marty cooked corn, steak and potatoes on the grill for supper. It was delicious and very few dishes. Sweet.

I heard from my consultant at Whiteflash. They won’t price match on the 2 EC diamonds I found but will give me $100 off for being a repeat customer. That puts it about ½ in the middle of the price difference. They would bring in the diamonds and take the pictures and light analysis which might be worth it since you can’t really tell about an EC by the numbers. Decisions, decisions. I am looking at images online tonight of different styles of EC earrings. I was leaning towards dangles on lever backs but I like some other styles as well.

This is my favorite dangle earrings that I found. I think round, baguette or princess cut might work for the smaller diamond. This is on wires not lever backs. I know I can wear a little rubber back to keep them secure. My EC ring has baguettes so I am kind of leaning towards them but the 3mm rounds will add some sparkle. I don't think I'd go bezel set; just standard 4 prong basket settings. Ideas?

Take care.



I'm on a tablet but allergists believe if you are allergic to chicken, you are allergic to all poultry AND each exposure results in worsened reaction, so its dangerous to keep eating poultry. Also, some vaccines include poultry products as well as the material used for joint injections, just fyi, okay.
Ooh, not fun to be allergic to poultry, yikes. Ok, I would be ok just eating fish and seafood and beef I must admit but still so many foods have poultry in them. Now it is allery season anyhow and not good for any of us sufferers.

That is a stunning design Marcy, now you inspired me! :love: :rodent:

I gotta run girls but will be on later. Sleep well and have a great day then.
Good morning girls!

Callie, how did your hair turn out? Did you get it cut too? I am overdue for a cut and my hair is getting more and more gray so on the fence as to what to do. I am not a big color person because of the chemicals and hair damage my fine hair doesn't tolerate well even when I use low peroxide no ammonia formulas but I have to do something because I do not enjoy this look. Do you stick to your own hair color or have more of a color change? I am very curious because I am a novice when it comes to hair color and want to explore my best option. I think I am going to do something before the parties that are coming up in a few weeks.

Yes a new puppy is a ton of work and I agree one should be home to properly train him/her. Marcy that is so lucky you guys get to use paternity/maternity leave however you like!

Marcy, that is a bummer that WF won't price match. I am not familiar with their policies but do they offer price matching with other stones? $100 off doesn't sound incredible but if you love their services and feel it is worthwhile. It's just a shame they cannot meet you re the price matching. I love those dangle earrings you pictured here. They are similar to the style I just got with the emerald cut replaced by the cushion cut. Very similar so you know I love that style. Your emerald cut diamonds would look gorgeous in that setting. I like both bezel set and prong set but if it were for me I would lean towards the bezel set with milgrain but that is if I were getting them for me. I also like the clean look of having them in a 4 prong setting too. I have been wearing little rubber backs with my new wire earrings and they have been working out just fine though it does take me more than a second to get them on because I am clumsy that way.

I am sorry about all your food allergies. I have never been officially tested and from what I understand the tests are not that accurate overall but I know some of the foods I am allergic to because when I eat them I get bad reactions. Genius of me huh? I don't eat chicken or turkey but I know I don't do well with dairy, strawberries, shellfish, wheat, peanuts and maybe soy and other gluten products. Not sure about the last 2. Please be careful with the chicken and turkey and check out those alternatives I posted fyi. Glad you enjoyed a good steak and potato dinner with Marty last night!

And oh no on the snow... no SNOW for you I hope. I'm doing my sun dance for the sun to come out and warm things up for you so snow cannot possibly arrive. :sun:

Junebug, it is good you have other homes to look at for comparison though I expect by now you both know exactly what you want in a new beach house. Always good to look at a few. I know we saw just a couple of homes the last time we started looking and when we found our current house we just knew though it was by no means perfect. No house ever is no matter the budget isn't that the truth. No garage and the kitchen was not to my taste but other than that. So as we all know by now it's what is on the non negotiable list and what isn't critical or at least what is not critical right now...

I love that Scarlett O'Hara saying."I can't think about that right now. If I do, I'll go crazy. I'll think about that tomorrow." I forgot about that one as I always think of the Rhett Butler saying "Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn" haha. I will have to remember the Scarlett O'Hara quote though as that one certainly applies to much of life. Good to remember thank you!

Hoping for the safe and soon arrival of the DBL!!!
There's a lot of good things happening right now in your life and I am very glad for that. You deserve it! :appl:

Jimmianne, how did the orthodontist appointment go yesterday? Did the staff comment on the blingy power of Joy and Ms Tiff? I enjoyed Greek mythology in college but not so sure about it IRL as wasn't there a lot of drama and disaster? Hmm I could be wrong on that as college was a very long time ago but in any case I enjoy stories with happy endings so looking forward to the Tiff and Joy adventures of yesterday and hoping they had a happy ending to the day. :read:

Ovi, hope you get the Salsa thing figured out but I am glad you are rid of that creepy partner. Yay for your two days off work. These are my 2 workdays so we are on opposite schedules this week. I have Serge Lutens Un bois vanilla. It's OK not my favorite. You already know my fave perfumes and I hope you like your perfume purchases. Sometimes the small things are all we need to cheer us up. Have fun on your free days and glad your headache is finished and enjoy Budapest!

Kristie, how is sweet Finn doing today? I love those pin conversions too and that first choice you sent is my favorite. No contest for me. Please update us as to how Finn is doing and we are all thinking good thoughts for him and sending lots of hugs and love.

Have a good day everyone. :wavey:
I saw Gone With the Wind in a theater in the early 60's and when Rhett said the word "damn" some people in the audience gasped. Can you imagine we were so proper then? Sadly, now anything goes.

I raced through yesterday's posts. Marcy, What is all this talk of puppies? Maternity leave is a *must*! When I got Izzy last year she was all I did for many months. I want a second Aussie, but all the puppy-work is still too fresh in my mind! LOL However if you need a puppy sitter ...

Dangles, yes. The design with small round on top is very appealing. Or even with a color gem on top? WF's policy must work for them. Although they dropped the price slightly, they could not price match when I got my Ritani setting.

It was a bling-fest at the orthodontist. The first words out of the assistant's mouth were "anything new bling-wise?" We traded rings for a bit, so I was able to share Joy : ) They gave me a mother's day gift - lavender bath salts they had made. This office is amazing! Since it's mostly for kids getting braces, they give out movie tickets, toys. When you get there your name is on a neon board with a big hello.

I was so glad to get the Tiffany deal but am now second guessing. For about the same price I could get a similar WF band only with ACAs, but it looks a little thicker.
Here is Joy under the table in a restaurant with a pink tester and then with her new friend. I think rosey pink is a good compliment. In the car yesterday she was lemon yellow and it made my heart soar. It makes me so happy to have found something that continues to delight.

Missy, if it were not for you providing a lovely "synopsis" from time-to-time I would get lost in the posts! You rock!
Oh Joy is looking as ever beautiful and those yummy facets swoon! :love:

Happy to oblige Jimmianne. Reading and posting on the NIRDI thread is second to only my first cup of morning coffee (and feeding the kitties too of course no worries... I guess that makes it 3rd but still pretty good :bigsmile: ) when I wake up every morning. :read:
I was thinking doing lever backs and 3 dangles, RB, baguette then the EC but was just checking prices on baguettes - they are proud of those things! If I am spending that much money I think I'd rather get larger EC diamonds. Decisions, decisions.
marcy|1430921176|3872943 said:
I was thinking doing lever backs and 3 dangles, RB, baguette then the EC but was just checking prices on baguettes - they are proud of those things! If I am spending that much money I think I'd rather get larger EC diamonds. Decisions, decisions.

Don't let us stop you from getting bigger LOL but delicate, dangly and sparkly is good too.
I like the 2-stone dangle personally but have not seen many 3-stone to compare it to!
Whatever you get will be beautiful, that's a given.
Happy deciding!

Missy you are so good to your babies - my fat little dogs hang around the computer starving to death every the morning.
Jimmianne, the Tiffany band is beautiful! It looks great paired with Joy, and I think Tiffany channel set bands are just so beautifully done. And I love the look of a delicate line of sparkle. Of course it all depends on the look you want, if you prefer a slightly thicker band maybe WF is the way to go. You can't go wrong either way!

Marcy, too bad about WF not price matching. I love the style of earrings you posted! I think I lean towards bezel set for myself but prong set will look beautiful too. I love the look of the round and EC combination, I like the idea of a little added sparkle. The earrings will be beautiful no matter which way you go! I hear you on how tough it is to decide! Going back and forth between options starts to get a bit stressful. Larger ECs would always be nice, but I think the size you are looking at now would work really well too.
Hi Girls,

Kristie, How is Finn feeling this morning? I hope you are seeing an improvement this morning.

Missy, I didn't do anything different with my hair, just a trim and color You are so correct about hair dye damaging your hair. It dries mine out. My hair was horrible when I was working. I was washing it every other day, blowing drying and using hot rollers or a curling iron. I used rollers or the curling iron every single day. Now that I don't work anymore. I wash it two or three days a week, let it air dryer and then style it. It seems to have really helped. If I'm not doing anything I try to put it in a clip or pony tail and not heat style it. I also condition it for at least an hour before washing. I can't get over how much better it looks. I get it colored every third week because I am really getting gray. She colors the roots and then puts color on the ends for the last few minutes. My hair is very fine and thin. I would love to get some highlights added but the couple of times I have done this in the past, it really damaged my hair to the point it started breaking off. My hair is currently all one color. I hope this help you. I would be very leary of anyone who tells you their products don't damage hair. Your hair will look gorgeous the first few washings when the color is fresh and new but after a few shampoos you will notice the difference. I can't believe I just wrote a novel about hair!

Jimmianne, You are killing me here with Joy love! She looks gorgeous with your bands. How about I just send you money and you can pick rings out for me. The different combinations of bands gives Joy so many pretty looks. I love it! It's making me wonder why when I try staking bands on my hands I don't love the look on me. It is my favorite look on everyone else. Why Is it when I go to the jewelry store and try staking differnt bands I feel that it just makes my fingers look fat and they are very thin bands. That is why I stick to only wearing one ring at a time. I wonder if anyone else feels this way. Are you getting excited about your trip? I hear you regarding the puppy. I also would love another dog but I don't want to go thru the whole puppy phase again. It was exhausting not to mention from 7:00 to 9:00 pm each night she acted like a lunatic. We would take her for an hour walk and she would still run around like crazy all thru the house.

Junebug, One more day till Thursday! I can imagine how excited you are. I also can't wait to hear what you think of the beach house. You have such an exciting couple of days coming up. Enjoy every minute of them! I loved your comments about clothes. That is one of the things I hate most about getting older. I see all these adorable dresses that I would have loved to wear when I was younger and now they would just look ridiculious if I were to put them on. Another one of the joys of aging!

OV, I would love to have the designer dresses you talk about. For the wedding we are going to this summer I tried a designer dress on that looked fantastic. My husband told me to go ahead and get it. I just could not pay that much for a dress no matter how much I loved it. I told my husband I would much rather put the money toward a piece of jewelry. I'm sure you look beautiful in the dresses you buy. I also need to learn to step out of my comfort zone and buy some colorful clothes. Everything you describe sounds so beautiul. I'm so boring!

Marcy, I'm glad you are looking for EC earrings. I know how much you wanted them a few months back. I'm sure you will get something beautiful. The longer dangly earrings are so pretty for the summer. They look so feminine and pretty.

Sharon, You mentioned getting a new car. Do you mind me asking what you end up getting? My husband now all of a sudden wants me to get a new one. I'm trying to decide what I want. I will probably start looking next week to see if anything really catches my eye.
This is what they'd look,like with diamonds. Ooh. I think I'll stick with this style including bezel set.

Marcy, those are just gorgeous, I hope you get them! They'll be perfect on you :appl:

Jimmianne, great glam shots of Joy and I LOVELOVELOVE the new band, just smashing together. Glad you have your tix, you're going to have a great time!!!

I thought Kate looked beautiful in her leaving-the-hospital dress. Little Princess Charlotte is adorable, although I'm sure she's going to be a bitter pill for George to swallow :naughty:

Finn is doing well today, he's getting around fine on all 4 legs :-)

Ovi, keep the salsa going! A partner will appear!!!

Junebug, I'm dying to see hand shots of that gorgeous ring on your hand. If you don't mind, please show us a pic of the box the ring comes in, okay? Its all part of the blingie experience, I sure love me some good jewel box (and thanks to Jimmianne I have THE BEST box EVER!). Please please get a FIRE shot if possible, I'm thinking that stone is really going to bring the fire, yanno?

Missy, glad all is well with you and Greg. I loved the pics of your niece with "her" jewel on, she cracks me up. Glad your pre-mother's day get-together was happy and everyone is healthy. Your mom's knee, is she done with rehab? I was surprised in the pool last weekend that I could take all the pool steps singly this year, rather than having to have both feet on a step before progressing to the next. So in August it's 3 years for me and I still see progress, I hope that is reassuring to your mom.
Based on the custom price for those dangles I will probably go with studs. I'm not paying almost as much for the earrings as I am the diamonds. The price does include two 3mm diamonds but it was more than I'm willing to spend on occasional wear earrings. I can see how much my local guy would charge me. Our jewelry search is never easy but it's paved with glittery things.

Callie: We got a Subaru and I absolutely love it. It is a third car: a fully loaded Imprezza, which is their compact sedan. I love new cars and have not driven a vehicle past 50,000 kms since I don't know when--I think that is enough mileage! I know that is ridiculous, but that is me. Our other two vehicles are German (MB) and have been staples in our repertoire for decades. We purchase either German or Japanese cars.

Hello to all NIRDI's! :wavey:

My life has been hell lately, but that is another story. :rolleyes:

oh Sharon, no. Sorry to hear that. I hope better times are on the way - and fast.
Hi Sharon, I'm sorry things have been difficult. I hope everyone is healthy in your family.
Oh Sharon, I'm so sorry to hear you're going through a difficult time…hugs, I hope things get better soon.
Oh shoot, Sharon, I'm sorry to hear that.

Winston Churchill quote we have as one of our NIRDI saying: When you're going through hell, keep going!

I hope things get righted for you asap.
marcy|1430935271|3873094 said:
This is what they'd look,like with diamonds. Ooh. I think I'll stick with this style including bezel set.

Looks fabulous Marcy!!
Missy, just wanted to chime in about hair color. I'm about 60% gray. I color about every 8 weeks cause I am lazy but seeing so much white depresses me. I only blow dry my hair. Always use conditioner. Seems to help. I will look up the brand of hair color I use and let u know. I wish I could just let it go...
Jimmianne., I had to hunt down pics of your gorgeous Tiffany band! It is beautiful. You really are the queen of deals! Congrats! Hope you're still loving it.
Ovi, I'm just imagining you in those gorgeous designer dresses. I wear a dress only under duress or at weddings. I admire women that are confident enough to wear a dress....

I recently bought "hammer" pants which my daughter thinks is soooo inappropriate for a wedding. I on the other hand love them.

They remind me of MC Hammer. Remember? I get to eat as much as I want and it doesn't show. Yay!!! :naughty:

Kristie, wow you really nailed it on the head about poultry for me. Every time I ate turkey the reaction was worse. The last time I ate it they thought of taking me to the hospital I was so sick. Chicken then became more of a problem each time I ate it. I knew about the knee injections and really have to watch for things with chicken broth. Thanks! I think I’ve reached a point I simply can’t even try it.

Ovi, you know I’d swap diamonds for a bowl of my homemade chicken noodle soup. Oh well. I hope you make some earrings like that someday; it is a pretty design.

Missy, I also noticed that style of earrings was similar to your new cushion dangles. I know you’ll enjoy wearing them frequently. The price difference on the diamonds with the $100 discount and if I pay by wire is about $64 so I think that is worth them pulling in it for analysis and all the photos. However, I am not going to go for that much on the settings. Food allergy tests are very unreliable. I did both the scratch tests and blood tests. They didn’t agree and the scratch tests seemed a bit more reliable. I am glad you’ve figured out what bothers you. Do you find you crave some of those foods? I seem to want things that are bad for me. That Scarlet and Rhett quotes are awesome!

Jimmianne, I mentioned one of my employees is taking about 6 weeks of paternity leave next fall and Missy asked me if I though it was okay for people to take time off for bonding and training a new puppy. I think it’s fine to take off for whatever you want to do; it’s your time off right? I can’t complain at all about my service with Whiteflash. I’ve bought 4 things from them now and at this point they’ll be the first place I go to buy something. I am glad you are treated so well at the orthodontist and how cool they had a present for you. I love my WF band. It is thicker than my Etoile band and I keep thinking about have WF trim it down but you can’t put it back very easily if I don’t like it.

Junebug, does your ring get delivered tomorrow? I think I’ll go with studs right now rather than the dangles. I might look in making some garnet earrings in the dangles for some future project. I will like them no matter what I end up getting.

Callie, I appreciate your story about your hair. I’ve been considering lightning mine but maybe I’ll just try to get more sun; it always lightens it up. I have dark blonde hair. Do you remember Sun In? It was something that gave your hair that bleached out in the sun look? I used it and then was drying my hair in the sun. It turned it Ronald McDonald orange. It was awful! I haven’t messed with coloring my hair since. I like stackables on other people but don’t care for them on me either. Car showing will be fun! I pick out the color and Marty picks out the car.

Kristie, I am sure George will be a bit disappointed when he realizes he has a little sister. I am delighted to hear Finn is getting around well today. That is awesome your knees did better on the steps. Progress is great! My right one is yelling at me right now.

Sharon, I hope things go better for you soon. Your new car sounds great.

LLJsmom, I am very lazy with my hair. I want wash and wear hairstyles. I have electric rollers but rarely use them. I have absolutely no skill with a curling iron or styling brush.

I started my day at the dentist. I passed and got to go to work 2 hours later than normal. Sweet.

So I will wait to hear back from WF on a price for studs before I decide if I want them to bring in the diamonds for me. I am excited either way because that’s where I started this search was to buy EC diamond studs. If I wanted to spend as much money as the custom earrings will cost me I’d just buy larger diamonds and go for lever backs.

Take care.
Ugh, sorry to hear the settings ended up being so much marcy, very frustrating. Maybe you can do better locally, doesn't hurt to ask. I Studs will look beautiful too though, I love EC studs.

Kristie, I'll be sure to post pics as soon as I get it! We're leaving for the airport tomorrow at 11:30 so I don't think I'll be home when it comes, boo.

Calliecake, I feel the same way about liking clothes that just seem too young for me…I struggle with this a little, I have a hard time finding things in my comfort zone…my daughter tells me I worry about it too much and I should wear what I like lol!

eta - just saw your new post marcy - yes, I think EC studs will be lovely! And I agree…if you're going to spend such a large amount it would make more sense to go a bit bigger and do leverbacks. but it will be great to have studs too.

And I remember Sun-In! I used it back in the day, many years ago, and at the time I thought my hair looked good but then my sister told me it looked orange! :oops: :D
Junebug, that is kind of funny your hair went orange too. I had to have my hair dyed after that and they ended up bleaching it because that orange kept bleeding through. I thought it looked great too before that happened. Have fun on our trip to see beach houses! :wavey: Safe travels!

I am quite okay with going to studs for my earrings. As I just told Kristie, my gut keeps telling me this size of diamond is better suited for studs than dangles.
