
Now I really did it :((


Feb 27, 2007
Love your pictures and captions Jimmianne. That brightened my morning.

Will respond later today but I did have one horribly blurry picture of the KB sapphire over my ring.

Have a great day.



Jun 7, 2014
Hi Girls,

Missy, I'm so glad you had a nice time with Greg's brother and your niece and nephew. I didn't realize your MiL was also going with. That must have been a really fun day for her to have everyone together. Greg and his brother look so much alike. It's also nice that the weather was good. Your niece has the most beautiful hair. I always love seeing pictures of little Francesca!

Marcy, That Sapphire is gorgeous. I came back here this morning looking for diamond earrings. Was I surprised to find this beauty! I think you made a wise choice. It is obvious you were blown away by this stone. We have all changed our minds on a purchase at one time or another. I'm glad your getting something you fell in love with. Those are the best purchases. It sounds like you had a great time with your sister. Does she understand your love of jewelry?

Jimmianne, I love the pictures you posted, especially the one of you! You are so pretty Jimmianne! It looks like your weather is getting nice. I can't wait until the grass starts to turn green around here. It is supposed to get warmer here this week.

Kristy, Wow I can't believe how warm your weather is already. Are the temperatures normally this hot so early? Did Bob enjoy his wonderful birthday dinner? Did Finn and Maggie?

Junebug, I hope you are having a wonderful time on your trip! I can't wait to hear all about everything you did the past few days. It so nice to just get away from everything.

OV, Are you finished with the spring cleaning? When is your mom coming to visit? I'm glad she is coming to see you. Are you feeling better? I'm hoping you have a very peaceful week.


Jul 1, 2014
Even blurry, the color of that sapphire, its wonderful :love: I learned something new from your purchase too---"Kentucky Blue!"

Marcy, what is this sapph's name? Does she watch the Kentucky Derby with a big hat on???????

Fellow jewelaholics, I need to share this morning.,q=tjc-5236

Missy and Callie told me about Ruby Lane. Here's my purchase from last night, half-watching "Mr. Selfridge" and trolling the jewelry section.

LOL, I love those pics, Jimmianne, heehee, the captions are just as good as the pics BTW!!!

Francesca DOES have a morning HARUMPH! face, LOL, she is like her Aunt Kristie: Don't wake her up!


Jun 8, 2008
Love that teaser pic Marcy. Friday will be here before you know it! :appl:

Callie, did you have a nice weekend? Did you end up buying anything?
Thanks for the compliment about my niece's hair. She does have gorgeous hair.

Kristie, I love that opal ring. So pretty! Ruby Lane has some nice jewelry and it is a place I enjoy visiting online often as you know hehe. Please post pics of the ring when it arrives.

Girls, does anyone have a FITBIT? And if so which one? I am confused as there are a lot of different FITBITs out there and I am not sure I even want one but my girlfriend is telling me I would love it. I just found a thread here from January on fitness trackers but I am no clearer on the best one to get. I don't want to sleep with it and just want it to show how much I move during the day. Not interested in anything complicated but it does seem better than a pedometer not that I have ever had that either lol. If anyone has any advice or info to share about activity trackers I would love to hear it. Thanks!


Jul 1, 2014
Missy, this is: A. One of the funniest pieces I've read recently and B. Everything you need to know about FitBit. David Sedaris. I wont' say more about it in case you read it :read:

Seriously funny, laff yourself hoarse.

I thought about getting a FitBit but I wouldn't want the one that tracks sleep because I don't want concrete proof of my sleep issues :knockout:

The basic FitBit, $99, doesn't have the sleep tracking.


Jun 8, 2008
azstonie|1427744882|3854662 said:
Missy, this is: A. One of the funniest pieces I've read recently and B. Everything you need to know about FitBit. David Sedaris. I wont' say more about it in case you read it :read:

Seriously funny, laff yourself hoarse.

I thought about getting a FitBit but I wouldn't want the one that tracks sleep because I don't want concrete proof of my sleep issues :knockout:

The basic FitBit, $99, doesn't have the sleep tracking.

Thanks Kristie. I was just getting myself all aggravated in the political section of PS. I don't get why smart people cannot or will not read the writing on the wall and see what is right in front of them. I am all flushed and stressed now so I am going to read your David Sedaris link, thank you! I can use some laughs right about now. :appl:


Jun 17, 2009
Hi NIRDIS! I'll do my best to catch up with everyone!

Marcy, I love how your emerald ring turned out :love: What an excellent idea, the larger diamond looks perfect and really complements the emerald, it really looks fantastic! I also love your new sapphire, beautiful color and a great size. :appl: I love sapphires too, I think they just might be my favorite gemstone. Can't wait to see it set!

Glad you had a good time with your sister and her family!

Talking about dreams, I had a doozy while I was away - I dreamt I went to my mother's house and my sister was still there - my mother was dressed in a really nice outfit, had her hair colored and styled, had make-up on and was walking around the house with just a cane…and my sister was saying things like "yeah, it was easy to get mom to do these things, I'm so glad I was able to help her". Lol, a psychiatrist would have a field day with this one. Yes, dreams are fascinating and also a very weird phenomena!

Lol on the killer bunny pic! Man, those bunnies are vicious! :D

Missy, personally I think getting a few roombas is an excellent idea! :cheeky: Love the pic of the kitty checking out roombie, cute! The family outing sounds like it was fun, it's nice for everyone to get together once in a while, and I'll bet it meant a lot to Greg's mom.
Thanks for the song suggestions! I need to add some new ones to my playlist - I'm familiar with quite a few of the songs you suggested - I recently heard Exes and Ohs on the radio and really liked it.

Kristie, congrats on the good deal on your new furniture! I'm happy you found something pretty and comfortable. :clap:
Right now 93 degees sounds good to me lol. Bob's birthday dinner is my husband's dream dinner, wish we could have joined you :cheeky:

LOVE the ring you chose! I really like Ruby Lane too, I have had my eye on a fairly inexpensive ring for a while that I just might treat myself to while I'm hemming and hawing over what to buy.

Jimmianne, your outing with friends sounds like it was fun, glad you had a nice time. Love your pic, you look great! Love the bunny and kitty pics, SO cute!!!

Calliecake, I had a nice time in San Antonio! We went to the Alamo and ate too much on the Riverwalk lol. It was nice to get away for a few days, although for some reason I had trouble relaxing completely, not sure why. Hope you had a good weekend, did you do anything special?

Hi Ovi, hope you're feeling ok, I agree that sometimes it's cathartic and healthy to just give in to feelings and have a good cry once in a while - sometimes it's draining to be strong! Sounds like you have a new job working at a jewelry store? It can be very stressful adjusting to a new job, I'm sure you will get used to everything, it takes a while sometimes to feel comfortable. Hugs, I'm thinking of you.

Will check in with everyone soon!


Jun 8, 2008
Welcome back Junebug!!! We missed you!!! Group (((HUGS))).

I am glad you enjoyed your time away!
I think you had trouble completely relaxing because you are not used to doing it. My Rx is more vacations! :bigsmile:



Jul 1, 2014
Junebug, the last out of town trip Bob and I took, had the same 'lack of relaxation' that you reference. I believe its been too long btw little trips for me and because of that, all the work getting the house ready for the dogsitter was too much to get over in 3-4 days. I'm sure you had to do quite a bit of prep work to get your mom and her situation ready for your trip too. I think Missy is right for both of us :lol: , not so much time between disconnecting from the stresses.

Missy, there's a political thread in Hangout? I can't find it, I went looking to see what was what!


Jun 8, 2008
azstonie|1427747298|3854685 said:
Junebug, the last out of town trip Bob and I took, had the same 'lack of relaxation' that you reference. I believe its been too long btw little trips for me and because of that, all the work getting the house ready for the dogsitter was too much to get over in 3-4 days. I'm sure you had to do quite a bit of prep work to get your mom and her situation ready for your trip too. I think Missy is right for both of us :lol: , not so much time between disconnecting from the stresses.

Missy, there's a political thread in Hangout? I can't find it, I went looking to see what was what!

Haha, I hope we are on the same side but I love you no matter what- :halo: honestly I mean that. Here it is.


Yes I agree you both need more vacations and less time between each so time to come and visit me and HRH Francesca beckons you as well. She told me she will treat you like the princesses you are and you deserve to be pampered lots!!! So c'mon over. :appl:


Jul 1, 2014
marcy|1427684990|3854351 said:
Killer likes Fanta Orange soda too.

Bubbles is very, very worried :-o

Marcy, where did you find a honest to God bottle Fanta soda? OMG, every now and then my mom would allow me to have the dreaded S.O.D.A and I usually wanted Fanta, orange or grape. Usually on a road trip at a gas station with one of those old machines, the kind that are on the ground, you reach in and get your icecold drink, remember those? My father bought real estate for Shell Oil to develop into service stations and he used to take me with him on weekends to go see the land that he'd picked with its Shell station up and running and I'd usually get candy and soda while my dad talked to the station owners. LOL, good times! Getting a Michelin Man keyring was a COMPLETE BONUS!


Jul 1, 2014
missy|1427747442|3854687 said:
azstonie|1427747298|3854685 said:
Junebug, the last out of town trip Bob and I took, had the same 'lack of relaxation' that you reference. I believe its been too long btw little trips for me and because of that, all the work getting the house ready for the dogsitter was too much to get over in 3-4 days. I'm sure you had to do quite a bit of prep work to get your mom and her situation ready for your trip too. I think Missy is right for both of us :lol: , not so much time between disconnecting from the stresses.

Missy, there's a political thread in Hangout? I can't find it, I went looking to see what was what!

Haha, I hope we are on the same side but I love you no matter what- :halo: honestly I mean that. Here it is.


Yes I agree you both need more vacations and less time between each so time to come and visit me and HRH Francesca beckons you as well. She told me she will treat you like the princesses you are and you deserve to be pampered lots!!! So c'mon over. :appl:

My thought on this are that there has to be a place for both Israelis and Palestinians. The 'right' result would leave both parties grumbling but stop the warfare. I know, that is a simple response to a complicated situation. Its a tough one. When I heard the sound bite of the speech I wondered if I heard it right because it sounded like the US was being called out for not doing enough and when one sees the amount of money and resources sent to Israel by the US over the decades, its substantial. I'm not saying I need gratitude but OTH don't tell me the US isn't reliably ponying up either.


Jun 8, 2008
What gets me is that it seems many people just don't get the fact that Israel doesn't want to kill the Palestinians but the reverse is not true. I don't want to get into that in this thread though and that's why I linked you to the political thread. But here is the podcast I find to be true on many counts. I think it is a really good read. Not sure where you read about the US being criticized. I was reading the blog and not listening to the podcast so maybe I missed that. No what I was talking about is the fact that Palestine and Israel will never peacefully coexist and not because of Israel but more because their enemies want to annihilate all of Israel and Jewish people all over the world.

One quote
What do groups like ISIS and al-Qaeda and even Hamas want? They want to impose their religious views on the rest of humanity. They want to stifle every freedom that decent, educated, secular people care about.


Feb 5, 2014
Jimmianne those inspired by photos were A-amazing, just had a blast. :lol: :clap:

Junebug, it is really nice to have you back among us and please tell us all about your vacation, hope you had a great time! Actually, no I am still at the same place cooperating with and working for a special order bling store in Vienna but I have my own company too, what has changed is that my ex left this store fortunately and I have been spending time alone there which can be difficult because it is a lot of responsibility and I am not so confident about my German. It can stress me out. Also, the goldsmith that used to be a co-owner wanted me gone because he was jealous but now we have a new goldsmith there but still a cooperation with the old one. The new one is an employee and appears to be a nice guy actually. Old goldsmith, crazy guy, used to really have things in common with ex stressed me out before closing tonight, the worst time when I need to secure everything, so it was slightly stressful but fine. Otherwise, I love working there because even though it is new and not so many people come in, I love my colleagues. I also love working for myself but it is pretty much the same thing and a perfect combo for me this way, for the moment at least.

Callie, it is nice to have you back, I have missed you lately, I have not heard much about you, please tell us about yourself, ok? What have you been up to? Weddings and shopping? I missed hearing from you this past weekend.

Kristie, hahaha, cannot wait for Bubbles so you had an impulse purchase? I am so bad this way, I do it all the time, I am waiting for a project to get done and while I wait and cannot wait, I buy many other things, usually clothes, shoes, bags, cosmetics, whatever I think of and catches my eye at the moment. Lol, congrats! Cannot wait for the return of Miss Bubbles.

Marcy thanks for sharing that shot, it was still nice to see, helps our imagination.:))) So you are having her set in this setting and not flanked with pears or did I misunderstand something?

Missy, hope you are fine, it sounds like you had a great time. I loved seeing your photos but of course would have loved to see you on them.

As to a peaceful week for me sometimes I do not want to wish for too much. I would lie if I said that I was not experiencing post trauma, yes I got better and felt liberated and then much worse, taken a plunge. I would also lie if I said that it was not in large part due to my dad betraying me. You know my dad has not called me, met me while he was in Vienna while he met with my ex and his parents several times, so how would you all feel? I am quite positive he took my lawyer away and the lawyer is not calling me back or responding at all. I am sure that he was told not to represent me anymore because they want the case to die out. I am taking a new lawyer this week for sure and I can only hope this lawyer did not do anything illegal against me, his true client. I try not to be scared about that, this is all I can do at the moment.

The accountant I am also icing now after clarifying things with her but for the moment I think she was only nice to me because of course even though she went with my ex to my tax audit she wants me to pay her, well, I feel like just telling her to take a hike. In fact I really think I should. Not even wanting to talk to them now as when I am really pissed I stop talking to people anymore.

Ex is still on his vengeance trip playing games with my phone and getting a new one on Wednesday, he has blocked me and Martina our colleague but who cares, I had a good laugh. What is the most scary of all things is that we know nothing, not my mom or anyone because of my lawyer doing who knows what. I must act fast to take a new lawyer anbd have him represent me, either way I am prepared for defeat honestly, I had to come to terms with that it is ok for victims to be victimized further and predators getting away this was the hardest to swallow but the systems are rotten everywhere and laws are broken all the time. No matter what happens if it results in getting rid of my ex, then all will be good. Do not misunderstand me, I will go all the way and fight but I have to also accept that even though the truth is on your side the truth does not always prevail in life and I have to at least try hard to not allow others to terrorize me and vengeance to upset me and not let abusive people scare me.

My mom is coming tomorrow and we have talked that we will try being calm and doing everything fine so even if we are not to have the greatest time, we can still enjoy each other's company. I am just not sure how much computer time I will be allowed ROFL.

Bling, yes I am a blingaholic and a gemaholic but right now my projects are somehow not exciting me as much, I have no clue why. Also, the wait for them has been too long. One project is only a maybe, that will be an emerald project if I do it. My other one the pink sapphire was put on hold for a while due to other more urgent work we had to do for others. Maybe if I was doing a colored diamond project I would be crazy for it or just buying one first, have not in a long time. Need to soon.:))) Waiting at the moment though till times are a bit calmer here.

Not sure I told everyone here that I may take in a roommate, a very nice girl, we shall see but this may work out for both of us.


Jun 8, 2008
Ovi! First of all I am glad your mom is going to be visiting you and I hope that she gives you lots of support and unconditional love. Second of all I think it is a good idea to have a nice roommate for company. Third of all I am so sorry about your dad and his awful behavior. Know that it is all on him and his problem and has nothing to do with you in that it is not your fault in any way.

Thank you for checking in with us and I hope you have sweet dreams tonight. (((HUGS))).


Jul 1, 2014
Missy, this is what I'm responding to (can't get the quote function to work): You wrote: What gets me is that it seems many people just don't get the fact that Israel doesn't want to kill the Palestinians but the reverse is not true. I don't want to get into that in this thread though and that's why I linked you to the political thread. But here is the podcast I find to be true on many counts. I think it is a really good read. Not sure where you read about the US being criticized. I was reading the blog and not listening to the podcast so maybe I missed that. No what I was talking about is the fact that Palestine and Israel will never peacefully coexist and not because of Israel but more because their enemies want to annihilate all of Israel and Jewish people all over the world.

Missy, what I was listening to was a sound bite from Netanyahu's speech (I think it was to the UN?) and I thought he was saying that the US wasn't a reliable supporter of Israel, that's how I took the snippet I heard. I hope the average Israeli thinks the US supports them.


Jul 1, 2014
I thought Netanyahu was Janet Jackson-ing the US: What have you done for me lately? (Little levity?)

Its to everyone's best interest to put the lid on Iran and fast.


Jun 8, 2008
azstonie|1427751349|3854715 said:
I thought Netanyahu was Janet Jackson-ing the US: What have you done for me lately? (Little levity?)

Its to everyone's best interest to put the lid on Iran and fast.

I agree 100%. :appl:

As far as what the average Israeli thinks I cannot say but I do think the US supports Israel. I am not however a huge fan of the way Obama has gone about things concerning this issue and other issues but that is all I want to say here on that lol. Suffice it to say certain things have been a disappointment during his administration. Things I had high(er) hopes for but ultimately all politicians share much (bs) in common. :knockout:

I didn't listen to the podcast but was reading the audio cast I linked.


Feb 5, 2014
What gets me is that it seems many people just don't get the fact that Israel doesn't want to kill the Palestinians but the reverse is not true.- This I completely agree with but I do not want to open a can of worms up here. Was this quoted from you Missy? Of course the opponents will say that both you and me are Jewish but regardless of that I think this is reality and I am trying to look at it from an unbiased point of view though perhaps I am not the best person to say this. I hope you do not mind my being open about this here with you girls and that I am not hurting anyone with what I just said. I hate politics in general and try not to get involved as I normally just prefer peace for everyone and to accept everyone for who they are and love them for who they are regardless of color, race, gender, preferences, etc.

Missy, thank you, my father has always been a horrible father, that is a fact. I have not done anything to deserve this from him but he is completely influenced by his absolutely cruel wife who is jealous of everyone from his family. He has gotten a lot worse since my grandma died and somehow is entirely under his influence. I told him that I would be happy to meet him and only him but not my ex and his parents because first of all it would be highly traumatic for me and second of all I have nothing to negotiate with them. If they signed any documents without me, that is forgery and worse but I am not sure I would be ready to sue my dad, this is simply horrible. His wife loves drama more than anything else. They never had a part in my marriage besides enjoying now that I was hurt badly. That is all I can say and that I need a new lawyer and calling the one they referred me to and called on Friday once I get up tomorrow.

The last two nights I did not sleep so much, so I hope I can sleep a bit more tonight. It is almost midnight and I need to get up to finish the house as well as I can and then get my nails done and wait for mom and her hubby and I often just call them my parents, I think that knowing my story, you guys are probably not very surprised. Even though I have only known him for the last 9 years of my life, he has been much more of a father to me than my own.


Jun 8, 2008
Yes, that was me Ovi. It is quite the can of worms isn't it. I cannot believe how much hate others have in their heart for no good reason at all. It is pure evil and it scares me and it should scare everyone. That link I shared has some profound thoughts. I hope you read it when you have time. I agree with the author that it is just not a problem for Israel and Jews but ultimately affects the freedom religious and otherwise of every person in this world.

The author wrote at the very end of his speech:

What do groups like ISIS and al-Qaeda and even Hamas want? They want to impose their religious views on the rest of humanity. They want to stifle every freedom that decent, educated, secular people care about. This is not a trivial difference. And yet judging from the level of condemnation that Israel now receives, you would think the difference ran the other way.
This kind of confusion puts all of us in danger. This is the great story of our time. For the rest of our lives, and the lives of our children, we are going to be confronted by people who don’t want to live peacefully in a secular, pluralistic world, because they are desperate to get to Paradise, and they are willing to destroy the very possibility of human happiness along the way. The truth is, we are all living in Israel. It’s just that some of us haven’t realized it yet.

Just a snip from the end. A good read all the way through and I am interested to hear your thoughts.

I am terribly sorry about your dad. His behavior is nothing like what a dad's behavior should be towards his daughter. I hope you can take peace from knowing you are a wonderful and good person and you deserve so much better and you are on your way to realizing a better happier life. You have people who love and support you and as long as you know that and know you how strong you are you will not just be OK you will be great. (((HUGS))). I hope you have sweet dreams and a good sleep tonight dear Ovi.


Feb 5, 2014
That nailed it Missy, such a very very true quote and that is a really sad thing to say. Thank you for the reading recs I will try to get to it.

Right, well, I have seen a few therapists in my life and all of them without exception have said that I needed to cut my dad off. Many of them knew him very well and he is very well known in his profession and all of them even those working for or with him have said that the only problem I had in my life was him. He of course does not think so but perhaps once I truly cut him off and heal then I will find the ultimate inner peace one can find and have a possibility for happiness. These are things I need to sort out in my head and heart. I know that somehow I will be fine. I am a very social and loving person and for this reason it is just hard for me not to try to help others and love others but I deserve some love too and not at the price that it is only me doing the loving. Maybe, eventually but being so social makes it hard for me to not have my own family.

We shall see, until then I will try to enjoy my bling and gems and projects and interact with my friends and wonderful clients. And of course you girls. I feel loved and welcome and accepted here and I feel the same way towards you.


Jul 1, 2014
Ovi, Americans are generally not students of history and they aren't so hot on current events either (but you knew that). This is why their level of ignorance is shocking in terms of Israel/Palestine. In addition, bigots and antisemites are EVERYWHERE, I have 2 in my own family I am extremely sorry to say. I'm not in touch with them anymore but they knew not to open their mouths around me at family gatherings because I called them out every.single.time.

In addition, nutbags the world over eat up crazy BS like "The holocaust never happened" that kind of ridiculous garbage (Mel Gibson and his father). Many Americans don't know that boatloads of deathcamp-fleeing Jewish people were turned away from our shores during WWII. The New York Times has a legacy of shame regarding the annihilation of Jews/minorities during the WWII era--it knew about it but did not report it. That is a serious issue for America's newspaper of record. America and every other country who could have helped Jews/minorities but did not have a legacy of shame that they should make amends for in the present and future. The problem is going to be when the last survivors are gone and the crazies who say "It never happened" go largely unchallenged.

I spent my young adulthood in Los Angeles, which has a large Jewish population. Most of the people who generously invited me into their homes and treated me like family were Jewish.


Jul 1, 2014
I'm back from Finn's acupuncture appointment.

It went great.

UNTIL THE VET FUMBLED AND TURNED THE ELECTRICAL CURRENT LINES TO MAX and Finn about jumped onto the ceiling and he CRIED. I've only heard him cry from pain twice in his little life!!!! :wall:

When it was over I wanted to hustle him home so he could rest from his treatment and while I was paying the bill a 250-lb mastiff who just came to consciousness after a massive seizure found his way past his minders and came right up to Finn, who about wet himself he was so scared.

I think I need some Crystal Head Vodka before Bob comes home.... :doh:


Jun 8, 2008
Oh no poor Finn! How is he doing now Kristie? I cannot believe the incompetence level of so many people we trust to care for our loved ones. Appalling. :cry:

Hugs to sweet Finn and you too. Please have a glass of Vodka on me.


Jul 1, 2014

Ovi, I am so sorry about your dad (and kinda your mom right now, right?). I've been pretty open about my situation with my parents---both are malignant narcissists and my mom IMHO also has borderline personality disorder. Regardless of "diagnosis," they are abusive parents who won't be satisfied until I'm completely wrecked in life. I'm in a period of No Contact and I fully expect that this will be the case until they shuffle off the mortal coil (they are 85 and in outstanding health). They make no attempt to contact me at all and aren't interested in making an apology for the last explosion of abuse and lies they served up to me last July. *They* are the ones who apparently aren't interested in "family" at all. Bob points out that as long as he's known me/us, I've been the one wanting a family relationship with them, not my parents.

The website above, Out of the Fog, is for the spouses, children, friends, employees of people with personality disorders. I don't post in the Forum anymore but I read it occasionally to remind myself of why I don't go back to my parents. The thread above might ring true to you. You are young, Ovi, and you can change things in your life for the better and reap a LONG TERM improvement from that.

We love you here, you are completely smart and beautiful (we've seen your pics with the kitties!) and talented and accomplished and likeable/lovable. I'm so very sorry your parents are incapable of taking care of you, their precious daughter. Your stepmother can go pound sand :lol:


Jul 1, 2014
missy|1427759503|3854773 said:
Oh no poor Finn! How is he doing now Kristie? I cannot believe the incompetence level of so many people we trust to care for our loved ones. Appalling. :cry:

Hugs to sweet Finn and you too. Please have a glass of Vodka on me.

Missy, he RAN into the house, I think he felt pretty good after the appointment. He got the acupuncture treatment and also a therapeutic massage from two women vets and he pretty much thought he died/went to heaven! He just had this beatific smile on his furry mug during the two-babe massage :lol: Then the electrical stimulation mishap, I bet he's going to have mixed feelings about going back on Thursday: Well, the massage here is great but the electrical torture, not so much!


Jun 8, 2008
azstonie said:
missy|1427759503|3854773 said:
Oh no poor Finn! How is he doing now Kristie? I cannot believe the incompetence level of so many people we trust to care for our loved ones. Appalling. :cry:

Hugs to sweet Finn and you too. Please have a glass of Vodka on me.

Missy, he RAN into the house, I think he felt pretty good after the appointment. He got the acupuncture treatment and also a therapeutic massage from two women vets and he pretty much thought he died/went to heaven! He just had this beatific smile on his furry mug during the two-babe massage :lol: Then the electrical stimulation mishap, I bet he's going to have mixed feelings about going back on Thursday: Well, the massage here is great but the electrical torture, not so much!

Woohoo You go Finnie boy! :appl: :appl: :appl:
Kristie, you just made my night. Thank you!


Jun 7, 2014
Kristie, OMG is Finn okay??? How the heck could the vet make such a huge mistake. Poor sweet Finn. How could they let 250 Mastiff walk freely. Even if he is the best behaved dog in the world he is still an animal. I would be terrified if a Mastiff came up to my furbaby. Thank goodness Finn was smart enough to be afraid. Mine would think she could take him down. I think you need the Crystal Head after the afternoon you just had. Please let me know if Finn is going back there next week. I will Fed Ex a new bottle of Crystal head for you and will send Finn some treats and a toy!

Can they just massage Finn and skip the electrical current treatment?


Feb 27, 2007
Happy Monday, NIRIs!

Ovi, I am glad you enjoy the Killer Rabbit pictures. Marty told me today the rabbits love me because I stock the house with food for them. We were talking about family photos today with his sister and I told Marty he needs to use the rabbit behind someone’s head as bunny ears. That would be hystertical.

I am not surprised I got a new KB sapphire either. It is 1.9 carats. I am sticking with the ring I had because I really like it. If I find the new stone doesn’t look good in it I can upgrade the ring.

I hate when I can’t shut my mind down and get to sleep. Especially if it’s something that is bothering me I keep running thoughts and options through my mind. I try to watch or read something funny right before bed and that helps distract me a little and helps.

It is completely understandable you are upset about what your dad did and how he is acting. Your parents are the last people you would ever let you down.

I hope you find a good lawyer soon and am glad your mom is coming for a visit.

Good idea to have a nice girl move in with you as a roommate.

Missy, I am glad I have company in being a jewelaholic. We can hold meetings at Tiffany’s.

I did have a nice time with my sister and her family. She has 3 boys, 2 of them are married. One of them has 3 boys and they are always fun to catch up with. The fundraiser is for a local church and the park. It was nice.

Your spring allergies are kicking up already too? Mine have been getting my attention.

Greg has a nice looking family. I am glad you had a great time sightseeing.

The picture of Francesca is priceless. She definitely has a personality that shows even in photos.

Marty had a Fitbit and loved it but it comes off easy. He lost it on a plane one time. He said some of the newer ones have a latch or hook or something that would work better.

Jimmianne, I absolutely love your pictures and captions.

Callie, I have to say I am a complete sucker for sapphires especially unusual ones. That store gets in some very unique colors of sapphires and every time I’ve had them pull some out I go home with one. I told Marty tonight this new one is larger than my other sapphires so you know what that means. He rolled his eyes and I am sure just heard “blah, blah, blah money”.

My sister does really like jewelry but doesn’t have many pieces. She has some hand-me-downs from me and recently but diamond studs and a diamond solitaire pendant. She wanted some benitoite and just bought a little gem from Barry and is going to have my goldsmith/benchman put it in a ring for her. My BIL is calling her Marcy’s sister now that she keeps buying jewelry.

That’s great you are going to warm up there soon.

How is your niece’s wedding plans coming along?

Kristie, 93 degrees? I guess I won’t need my fleece jacket in a few weeks.

Holy crap was a fiasco at the acupuncturist. I hope all of you are okay.

The color of KB is definitely my favorite shade of sapphire. My regular sapphire is royal blue but this blue is brighter. I will most likely run home for lunch on Friday so I can see it ASAP.

I should definitely name my sapphire. I still haven’t named my diamond. I am behind the times on that.

That ring you bought is fabulous. What a wonderful setting too.

I loved the story on the Fitbit. Thanks.

Bubbles might get licked and chewed on by one of the Killers and he’ll wear the ring on his ear but it’ll come out of that close encounter just fine.

I got the bottle of Fanta at Albertsons. I will look to see if they have grape too. Of course I remember those fabulous soda machines and I always reached for orange and grape soda too. I am also a fan of Michelin tires.

Junebug, thank you for the nice words about my emerald ring. I am glad to hear you love sapphires too.

Your dream about your mom and your sister certainly was interesting. If only it was that easy in real life.

I hope you had a fabulous and relaxing vacation.

My day was uneventful. I teased my SIL, dreamed of my new sapphire (while working oops) and bought window food for supper.

Now I am going to pick up the assorted stuff setting around the house.

Take care.


Jul 1, 2014

Jimmianne, she is GORGEOUS!!! This is going to be pic heavy, apologies in advance. I thought you guys might like to see the entire 'reveal' plus Finn wanted to be in the thread and after today's electrocution mishap, I let him.

In order of unpacking and at the end I had Bob hold the box by Finn's pretty face.

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