
Now I really did it :((


Jun 7, 2014
Hi Girls,

Junebug, From my experience rings are much daintier looking In person than in photos. The ring I bought before Christmas, I never would have given a second look if I had only seen a photograph of the ring. The ring was inexpensive as far as jewlery goes but it is one of my favorites. It looks so delicate in person. You are taking your time and doing everything correct. It's usually when you rush and don't think things thru that you make a bad decision. I wish I was more like you and not buy the first thing I think I'm in love with. I have made plenty of jewelry mistakes. All your purchases are gorgeous. You have such good taste!

Your husbands's snoring had laughing. My husband's snoring was so loud this morning he woke up himself and the dog. She usually sleeps in between us and I can always tell when she has had enough of his snoring. She gets up and moves to the other side of me.

Are you ready for your San Antonio trip or have you been putting all your efforts into finding your new ring?

Missy, You know how much I would love to go to an antique jewelry show. We have an out of town wedding on July 25 that we have to attend. There is no possible way I can get out of attending the wedding. The wedding is in a small town in Iowa and I doubt I can talk My husband into driving the 6 hours home after the reception so I could fly out early the morning of the 26th. He just told me that's a crazy idea as we wouldn't get home till 4:00 AM and I would be flying with no sleep at all. Unfortunately that weekend won't work for me. I'm soooo disappointed. I could seriously cry right now!

What is it with men and motorcycles. My husband had been talking about one years ago. My SIL's 22 year old nephew had one at the time and decided to go for short ride one beautiful evening in the summer. He had gotten off work around 10:00 pm came home, took his bike and said he'd be home in about 15 minutes. He was killed by some who hit him and took off. They never found the person who killed him. After that my husband didn't metion the bike again. We bought a convertible which made me so happy and we both had fun enjoying the car. You hear way too many tragic stories about motorcycles.

I love your new boots! We have a wedding in May and the one in July. I have no idea what I am going to wear so I'm going to have to begin looking. I can never find things when I have a specific need but if I have nothing going on I can find 20 beautiful dresses.

Jimmianne, Thank you for posting the video. It must be so beautiful where you live with all that land! Your daughter is a cutie! It's great that there are lots of options within your OEC budget. I can't believe how good you are at finding beautiful pieces. Have you always had this gift for finding jewelry? What do you think is the largest size diamond you would feel comfortable wearing? I think it would be interesting to hear what our preference's are. Your OTT question really has me thinking.

Kristie, I loved your ring story. It's so nice when they know how much you want something and make it happen for you. My husband thinks jewelry is a waste of money so I know when he buys me something or gives the go ahead on an expensive piece it truly is to make me happy. Bob sounds like a keeper! I can't wait for you to begin shopping for your two carat diamond. Fun times are ahead for all of us as we get to live vicariously thru you! I love that we all share our shopping experiences with each other. No one in my real life understands my love of jewelry.

I have an appointment to have a mammogram tomorrow and am so stressed about it. I seriously want to cancel the appoinment. I am that afraid. I'm also glad you mentioned having copies of your tests. I'm know the doctor I see for my ovary issue also wants to see my mammogram film even through another doctor orders them and gets the results. He is adamant about seeing them which I'm glad because if I ever have a problem I would definately see the doctor he recommends over anyone else.

Marcy, I'm sorry your weather is still bad. How was your poker party. Did you have fun? We missed the snow they were calling for and only had a dusting. Are you still looking for dishes?

OV, Please keep us posted on your mom's health and try not to stress to much. I worry about you because you have too much going on right now and all this stress can really effect your health. I'm sure that is the reason you gave not been able to completely shake the bug that has been making you sick the past month. Please try to get enough rest. I know it is so much easier said than done.


Dec 9, 2013
I've never been to a jewelry show. It must be overwhelming ??? to see so many beautiful things in one place. It makes me think it would be good to wait to buy something while in NY, but that is so long from now~ :lol:

I'm not sure my daughter has left for New Orleans yet. With this slippery weather I don't even want to know : )

It seems there is nothing to do today but look at diamonds and HOC. Glad no one is here to see what MY floors look like! That is the perk - and the downside - of living alone. No one to clean up for except yourself and everything else is so much more fun lol.

Good day, all. I'll be checking back to see what everyone is up to!


Feb 5, 2014
We should totally go, I am just so sorry if you cannot come Callie! You are one person I really want to see! I hope that Kristie can come, I could come, hopefully you too Jimmianne. Let's see who else could attend or if we want a different time. Callie we of course want you to be there! Thanks for caring, I am not having an easy evening because of my mom now. Jimmianne, jewelry shows can definitely be overwhelming but not necessarily in a bad way. I attend gem shows usually or diamond shows and like to spend several days, really taking my time, talking to people, taking a good look. Very large shows can be a bit much but I think that it would be a real fun visit though if you could also somehow manage to leave your gang home with someone to watch over them. We would like you to be there too but like I said we can change the date of course, end of July, August is likely good for me also.


Dec 9, 2013
I would love to be overwhelmed by beautiful diamonds. It is certainly a possibility - I have sitters for house & farm...and my family is in Upstate NY, so it even makes sense from a practical standpoint!
Speaking of practical...

. 81eo5eyclvl.jpg
light up princess diamonds - 3 for $6 on Amazon!




Jun 7, 2014
Jimmianne, Do you receive the "Jewels By Grace" monthly newsletter? I just received it and there is a gorgeous OEC 2.43 O/P , VS 2 clarity diamond for $10,800. Not sure what you are looking for exactly but just wanted to let you know.

An antique jewerly show might be overwhelming but I think it would be fantastic to see all my favorite things under one roof. I think it would be so much easier to get a feel for what I really want with everything in one place. It's my dream come true!

I'll take the ascher above please!


Dec 9, 2013
Calliecake|1425238104|3840303 said:
Jimmianne, Do you receive the "Jewels By Grace" monthly newsletter? I just received it and there is a gorgeous OEC 2.43 O/P , VS 2 clarity diamond for $10,800. Not sure what you are looking for exactly but just wanted to let you know.

An antique jewerly show might be overwhelming but I think it would be fantastic to see all my favorite things under one roof. I think it would be so much easier to get a feel for what I really want with everything in one place. It's my dream come true!

I'll take the ascher above please!

callie, I don't get the newletter and all
I can see on her new additions is a 2.43 at 16k
but I am def. interested in seeing it if I can figure out how.


Jun 7, 2014
Jimmianne|1425238559|3840308 said:
Calliecake|1425238104|3840303 said:
Jimmianne, Do you receive the "Jewels By Grace" monthly newsletter? I just received it and there is a gorgeous OEC 2.43 O/P , VS 2 clarity diamond for $10,800. Not sure what you are looking for exactly but just wanted to let you know.

An antique jewerly show might be overwhelming but I think it would be fantastic to see all my favorite things under one roof. I think it would be so much easier to get a feel for what I really want with everything in one place. It's my dream come true!

I'll take the ascher above please!

callie, I don't get the newletter and all
I can see on her new additions is a 2.43 at 16k
but I am def. interested in seeing it if I can figure out how.

Do you by any chance have my email address? If so email me and I will forward it to you right away. I'm not sure if it's the same stone, but I would contact Grace and leave her a message.. I'm off to look at her website to see if it's the same stone.


Dec 9, 2013
Calliecake|1425239583|3840314 said:
Jimmianne|1425238559|3840308 said:
Calliecake|1425238104|3840303 said:
Jimmianne, Do you receive the "Jewels By Grace" monthly newsletter? I just received it and there is a gorgeous OEC 2.43 O/P , VS 2 clarity diamond for $10,800. Not sure what you are looking for exactly but just wanted to let you know.

An antique jewerly show might be overwhelming but I think it would be fantastic to see all my favorite things under one roof. I think it would be so much easier to get a feel for what I really want with everything in one place. It's my dream come true!

I'll take the ascher above please!

callie, I don't get the newletter and all
I can see on her new additions is a 2.43 at 16k
but I am def. interested in seeing it if I can figure out how.

Do you by any chance have my email address? If so email me and I will forward it to you right away.
that would be very nice of you!
I don't have your email, but here is my contact on LT.


Jun 7, 2014
For some reason it is not coming up for me. Do you want to send Grace an email asking to hold the stone under Jimmianne and you can call her tomorrow morning? Hopefully if it has not been sold and you can first dibs on the stone.


Dec 9, 2013
I tried calling - no answer, so I sent her a message on Facebook!


Jun 7, 2014
Jimmianne|1425240661|3840325 said:
I tried calling - no answer, so I sent her a message on Facebook!

Great! I will text Missy and ask her to forward me your email. I will take a picture of the listings and forward on to you. There is also another stone you may be interested in. I will forward that to you as well.


Jun 17, 2009
Missy, I hope my comments didn't make you feel bad! You don't have to apologize, I truly appreciate your honesty, and I want you to continue to give me your honest opinions, I need someone to be the voice of reason…you are so right, this is an expensive purchase and I need to make sure I take my time and not rush into anything (which I have a tendency to do! :sick: ) The obvious downside to looking online is not being able to see the item in person. I have been playing around with the idea of just heading into NYC and checking out the ring (and others) at DBL. That would really make the most sense! Maybe it's the weather, but the idea of trudging into NY right now is overwhelming to me, I think I'll be more up for it when this weather breaks.

I am really starting to love that first ring I posted…it is a piece that's been sold, I found it on 66 mint. the center stone is a radiant - so I could switch gears a bit and look at radiants. I like that it's an interesting mix of modern and vintage that somehow works. I love vintage pieces but my ering is a vintage style and I was hoping for something just a bit different. I like the geometric aspect of the design. And the setting would give me the finger coverage I love. Thanks again for being ok with me chatting about this Missy! I'll probably start a thread at some point once I figure out what I really want, but in the meantime it's great to have this outlet.

And wow, I really do love your boots! They look fabulous on you, seriously.

thanks for asking about my mother! You know, my mother is a unique case in a way - there is really nothing physically wrong with her, even at 90 years of age. She has just become so frail, feeble, and weak - you would think she was ill if you saw her. She has really declined in the past 4 years since she's had the stroke. She used to knit and read after the stroke but has stopped. She did have shingles last winter and I think that took a pretty big toll on her. I don't think she ever really bounced back from that. I guess a lot of it is old age, dementia, and refusal by her to do things that might help her physical and mental state. It is a tough, and in some ways frustrating, situation but we are just plugging along and doing the best we can under the circumstances. I haven't had that talk with my brother yet! I know him, and I know what he'll say - that he'll be fine for a week on his own. Although caring for my mother has gotten a bit harder, so maybe not.

Jimmianne, you have managed to express exactly how I am feeling right now! I could have written your post. The urgency and motivation for this purchase has diminished so I'm just giving myself some time to think about what would make me the most happy. Lots of second guessing and soul searching. I do have a desire to get "something" lol! I tend to like a lot of finger coverage and a big look on the hand, so I guess OTT is something that might just be a bit too big. Although the ering I'm wearing measures almost 12 mm with the halo! My eyes are used to it, and I think that's why I focus on finger coverage so much. It would help if I could try some of these rings on in person.

Ovi, thanks for asking about my mother! You can see in my comments to Missy where we are right now with her. I am very sorry you are so worried and upset about your mother's health issues, it is certainly understandable. But please take care of yourself and get some rest whenever you need it - I know it is almost impossible but please try not to worry too much. Hugs to you, I hope you are feeling better soon.

Kristie, thanks so much for your advice about custom pieces, I hear you. I've never really had a desire to have a custom piece done for all the reasons you mentioned. I'm not really up for it, between the expense and the anxiety over how it's going to come out. If I could find a replica of that 66 mint ring I posted, I'd buy it in a heartbeat and be done with it lol. Wow, that is crazy that the jeweler asked you for money to reimburse someone else!!! I'd be fine with a stock setting but I haven't been able to find one along those lines. I should check out Beverly K for the heck of it. Just going by what I've been seeing on PS, David Klass seems pretty intent on pleasing his clients. He's remade rings until he's gotten it right. Not sure how he'd be on a refund, though, I agree it gets dicey in that area with custom, especially with these independent jewelers.

Calliecake, you give me too much credit, I actually made a pretty big jewelry mistake at Christmas. I'm embarrassed about it so I haven't even posted about it on PS. So I am at least trying to take my time with this purchase! Yes, I'm starting to think about the trip - I'm only going to be there for a few days, so I really don't need to bring that much, but still fun to think about! This weather has been so lousy it's hard to switch gears and think about warm weather clothing!

Hugs to you, I can tell by your post you are really nervous and upset about the mammogram, and I can totally understand why. I wish I could do more to comfort you, I will be thinking of you tomorrow and I'll be with you in spirit. Try to stay strong, I know that it will be a hard day for you and I am sending many positive vibes that everything goes smoothly for you.

ETA: Jimmianne, it's snowing and sleeting here in NJ, so it's the perfect day for looking at jewelry all day lol! I will be joining you in that endeavor :D


Dec 9, 2013
Calliecake|1425240973|3840329 said:
Jimmianne|1425240661|3840325 said:
I tried calling - no answer, so I sent her a message on Facebook!

Great! I will text Missy and ask her to forward me your email. I will take a picture of the listings and forward on to you. There is also another stone you may be interested in. I will forward that to you as well.
Missy doesn't have it : (

will this work?
I have a small diamond cross and a band - RED:18K Vintage Wedding Band w/5 diamonds 5.75 -
listed on LT.

Sorry for putting you to all this trouble!


Jul 1, 2014
Jimmieanne,I LOVED the mini pony party!!!!!! More more more please!!! There is a small horse farm near my house and they do parties for children that include their ponies and miniature ponies, they have a Cinderella's carriage that the little girls love.

My husband grew up with horses and he says that ponies can be um cranky and bite-y, are yours nice?

Great vid, I love your pics of farm and critters!


Jun 8, 2008


Jun 7, 2014
Jimmianne, Still no luck with Loop Troop for me. It's probably not loop troupe that's the pronlem, but me the idiot! Missy is going to send you a link to access her and she will forward my email. Please tell her to also please give you my phone number.

Thank you so much Missy!


Jun 8, 2008


Dec 9, 2013
azstonie|1425241682|3840337 said:
Jimmieanne,I LOVED the mini pony party!!!!!! More more more please!!! There is a small horse farm near my house and they do parties for children that include their ponies and miniature ponies, they have a Cinderella's carriage that the little girls love.

My husband grew up with horses and he says that ponies can be um cranky and bite-y, are yours nice?

Great vid, I love your pics of farm and critters!
azstonie, these mini-horses are so gentle. I used the gray one, Moe, as a therapeutic riding horse for a quadriplegic little girl and he had never had anyone on his back before. He shakes hands too...I mean hooves : )
I met him the day he was born and picked him up in my arms like a baby : ) My neighbor has a mini farm and gifted these to me. I've even had them in the house LOL. Great little animals - about the size of a big dog.


Jun 8, 2008
OMG I go out for a few hours and missed so much here LOL

Junebug! Don't feel badly about the jewelry mistake you made as I made some HUGE ones myself. Believe me. I have earrings well over 5K that I cannot wear as they are too heavy. I bought earrings from JBEG that I also never wear for another reason I don't want to get into here. My fault though not theirs. I bought gemstones (before PS) that have awful windows and cost me soooo much money I cannot believe I was so foolish. :oops: I could go on and on. If I add it all up I will get sick. :knockout: And then there's all the money we spent on my original ER and lost so much on when we traded it with Adam. I don't even want to think about it. So just know you are not alone and big hugs to you. I hope you are not beating yourself up about it.

I think David Klass might be just the right person to make that first ring from 66 mint for you. His work looks to be incredible from what I can tell on PS.

If you are coming to NYC I would love to go with you (if you wanted the company) or just meet you if it worked out. NO pressure though! Only if you wanted to. And yeah the weather is not the best for that now. It is so snowy outside. We only went out for a few hours and the car which we had washed yesterday got so filthy again. LOL the roads are filled with new but black already snow. Greg said if he didn't know better he would say it was snowing mud hahaha. Not too far from the truth. And there is a lot of accumulation already. I am getting nervous because Con Ed is working on the street again right in front of our building and I hope and pray we do NOT lose power again! They must be working on the same issue from Thursday and I worry because they have been there since this morning and are still jackhammering outside in horrible weather. Which means it has to be serious or they wouldn't still be here on a snowy messy Sunday late afternoon, yanno? I better hit send while I can LOLOL!

I get what you are saying about your mom. At that age everything is just harder and of course she is fragile. It is so tough dealing with an aging parent but I said it before and will say it again she is so lucky she has you as her daughter and I know you feel fortunate she is still with you. I hope your brother will step up to the plate and agree with you about getting extra help.

Ovi, I am worried about your mom. Please let us know how she is doing. Your email worried me sick. Keeping her in my thoughts and prayers!

Callie, you know I am sending you tons of ***DUST*** for a good outcome tomorrow. Just go and get it over with....everything will be A-OK!!! (((HUGS)))!

Kristie, I am going to email you tomorrow with all my responses. I am sorry I got so behind and the weekend always speeds by and before I know it Monday is here.

Jimmianne, that is some bling you posted there LOL. Can you find something bigger though... :cheeky:


Dec 9, 2013
Missy, thank you.
I got to see it!
Now to go back and look at it more : )


Jun 8, 2008
Jimmianne|1425243210|3840351 said:
Missy, thank you.
I got to see it!
Now to go back and look at it more : )

Jimmianne, I emailed Grace for you and asked her to hold it for you in case she didn't get your FB message...hope that's OK. I would hate for someone else to get it if you want it so hopefully it is not too late and Grace will put it on hold for you. Hope you don't mind and I didn't overstep here...


Jun 8, 2008
Kristie, Greg is not a blingy guy at all. He only wears a WB and a watch. Having said that he has about 8 different wedding bands and at least 25 watches. Some of them pretty costly so yeah while he doesn't wear any jewelry besides the ring and the watch it adds up LOL. Could you imagine if he liked diamonds too...OMG I wouldn't like that nonono. I want to be the one getting the big diamonds. He can stick with watches and bands. :cheeky: :bigsmile:


Dec 9, 2013
missy|1425243584|3840357 said:
Jimmianne|1425243210|3840351 said:
Missy, thank you.
I got to see it!
Now to go back and look at it more : )

Jimmianne, I emailed Grace for you and asked her to hold it for you in case she didn't get your FB message...hope that's OK. I would hate for someone else to get it if you want it so hopefully it is not too late and Grace will put it on hold for you. Hope you don't mind and I didn't overstep here...

not at fact when I first tried to find the stone, another "new addition" 2.43 OEC came up - and it's over my budget but it looks maybe I should go for it. It DOES have a setting, so that's another reason it's more expensive.


Jun 8, 2008
Jimmianne, I got an email from Grace...does your first name start with a C?


Jul 1, 2014
Oh Esteemed NIRDI Babes:

We have to have Callie at any GTG, she wants to come and we want her there. I'm proposing we start throwing out datez for GTGs and when we do get togeter, we take a field trip toMissy's fave antique/vintage/estate jeweler! We can hire transportation and have some champagne and goodies on our way/on return. I'd also be interested in a visit to Israel Rose Estate Jewelry if time and interest was there.



Jun 8, 2008
Girls, since Callie cannot make it that July weekend of the antique jewelry show let's pick another date for our NIRDI GTG...Callie is good with August, much of September, Oct? not sure and November.

I just cannot do the last week in Sept or first 2 weeks in October otherwise I am good with any of those weeks...My vote is for early to mid September as the weather is usually really nice here around that time though I am good with August or mid October too. Or even November though the weather is not as good.

Hope everyone is having a good Sunday evening. It is a snowy one here but we are snuggled on the couch watching HOC. :wavey:


Feb 5, 2014
I absolutely agree. I told Callie that I would like her to be there, most definitely so, it is not just that she was sad that she cannot attend but that I would absolutely like her to be part of this, it is not the same without her. I would love to do August as I am afraid that if we wait until September then I will spend all my extra summer income on bling by September.:))) But September is fine too, for once I would just learn to save, yeah right.:))) I would vote for end of summer or early fall because of the weather. If you ask me, I do prefer August, my colleague likes to go on vacation in August but who cares, I will just let her know ahead of time because really I never go on longer vacays. One downside is that in August plane tickets will likely cost more but anyhow I am open for suggestions too as far as dates go. When would you like it to be held Kristie? And the other NIRDIs?

Almost forgot that I do have to ask when my mom can catsit but even if she goes to Germany in August, that would only be for a few days, she goes twice a year for checkups. But tentatively this time frame is perfect for me but we can choose a different date too.


Jun 8, 2008
azstonie|1425251504|3840423 said:
Oh Esteemed NIRDI Babes:

We have to have Callie at any GTG, she wants to come and we want her there. I'm proposing we start throwing out datez for GTGs and when we do get togeter, we take a field trip toMissy's fave antique/vintage/estate jeweler! We can hire transportation and have some champagne and goodies on our way/on return. I'd also be interested in a visit to Israel Rose Estate Jewelry if time and interest was there.


OMG Kristie I posted and didn't even look to see if anyone else posted since I last posted to Jimmianne. LOLOL. Great minds haha...


Dec 9, 2013
I have nothing going on that could trump a GTG.


Jun 8, 2008
Haha we are all on the same wavelength Orsi about Callie being there. It cannot happen without her. I am good with the dates I posted above. My preference is for mid September or mid October but November is good too. August will be hot I warn you. Hottest month here. If that is our only choice I am OK with that too though.
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