
Now I really did it :((


Jun 8, 2008
azstonie|1410387211|3748668 said:
WOOOT!!! Solo shower! Way ta go!

Thanks azstonie! Yeah, having help when showering isn't as much fun as one might think lol. :oops: :cheeky:


Jun 7, 2014
Hi Missy, I'm so excited for you. Seriously EXCITED!!! You are on your way to getting your life back the way you want it to be. You have a wonderful therapist who will help you every step of way. It sounds like he's really preparing you both mentally and physically for what's ahead. You are in very good handsa nod this is such good news.

How nice you were able to visit with your sister today. Actually what your little niece is going thru is pretty common. It really makes you wonder what these children's home life is like if this is what they think is acceptable behavior. I remember my niece having a bully in her first grade glass. The bully was known for picking on the smaller children and had been sent to the principals office many times. A new girl had started school who was tiny and had come from France. She spoke English well and had an accent. The bully picked on her all the time. My niece became good friends with the girl. Well one day on the playground the bully walked up and pushed her down and made her cry. Her leg was bleeding. My niece walked up to the boy told him it wasn't nice and to leave her friend alone. He pushed my niece and she pushed him back. Needless to say she was sent to the principles office for her actions as well. The teacher called my sister in law and told her they had to make her sit in the office for 1/2 hour as punishment. Then she told my sister in law that she was pretty proud of niece because the boy had been mean to my niece many times and she did nothing. It wasn't until he hurt someone else that she came to her defense. The teacher witnessed it all and was helping the little girl when my niece said something to the boy. We had many discussions that it never is okay to push or hit someone and that she had to tell the teacher right away if he ever pushed her again. Thank goodness she listened to everyone and never did anything like that again. The teacher said the boy was in the prinipal office at least once a week for hitting and it was usually the girls he hit. My niece had never said anything about the boy hitting or being mean to her only that he hurt her friend. Back when my nieces were in school they did not do much when bullying happened and tolerated it much more than they do now. Thank goodness they are taking it more seriously now. It had really bothered me that someone was trying to hurt her at school. You niece seems like a very sweet little girl.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Missy.

I actually leave my iPad on Marty’s pillow when he’s gone so I can check for emails and flight status any time I wake up. He sure gives me crap when I answer an email at 3 am. I would rather hear from him than sleep.

I have always loved dry cereal. I ate it for supper a lot when I was single. I will try the Quaker oat squares. I like cheerios, fruit loops, lucky charms, shredded wheat, rice chex and the one cereal I eat with milk is rice krispies. What cereals do you like?

I am glad PT went well for you. How exciting and scary to be nearing being able to put some weight on your ankle. I swear the first few times you’ll think there is no way no how I can do that and it just won’t work but you’ll get better at it and more used to it. I’m a total scaredy cat myself. It sounds like your PT will be a very good guide for what you will be doing.

I have seen snow here every month of the year but July has only had snow a few times in my memory. The July snows are brief and just melt right away. The biggest snowstorm I can remember in June was on June 5th and we had 8” of snow. August snows are usually the end of the month and might cover the grass but rarely stick. The first year we were in our house (we’ve been here 2 years in December) we had blizzards every darned week in the spring. Marty was always out of town and since we moved twice as far from my job than where we lived before I was not happy. Last year we had lots of snow but at least they weren’t blizzards. My car is pretty good in snow and ice but I still hate that 20-minute drive to work in bad weather.

LOL. You are so right about cats and dogs. They have quite a different attitude for sure.

That is awesome your sister came to visit. How awful about that mean little boy at your niece’s school. I am relieved she wasn’t phased by his actions.

WOOOT is right to a solo shower.

Marty is working late this week, not sleeping much but I see on Facebook they are all going out at night for a drink and dinner. I was going to give him a hard time “sure you’re working late”. Ha Ha.

Have a great day tomorrow. Sleep well!



Jun 8, 2008
Calliecake|1410393540|3748713 said:
Hi Missy, I'm so excited for you. Seriously EXCITED!!! You are on your way to getting your life back the way you want it to be. You have a wonderful therapist who will help you every step of way. It sounds like he's really preparing you both mentally and physically for what's ahead. You are in very good handsa nod this is such good news.

How nice you were able to visit with your sister today. Actually what your little niece is going thru is pretty common. It really makes you wonder what these children's home life is like if this is what they think is acceptable behavior. I remember my niece having a bully in her first grade glass. The bully was known for picking on the smaller children and had been sent to the principals office many times. A new girl had started school who was tiny and had come from France. She spoke English well and had an accent. The bully picked on her all the time. My niece became good friends with the girl. Well one day on the playground the bully walked up and pushed her down and made her cry. Her leg was bleeding. My niece walked up to the boy told him it wasn't nice and to leave her friend alone. He pushed my niece and she pushed him back. Needless to say she was sent to the principles office for her actions as well. The teacher called my sister in law and told her they had to make her sit in the office for 1/2 hour as punishment. Then she told my sister in law that she was pretty proud of niece because the boy had been mean to my niece many times and she did nothing. It wasn't until he hurt someone else that she came to her defense. The teacher witnessed it all and was helping the little girl when my niece said something to the boy. We had many discussions that it never is okay to push or hit someone and that she had to tell the teacher right away if he ever pushed her again. Thank goodness she listened to everyone and never did anything like that again. The teacher said the boy was in the prinipal office at least once a week for hitting and it was usually the girls he hit. My niece had never said anything about the boy hitting or being mean to her only that he hurt her friend. Back when my nieces were in school they did not do much when bullying happened and tolerated it much more than they do now. Thank goodness they are taking it more seriously now. It had really bothered me that someone was trying to hurt her at school. You niece seems like a very sweet little girl.

Hi Callie, thank you. I am excited but yes nervous. My ankle has been hurting me more than usual these last few days and I am not sure if it is because I am taking the opportunity being out of the boot and moving my foot/ankle much of the day while I am just sitting on the couch. The PA said I can remove the boot while at home now since my incision is still all scabbed over and the scab is not falling off (maybe by being covered 24/7) so by letting the air get to it my scab might start falling off more quickly. My therapist wants it to fall of already so he can manipulate the scar tissue to help my ankle ROM.

Anyway since my ankle has been bothering me more lately I am a little worried about starting weight bearing next week. But I am going to focus on the positive and hope by Monday I am good to start weight bearing. Fingers crossed!

Thanks for sharing your story about your niece when she was little. What a sweet little girl to stand up for her friend like that and I am sure she grew into a lovely young woman. Especially with you as her aunt as a good role model!

I was surprised my niece's school didn't take more action since as you say bullying is much less tolerated these days. But my sister said that since it was just the first day of school when this happened they didn't go overboard. But now that he threatened another little girl I wonder how the principal is going to deal with that. I think the teacher just gave the new student a warning but I don't think that is enough personally. He has a prior history and already he is making trouble after warnings and discipline. Not sure he is going to be a polite and respectful classmate. We will see how this plays out. Like I said I am sorry for this little boy.


Jun 8, 2008
marcy|1410401138|3748789 said:
Hi Missy.

I actually leave my iPad on Marty’s pillow when he’s gone so I can check for emails and flight status any time I wake up. He sure gives me crap when I answer an email at 3 am. I would rather hear from him than sleep.

I have always loved dry cereal. I ate it for supper a lot when I was single. I will try the Quaker oat squares. I like cheerios, fruit loops, lucky charms, shredded wheat, rice chex and the one cereal I eat with milk is rice krispies. What cereals do you like?

I am glad PT went well for you. How exciting and scary to be nearing being able to put some weight on your ankle. I swear the first few times you’ll think there is no way no how I can do that and it just won’t work but you’ll get better at it and more used to it. I’m a total scaredy cat myself. It sounds like your PT will be a very good guide for what you will be doing.

I have seen snow here every month of the year but July has only had snow a few times in my memory. The July snows are brief and just melt right away. The biggest snowstorm I can remember in June was on June 5th and we had 8” of snow. August snows are usually the end of the month and might cover the grass but rarely stick. The first year we were in our house (we’ve been here 2 years in December) we had blizzards every darned week in the spring. Marty was always out of town and since we moved twice as far from my job than where we lived before I was not happy. Last year we had lots of snow but at least they weren’t blizzards. My car is pretty good in snow and ice but I still hate that 20-minute drive to work in bad weather.

LOL. You are so right about cats and dogs. They have quite a different attitude for sure.

That is awesome your sister came to visit. How awful about that mean little boy at your niece’s school. I am relieved she wasn’t phased by his actions.

WOOOT is right to a solo shower.

Marty is working late this week, not sleeping much but I see on Facebook they are all going out at night for a drink and dinner. I was going to give him a hard time “sure you’re working late”. Ha Ha.

Have a great day tomorrow. Sleep well!


Hi Marcy, I agree. I would much rather know my dh arrived at his destination safely than sleep because I would not be able to sleep well without knowing he was safe and sound anyway.

Wow you guys can get snow so early. Crazy. As I get older I get less tolerant of the snow and cold and sometimes I think I need to move to a warmer (not hot though) climate. Hence my love of southern California. I love northern California too though just prefer the weather of southern Cali.

When I was single I never cooked so either went out or did take out or ate cereal for dinner or my bf du jour would cook. Funny how I often dated boys/men who were good cooks lol. I guess we seek out what we lack ourselves and I always dated guys who were nurturers because I am not. I guess that is Darwinism at work haha.

As for cereals I am not an expert but the Quaker Oat Squares I posted is one of my faves and honey nut cheerios and a health food brand I cannot remember right now that is gluten free. When I am in the kitchen later I will see if we have any left so I can share the name with you. We get it at Trader Joe's and I have not been to Trader Joe's since my accident. It is tasty and low in sugar. I never have milk in my cereal because I hate milk so I always eat it dry. Weird I know. I even put water in my oatmeal instead of milk haha but it is surprisingly very good that way at least to my taste buds.

I hope Marty enjoyed some time out with his colleagues. It has to be difficult to be away so often and I am sure he misses you terribly. Soon he will be back with you though so YAY!

Enjoy the day Marcy and thank you for your encouragement. I am glad to be showering without as much assistance and I am ready to start weight bearing and hoping I do OK. One day at a time and baby steps. My therapist keeps telling me I need to be patient and I am taking those wise words to heart.


Jun 7, 2014
Hi Missy, I can certainly understand your apprehension regarding the weight nearing exercises. I can't imagine your physical therapist letting you do anything that would put your leg/ankle in jeopardy. Be completely honest with him and tell if your feel unsure. You have a good relationship with him. I'm sure he will listen and address your concerns. He seems pretty cautious as well from the remarks he's made. If something does not seem correct to you, run it past your surgeon. I would imagine it being like any other medical issue, you need to be your own advocate. Is there information about what to expect anywhere? I can help you research information if you tell me where to start looking. Is there anything that will make you feel more confident about the weight bearing exercises? I'm sure just having the brace off lately could cause more discomfort that you have felt in the past. It also sounds like there is no way you can avoid some discomfort going toward as they introduce new exercises into the mix. Your body has become used to not using the muscles in your leg the past couple months so I would think even a small amount of exercise would cause some discomfort even of you didn't an injury. If i did one of your normal bike rides today I'd probably feel like I was run over by a truck tomorrow and heck, I don't even have an injury.

I was very surprised the school your niece attends was not doing more to address the issues with the bully. It sounds like your sister my have ask her a couple times a week if this child has been nicer to her. Honestly I think it would be so hard to be a parent today. With Facebook and the internet it's such a different world than the one I grew up in.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Missy,

It does seem like scabs need air to dry out rather than to be wrapped up in something. That will feel good when it finally does fall off. Being able to shower without much assistance has got to feel great. Taking that first “step” of putting some weight on your ankle is really a big deal. I am seeing progress week by week and I am so excited for you. Your therapist is wise to remind you to be patient but I’ve got absolutely no room to talk. I am not well known for patience. My employees even laugh at me when I tell them to be patient.

What part of California do you like? We went out to Pebble Beach 2 years ago this week. It was awesome! I was totally mesmerized by the ocean. You don’t see that in Wyoming. Marty was in golfer’s heaven playing golf there.

That is interesting to think about how we seek out a guy who can fill a gap in ourselves. The human mind can do amazing things without us even realizing it. Marty has strength and patience.

The onset of cold and winter-like weather was very quick here. I was very proud of myself, I figured out how to turn off our sprinklers and drip system this morning. The big “off” button was a dead giveaway. It rained most of the day. I turned on the furnace when I got home from work. It is snowing north of here already.

Funny you should mention Marty having fun with is colleagues. So Marty tells me a story this afternoon that the 3 of them (guys) were in a taxi to go back to the hotel about 11 pm. They taxi driver wants to take them to some bar with prostitutes upstairs. They tell him no but he keeps pressing but still takes them to the hotel. Marty said they would probably have been kidnapped then taken to an ATM to pull out money before they’d be released. My response was “and you wonder why I worry about you going places?” He reassured me he’d never go out by himself. Wow, I feel better now. NOT! I know in a lot of these countries you never just get in a taxicab; you have to call them and they come and ask for you by name. Marty is a big guy, raised in a big city and was in the military but I still worry about such things. I can’t wait until he gets home Saturday.

I might crank on the fireplace. Even my teddy bears look cold.

Take care.


Jun 8, 2008
Calliecake|1410475821|3749311 said:
Hi Missy, I can certainly understand your apprehension regarding the weight nearing exercises. I can't imagine your physical therapist letting you do anything that would put your leg/ankle in jeopardy. Be completely honest with him and tell if your feel unsure. You have a good relationship with him. I'm sure he will listen and address your concerns. He seems pretty cautious as well from the remarks he's made. If something does not seem correct to you, run it past your surgeon. I would imagine it being like any other medical issue, you need to be your own advocate. Is there information about what to expect anywhere? I can help you research information if you tell me where to start looking. Is there anything that will make you feel more confident about the weight bearing exercises? I'm sure just having the brace off lately could cause more discomfort that you have felt in the past. It also sounds like there is no way you can avoid some discomfort going toward as they introduce new exercises into the mix. Your body has become used to not using the muscles in your leg the past couple months so I would think even a small amount of exercise would cause some discomfort even of you didn't an injury. If i did one of your normal bike rides today I'd probably feel like I was run over by a truck tomorrow and heck, I don't even have an injury.

I was very surprised the school your niece attends was not doing more to address the issues with the bully. It sounds like your sister my have ask her a couple times a week if this child has been nicer to her. Honestly I think it would be so hard to be a parent today. With Facebook and the internet it's such a different world than the one I grew up in.

Hi Callie, thank you for the offer and believe me I have been tempted to read about what I can expect when I start partial weight bearing this Monday but I am resisting. My last foray into researching what others have gone through regarding Pilon fracture was very depressing. So while on one hand I would like to be prepared OTOH I think it might be better just to go in next week knowing nothing about what others have experienced so it doesn't get me down or make me more apprehensive. If that makes sense.

I was surprised about how the school handled it too but my sister said it was just the first day of school and probably that was why. Let's hope this kid straightens up and flies right. :halo:


Jun 8, 2008
marcy|1410486066|3749445 said:
Hi Missy,

It does seem like scabs need air to dry out rather than to be wrapped up in something. That will feel good when it finally does fall off. Being able to shower without much assistance has got to feel great. Taking that first “step” of putting some weight on your ankle is really a big deal. I am seeing progress week by week and I am so excited for you. Your therapist is wise to remind you to be patient but I’ve got absolutely no room to talk. I am not well known for patience. My employees even laugh at me when I tell them to be patient.

What part of California do you like? We went out to Pebble Beach 2 years ago this week. It was awesome! I was totally mesmerized by the ocean. You don’t see that in Wyoming. Marty was in golfer’s heaven playing golf there.

That is interesting to think about how we seek out a guy who can fill a gap in ourselves. The human mind can do amazing things without us even realizing it. Marty has strength and patience.

The onset of cold and winter-like weather was very quick here. I was very proud of myself, I figured out how to turn off our sprinklers and drip system this morning. The big “off” button was a dead giveaway. It rained most of the day. I turned on the furnace when I got home from work. It is snowing north of here already.

Funny you should mention Marty having fun with is colleagues. So Marty tells me a story this afternoon that the 3 of them (guys) were in a taxi to go back to the hotel about 11 pm. They taxi driver wants to take them to some bar with prostitutes upstairs. They tell him no but he keeps pressing but still takes them to the hotel. Marty said they would probably have been kidnapped then taken to an ATM to pull out money before they’d be released. My response was “and you wonder why I worry about you going places?” He reassured me he’d never go out by himself. Wow, I feel better now. NOT! I know in a lot of these countries you never just get in a taxicab; you have to call them and they come and ask for you by name. Marty is a big guy, raised in a big city and was in the military but I still worry about such things. I can’t wait until he gets home Saturday.

I might crank on the fireplace. Even my teddy bears look cold.

Take care.

Hi Marcy, I cannot wait for these yucky scabs to fall off. They are taking their sweet time that is for sure. My therapist wants to start massaging the incisions to break up all the scar tissue as that is limiting my ROM and also causing discomfort but we have to wait till the scabs are gone. 2 of my incisions are scab free and it's just the huge incision that is hanging on to those pesky scabs.

I love much of California but if I had to choose it would be San Diego or Malibu. A home on the ocean in Malibu. Yea baby. I have never been to Pebble beach but it sounds lovely especially if one is a golfer. I am glad you enjoyed yourselves there.

Oh my I cannot believe your weather turned so cold so quickly. Good for you in figuring out the sprinklers and drip system! I am impressed. I hope you turned up your fireplace for you and the teddy bears. Love the smell and warmth of a good fire on a cold day/night. Very nice. I have never been to Wyoming but I know how gorgeous it is and the breathtaking scenery you have. My girlfriend is from there and goes back every spring to visit her mom and I know they can still have (and often do) snow on the ground.

Yay, Marty will be home tomorrow. I hope the week flew by for the both of you. I can see why you would worry about him when he is away. I am the same when Greg travels without me.

Have a great weekend with your dh and stay warm and cozy.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Missy,

How are you doing today? Did you sleep worth a darn? Any word on your earrings being fixed yet?

Good idea not to do research on what to expect when venturing in to weight bearing on your fracture. It is kind of like reading reviews of products online, 99% of the time people only take the time to post something online when they have something negative to say. I will be anxious to hear how it goes on Monday.

I can imagine that getting rid of the scab will help that area feel better and I know massaging star tissue can help break it up. I would guess from your pictures which section is still hanging on there.

I have not been to San Diego; is Malibu near there? We flew in to San Francisco for our trip and we enjoyed going across the bridges before heading off toe Pebble. The food and wine on our trip was divine.

We got up near 46 degrees here today. That wind is very chilly. Our begonias aren’t coming back from the freeze. We didn’t have much snow and the roads weren’t icy at all. I did turn on my fireplace last night and enjoyed that heat and just watching the fire. I might crank it on again tonight. Small world that you have a friend from Wyoming, what city is she from?

I had a chat with Verizon again tonight. Every time Marty travels overseas they send us a bill to pay “NOW” for high usage charges then they start calling. They say it is because they want to confirm the phone is in our possession but why do they send us a bill that says pay now? I wasn’t really pleasant about it. I said every time my husband travels you call and send us a bill wanting payment immediately. I asked her what in our payment history makes them think we won’t pay our bill? She tried to reassure me it’s not about paying the bill. Funny thing was I’d already logged in and sent them their payment about an hour before they called me. Okay, vent over.

I am very excited for Marty to come home tomorrow night. He doesn’t land at DIA until 11:30 so he won’t get home until about 1 to 1:30 in the morning. I’d best nap tomorrow so I can wait up until he gets home.

I hope you and Greg have a great weekend!



Jun 8, 2008
Good morning Marcy. I slept well thank you for asking. And darling Francesca slept on me the whole night. Very comforting and she is a little heater which was welcome last night as it was chilly last night. I hope you slept well last night too.

I canceled the earrings. I thought about it and just decided they weren't "it" so my search is continuing. I actually found the perfect earrings but they are way out of my budget. Twice the budget in fact so unless I can figure out how to come up with more money I am SOL. I have never sold my jewelry before but I wish I could because I do have many pieces I don't wear but I am hesitant to do so.

Malibu is around 150 miles or so from San Diego so a few hours drive depending. Do you ever watch Million Dollar Listing Los Angeles? I watch that and Million Dollar Listing New York and love those shows. Some very drool worthy houses are showcased. And a house on the ocean in Malibu would really be a dream come true. Spectacular. :love: Not to mention the weather doesn't suck lol.

My memory is shot these days. I cannot remember where my girlfriend is from in Wyoming. I think it is a small town and I will have to ask her and get back to you. I know one day I want to visit there because it sounds like such a great place to live. Fresh air and water and open spaces and spectacular views. Very different than where I live now.

Verizon is unbelievable. I don't get why they are harassing you. That would piss me off too. Have you spoken with someone who is in charge so they can stop calling and bothering you every time Marty travels? This is unacceptable because there is no reason for it at all. We have Verizon (mobile and land line) and with a minor hiccup I have no complaints. In fact our land line stopped working Saturday afternoon of labor day weekend and I called them and they said they could not send anyone out before Wed. So I said I cannot be without a land line for so long because I broke my leg and am basically in the house all the time and they sent someone out Labor Day Monday. So I was pleased at their compassion and quick service. But it is ridiculous that they keep calling you about the bill which you always pay. I don't get it.

You are having some chilly weather and I am glad Marty will be home soon to keep you warm. I can't remember if you have any pets. The next best thing to having your dh keep you warm is having a loving furbaby snuggling with you...I am telling you Francesca is over 100 degrees and is a little furnace haha. She is so sweet.

Thanks for all the good thoughts for me for next week. Nervous and my ankle has been pretty achey but I know I am getting closer to being able to walk....fingers crossed. Enjoy your weekend and happy homecoming with Marty!


Jun 7, 2014
Hi Missy, How has your ankle been feeling the past couple days? Any better or have you still been experiencing some pain? I'll check back tomorrow to see if you were well enough to big the weight bearing physical therapy.

Sorry to hear you decided to return the earrings. It's much better to return them then to have them sitting in the jewelry box not being worn. Something else will come around that will make you happier.


Mar 29, 2005
Missy -

I read that you start weight bearing on Monday. Congratulations!! I know it's a bit scary to start walking on your ankle, but it will open up the world again which is such a good thing. I don't know how they are having you start. I started by walking in the boot using crutches with the instructions not to put more than 25% of my weight on it at any time for the first week. It's hard to be that precise, but I got the hang of it pretty well. I can't remember if they told me to start using both crutches, but I mostly remember using one and found that easier to navigate.

This will be the time that icing and pain relievers are your best friends. Your ankle is going to swell, probably a lot, and I was religious about icing it for 10 minutes every time I'd been on it. It makes such a big difference. I know you can't take most pain relievers, but if there's something you can take that's also an anti-inflammatory, that's great. If not, ice for 10 minutes every hour when you can, and definitely after every round of being on your feet.

Best of success on Monday. It will be scary, but it will be good. Getting your mobility back is so powerful and something you'll never take for granted again.


Jun 8, 2008
Calliecake|1410743366|3751034 said:
Hi Missy, How has your ankle been feeling the past couple days? Any better or have you still been experiencing some pain? I'll check back tomorrow to see if you were well enough to big the weight bearing physical therapy.

Sorry to hear you decided to return the earrings. It's much better to return them then to have them sitting in the jewelry box not being worn. Something else will come around that will make you happier.

Hi Callie, I am doing OK. My ankle is very stiff and a bit sore but I still plan on going ahead with partial weight bearing today. I am apprehensive but know this is something (pain and swelling and probably some frustration) I have to get through to regain my life back. Thank you so much for being such so supportive of me this whole time. (((Hugs)))

And as for the earrings there is another pair I want but it's too much money so I am figuring out if I want to try selling any of my jewelry to help offset the cost but I have never done that before and not sure it's something I can do. I have such trouble parting with possessions lol.


Jun 8, 2008
rainwood|1410746526|3751050 said:
Missy -

I read that you start weight bearing on Monday. Congratulations!! I know it's a bit scary to start walking on your ankle, but it will open up the world again which is such a good thing. I don't know how they are having you start. I started by walking in the boot using crutches with the instructions not to put more than 25% of my weight on it at any time for the first week. It's hard to be that precise, but I got the hang of it pretty well. I can't remember if they told me to start using both crutches, but I mostly remember using one and found that easier to navigate.

This will be the time that icing and pain relievers are your best friends. Your ankle is going to swell, probably a lot, and I was religious about icing it for 10 minutes every time I'd been on it. It makes such a big difference. I know you can't take most pain relievers, but if there's something you can take that's also an anti-inflammatory, that's great. If not, ice for 10 minutes every hour when you can, and definitely after every round of being on your feet.

Best of success on Monday. It will be scary, but it will be good. Getting your mobility back is so powerful and something you'll never take for granted again.

Hi rainwood, thanks for checking in and sharing that with me. I bought a new ice pack wrap yesterday just for this purpose. It can wrap around my leg and ankle with minimal condensation so I am hoping it will work well and be easy to use and an efficient way to ice. Before this I have been pretty lackadaisical about icing because it was too much trouble and this makes it easier. And reading what you wrote makes me happy I spent the money (it was expensive!) and bought this.

My doctor told me I can start PWB "as tolerated" and that made my physical therapist happy because now we don't have to calculate and estimate percentages. I am not sure what "as tolerated' means because even moving my ankle hurts so I guess it is how much pain I can deal with? I know my therapist will guide me so just hoping I don't reinjure anything or hurt something else during this time of PWB and then of course WB.

I am apprehensive but know this is a positive step (haha I cannot resist the puns) in the right direction. Thank you for sharing what I can expect as that is immensely helpful. While I am not looking forward to the swelling and pain it helps knowing that is what I will be experiencing and that it is normal.

Do you remember how long you were on PWB until you progressed to full weight bearing?
And do you remember if your ankle was very limited re ROM when you started PWB?
My ankle cannot move towards me (that is trying to move my toes towards me when I move my ankle that way) and I am just very limited all around regarding ROM. My therapist says once I start putting weight on it the ROM of my ankle will improve. I was just wondering if that was your experience or did you have a good ankle ROM before you started PWB?

Thanks so much rainwood!


Jun 7, 2014
Hi Missy, I've sorry about being so excited that you get to move on to the next step of your journey that I've pretty much overlooked the whole part about this being uncomfortable for you. Boy do I feel like a jerk. :nono: I'm sorry you were in pain over the weekend and know you will discuss everything you've been feeling with your physical therapist before your weight bearing sessions. Is there a chance he may want you to wait a week before going forward? I hope the session goes well today and what you've been experiencing is part of the normal healing process. If you prefer that I don't comment on your ankle anymore I will completely understand.

It sounds like you are doing the right thing and passing on the earrings. If you found something you like better wait and get those. Are they also an antique pair of earrings?


Jun 8, 2008
Calliecake|1410801924|3751286 said:
Hi Missy, I've sorry about being so excited that you get to move on to the next step of your journey that I've pretty much overlooked the whole part about this being uncomfortable for you. Boy do I feel like a jerk. :nono: I'm sorry you were in pain over the weekend and know you will discuss everything you've been feeling with your physical therapist before your weight bearing sessions. Is there a chance he may want you to wait a week before going forward? I hope the session goes well today and what you've been experiencing is part of the normal healing process. If you prefer that I don't comment on your ankle anymore I will completely understand.

It sounds like you are doing the right thing and passing on the earrings. If you found something you like better wait and get those. Are they also an antique pair of earrings?

Hi Callie! You are so NOT a jerk OMG. I appreciate all your support. I really do. Listen, I am going to be in some sort of pain for a long while now and I am probably going to be sharing that with you guys here because it is a safe place to vent and share my feelings and fears about all of this. Those who are sick of me venting can just ignore my thread and for those who are still hanging in there with me I appreciate it!

I know this thread is self indulgent and when I started it I never thought it would get to be this long. I was devastated after the accident and truly out of my mind with worry and pain and PS was just here for me and for that I am so thankful and appreciative.

I have learned so much from knowledgeable PSers (you included my dear!) and have received support that has helped me through this dark time. I am in a much better place now but am still glad that I can come here when rehab gets tough or to share some good news or just share how I am feeling about what I am going through.

My therapy session went well I think. First of all I am such a scaredy cat OMG. I think every other word out of my mouth with Victor this morning was I'm scared lol. Poor Victor. He was ever so patient and calm with me.

I started out on the recumbent bike for 10 minutes at basically a non existent resistance haha but I was thrilled to be able to do the bike at all! In fact as soon as I got home I ordered a recumbent bike that Victor recommended LOL. I would have loved to get the Cybex which is the one they have at PT but it was too much money and I have so much exercise equipment at home already.
I didn't have any pain on the bike at all at that non existent resistance. It just felt a bit weird.

So I got the Schwinn recumbent model 270 and it is due to arrive this WED. Woohoo! I hope I am not jumping the gun (is that the right saying?) but I am so eager to do something so I am hoping this will work out well. It was reasonably priced and if it helps me it is worth it.

After the bike I started doing calf stretches on an incline which was quite challenging as my ankle just doesn't move that way but I am hoping with time and small stretches I can get there. I cannot get my heel down on the incline but I tried. That hurt but I didn't push myself to the point that it hurt too much. It was so strange to be putting any weight on that leg.

Then Victor had me do calf raises on a small step. Again it was difficult because it is basically the same movement as the prior exercise but I tried and perhaps got some stretch in not sure.

And last exercise was walking! With the boot this time and with the walker and I only put as much weight on that leg as I felt was safe/comfortable with Victor and Greg encouraging me the whole time. I am not sure how much weight but not enough where I was in pain. Just a tingly sensation that I felt.

Then Victor massaged some of the scar tissue where the scabs had fallen off -still have an area of scabbing on the big incision so he cannot break up the scar tissue there yet. He wants me to massage those incisions every day to break up the scar tissue for increased mobility. And he wants me to walk with the walker now-no more hopping ever again he said. I am good with that! He doesn't want me to overdo so no more than a block or 2 maximum and if I have to go further than that he wants me in the wheelchair.

It feels so strange the way I am walking (with only some weight on that leg) and I am doing a weird walk but I know baby steps and I am very encouraged by today's session. I have already walked around the apartment since my session this morning and tried some calf raises. Not sure I got any stretch from my attempt but since I am alone I am afraid to go much harder on the step stool. The walking I feel OK doing by myself since I am using the walker.

I also just ordered 2 canes to see which I prefer. One has a little foot thing for stability and the other one has a handle that I think will be most comfortable so I wanted to get them both and see which would suit me better and probably just keep them both as they are inexpensive. I am not ready to use a cane yet but I like to be prepared. I was so tempted to get the pink one but then I decided to go for basic black. I don't need to draw any more attention to myself and the pink was a bit loud. I don't know if you are familiar with the walking canes but I ordered a Hugo Mobility Quadpod Offset Cane with Ultra Stable Cane Tip and also a Carex Soft Grip Cane. Both in black. I should have gone for the Carex pink since they offered it in that color and who needs two black canes lol but oh well. I just thought it was too OTT for me.

And I iced with my new fab ice pack wrap and it works very well so all in all I feel I accomplished a good amount for the first PWB day and I couldn't have done it without you guys! Thank you!

Whew, long winded post again...sorry Callie. :oops: :wavey:

ETA: They are antique earrings but as of now I don't know how I can swing it since it is a good amount higher than my budget. I need to think if there is anything I can/am willing to sell. I am not so excited to start trying to sell any of my jewelry so that is my limiting factor here because I cannot go over the budget I have set for myself.


Jul 1, 2014
All the write up of your PT, that is what/when I did myself :sun: you are doing fantastic!!!!

I have been thinking about replacing my treadmill with a recumbent bike, I will want your feedback, Missy. Victor sounds fantastic, my guy not so much but eh, what can ya do (try another, which I did). So hugs to Victor.

Also, could you share what your "fab icepack" is? I still ice, it is just the best thing after a workout. :bigsmile:

I'm glad you are rockin' and rollin'!!!


Jun 8, 2008
azstonie|1410810611|3751387 said:
All the write up of your PT, that is what/when I did myself :sun: you are doing fantastic!!!!

I have been thinking about replacing my treadmill with a recumbent bike, I will want your feedback, Missy. Victor sounds fantastic, my guy not so much but eh, what can ya do (try another, which I did). So hugs to Victor.

Also, could you share what your "fab icepack" is? I still ice, it is just the best thing after a workout. :bigsmile:

I'm glad you are rockin' and rollin'!!!

Hi azstonie! Thank you for that feedback. It is all so strange and new to me and I don't really know what to expect so glad it seems to be following a correct order if that makes sense. Weird thing is my knee is swollen and I noticed it before today and I hope that is normal. I am guessing my whole leg is messed up with not being on it for 11 weeks and hopefully in time all the swelling will dissipate.

I am using the Battlecreek Ice it wrap model 512. It is for the knee specifically but they did not have the wrap for the foot and ankle in the store we went to yesterday and this suits me better anyway as it is larger and fits very well over my calf and ankle and foot so it covers it all and no condensation and so easy to wrap and it stays put with the velcro straps. I recommend it.

I will definitely keep you posted as to my thoughts regarding the Schwinn recumbent bicycle. Honestly though I think an elliptical is something you should consider too if you want a great workout. I love the bicycle but it isn't a great workout like the elliptical and according to the orthopedists the elliptical is a very low impact good workout. I mean I cannot do it for a while since it is full weight bearing but I cannot wait to be able to start it again.

The best elliptical hands down (I did plenty of research and it still holds true) is the Cybex arc trainer. I have 3 of them (don't ask why I'm crazy lol) and I have never gotten a better (and enjoyable) lower impact workout. I worked out on the treadmill (Precor) for 20 years plus until I had injured my knee and found the Cybex and never looked back. Though we still have 3 Precor treadmills and Greg uses them. 3 is our exercise number I guess haha though with the addition of the Schwinn recumbent we only will have 2 exercise bikes (I still have my Lifecycle from 1988 if you can believe it) though if you counted Greg's regular bike that he makes into a stationery one for indoor cycling workouts that would make 3! OMG I guess 3 is our exercise number. :cheeky:

Glad you are still doing well and I am very happy to share Victor with you if you want to come and stay here for a bit azstonie. :appl:


Jun 7, 2014
Hi Missy, Thank you for your post. I just felt bad because here I was all excited and it was obvious in your posts that followed you were in pain and scared. It must be comforting to hear from the other Pricescope people who gave been thru similar injuries.

Wow, what a day you had today. It sounds like you accomplished so much. You have to love that Victor put you on a bike. Talk about the perfect motivator for you! Did you think you would be walking with a walker this soon? Just think, a few weeks ago you were worried about sleeping without a boot on and look where you are now.

I wouldn't be too concerned about sounding overly frightened to Victor. He has to be used to people being afraid when the time comes to advance to new exercises. I'm sure he has some patients that refuse to do the exercises. In think those are the people who test his patience. He knows how determined you are.

How cool the Schwinn recumbent arrives on Wednesday. Will Greg be putting it together Wednesday night or does it arrive put together? I'm sure you'll get your money's worth out of this piece of equipment. Just don't over do it. When you said a bike all I could think of was Greg won't be able to get you off it. After what you've been through the past couple of months, I'd be happy to just sit on it.

If you like the pink cane then buy the pink one. Who cares if it's a little over the top. If the pink one makes you smile, get one! Your nieces will think it's cool!


Mar 29, 2005
Missy -

I started at 25% the first week, then went to 50% the next week, then 75%, then 100%. Because I sprained the other ankle really badly, I went straight from the wheelchair to the crutch with no PT for flexibility - just some exercises that I was supposed to do on my own - so I had a little ROM but not a lot. I never did use a walker. What they had me do was a single crutch on the side with the broken ankle and I would move the crutch forward when I took a step on the bad leg so that most of my weight on that side was absorbed by my arm on that side. I liked that because it left one hand free and I could do stairs which we have a lot of in our house.

I can't remember how long I was walking at 100% in the boot, but I was eventually able to clomp around for long distances in that darn thing. The tricky part was transitioning to walking without the boot. My distance went down a lot. I was bummed because I had this notion that when the boot came off, I'd just walk normally with no pain and no problem because I didn't have any pain with the boot unless I overdid. My notion was totally off-base. I had to take it much more slowly with the boot off than with the boot on and I learned that the hard way a few times. There were some days when I just couldn't wait to get off my feet and put that ice pack on. And when I went to PT, I always iced before I left. I'm glad you got something that makes it easier because icing is probably the single most important thing you can do to help yourself. That, plus religiously doing PT and the exercises they give you to do on your own.


Jun 8, 2008
Calliecake|1410816636|3751449 said:
Hi Missy, Thank you for your post. I just felt bad because here I was all excited and it was obvious in your posts that followed you were in pain and scared. It must be comforting to hear from the other Pricescope people who gave been thru similar injuries.

Wow, what a day you had today. It sounds like you accomplished so much. You have to love that Victor put you on a bike. Talk about the perfect motivator for you! Did you think you would be walking with a walker this soon? Just think, a few weeks ago you were worried about sleeping without a boot on and look where you are now.

I wouldn't be too concerned about sounding overly frightened to Victor. He has to be used to people being afraid when the time comes to advance to new exercises. I'm sure he has some patients that refuse to do the exercises. In think those are the people who test his patience. He knows how determined you are.

How cool the Schwinn recumbent arrives on Wednesday. Will Greg be putting it together Wednesday night or does it arrive put together? I'm sure you'll get your money's worth out of this piece of equipment. Just don't over do it. When you said a bike all I could think of was Greg won't be able to get you off it. After what you've been through the past couple of months, I'd be happy to just sit on it.

If you like the pink cane then buy the pink one. Who cares if it's a little over the top. If the pink one makes you smile, get one! Your nieces will think it's cool!

Hi Callie, if I really like the black one I can just get the pink one too since I already ordered the black one and it is inexpensive. Who thought I would be cane shopping at this age. I thought I had a few decades or so haha.

The Schwinn needs to be put together and with the way Greg's work is lately I doubt he will be able to do it Wednesday evening. The reviews online indicated it takes about an hour. Though I would love if Greg could put it together as soon as possible but even weekends are very full of things to do and tightly scheduled but I am sure he will do it for me this weekend even with all the stuff that needs to be done.

I figured I have gone this long without exercising what's a few more days. Plus now my foot ankle are sort of bothering me so I don't want to overdo. Victor said 10 minutes on the bike and if I feel OK 15 min and if that's OK 20 min up to 30 minutes max. I am going to take it nice and easy. Plus Greg says he likes me with the added weight so not in a rush to take it all off (and the way I will be doing the bicycle won't be burning many calories anyway) but I want to get into cardiovascular shape. I have never in my whole adult life gone this long without working out. I rarely missed a day before this let alone 11 plus weeks. :shock:

I didn't think he would be having me walk so soon but I am not putting a lot of weight on the leg...too scared still but I know it is only the first day so I am giving myself a break (there I go again with those darn puns :rodent: ).

Thanks for your encouragement and excitement for me Callie. I hear it in your posts and it means a lot to me.


Jun 8, 2008
rainwood|1410818460|3751475 said:
Missy -

I started at 25% the first week, then went to 50% the next week, then 75%, then 100%. Because I sprained the other ankle really badly, I went straight from the wheelchair to the crutch with no PT for flexibility - just some exercises that I was supposed to do on my own - so I had a little ROM but not a lot. I never did use a walker. What they had me do was a single crutch on the side with the broken ankle and I would move the crutch forward when I took a step on the bad leg so that most of my weight on that side was absorbed by my arm on that side. I liked that because it left one hand free and I could do stairs which we have a lot of in our house.

I can't remember how long I was walking at 100% in the boot, but I was eventually able to clomp around for long distances in that darn thing. The tricky part was transitioning to walking without the boot. My distance went down a lot. I was bummed because I had this notion that when the boot came off, I'd just walk normally with no pain and no problem because I didn't have any pain with the boot unless I overdid. My notion was totally off-base. I had to take it much more slowly with the boot off than with the boot on and I learned that the hard way a few times. There were some days when I just couldn't wait to get off my feet and put that ice pack on. And when I went to PT, I always iced before I left. I'm glad you got something that makes it easier because icing is probably the single most important thing you can do to help yourself. That, plus religiously doing PT and the exercises they give you to do on your own.

Thanks rainwood. I was terrible with crutches when I was given them at the hospital when I first had the accident and find the walker is much more stable for a klutz like me. Sounds like the crutches worked perfectly for you because you have stairs. You had quite the challenge because of your other ankle being sprained so badly. :blackeye: So glad you got through it and are doing so well.

I tried walking without the boot (just to go to the bathroom and get my icepack) and instead wearing the Dansko clog on my bad foot/leg. I didn't put much weight on it and I am not sure Victor would approve but I was curious and very cautious. I didn't much care for the feeling with the Dansko clog as the boot is much more secure and stable. I have to ask Victor if it is OK for me to do that occasionally so perhaps it will help with my transition.

I thought of you as I was icing today and because of what you wrote I have been icing more than I would have so thank you!


Mar 29, 2005
Missy -

Using one crutch is much more stable than using two when you're using both feet. It takes a little concentration at first to time the crutch and the bad leg step at the same time, but it's way more stable than using two crutches which I never felt stable on. I couldn't ever get the hang of two even though that became an option for me when the sprained ankle got better. Plus I was better able to walk straight upright using the crutch which helped my back.

And I would think that going without the boot, even for a short distance, would be an absolute no-no at this stage. I was only non-weight bearing for 6 weeks, and you're almost double that, but your muscles are weak, your tendons are tight, and you need the stability the boot provides until those muscles and tendons are able to perform better. Stop doing that unless your doctor says it's okay because that sounds really risky to me.

And I'm glad to hear you're icing more. It really does help a lot.


Jan 11, 2006
Hi, Missy! I am just skimming but wanted to say I am so excited you are at the point of beginning weight-bearing exercises! That is great! I know it must be scary but it sounds like you have a good PT!

I also saw that you just decided to return the earrings. I think that is a good decision because you really need to LOVE them when in that kind of price range! I am very curious about the pair you have your eyes on now!

Take care!


Jun 8, 2008
rainwood|1410822665|3751518 said:
Missy -

Using one crutch is much more stable than using two when you're using both feet. It takes a little concentration at first to time the crutch and the bad leg step at the same time, but it's way more stable than using two crutches which I never felt stable on. I couldn't ever get the hang of two even though that became an option for me when the sprained ankle got better. Plus I was better able to walk straight upright using the crutch which helped my back.

And I would think that going without the boot, even for a short distance, would be an absolute no-no at this stage. I was only non-weight bearing for 6 weeks, and you're almost double that, but your muscles are weak, your tendons are tight, and you need the stability the boot provides until those muscles and tendons are able to perform better. Stop doing that unless your doctor says it's okay because that sounds really risky to me.

And I'm glad to hear you're icing more. It really does help a lot.

Rainwood, thanks for posting that warning. You've convinced me and I am going to use the boot only now to walk until I get feedback from my therapist on Wednesday. What you wrote makes good sense which I seem to be lacking these days. I appreciate it.

As an aside I feel so tall with the boot on lol. This is the highest "heel" I've worn in the last 2 decades. Ironic.


Jun 8, 2008
diamondseeker2006|1410824001|3751530 said:
Hi, Missy! I am just skimming but wanted to say I am so excited you are at the point of beginning weight-bearing exercises! That is great! I know it must be scary but it sounds like you have a good PT!

I also saw that you just decided to return the earrings. I think that is a good decision because you really need to LOVE them when in that kind of price range! I am very curious about the pair you have your eyes on now!

Take care!

Thanks Diamondseeker! It's been a roller coaster of emotions these past couple of months and I am glad to have that behind me. I know I still have a lot in front of me in terms of getting my functioning back but I am on the right path at least and ready to do what is necessary.

It wasn't an easy decision to return the earrings but ultimately I decided they weren't exactly what I wanted. I want something a bit more delicate with that old cut charm of course. And I will let you know if I can swing the piece I have my eyes on... why is it that all the gorgeous pieces cost so much lol.
If it doesn't work out it's OK. I am not rushing into anything buying anything that expensive right now but it would be so lovely if I could swing it...


Jun 23, 2005
Missy, so glad to hear this PT news! How exciting to finally be able to get up and move a bit! Sounds like you did a lot today and I'm happy for this beginning - finally!

You're going to be up and about before you know it and I'm glad that you were able to buy the bike. With permission, it's nice to be able to work at your own pace. I'm just excited for you!!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Missy,

Walking? Woo hoo! :appl: :appl: :appl: Look at you now! I am so thrilled for you! The ice pack sounds like it will be a big help for you to help with swelling and pain. How exciting that you ordered a PT approved bike that didn’t hurt and I agree – order the pink cane too. I am sure you are going to be sore from all the new activity but its just part of your road to recovery.

Rats that the earrings you want now are more than you want to pay. That’s usually my luck too. Have you ever tried to sell jewelry on Loupe Troop? I’ve thought of putting some things on there. I have been thinking of looking for some diamond dangle earrings but I’ve spent way too much money the last 6 months on jewelry and house stuff.

I haven’t caught those programs on million dollar-listing homes. I am sure they are awesome. A beachfront house in Malibu would officially not suck. I will have to watch one of those shows when I catch it in the guide.

Wyoming does have some pretty places and a lot of boring prairie land. Plus it has a lot of open spaces. I like that part.

I am glad Verizon did come fix your home right away for you. I think if I ever have problems again I am going to ask to talk to a supervisor. We’ve been customers with Verizon for about 20 years and that supervisor will get an earful from me.

Marty did make it home safely and should be home for at least a few weeks.

I don’t have pets but I do have lots of Teddy Bears and Killer Rabbits around here. I have lots of allergies including dogs and cats so the stuffed animals work better for me. The bears and rabbits are kind of our silly thing. I bought one of the bears that Kay’s has each year for St. Jude’s Children’s hospital. (Actually I buy them every year and donate them to the kids). The one I bought had colors that matched our living room so I thought how fun to have a Christmas teddy. Marty makes the mistakes of telling me he hates cute teddy bears like the Snuggles bear on the commercials. Marty is over 6 feet tall and had his feet off the couch right by my knees so I bend the bear over to sniff his feet and then pretended like the bear was coughing from the smell. So then it was on and Marty was always picking on the bear like hiding him, shoving him down the cushions in the couch, etc. When he started his current job he was in the UK and I posted pictures on Facebook of the bear playing with his PlayStation, drinking out of his espresso cups, wearing his slippers, etc. Marty got home then right around Christmas and I’d bought him a hand sized killer rabbit (from Monty Python’s Holy Grail fame) that was on the top of his Christmas stocking. The little rabbit is built around a metal clip so it actually can bite. Right then my bear became the rabbits prey. Now I have 9 bears and Marty has 8 rabbits and we have a lot of entertainment with them. I’ll come home from work and find the rabbits terrorizing my bears, etc. We are easily entertained. And weird.

Take care. Have fun walking.

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