
Now I really did it :((


Jun 7, 2014
Missy, I'm sorry last night was rough for you. I hope today your comfort level starts to get better. You have always been so active so it does make sense that you would be getting stiff. Did the doctor say there was anything you could do to help your back until you can get back on your feet?

I'm sure your darling little Francesca is helping you today. I know this is going to sound strange but I really think she knows how badly you have been feeling and is trying to comfort you. If I'm going to be gone more than 4 hours I bring my baby to a doggie daycare. I dropped her off one day and learned the owner had just received terrible news about a family member. She was crying when I walked in. I asked her if there was anything I could do help her and was going to leave with my dog. She asked if I would please leave my dog with her for the day. She said my dog always knows if she's having a bad day and won't leave her side if she is. She went on to say that my little sweetheart had helped her tremendously on more than one occasion. Now if only we could figure out a way to sneak Francesca in the hospital to be with you next week.

If for some strange reason they won't let you bring your pillows, have your DH sneak your pillow cases in. You could probably fit 3 hospital pillows in one pillow case. I don't know how they even call those flat things pillows.


Jan 11, 2006
Poor Missy. I am sorry you are still having so much pain. I am glad the surgery is scheduled for Monday. Epidurals are FANTASTIC!!! You should be fine with that! I'll be praying for good results and rapid healing!!!


Jul 2, 2010
Just checking in to see how you are doing?
I know lots of folks gave great advice and lots of folks are looking out for you.hope you feel the love!
I'm sure your doc will do it, but when they are giving you all those pre surgery drugs, just double check they are giving you rocephin. At least ask about it!

When my son had his bone graft for his spinal surgery, they some how neglected it and he ended up with a staph infection in the donor site( his hip) it has something to do with open bone and marrow I believe. Bacterial infections from open wounds and bone.
He ended up with a PICC line and 6weeks of IV Rocephin.

Dust for a wonderful surgical outcome and very quick uneventful recovery!!!


Feb 3, 2008
Missy, just don't take no for an answer! There is no reason you should not have your own pillows. Just insist. If that doesn't work insist again, about everything. Have your hubby put his two cents in. With a smile on your face, if possible. Bring the nurses a gift, like something from the bakery (have your hubby do this). It goes a long long way.

We have been in too many hospitals with our kids and parents and I can tell you this has worked every single time. Don't feel bad about it a bit. Hospitals are institutions that do things for ease for themselves, so you have to say what it is you are going to do.

I am not saying to be un kind or rude, just insistent. Nurses are the most under-rated employees, but can be your best ally. Treat them well and they will go to bat for you!


Jun 8, 2008
azstonie|1404496073|3706787 said:
2-1/2 days to getting the surgery over and out of the way! :appl: You're a trooper, keep going, just a little longer and you'll be waking up and on the path to strength :sun:

(For sure take your pillow to the hospital, if you are staying longer than a bed change/laundry cycle keep an eye on the pillow because you don't want it being trundled off to Laundry, that includes your nice satin pillowcase too!)

Love the pics of the kitties taking care of their mom. When I was laid up my Westies were right there, including jumping on my broken leg because I made the mistake of letting them see me holding a 4-pound rump roast!!! So don't get between your kitties and the tuna :lol:

Thanks azstonie. Only 2 more days and 3 nights left. On one hand I want to get it over with so I can start healing properly. OTOH I am a little bit terrified about the whole surgery and hospital stay. But the former is winning over the latter especially because my leg was in a lot of pain today. Felt like a vice was gripping the ankle much of the day and getting up was torture. But it was a nice day because friends of our called to see if they could stop by and visit and I was happy for the diversion for a few hours.

My friends today told me to be very careful because things have a way of disappearing in the hospital. I fully intend on bringing my laptop for help in getting through the first few rough days I am in the hospital so I hope that's not going to be a problem.

Love that image of your dear Westies trying to get to that rump roast haha. Just hope your leg was OK during that tussle. Sounds just like what my kitties would do too haha.


Jun 8, 2008
diamondseeker2006|1404502858|3706819 said:
Poor Missy. I am sorry you are still having so much pain. I am glad the surgery is scheduled for Monday. Epidurals are FANTASTIC!!! You should be fine with that! I'll be praying for good results and rapid healing!!!

Thanks so much diamondseeker. Me too. I mostly just want to get the surgery over with (and the hospital stay too-really not looking forward to that either!) so I can get to healing. And yay for epidurals then. I know nothing about them nor spinal anesthesia. Wish I didn't have to have 2 forms of anesthesia but I know they know what they are doing so just going to remain zen about it all as best I can.


Jun 8, 2008
Sparklelu|1404503391|3706826 said:
Just checking in to see how you are doing?
I know lots of folks gave great advice and lots of folks are looking out for you.hope you feel the love!
I'm sure your doc will do it, but when they are giving you all those pre surgery drugs, just double check they are giving you rocephin. At least ask about it!

When my son had his bone graft for his spinal surgery, they some how neglected it and he ended up with a staph infection in the donor site( his hip) it has something to do with open bone and marrow I believe. Bacterial infections from open wounds and bone.
He ended up with a PICC line and 6weeks of IV Rocephin.

Dust for a wonderful surgical outcome and very quick uneventful recovery!!!

Thank you Sparklelu! My goodness, what a terrible ordeal for your dear son and you and your family. :cry: Thank goodness he came through OK. I cannot believe they let that happen. How scary and how relieved you all must be that terrible time is over!
Thank you so much for that important info and I will make sure to ask my doctor about getting Rocephin prophylatically.

I am doing OK thank you for asking. As I wrote friends visited today and that was very nice. It helps knowing that friends and family are there for me and rooting for me just like it helps knowing there are PSers who care too.

It's funny because though I am a big communicator generally and very verbal with how I am feeling emotionally I have never been through a time like this. Difficult challenges all year and I felt embarrassed this happened on top of everything else this year. But people have been so warm and supportive that it makes it a bit easier if that makes sense. I mean the pain is still acute and I still cannot walk or do most anything by myself but it allows me to realize I am not alone in this and I am strong enough at least emotionally to get through it and g-d willing be OK.

(((Hugs))) to you and your son and I am so glad he is doing well despite that terribly scary time.


Jun 8, 2008
luv2sparkle|1404509416|3706899 said:
Missy, just don't take no for an answer! There is no reason you should not have your own pillows. Just insist. If that doesn't work insist again, about everything. Have your hubby put his two cents in. With a smile on your face, if possible. Bring the nurses a gift, like something from the bakery (have your hubby do this). It goes a long long way.

We have been in too many hospitals with our kids and parents and I can tell you this has worked every single time. Don't feel bad about it a bit. Hospitals are institutions that do things for ease for themselves, so you have to say what it is you are going to do.

I am not saying to be un kind or rude, just insistent. Nurses are the most under-rated employees, but can be your best ally. Treat them well and they will go to bat for you!

Thank you luv2sparkle. I wish I could take you with me to be my advocate lol.I know it is a silly matter but having my pillows will make a qualitative difference in my stay for sure. Not that I expect to get much sleep but if I have any hope of getting any sleep I am going to need my pillows. LOL I even took them with us on our honeymoon haha. And I sleep on 3 big fluffy pillows so no tissue paper thin hospital pillow is going to do at all. :shock:

Thank you for those wise tips. Noted and will do. I am not above bribing the hospital staff with baked goods nosiree! :cheeky:
And I am a very polite person IRL especially with people I just meet so believe me when I tell you I treat people well and they will feel appreciated with no ulterior motive needed. I know how hard they work for sure. And I also know how bureaucratic nonsense can make life difficult for everyone. So hopefully I can get what I need to make my stay as palatable (or at least as painless) as possible. Not looking forward to fighting for my creature comforts (wish that creature included dear Francesca LOL) but I will do the best I can and thank you for your encouragement!

Do you have any tips regarding laptops and mobile phones and chargers and any other valuables in the hospital? I would like to take these to help me during my stay but was told by friends (and my mom too actually) to be careful. That valuables have a way of disappearing there. Sounds ludicrous that we have to be worried about that to the point of bringing nothing at all to the hospital. I mean one of my friends told me her mother's expensive shoes were stolen during her hospitalization! They actually got reimbursed by the hospital for that but who needs that kind of aggravation when dealing with health issues. Thanks for any advice on this. I really want to bring some things from home including my macbook air and my mobile phone and even my tea kettle. LOL when my mom found out I wanted to bring my tea kettle she said I'm not going to a B&B. Haha, don't worry. No chance I am mistaking the hospital for a B&B. :cheeky:


Jan 11, 2006
Gosh, I couldn't handle a hospital stay without my computer and cell phone! Surely there is a way for them to secure it at night perhaps???


Feb 3, 2008
I never left any valuables in the hospital when I wasn't there. But I was there for my kids surgeries and hospitalization. I would have your DH bring your laptop with him and take it with him when he leaves. I would be ok bringing a kindle though. I would have no problem bringing your own tea kettle as long as you can reach it from your bed. Even it your hubby could fix your tea, it would make less work for the staff. I would simply tell them that you need these things to recover. If you can't sleep you will not recover as fast. I am so with you on the pillow thing. I have to have one of those foam curved pillows to be able to sleep.

Is it weird to say that even with all the trauma you feet still look fabulous. LOL.

You really do need an advocate with you. It is probably the one thing that makes you the safest during any hospital stay. If you have one, no one will be able to do anything that you do not want them too. But even if you are alone for a bit, you can still stand up for yourself. We have had some amazing, incredibly kind nurses, and we have also had a couple that have been bullies and thought that they had the final word. Just remember Missy that it is your recovery and you are in charge of what is done to you and for you. I am not saying this to produce any kind of fear in you, just as a thought to have in the back of your mind. Your hospital sounds like an incredible place and they probably have the best of the best in terms of staff. I am sure they will be so very kind and will take care of you very well.


Jun 24, 2012
When I was hospitalized, a nurse told me not to keep my laptop there. Valuable articles could be stolen anytime. Maybe you can have a phone with you all the time during your stay, but be careful if you bring a laptop or an iPad. Can you bring some books and magazines to keep yourself entertained?

I am keeping my fingers crossed for you. Hope you're having a relaxing long weekend at home with your husband.


Jun 8, 2008
diamondseeker2006|1404525114|3707026 said:
Gosh, I couldn't handle a hospital stay without my computer and cell phone! Surely there is a way for them to secure it at night perhaps???

We are looking into this thank you diamondseeker. My dh is going to run some errands today (that I normally do with him :(( ) and he is also going to check out radioshack to see if they have some locking cables or something like that. I agree with you that a hospital stay without my laptop is more unpleasant than I want to think about. It's bad enough I am going to be in pain and in a hospital for a number of days at least but to be without any good form of diversion for me is almost intolerable. I am really hoping there is a better option than that for me.

luv2sparkle said:
I never left any valuables in the hospital when I wasn't there. But I was there for my kids surgeries and hospitalization. I would have your DH bring your laptop with him and take it with him when he leaves. I would be ok bringing a kindle though. I would have no problem bringing your own tea kettle as long as you can reach it from your bed. Even it your hubby could fix your tea, it would make less work for the staff. I would simply tell them that you need these things to recover. If you can't sleep you will not recover as fast. I am so with you on the pillow thing. I have to have one of those foam curved pillows to be able to sleep.

Is it weird to say that even with all the trauma you feet still look fabulous. LOL.

You really do need an advocate with you. It is probably the one thing that makes you the safest during any hospital stay. If you have one, no one will be able to do anything that you do not want them too. But even if you are alone for a bit, you can still stand up for yourself. We have had some amazing, incredibly kind nurses, and we have also had a couple that have been bullies and thought that they had the final word. Just remember Missy that it is your recovery and you are in charge of what is done to you and for you. I am not saying this to produce any kind of fear in you, just as a thought to have in the back of your mind. Your hospital sounds like an incredible place and they probably have the best of the best in terms of staff. I am sure they will be so very kind and will take care of you very well.

Thanks luv2sparkle. I am rethinking the tea kettle now because I wrote it off based on the thought it would be too much to bring and a hassle but now reading your thoughts I again think it could be good to bring. As for letting my dh take it home with him every night well that is when I probably will want and need it the most. When he is not there keeping me company. Though I will want it when he is there obviously because he is still working from the hospital so he cannot entertain me the whole time anyway. And after over 15 years together I don't think we will be able to chat constantly for all the hours I am awake LOL.

And thank you for the reminder about having to be my own advocate. And having others (my dh) stand up for me. I am a bit anxious about having to "fight" for my rights (especially when I am in a vulnerable condition) so to speak but appreciate the info and reminder because knowing what to expect is half the battle.


Jun 8, 2008
Sakuracherry|1404530875|3707067 said:
When I was hospitalized, a nurse told me not to keep my laptop there. Valuable articles could be stolen anytime. Maybe you can have a phone with you all the time during your stay, but be careful if you bring a laptop or an iPad. Can you bring some books and magazines to keep yourself entertained?

I am keeping my fingers crossed for you. Hope you're having a relaxing long weekend at home with your husband.

Thank you Sakuracherry. I find books/magazines difficult to concentrate on when I am in pain however for some reason being on the internet is more engaging and I cannot comfortably do that on my phone.

Perhaps it is about feeling connected to others that makes this so for me I don't know. But I feel (not to sound dramatic) it critical to my healing process to have something engaging with me to take my mind off my pain and unhappy circumstances. I remember that saying one can make a hell of heaven and a heaven out of hell and having my laptop and the internet with me will go a long way towards making that "hell" I consider the hospital to be into a sort of "heaven" in my head. If that makes any sense whatsoever.

Thank you for your good wishes and I also wish you the very best with your difficult decision ahead regarding schools and life. (((Hugs))).


Jun 8, 2008
Forgot to add a recommendation for a Netflix series that my dh and I are very much enjoying. All of you are so generous with your helpful recommendations that I wanted to be able to in a small way give back. A good friend recommended Last Tango in Halifax and we started watching it last night. An excellent BBC series. Enjoyable and smart.

I am looking forward to enjoying PSers viewing and reading recs soon and thank you again for those. :wavey:


Jun 7, 2014
Missy, I hope you are feeling more comfortable today and that yesterday wasn't as hard as the previous night. Please don't feel embarrassed about coming here to vent when you are feeling blue, scared or are in pain. All of us go thru difficult times in our lives at one time of another. Sometimes the kindness of others is the only thing that gets us through really difficult times.

Do you have an IPad? If you do, I'm sure the nurses can lock it up for you at night. I would think 95% of the population would want their iPad or computer with them. I'm sure they have something in place to make it comfortable for patients to bring them to the hospital. Most everyone I know would be having serious withdrawal without their IPad :)


Sep 11, 2012
Just reading this now. So sorry to hear. Sending big cyberhugs to you.


Feb 3, 2008
You could always put your laptop inside your pillowcase or under your pillow when you sleep..... :naughty: If you have to have it, you have to have it. Back up everything before you go, delete any personal info and if it does get stolen (heaven forbid), you just replace it. It sounds like it would be more stressful to you to not have it, than have it get stolen. Some things are worth the risk, and if it makes your recovery easier, this might be one of them for you.


Jun 17, 2009
luv2sparkle|1404573505|3707287 said:
You could always put your laptop inside your pillowcase or under your pillow when you sleep..... :naughty: If you have to have it, you have to have it. Back up everything before you go, delete any personal info and if it does get stolen (heaven forbid), you just replace it. It sounds like it would be more stressful to you to not have it, than have it get stolen. Some things are worth the risk, and if it makes your recovery easier, this might be one of them for you.

This is exactly what I was thinking! I wouldn't want to be without my laptop either.

I am so glad you are receiving such good tips and advice from knowledgable PS'ers missy - I wish I could be more helpful, but please know I'm keeping you in my thoughts every day.


Jun 8, 2008
Calliecake|1404571023|3707265 said:
Missy, I hope you are feeling more comfortable today and that yesterday wasn't as hard as the previous night. Please don't feel embarrassed about coming here to vent when you are feeling blue, scared or are in pain. All of us go thru difficult times in our lives at one time of another. Sometimes the kindness of others is the only thing that gets us through really difficult times.

Do you have an IPad? If you do, I'm sure the nurses can lock it up for you at night. I would think 95% of the population would want their iPad or computer with them. I'm sure they have something in place to make it comfortable for patients to bring them to the hospital. Most everyone I know would be having serious withdrawal without their IPad :)

Hi Callie, thanks for being here for me. I agree the kindness of friends and PSers are truly helping me cope with this. It's only day 8 and I haven't even started the real journey yet and I am already struggling with being a virtual prisoner. From bed to couch to bed again. It's very depressing and I am trying to keep my composure and hold it together. No matter how hard this is I know I will be fine but it's still all sort of a shock and what I have to endure to survive for the next few months and beyond. I guess I am still adjusting to the new "normal" for me and it is dramatically different than my old active life. OK enough feeling sorry for myself for the day. My pity party allotment is up.

Moving forward my dh bought a lock for my macbook air but he just realized it won't work. Back to the drawing board but if all else fails I will try the great suggestions of sleeping on it haha. Cannot be worse than sleeping on my back with my leg elevated in the hospital bed lol.

I don't have an iPad mini believe it or not but my dh has been trying to get me to get one. He loves his. But for now I am going to hold off as this isn't a good time for me to get new stuff. I really love my mac air and I am holding on to the hope they will allow me to keep it with me and I will somehow safeguard it. Even if that means taking it with me wherever I go with a knapsack on my back to keep it with me at all times.

Just packed a few ziplock bags with some supplements and benadryl and things I want to have under my control and not doled out by the hospital staff. I am hopefully going to sneak it in because I anticipate them not letting me bring them in due to the fact the hospital likes to charge crazy rates for things and I would prefer to take them as I want them anyway. I would never take anything without my doctor's OK anyway so don't worry I am being smart.

gregchang35 said:
Just reading this now. So sorry to hear. Sending big cyberhugs to you.

Thank you greg. I gladly accept those cyberhugs and sending big hugs back to you too.

luv2sparkle said:
You could always put your laptop inside your pillowcase or under your pillow when you sleep..... :naughty: If you have to have it, you have to have it. Back up everything before you go, delete any personal info and if it does get stolen (heaven forbid), you just replace it. It sounds like it would be more stressful to you to not have it, than have it get stolen. Some things are worth the risk, and if it makes your recovery easier, this might be one of them for you.

Thanks luv2sparkle. Great suggestion and if all else fails I will try that. As I wrote above how bad can it be compared to sleeping on a hospital bed with my leg elevated?

junebug17 said:
This is exactly what I was thinking! I wouldn't want to be without my laptop either.

I am so glad you are receiving such good tips and advice from knowledgable PS'ers missy - I wish I could be more helpful, but please know I'm keeping you in my thoughts every day.

Thanks Junebug! It is true. These helpful tips from my fellow PSers are invaluable. And also invaluable is the support you guys are giving me. Thank you so much for being here for me and keeping my spirits up. It is more helpful than you might even realize. I am so not used to sitting all day forced not to move with the exception of going to the bathroom and it is emotionally draining. Fortunately the pain keeps me from getting too bored lol. JK, sort of... ::)

But good things are coming and I am holding on to that. Surgery Monday and then my recovery begins so no matter the intense pain I know I will be in all over again I can take it. Just need to hold on till Monday and hope the surgeon and other doctors there do there job skillfully and efficiently and make me whole physically again so I can rebuild/regain and get my life back.

(((Hugs))) to everyone and thank you.


Feb 27, 2010
Thinking of you. Hang in there. Thanks for posting the picture of your cat in your wheelchair. Your good humor will surely help you through!!


Jul 1, 2014
Here's an idea for your electronics/valuable: get a gallon hefty Ziploc or the ginourmous ext r a hyoooge size. Get some duct tape. When you leave the room or go to sleep, electronics/valuables in bag, zip shut, have your DH make a duct tape sling under /attached to the bed for your bagged stuff. When u come back, it's there for u. Under side of any permanent item in the room also works. Not the chair, those get moved around. It's not just hospital personnel, it's other patients, their visitors... they can rifle through surface things fast but search for hidden stuff, not so much.

Also, you CAN take that with u to radiology, lab, etc. I did, the tech just put it on a shelf, took the pics, gave me my tablet no prob. Nurses and medical assistants will say oh no, you can't bring that with you. Just tuck it in with you and smile, say you'll handle it when you get there by leaving it in your wheelchair.


Jun 8, 2008
Sky56|1404584311|3707367 said:
Thinking of you. Hang in there. Thanks for posting the picture of your cat in your wheelchair. Your good humor will surely help you through!!

Thank you Sky. Next pic maybe I'll take of both of us in the chair. ;))
I wish I was one of my kitties right now that's for sure.

azstonie said:
Here's an idea for your electronics/valuable: get a gallon hefty Ziploc or the ginourmous ext r a hyoooge size. Get some duct tape. When you leave the room or go to sleep, electronics/valuables in bag, zip shut, have your DH make a duct tape sling under /attached to the bed for your bagged stuff. When u come back, it's there for u. Under side of any permanent item in the room also works. Not the chair, those get moved around. It's not just hospital personnel, it's other patients, their visitors... they can rifle through surface things fast but search for hidden stuff, not so much.

Also, you CAN take that with u to radiology, lab, etc. I did, the tech just put it on a shelf, took the pics, gave me my tablet no prob. Nurses and medical assistants will say oh no, you can't bring that with you. Just tuck it in with you and smile, say you'll handle it when you get there by leaving it in your wheelchair.

Thanks azstonie. My dh gave me a briefcase that locks and that I can swing over my shoulder if I leave the room or ask an aide to carry for me and bring with me wherever I go. And as for night your idea is good thanks or I can just put it under my pillows when I sleep. Only problem are my phone and chargers then because I am limited as to how much stuff I can have under my pillow LOL. So maybe your idea but it is going to be difficult for me to do it as I won't be mobile so I am going to have to rely on someone working at the hospital if I go with that idea. My dh is not going to be with me the whole time I am there and I am going to want to have my phone with me at all times I think plus I will be getting a hospital phone too.

Another thing I did was pack earphones for my computer so I don't disturb my roomie especially if I want to watch netflix on my computer in the middle of the night if I cannot sleep. Not sure what I will be able to and not be able to do in terms of physically because when I first broke my leg I couldn't do anything by myself so all this planning might be moot depending on how I can function by myself in the middle of the night when it is not practical for me to ask for help.

Thank you for brainstorming for me. I wish there was a better handle on security at the hospitals. I had no idea. When I called today because I wanted to see what my options were (for example locked closet/draw etc.) they just kept giving me the same mantra. We recommend against bringing any valuables. Hey, I am a valuable. Can I trust you guys with me??? :-o


Jan 7, 2010
Best of luck for Monday missy!

When you've sailed through surgery, I have some more BBC recommendations for you:

The Fall (thriller series with Gillian Anderson as a detective superintendent, season 2 is being filmed)

Death comes to Pembrrley (mini series adaptation of the PD James novel)

If you like

I have lots more movie recommendations for you, I'll leave that for after surgery !


Jun 8, 2008
rosetta|1404596417|3707447 said:
Best of luck for Monday missy!

When you've sailed through surgery, I have some more BBC recommendations for you:

The Fall (thriller series with Gillian Anderson as a detective superintendent, season 2 is being filmed)

Death comes to Pembrrley (mini series adaptation of the PD James novel)

If you like

I have lots more movie recommendations for you, I'll leave that for after surgery !

Ooh yes, thanks Rosetta! I am looking forward to your recs. My dh and I loved The Fall. So glad it is coming back...cannot wait for season 2!

And thank you for the good luck for Monday! I appreciate that and just want it to be successful so I can start getting better. Thank you and (((hugs))).


Jul 1, 2014
My guilty viewing pleasure while I was immobile was Sons of Anarchy. Hamlet on Hogs (motorcycles). It's engrossing! And not for the kiddos, just an. FYI.

House of Cards.

Most recent Sherlock Holmes/PBS with Benedict Cumberbatch. Richly textured, sophisticated and funny/touching. Must watch in chronological order :read:


Jun 8, 2008
azstonie|1404603186|3707481 said:
My guilty viewing pleasure while I was immobile was Sons of Anarchy. Hamlet on Hogs (motorcycles). It's engrossing! And not for the kiddos, just an. FYI.

House of Cards.

Most recent Sherlock Holmes/PBS with Benedict Cumberbatch. Richly textured, sophisticated and funny/touching. Must watch in chronological order :read:

Thanks for those recommendations. I put it on my list. Sons of Anarchy-always been meaning to watch it and now we have time. House of Cards loved and hope they are coming back after the last season. And the Sherlock Holmes/PBS series-haven't seen so looking forward to that too and will watch in chronological order, thanks!

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
missy..good luck with your surgery on Monday!... :appl:


Jun 8, 2008
Dancing Fire|1404609088|3707519 said:
missy..good luck with your surgery on Monday!... :appl:

I am almost looking forward to it to getting it over with so I can start healing. I say almost because though I am in a painful limbo right now I am also a teensy bit terrified of surgery. Thank you for your good luck wishes Dancing Fire. :wavey:


Sep 28, 2013
Good luck missy!!


Jun 8, 2008
mochiko42|1404647370|3707649 said:
Good luck missy!!

Thank you mochiko!
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