
Now I really did it :((


Feb 27, 2010
You'll do great! I have faith in you look strong and healthy in the picture even with that cast!
If you are prepared for the depression and frustration that is normal in this situation, and concentrate on healing, rehab and good nutrition, you are ahead of the game. And more dust from us, too!


Jun 24, 2012
Missy, I understand that it's difficult for you to accept help from even family and friends. I once broke my tail bone and it was horrible having to be in a wheelchair for a long time. Everyone is busy in NYC and it's very difficult to have people around you when they have so much to do. As I'm only taking one summer class and working 4-5 days a week, I'll be really happy to help. I can come over with a bottle of dry shampoo and some food after finishing homework in Brooklyn. If you don't feel comfortable having me help you in person, I'll be available to chat here or via email.

Other PSers and I are here for you. You've always been nice to everybody in the community and we want to help you. Please keep us posted. I hope you start feeling better soon.


Jul 27, 2007
I have to laugh reading about the prunes. After my husband's first surgery and subsequent constipation, he resigned himself to taking my advice and eating prunes daily after his other surgeries. Only he would refer to them as "raisins of unusual size." So Colace & raisins of unusual size it was. I actually love prunes. Him, not so much, but constipation is no fun when you've got so much else going on.

The hospital thing is a drag, but it is also sometimes scary being home too quickly after major surgeries. Sometimes it just sucks trying to be a "brave" adult. Will be sending daily dust to you!


Jun 7, 2014
missy|1404155400|3703895 said:
Calliecake|1404154337|3703879 said:
Missy, Hoping your doctors appointment goes well today and he gives you some positive news to focus on. Please keep telling yourself that this bad situation is only temporary and everything is fixable. It breaks my heart that you're having to go thru all if this. Sending lots of dust your way and waiting for the update from today's doctor visit.

Sunsweet has prunes called orange essence that actually taste pretty good (and I don't like the taste of plain prunes).

Thank you Callie. I keep telling myself to stay strong and brave and not be such a baby but that lasts for a short time and then I start thinking about it all and start crying again. I feel weak and pathetic and I know that is self defeating but it is so hard to force myself to feel differently when I know what is ahead and also am dealing with the pain and inability to do almost anything/everything by myself. It's just so overwhelming. Thank you for letting me cry on your shoulder. I know you are right. It is only temporary. I will get through this. And I will be A-OK.

And thanks for that prune rec. I will try it as soon as I feel it is OK to ask my dh to do yet another thing for me. So frustrating. Cannot even go to the market down the block.

Missy, You are being very brave. It's a lot to wrap your head around. Anyone would be feeling the way you feel. Please don't get down on yourself. I wish I lived closer to you so I could at least help you. I swear last Friday was just an awful day. My dad was told that there is a possibility he will have to have his leg amputated from the knee down. He's going thru the same emotions you are right now and also in a lot of pain. Did your doctor prescribe a different/stronger pain med? My dad said his mood was better today because the pain was much better. I think if you were a little more comfortable it would help. It's easy to get depressed when you are in a lot of pain.

For what's it worth, I believe the doctor told my sister the same thing and she has done remarkably well. She is doing pretty much everything she did before. She had to have a plate and screws put In. She has said her foot ankle doesn't feel exactly the same as before but as long as she can ride her bike and it hasn't really kept her from doing the things she loves, she's fine. I think a lot of times they tell you worst case scenario.

A lot of us are on the forum during the day. Please post whenever you feel overwhelmed. Hopefully it will help to just talk. I'll check In often to see if you need to talk. Hugs.


Aug 1, 2012
Hi Missy -

I'm mostly a lurker but have followed your post since I had a similar injury in my twenties; I broke my ankle in three places and dislocated it. The orthopedic surgeon put a three inch screw in my ankle to hold it together. He (initially) had a very grim outlook; he said I would probably limp for the rest of my life - even if it healed properly. I was in a long cast and on crutches for three months and another three months in a walking cast (and I had three boys under 7 yrs old at the time). I'm here to tell you that I don't limp and resumed most normal activities within the first year. I went skiing (the doc had a fit) and played baseball, rode bikes - I even played tennis. To this day (almost forty years later) I don't worry about that ankle, it never hurts and I have never, ever limped. Do your PT - it usually hurts but a really good physical therapist can make a difference! Mine used to say 'if it doesn't hurt, you're not working hard enough'. Good luck and dust, dust, dust! Chris


Apr 19, 2004
missy|1404154771|3703884 said:
canuk-gal|1404143715|3703774 said:
I see WM gave you good advice on the ADL stuff. You might need (professional) help post-op if your break is surgically reduced. And a few old nurses tricks to keep your leg dry include the use of plastic garbage bags while'd be amazed how they can be secured to keep your leg dry or around your shoulders, at the sink, while washing your hair. Always have a nice towel handy if you are sitting in your w/c while eating or drinking--cover your lap first as spills from hot or cold drinks or crumbs from food can be problematic and annoying.


Hi Sharon, thanks for the advice. We bought something that covers the leg while I shower that was very helpful when I took a shower at the beach house. Problem in NY is there is no room in the showers to sit down so not sure how I am going to do it because I can only stand on one leg for a minute or 2 without getting off balanced and very fatigued. Will keep all your recommendations in mind, thank you!

Not even room for a plastic deck chair? You can buy shower chairs that are quite small.


Sep 3, 2009
We haven't heard Perry's fashion pronouncement yet, but I think your dress is perfect -- and Jimmianne's necklace would be just right with it, don't you agree? Talk about cheering up! :cheeky: :cheeky:

The Well-man doc gave you results for average people. You can go further with determination. Here's support for that:

When my grandmother was visiting us she went to mail a letter, stepped off the curb at rush hour without looking, and was hit SMACK by a driver who didn't see her till he heard the thump.

Her pelvis was broken in 3 places, one ankle shattered practically to shards, ribs broken, thigh broken, her right hand mangled, and she had several skull fractures. Internal injuries brought her to the brink of death twice. She was 77 years old. She survived because she refused not to. Sweetest, most ladylike creature, underneath made of iron. She had plates & screws better than the Tin Man's, including in her head.

Drs. told her she would never walk again -- if she lived at all. She didn't listen. "Oh, I will," she vowed. Yes, a long time in hospital & more in a convalescent place, but she worked & toiled at PT; sometimes it hurt so much, this Nebraska pioneer descendant cried with pain. She came home in a wheelchair; began walking around our (thank goodness, large) downstairs with a walker, a few steps, then a few more. Once she could hobble around the house, she went outside where we had 2 acres in back, and did lap after lap with her walker -- because the ground was uneven and it was harder. She graduated to a cane eventually, and did more laps for more months, returning to the house sweaty with effort & exhausted -- and eventually she threw away the cane. No, she never danced again. But she not only walked, she really LIVED. To 102 years old.

It's a bitch, but you can go much farther than doctors tell you. They don't have crystal balls. You have your will.

Being in the hospital for a few days will feel much better than trying to manage by yourself at home -- and you don't need to feel guilty about bothering nurses, unlike your DH. Get him to bring you some yummy stuff for meals! You'll do fine in surgery -- I was scared when I had a major operation too, but that part was a piece of cake as yours will be.

We're afraid of the unfamiliar -- remember, it's not at all unfamiliar to your doctors. They do it a zillion times a week.

Many hugs -- remember, I'm your PS twin, so I know it'll be as easy for you as it was for me. :wavey:

--- Laurie


Jul 11, 2003
All I have to say is that you're the best dressed invalid I've ever seen.


Nov 16, 2008
Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear about this, Missy. :(( I will be praying for a quick recovery for you.


Jun 8, 2008
Sky56|1404156306|3703911 said:
You'll do great! I have faith in you look strong and healthy in the picture even with that cast!
If you are prepared for the depression and frustration that is normal in this situation, and concentrate on healing, rehab and good nutrition, you are ahead of the game. And more dust from us, too!

Thank you Sky, that is kind of you to say. I am keeping good thoughts and taking it one day at a time. Thank you for the extra dust!
Though with me not vacuuming and dusting now and with 4 cats I do have lots of extra dust everywhere haha.

Sakuracherry said:
Missy, I understand that it's difficult for you to accept help from even family and friends. I once broke my tail bone and it was horrible having to be in a wheelchair for a long time. Everyone is busy in NYC and it's very difficult to have people around you when they have so much to do. As I'm only taking one summer class and working 4-5 days a week, I'll be really happy to help. I can come over with a bottle of dry shampoo and some food after finishing homework in Brooklyn. If you don't feel comfortable having me help you in person, I'll be available to chat here or via email.

Other PSers and I are here for you. You've always been nice to everybody in the community and we want to help you. Please keep us posted. I hope you start feeling better soon.

Sakuracherry, I am so sorry you went through a broken tailbone and having to be in a wheelchair for so long. How awful. :((
It's so true people are crazy busy. My friends are offering to come after work and all and I appreciate everyone being so generous. And I especially appreciate your too kind offer. I really do. Maybe after I come home from surgery we can meet. I would love to know you in person because you are such a doll. However I draw the line at any hard labor. That can wait till we know each other better haha. :bigsmile:

siamese3 said:
I have to laugh reading about the prunes. After my husband's first surgery and subsequent constipation, he resigned himself to taking my advice and eating prunes daily after his other surgeries. Only he would refer to them as "raisins of unusual size." So Colace & raisins of unusual size it was. I actually love prunes. Him, not so much, but constipation is no fun when you've got so much else going on.

The hospital thing is a drag, but it is also sometimes scary being home too quickly after major surgeries. Sometimes it just sucks trying to be a "brave" adult. Will be sending daily dust to you!

I actually love prunes too but I never eat them anymore because I had a bad experience with them many years back. My dh and I (just dating at the time) were on our first trip together in New England and I was very very constipated. I have that condition called shy bowel lol and well not great on our first vacation together. Anyway my dh (bf at the time) went to get me prunes and I ate lots and lots of them. OMG that was so painful. The gas and well the whole thing. So I think I will try them again but in much less of a quantity haha.

And you are right. I know after surgery being in the hospital is the best thing for me. But yeah, it sucks. Just hope my roomie is nice.


Jun 8, 2008
Calliecake|1404160989|3703960 said:
missy|1404155400|3703895 said:
Calliecake|1404154337|3703879 said:
Missy, Hoping your doctors appointment goes well today and he gives you some positive news to focus on. Please keep telling yourself that this bad situation is only temporary and everything is fixable. It breaks my heart that you're having to go thru all if this. Sending lots of dust your way and waiting for the update from today's doctor visit.

Sunsweet has prunes called orange essence that actually taste pretty good (and I don't like the taste of plain prunes).

Thank you Callie. I keep telling myself to stay strong and brave and not be such a baby but that lasts for a short time and then I start thinking about it all and start crying again. I feel weak and pathetic and I know that is self defeating but it is so hard to force myself to feel differently when I know what is ahead and also am dealing with the pain and inability to do almost anything/everything by myself. It's just so overwhelming. Thank you for letting me cry on your shoulder. I know you are right. It is only temporary. I will get through this. And I will be A-OK.

And thanks for that prune rec. I will try it as soon as I feel it is OK to ask my dh to do yet another thing for me. So frustrating. Cannot even go to the market down the block.

Missy, You are being very brave. It's a lot to wrap your head around. Anyone would be feeling the way you feel. Please don't get down on yourself. I wish I lived closer to you so I could at least help you. I swear last Friday was just an awful day. My dad was told that there is a possibility he will have to have his leg amputated from the knee down. He's going thru the same emotions you are right now and also in a lot of pain. Did your doctor prescribe a different/stronger pain med? My dad said his mood was better today because the pain was much better. I think if you were a little more comfortable it would help. It's easy to get depressed when you are in a lot of pain.

For what's it worth, I believe the doctor told my sister the same thing and she has done remarkably well. She is doing pretty much everything she did before. She had to have a plate and screws put In. She has said her foot ankle doesn't feel exactly the same as before but as long as she can ride her bike and it hasn't really kept her from doing the things she loves, she's fine. I think a lot of times they tell you worst case scenario.

A lot of us are on the forum during the day. Please post whenever you feel overwhelmed. Hopefully it will help to just talk. I'll check In often to see if you need to talk. Hugs.

oh my gosh Callie, I am so sorry about your dad. I will be keeping him in my thoughts and prayers for sure! Please keep me posted about him. I pray it will all turn out well.

And your poor sister, thank goodness she is doing well now. I am hoping I will turn out OK too. He did say with hard work I should regain much of my functioning but he didn't want to sugar coat it for me because he doesn't do that. And that's fine with me because I don't want my expectations to be too high and then I get a shock with how it turns out. Better to have conservative expectations so disappointment is kept to a minimum.

I am still in pain but it is better. I was able to extend the time I took my last pain meds but perhaps that was a bad idea because my leg is really hurting right now even though I took the last pain med over an hour ago so it should have kicked in. He prescribed something a little different. I forget the brand name but the generic is hydrocodone/APAP tab. Almost the same but a bit different. Little unclear as to the difference and not even sure why he changed it because I didn't tell him how bad the pain was cause it was better today. Though now that I think about it I did tell him it was a 10 the first day and a drop better the second day. I don't know. Little foggy right now and very tired. It's been a long day.

And thank you for letting me talk freely-it definitely helps me and I will be home obviously all day so PS will be open. I value the amazing support you ladies are giving me. I really really appreciate it.

Good luck to your dad and I will be thinking of him and hoping he is OK!


Jun 23, 2005
Missy, you are tired and exhausted from the pain and the lack of sleep. That brings on depression quickly so don't be too hard on yourself in that area. If you can get the pain a bit under control and get some rest, your outlook will brighten too. You've had a grave injury and much news that can be very frightening. My best advice is to break it down into segments. Concentrate now on getting the remaining tests and getting to surgery. No need to contemplate or worry about the function because there is absolutely nothing you can do about that today. The time will come when therapy begins to focus on that part but the surgery will be behind you. You will have more strength to focus on that and the surgery will be a memory with no need to worry about that any longer - see what I mean? Just one step at a time - otherwise it just becomes too overwhelming and it breaks you down. Worry can cause you to become physically ill and you can't afford that now. I know you have nothing but hours on your hands to fret and worry but just focus on the next step or two - not the entire future. I have spent my whole life worrying about something and most of what I worried most about never happened. I have tried to learn from my experiences - although I'll be the first to admit that I've not always succeeded. I know it sounds easy for all of us to say as we are not in your shoes right now but you've got a journey ahead and you need to try to pace yourself. I think you're going to find strength you didn't know you had and will overcome this hurdle. I have faith in you!

As for hubby and the hospital, you are right to let him be home and rest. You will be in capable hands and they are trained to help you in any way you need - much more so than he is. I'm sure he loves you dearly but he's not a nurse and he's not objective. His time to help will be after you return home. No point in having him take on that role tired and frazzled. I hope you are able to work out some home health care in the beginning. They may very well have a visiting nurse come to you and that would help greatly with bathing and personal care. He can may be set up a mini fridge near you for lunch, snacks, water - that type of thing.

Hang in there - you've been a trooper so far even if you don't think that you have. Breathe deeply and rest when you can so you'll be as optimally ready for the surgery as you can be. It will all work out in the end - you've heard too many success stories here already!


Jun 8, 2008
Boatluvr|1404161420|3703964 said:
Hi Missy -

I'm mostly a lurker but have followed your post since I had a similar injury in my twenties; I broke my ankle in three places and dislocated it. The orthopedic surgeon put a three inch screw in my ankle to hold it together. He (initially) had a very grim outlook; he said I would probably limp for the rest of my life - even if it healed properly. I was in a long cast and on crutches for three months and another three months in a walking cast (and I had three boys under 7 yrs old at the time). I'm here to tell you that I don't limp and resumed most normal activities within the first year. I went skiing (the doc had a fit) and played baseball, rode bikes - I even played tennis. To this day (almost forty years later) I don't worry about that ankle, it never hurts and I have never, ever limped. Do your PT - it usually hurts but a really good physical therapist can make a difference! Mine used to say 'if it doesn't hurt, you're not working hard enough'. Good luck and dust, dust, dust! Chris

Oh Chris, how awful and thank goodness you did so well and proved him wrong! With three little boys that is amazing! Thank you so much for sharing that with me. It gives me hope and energy. You were able to ski and play tennis and everything-awesome!!! I am ready to do whatever it takes. I will work hard. I am not afraid of hard work or pain if it means I am getting somewhere. Just afraid of what I cannot control-the surgery, the doctor's mood that day, the anesthesiologist...control freak that I am. I need to just let that go and just trust it will work out. Thanks for the encouragement and for posting for me!


Jun 8, 2008
canuk-gal|1404163544|3703982 said:
missy|1404154771|3703884 said:
canuk-gal|1404143715|3703774 said:
I see WM gave you good advice on the ADL stuff. You might need (professional) help post-op if your break is surgically reduced. And a few old nurses tricks to keep your leg dry include the use of plastic garbage bags while'd be amazed how they can be secured to keep your leg dry or around your shoulders, at the sink, while washing your hair. Always have a nice towel handy if you are sitting in your w/c while eating or drinking--cover your lap first as spills from hot or cold drinks or crumbs from food can be problematic and annoying.


Hi Sharon, thanks for the advice. We bought something that covers the leg while I shower that was very helpful when I took a shower at the beach house. Problem in NY is there is no room in the showers to sit down so not sure how I am going to do it because I can only stand on one leg for a minute or 2 without getting off balanced and very fatigued. Will keep all your recommendations in mind, thank you!

Not even room for a plastic deck chair? You can buy shower chairs that are quite small.

I misunderstood what my dh was saying. I tend to do that a lot these last few days. We can fit the shower stool in there but my leg will have to stick out so the door will have to be open. That's the issue but tomorrow we are doing just that. I need a proper shower and will wash my hair again then too. It's those little things that can really make a day much more pleasant. Thanks Sharon!


Jun 8, 2008
JewelFreak|1404165987|3704003 said:
We haven't heard Perry's fashion pronouncement yet, but I think your dress is perfect -- and Jimmianne's necklace would be just right with it, don't you agree? Talk about cheering up! :cheeky: :cheeky:

The Well-man doc gave you results for average people. You can go further with determination. Here's support for that:

When my grandmother was visiting us she went to mail a letter, stepped off the curb at rush hour without looking, and was hit SMACK by a driver who didn't see her till he heard the thump.

Her pelvis was broken in 3 places, one ankle shattered practically to shards, ribs broken, thigh broken, her right hand mangled, and she had several skull fractures. Internal injuries brought her to the brink of death twice. She was 77 years old. She survived because she refused not to. Sweetest, most ladylike creature, underneath made of iron. She had plates & screws better than the Tin Man's, including in her head.

Drs. told her she would never walk again -- if she lived at all. She didn't listen. "Oh, I will," she vowed. Yes, a long time in hospital & more in a convalescent place, but she worked & toiled at PT; sometimes it hurt so much, this Nebraska pioneer descendant cried with pain. She came home in a wheelchair; began walking around our (thank goodness, large) downstairs with a walker, a few steps, then a few more. Once she could hobble around the house, she went outside where we had 2 acres in back, and did lap after lap with her walker -- because the ground was uneven and it was harder. She graduated to a cane eventually, and did more laps for more months, returning to the house sweaty with effort & exhausted -- and eventually she threw away the cane. No, she never danced again. But she not only walked, she really LIVED. To 102 years old.

It's a bitch, but you can go much farther than doctors tell you. They don't have crystal balls. You have your will.

Being in the hospital for a few days will feel much better than trying to manage by yourself at home -- and you don't need to feel guilty about bothering nurses, unlike your DH. Get him to bring you some yummy stuff for meals! You'll do fine in surgery -- I was scared when I had a major operation too, but that part was a piece of cake as yours will be.

We're afraid of the unfamiliar -- remember, it's not at all unfamiliar to your doctors. They do it a zillion times a week.

Many hugs -- remember, I'm your PS twin, so I know it'll be as easy for you as it was for me. :wavey:

--- Laurie

Oh yes, Jimmianne's necklace would be perfect with that navy dress! Oh Jimmianne...yoohoo. :wavey:

And OMG about your dear grandmother. What a tough cookie she was! I am in love with her just from your description of her and story.

I am so glad your major surgery went well. Thank you for sharing that with me as well. I know if my PS twin came through with flying colors I have to as well. :wavey:
And thank you for all your encouragement Laurie. From the bottom of my heart thank you and big hugs right back at ya!


Jun 8, 2008
lulu|1404167146|3704018 said:
All I have to say is that you're the best dressed invalid I've ever seen.

Haha, thank you Lulu. That is high praise indeed. :bigsmile:

Lil Misfit said:
Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear about this, Missy. :(( I will be praying for a quick recovery for you.

Thank you so much Lil Misfit. I hope you are doing well and that you are getting very good news/results soon! Still thinking of you and keeping you in my prayers.


Mar 25, 2013
Thinking about you Missy!

Hope the swelling has started to go down and you feel better.


Jun 8, 2008
MissGotRocks|1404168418|3704040 said:
Missy, you are tired and exhausted from the pain and the lack of sleep. That brings on depression quickly so don't be too hard on yourself in that area. If you can get the pain a bit under control and get some rest, your outlook will brighten too. You've had a grave injury and much news that can be very frightening. My best advice is to break it down into segments. Concentrate now on getting the remaining tests and getting to surgery. No need to contemplate or worry about the function because there is absolutely nothing you can do about that today. The time will come when therapy begins to focus on that part but the surgery will be behind you. You will have more strength to focus on that and the surgery will be a memory with no need to worry about that any longer - see what I mean? Just one step at a time - otherwise it just becomes too overwhelming and it breaks you down. Worry can cause you to become physically ill and you can't afford that now. I know you have nothing but hours on your hands to fret and worry but just focus on the next step or two - not the entire future. I have spent my whole life worrying about something and most of what I worried most about never happened. I have tried to learn from my experiences - although I'll be the first to admit that I've not always succeeded. I know it sounds easy for all of us to say as we are not in your shoes right now but you've got a journey ahead and you need to try to pace yourself. I think you're going to find strength you didn't know you had and will overcome this hurdle. I have faith in you!

As for hubby and the hospital, you are right to let him be home and rest. You will be in capable hands and they are trained to help you in any way you need - much more so than he is. I'm sure he loves you dearly but he's not a nurse and he's not objective. His time to help will be after you return home. No point in having him take on that role tired and frazzled. I hope you are able to work out some home health care in the beginning. They may very well have a visiting nurse come to you and that would help greatly with bathing and personal care. He can may be set up a mini fridge near you for lunch, snacks, water - that type of thing.

Hang in there - you've been a trooper so far even if you don't think that you have. Breathe deeply and rest when you can so you'll be as optimally ready for the surgery as you can be. It will all work out in the end - you've heard too many success stories here already!

Thank you so much MissGotRocks. I know that is wise advice and I am taking it to heart. Focusing on each day one day at a time and not looking too far ahead. And letting my dh get some rest. He looks exhausted and he needs his rest. Tomorrow will be his first day back at work since my accident and I know he will be more relaxed in his element so to speak.

I have to find out from my insurance company because I asked my mom about a visiting nurse and she said she thinks only medicare will cover that but that doesn't sound right. I will check that out.

Yes, all the success stories PSers are posting are very heart warming for me and I greatly appreciate their generosity in sharing them as well as everyone here sharing their energy, time and advice with me. Thank you!

Kelinas|1404169447|3704061 said:
Thinking about you Missy!

Hope the swelling has started to go down and you feel better.

Thank you Kelinas. I am still swollen but it looks like it has gone down a bit though I had to look away when the opened the cast to look because my foot and leg were a dead grey and brown color and I felt like vomiting. It was horrible looking and yeah still pretty swollen but I think/hope less so than on Friday. Thanks for checking in!


Jan 26, 2003
missy|1404153536|3703867 said:
Oh and thank you for the pic comment haha. Here's one my dh took right before Dr Wellman came and saw me today. I hope Perry approves of this dress. This is more of a doctor visit dress don't you think? It's navy btw. Not sure the color shows up correctly.

I thought you were in a Little Black Dress, so my monitor must be off, but you look fetching. The dress works for a doctor's visit or anything else, my dear.

I can't tell you how glad I am that you decided to have the surgery done at HSS, although by redoing all your tests they are showing they are not exactly at the top of their game! But that isn't what they do best. (Bureaucracy, etc.) They do surgery best. Let's hope they continue to be topnotch at that. And although the prognosis doesn't say you'll be back 100%, it really sounds pretty good given what a bad break this has been. Running isn't great for your joints anyway. And it sounds as if cycling was the sport you loved. (I hope that that is correct!!! I wouldn't want to be telling someone who lived to run that having to give up marathons was no big deal!)

You are a real trooper. We will all be with you through this, missy.

Big hugs,


Jun 8, 2008
AGBF|1404171663|3704087 said:
missy|1404153536|3703867 said:
Oh and thank you for the pic comment haha. Here's one my dh took right before Dr Wellman came and saw me today. I hope Perry approves of this dress. This is more of a doctor visit dress don't you think? It's navy btw. Not sure the color shows up correctly.

I thought you were in a Little Black Dress, so my monitor must be off, but you look fetching. The dress works for a doctor's visit or anything else, my dear.

I can't tell you how glad I am that you decided to have the surgery done at HSS, although by redoing all your tests they are showing they are not exactly at the top of their game! But that isn't what they do best. (Bureaucracy, etc.) They do surgery best. Let's hope they continue to be topnotch at that. And although the prognosis doesn't say you'll be back 100%, it really sounds pretty good given what a bad break this has been. Running isn't great for your joints anyway. And it sounds as if cycling was the sport you loved. (I hope that that is correct!!! I wouldn't want to be telling someone who lived to run that having to give up marathons was no big deal!)

You are a real trooper. We will all be with you through this, missy.

Big hugs,

Aww, thank you so much Deb. Knowing that so many PSers are on my side and willing to listen and give me support boosts my spirits and keeps me strong. (((Hugs))).

Oh and cycling is the sport I love. I don't run anymore for all the reasons you listed.

I will also add that the first orthopedic surgeon's (from my Friday ER visit) secretary actually called us today to follow up and make an appointment for me to see him this Wed. My dh explained that we were very grateful for all he did but are going with my mom's surgeon. They were so nice and offered to send the doctor's notes and results to my new surgeon. I mean, that's really professional (and nice). I liked the first surgeon and thought he was good but I agree with you and so many others who advised me about this. I have to go with HSS where the odds are more in my favor than a hospital whose ranking is at 50%. But Dr Gabison seems like he is an excellent doctor too and I hope I made the right choice.

Thank you again Deb!


Apr 19, 2004

Is it too late to train your cats, Missy? After all you've got a troop of them to help--perhaps fetching would be a reasonable skill to begin with? :cheeky:



Jun 17, 2009
Missy, leave it to you to look beautiful in the midst of all this lol! And you're a true PS'er, you've got your bling on :D !

Try not to let the doctor's prognosis get you down. Getting back to normal is extremely important to you and you are really motivated and in good shape, so I have all the faith in the world that you will regain much of your functioning; I'm sure you'll still be able to exercise in some capacity and stay active.

Hugs to you missy - take it one day at a time, and hang in there as best you can. You have been through a major trauma, both physically and emotionally, so don't be too tough on yourself if you feel down right now. I know you are worried about many things, and that is only natural - but remind yourself that you can't control a lot of it anyway right now and at this point the only thing that matters is YOU and your health and recovery. You are doing great and handling all of this really well (even if you don't always think so! :cheeky: )


Jul 13, 2007
I can highly recommend sugar-free Metamucil. You only need about a teaspoon in a glass of water per day, to get your system working well. It's safe and effective, definitely not over-effective. I wish I could offer more than just practical advice. Take care. You sound brave and strong. :))


Sep 23, 2011
Hi Missy,

I'm so happy to hear that my hair washing suggestion helped. Little things can raise your spirits when you're injured. It sounds like you're in very good hands with your surgeon. I think the hospital stay will fly by and you'll be home feeling better in no time.
I'm glad to hear you've had offers of help from friends. I hope you'll be able to get a nurses aid to come to your home. I don't think you should be left alone at this point. Much too hard to get around.

Sending positive thoughts your way!


Jun 7, 2014
Missy, I really got a chuckle out of the picture going to the doctor today. Even with everything going on you still manage to look beautiful for your appointment!!! I hope tomorrow is a much better day for you.


Apr 28, 2008
Oh no, ((((((Missy)))))).

You're such a sweet person; it's horrible reading your post and what you're going through. :( So sorry.

My Dad fell on black ice and broke his ankle this past winter, and it was a very difficult time for him. He's doing fine now though. I hope your recovery will be smooth and your pain will ease up significantly. You are blessed to have a loving and devoted spouse who will take care of you and nurse you back to health. You will be okay, and that's the most important thing!


Jan 26, 2003
Laila619|1404195386|3704267 said:
Oh no, ((((((Missy)))))).

You're such a sweet person; it's horrible reading your post and what you're going through. :( So sorry.


You really hit the nail on the head. I had the same reaction you did. We are both old and wise enough to know that life is not fair-that life is very unfair-but we both , immediately thought of how sweet missy is and how terrible it was that something bad had happened to a good person! We humans just cannot accept that life happens this way.

We all love you, missy. Your sweetness does not go unnoticed! You love people and animals, too.

Deb :wavey:


Jun 8, 2008
canuk-gal|1404175067|3704121 said:

Is it too late to train your cats, Missy? After all you've got a troop of them to help--perhaps fetching would be a reasonable skill to begin with? :cheeky:


Haha Sharon, love that. :D
First I would be thrilled if I could train them not to keep trying to knock my crutches out from under me lol. That would be sufficient for me haha.

junebug17 said:
Missy, leave it to you to look beautiful in the midst of all this lol! And you're a true PS'er, you've got your bling on :D !

Try not to let the doctor's prognosis get you down. Getting back to normal is extremely important to you and you are really motivated and in good shape, so I have all the faith in the world that you will regain much of your functioning; I'm sure you'll still be able to exercise in some capacity and stay active.

Hugs to you missy - take it one day at a time, and hang in there as best you can. You have been through a major trauma, both physically and emotionally, so don't be too tough on yourself if you feel down right now. I know you are worried about many things, and that is only natural - but remind yourself that you can't control a lot of it anyway right now and at this point the only thing that matters is YOU and your health and recovery. You are doing great and handling all of this really well (even if you don't always think so! :cheeky: )

Thank you Junebug. Let's see how I am doing a month into this. Not so difficult to try looking my best only a few days into the ordeal. The real test will be after I have been dealing with this for a long while but I do appreciate your compliment. And your hugs are the best! Sending big (((hugs))) to you too!
Oh and I had to make up for the blingless first pic I posted. That was a travesty hahaha.

lyra said:
I can highly recommend sugar-free Metamucil. You only need about a teaspoon in a glass of water per day, to get your system working well. It's safe and effective, definitely not over-effective. I wish I could offer more than just practical advice. Take care. You sound brave and strong. :))

Thanks lyra! I took senna tabs last night and success this morning woohoo. (I am so sorry about sharing all this TMI but well if I am going to share all the deepest downs I might as well share the smallest successes too, hope you all don't mind! :oops: ). Definitely going to get some sugar free Metamucil if that is even gentler. I am going to need something long term to keep regular according to the doctor. Need to stay ahead of it so thank you for your recommendation lyra.

woofmama said:
Hi Missy,

I'm so happy to hear that my hair washing suggestion helped. Little things can raise your spirits when you're injured. It sounds like you're in very good hands with your surgeon. I think the hospital stay will fly by and you'll be home feeling better in no time.
I'm glad to hear you've had offers of help from friends. I hope you'll be able to get a nurses aid to come to your home. I don't think you should be left alone at this point. Much too hard to get around.

Sending positive thoughts your way!

Thank you woofmama. Today is the first day my dh is going back to work since my accident. My parents might drop by if they can later but I think I will be OK no matter what. I am going to try keeping the phone with me (my dress has a pocket so very useful for that thank goodness) so if g-d forbid anything happens (like I fall and cannot get up though I thought I had a few more years that is decades before I worried about stuff like that lol) help is just a phone call away. I live in a doorman building so all I have to do is call one of them though that would be beyond embarrassing I am not above being embarrassed if I need help. I'm not that proud or foolish. But hopefully all will go well. It's an experiment but a cautious one and my dh has no choice. He must go to work and we'll see how it goes. Fingers crossed it goes smoothly.

Calliecake said:
Missy, I really got a chuckle out of the picture going to the doctor today. Even with everything going on you still manage to look beautiful for your appointment!!! I hope tomorrow is a much better day for you.

Aww thanks Callie that is so sweet of you to say but as I said to Junebug I'm only a few (hard to believe as time is going so slowly right now) days into the ordeal. Not sure I can keep it up once I get further into this mess but I will do my best. Thank you so much for your good wishes.

Laila619 said:
Oh no, ((((((Missy)))))).

You're such a sweet person; it's horrible reading your post and what you're going through. :( So sorry.

My Dad fell on black ice and broke his ankle this past winter, and it was a very difficult time for him. He's doing fine now though. I hope your recovery will be smooth and your pain will ease up significantly. You are blessed to have a loving and devoted spouse who will take care of you and nurse you back to health. You will be okay, and that's the most important thing!

Oh Laila, your poor dad! So glad he is just fine now! It's really scary when our parents get injured because the older we are the more difficult the recovery so glad he is OK! And thank you so much. That is too kind of you to say. I am not sweeter than anyone else really. Just ask my parents. According to them I was quite the b*tchy teenager and not always a pleasure as an adult so lol but thank you.

AGBF said:

You really hit the nail on the head. I had the same reaction you did. We are both old and wise enough to know that life is not fair-that life is very unfair-but we both , immediately thought of how sweet missy is and how terrible it was that something bad had happened to a good person! We humans just cannot accept that life happens this way.

We all love you, missy. Your sweetness does not go unnoticed! You love people and animals, too.

Deb :wavey:

Deb, your post brought (good for once) tears to my eyes. I love you all too. Thank you so much for your kindness. I wish my sweet kitties were not afraid of my crutches and even me because they *know* something is up and while they are still coming around allowing me to pet them and rub up against me sweet Francesca and Bobby who usually sit in my lap for a good while everyday have not come around to do that since my accident. Makes me sad because I cannot go and pick them up and cuddle them. My dh brings Francesca to me and she sleeps with us at night but she doesn't stay on my lap or sleep by my side these days and instead stays on my dh's side. I know I am being silly and they don't realize I need their love and affection even more now but it sort of hurts my feelings. Irrational as those feelings are. I know they still love me. I just wish I could make this easier on them. I cannot feed them and have to wait for my dh to wake up and feed them and now wait the whole day for him to get home and feed them as I give them some hard snacks during the day if I am home but cannot manage that task right now. Yesterday when my dh went to the pharmacy to get me my new meds the kitties were crying something awful because they wanted a snack and I tried but wasn't able to and I felt so darn frustrated. They won't starve I know that and we cannot leave food out as they are with the exception of Tommy very very gluttonous LOL. Probably a result of being rescue kitties and not knowing when their next meal would be.

Anyway again I am so long winded in my replies but just wanted to say thank you all so much for your kind and generous posts to me. It means the world to me. (((Hugs))) to you all.


Jul 27, 2007
Missy... That must be so hard listening to the cats cry when they want to eat and not being able to care for them like you normally do. Frustrating to the max. I know that it would make me feel so bad, but you're right.. they will be fine. I always feel like I wish I could explain to them what's going on like they are little humans. I'm also sure that it is so hard not to be able to pick them up and cuddle them, and I know what you mean about feeling bad when they don't sleep by you or on you when you are feeling bad. I am sure once they get used to the new situation, they will behave more like themselves. Mine just don't adapt well to change.

I hope that today goes well for you. Carrying the phone is a great idea. It's funny, my DH was non weight bearing on one leg for 6 weeks after one surgery and it's hard to even remember some tricks we did to make like easier. I was able to be home with him, so that made life much easier, but I remember how hard it was for me to leave him on his own when I had to go out. I actually locked myself out of my house one morning when he was upstairs just home from the hospital ..sheesh.. you should of seen the look on my cats faces as I was climbing through a window. Luckily, I found a window unlocked. It took me awhile to get in and I was so worried as I was outside and he couldn't call me and he couldn't go down the stairs at that point without my help. When I went back upstairs, he was wondering where the heck I had been.

I'm sure your DH feels so awful not being able to stay with you, but you have a lot of support here and I second what someone said about letting people help because it's true that people want to. Don't be afraid to say what you need.


Jun 8, 2008
siamese3|1404219976|3704404 said:
Missy... That must be so hard listening to the cats cry when they want to eat and not being able to care for them like you normally do. Frustrating to the max. I know that it would make me feel so bad, but you're right.. they will be fine. I always feel like I wish I could explain to them what's going on like they are little humans. I'm also sure that it is so hard not to be able to pick them up and cuddle them, and I know what you mean about feeling bad when they don't sleep by you or on you when you are feeling bad. I am sure once they get used to the new situation, they will behave more like themselves. Mine just don't adapt well to change.

I hope that today goes well for you. Carrying the phone is a great idea. It's funny, my DH was non weight bearing on one leg for 6 weeks after one surgery and it's hard to even remember some tricks we did to make like easier. I was able to be home with him, so that made life much easier, but I remember how hard it was for me to leave him on his own when I had to go out. I actually locked myself out of my house one morning when he was upstairs just home from the hospital ..sheesh.. you should of seen the look on my cats faces as I was climbing through a window. Luckily, I found a window unlocked. It took me awhile to get in and I was so worried as I was outside and he couldn't call me and he couldn't go down the stairs at that point without my help. When I went back upstairs, he was wondering where the heck I had been.

I'm sure your DH feels so awful not being able to stay with you, but you have a lot of support here and I second what someone said about letting people help because it's true that people want to. Don't be afraid to say what you need.

Oh Siamese, I LOL'd with your description of climbing through a window knowing of course it all turned out OK or else I would have been scared for you! Thank you for that image and laugh. Reminds me of the time I climbed in through a window when work was locked and I was the first one to get there in a snowstorm and I had to open the clinic cause everyone else was so far away but I didn't have the keys. It was pretty funny and then I used a credit card to open the lock to get into the main clinic from there. Great security haha. Anyway glad your dh made it through and he was very fortunate that you could be with him all/most of the time. I am sure he really appreciated that support and safety net!

A few minutes ago Fred hopped up next to me purring like a diesel engine haha so that's nice though he tried to climb onto my bad leg. :-o but I stopped him in his tracks by letting out a nice howl lolol. Didn't scare him away from me luckily just away from my leg!

Thanks for the empathy siamese-from one kitty lover to another (((hugs))).
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