
Now I really did it :((


Dec 9, 2013
Good morning, dear NIRDIs!

I am headed for the beach this morning, rain or shine, with one Australian Shepherd, one Chihuahua and one Chorkie. I plan to visit Fort Macon and the NC Aquarium, have a few great meals, and walk the beach with dogs & metal detector.

Last night ordered an Apple watch from my phone while falling asleep. Not sure, but I think I could even shop if I were completely asleep!
I picked the rose gold case with a violet strap and hope it's a good combination. Not sure it counts as bling, but it will be a fun toy.

I hope everyone has a great weekend...
:appl: will be thinking of our NIRDIs meeting in the city!
hugs to all.


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls! OK so skip to the end if you are not in the mood for unpleasant venting. For those of you who do read what I wrote I am sorry for being upset again.

Yesterday I had some unhappy news. First of all the woman who is supposed to trap the cats and get them neutered and vaccinated had to cancel due to a family emergency in Boston. Not sure if we are rescheduling or not. I hope everyone in her family is OK and hopefully we can reschedule another time.

Second of all my health insurance company called me to let me know the med I have been taking (Oracea) is no longer covered by my insurance starting in January. I was pretty upset because there is no generic equivalent and they started telling me 50 mg doxy is the same as 40. No way no how.

Oracea is 40 mg timed release doxy and is sub microbial meaning it doesn't have microbial (i.e. antibacterial) action. Just anti-inflammatory action which is what I need it for. 50 mg doxy has microbial action and will upset my bacterial flora and cause lots of problems for me especially because it is a med I have to be on most likely forever. I started taking Oracea in 2006 and every time I stopped I had huge problems and had to go back on it. And some of you might remember I had to stop taking it last year for 8 months due to weird burning symptoms and an esophagitis and you might happened when I was off the med. A Perioral dermatitis and Seb derm explosion plus a huge flaring of my rosacea. I am still recovering from that time of not taking it and my face is still not back to what it was. So I have no choice. I have to take it. I have tried other options and nothing worked for me.

So of course I was very upset and the Cigna rep was honest with me and told me to expect my first appeal to be denied and second appeal very hard to win also. She said if your doctor writes a very detailed and long explanation/letter perhaps they will approve it for me but she was truthful with me in that she said they rarely overturn their initial decisions. And I have firsthand experience with that because they never did approve PT after the first few months even after a letter from my surgeon saying it was a medical necessity (I read the letter and it was thorough and clear) and even after their insurance physician (not an orthopedist mind you just a general internist) spoke personally with my physical therapist. I mean that is what they do. Deny appeals and claims. I truly doubt they even read them. Deny deny deny. Cigna denied both appeals and I had to pay for the rest of my PT totally out of pocket. So they suck big time IMO. I had 2 broken bones and was out of work for 8 months and they paid for as little as they could and were pretty heartless about it too. I remember their physician told my PT I would either get better or I wouldn't and didn't need any more PT.

I only take one medication and this is not optional. I am so upset about it. It is a costly med because Galderma has a monopoly on it and as a consumer it really is cost prohibitive. I spoke with my dermatologist's nurse and she is going to have my derm send a prior authorization request and we will take it from there. The Cigna rep told me to for sure expect a denial for the first appeal. That's just the way it works. :cry:

Marcy, I am glad you and Marty enjoyed some delicious pizza yesterday. We have great pizza in NYC. I love having leftover pizza for lunch. It tastes even better than the night before. Yummy. We had the sprinklers already taken care of for the season so that is one thing off the to do list. I cannot believe winter is almost here. Here's hoping it is a mild one for us all.
Keep up posted re your garnet ring shopping. I love your ruby ring and thank you for linking the thread here. Not sure how I missed it. She's a fireball. Such a rich red. :love:

My sister told me that a woman from Maryland is picking the Collie up from the pound on Friday. Woohoo, the dog is going to her forever home! So happy it worked out well.

I called the apple rep on Monday and asked her if I switched to the 128 GB if I would get the phone faster (Greg's idea) but unfortunately the 6S Plus is very popular. If I wanted the 6S I could get it today but the 6S plus I have to wait for another 2 weeks approximately whether it is 64 or 128. Though you are right. The 64 GB is the most popular.

Jimmianne, have a safe trip to the beach and enjoy. We will definitely miss your company in NY but your trip sounds lovely and relaxing. And how great it is you can take the dogs. Wow you ordered the Apple Watch. I bet you cannot wait to get it. I have not worn a watch in over a year now and I have my 2 favorite watches that I thought I would always wear. I guess we go during periods of wearing different pieces butI honestly never thought I would be going without any watch for so long. Especially with my Cartier and Rolex sitting unworn in my safe. Please post a pic of your Apple Watch when you receive it. :appl:

LLJsmom, yes a skunk. :shock: I'm actually surprised it took the little fellow so long to get there haha. It rained so hard all day yesterday that I am worried about the kitties because their biggest challenge (from my reading about feral cats) is staying warm when they get wet. Anyway today should be a drier and really warm day so hopefully they can warm up and get comfortable. The kitty tube was there if they wanted to use it and our Feral Villa is on the way in about 18 days hopefully and that should provide more shelter. Plus Greg plans on building something even better for them when he has the time. We just have to go shopping for insulation for the shelter.

Have a safe red eye flight LLJsmom! Looks like marathon weather is predicted to be perfect for the event woohoo!

Kristie, I am so glad Maggie started eating again and fingers crossed that continues. Same for Finnie boy. I know it has been exhausting for you caring for them these past few months with all their health issues and you are a great furbaby mommy. The best. (((Hugs))).

Just went through all the security camera pics from overnight and no raccoons were able to get in. No skunks showed up either last night. Just a revolving door of kitties and one skinny possum. I am not sure but it looked like one cat could not get in either. :blackeye: It is hard to recognize them all on the night camera because their colors are muted so not sure which cat that was but hopefully he did get in and the camera just didn't catch that. IDK. Doing the best we can.

Have a great day girls! :wavey:


Dec 9, 2013
A quick note before I get serious about getting ready.

Missy, at least you have figured out an excellent way to take care of the cats for now! You know they are happy to have food...that goes a long way toward keeping them warm, and I believe there are spots in your neighborhood that they have already found for protection against the weather. For right now things are good. Yay to you and Greg for your perseverance.

Great news about the dog!!! Wow! fun to be in on this success story from the beginning. As The NIRDIs Turn!

It seems you DO have an animal care place. Look how much you've done.
Meanwhile...I have chickens in my house - is that next for you? LOL
Puff loves them and sits on top of their crate.



Oct 24, 2012
Jimmianne! Love the chickens, and the haircut! Seriously, the haircut is great. I love taking a step to make a change to hair. I used to do it all the time. Short crew cuts, and then long, back and forth. Too bad I no longer have that courage. :cry: My DH loves me with short hair. Only prob is that I would have to color it religiously every 6 weeks. OH well...

Missy, that sucks about your insurance. They suck. Period. How about buying that stuff out of the country? Seriously, the trip would probably pay for itself... Is changing insurance providers an option? The Feral kitty house should be arriving soon? I can't wait to see pics. You know, that skinny possum may not stay skinny for long. :lol: Glad the kitties are getting in. And maybe it is good that the bigger kitty could not get in. Maybe it means he/she is eating enough and the skinny ones who really need it are getting the food. ;-)

Marcy, your mentioning pizza made me want to get some. Speaking of procrastinators, my DH can leave something for 6-12 months, and completely forget about it. I wonder if he is the only one. I know some women who would not be able to deal with that. I must be a saint. LOL! Please tell us how Marty likes the watch after he has used it for while. I'm interested, but I just got a Swatch. :lol: And a new running watch. When that thing can run without a phone next to it, I'm taking the plunge.

Junebug, thinking about you and thanks for sending positive thoughts about my dad. I love him a lot, but I wish he would be nicer to my mom. Really wish. He is nicest to the grandkids, and the rest of us, particularly my mom, not so much. It hurts to even write this. Ugh. I hate thinking about it. But it's true. I should be more compassionate. I hope the antibiotics are working. We won't know for another couple of weeks, after he gets another CT scan. I don't even want to think about it. Is that bad? I figure we are doing what we can. And worrying about it won't help, right? I have to believe my dad will get better. And live each day. I think about you and your mom, and your family too. It does help to know that I am not alone, that many other families that I totally don't even know must deal with this. It is part of life. Hugs to us all!!

Kristie, I'm so glad your finicky eater Finn is pooping. So important, for doggies and people. Maggie, I'm crossing my fingers for her. I'm sorry this has been going on so long. (((hug)))

Trying to stay chill, and not be too nervous for the marathon. Well, to tell you the truth, I haven't been this nervous/stressed for a race, ever. I mean, this is the NEW YORK FREAKIN' MARATHON!!!!!! It's a bigger deal than Boston, at least in my mind. When I was in college, my stress would manifest itself in sneezing fits and a majorly runny nose. I went to this one poli-sci/econ final with a full box of tissue. My nose would just drip non-stop. I was blowing my nose so much that the TA brought a trash can and set it next to my desk. Is that hilarious or what?! When I turned in my bluebook and walked out of the at auditorium, I kid you not, my sneezing and runny nose COMPLETELY stopped. Can you believe it?? And my nose started to on Tuesday night. It gets bad if I'm not busy, and when I let myself think. I'm completely nuts, right?? So on my list to bring is tissue. Oh geez. Hopefully all the bling shopping with Missy will distract me enough.

Hugs everyone!


Feb 27, 2007

Jimmianne, I think you will enjoy the Apple watch. Marty took a picture of us last night with a bear and killer rabbit using his iPhone camera and the watch was the remote. Cool! The rose gold if very pretty. I don’t remember the violet strap but I can’t say I looked at all the colors of straps. I hope you had a blast at the beach today. Cute chicken picture

Missy, I hate to hear about your insurance not covering your prescription starting next year. I fear things will continue to get worse with coverage for everyone. That was nice of the lady at Cigna to at least level with you about appeals and to suggest you continue to try additional appeals. I am glad you like my ruby ring; that little ruby glows. They had some larger rubies that day but none of them were that nice. Rats you still have to wait for your new phone. I hope you will like it. I sure enjoy mine. I am sorry the animal rescue lady had to bail on you. That’s great someone is coming to get the collie tomorrow.

LLJsmom, I think Marty and you DH could and would enjoy a procrastinator contest. I think the less Marty wants to do it the longer it will take him. That reminds me I need to remind him to change our filters. Of course you are a saint. Was there any doubt? I hope you like the swatch. Marty had a fitbit but lost it on a plane. It didn’t hook very well. Marty is really enjoying how his watch tracks his activity. He says it even will tell him to get up and move. It’s like a nag but not coming from me. I completely understand trying not to think about or worry about your dad, all you can do is the best you can and try not to drive yourself worrying about something you can’t control. Good luck in the marathon! I know you are excited. It’s funny the different reactions we can have to stress. Have a great time shopping with Missy.

I woke up at 4 and couldn’t go back to sleep. My right knee is talking to me a lot and loudly. Grr. I tried to do some quad stretches last night which I think made it worse. That first step is scary then I can walk.

I was really busy at work so the day zipped by and woo hoo tomorrow is Friday.

Take care.


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls! It is a crisp cool autumn morning here. Still dark but sun should be rising soon.

Jimmianne, I love your chicken! So adorable! Now how can anyone eat these sweet babies? I love that Puff watches over them on top of their cage haha. Precious.

You are right and I wish I had a huge farm where I could keep all the rescue animals. And a lot of money so I could hire a team to help me because that would be a full time job.

I hope you are having a marvelous time at the beach right now.

Marcy, I am so sorry your knees are bothering you. :blackeye: Remember my invitation stands if you decide to come to HSS and have surgery done. Whenever you decide I am here ready to help. OK? (((Hugs))).

Your ruby sure does glow. Really makes a statement. I cannot wait to see what new bling you might get.

I just told Greg that Marty uses the Apple watch to track his activity and Greg said the iPhone is doing that to him and he didn't even program it to do that! Is that true? Does your iPhone track your steps? Oh no I don't think I want to know lol. Unless I keep it on me when I am working out and I am not going to do that. Too expensive to risk dropping haha.

Woohoo today is Friday Marcy. I hope your day goes well and that you are feeling relief from any knee pain.

LLJsmom, I would love to try a short haircut but I also lack the courage to do it. Plus Greg prefers longer hair on me so opposite of your dh. I think (at my age) short hair would be better so I am toying with the idea and have been for a few years now. LOL talk about procrastination. :rodent:

I hope your dad gets all better on the antibiotics. It isn't bad that you don't want to think about it. It is hard to think about such unpleasant things and worry eats away at our well being. Sending healing vibes and good thoughts your way and I hope your dad will become all better.

I hear you about wishing he was nicer to your mom. I used to wish for the same thing about my grandfather being nicer to my grandmother. He was never that nice but as he got older he got nastier and more combative and I felt sorry for my grandmother. Of course she had us but IMO it wasn't enough. When she died my parents went to visit him everyday (they only lived half a mile away or so luckily) and my mom cooked all his meals and did his laundry and shopping, took him to all (and there were many) doctor appointments etc.

He was very fortunate my parents took such good care of him for the whole 12 years after my grandmother died before he died. He never had to go into a nursing home or retirement place. And he was as nasty as could be but they put up with him. I could never do that and I told my mom that. He was abusive. I miss my grandmother very very much but I don't really miss my grandfather. I know how awful that sounds and I did love him but I don't miss how he used to yell at us all. He did love us I know he did. He just had a very difficult personality and I know it was shaped by his difficult childhood. His mother died when he was young and his father remarried and his stepmother hated him so he left home at 14 and made it on his own during a very difficult time in this country. He was tough cause he had to be but still doesn't excuse how nasty he got as he got older but part of that was dementia I guess though his mind was still pretty sharp almost to the end when he died at 89. Anyway sorry I went on about this I didn't plan to. It makes me sad thinking about all of this again. Onto happier thoughts!

I hope your plane has landed safely by now and that you had a good flight. I am excited but nervous too if that makes sense. I just want everything to go well on your trip and of course for you to have a great marathon. The weather is going to be good for the marathon so yay for that. :appl:

Oh and one last piece of good news. Greg spoke with the benefits administrator at work yesterday and he told Greg not to worry and for me not to worry. My medication will be covered. I sure hope that he is right and not sure how he can just say that but OK I will take it. Woohoo. One less thing to be concerned about!

OK girls, I hope everyone enjoys the day! I am not sure but I think we turn clocks back Saturday night so that means an extra hour of sleep woohoo and LLJsmom, that is good news for you because that way your internal clock has more time to reset to NYC time and there is less time difference overall for you this weekend. I hope I got that right.

ETA: Just went through all the security camera pics from overnight and only kitties and one possum eating the food inside the cage woohoo. No raccoons and no skunks! Lots of revolving door kitties all through the night. Sigh of relief. :appl:

(((Hugs))). :wavey:


Jun 17, 2009
Hi everyone!

Missy, I was wondering if/when a skunk was going to show up, someone must have told him about the party at your house :cheeky: - I'm SO glad he hasn't shown up again and the raccoons aren't getting in. :dance: Also so happy the kitties seem to be getting in and eating well. It seems like this feeding station is working out! You have done such an amazing job with all of this. I'm sorry the TNR is causing you anxiety and now there's this issue of rescheduling - I would hope the rescue woman will still go through with the TNR. I know it's not easy but you're doing the right thing and I hope that brings you some comfort and strength. I think the cat shelter is a great idea and I'm optimistic that they'll use it. I sure hope they will :pray:

I'm glad you got good news about your medication, yay!- my gosh, if it's not one thing it's another, isn't it?

Wonderful news about that beautiful collie getting a permanent home, it made my day! :clap:

LLJsmom, I"m assuming you're in NY by now and I hope you had a smooth journey! I'm very excited for you - I agree that you've trained very hard for this so you should try for your time goal. Just the fact you are in the marathon is such an accomplishment. My mother lives in the NY area and every time I see a Marathon commercial I think of you! I will be thinking of you Sunday too and sending many good thoughts for a fun and rewarding experience. I'm so happy the weather is going to be good too.

I know you and missy will have a wonderful time today - I'm looking forward to hearing all about it! Still so bummed I couldn't join you guys.

I understand being upset about your father not being nice to his family - I have things like that going too and it's frustrating and emotionally draining. I'm hoping if he can start feeling better physically his mood will improve. And you know what, don't feel badly in the least about not thinking about your father's test results - the bottom line is worrying isn't going to change a darn thing and being stressed is just not good for us. Yes, big hugs to all of us, seems like a lot of us have stuff to deal with these days. I know these family issues are tough but hang in there. If you promise to try I will too!

Marcy, I LOVE your ruby ring, it's beautiful! :love: I think you should go for the garnet ring. I'm going to start making some CS purchases, I love the different colors and some of them are relatively inexpensive. And it's an affordable way to enjoy different stone shapes too.

I'm glad Marty is enjoying his watch, I'm wondering if my dh has one on his Christmas list lol, I'll have to ask him. It's pretty cool the watch reminds him to get up and move, I could use that myself.

Sorry your knee is bothering you, something like that can wear you down after a while, I hope it eases up for you.

Jimmianne, love the pic of your chickens! :love:

And your hair looks beautiful! I love it. I finally got my hair cut and colored yesterday after putting it off for way too long and I feel like a new woman - well, as new as possible anyway :cheeky:

Hope you are having a lovely time at the beach, sounds like fun and a nice little getaway!

And I'm excited about your watch, and love the color choice you made. I didn't know the watch was available in rose gold, love it!

Kristie, great news about Finn but I hope Maggie bouncing back from her digestive troubles - I feel for you, you have been through such a rough time with all of this, you must be wiped out at this point.

And actually I have made a few more boxes lol! I should post them in the thread in SMTB. They're all a bit wonky but they're cute.

Hope everyone is having a good Friday!


Jul 1, 2014

Happy Friday. Is it just me or was this one looooooooooooooooooooooong week?

Westie News: The Food Strike has ended, thank God. Poopapalooza 2015 looks to be completed at this time also, with reliable not-diarrhea and not-colitis pooping happening.


I'm all over the map right now: Antique diamonds. Modern diamonds in a high color and good finger coverage. Send off some gemstones to be set. WHAT TO DO??????

I tried to scratch my "buy something right now" itch with a Dooney purse. The Coach purse I just bought made me VERY happy, so...Alas, Dooney quality is not up to Coach. Well heck. I had all kinds of discounts (Macys) so I only paid $100 for it and I'm keeping it to take to places like the Tucson Gem & Mineral Show which is not the cleanest of places, let's just say.

The new Graber window coverings I ordered are being installed tomorrow. Hoping they turn out well. Bought them via Costco so get 10% back in a cash card.

Junebug, how are the South Carolina places, did you come through the nasty weather okay?

Marcy, knees, I feel ya. Wobenzym if you ever feel like risking it, start with one pill/full glass of water/empty stomach (I took mine right when I got out of bed, so the hour passed with me getting showered, dressed, etc. and then I could have breakfast if I wanted it).

LLJs, you're in NYC now, RUN LIKE THE WIND on marathon day! A strong, steady wind :D What you wrote about your son and the ladiez. It'd be more worrisome if your son had 0 interest from girls during his adolescence. Cold comfort, I know. What I saw when I was a high school student and then as a teacher was that kids who were kept very active in sports, music, etc. did the best in terms of keeping a balanced social life.

JA: Love the haircut. You have good bangs, most people have wispy bangs that don't look fashion forward like yours do. Tres chic. Great pic of the chickens/chick, so fuzzy, you just want to hug them but do chickens even WANT a hug? I'm guessing NOT! Glad Puff is doing well. Hope you have lovely weather and lots of fun at the beach. You're getting close to your trip to France for Christmas, non?

Calliecake, hug that adorable furball for Auntie Kristie, okay?

Missy, glad to hear re the Oracea :angryfire:


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls! Happy Halloween! And also happy birthday to my mom-she is a Halloween baby!

Junie, oh yes please post your new handmade jewelry boxes. I loved the previous boxes you made. They are terrific! We missed you yesterday but there will be other visits I am sure and we are not that far away distance wise so keep that in mind. Plus we could always meet in Lambertville when schedule permits. I bet you can twist my arm hehe. :cheeky:

What are your plans for the weekend?

Jimmianne, hoping you are having a lovely visit at the beach. We are heading to the beach house in just a couple of hours with all the kitties in tow. Looking forward to hearing about your trip.

Kristie, YAY, glad the food strike and poopalooza event are over. Whew that was rough. In more ways than one. And so glad Finn and Maggie have recovered with your loving and supportive and tireless help!

Yes buy something sparkly, that's always a good plan! I wish you were here with us in NYC we saw some incredible OECs yesterday. :love: :love: :love:

Marcy, I second Kristie's recommendation of Wobenzym. For some reason I thought you were already taking it but if you are not definitely give it a try. I know more than one person has sworn by it and I am still taking it too a whole year later from when I first started. I hope it helps you!

Callie, what are your weekend plans? I know your dh is home now (I think). Do you guys have any Halloween parties to attend? I love halloween parties but none of our friends have had one for a very long time. And the last time I threw a Halloween party I was still a teenager. That was one great party though!

It was great visiting with LLJsmom yesterday and we had so much fun. And the bling did not hurt haha. I will let her tell you what we saw when she has the time and energy but we saw some gorgeous bling. We took all the pics (and a few videos too!) with her phone so I will let her share the pics she wants to but all I can say it is lucky I was not in the market because I was sorely tempted by a few things. :love:

LLJsmom, have a great marathon tomorrow!!! I will be thinking of you and sending good run dust your way and lots of hugs too. :appl:

Heading to the beach soon and hoping to get some bike riding in this weekend despite the cooler temps. Maybe I am dreaming but I really would love to hit that 4K mark before 2016 rolls around. We might not make it but hoping to enjoy trying!
Have a good Saturday girls and again Happy Halloween. Leaving you a pic of what we saw on our last bike ride that I could not resist taking a picture cute right?

OK one pic from yesterday. Look at those colors. :love:




Dec 9, 2013
Wow! Just woke up to photos of "the bling".
Thank you, Orsi, for forwarding.

I like the Sapphire on Missy best of all, and was very interested to read about CBI!
Drat! I would have loved to get opinions on the DBL K that's on his website and never thought to ask.

Looks as though you two had a great time : )

LLjsmom - Marathon!!! Can't wait to hear the details of the adventure. You Go Girl!!!

Missy, I saw many of these signs at the beach and thought of you. duckxing.jpg

Magical things happened at the beach. NOT the magic--->First of all, I had a very hard time. I washed my new haircut before leaving and the cut is la catastrophe. It looks like the wig Dana Carvey wore in Wayne's world and is cut into the crown way too far. I drove for an hour in bad-hair pain hating the hair dresser, finally pulled over and made a call to my old hairdresser. On Thursday he will Do What He Can... it will take months to grown out. But I'm OK now if I don't look in the mirror LOL
Then the magic---> first evening - - -incredible blue and rose sunset/pink ocean while running with Issy on the beach.
Next morning---Meeting an amazing man at an all-night diner when I could not sleep. NO names exchanged, just a lively conversation. One thing he said that stuck with me: "As we age we mourn over the lines and wrinkles, but truly, today we are the most beautiful we have ever been...but not as beautiful as we will be tomorrow". He didn't know I was having a bad hair week, had not put on makeup and was wearing my PJ top...yet I was the most beautiful i had ever been! love it.
So, girls, I may be stalking a new man at yet another coffee shop haha

Then the morning I was leaving I could not find my car keys for an hour, walked the beach, went through the trash, etc. Went outside and a woman walked up to me and asked if I had lost my keys! She was walking the beach and found them in the sand and had seen me driving my SUV the day before and thought they might be mine. YAY!
I texted to my dd to say that the universe was conspiring to help me and just as I wrote, I looked out the window and saw a dolphin swim past. A first for me for the East Coast.
Then, I got home and my original "cafe gentleman" had written to say his message to me had bounced and he was sorry for the delay in writing. We are meeting at the end of this week [thankfully AFTER my 2nd haircut].
So all-in-all a happy weekend. Issy loved the beach so much I plan to go back more often and had fun thinking about finding a place there and just visiting France instead of making a big commitment 4,500 miles from home. All fun thoughts. I"m sure the universe will provide clarity at some point.

Now, Missy, I am hoping to get a report even more detailed from you about your weekend!
I could read the posts while away but could not respond. I smiled when you said that you saw some awesome things but fortunately you were not in the market for new bling. Has that ever stopped us?!?! :naughty:


Jun 8, 2008
GOOD LUCK today LLJsmom!!!! Run like the wind and know you have all the NIRDIs right there with you by your side rooting you on and sending the best running vibes to you. (((HUGS))).


Jun 8, 2008
Happy November 1st girls!!!
and also don't forget it is now Daylight Standard Time so all the clocks went back an hour this early morning. An extra hour of sleep for us all woohoo. :appl:

Jimmianne, it sounds like you are enjoyed a wonderful trip!!! I am sorry about the haircut and you know we have all been there at one time or another and you *are* beautiful no matter what. I wonder as it grows in if it won't be just perfect for you. I hate when surprises like that happen and I am sure your hairdresser can fix it to make it more like what you want though. You do look gorgeous though and I know because I have pics! So no arguing OK? You are a beautiful person inside *and* out!

I love that your keys were found and reminds me of when we dropped our keys in the Costco parking lot. What a relief there are honest and nice people in this world. And a big YAY on the gentleman friend. Please keep us posted. I cannot wait to hear about potential adventures with this distinguished gentleman with whom it seems you share a bond so cautiously optimistic you have a new friend!

I also agree with those wise comments of the gentleman you just met this weekend. Thank you for sharing that. I will add a corollary. All those wrinkles and gray hair etc that we now have we have earned and have because we are living a full rich and complex life. As Greg says, our scars etc make us more interesting because we are experiencing life and living it. Not just passive spectators. Life is messy but heck we are going to enjoy and live it to our fullest. :appl:

Love the duck crossing signs and believe it or not we have them too but it seems most people ignore them. In fact some neighborhoods around here have signs saying drive like your kids live here so it seems there are some careless drivers whether ducks of children are around. ::)

LLJsmom, thank you for sharing all those pics and videos. I know that took some time and I know all the girls appreciate sending them. As I look through them this morning I cannot help but thinking I thought all of the bling looked even more amazing IRL. And those videos I took ugh. Awful! So girls please realize that the pics and videos do not do those stones any justice IMO and you will all just have to come here IRL to judge for yourselves. :cheeky:

Our weekend is going well so far. Amazing fall foliage and the color of the leaves are just breathtaking. I cannot figure out if I love the orange red leaves the most or the vibrant shocking yellow color of the leaves. They are both spectacular. It is a wonderful time of year though I do wish it was about 10 degrees warmer LOL. Wore my heated vest cycling yesterday and well I was still chilly much of the ride and today there is very little sun so it will feel cooler. But we did hit over 3800 miles finally woohoo. And I think we only have 170 miles left to go till we hit 4K. Can we do it before 2016? I don't think there are good odds as we are limited by the weather but as I wrote before we will enjoy trying.

ETA: Found out yesterday that the woman who had promised to trap and have the feral cats neutered has backed out due to a family emergency and she is staying in Boston for at least the rest of the month. So she cannot do it. IDK what I am going to do except for searching for another person who might be able to help though I have tapped those resources dry I fear. I don't want these ferals to start having babies because there are too many already and their babies cannot survive the winter no way no how. Back to NYC tomorrow AM and no one to TNR these cats. I am very sad about this. Heartbroken really but I have to accept the reality of what is and though I will continue searching for an animal rescue person to step in and help I realize I may be unlikely to find anybody. Being long distance makes this already challenging situation near impossible if not impossible.

Hope all you girls have a wonderful November 1st and enjoy your Sunday!

And LLJsmom, we are all thinking of you and hope you have a fantastic marathon today!


Jun 7, 2014
LLJsmom, We are with you today in spirit!!!! As I am sure you already know I loved your pictures from bling shopping. It sounds like you a great plan in mind and I'm sure Adam will help find exactly what you are looking for. I told my husband last night after viewing the pictures that I need an a emerald cut AND an OEC. I wish I could figure out a way to make one of them happen, let alone both.

Jimmianne, It sounds like you had a great time at the beach. I think all of us can understand how you feel about your hair cut. Try not to let it upset you too much. I know, very stupid words on my part. Just ask Missy and Kristie how much I cried to them a few months back because A hair dresser took a hunk of my hair off with a razor. One side of my head has looked like a thin frizzy mess all summer. I figure it will take over a year for the hair to grow back. I hope your regular hair dresser can fix the cut for you. The man you met in the diner sounds like a dream. Are you sure you really met him? I'm also glad you will be getting together with your friend.

Missy, We are expecting temperatures in the low seventies for three days next week. I hope it's coming your way. Talk about perfect bike riding weather! I'm sorry you have hit so many road blocks in your efforts to help the kitties. I thought of you first thing this morning as we had twenty six ducks sitting in our backyard. I'm so glad the geese have found somewhere else to go. I loved the pictures of the OEC. We're you happy with Adam's prices? Did you see any over 4 carat OEC's. It sounds like you and LLJsmom had a perfect day! Did you also go to dinner?

Marcy, i hope all is well with you. Have you had any snow yet? I'm not enjoying the thought of winter being around the corner. My roses and potted plants still look beautiful. They are all still blooming like crazy. I can't believe its going to be in the 70's here next week. I've decided I'm going to show up on Kristies doorstop in January. I figure if I bring a bottle of Crystal Head with me, she will let me in the door. How is working going now that the problem employee has gone?

Junebug, Any new bling in your future?

Krustie, How are Maggie and Finn doing today? Did you find any good bling websites last night!


Jun 17, 2009
Hey girls!

First of all, a big thank you to missy and LLJsmom for the awesome bling pics and to Sunstorm for forwarding the emails! Wow, you ladies saw some beautiful things, it must have been such a blast. I'm so glad you guys had such a fun day! Love the sapphire ring on you missy, it looks beautiful on you. I have the baby version of that ring I think, and I wish mine was the grown - up version lol. Love the ruby ring too, yum.

LLJsmom, thinking of you today!!!! Sending lost of good thoughts for a great experience! Looking forward to hearing how it went!

Missy, I am so sorry the rescue plan fell through, I know you are disappointed and upset. Please don't beat yourself up, you are doing so much to help these kitties. And this is all so complicated by the fact you're not at the beach house all the time. Big hugs to you, I admire you so much for all you're doing and I'm hoping against hope there is someone who can help with this TNR.

I'm rooting for you and Greg to reach your goal! But even if you don't, the amount of riding you guys have done this year is truly amazing.

I agree about the fall foliage! I noticed the beautiful colors as I was driving on the turnpike the other day, so gorgeous.

Jimmianne, I'm so glad you're enjoying your trip to the beach, I dunno, a place at the beach sounds like a plan to me! How fantastic that someone found your keys and returned them, you must have been quite panicked - I have lost my keys as well too and I know it's a bad feeling. IMO several things have to line up in order for something like that to happen! When things fall into place like this, I can't shake the feeling that maybe, just maybe, someone somewhere is looking down on me and cutting me a bit of a break. Who knows, but it's a comforting thought anyway!

Ugh, so sorry about your disappointment with your hair - I know you are bummed about it, but I'll bet you still look beautiful in spite of your unhappiness with it. I think your hairdresser will be able to fix it to a point where you are more comfortable with how it looks.

I love the conversation you had with your late-night diner friend! What he said is so true. And I'm so happy to hear you'll be getting together with your other friend! You're my hero, you stepped out of your comfort zone and took a chance, I so admire that. I need to take a lesson from you.

Kristie, glad to hear the doggies are doing well! Thanks for asking about the SC houses, so far so good in terms of them being ok. My husband is going next weekend so he'll have a chance to see for himself how things are going.

Not too much going on this weekend, the hubs decided at the last minute to join a few friends for golf today and then we'll just spend a quiet Sunday evening at home, which I love ha! Hope everyone is having a good day!

ETA - Callie, we posted at the same time! Well, Christmas is coming so I've been thinking a little bling might be in order lol! I'm thinking maybe a CS ring, I've been lurking in CS and have seen some beautiful things there.


Dec 9, 2013
Watching the marathon with great interest as our very own NIRDI marathoner runs!

Oh, Callie, I am sorry about your hair too!
These bad haircuts are criminal acts by idiots [CABIs]!

ah well, off to do something a ball cap... w/plenty of hairpins LOL


Jun 7, 2014
Jimmianne|1446402367|3944539 said:
Watching the marathon with great interest as our very own NIRDI marathoner runs!

Oh, Callie, I am sorry about your hair too!
These bad haircuts are criminal acts by idiots [CABIs]!

ah well, off to do something a ball cap... w/plenty of hairpins LOL

My story was so embarrassing. I bought a hairpiece because my thinning hair bothered me so much. As she was thinning the hairpiece on my head she also thinned my own hair. She needed to change the color on the hairpiece and I was so upset I never went back to pick it up. I literally should have just thrown the $1,000 out with the trash.

I wore my hair in a baseball cap and pony tail and avoided mirrors a lot this summer. I actually cried over my hair. There is nothing like hearing your regular hairdresser screech "OMG!! What happened to your hair!!!" I feel your pain Jimmianne! I wish I had a dime for everytime I told myself "It's only hair" this summer. A four carat OEC would be on my finger!


Jun 8, 2008
Hi girls! I am so excited for LLJsmom because I bet she is enjoying having completed the NYC marathon right now and looking forward to a delicious and well deserved meal! :appl:

Junie, thank you. I heard from Joanne (the woman who was supposed to do the TNR) and she responded to a question I had about if no one steps in to take her place would she do it on her return (not sure when that will be though as she said she is staying at least a month in Boston) and she said she would. So hopefully she will follow through on that promise.

We hit 3871 on the bike today so if we are lucky and have a few mild November/December weekend days we can hit the goal. But as you said even if we don't we still enjoyed a great cycling season.

Callie, yes we took LLJsmom to one of our favorite Greek restaurants. Jewelry shopping makes one very hungry doesn't it? :cheeky:

No 4 carat or above OECs this visit. Adam is very discerning and only has the most beautiful diamonds and larger sizes in beautiful OECs are difficult to come by. Timing is everything. I got lucky with Bea but I know if LLJsmom decides an OEC is the way to go for her 20th she will be able to get the size she wants since she is patient. Adam gets new inventory in all the time.

Ooh that is mild weather to be sure for November. I wish Greg would take a few days off so we can cycle these mild days coming. He is such a meanie cause he said he can't. ;-) I hope you can do something to take advantage of the wonderful weather that is here this week. :appl:

Jimmianne, your hair is so beautiful and I know your hairdresser can fix it and eventually it will grow out. I promise! Right Callie and Kristie?

Sunstorm, thank you for forwarding all those emails to Jimmianne and Junie. Isn't it amazing how connected we can all be despite being thousands of miles away?


Feb 27, 2007

Missy, yes the iPhone has a health app that can track your steps. I just looked at mine and it’s working even though I never set it up. Of course my phone is either in my purse or setting by me; I don’t carry it around with me. It says I’ve walked 23 steps today – which was carrying it from the bedroom to the couch. LOL. I cooked 2 meals, did the dishes for that and worked on laundry and changed the bedding for our guest room. I am pretty sure I have walked more than 23 steps today. What I do with apps you can’t delete but don’t use; move them over to the last window. I hate to hear your grandfather was nasty to people. I know we put up with things from the people we love but it can be challenging. That is great news your medicine will be covered. Yay for only kitties dining on their food. Happy Birthday to your mom. I love the huge cat decoration. Very cool. I hope you do hit the 4K mark this year. It sounds like you and LLJsmom had a blast looking at jewelry, diamonds and gems yesterday.

Junebug, I love CS but lately it seems like I am buying more diamonds. I did order an EC garnet ring but went with one that has accent diamonds on the side rather than the small garnets. I always like that little spark from a diamond. What CS are you thinking about getting? Another thing Marty does with his Apple watch is he responds verbally to text and types out what he says then he hits the send button. I am pretty sure your DH would enjoy having one.

Kristie, I am with you – it was a LONG week. That is great news Finn and Maggie are doing well. What a relief. I agree you should now devote your time to bling shopping. I like all the possibilities you are considering. Did you get your window coverings installed? Do you like them?

Jimmianne, I am sorry you don’t like your new hairstyle. I hope your old hairdresser can cut and shape it in to something you don’t mind. The great thing about hair it does grow and you can start again. The sunset on the beach sounds fabulous and the man you talked to in the diner sounds like quite the wise conversationalist. I like what he said. I am excited to hear you are meeting the man from the coffee shop later this week. The universe does evolve as it should, huh? Yay for getting your keys back.

Callie, our paper this morning said we are setting temperature and lack of snow records here this fall. It’s been abnormally warm here too. I am glad your roses are still blooming. Marty finally blew out our sprinklers and drip system yesterday but our flowers were still doing well here too. I am pretty sure Kristie will let you in even if you don’t show up with libations. It never hurts though, right? Sorry to hear about your hair disaster and that you never went back for your hairpiece. I was getting a haircut one time and asked the hairdresser how her Christmas went. That was the wrong question; her husband left her on Christmas and while I felt really, really bad for her she took out her frustrations on my hair. I swear it looked like a #2 that a guy would order in a barbershop. When Marty saw me all he said was “are you mad?” I didn’t need a haircut for months and months after that.

We had a busy weekend. Marty went out with the guys Friday night so I was the DD. They were ready to go home about midnight. While I was home Friday night I made up our club newsletter and started working on a program for our November meeting. Yesterday I did laundry and washed all of our bedding. Today I am finishing laundry and cleaning the bedding in one of our guest rooms. Marty’s sister will be here for 3 days this weekend.

We ate out yesterday and I made homemade soup for lunch today.

Marty throws his rolled up socks at my bears all the time. I always try to throw them back and hit a rabbit but I usually miss. Well yesterday I hit one squarely on the face and it fell off the couch. So for the next few hours I heard how I killed his rabbit. He finally “shocked” it back to life with his iPad cord. So it’s been staring at me all day since I killed it yesterday. What a drama king I am married to, huh?

At work on Friday I came back from lunch and found my 2 work teddy bears shoved in a plastic pumpkin. My employees said they stole the pumpkin from them to eat the candy and got stuck in there looking for more candy.

Poor teddies!

Work is going well most of the time and I enjoy not having that one guy on my team. Now I am working on steering the team towards are more accepting and positive environment. Wish me luck there.

Take care,



Dec 9, 2013
Just a note before heading to bed.

Marcy - funny what you said about only walking 23 steps. I must walk at least a few miles a day and my phone says I sat on the couch and ate bon bons all day.
I am hoping the apple watch will be more convenient to have with me all day, thus proving that I actually MOVED.

Has LLJsmom checked in with anyone yet? [edit: yay! just got the email]

goodnight, all. :wavey:


May 11, 2013
Missy, I too suffer from Rosacea, I call it the Irish woman's disease.. my regimen is a sulfur wash with urea and clindamycin gel.. it holds my rosacea at bay, but if I miss 2 days for one reason or another, huge breakout.. apple red face..

I did receive a script for Oracea but never used it because it was so expensive.. I so sympathize with you, it's so frustrating, which in turn I am sure causes an even worse flareup...

I find sun bugs my skin, cold bothers my skin, soap, etc etc.

I wish you good luck on fighting the insurance company, I so feel for you.



Feb 27, 2007
Jimmianne, I think the watch will be more accurate for you since it's on you all the time. I have never liked packing my phone around in pockets because I worry about losing it or dropping it. I know you well enough to know you didn't set around on the couch all day. :bigsmile:

I know I was excited to hear how LLJsmom did in the marathon. Woo hoo! Way to go LLJsmom! :appl: :appl: :appl:

Hi Tekate.


Jul 1, 2014
Tekate|1446423281|3944607 said:
Missy, I too suffer from Rosacea, I call it the Irish woman's disease.. my regimen is a sulfur wash with urea and clindamycin gel.. it holds my rosacea at bay, but if I miss 2 days for one reason or another, huge breakout.. apple red face..

I did receive a script for Oracea but never used it because it was so expensive.. I so sympathize with you, it's so frustrating, which in turn I am sure causes an even worse flareup...

I find sun bugs my skin, cold bothers my skin, soap, etc etc.

I wish you good luck on fighting the insurance company, I so feel for you.


Hi Tekate: At menopause I picked up what the docs where I worked called The Irish Curse (rosacea). My grandfather had it, my mom had it, now I have it. Urgh. Many patients where I worked at good luck with xifaxin, a short course 7 to 10 days. Not costly. There are a lot of forums for rosacea, I think Missy is acquainted with the best ones and could possibly advise.

Nice to see you! :wavey:


Jul 1, 2014
Hurray for LLJsmom!!!!

:appl: :appl: :appl: :wavey: :wavey: :wavey: :appl: :appl: :appl: :dance: :clap: :dance: :clap:

Outstanding! Superlatives all!!! Kickin' ass and takin' names all the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Dec 9, 2013
azstonie|1446429647|3944633 said:
Hurray for LLJsmom!!!!

:appl: :appl: :appl: :wavey: :wavey: :wavey: :appl: :appl: :appl: :dance: :clap: :dance: :clap:

Outstanding! Superlatives all!!! Kickin' a$$ and takin' names all the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


LLJsmom, Thanks to your description of the run, easy to feel how amazing the whole experience was. All the music and runner's high and fantastic city architecture and being encouraged by the crowd. Holy Moly. A Peak Experience. Thank you for sharing and happy to read more and more about it. How do you feel today?


Jun 8, 2008
azstonie|1446429524|3944632 said:
Tekate|1446423281|3944607 said:
Missy, I too suffer from Rosacea, I call it the Irish woman's disease.. my regimen is a sulfur wash with urea and clindamycin gel.. it holds my rosacea at bay, but if I miss 2 days for one reason or another, huge breakout.. apple red face..

I did receive a script for Oracea but never used it because it was so expensive.. I so sympathize with you, it's so frustrating, which in turn I am sure causes an even worse flareup...

I find sun bugs my skin, cold bothers my skin, soap, etc etc.

I wish you good luck on fighting the insurance company, I so feel for you.


Hi Tekate: At menopause I picked up what the docs where I worked called The Irish Curse (rosacea). My grandfather had it, my mom had it, now I have it. Urgh. Many patients where I worked at good luck with xifaxin, a short course 7 to 10 days. Not costly. There are a lot of forums for rosacea, I think Missy is acquainted with the best ones and could possibly advise.

Nice to see you! :wavey:

Thanks Tekate and it is nice to see you! I appreciate your good thoughts and sending lots of good energy your way too. I am sorry you are dealing with this too. Good news is it looks like my dh's benefits administrator is going to make the health insurance company cover the Oracea. I will keep you posted.


Jun 8, 2008
Jimmianne|1446460940|3944688 said:
azstonie|1446429647|3944633 said:
Hurray for LLJsmom!!!!

:appl: :appl: :appl: :wavey: :wavey: :wavey: :appl: :appl: :appl: :dance: :clap: :dance: :clap:

Outstanding! Superlatives all!!! Kickin' a$$ and takin' names all the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


LLJsmom, Thanks to your description of the run, easy to feel how amazing the whole experience was. All the music and runner's high and fantastic city architecture and being encouraged by the crowd. Holy Moly. A Peak Experience. Thank you for sharing and happy to read more and more about it. How do you feel today?


Woohoo LLJsmom you ran a great (and fast!) race!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:
Thank you for your wonderful description of the race. What a great day for you and what an achievement. You did it girlfriend and you did it amazingly well! So happy and thrilled for you! Have a safe trip back and (((hugs))).

Marcy, thanks for the bday wishes for my mom. I love that ring you ordered. When is it getting to you? LOL I know you do a lot more than 23 steps. Phooey on the iPhone for getting that wrong. I'm with you in that I don't want to keep the phone on my person all day just to get a record of how many steps I do yanno? But heck I don't want to keep a record of that anyway lol. No fitbit for me thank you very much. I don't need another potential source of OCD behavior for me haha.
LOL I almost choked laughing reading about Marty and his sock throwing and how he shocked the killer rabbit back to life with the iPad cord. OMG I cannot drink coffee while reading your posts Marcy or else I might need to be shocked back to life with the iPad cord too. :lol:

Glad to hear work is going well and good luck with moving your work environment to a positive and happy direction. If anyone can do it you can Marcy!


Dec 9, 2013
Apple watch arrived...
not very attractive and band feels bulky & annoying - even though I got the smaller version.
Needs to be paired with an iPhone to work.
It does most whatever the phone can do, except take photos, but it can be used as a remote shutter button for the iPhone.
I can get email, use as pedometer, talk to Siri, get directions, measure heartbeat, play games, translate languages, etc etc. Still exploring.
Did I mention it feels uncomfortable?
Anyway, I can see where it would come in handy if worn all the time.
I would not consider it a substitute for a nice watch...more like something to wear to the gym...and then hide under a sleeve the rest of the time.


Feb 27, 2007

Kristie, you certainly made me laugh when you called rosacea the Irish Curse. I don’t know what curse(s) I have but I am sure some evil spell was cast upon me. My body is definitely Abby Someone. (Young Frankenstein reference there).

Jimmianne, it didn’t look to me like the Apple bands were designed for comfort. I notice Marty sure uses his a lot; he loves being able to dictate a response to messages. I hope you enjoy it and find it useful. I was excited about being able to use the watch as a remote for the camera on your iPhone. It’s definitely not high quality bling wise, is it?

Missy, the website said 7 – 10 days to get the ring made then shipped. Too funny I noticed I will get a teddy bear with my order. Ha Ha! I am right there with you on no way do I need something else to be OCD about. I think that is why I forget things my brain is full of things to obsess about. You should have seen Marty with that rabbit. He had him just lying there on the coffee table and kept kind of nudging him to see if he was still “dead”. He was acting all sad; saying he was going to have to flush him. Then after he brought him back to life he was telling me I gave him brain damage. The guys at work today said I should send Marty an email from the rabbit and have nothing but gibberish in it. He left for DC this morning and said he was going to have to take all his rabbits with him so I wouldn’t kill any more of them. We are so easily entertained. I told him he was a drama king.

I have had a runny nose all day and been sneezing. Rats. I think I’m getting a cold.

Work was busy. I had a meeting with my boss and he said I am doing a good job and he kept asking me if I am doing okay. I think he is still concerned I’ll quit. His best employee on his team is leaving on the 20th so he is pretty stressed.

That white 4-letter word is in our forecast for Wednesday and Thursday. Boo.

Marty should be landing in DC any time now. He will be home Thursday night. His sister is coming to visit us this weekend. We invited some friends over for game night Saturday.

Have a great evening and day tomorrow.



Feb 27, 2007

My cleaning lady came today. Sweet. A clean house until Thursday night. :lol:

Our weather was gorgeous today. Near 70, no breeze, bright and sunny. Tomorrow night we are getting our first snow. It's been so warm it will hopefully only stick on the grass.

Not much exciting going on today. Kristie has been keeping me company today and I really appreciate it. Thank you Kristie!

Take care.


Jul 1, 2014
Any time, Marcy! :wavey: :wavey: :wavey:
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