
Now I really did it :((

Good morning girls!

Marcy, to use your word rats, we couldn't see the eclipse. It was too cloudy all night. We really were looking forward to seeing it so thank you for that beautiful photo of it. :love: I am glad one of the NIRDIs got to see it IRL and shared it with us. Thank you!

I'm glad Marty is loving his new iPhone. One of these days we will get to the store and order the new one (128GBs for Greg and 64GBs for me) but I am dragging my heels as I hate the learning curve of a new phone. Greg's blackberry is slowly failing however so we must start gravitating to the new phone sooner rather than later.

HA on the milk issue. The way I handled that is I was able to slowly get Greg away from his milk habit so we never run out anymore. Talk about evil. Bwahahaha :devil:

Jimmianne, what a beautiful painting. I LOVE it. :love: You are so talented. I would love to see more of your artwork if you are ever in the mood to share. I really would.

YAY for the sitter news. Fingers crossed this one is a jewel and works out well. It was and is very foggy here too. I am uncertain if we are going riding today as we have just gotten up and not checked the weather forecast yet.

We saw Sammy this AM when I first woke up and went downstairs to feed the cats and start the coffee. He was staring in through the living room from the backyard through the glass doors. First time we saw him during daylight. I rushed to feed him (much to the chagrin of my kitties who were impatiently meowing for food) and he ran when I went out with the food but went right to the food when I came inside. Such a sweet sweet face. Yes it is breaking my heart because I don't see any hope for finding him a home that would give him a good future. Too many strays everywhere. :cry: :cry: :cry:

Junie, thank you. I have an appointment this evening with my brother in law's recommendation. This podiatrist is one of the big wigs at the school but that means nothing to me. I just want him to figure it out and help treat it so I am OK. I am nervous that he might not be able to figure it out or help me but trying to maintain a positive attitude and I am grateful he was kind enough to put me on his schedule this evening. I think he works at the school during the day and sees patients at his home office in the evenings on Monday. My guess anyway. He would have seen me Tuesday at his office in the city but I wanted to get this looked at as soon as possible. So we are heading to Staten Island tonight. LOL Kristie I will wear my "big" hair. Hahaha.

Sammy has not used the shelter yet. I sure hope it will be something he can get use of when the weather changes but I really am not sure he will. I am ready to upgrade to the heated one but I wanted to see if this would be something he would use first.

I am glad you are looking forward to getting away for a few days and I hope you have the most wonderful time!

Kristie, I hope you wake up feeling all better and that Maggie and Finn are also feeling tip top today. Good luck this morning and please don't forget to let me know how it goes. I am sending buckets and buckets of healing dust Ms Maggie's way!

LLJsmom, I am so glad your foot is feeling better. I eat a lot when I am stressed too so I feel your pain. That's OK you did the right thing resting your foot/ankle so it could get better quickly and serve you well during the marathon. So don't worry about that and you will get back to fighting weight very soon. With all those miles you run you really burn it off in a way cycling never can. Not the way Greg and I cycle anyway haha.

I don't think the strays search me out but there are a lot of strays here at the beach for whatever reason. I guess I am just an easy mark but since we are not here enough all year I am of no use to them. And I am very concerned as after our autumn vacation is over we are only here very sporadically through the rest of autumn and winter and early spring so that is a tough 6 months the cats have to get through here.

Resetting your ering. OK let the thought wash over you and then just take your time. There is no rush to do anything and if you live with that thought for a while and pour through options it will either stay with you or you will decide it is not something you want to do. Remember time changes desire and by the time you have the funds (and there will be a time you will don't worry about that) you may have changed your mind. So think of this as a trial period living with the thought of a different setting. And take this time to have fun imagining what you might get.

Sending you (((hugs))) and hoping when you wake up this Monday morning you are feeling better and in a better frame of mind. It's OK we all get it and believe me I am all too familiar with being in a dark scary place (usually worse at night of course) so sending you lots of good thoughts and positive vibes and lots of hugs. In the immortal words of Ms Scarlett O'hara, tomorrow is another day.
Good morning girls!

Marcy, to use your word rats, we couldn't see the eclipse. It was too cloudy all night. We really were looking forward to seeing it so thank you for that beautiful photo of it. :love: I am glad one of the NIRDIs got to see it IRL and shared it with us. Thank you!

I'm glad Marty is loving his new iPhone. One of these days we will get to the store and order the new one (128GBs for Greg and 64GBs for me) but I am dragging my heels as I hate the learning curve of a new phone. Greg's blackberry is slowly failing however so we must start gravitating to the new phone sooner rather than later.

HA on the milk issue. The way I handled that is I was able to slowly get Greg away from his milk habit so we never run out anymore. Talk about evil. Bwahahaha :devil:

Jimmianne, what a beautiful painting. I LOVE it. :love: You are so talented. I would love to see more of your artwork if you are ever in the mood to share. I really would.

YAY for the sitter news. Fingers crossed this one is a jewel and works out well. It was and is very foggy here too. I am uncertain if we are going riding today as we have just gotten up and not checked the weather forecast yet.

We saw Sammy this AM when I first woke up and went downstairs to feed the cats and start the coffee. He was staring in through the living room from the backyard through the glass doors. First time we saw him during daylight. I rushed to feed him (much to the chagrin of my kitties who were impatiently meowing for food) and he ran when I went out with the food but went right to the food when I came inside. Such a sweet sweet face. Yes it is breaking my heart because I don't see any hope for finding him a home that would give him a good future. Too many strays everywhere. :cry: :cry: :cry:

Junie, thank you. I have an appointment this evening with my brother in law's recommendation. This podiatrist is one of the big wigs at the school but that means nothing to me. I just want him to figure it out and help treat it so I am OK. I am nervous that he might not be able to figure it out or help me but trying to maintain a positive attitude and I am grateful he was kind enough to put me on his schedule this evening. I think he works at the school during the day and sees patients at his home office in the evenings on Monday. My guess anyway. He would have seen me Tuesday at his office in the city but I wanted to get this looked at as soon as possible. So we are heading to Staten Island tonight. LOL Kristie I will wear my "big" hair. Hahaha.

Sammy has not used the shelter yet. I sure hope it will be something he can get use of when the weather changes but I really am not sure he will. I am ready to upgrade to the heated one but I wanted to see if this would be something he would use first.

I am glad you are looking forward to getting away for a few days and I hope you have the most wonderful time!

Kristie, I hope you wake up feeling all better and that Maggie and Finn are also feeling tip top today. Good luck this morning and please don't forget to let me know how it goes. I am sending buckets and buckets of healing dust Ms Maggie's way!

LLJsmom, I am so glad your foot is feeling better. I eat a lot when I am stressed too so I feel your pain. That's OK you did the right thing resting your foot/ankle so it could get better quickly and serve you well during the marathon. So don't worry about that and you will get back to fighting weight very soon. With all those miles you run you really burn it off in a way cycling never can. Not the way Greg and I cycle anyway haha.

I don't think the strays search me out but there are a lot of strays here at the beach for whatever reason. I guess I am just an easy mark but since we are not here enough all year I am of no use to them. And I am very concerned as after our autumn vacation is over we are only here very sporadically through the rest of autumn and winter and early spring so that is a tough 6 months the cats have to get through here.

Resetting your ering. OK let the thought wash over you and then just take your time. There is no rush to do anything and if you live with that thought for a while and pour through options it will either stay with you or you will decide it is not something you want to do. Remember time changes desire and by the time you have the funds (and there will be a time you will don't worry about that) you may have changed your mind. So think of this as a trial period living with the thought of a different setting. And take this time to have fun imagining what you might get.

Sending you (((hugs))) and hoping when you wake up this Monday morning you are feeling better and in a better frame of mind. It's OK we all get it and believe me I am all too familiar with being in a dark scary place (usually worse at night of course) so sending you lots of good thoughts and positive vibes and lots of hugs. In the immortal words of Ms Scarlett O'hara, tomorrow is another day.
Missy, fingers crossed you get some answers at your appointment tonight! :pray: Thinking of you!

LLJsmom, I hope you're having a better day today…I eat when I'm stressed too, and I can easily put on 4 pounds in 2 days, I don't know how that's even physically possible but it happens - I keep telling myself it's water weight lol - of course it takes at least a full week to lose those pounds :roll: I hope you feel in better spirits soon, I'm thinking of you.

As for resetting, I get it…I see so many gorgeous settings here on PS that it crosses my mind too - what is it about your current setting that is making you think of resetting, and what other settings are peaking your interest? Your current setting is really beautiful! But I get the temptation of wanting to change things up.

Marcy, love your pic of the moon, amazing!!
Ok, so just random thoughts about my setting, or maybe it's my stone.

Just for the record, I'm not going to do anything about this for a while, if anything. Maybe in several years.

I have always wanted an asscher. Maybe a visit to GOG? I would need to sell mine. That thought scares me since I don't want to get less than I paid for it, and of course that is not realistic.

This is my dream ring...

I want more coverage on my finger. I want one or two matching wedding bands, cause I really am that matchy-matchy. But I don't like it when it spins. The way the base of my ring is, I need a notched ring, but even that spins and defeats the purpose.

Then I look at the SS setting I passed on last year, the one without bling. I'm going to post it here just so I can look at it. I look it up more and more. The ironic thing is that if I had it, I would probably be wishing I had bling in the basket.




I love the idea of wearing a plain shank with a blingy french cut band. I'm just tired and in denial. It's nice to dream.
LLJsmom, what wonderful pictures to wake up to. Love both rings
We are bling dream twins with regard to a larger Asscher and a reset.
In fact I stayed up too late visiting the GOG website and JA. Do that a lot.
How big an Asscher do you think you would need to be "diamond full-filled"?
Tricky. Mine is 6mm so I think 7mm would do it, but how long before DSS set in.
Wish we were going hunting together! but might result in what's called Real Trouble. LOL
Good morning girls!

Thank you for your good thoughts-they worked! The podiatrist said it is not infected and might be related to my Pilon fracture surgery in that a nerve might have been damaged causing alternate swelling, heat and redness. In any case nothing to worry about so woohoo. Thank you all again.

Junie, how is your week going and when are you leaving to go to your beach house? Looks like rain at the jersey shore for the next 7 days plus and sweet Sammy has not used the shelter yet. However this AM he was laying in our backyard just waiting for me to feed him. He is so little. He runs when I go outside to give him food, waits and then goes to eat. And yesterday morning after I had fed him Greg called me over to the window and Sammy was rolling around on the ground in our backyard just like a kitten should and seemed so content. He is all alone with no other playmates and I think he just slept outside in our backyard on the ground last night all alone out in the damp. :cry:

I cannot stop thinking what is going to happen to this sweet kitty when we leave the beach house. :cry: :cry: :cry:

How is your mother doing? Is she remaining hydrated and in good spirits? Thinking of her and you too and hoping all is well.

LLJsmom, I LOVE your ring pics. Beautiful and that SS setting is right up my alley. Especially paired with the french cut eternity. Pure elegance and sophistication. :love: :love: :love:

I also love asschers and count me in if you visit GOG. I think they are open on Saturdays btw... :naughty:

Jimmianne, good morning! Love that beautiful horse. OMG so amazing and so little. I am in love. :love: You have an amazing life you really do!

Have a good day girls!
Jimmianne|1443515771|3933054 said:
LLJsmom, what wonderful pictures to wake up to. Love both rings
We are bling dream twins with regard to a larger Asscher and a reset.
In fact I stayed up too late visiting the GOG website and JA. Do that a lot.
How big an Asscher do you think you would need to be "diamond full-filled"?
Tricky. Mine is 6mm so I think 7mm would do it, but how long before DSS set in.
Wish we were going hunting together! but might result in what's called Real Trouble. LOL

Jimmianne, if we were together, someone would have to lock us up, without computer access. Maybe we could set up some kind of diamond sharing program.

This is Puppy4248's asscher, and I think it's at least 4 carats. It's an amazing ring. I would feel soooo "liz-taylor" with it on, fully reveling in delusions of grandeur. :lol:
missy|1443528070|3933095 said:
Good morning girls!

Thank you for your good thoughts-they worked! The podiatrist said it is not infected and might be related to my Pilon fracture surgery in that a nerve might have been damaged causing alternate swelling, heat and redness. In any case nothing to worry about so woohoo. Thank you all again.

LLJsmom, I LOVE your ring pics. Beautiful and that SS setting is right up my alley. Especially paired with the french cut eternity. Pure elegance and sophistication. :love: :love: :love:

I also love asschers and count me in if you visit GOG. I think they are open on Saturdays btw... :naughty:

Have a good day girls!

"elegance and sophistication" so spot on. Exactly that. I do love it too. SS is really amazing and Ari has the most amazing eye.

After 10/15, I will think about how to stretch out that NY trip. I should have decided to stay a couple days more. I really want to meet up with you. I'll get back to you.
jimmianne, some more eye candy. seriously, i may defeat DSS forever...

Would puppy4248 adopt me??


Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh morning bling! Thank you LLJs!

Sheesh, what's not to love there????? The Hall of Mirrors on your finger :lickout:

Well NIRDIs, it looks like the estate finally settled, including our money being 'LOST' between the two banks involved. DH had to get on the phone in a 3-way call btw our bank and the Wyoming Bank to get 'er done.

I'm starting to think about the bling aspect of this bwahahahahaha.

I've got a bunch of great colored gemstones that I figure I'll send off to Jill Anish to make into stackers---inexpensive and easy/fast. I do have an 8-mm asscher cut white topaz from Bespoke Gems that I figure I will bezel in 18 kt yg, though. Jill Anish for these projects.

Who here has bought diamond melee? Who from? I need melee for the stackers and also for a large piece of flawless carved jade I bought from Barry Bridgestock. The jade is a pendant and I'm current wearing it on a black cord, knotted through one end of the pendant, which is a classic treatment/wearing of it BUT I would like to have a removeable bail made for this worthy piece of jade and I want it to look REALLY rich so it will be 18 kt yg and I want a medium-sized diamond or perhaps a couple of smaller ones.

Finally, I have some round tourmaline melee that I thought I would have made into a band with marquise diamonds alternating--->round tourm, marquise diamond, round tourm, marquise diamond, etc.

I'm going to need design help with the bail for the jade pendant and the tourm/diamond band. I'm going to post some pics today and I really do want input including vendors, okay?

Thank you all for holding good thoughts on the estate nightmare. I'm just starting to declench my entire body starting yesterday.
Missy, I'm so glad to hear there's nothing seriously wrong with your toe, that is so great! :dance:

Oh dear, I empathize with you about Sammy…we were in a similar situation with the kitty (Zoe) at my mother's house that we eventually took in. It was January when she showed up and I fretted so much about her being out in the cold…we set up a plastic bin with blankets in it and put it under a crawl space and she would curl up in it at night…I could see her from the basement window. I made phone calls to rescue places, shelters, foster places etc and there was just no space for her. We decided to keep her but I live in fear that another stray will show up because we're just not in a position to take in any more cats.

I know this is probably the worst idea in the world, but I'm desperate! I'm wondering if you could set up a self-feeder and self waterer for when you're not at the beach house. I guess you'd still have to make periodic trips during the winter to replenish them.

Ugh, I know this idea is lousy but I'm trying! I don't know, the reality is there might not be much more you can do :(sad I know, it pains me to say it. These feeders might not even work out but I just understand how you feel, and maybe doing this would help you feel less worried and help you feel you're doing all you can. I wish I had better advice. ((((hugs)))))
Oh thank you so much for the info Junie! That is a help. I also spoke with Julio our handyman and he will be doing work around our property and in our neighborhood for at least a month or 2 in October and November and he offered to feed Sammy at least when he is nearby. So that's something. He lives pretty far away though so it would be when he has a job in our area or at our house as we do keep him pretty busy lol.

I am going to check the links you provided and again I really appreciate it. If Sammy was friendly I would either seriously add a 5th to our brood or find him another home but with ferals it is really just not doable. Who wants to adopt a cat who is not friendly just scared?

Zoe is such a lucky kitty. She really hit pay dirt when she found you guys!!! (((Hugs))) back at ya!

LLJsmom, stretch away and if you do we will set up some appointments... maybe GOG if the timing is can be a blingfest. :bigsmile:
Missy, wanted to say but forgot in the bling pics, so relieved you toe is ok. Does that mean you need to take it easy when there is swelling? I did 10 miles yesterday causing brain needed it, and I think I messed up my sesamoid on my good foot. Well, good foot no more... Oh well. The price you pay.

I wonder why there are so many feral cats. I run a trail right along SAN Francisco bay and I see so many of them. Tons of signs tell people not to feed the cats. Do owners just let them loose or do they run away you think?

Kristie!!! Yay! Yay! Super yay!! To be DONE. ugh!! Need sweet new bling to celebrate. An alternating band sounds just FAB. What kind of metal and anything inspire you?
LLJsmom, I hope your foot starts feeling all better soon! 10 miles is awesome for a "short" haha run. I know the feeling of just wanting to do something even when we know we should rest. I have a hard time of resting too so I get it. I don't plan on resting my toe when it swells and feels warm and I didn't even think to ask the doctor last night. LOL don't ask a question you may not want to hear the answer to. :cheeky: He probably would have said to limit activities if he wanted me to so that's what I'm going with.

IDK why there are so many feral cats except that people don't spay and neuter their cats and they let them go outside so they impregnate others/get impregnated and the cycle goes on and on...more ferals, more babies, more ferals etc. If people don't feed them they will starve. If you are interested I can share links here but if not just know that if there are feral cats nearby you can help by feeding them and then neutering or spaying once they get to trust you. We are not at the beach house long enough right now to do that for Sammy (get him to trust us trap him and have him neutered or spayed and then release him) and after my experience with Blu I am just not strong enough. Wish I was. :((

Looks like we might be getting rain for the next 7 plus days but we did get to ride today and not get wet. It started raining just as we got back from the ride. Look how adorable these ducklings are.

Love the duckies Missy. I'm still up, but need to get to sleep. I'm dead...
Good morning girls!

Junie I just emailed you. :sun:

Lljsmom, they were taking over the whole street lol. So precious. No sign of Sammy this morning. I'm so upset because we are getting storm after storm for at least the next week and beyond. Poor Sammy and of course I am keeping worried watchful eyes on the next hurricane headed right our way. :errrr: Hoping it all turns out to be nothing and that sweet Sammy remains safe.

Have a good day all. :wavey:
Hi NIRDIs. I am alive and doing fine but been this week. busy. Will try to post soon.

Today is cleaning day here and I didn't tidy-up yet. Having help was the best thing I ever did for myself and my house.

Went to an amazing concert on Tuesday night which "youngened" me considerable. We have a venue called the Haw River Ballroom, which was created by a famous athlete who bought an old mill in a tiny southern town on a river and converted it to an amazing theater & restaurant space overlooking the Haw River.
My DD was the opening act to a band called Moon Hooch and they were so incredible I am still high. Two saxophones and a drum.You wouldn't think that would make swoon-worthy music, but they were genius. Never heard anything like it. The place was packed on a Tuesday night---many people were wearing costumes and animal masks - young crowd. I'm glad I dressed up with some flair. However, next time I will wear sneakers instead of heels to dance lol. This old lady is feeling it two days later, but still so happy. The music was not TOO loud, but had a very strong low vibration that pounded heart, lungs and stomach. The music was out of this world. I think I have been converted a club girl.

So, DD leaves tomorrow if the weather does not interfere and I will be leaning on the NIRDIs a bit.
I'm doing so much better with it now.

LLJsmom, I hope your ankle is behaving this morning as you prepare for your big run.

Missy, I feel for you worrying about the kitty. You have such a kind heart I know you are in pain over leaving him. I used to torture myself over animals in situations and now must do what I can, then block it from my mind and tell myself that my contribution to the problem is taking care of the ones I have saved. I keep wondering if there is an animal group in that area that would help/know of a feral feeder person.
And please don't let what happened to Blu influence you too much. It happens. I had a wonderful kitty that kept attacking my DD's cat and was causing health issue, so a cat vet offered to take him home. He escaped two weeks after that and she never found him. I mourned over that tremendously. One day a horrible looking young tomcat came into my yard. Starving, covered in cuts. I took him in as I would have wanted someone to take in the cat that ran from the vet. So I could not save the runaway, but I saved Sam who now tolerates being an artist's model. You can only do so much.


Good morning girls.

Marcy, I am glad your week is going well and thank you for checking in with us.

LLJsmom, hoping your ankle/foot is all better by now.

Jimmianne, the concert experience sounds wonderful and I am so glad you had a great time. I used to be a club girl I guess when I was in my late teens and twenties. My friends and I used to go every Wed night to the limelight and dance the night away and then of course we loved going to the Palladium also. Ah the good old days. Nowadays we are usually in bed before 10PM so the days/nights of starting our evening at 11PM or midnight are long gone LOL. I am glad you had a terrific time.

Thank you for sharing those beautiful pics of your cat. He is so adorable! OMG what a face! And I am very sorry about what happened to your other cat. How awful and I am so so sorry. :cry:

A huge cryfest is coming so please just don't read if you are not in the mood. I totally understand and am exhausted with all my emotion so much of the time so I can only imagine how you guys must feel hearing me go on and on about things that are troubling me like I do. I am just wishing for peace and safety and health for everyone and apologize that so much of this thread is me crying like a big baby. :((

Thank you for your empathy. I am heartbroken already as it is so stormy outside and such powerful winds and this is not even the hurricane with the more powerful winds we are expecting with Joaquin coming this weekend/into next week. I am sick about what is going to happen to Sammy. He didn't come for the breakfast I left yesterday AM and we didn't see him at all when we got home late afternoon and the food we left was still there but last night we thought we saw him in the backyard but it was too dark to tell for sure it was him.

Anyway this AM we saw him at the front of the house so I quickly went out with some wet food and placed it near the front door even though I had just sent Greg out with the food where we usually leave it on the side of the house. Sammy ran of course when I went out with the new food but then as soon as I left he rushed to the food and ate it. He is starving and also looks so sad.

It is freezing windy and wet and will be through next week and I am torn up. I don't know what to do. I know what you are saying is reasonable and logical and also practical because I cannot do what I cannot do but still I cannot help feeling broken up inside and my heart hurts for Sammy.

In addition there is that pesky hurricane that while we don't yet know for certain it will be bad all info is pointed that way plus the rain we have already been and still are getting before this hurricane just adds up to huge flooding potential for so many people on the coast. So many who have already suffered through Sandy. I mean signs of the devastation from Sandy still exist all around us here so I cannot help thinking about those poor people and then I am also concerned about us and our home. But first and foremost is this poor sweet baby kitty.

I am certain now Sammy is feral and that basically leaves him to fend for himself. There are no rescue groups that are not overwhelmed out here especially now and there is nothing they can or are willing to do for Sammy. We are it for him and very limited in what we can do because he is feral. I appreciate your advice though and know you are right but knowing someone is right doesn't help sometimes when life is just so unfair and you see suffering all around.

Again I am very sorry girls to go on and on about Sammy but if I don't share it and get it out I feel my insides will explode. Greg is dealing with the hurricane preparations right now so though he is very understanding of how I am feeling he has to be more practical right now and deal with what he can control. We had the generator checked yesterday by our electrician just in case and it is working and in the next 2 days Greg will prepare the house in order to make it as hurricane proof as possible. I would be way more terrified of this especially since Sandy is still fresh in my mind however I am consumed with Sammy and his safety so while I am worried about the hurricane I am more worried about Sammy and the lives of all the stray animals in our area.

OK I would love love love to hear some happy news please. I know one of our NIRDIs just had a great trip and I would enjoy hearing all about that. Oh yesterday we went to Lambertville and I tried on a few pieces ( :cheeky: big surprise right lol). Here are the only 2 necklaces I got pics of but I knew you girls would appreciate it. Both necklaces cost right around 10K. I hope sharing these pics makes up for some of my crying. And thank you for listening. (((Hugs))).


Junie! I forgot to say have a very safe trip and a great vacation!!! Thinking good thoughts for a wonderful time for you at your beach house. :appl:
Missy, I understand how you feel about Sammy, I really do…I have realized I have to be careful because I've been noticing that in my responses in general on PS I think because I empathize so much with someone I end up inadvertently making that person more upset! I don't want to add to your worry…and yet at the same time I want you to know that I understand how you're feeling, and I too feel for Sammy so much. I don't know much about feral animals, but I agree with you, it sounds like Sammy is feral and that complicates things and it really does limit what you can do. It doesn't sound like he uses the shelter either…at least you'd have a bit of comfort that he was protected from the elements. I have been wracking my brain trying to come up with an answer - I am hoping that Sammy has managed to find a little nook and cranny somewhere where he can at least be protected a little from the elements. And even though it's probably a bad idea, there's always the option of those feeders - I googled feeding feral cats, and people do do things like that in an effort to help them so maybe it's not that crazy of an idea. Although it just dawned on me the timed feeder wouldn't work because it requires electricity, duh. But they sell other kinds. I will continue to look online for other ideas and let you know if I come up with anything. Big giant hugs to you, please go easy on yourself, this is a tough situation and it's true that you can only do so much.

Yes, the upcoming weather seems really weird, it sounds like they can't really say what's going to happen but it does look like we're in for a lot of rain. I am hoping that's all it is, and the weather won't be that extreme. I'll be thinking of you.

Wow, those necklaces are beautiful and they look amazing on you! I'm not just saying that, you have a gorgeous neckline!

Oh, thanks for asking about my mother! She's doing ok, and since she always seems willing to drink tea I've just been making her a cup every few hours and she finishes it, so I'm feeling better about her staying hydrated.

Jimmianne, hugs to you too my friend, I know your dd leaving is rough on you, this is a hard transition and I am keeping you in my thoughts. Yes, we NIRDIS are definitely here for you anytime you need a bit of comfort and company! I'm glad to read you're feeling a little better about it.

And Sam is awesome! Just awesome, I love his face!

Marcy, thinking of you, and hoping you can recover from your busy week this weekend! Loved your pic of the moon, amazing!

LLJsmom, thanks for sharing your thoughts about your ring…I understand that you're not considering doing anything soon but it's interesting to hear what you're thinking! Yes, puppygut's ring is amazing! And I love the setting you posted…I'm not one to think a certain type of stone needs a certain type of setting (in fact, I kind of dislike "rules" in jewelry), but I dunno - in your case I think I prefer the setting you now have for your MRB! The setting you posted just has an antique vibe to it that seems better suited for an OEC. But as I said, there are really no rules in jewelry, we should just go with what we love, and if down the road you decide it's the right setting for you, you can always go for it. The good news is that while you are thinking about different options, you have a gorgeous ring to wear and enjoy!

Calliecake, haven't heard from you in a bit and I miss you! Hope you are doing well and I hope you check in soon!

Ok, better sign off, have to leave for the airport in a few hours and I'm not packed (although for such a short trip this really isn't that involved!) Will see you all later!

LLJsmom, 15 hours of work would fry anyone's brain. I am so glad I don't work 2 jobs anymore. I don't know how I did it for over 20 years. If you want to reset you ring I won't discourage you. I am constantly thinking of my next projects. Even if you don't upgrade is now it's always fun to go play on those websites you can mount stones in to see what they might look like. Dreaming and planning is more fun than buying them and wearing them. I hope your week is going along better and your ankle isn't bothering you anymore. Your dring ring is gorgeous. I am with you on having matching wedding bands but this week I am liking my 5 pointer channel set band better than before. Marty said "I don't want to hear it" and changed the subject. I think a plain ering with a french cut band it totally a classy, elegant look. It is one of my favorites.

Jimmianne, thank you for liking my picture. I saw one on Facebook of the eclipsed moon by Old Faithful. The funny thing was the moon was in "front" of the steam. It was getting lots of oohs and aws in the comments and I wanted to post "but how is the moon closer than the steam" but I didn't. It is fun to stay up late and browse our favorite diamond and jewelry websites. I think a 7mm asscher sounds like a great size. You'll probably get getting a lot of rain too. I hope your animals all do okay in all of it. The concert you attended sounds great and how cool DD was in the opening act. Big hugs to you that DD is leaving.

Jimmianne and LLJsmom, that huge asscher is massive! Pretty though.

Missy, Rats comes from Peanuts. Rats that you didn't get to see the eclipse. I sure hope you don't get flooding or damage from this hurricane. Marty is heading to DC on Monday. You shouldn't have much problem learning to use the new iPhone they work very similar to you iPad. Good idea to try and give Greg less and less milk so then he won't notice you are out. Marty drinks a couple of glasses a day. Poor Sammy and you worrying about him. I am delighted to hear you had a good report at the doctor about your toe.

Junebug, i hope your new house remains safe from this hurricane. I worry about you ladies on the east coast. I am a stress eater too and I swear I can walk by food and get the calories from it. Have a safe trip and enjoy your vacation. That is great news you mom continues to drink and finish her cup of tea. I am glad there is something she likes to drink.

Kristie, I am so excited that Bob finally got his funds in your account. Massive relief and progress there. I think you deserve all sorts of new bling now. All of your projects sound fabulous.

So where have I been this week? Good question. Tuesday I worked about an hour past normal, we ran out of supper when I got home and then got paged while we were eating. I ended up working until about 10:45. At that point in time I didn't know if what I was doing was right. Wednesday we tried again to do our date night then shopping and started with a fast food restaurant then spent way too much time and money at Sams Club. I stocked up on those domestic necessities like TP, paper towels, soap, napkins, cereal, etc. We bought a new shredder, I picked up a few new sweaters and we stopped and had a shake on the way home. When we got home I had to find places to stick all of those paper towels, TP and napkins. My last house was so small I couldn't buy in quantity. Tonight we are having supper with friends and then play a few games. It's been a really busy week.

Take care and those of you in or near the hurricane stay safe and warm.

Hi Girls,

Just a quick hello for now. :wavey:

I keep disappearing because I am in the process of moving to a different place and it took a long time finding a place and then now the whole mess will start which is what happens when you are moving. For now only locally to a different place.

I also had some bug parties, my best friend's wedding and bachelorette party and been really busy, have a little trip planned for October. Things have been a bit much to me lately so I need some time off and relax seriously before the season really starts. We will have some interesting, big projects to complete. Vinnie got neutered finally and while no, he cannot make babies ever again and that made it hard, I felt it was the right decision for him, he seems so calm now and stopped spraying right away. He still bites Sapphie is tries, so for now hands or rather paws and teeth off of Sapph. Vinnie was so cute when he was coming out of anaesthesia, he had to get on my lap first and then climbed me, hugged my neck and fell asleep there.

Missy, how is the stray kitty? You know once when living in the US I saved a stray but he was friendlier, ok I saved many strays in my life but this boy was gorgeous but a bit agressive at times and also spraying even though neutered. He was Maine Coon and once he got hurt and we had to catch him to get help for him. No idea if it was a car or a racoon or what. He went into the local rescue and I was helping with the adoption process and taking him to his new home. As soon as he was in his new home, he never wanted to go outside again and never sprayed again, adapted really well. That said I know that saving strays can be really challenging and there can be many problems. I do understand what you meant about you cannot help them all but usually when God sends one my way in need of help, I cannot turn a head either. But what can you do with real ferals? Perhaps you also have a local rescue? I was volunteering for rescues so I knew where to get help. I can tell you many stories where I could save cats and where I could not, there was as stray baby that I knew from birth and he lived until adulthood and survived so many things, one time they locked him in a restaurant for ten days, he made it and he got sick and I had to medicate him which was not easy with a stray that was half feral but he did let me. Then he disappeared. You cannot blame yourself because sometimes you can only try so hard. I had too many kitties to take him in at the time and he was not tested either.

Jimmianne, Sam is a doll, what a model! I love him. After the wedding party I understand about dancing lol. I danced for seven straight hours which I had not done in ages before and I tell you very seriously that it took me days to recoved, for something like four days I could not climb the stairs even.

Junebug I understand empathizing so much with someone that you end up upsetting that person, I also have to be careful not to do the same. How is your mom doing?

Kristie I am so happy you got the funds and hope you can get yourself some gorgeous new bling! Wow, it sounds to me like you got a lot of very exciting new plans, awesome, nothing more exciting than designing, creating new bling to enjoy, pix of the stones and ideas?

Missy that first necklace is really nice, it is a diamond choker, right? Are you thinking about some new bling?

That Ascher is sometimes else LLJsmom. Of course as a profile fanatic, I love the profile of the setting on the round. I am a bit confused as to what is your current ring that you want to trade in or reset but lovely pix regardless. New bling is always a great idea to cheer up. How is everything in your family now?

I am sure I missed tons of post and need to go back to see how Marcy, Callie and everyone else are doing, what the latest updates were as to your lives and of course your bling but I will try to check and follow as much as I can.

Hugs to everyone and have a great day. :appl: :love:
Sunstorm! hi :wavey:
I was going to say... you are up so early! then remembered the different time zone.
So glad to hear from you - have been thinking about you and hoping things were OK.
I hope you have some nice relaxing times. Moving, especially locally, can be a pain.

I've been looking at "big" asschers - they don't look very big : ( unless you find a bank-breaker. It seems interesting and much more doable/prudent to get a wow-beautiful halo setting from CVB for a modest stone. At least that is this morning's theory. Don't hold me to it!

My DD will be in Europe first thing in the morning tomorrow. The weather is quite rainy here but so far not "stormy" so I am reserving my nervousness until her plane leaves at 2 pm today. Yesterday I hung out with her and bought her a fitted black coat and some beautiful ankle boots. Nice and sophisticated for France. She and I both wear sort of bohemian clothes like Free People at home, but I wanted her to have something special for going out to dinner or parties, so we are both happy.

June and Marcy, thank you for the hugs. I was feeling stressed this morning and coming to this thread was like a warm fuzzy coat. It's good to take one day at a time. yes?

Missy, that first necklace is a winner! It would be a very good investment for you. I do like the River[?] necklaces, but this one is quite special. Good for a rainy day! It does look like little water droplets.
I am watching the weather up your way as well. We are supposed to get around 10" of rain this weekend. I will try to keep the rain here and send you only gentle showers. Good toe news, by the way. I know that was really worrisome.
Will be saying a little prayer for Sammy today.
My flock of Guinea hens need to get out of the weather, but I have no idea how to do that. They are wild game birds and roost in the trees. I am attached to them because they come flying in when I call them, but still they could not be caught to put in a shelter.
Yesterday there were bloody bird footprints on my front and back porch but I could not tell which bird it was - and even if I could there is nothing I can do. It made me think to say to you that nature is often cruel. When things happen I think wow - we humans care more than nature does! You have a good heart and have done your best here.

AZ, my sister and i just got the go ahead to close out the estate checking account. I am tempted to keep my portion close by in case I need a bling fix. KWIM?? lol

ps. for instance, this is what I was looking at this morning. It's 2.4ct but if that's the finger coverage of 2.4 I think I need a 4.2!il_570xn_155.jpg
Exactly my problem Jimmianne, I love aschers and cushions but they face up so small for my taste. :shock: So while I love both I am sticking to cuts that face up large like pears and ovals because you get a lot of bling for the buck. I do love the ring you showed me but of course I love those huge aschers that LLJsmom posted. Khm, 4.2 carats sounds about right for ther ascher I would love to have. :D

Yes I too loved the first necklace, ah in Europe they call tennis bracelets Riviera and the corresponding necklaces too, so maybe this one is also Riviera style though three stand? What I could not tell for sure is whether it was diamonds all over, for that it would be a very low price. Very nice necklace either way but seems to be a necklace for special occasions.

Lately I have been finding myself to like one larger stone with perhaps a bit of pave or halo instead of the Riviera style which is gorgeous but I somehow just find that larger stones are like individuals and they have such personalities and I like them to stand out.

So I may have missed something, what happened to gorgeous Joy Jimmianne? Don't tell me that you are considering trading her in, really? Ok a huge ascher may not be a bad option if you want to do that. Hmm, it does not sound like a bad idea to keep the estate checking account balance available for a major bling fix if I understood that correctly :naughty:
Sunstorm, Joy is still my #1 girl! Because of her I am not as "into" my other rings and am thinking of selling or upgrading them.
I have a 1.23 Asscher from GOG that I am/was thinking of either resetting or trading in.
Yes, wouldn't a 4.2 be nice LOL that might be worth hanging on to!

We are getting pummeled by storms. DD arrives in Paris about this time - so I am up at 2am waiting for her text and enjoying the strong rains on the tin roof of my little office. I'm sure daylight will bring evidence of flooding. One of my favorite things to do is to go out in the woods on the Kubota and slog through overflowing stream crossings. My Everest : )

Missy - looks like you are getting the same weather "treat" up your way. No biking today! But those gorgeous sunny Fall days are still to come!
Hi Jimmianne,

Wow now I see it is quiet on here, it is just us two, at least hopefully gives me time to read some past posts although in the meantime I will be packing stuff up too. I think it would take me days to read everything anyhow so will try to go back but also just enjoy the moment. :twirl:

But hey this is really fun. I personally like the idea of having less jewelry but pieces you really really love. It works for me. I prefer having a few signature pieces, those that I am crazy about, bigger or more unusual stones, things that stand out and are close to my heart. I love the idea of decluttering the closets, even jewelry closets and putting funds towards a truly stunning piece.

I wish I could just declutter my clothes and shoes and bag closets. Now that I am moving, it may not be a bad idea. But it seems to be impossible. Today I will go through shoes and bags, yikes. :shock: I am starting to wonder why oh why I own so many designer shoes I never wear, some bags too and what I will ever do with them. My feet are really really sensitive anymore and I either cannot wear some of these shoes or I feel sorry for them. I need to make sure some at least get some use.

I love the pic you sent, you know honestly the 2.5 does not look bad here. ;)) I cannot decide what I prefer sidestones or soli. I think a great soli always works but I also like a couple of sides. I think for the asscher I prefer no sides and a pave bad but this is so personal. I personally never thought that a halo looked good with an asscher because it looks weird to me to mix the cuts so close next to each other, in a way sort of like mixing very different colors. Some results are good, some not so but to me an asscher or an emerald cut is something that needs to be left alone with no halo. Pave on the shank looks like a nice contrast but again this is just an opinion.

It may happen that you halo your existing asscher and I will say wow, now I am dying to have one just like this, I have been playing with the idea of great asschers. Don't tempt me. :shifty:

I thinkthe right size for you really depends on the design and also finger and hand size (and budget of course :(sad :(sad ). On the picture, on this hand I really love the look of the 2.5. But the 3 with sides is really impressive. Of course the 4 with sides may not be bad either. :naughty:

Do you have pix of the jewelry you are trading in and you are pretty set on an asscher and trading in the existing one for one larger? I think that might be a great idea if you like it too. But if I remember correctly you have some other really gorgeous jewelry, like pendant too? Will you be keeping some of those?

Ok, off to reading and decluttering. I think Sapphie needs to be locked in her room and so does Mr., well now decrowned King Vinnie becase Abys helping with moving is not exactly the greatest way of getting help.
Good luck with the decluttering!

yes - the 2.5 looks good for sure :lol: , but as you said, in a different cut the size would be an assured stunner!
Good morning girls! Love the diamond pics and discussion.

Junie, thank you so much for empathizing and you only make me feel better so please don't worry. I understand what you mean though but you have always only comforted me and by doing so made me feel better so no worrying on your part please. I hope you are enjoying your time at your beach house and that the weather is missing you there and you and your dh and family are safe and warm and happy.

Very thankful that Joaquin is staying (hopefully!) out to sea. We are now only (haha only but it is all abut perspective) dealing with a Nor'easter with 50 mph wind gusts. We lost power for a few hours last night but our generator (worth every penny) switched on and we were able to continue watching our movie in comfort. JCP&L was able to get power restored to the neighborhood around midnight fortunately. The wave action here is crazy and people are dealing with flooding all over the jersey shore in Monmouth county. Sea Bright and Monmouth beach are under water yet again. Scary winds are still howling shaking the house but we are safe and warm. I am praying Sammy is safe wherever he is as we have not seen him for 2 days now. :blackeye:

Marcy, I hope work is going more smoothly for you now and that you have no more late nights there. Good for you stocking up on paper goods etc. We love to do that via Costco however. I have never been to Sam's Club. We have the space so I always buy paper goods etc in quantity. Love having lots and lots of paper towels, tp and tissues lol. It never goes bad. Your evening with friends sounds like fun and I hope you enjoyed the company and games.

Sunstorm, I hope things are progressing and looking up and thank you for sharing your bling thoughts. Not sure what that necklace is called but it was lovely. Not 10K lovely for me though. I'm glad it went well with Vinnie getting neutered and that he is not bothering Sapphie as much. Please tell us about your new place. Do you have furniture or are you shopping for some? What is your style decor? When I was single I had art deco furniture. It is always so much fun decorating though I know it can be stressful too. And moving is always stressful even locally. Hugs and hoping everything goes smoothly.

Jimmianne, I hope your DD arrived safely in Paris and that your storms will soon be over if they are not yet over. I hope whatever flooding you might have is minimal with no damage. Enjoy walking through the streams. if I were there with you I would happily join in. I'm with you in needing a bigger Asscher. While all sizes are lovely for my big man hands I need large diamonds LOL.

We went into the city on Thursday via Seastreak (the ferry service) and it was a wild ride with the waves and wind but fun and I didn't get sick so woohoo for that. It felt like we were on a roller coaster at times. Sharing a pic of Greg on the Seastreak during our ride. I had my hair cut and colored with Tuey so worth braving the weather. Attaching a pic of Tuey's dog Cuco. What a sweet baby he is.

Yesterday during the height of the storm (yes we are crazy but we enjoy accomplishing things despite the weather) we bought a new barbecue to hold us over until Greg builds another custom one. However with the cost of this one I am thinking it better be good. I could have bought a lovely diamond necklace or pair of earrings for what this barbecue cost! Greg assures me that he will use the parts from the BBQ for the custom built one he is planning in the future so we are not wasting money.

Not sure what is on our agenda today as flooding is all around us but something fun hopefully. What are your weekend plans girls? Looking forward to hearing all about them. Please brighten up the stormy weather around here and share your adventures and hugs to you all. :appl:




Well, if you like other cut styles, you can always consider one that faces up large. I just love them because for a decent budget you can get a great stone but OTOH I really love the clean and yet striking look of Asschers.

When you have time send pix of the jewels and/or the plans.

Yeah now I am wondering if I have been a collector all my life or what? My mother may have been right and I decluttered last year but that was mainly clothes.

Now I cringe when I look at bags of clothes and I started doing shoes and threw out like ten pairs, there are another five borderline throwaway or keep pairs and then the rest that I was going to do but realized I have a lot more than I thought. :o

I wish I had invested more in boots and slippers/wedges that I actually like wearing. Instead I have a gazillion really high shoes that are gorgeous but I never wear them. I have some expensive shoes and bags that have been sitting in my closet for years now.What fun to pack for moving!