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Apr 6, 2010
Hello, all my fellow ladies in waiting!

I''ve been lurking on PS for months and I''ve finally decided to step out of the dark to officially join the LIW list...

I''m 28 years old (turning 29 in August *yikes!*) and my bf is 30, going on 31. We will celebrate our two year anniversary this June. I guess you can say we had a whirlwind relationship...

We met through mutual friends when he came to visit for a concert. We hit it off right away but sadly, he had to return home after the weekend. I invited him back for another concert a couple of weekends later and surprisingly, he came. We spent the entire weekend together and I "won" a trip to see him when I beat him playing pool (little did he know I''ve been playing for over 10 years ;)). After he left, I got really busy at work so I sort of forgot about the trip I had won. He texted me out of the blue one day asking me when I''ll be coming up to see him. I booked my flight to go see him the following weekend. To make the long story short, once I returned home, I knew that I had to be with him. Within a month, I quit my job and moved 2,500 miles to a big city to be with him. Everything worked out amazingly and we''ve been together for nearly two years...

We''ve talked about everything and we''re on the same page about kids, careers, finances, etc. We''ve started looking to purchase a home and talk frequently about getting married. So I guess getting engaged is the next step and I know it''s coming...but I know that it''s not coming for a while. I''ve been obsessing about diamonds and ER so he knows what I want. But if I''m going to get what I want, I''m going to have to be willing to wait. And wait. And wait...

In the meantime, I will try to keep all this obsession to myself and PS''ers, and not my poor bf (whom I''m sure is not as interested in Aset and HCA as we all are).

I''m looking forward to all the trials and tribulations of being a LIW!


Apr 5, 2010
Hey! Welcome. . Looking forward to sharing the journey with you and all the others!

I am new as well. . . .
Feb 5, 2010
Hi Anela & welcome! Wow, sounds like everything is going great in your relationship--hopefully your stay will be short!
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