
Myers Briggs Personality Test


Apr 30, 2005
Hopedream, LOL!


Dec 29, 2006
Date: 5/25/2010 5:11:09 PM
Author: mscushion
Date: 5/25/2010 4:53:35 PM

Author: Zoe

Mscushion -- that''s interesting that you''ve changed over time and you''ve gone from an I to an E.

I know! Of course it''s possible that I was always in the middle and answered a couple of questions differently from one time to the next, and that changed my results. I do still draw a lot of energy from being by myself and love being alone. That''s why I am skeptical about the ''E.'' That said, however, I can also see how entering the business world forced me to become more extroverted.

I can see that. It''s funny, I''m an introvert (and always come out as one on these types of tests), but I love being with others. In fact, I often prefer to be with people instead of doing my own thing. I like having time to myself, but I bore easily I think.


Jan 30, 2008

I used to test as an incredibly solid ENFJ. Then a few tests like the MB (Insights testing - a work-type MB and another) had me as an XNFJ - dead center between introvert/extrovert.

This last one has me as ISFJ, which I''m not sure I believe. I''ve changed certainly, but not quite that much. It is true that we learn to compensate for the weaker modes of relating to the world, but that''s a bit extreme.

Could be I''m just weird.


Mar 14, 2009
Zoe: When I learned about MBTI the introvert/extrovert category I was taught that it''s not about enjoying the company of others, but about where you draw your energy from, and where you like to go to "Recharge".

I love to be with people, but I need alone time regain my energy. My mother gets recharged by hanging out with other people. Does that make it clearer?

Where would you go to relax at the end of a hard day? the solitude of home, or out with friends?


Dec 29, 2006
HopeDream -- that''s hilarious! It fit me to a T!


Dec 29, 2006
Date: 5/25/2010 6:53:06 PM
Author: HopeDream
Zoe: When I learned about MBTI the introvert/extrovert category I was taught that it''s not about enjoying the company of others, but about where you draw your energy from, and where you like to go to ''Recharge''.

I love to be with people, but I need alone time regain my energy. My mother gets recharged by hanging out with other people. Does that make it clearer?

Where would you go to relax at the end of a hard day? the solitude of home, or out with friends?
I get it. That makes sense. To answer your question, it might just depend on how bad of a day it was and how tired I was. If I was in the mood, I''d generally choose to go out with friends. If I wanted to curl up and sleep the bad day away, well, I''d go home because sleeping in a pub (or where ever) would be weird. Sometimes I''m just more comfortable with others'' company than I am with my own, if that makes any sense.


May 4, 2009
"Your Type is INFJ
Strength of the preferences % 100 12 62 78"

Now I''m off to read about it...


Jun 13, 2006
When I did this in high school, I was ESTJ, with a high E and very close on the S. I took it a few days ago and I am INTJ with a very strong N focus. The change is a combo of being in a relationship and moving away from subjects like history into more science. In the Kiersey I am a mastermind, which is to be expected by an academic while my Dh is a Teacher, which is good since he writes.


Jun 4, 2008
I took the the test in high school and again in college, and came up with the same both times - ENTJ. Totally not shocking for those who know me.

I think I''ll retake this in the next couple days though and see if law school has changed me any


Sep 27, 2009
Mrs M, women have a tendency to type out as feelers as social factors and self-concept can muddy the waters a bit for a self-reported test. When the results fluctuate or partially make sense it could either be the case that certain processes are very well balanced (bordering T and F for example, a 5% tolerance is defined), or that self-understanding is skewed by a number of biases. The only remedy is to chew over the general definitions, get a feel for how your closest partners and others might identify, and compare and contrast with expected results for different combinations.

Charmy, on the internet it''s usually difficult to gauge extroversion etc. directly (same with the J/P dichotomy), and INTJ is the first NTJ option I go for when intuition and thinking seem to be close together in evidence

Haven, I always feel you to be eNFP (small predominance of extroversion) -- ENFPs are known to be the most introverted of extroverts, and do need time alone to recharge their batteries as you describe.


May 20, 2008
I'm an INTJ. Everything is fairly solid except the N/S - sometimes when I take the test I'm an ISTJ, but I think that's more my work personality. When I read the description of an INTJ it describes me 100%.

I need to get DH to take this test - I've been trying to figure out what he is. Though he's not hard - I know the I, T, and J, and I'm guessing he's an ISTJ. We're extremely similar and I think that's why we get along so well. In fact, most of my closest friends have T and J in common with me which is probably because they're all engineers.


Aug 24, 2006
I am an ISTJ. From the description of the personality type it feels fairly accurate. I am not sure who said it, I think maybe HollyS, but I also find it interesting that there are a lot of introverts here at a social networking website. Maybe we are not as introverted as the test indicates? Or is it that we introverts can control our level of social interaction when we participate here so it's not the same as being in a crowded room full of strangers?


Mar 20, 2003
Another INTJ here . . .


Jul 21, 2008

Extroverted 33
Intuitive 50
Feeling 38
Judging 44

Famous people who are also ENFJ- Bill Clinton, Tony Blair, Clara Barton, Ronald Reagan


Dec 10, 2004
Date: 5/25/2010 7:35:28 PM
Author: sunseeker101

Charmy, on the internet it''s usually difficult to gauge extroversion etc. directly (same with the J/P dichotomy), and INTJ is the first NTJ option I go for when intuition and thinking seem to be close together in evidence
It''s pretty neat seeing what people think your personality is like online. On reflection, I think you are correct that in many ways I am an I. I have often told people that I am actually an introvert and they are always surprised. The truth is .. I am an extrovert among friendlies or the known but not so much to the unknown. The thing is that I warm up to people really quickly so they get into the friendly zone quickly. In my younger years, I loved to go out and make lots of friends. Now, I like just staying with a few close friends or taking time with my family.


Jun 13, 2006
Date: 5/25/2010 8:08:57 PM
Author: onedrop
I am an ISTJ. From the description of the personality type it feels fairly accurate. I am not sure who said it, I think maybe HollyS, but I also find it interesting that there are a lot of introverts here at a social networking website. Maybe we are not as introverted as the test indicates? Or is it that we introverts can control our level of social interaction when we participate here so it''s not the same as being in a crowded room full of strangers?
Actually, I do ok in crowded rooms with strangers, it is smaller get togethers with people I kind of know where I have issues. My DH says I suffer fools very poorly which is true. I like forums for the same reason I read news, not watch; I can pick and choose what interests me. I can talk to you about the Myers Briggs and totally ignore any threads about purses without seeming dificult or self-centered, etc. Also, I have congenital amusia, which is like color blindness but for hearing. Although not severe, it is enough so that people more able to read the nuances of language (pretty much everyone) may get the wrong idea about what I mean and I have offended people unintentionally before. You lovely people only have my words, so if I offend someone, at least I probably meant to


Jun 13, 2006
Sorry, my work internet is sketchy so things are doubling or not posting


Jul 12, 2008
I am an ISTJ. Pretty accurate I think. I am an ''I'' and ''T'' professionally, and an ''E'' and ''F'' in personal environments, respectively. Which is why I measured ''slightly'' ''I'' and ''T''.


Aug 19, 2009
I am different all the time when I take it

INFJ this time

ENFJ just as often

and sometimes the middle letters are ST instead of NF.

J is consistent like 90% of the time...

Either I am severely imbalanced or very balanced


Jan 30, 2008
Date: 5/25/2010 10:08:45 PM
Author: brazen_irish_hussy

Date: 5/25/2010 8:08:57 PM
Author: onedrop
I am an ISTJ. From the description of the personality type it feels fairly accurate. I am not sure who said it, I think maybe HollyS, but I also find it interesting that there are a lot of introverts here at a social networking website. Maybe we are not as introverted as the test indicates? Or is it that we introverts can control our level of social interaction when we participate here so it''s not the same as being in a crowded room full of strangers?
Actually, I do ok in crowded rooms with strangers, it is smaller get togethers with people I kind of know where I have issues. My DH says I suffer fools very poorly which is true. I like forums for the same reason I read news, not watch; I can pick and choose what interests me. I can talk to you about the Myers Briggs and totally ignore any threads about purses without seeming dificult or self-centered, etc. Also, I have congenital amusia, which is like color blindness but for hearing. Although not severe, it is enough so that people more able to read the nuances of language (pretty much everyone) may get the wrong idea about what I mean and I have offended people unintentionally before. You lovely people only have my words, so if I offend someone, at least I probably meant to
Fascinating. I''ve read about some amusias. I have read some interesting stuff online by Daniel Levitin on that topic. How does yours manifest? Is it in your speech or do you incorrectly pick up on other people''s verbal cues? Tone deaf? I''m just curious. You''re the first person I''ve ever heard say that she/he has an amusia....


Jun 13, 2006
Date: 5/25/2010 11:16:01 PM
Author: ksinger
Date: 5/25/2010 10:08:45 PM

Author: brazen_irish_hussy

Date: 5/25/2010 8:08:57 PM

Author: onedrop

I am an ISTJ. From the description of the personality type it feels fairly accurate. I am not sure who said it, I think maybe HollyS, but I also find it interesting that there are a lot of introverts here at a social networking website. Maybe we are not as introverted as the test indicates? Or is it that we introverts can control our level of social interaction when we participate here so it''s not the same as being in a crowded room full of strangers?
Actually, I do ok in crowded rooms with strangers, it is smaller get togethers with people I kind of know where I have issues. My DH says I suffer fools very poorly which is true. I like forums for the same reason I read news, not watch; I can pick and choose what interests me. I can talk to you about the Myers Briggs and totally ignore any threads about purses without seeming dificult or self-centered, etc. Also, I have congenital amusia, which is like color blindness but for hearing. Although not severe, it is enough so that people more able to read the nuances of language (pretty much everyone) may get the wrong idea about what I mean and I have offended people unintentionally before. You lovely people only have my words, so if I offend someone, at least I probably meant to
Fascinating. I''ve read about some amusias. I have read some interesting stuff online by Daniel Levitin on that topic. How does yours manifest? Is it in your speech or do you incorrectly pick up on other people''s verbal cues? Tone deaf? I''m just curious. You''re the first person I''ve ever heard say that she/he has an amusia....
A good friend is a sound tech and when I told him I was likely tone deaf, he was fascinated and ran some basic tests that came back unquestionable. It is a bit hard to explain, I can hear just as well as other people in that high tones and the sound tests at the doctor''s office are normal, but there are some things that are not. I have no musical ability, I cannot even hum a common tune in a way anyone else can recognize. I can hear tones, so that was not a problem when I took Chinese for example, I could distinguish the 4 tones. What I could not always do was tell between sounds. At work, we get a lot of random letters and I hear D as B much more often than my coworkers for example. Or in Chinese, I cannot tell the difference between the ZH and CH sounds. It has also made me a very poor speller. If I have to sound out a word in hopes of getting it right, chances are I will not.

As part of my anthro work and as compensation for my problems I have done a lot of work on body language, so I can usually read other people very well, except the phone, which is my least favorite form of communication. The problem is that I cannot moderate the way I speak well, so although I know what other people mean, unless they know me well, I often don''t portray what I mean, even if the words themselves do. In fact, those close to me call my manner of speaking myfirstnamian because it is unique. I am not sure what specific amusia that is, but I have been told I am a classic case of it more generally.


Jan 30, 2008
Date: 5/26/2010 3:47:40 AM
Author: brazen_irish_hussy

Date: 5/25/2010 11:16:01 PM
Author: ksinger

Date: 5/25/2010 10:08:45 PM

Author: brazen_irish_hussy

Date: 5/25/2010 8:08:57 PM

Author: onedrop

I am an ISTJ. From the description of the personality type it feels fairly accurate. I am not sure who said it, I think maybe HollyS, but I also find it interesting that there are a lot of introverts here at a social networking website. Maybe we are not as introverted as the test indicates? Or is it that we introverts can control our level of social interaction when we participate here so it''s not the same as being in a crowded room full of strangers?
Actually, I do ok in crowded rooms with strangers, it is smaller get togethers with people I kind of know where I have issues. My DH says I suffer fools very poorly which is true. I like forums for the same reason I read news, not watch; I can pick and choose what interests me. I can talk to you about the Myers Briggs and totally ignore any threads about purses without seeming dificult or self-centered, etc. Also, I have congenital amusia, which is like color blindness but for hearing. Although not severe, it is enough so that people more able to read the nuances of language (pretty much everyone) may get the wrong idea about what I mean and I have offended people unintentionally before. You lovely people only have my words, so if I offend someone, at least I probably meant to
Fascinating. I''ve read about some amusias. I have read some interesting stuff online by Daniel Levitin on that topic. How does yours manifest? Is it in your speech or do you incorrectly pick up on other people''s verbal cues? Tone deaf? I''m just curious. You''re the first person I''ve ever heard say that she/he has an amusia....
A good friend is a sound tech and when I told him I was likely tone deaf, he was fascinated and ran some basic tests that came back unquestionable. It is a bit hard to explain, I can hear just as well as other people in that high tones and the sound tests at the doctor''s office are normal, but there are some things that are not. I have no musical ability, I cannot even hum a common tune in a way anyone else can recognize. I can hear tones, so that was not a problem when I took Chinese for example, I could distinguish the 4 tones. What I could not always do was tell between sounds. At work, we get a lot of random letters and I hear D as B much more often than my coworkers for example. Or in Chinese, I cannot tell the difference between the ZH and CH sounds. It has also made me a very poor speller. If I have to sound out a word in hopes of getting it right, chances are I will not.

As part of my anthro work and as compensation for my problems I have done a lot of work on body language, so I can usually read other people very well, except the phone, which is my least favorite form of communication. The problem is that I cannot moderate the way I speak well, so although I know what other people mean, unless they know me well, I often don''t portray what I mean, even if the words themselves do. In fact, those close to me call my manner of speaking myfirstnamian because it is unique. I am not sure what specific amusia that is, but I have been told I am a classic case of it more generally.
Well, depending on how scientifically-minded you are - as in reading research papers - there are some interesting things here, at Daniel Levitin''s research page. It''s been massively reorganized since I last checked it, but he used to have one out there that suggested areas of research - into various amusias. One I remember, was what he called "erratic transposition", where a person is singing with decent relative pitch, but then on some note, all of a sudden, slip into another key and then sings with decent relative pitch in THAT key until they do it again. I personally have seen this many many times, and I suppose, with the advent of American Idol, so has everyone else.

From what I can recall of his research, the idea is that all but the most extreme amusias - like yours - are correctable to some degree, and will bend to ear training. In fact, it seems like we may actually all be born with perfect pitch, but lose it along the way as a too-detailed to be useful, form of memory. But as you have described, pitch encoding in the brain is a big part of language. I''m sure what you deal with is a pain...

Anyway, I ramble. Sorry for the thread jack and sorry for your amusia! Music is so incredibly important to me, I would almost (but not quite) rather lose sight than hearing.


Jun 29, 2006
Date: 5/25/2010 4:29:30 PM
Author: HollyS
Is anyone else amazed that, on this Social Networking Site, we have an inordinate number of Introverts?

Odd? Or not?
I don''t think it''s odd at ALL - the extroverts are probably not sitting at a computer as much and are interacting with people in the flesh. Being introverted doesn''t mean you don''t like being around people at all and here we can turn it off as needed without being accountable to anyone else.


Jul 25, 2008
Date: 5/26/2010 10:07:31 AM
Author: Cehrabehra

Date: 5/25/2010 4:29:30 PM
Author: HollyS
Is anyone else amazed that, on this Social Networking Site, we have an inordinate number of Introverts?

Odd? Or not?
I don''t think it''s odd at ALL - the extroverts are probably not sitting at a computer as much and are interacting with people in the flesh. Being introverted doesn''t mean you don''t like being around people at all and here we can turn it off as needed without being accountable to anyone else.
I agree - the internet doesn''t represent the population at large (which is why I hate internet polls other than for selecting a ring design or stone).

I am a very strong INTJ and have been so every single time I was tested (3 times over a 6 years span). I don''t remember the percentages, but all but one were over 50%.

I use this tool a lot and I find that it helps me deal with people. I have recommended it to many, many people (and I have correctly guessed which ones would take it or not based on my prediction of their score


Apr 28, 2010
You are:

* slightly expressed extravert
* slightly expressed sensing personality
* distinctively expressed feeling personality
* distinctively expressed judging personality

Your Type is
Extraverted - 22 Sensing-2 Feeling- 62 Judging- 67

I have no idea what any of this means..

Pandora II

Aug 3, 2006
I''m ENTP and DH is an INTJ...

I did the test on a political leadership course. It was the first thing the tutors had us do, then they divided us into groups based on Myers Briggs type rather than political party. It was very interesting watching the different styles that groups had. I was the only ENTP so they put me with the ENTJs which was pretty comfortable for me.


Jun 4, 2008
Date: 5/25/2010 7:25:45 PM
Author: Brown.Eyed.Girl
I took the the test in high school and again in college, and came up with the same both times - ENTJ. Totally not shocking for those who know me.

I think I''ll retake this in the next couple days though and see if law school has changed me any

I''ve changed! To.....


Funny - I would''ve thought that law school would have reinforced the thinking side of me rather than the feeling side. Maybe I''m rebelling.

The test says I am:

distinctively expressed extravert
slightly expressed intuitive personality
slightly expressed feeling personality
very expressed judging personality


Jul 28, 2009
Date: 5/26/2010 2:26:29 PM
Author: Brown.Eyed.Girl
Funny - I would''ve thought that law school would have reinforced the thinking side of me rather than the feeling side. Maybe I''m rebelling.

This has DEFINITELY happened with me.

I have long tested as an INTP, but took the test yesterday and today and came up as an ESFP. While there are parts of me that fit that type well, there are other parts that so totally don''t.

So who knows.
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