
My search for gem 10mm+ akoya for studs has ended...


Aug 14, 2009
... With me empty-handed.

Weird thread. I know. I figured I'd start a new thread with an update since I've talked about this in a bunch of other places. The TLDF[ind] and TLDR[ead] of my search - I've been low key looking for 10mm+ akoya for a year and change now. I knew it was pushing the bounds of what akoya oysters are capable of, and that I was at the mercy of very scant availability, but I've been oddly lucky with pearls so I figured maybe I've got a shot...

A few days ago Yy sent me Takahashi's best options. Photos below - there were videos as well but I'll skip those, they don't really add anything to the story.



Yy indicated that both she and her boss preferred the top pair: Not an exact colour match but better mated in surface smoothness and luster. And apparently the bottom 10.07mm pearl has a tiny fishbite beside the hole. (Which, nope, if it's covered by the cup I don't care at all, but the disclosure was appreciated!).

Well, I'm me, we all know that a visible colour mismatch will bug me :halo: But the two 10.07s looked really close, so I asked Yy to try matching those up for me. These are the pictures Yy sent of the two 10.07mms. They're being compared to Takahashi's #1 quality (#1 is their best general availability - occasionally they get pearls that are even nicer than this #1 quality but that's a one-off sort of deal).




Well, definitely a better match, right? So I asked this:
And Yy's response: No.

She explained that this is as good as it gets in this size, but that these photos aren't really telling the whole truth - they still don't match superbly in-person. Not well enough for me. Can I just say for the thousandth time how much I appreciate Takahashi's commitment to honesty?

So here we are. I'm confident that if Takahashi can't find what I'm asking for then what I'm asking for isn't possible. And even Mikimoto's stud options only go up to 9.5mm. So - after three years of searching, and who knows how many collection incarnations, I'm putting the lid on my #RoundPearlPairs.

Not exactly a hardship, I don't wear plain pearl dangles and I've got all the studs I could possibly want. I've got a wonderful collection with specimens from around the world. No more!! I took some pictures of the lot yesterday - it's not *that* many. But yeah, okay, enough. :lol:






Top row bigger pair: Paspaley 12-13mm gems that Crystal_Dreams chose for me from Australia ❤️
Top row smaller pair: Pearl Paradise 11-12mm AAA - the pair that taught me that WSS can be just as spectacular as akoya, in their own way!

Middle row smallest pair: Mikimoto 7.5mm AAA that I had no business buying but couldn't resist...
Middle row beside the smallest pair: Takahashi 9.5-10mm gems - these are technically my mother's, but they spend most of their time in my jewellery box, shrug. These have a PSL Ten-nyo cert as well.
Middle row blues: Takahashi 9-9.5mm (uncerted) Madama-quality (non-pinked) akoya that were part of a group purchase inspired by envy of one of Crystal_Dreams' scores :lol:
Middle row on the other end: Mikimoto 9.25 AAA, my first Mikimoto purchase ::)

Golds: Pearl Paradise 10-11mm AAA deep gold with strong green overtone - always my preference in GSS!
Blacks: Moline 10-11mm gem aubergine Tahitians that complete my Moline Tahitian "set" :love:
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Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
@yssie i know the pearl Gods (King Neptune?, Marina's father from Stingray ?) have the perfect 10mm pair out there somewhere for you
You may feel like you have stopped looking (for the moment).but i know it in my bones that one day you will posses the perfect (well as close to perfect) pair

just all in good time
like cheese
You remember those mainland cheese adds ?
King Pacifica - Marina's Dad from Stingray


Aug 14, 2009
i know it in my bones that one day you will posses the perfect (well as close to perfect) pair
Y'know. When I mentally Ended The Search yesterday evening, and really accepted that I'm not going to find this magic pair, I was so very disappointed. But then I pulled out all my studs and I actually thought about what I'd been wanting and - well, like, why? It's not as though 10.1mm is all that different from 9.7mm. And I've got 11mm+ in WSS. So why was I chasing that 10-11mm akoya range?

I think if I'm honest with myself it was a combo of... Well, rarity, I'm always a sucker for rare. And a leftover #want from before the 9.5-10mm Takahashi windfall. And also hoping/secretly-sort-of-expecting to just get super lucky yet again.

But I do believe - like, without question - that if Takahashi doesn't have this needle in the haystack pair then it doesn't exist. If I was okay with even marginally lesser quality, or a slightly lesser match, I'm sure it would be infinitely more doable. And I'm also sure that if I kept searching I would find plenty of vendors who would claim to be able to source such a pair - and every single one those pairs would be a compromise on quality and/or match by my standards because none of those vendors would understand just *how* picky I am :lol:

I realize that sounded kind of stuck up. I did my best to desnottify it :lol: A small vendor once explained that their quality evaluations were subjective because they didn't have tons of top quality pearls on hand to compare with at any given time, and I hadn't considered that before!

So one of the reasons I love working with Takahashi is because I trust that Yy and her boss know my tastes ❤️ And another reason is how much inventory they've got! To source from, and to compare specific selections against and maintain quality thresholds with. If you know what I mean? I trust Takahashi's grading continuity with time - that their assessments right now are the same as they would have been a few years ago, and the same as they would be a few years from now. Same reasons I love Pearl Paradise too :love:

I'd love to get a 9-9.5mm bracelet later this year :bigsmile:
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Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
Y'know. When I mentally Ended The Search yesterday evening, and really accepted that I'm not going to find this magic pair, I was so very disappointed. But then I pulled out all my studs and I actually thought about what I'd been wanting and - well, like, why? It's not as though 10.1mm is all that different from 9.7mm. And I've got 11mm+ in WSS. So why was I chasing that 10-11mm akoya range?

I think if I'm honest with myself it was a combo of... Well, rarity, I'm always a sucker for rare. And a leftover #want from before the 9.5-10mm Takahashi windfall. And also hoping/secretly-sort-of-expecting to just get super lucky yet again.

But I do believe - like, without question - that if Takahashi doesn't have this needle in the haystack pair then it doesn't exist. If I was okay with even marginally lesser quality, or a slightly lesser match, I'm sure it would be infinitely more doable. And I'm also sure that if I kept searching I would find plenty of vendors who would claim to be able to source such a pair - and every single one those pairs would be a compromise on quality and/or match by my standards because none of those vendors would understand just *how* picky I am :lol:

I realize that sounded kind of stuck up. I did my best to desnottify it :lol: A small vendor once explained that their quality evaluations were subjective because they didn't have tons of top quality pearls on hand to compare with at any given time, and I hadn't considered that before!

So one of the reasons I love working with Takahashi is because I trust that Yy and her boss know my tastes ❤️ And another reason is how much inventory they've got! To source from, and to compare specific selections against and maintain quality thresholds with. If you know what I mean? I trust Takahashi's grading continuity with time - that their assessments right now are the same as they would have been a few years ago, and the same as they would be a few years from now. Same reasons I love Pearl Paradise too :love:

I'd love to get a 9-9.5mm bracelet later this year :bigsmile:

The world is a happier more excitting place when you are on the hunt


Mar 4, 2011
Well don't give up... the push for the Akoya farmers to produce larger pearls will work in your favour. Maybe next year or the year after the selection will be better.
( I don't like the match either )

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
I see the thread title now and i feel sad

But i know we just have to wait it out

Like my daisy pearl necklace (at completly the other end of the quality spectrum) ;)2


Jul 7, 2013
@yssie I get you re: the desire to chase for rarity - that's what connoisseurs and collectors do.

DK :))


Aug 14, 2009
Love my PS family. :love:

It’s better for me to mentally just close the door, vs. holding out hope, but if one day we hear about bigger akoya becoming more common I can (and most likely will!) search again!! ::)

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
Love my PS family. :love:

It’s better for me to mentally just close the door, vs. holding out hope, but if one day we hear about bigger akoya becoming more common I can (and most likely will!) search again!! ::)

Close that door as much as you like
but I'd bet my bottom dollar when you're asleep your unconcouse mind will be going tick tick tick mulling over those pearls my friend ;)2
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Jul 30, 2021
It is far less lively in the Pearl section when you are gone @yssie . :) I've noticed that the VCA thread has all the fun, then. ;-)

You do have a fabulous collection of pearl studs!!

I've really appreciated learning so much from your extensive research about pearls. Thank you for sharing your quests & knowledge!


Aug 14, 2009
It is far less lively in the Pearl section when you are gone @yssie . :) I've noticed that the VCA thread has all the fun, then. ;-)

You do have a fabulous collection of pearl studs!!

I've really appreciated learning so much from your extensive research about pearls. Thank you for sharing your quests & knowledge!
:lol: :love:
But my favourite VCA pieces are always those that involve MOP! :lol:


May 19, 2020
your collection is divine! it's showcase perfect :)

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
@yssie if you dream about these pearls in the night when you are asleep you have to confess to us !
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