
My Mother

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Mar 23, 2008
Ok. I am just so angry I couldn''t sleep more than a half hour last night.

MY MOTHER IS DRIVING ME NUTS! I am so upset about this wedding crap that I am near tears about it, don''t plan anything, or..... have been thinking about eloping.

My mother has changed her mind on the wedding budget by 25%. First up, then down ("I NEVER SAID I WOULD GIVE YOU THAT MUCH MONEY!" "Ok mom.... you did, but ok.") Then up again "I''m thinking this is a good budget" THEN DOWN AGAIN. She keeps throwing out this higher figure which would help, but when I bring it up she tells me the one that is 25% less. ARG.

THEN!!!!!!!!!! LAST NIGHT (I type in caps when I''m angry) she informs me, "I am NOT buying you your dress, I never said that. See, you always think I say these things when I don''t say them."
Why in the world would I bring up her buying my dress if she never mentioned it! I WASN''T A BRIDEZILLA UNTIL YOU CALLED ME ONE! ARG! I was so upset. She changed her mind again and said, "No... what I said is that I would pay for MY DRESS" WTH. That doesn''t even make sense. So I talked to her this morning and she says, "Yes I would like to help you with your dress but not a dress that is over $1000." Which is fine. SO FINE. I just want to know what is going on with my own wedding. We are supposed to look at dresses next saturday and she pulls this now? Ahm... she was the one that kept saying she wanted to buy my dress! I''m the only daughter. I''m the first one to get married. Come on now!

I feel lost. I feel like crying over this. I talked to her a bit this morning but again, it doesn''t help. I talked to my BF this morning too and she was shocked by my moms behavior- as it gets deeper. We recently lost my grandmother, and I was promised/ given A LOT of items. My mother has pretty much taken all but a few pieces of the jewelry for herself. WHICH was promised to me, and several people know this. You know what she said to me last night? That my engagement ring, which was my grandmothers, looks better on her, and she would trade my grandmothers rolex for it (You know, because it looks believable on her).
How insulting. She even said she''d "Throw in a grand for it". My grandmother gave it to me, and not her for a reason! Because we were close, and I would wear it and love it way more than her (before last night, during that conversation, she never paid notice to diamonds). I''m just so... grrrrr.. upset.

One more tiny rant. There is this bracelet that by no means is perfect, but I was promised it. Because my mother chose NOT TO LISTEN when my grandmother talked about this, she has taken it for herself. I told her over and over, it''s supposed to be mine. She tells me, "Yah know what? When I was young, we got nothing from my grandparents." And I said, SO WHAT? She says, "You''ve already gotten enough. You don''t need more." She sees dollar signs. I see the sentimental value in these pieces. I told her that it was promised to me, and relayed the exact conversations to her and then asked if she was going to still keep it knowing it isn''t right. Her answer? "Yup."

I feel like screaming. I HAVE screamed. I do know that wedding planning is not for me when I don''t/ can''t nail down a budget, and that I feel like a 5 year old next to my mother. Everything is wrong. Everything is bad, everything I do is just not perfect.

I am seriously thinking of eloping my ass in vegas... or even here in my state and then go on a LONG vacation.

I just feel like MY WEDDING... isn''t MY WEDDING.

Girls, how do you deal with this? What do you do? I need to take control on the situation. And yes, I AM pitching in for the wedding, if not more. I can elope without her help, but not have this darn wedding that everyone wants (me too, partly) without her help. I just don''t feel like I''m making the choices. I feel like my mother is.

Mar 23, 2008
I know I ramble a lot. I seriously tried to sleep for 5 hours.
Sorry about such a long post.


Oct 9, 2007
Oh dear
, I'm so sorry you're having to deal with this. Your mom sounds toxic if you ask me.

The best advice I can give is to distance yourself from her. This means, plan your own wedding, whatever you can afford, and invite as many people as you can afford. If you continue down this path with her, it will not end well or you, and whatever wedding you get out of it may not be worth the emotional turmoil she's putting you through.

Big hugs.

ETA Don't discuss any wedding details with her either.
Mar 23, 2008
Don''t get me wrong, I want my weird family there, but...... at what expense, right? My sanity? I think I am going to see how next saturday goes and if I have to plan a wedding myself, go from there.


Oct 9, 2007
Well, I''m not saying "don''t have you mom at your wedding," by any means. I''m just saying, perhaps it would be better for everyone if she were just another invited guest.

It''s one thing if you mom wants to help you with the wedding, and does so in good faith, just to see you happy. Unfortunately, from your post it doesn''t sound like that''s the case. In fact, it sounds like she will take control over your wedding, and in the end you will be stressed out, and not even get the wedding you wanted.

A wedding isn''t just about "one day," it''s about the memories of that one day (and all it took to get there). Those memories will stay with you for a long time, and it would be a shame if after everything, those memories aren''t happy ones.


Jun 15, 2006
If you want to know what is going on with your wedding it's time to make it your own by choosing to pay for it; then tell her her offer to pay for it is generous but you and your fiance would rather do so yourselves so she can be an invited guest whose only responsibility is to show up and enjoy herself. It sounds like her behavior is a bit wacky, but there's no reason you need to let it continue.


Jan 11, 2006
It sounds like you need to ask her if she wants to contribute and if so, she needs to write you the check so you''ll know for SURE how much she is giving you. Tell her you need money for deposits and you cannot begin to make any arrangements without a firm budget. And if she won''t commit, then I''d tell her you are going to consider eloping because you cannot plan a wedding with no budget!!!!!


Sep 20, 2007
I do not understand your mom''s behaviour at all. That would really stress me out if she kept changing her mind about the money she was contributing. My advice is have the wedding you want and plan it using what money you do have (without her contribution). The saddest part is her "stealing" the items that were put aside/promised for you. I cannot believe that. I would be really upset too. I wish you the best.


Mar 11, 2009
Honestly my mother sounds just like your mother. When it came time to figure out the budget my stepfather told me not to count on any money from her. So basically we''re doing it ourselves and his parents have offered to pay for the reception. My mother ended up paying for the dress and that was a suprise, not something I was counting on. Honestly it''s been better having my mother as an invited guest than as her paying for everything. Unfortunatly when people pay for your wedding there''s this kind of expectation that they''ll get to make lots of decisions. I knew my mother might up changing her mind about contributing after we put down deposits so we ended up just planning everything without expecting anything from her. It''s a lot less stressful, however we''ve had to be creative to fit our budget. Good Luck!


Oct 27, 2008
I think you should pay for your own wedding, and see anything that your mum gives you as a bonus. If you want to elope, elope. I know it''s not fair that this is happening, and you should be able to rely on your mum to do what she says she will do, but I just don''t see it going well. She wants to take your engagement ring? She''s putting value on it, 1k and a watch?! Come on.



Mar 2, 2009
Date: 9/27/2009 6:29:17 PM
Author: Porridge
She wants to take your engagement ring? She's putting value on it, 1k and a watch?! Come on.


What the heck!?! What kind of person (much less mother) tries to barter for someone's heirloom engagement ring?

My mom will occasionally do weird things. When I got engaged, she insisted on taking my fiance's new Wii (it was when they first came out and were impossible to get). It was her way of seeing how much "pull" she still had. Still, she never asked me to trade her my ring for a watch!

I think it would be best just to expect nothing from her, and plan according to that budget. And if she does contribute, you can upgrade down the road (I have yet to meet a vendor who wouldn't upgrade something last minute, haha). Alternatively, put everything in the open, and talk to her about if she really wants to contribute financially. If she does, ask for (and cash)a check for whatever amount she's comfortable with, for your peace of mind.


Mar 24, 2007
Wow...and I thought my mom was bad! Yours makes her look like a saint! I think the advice to distance yourself during the planning is good. You may have to make some tough decisions if money is tight, but in the end, your sanity is the most important!
Mar 23, 2008
I do have good news ladies on the dress (and everyone has contributed VERY VALID and great points that I will take.)

Just some background info, my mother is a control freak. She controls the finances. Apparently my father told her that he wants me to get the dress that I want, and if he has to take money out of HIS retirement account to pay for it, he will (as in, my mom won''t just agree to pay for it.) I guess she "gave in" then. I am so emotional right now. I was near tears when I heard my dad stood up to my mom like that! I have NEVER seen him do that before.

It doesn''t fix everything my mother has done, but it does lift a bit of weight off my shoulders. I love my dad :)

I agree with everyone that I am not going to include her as much anymore, and an "invited guest" sounds perfect. It doesn''t sound bad, just sounds like I don''t want her to worry and I''ll take care of things. Very tactful.
Mar 23, 2008
Date: 9/27/2009 6:58:23 PM
Author: MakingTheGrade
Date: 9/27/2009 6:29:17 PM

Author: Porridge

She wants to take your engagement ring? She''s putting value on it, 1k and a watch?! Come on.


What the heck!?! What kind of person (much less mother) tries to barter for someone''s heirloom engagement ring?

My mom will occasionally do weird things. When I got engaged, she insisted on taking my fiance''s new Wii (it was when they first came out and were impossible to get). It was her way of seeing how much ''pull'' she still had. Still, she never asked me to trade her my ring for a watch!

I think it would be best just to expect nothing from her, and plan according to that budget. And if she does contribute, you can upgrade down the road (I have yet to meet a vendor who wouldn''t upgrade something last minute, haha). Alternatively, put everything in the open, and talk to her about if she really wants to contribute financially. If she does, ask for (and cash)a check for whatever amount she''s comfortable with, for your peace of mind.

The worst part is she was 100% serious, too.


Oct 4, 2008
I feel your pain. My mother got my Granny''s ring and I know my Granny wanted me to have it.

I would honestly tell her to stuff it. Try and do as much as you can on your own and leave her out of as much as you can. Elope if you have to. Your sanity is so much more important and her attitude will take away from the reason you are getting married.


Feb 15, 2007
I really think you need to just pay for your own wedding.

We went through something similar with DH''s father. He told us he''d like to pay for the band and the photog, he freaked out when we told him how much photogs cost, he convinced us to use a cheaper photog, and in the end he didn''t give us one dime for either the band or the photog. The result? Our wedding pictures are hideous, we don''t have an album and we never will. I wish I had had the clarity of thought to say "Thank you for your kind offer, but we''ll take care of it." At the time we didn''t want to insult him, and in the end we just ended up with horrendous photos and no contribution from him, anyway.

I still harbor some resentment towards my FIL, I know it''s not right but I do. If I were you, I''d save myself the ill-will and pay for my own wedding.

Good luck.


May 2, 2008
You''ve gotten some good advice so far. I have to agree: pay for your own wedding. It will make so much of this frustration go away. If you can''t afford a big wedding and are fine with eloping, do that.

I''m so sorry about the shenanigans with your grandmother''s jewelry--your mother''s attitude is ridiculous and sad. What a pity she can''t see past the dollar signs . . .


Feb 20, 2009
I am sorry you are dealing with this, sb. While my mother was VERY bad, she was not as bad as the situation you''re describing. I''m floored that she tried to pay you for your heirloom engagement ring!!!!!

My best advice to you would be to talk to her. Calmly. Maturely. Rationally. I know it seems impossible, but this worked for me, and my mother was guilty of some of the same things your mother is guilty of. My mother too called me a bridezilla. She wanted to control EVERYTHING. She even insulted some aspects of the wedding. But I calmly told her that if she can''t allow me to plan the wedding the way FI and I liked that I didn''t want her involved in planning. I told her how much she hurt me, and how her actions were completely inappropriate. She then backed off majorly.

House Cat

Feb 22, 2009
I''m so sorry that you are being faced with this ugly situation. I agree with the others, if you really want to take control of the situation, and I hear that from you loud and clear, then you should pay for your own wedding. I think it would be best to feel in control of your wedding and to have a happy and loving day. What is the alternative for you? I think you''ve already gotten a taste and it will probably only get worse.


Oct 27, 2007
Would it be possible for you to get your mother to agree, in writing, to how much money she is willing to contribute? At least then she can't accuse you of lying when you bring up a figure. At the same time, you should agree to a date when the money will be handed over.


May 14, 2006
I agree with those that say if you want full control over your wedding, you''ll have to pay for it yourself. Then she doesn''t have any say over the details.


Jul 26, 2008
I am sorry this is happening. I would probably just say to her you are paying for thr wedding yourself. If you can''t afford a wedding elope, or do something very small an when you can afford it have a huge ceremony! I think if you take any money from her this tug of war won;t end and it will be really stressful.

Reading the part about the jewelry your grandma promised you is really disheartening. I know how sentimental things can be and when someone thinks that they can barter for said pieces it really makes me ill. You might need to ask her if later down the line you can get them it might take a long time but eventually you will have them. Be glad you got what you got.

good luck with everything, don;t let this get you down


Feb 13, 2006
I don''t even know what to tell you dear, I am so sorry your mother is acting this way.


May 31, 2009
Wow that is so unbelievably, crazily, amazingly over-the-top I can''t even fathom.

Swedishbean I remember when you got that ring from your grandmother, how important it was to you and how happy you are with it, your mother is being a cow. And that''s only because I can''t write in another word that starts with "c."

If I were in your situation, I would tell her thanks but no thanks and foot my own bill. Sure, my wedding wouldn''t be as big as I''m planning for right now, but really, a small intimate and inexpensive wedding somewhere would appeal just as well. This is only the beginning of the issues, my dear. It will get worse unless you distance yourself from this as best you can.


Sep 20, 2008
****BIG HUGS****


Dec 31, 2008
Date: 9/27/2009 4:18:25 PM
Author: KimberlyH
If you want to know what is going on with your wedding it''s time to make it your own by choosing to pay for it; then tell her her offer to pay for it is generous but you and your fiance would rather do so yourselves so she can be an invited guest whose only responsibility is to show up and enjoy herself. It sounds like her behavior is a bit wacky, but there''s no reason you need to let it continue.
I agree. Glad your dad stood up to your mom so you can have the dress you want.
Mar 23, 2008
I really appreciate everyone taking the time to respond to me.

EVERYONE has great advice (Hey, even a cyber hug feels good right now!).

I feel... just tired about this situation. Defeated. Something like that. I plan on trying to be more independent not only wedding wise as well. This isn''t the first time I''ve been told my mother was toxic. I think it really is true. Don''t get me wrong, I love her, but now that I''m getting married, out of the house... I need to live my own life. I realized that everything I do involves me trying to get her approval, and if I don''t, I feel like crap. I need to change that!

Thank you everyone. I will update after dress shopping next week.


Jul 26, 2008
Date: 9/28/2009 3:40:58 PM
Author: swedish bean
I really appreciate everyone taking the time to respond to me.

EVERYONE has great advice (Hey, even a cyber hug feels good right now!).

I feel... just tired about this situation. Defeated. Something like that. I plan on trying to be more independent not only wedding wise as well. This isn''t the first time I''ve been told my mother was toxic. I think it really is true. Don''t get me wrong, I love her, but now that I''m getting married, out of the house... I need to live my own life. I realized that everything I do involves me trying to get her approval, and if I don''t, I feel like crap. I need to change that!

Thank you everyone. I will update after dress shopping next week.

The only persons approval you need is yourself!!!
Be happy and strong and independent and you will go far.
You sound like you are already so keep up the good work, and that chin up!


Dec 16, 2007
You want my honest opinion?

I think you should elope. There is no reason for you to be in this position...and I assume it''s not going to get better any time soon. If you want control of your wedding, then take it! Plan a lovely affair that you yourself can afford without asking or needing anything from anyone else. Go to Vegas or go to a local spot...relax, enjoy the moment and do yourself a favor.

((huge hugs))


Apr 2, 2006
Date: 9/28/2009 3:40:58 PM
Author: swedish bean

I feel... just tired about this situation. Defeated. Something like that. I plan on trying to be more independent not only wedding wise as well. This isn''t the first time I''ve been told my mother was toxic. I think it really is true. Don''t get me wrong, I love her, but now that I''m getting married, out of the house... I need to live my own life. I realized that everything I do involves me trying to get her approval, and if I don''t, I feel like crap. I need to change that!

Thank you everyone. I will update after dress shopping next week.

It sounds like your mother is self-centered and untrustworthy, and she''ll probably never have your best interests at heart. You can try to reach an up-front agreement with her about how much she''ll contribute towards your wedding and how much influence that will buy her -- but of course there''s no guarantee that she''ll stick to her end of the bargain. Or, you can plan for the wedding that you and your fiance can afford without her money.

There''s no time like the present to start being more independent and to wean yourself off of needing your mother''s approval.
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