
my first post/the engagement ring

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Mar 19, 2008
hello all,
i found out about this site a while back when i was shopping for an engagement ring. i guess you can say i was a lurker because i never registered until now.

the ring is a 1.00 ct cushion cut (I, SI1) with 84 accent diamonds (0.50 ct total weight) in 18kt white gold. i was going for an antique look. the setting was inspired by a Hearts on fire setting i saw that was in platinum and for a center stone of 1.5 cts. i had the jeweler made the ring similar but for a smaller diamond. the undercarriage and milgrain is what i really wanted.

please, tell me what you all think.

i was looking for a cherry wood ring box for the presentation. i went into one of those large chain jewelers for one, and of course they always try to sell you something. but they kind of interested me in a lamage (sp?) ceramic collectible that looks kind of antique. i may get that instead of a box.

That is a really nice ring!
It''s pretty! Do you have clearer photos? I''d love to see more, including the profile. I''m sure that she''ll love it! When do you plan to give it to her?
sorry. im using an old digital camera.
here is another shot that shows the undercarriage.

i plan on proposing in april. just not sure when.

Very pretty!
very pretty, i''m sure she''ll love it!
Beautiful ring, I''m sure your FF will appreciate all the effort you went to

If you''re looking for ring boxes, I posted a pic awhile back of a customised ring box we had made for our wedding, the one I had made was Jarrah wood, but it comes in a few other types of wood, and you can have a personal message put inside the box (which might be nice for your proposal) this is the link to my previous post, and if you scroll down to the bottom of that link there is a link to the ringbox site.
Congrats again, the ring is beautiful!
bling addict,
thanks for the info.
in fact, i was searching on line yesterday and came across that link.
the pic above is what i saw today that i might end up putting the ring in for the proposal. it has an antique look to it, its a collectible, and i had the idea of reserving a weekend at a bed and breakfast in baltimore. the rooms have that antique feel to them, so this would go along perfectly with the theme.

tell me what you think. im still on the fence.

Very beautiful!
Hi groovephi
I think the ceramic box is pretty and would go very well with your antique theme, particularly if you book a weekend at the B&B, I have a ceramic ring box (well I''m not sure if it is meant for rings, but is small, oval shaped, I can''t imagine what else I''m supposed to use if for!) that I got from my mom and I love it. I think you can''t go wrong, I really love the idea of a special ring box rather than the one it came in, just because it is more personal, and more of a keepsake, as far as which particular box you go for, I think just go with whatever you like the best. I''m sure your FF will love whatever you pick, be thrilled to have such a thoughtful man, and be blinded by the ring to the extent that is what she''ll be staring at for the days following the proposal! Good luck with the proposal, be sure to come back with hand pics!
Beautiful ring!!! What a lucky girl!
Lovely ring!!
Very lucky lady!
Love the idea of an antique box too!
Very pretty ring and lovely box! She''ll be ecstatic when she opens that box. Good luck and come back with some handshots!
What a GORGEOUS ring and I love the ceramic box! I think it''s perfect for what you have in mind.
Beautiful ring I am sure she will love it :D
like that its a thicker ring, and it has substance, i love it!! im sure she will love it! my FI used a cherry wood box when he proposed but i thnk its cause the jeweler he used uses them...

wooo hooo again and CoNGRATS! i cant wait for more pictures!
The special ring box is a great idea and I love the one you found. However once you give her that beautiful ring it maybe awhile before it she puts in back in the box.
You did a great job! Beautiful ring! I love the ring box, too!
The ring is beautiful, and I love that ceramic box!
Beautiful ring! Is the box a newer Limoges? It sure looks like it... whatever it may be, it''s perfect for a proposal
Gorgeous ring...please do your homework on buying a vintage Limoges box like you did with the ring...many, many imposters out there.
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