
My fiance wants to get me a puppy! Anyone here with allergies and a dog?

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Aug 5, 2004
I dont know if this pic is too small too see it, but check out the pup with the tongue hanging out!!! So cute!!!

They are West Highland Terriers. havent seen them yet, but we are hoping to take one home in the near future!

Does anyone here with allergies/asthma have a dog? what kind do you have? do you do anything special (special cleansers, etc) to help decrease dander? ive researched that this breed can be good for people with allergies so we''ll see! Im pretty good around dogs if they are clean and the home is clean, but if I go into a home with lots of shedded dog hair, i''m finished. cats kill me, i think about them and I start to wheeze.


We all have allergies, and my little boy was midly asthmatic as an infant. We have both a dog and a cat, and nobody in our house has any trouble. We don''t have to take any medication, either. We have a mini schnauzer and a bengal. The dog doesn''t shed and gets a bath about every 10 days or so. The cat does shed, but only minimally and only in the summer months. I did some research before we got them, and chose these breed specifically because they were known to be well tolerated by people with allergies to pet dander. Otherwise I would have been perfectly happy with a mutt and an alley cat.
Oh look at them they are soooo cute. Both my kids have asthma, one more severe than the other. We have Bichon''s. They don''t shed very much and are called a hypo allergenic breed. But that said all dogs shed some. I get mine groomed every 5 weeks or so. Vacuming is a big help too. The silkier the hair the more allergic my kids are. They positively can''t get any where near cats, that dander just makes them wheeze to no end. I hope this helps!!! Good luck.
Oh Punchnpie! THEY ARE SOOOOOO CUTE! I can just smell their puppy breath!
I love them!
I think your allergies will be fine with a terrier. Just wash him/her often and vacuum regularly and you should have a reaction, plus you will be so in love with the little pup- you won''t care that you can''t breathe.

Let us know all about the puppy, what you name it and send more pics!

Oy, those pups are precious!!

Bichons and poodles are hypoallergenic.
My cousin is one of those people who looks at animals and begins to itch, but his kids were dying for a dog. They researched the topic for like 6 years, got a poodle, and no problemo.
Oh how precious!!!! I want to just scoop them all up and cuddle!!!

I have allergies and any time I get in a home with cats or dogs that shed, forget it, I''m miserable. Westies & Schnauzers though are terrific - no shedding!!! I grew up with schnauzers and have never had any allergy problems. Now we have 1 schnauzer (mine) and 1 lab mix (fiance''s). Since the lab mix is short haired, it''s not too bad, but still, she sheds & I notice an increase in sniffy/stuffy nose. I also brush my schnauzer (Griffin) A LOT because he loves to be outside and his hair tends to be a magnet for dust, which also makes me sneezy. And, even if I didn''t have allergies, it would drive me batty to have to deal with dog hair all over the place - my mom used to have a Welsh Corgie - OMG!!!!! That thing shed, and shed, and shed... If she picked the dog up it looked like she''d put on a Corgie sweater. Cute dogs but the hair was out of control.

Surely Mara will also chime in about Westies - they are great dogs - love them!!! When I got my last childhood dog, we had to get something small that didn''t shed and we almost got a Westie, but fell in love with a little black schnauzer girl that stole our hearts by untying all of our tennis shoes in the little ''puppy visiting room''...
Definitely bathe and brush the dog routinely, and I''m sure you will be fine!

I''m allergic to cats to the point that I break out in hives, sneeze constantly, etc. One Zyrtec a day makes me forget that I''m allergic
. It''s my miracle drug
My Mom and I have bad allergies but don''t seem to be effected by my dog Jelly. He''s a Schnoodle (half schnauzer and half poodle.) He hardly sheds at all. We also don''t seem to be bothered by my friend''s Westie. I''m on different medications for my allergies and asthma, which probably help too.

List of Dogs good for allergy sufferers

Good luck in finding a sweet puppy! You won''t regret it!
I was raised with a shepherd lab (well, subsequent ones anyway, on our 3rd as a family) and as long as I wash my hands and change clothes after playing with/petting her, I am usually ok. If I touch my face I start sneezing and my eyes go a little nuts.

I can NOT be around REALLY hairy, fuzzy, shedding dogs, I have an asthmatic reaction, similar to cats.
Any HAIR dog should be fine. (Not fur!)
Terriers like westies, Airedales, Lakelands, Wheatens, Bedlingtons, Yorkies, Silkies, Kerry blues, etc.
Bichon Frises
Coton de tulear
Portuguese Water dogs
Poodles, etc.
...And as everyone has suggested a good bath every two weeks. Any more often isn't good for the coat.

Punch..I already sang the praises of Westies via PM...but re: the allergies, Westies don't really shed...they do a little bit but it's about 1/1000 of what regular dogs do. aka my friend's Jack Russell Terrier comes over and sheds ALL OVER the place, he isn't allowed on the couch and for months after I find little Elliott hairs stuck in the rug.
Our old Westie rarely dropped hairs as well.

I'm HUGELY allergic to cats and sometimes certain dogs but I don't have a problem with alot of dogs and Westies are included. We also give Portia a bath once a week...many Westies can have skin problems so you are not supposed to bathe them that often (some people bathe their Westies once every few MONTHS, ew!), but we find that she becomes more 'itchy' when we DON'T bathe her and she seems to be more irritated. So we have an Earthbath Oatmeal and Aloe for sensitive and itchy skin and it works great. She loves being clean and her coat is very beautiful, she gets lots of compliments on her iridiscent fur in the sun. Part of it also is what I feed her which has alot of skin and coat conditioners. I am always looking for things to help out skin and coat because of the sensitivity of the breed. As I already mentioned, just be sure to screen this breeder by asking the right Q's about skin problems and hip dysplasia.

Also, you may want to join the Westie-L on's a great resource for when you are starting out.

Those pups are TOO CUTE, they are such little white rats before they start growing their hair! I soooo think about getting a second dog sometimes, we talk about it and I would love a second Westie. But Greg wants a Scottie! I say GET ONE GET ONE but be prepared...puppies are ALOT of hard work and those puppy teeth, yowsers! But the rewards are great.
I just had to post this shot which is one of our favorites, of Portia on the ride home with us from her original country house...she was 7.5 weeks here! The white rat with some hair! Just so adorable.

Date: 9/28/2005 2:42:46 AM
Author: Mara
I just had to post this shot which is one of our favorites, of Portia on the ride home with us from her original country house...she was 7.5 weeks here! The white rat with some hair! Just so adorable.

thats what I said when I saw the puppy pics, I was like, they look like rats! Or guinea pigs! lol too cute.

AWWW...portia''s adorable as always!
I had all kinds of allergies growing up. We always had miniture schnauzers with no allergy problems. Most of the dogs noted already in this thread can be "hypoallergenic", westies included. I''m less sensitive now; but, still need to have a hypoal. dog (we have standard schnauzers). Hounds are the worse for dander (which is what most people are allergic to).

You should be fine. Good luck!
Shihtzu! I have allergies and they''re one of the "hair" dogs that don''t really shed. Most of the non-shedders have to be groomed because their hair just continues to grow!

They''re hilarious dogs...

I am allergic to dogs as is my son. We did a lot of research and ended up getting a white schnauzer who we absolutely love!! She''s the best. Doesn''t know when to stop barking though because she thinks we need a watch dog. Always looking out the window for something (birds, squirrels, chipmunks, joggers, etc....) Funny thing is when she sees people she barks like crazy but it''s only because she wants them to pet her and come up to her. Once they do, she stops barking. A big attention hog. Also, she never sheds. She has white fur and we had a dark couch and never saw any hair. It''s pretty amazing. We take her to get groomed every 8 weeks or so and give her occassional baths. Funny thing is after her bath, she runs around the house like a crazy dog because she''s so happy the bath is over.
Date: 9/28/2005 5:43:16 PM
Author: diamondsrock
I am allergic to dogs as is my son. We did a lot of research and ended up getting a white schnauzer who we absolutely love!! She''s the best. Doesn''t know when to stop barking though because she thinks we need a watch dog. Always looking out the window for something (birds, squirrels, chipmunks, joggers, etc....) Funny thing is when she sees people she barks like crazy but it''s only because she wants them to pet her and come up to her. Once they do, she stops barking. A big attention hog. Also, she never sheds. She has white fur and we had a dark couch and never saw any hair. It''s pretty amazing. We take her to get groomed every 8 weeks or so and give her occassional baths. Funny thing is after her bath, she runs around the house like a crazy dog because she''s so happy the bath is over.
Oh, white schnauzers are beautiful! I would love to have one. Ours is a salt and pepper. I know what you mean about the barking, Nobody sets foot on our property without us knowing it. There is a commons area and a creek behind our house, and some people in the area like to walk their dogs back there. Daisy can see them from inside the house and will bark her head off to let us know someone is there. Today I took her with me to pick the kids up from school, because she loves car rides. We were sitting in the car in the parking lot waiting for the bell, and a lady pulled up next to me in her van. When she got out of the van, Daisy stuck her head out the window and started barking like crazy! That woman jumped about 3 feet in the! As soon as she saw who it was, though, she started laughing and came over to give Daisy a pat on the head. She is the most friendly dog you ever saw, and she will let you know it if you aren''t friendly right back!

Daisy never sheds, either. I have burgundy sofas in both the living room and family room, and I''ve never seen any dog hair on either one of them. We have her trimmed every 8-12 weeks or so, depending on the season. She gets more frequent cuts in the summer because of the heat. Daisy does the same thing after her daughter usually takes her into the big shower and washes her, and when she gets out she takes off like a bullet and runs ''round and ''round in circles like she''s nuts. My daughter always hollers "dog in the hole!" to warn us that a wet doggie is on the loose.
suziq our dogs sound a lot alike. Funny thing is here in America a white schnauzer isn''t technically a schnauzer because she''s the wrong color. She could never compete in dog shows or anything (not that I''d want to anyways) because white is not an accepted color for them. We got her because she was cute and we liked her personality, not just because of her color, although I really like her color. I think in Europe white is acceptable for a schnauzer. I even saw one in a pet store around here that was brownish ?? which I''d never seen in a schnauzer before. I love the salt and pepper ones like yours. I like the black ones, too. Actually I like any schnauzer!!! It''s her personality and all the funny things she does that entertains us on a regular basis!

I think a little clarification is in order.

Having allergies or asthma does not describe what you are allergic to. It could literally be hundreds of things.

You need to know what those things are, and have an idea how alergic you are.

For example - I have both allergies and asthma. I am highly allergic to cats. Can''t get near them at all, can''t spend more than a few minutes in a house that has them - or even had them. Dogs are no problem at all. Certain pollens, but not others, and so the list goes.

Thus, I could have any dog. But no cat. I can have certain flowers and trees inside the house - but not others.

If you or your S.O. is allergic to dogs, then I cannot recommend that you get a dog. Chances are that the allergies - even if now mild - will get worse with time.

For some cases, allergy shots work to desensitize a person - talk to your Dr on that and be sure to ask the success rate. I know people who have taken 5 years of allergy shots to find out in the end that those shots only had a 25% success rate for that specific allergy. Why bother in that case (they did not work). In other cases allergy shots are highly effective. It all depends on the allergen. Talk to your Dr. If applicable - do the allergy shots up front to end the allergy - then get the dog later (or whatever).

Best of luck with this.


I knew that about the white schnauzers...and it''s too bad, because they are really beautiful with the white coloring. I have a neighbor who has a light silver colored schnauzer, I think she was a cross between a salt and pepper and a white. She is gorgeous. I''ve seen the brown ones, too. There are also parti-colored schnauzers. I don''t believe any color other than the salt and pepper, black and silver, or black are considered eligible for showing in the US. But A LOT of people want the white, silver, brown, or multi colored dogs for pets. Daisy is a pure bred, but I didn''t even register her, because we never intended to breed or show her at all. We had her fixed as soon as she was old enough. They are such great dogs...especially with kids and cats. I would have a whole house full of em if I could.
Date: 9/28/2005 8:49:16 PM
Author: perry

I think a little clarification is in order.

Having allergies or asthma does not describe what you are allergic to. It could literally be hundreds of things.

You need to know what those things are, and have an idea how alergic you are.

For example - I have both allergies and asthma. I am highly allergic to cats. Can''t get near them at all, can''t spend more than a few minutes in a house that has them - or even had them. Dogs are no problem at all. Certain pollens, but not others, and so the list goes.

Thus, I could have any dog. But no cat. I can have certain flowers and trees inside the house - but not others.

If you or your S.O. is allergic to dogs, then I cannot recommend that you get a dog. Chances are that the allergies - even if now mild - will get worse with time.

For some cases, allergy shots work to desensitize a person - talk to your Dr on that and be sure to ask the success rate. I know people who have taken 5 years of allergy shots to find out in the end that those shots only had a 25% success rate for that specific allergy. Why bother in that case (they did not work). In other cases allergy shots are highly effective. It all depends on the allergen. Talk to your Dr. If applicable - do the allergy shots up front to end the allergy - then get the dog later (or whatever).

Best of luck with this.


Hey Perry! Thanks for your thoughful response! I had allergy shots for 5 years when I was small. I was BAD. Hospitalized almost twice yearly. But I grew out of the severe stages and now most of my allergies are seasonal and molds, mildew, dust, etc. And cats! I am like you, cannot be around cats for a few seconds without my allergies going nuts and my lungs closing up. I do take claritin d and an inhaler for as needed use. I have found that for whatever reason Ohio has been the only state I have lived in that I actually do very well in regards to staying allergy free.

My parents were so freaked out when I was small about how sick I was that they would never let me be around animals long enough to know how I could tolerate them. But as I have gotten older I have been around dogs and seem to do ok. Even my friends Jack Russell! But then I could be in a house with another type of shedding dog and get sneezy/itchy. So Im just testing out now my tolerance and when I do get a puppy want to do everything I can to decrease the risk of allergy as much as I can so I can raise and love that puppy well!!!
Date: 9/27/2005 11:50:52 PM
Author: Jelly
My Mom and I have bad allergies but don't seem to be effected by my dog Jelly. He's a Schnoodle (half schnauzer and half poodle.) He hardly sheds at all. We also don't seem to be bothered by my friend's Westie. I'm on different medications for my allergies and asthma, which probably help too.

List of Dogs good for allergy sufferers

Good luck in finding a sweet puppy! You won't regret it!

Thanks for that list. I knew of most of the breeds listed - but that Native American Indian Dog? What a beautiful large breed - like a wolf or huskie.

Who would have thought that kind of dog would be good for people with Allergies and Asthma - I may have to visit a breeder to see (and sniff
) one.
What cute little puppies. My Nick (see left photo) looked like that also but got real big. We have friends that their children had terrible allergies to dog. They found the Portuguese water dog to be the best and it doesn''t shed. Very smart dog also!
It is my understanding that the allergic reaction to dogs vs cats are completely different. With a dog, you are allergic to it''s dander. With a cat, it''s their saliva.

Maybe another falsehood - but I have heard that living with a dog or cat makes you less sensitive to other irritants.

I was very allergic as a child. I am less so now. In close quaters after a time, hounds will make my eyes itch & I get sniffly. But, that''s about it.
Date: 9/29/2005 10:55:49 AM
Author: fire&ice
It is my understanding that the allergic reaction to dogs vs cats are completely different. With a dog, you are allergic to it''s dander. With a cat, it''s their saliva.

Maybe another falsehood - but I have heard that living with a dog or cat makes you less sensitive to other irritants.

I was very allergic as a child. I am less so now. In close quaters after a time, hounds will make my eyes itch & I get sniffly. But, that''s about it.
You are right about the cats. It''s actually a protien in their saliva. Since cats clean themselves by licking their fur, their saliva dries on their fur and the protiens that are left behind flake off and become airborne. It''s those airborne protiens that cause the allergies in most people. Our cat is a bengal and she is bred from a cross between a domestic tabby and an asian leapoard cat. The mixed DNA evidentily renders a different sort of protien in her saliva or something, because none of us have had any allergy problems with her, and neither do people who visit our home who are allergic to cats.

Interesting factoid about the cat''s saliva and grooming reason cats bask in the sunshine is because that same protien that causes allergies in so many of us reacts in the sunlight to form vitamin D, which the cat then licks off of themselves next time they groom. That''s how they get their vitamin D! I thought that was kinda cool.

With dogs, it''s a protien in the dander on their fur that causes the allergies. Non-shedding breeds and double coated breeds have a different type of fur that doesn''t shed, and apparently doesn''t contain the same types of protiens in the dander. That''s why people tolerate them better.

I know I''m obnoxious, but I get into this scientific

One thing I want to mention -MY SCHNAUZERS SHED!
It''s not the top coat it''s the furry undercoat. You will have hair around. I''ve heard of people rejecting their wiring coat friend because they thought they would see no hair around. One way to control it is to brush frequently. The brush collects the undercoat. Stripping the coat is another way - but too difficult for the average person to do & cost prohibited for someone not wanting to show the dog.

Though, some dogs do shed their puppy coat (only once).
Date: 9/29/2005 9:38:53 AM
Author: Bertrand

Date: 9/27/2005 11:50:52 PM
Author: Jelly
My Mom and I have bad allergies but don't seem to be effected by my dog Jelly. He's a Schnoodle (half schnauzer and half poodle.) He hardly sheds at all. We also don't seem to be bothered by my friend's Westie. I'm on different medications for my allergies and asthma, which probably help too.

List of Dogs good for allergy sufferers

Good luck in finding a sweet puppy! You won't regret it!


Thanks for that list. I knew of most of the breeds listed - but that Native American Indian Dog? What a beautiful large breed - like a wolf or huskie.

Who would have thought that kind of dog would be good for people with Allergies and Asthma - I may have to visit a breeder to see (and sniff
) one.
ummmm...never mind

I am pretty good with dog breeds (I work with a rescue group from time to time) and should have suspected something - that I had never heard of this type of dog before. I said it looks like a wolf/husky - because it probably is one!

hmmmm...maybe one of the nice Water Dog breeds.
Date: 9/29/2005 10:55:49 AM
Author: fire&ice
It is my understanding that the allergic reaction to dogs vs cats are completely different. With a dog, you are allergic to it''s dander. With a cat, it''s their saliva.

Must be why every time I go to my boss'' house and her cat (is it me, or do cats just KNOW when someone is allergie to them???) jumps on me, licks my face and then my cheek swells up 3x its size LOL

FI put a deposit on one of the female Westie puppies! I am so excited! We may be able to take her home Nov 10th!!!!
my bf is terribly allergic to most everything furry--and he has no problem with our poodle menagerie.....All the breeds mentioned are great (bichons, westies...) but Poodles are my special heart doggie and they are so wonderful!!!! Good luck!!!

(Maltese are also a non shedder!)
Date: 9/29/2005 3:25:11 PM
Author: blueroses
my bf is terribly allergic to most everything furry--and he has no problem with our poodle menagerie.....All the breeds mentioned are great (bichons, westies...) but Poodles are my special heart doggie and they are so wonderful!!!! Good luck!!!

(Maltese are also a non shedder!)
Mine too BlueRoses! I love my poodle. (and almost all poodles.) They are wonderful clever little clowns.
How''s Tessa doing?

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