
My Dress is HERE!!! (Pics Inside)

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Jan 6, 2005
My dress has arrived - it is about a month after the original estimate, but before they said it would be here, so I''m happy. It was a tiny bit tight when I first put it on - it took them a couple of tries to zip it, which made me a bit panicky (which of course made it harder for them to zip it), but once I relaxed, they were able to zip it right up, and it got progressively more comfortable while I wore it. Overall, I am about 22-25 lbs lighter than when I started trying on dresses back in April. I’d like to lose another 5 or so before the wedding, maybe more, although they warned me that if I lose any more than that my dress won’t fit anymore, and mom wasn’t too keen on the alterations cost. In any case, I will definitely be working to buff up those arms a little (can you say "yuck"). These are definitely my veil and tiara and earrings, the necklace was on loan from a friend and I may or may not borrow it for the wedding. Also the length is perfect - I''ll need shoes with just a teeny bit of heel but I won''t be taller than FI at all, so that''s really good news. As of now the only alteration it will need is to put in a bustle (I posted a pic of the bustle I want at the end. I do need honest opinions though on whether you think this emphasizes "the girls" too much. Somehow, I think because of the lighter color, I think they are much more prominent in this dress than in the sample one. I could probably try to find some kind of flattening strapless bra. What do people think?
The whole package:

From the side:

Some shots of the amazing train:

Some close-ups of the beautiful beading:

A closer front shot and of course, the sitting-down test (also making sure the hair still looks OK without the veil):

And finally, trying it out with a shorter veil – I’m thinking of getting one for the reception and just switching them out:


And here is a gorgeous bustle idea – exactly what I want mine to look like, courtesy of knottie Jen091303:
Amber your dress looks perfect! I absolutely LOVE the bustle. And the dress looks like it fits you so well! If you''re comfortable in it, then dont'' change anything
Very pretty. You look great in it! Your waist looks so tiny. I also love the bustle!
Wow, Amber! Your dress is just divine! I love it and it shows off your figure surprisingly well! You''ll look gorgeous the day of your wedding!

AG, that dress is just beautiful on you. It gives an amazing hourglass shape (actually I don''t think the dress gives it to you, looks like you have it and dress just shows it off!). I think that bustle you have posted is beautiful.
Thank you so much ladies - such sweet things to say :-)

Unfortunately, I do have that hourglass figure and its more often a curse than a blessing when trying to find clothes...

I''m still trying to decide if I''m comfortable. I may make a trip to Nordstrom''s and try out some different "minimizing" Spanx or other undergarment products and see if they look good under the dress...
I love that dress on you!

PS Good luck on your quals..!!!
Thanks flopkins - I am so ready to be done!!!! I took a break from studying (clearly) to go pick up the dress, but now (sigh) its back to work...
Hurray! It looks STUNNING! Aren''t you glad that it''s finally here? You look smashing in it!
I love the bustle choice and think it will look great. I remember that you had to wait extra long
for the dress, but doesn''t it feel like a holiday now that it''s here?
Thanks Tybee - it is really exciting now that its finally here. Of course, its very distracting from all the work I''m supposed to be doing, but I suppose that will be temporary...hopefully
You look so beautiful – it’s so exciting!!! Your are going to WOW everyone when you walk into the door. Please keep in touch. I would love to see more picture
You look absolutely gorgeous in that dress!!! And I love the bustle, it''s so beautiful!
The dress looks great on you!! And the bustle will be to DIE for!! Congratulations, what an exciting time!!
Your dress is SO GORGEOUS! The pictures look great! Congratulations!!!! Your waist looks itty bitty!
Wow!! I love it!! You are going to look fantastic on your wedidng day!
You guys are all so sweet
The more I look at the pictures the more I am in love with it

Melissa - that is totally an optical illusion, I have an hourglass, but nothing about me could fairly be described as "itty bitty"
It''s not an illusion I''m going to argue with too much though...

I''m so glad everyone likes it - I will make sure to post more pics Ries when I go for fittings - hopefully my bustle will be at least as spectacular as the one in the picture!
The dress is absolutely beautiful. I don''t think you need to lose any more weight either.

My only comment would be that it looks really tight around your middle. I think where the material pulls, it spoils the appearance. Could it be let out a little? It would really make a big difference.

Hey blod - I''m sure it could be let out around the middle, but I am probably going to lose at least 5 more pounds before the wedding (from nerves if nothing else). Right now I''m really bloated from holiday eating and as flopkins said my qualifying exams (taken in the second year of graduate school) are coming up in a month so I''ve been studying like crazy, and not going to the gym like normal. I think I''m going to wait and see how I do after the exam is over and I''m back to my normal routine - I suspect the weight will come off then and it will fit perfect then, but if not I can always get it let out.
AG, I just love your dress!!! So glad to see more pics of it and of you looking FABULOUS!!
Wow. That''s all I have to say....just WOW!

Seriously, you look gorgeous, I think it''s perfect. "the girls" look great, and it emphasizes your waist sooo well!!! What an hourglass figure! I''m jealous. :) Congrats, you are stunning!!!
Thanks blueroses and HouMedGal. You guys are all enough to make a girl blush

Seriously though, all the lovely comments are so much appreciated since I really was a bit nervous about how I looked in it.
You look like a princess! I love the bustle idea! I don''t think you need a flattening bra. The dress fits you very well as is!
You look amazing! That dress looks as if it were made for you.
It''s so beautiful! And as for showing off "the girls" too much, no way! You have a gorgeous it off!
I love it! It fits you perfectly! Congratulations!
AG, you look amazing! Your gown is gorgous & fits you beautifully! Your figure looks fantastic! I love the bustle you posted too. You''re going to be such a beautiful bride.
You look gorgeous in the dress! The "girls" are not overemphasized; in fact, I think you look very proportionate and I don''t think you should try to flatten them. They enhance your hourglass figure! You really look stunning!

The bustle is to die for!! So luxurious!!

Good luck with those arms...I feel your pain!!
disregard my message!

I was trying to explain an arm workout that I found effective, but I didn't describe it well! I was a little hasty on my submit button
Thank you so much ladies - it is so awesome to be getting all of this positive feedback. All the comments have also made me feel WAY less self-conscious about my figure and especially about the "girls." Thank you so much everyone
Beautiful!!!!! And the dress looks great too!

Seriously, you look absolutely stunning in your dress. I lost a few pounds right before the wedding too (stress), so I wouldn''t worry about letting it out just yet. The girls are proportionate to your great hourglass shape, and the fabric should relax as you wear it more often (fittings, trying it on for Mom and grandma...). and
to the bustle!!!
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