
My cat is sick, and I'm a mess


Aug 14, 2018
This is my cat Sugar who turned 20 this month. She has enjoyed amazing health for her age. We noticed that a spot popped up on her arm (or upper leg) without warning; I thought it was a sore of some sort but she is indoor only. It wasn't getting better so off to the vet she goes who said it was a mass. She said it should probably be removed but did warn that surgery could be risky since she's so old so some cats may not wake up after. After taking her home and ointment and antibiotics not working, plus the idea that it might not be a benign spot, meant that we opted for surgery. She had that Wed and all seemed to go well; she came home and was interested in food and water and just doing well overall though seemed a bit down (she didn't like wearing the donut thing around her neck). Well Friday she was still a bit droopy, but still affectionate. Then Saturday she was really listless, didn't eat, and was breathing fast (about 50 breaths per minute). So I took her to the vet and they did xrays and saw there was alot of fluid around her heart. They drained it and sent me home with a dieurtic in addition to the pain meds and antibiotic she is already taking. They said that she may have an underlying heart condition that the surgery exacerbated. I'm still waiting on labs from the spot and the fluid. But today she's not ANY better, no food, barely water and still breathing hard. We don't have emergency vet where we live; so nothing open on Sundays. I'm so upset and I feel like I shouldn't have done surgery bc even if the spot wasn't good to be there, she wasn't acting any differently. I feel SO guilty, and I just don't know what to do for her right now other than fret and vent on PS while I anxiously await for the vet to open Monday. I keep hoping it's just stress from the surgery and anethestia and that she will perk up but it seems wishful thinking. Thank you for listening any words of advice would be appreciated I know lots of y'all have cats. @missy @yssie @lala646 have any of your felines had surgery and they were down for this length of time?? @lala646 I know you just lost your sweet baby so I still hope it's ok to tag you.

ETA a pic taken just 10 days ago.



May 15, 2014
I don't have any suggestions, but I'm so sorry. I feel your pain. Our pets are our children and when we don't know how to "fix" them it's such a feeling of helplessness. I'm hoping that you can get her to the vet tomorrow and that they can figure out what is going on with her. And don't feel guilty, you did what you thought was the best thing for her. That's all any of us can do. Please keep us posted.


Jun 7, 2014
@Mreader, I’m so so sorry. Please try not to beat yourself up. There is no way you could have known this would happen. I have no experience in what you are dealing with. Just offering you my support. It’s obvious how much you love your baby and only want the best for her.


Aug 14, 2009
Hi honey. Twenty years. She looks phenomenal in that photo. What a beautiful girl :love:

I’m so sorry to hear she’s not recovering like she should ;( I’ve not had exactly this concern, with a heart condition, but god I definitely know how it feels to have to just wait. Wait and hope and count the hours to the next appointment. The helplessness is horrible.

Please don’t blame yourself. It’s Monday tomorrow - it’s almost here. They’ll be able to look at her really really soon. You made the best decision you could for her ❤️ I hope that she’s taking longer to recover but is still on an upward path - or, if there’s something wrong, they can find out and get her patched up tomorrow ❤️

You’re doing the best you can for her… I know that probably sounds kind of empty right now… But try to remember it… And believe it…

Post here whenever it might help!! I’m bookmarking the thread and I’m sure I’m not the only one. ::HUGS::!!


Dec 23, 2019
This is my cat Sugar who turned 20 this month. She has enjoyed amazing health for her age. We noticed that a spot popped up on her arm (or upper leg) without warning; I thought it was a sore of some sort but she is indoor only. It wasn't getting better so off to the vet she goes who said it was a mass. She said it should probably be removed but did warn that surgery could be risky since she's so old so some cats may not wake up after. After taking her home and ointment and antibiotics not working, plus the idea that it might not be a benign spot, meant that we opted for surgery. She had that Wed and all seemed to go well; she came home and was interested in food and water and just doing well overall though seemed a bit down (she didn't like wearing the donut thing around her neck). Well Friday she was still a bit droopy, but still affectionate. Then Saturday she was really listless, didn't eat, and was breathing fast (about 50 breaths per minute). So I took her to the vet and they did xrays and saw there was alot of fluid around her heart. They drained it and sent me home with a dieurtic in addition to the pain meds and antibiotic she is already taking. They said that she may have an underlying heart condition that the surgery exacerbated. I'm still waiting on labs from the spot and the fluid. But today she's not ANY better, no food, barely water and still breathing hard. We don't have emergency vet where we live; so nothing open on Sundays. I'm so upset and I feel like I shouldn't have done surgery bc even if the spot wasn't good to be there, she wasn't acting any differently. I feel SO guilty, and I just don't know what to do for her right now other than fret and vent on PS while I anxiously await for the vet to open Monday. I keep hoping it's just stress from the surgery and anethestia and that she will perk up but it seems wishful thinking. Thank you for listening any words of advice would be appreciated I know lots of y'all have cats. @missy @yssie @lala646 have any of your felines had surgery and they were down for this length of time?? @lala646 I know you just lost your sweet baby so I still hope it's ok to tag you.

ETA a pic taken just 10 days ago.


I’m so sorry to hear you’re going through this! I remember the torment I felt when my two little ones were in the ICU for two very long days. I can only begin to imagine what you’re feeling right now.

i can, however, say that your love and attentiveness to Sugar are palpable. They flow through your words even as they are written on this ephemeral page. If we can feel that just by reading, it’s certain that Sugar can feel it even more clearly through your presence and your touch.

That kind of love and attention in the beginning, middle and later parts of anyone’s life is an immeasurable gift. She is fortunate to have you in her life, in sickness or in health.

Being an “parent” of any kind is fraught with having to terrible judgment calls in imperfect circumstances - and a sometimes unbearable (and unwarranted) sense guilt when we are unable to prevent our loved ones from suffering and illness.

As a doctor, I know all too well that it is often impossible to predict outcomes or put our finger on exactly what caused what.

As a parent, on the other hand, I’m all too aware that we might be quick to blame ourselves for things that are beyond our control.

We can only hope that the stress of surgery has simply slowed Sugar down for the moment and that she will bounce back quickly.

Please let yourself off the hook and give credit where credit is due.

Give Sugar what you have always given her: love and attention no matter what state she is in - and recognize what a grand gift that is.

I can imagine no greater boon than having someone I love care for me so deeply in my later years, regardless of what time and nature might bring.

Our prayers are with you and Sugar ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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Dec 23, 2019
Hi honey. Twenty years. She looks phenomenal in that photo. What a beautiful girl :love:

I’m so sorry to hear she’s not recovering like she should ;( I’ve not had exactly this concern, with a heart condition, but god I definitely know how it feels to have to just wait. Wait and hope and count the hours to the next appointment. The helplessness is horrible.

Please don’t blame yourself. It’s Monday tomorrow - it’s almost here. They’ll be able to look at her really really soon. You made the best decision you could for her ❤️ I hope that she’s taking longer to recover but is still on an upward path - or, if there’s something wrong, they can find out and get her patched up tomorrow ❤️

You’re doing the best you can for her… I know that probably sounds kind of empty right now… But try to remember it… And believe it…

Post here whenever it might help!! I’m bookmarking the thread and I’m sure I’m not the only one. ::HUGS::!!

Yes, she does look amazing!!!


What a beautiful kitty. I know how hard it is to have sick pets and ones who are aging. You are a dedicated caretaker and love her, and made the best decision you could with the surgery with the information you had available. Surgery takes a lot out of bodies, so she might just be slow to recover... I wish there were a vet you could call after hours so you could be at ease, but in the meantime, just love her as you do. All good wishes for a speedy recovery!


Jun 26, 2007
20 years old is very advanced for a kitty.
Wishing the best for your dear Sugar.


Jun 8, 2008
Oh no @Mreader I am so sorry :(

You did and are doing all you can for her and do not beat yourself up about the surgery. I would have done the same.
Yes she might have had an underlying heart condition. We had a cat (Billy) who when he got older developed pancreatitis, heart disease and other health issues. And we had to bring him in weekly to get the fluid around his heart and lungs drained. He had a good quality of life through it all and when the time came we knew. My point being we do the best we can do and all we can because they are family and we love them. I am sending her bucketloads of healing vibes and well wishes and may tomorrow bring her relief. Hopefully her veterinarian can help her and Sugar will be OK.

No matter what you are doing the best you can under difficult circumstances. And Sugar knows how much she is loved and adored and cats are not like people. She isn't feeling sorry for herself and she is living in the moment. Give her as much love and hugs as you can and just be with her. Praying Monday brings good news. Sending you gentle hugs and keeping good thoughts for Sugar and you


Jan 29, 2012
I’m sorry to hear Sugar isn‘t feeling any better. I know how hard it is to watch them in pain or discomfort. You feel helpless (and the lack of an emergency vet certainly isn’t helping). Just keep showering her with love and affection and when the vet opens tomorrow, we all know you’ll be the first person on the line. I know she’s an older cat so you had to weigh the odds with surgery but for what it’s worth, I think you did the right thing. You wanted to make sure that tumor was taken care of (and lord knows, malignant tumors spread so quickly). You did the best you could with the information you had. Please try not to beat yourself up for loving her and trying to do what’s best for her. Sending hugs and lots of healing vibes that your sweet Sugar gets better soon.


Jul 7, 2013
Sending some dust to your kitty and your family, and hugs too!

DK :(2


Sep 13, 2019
I’m so sorry you’re going though this. I know what it is to feel helpless and to see them in pain. Hope you find out more tomorrow and sending good energy your way.


Dec 7, 2014
I feel so sorry for you @Mreader But please don’t blame yourself. You made the best decision with the information that you had at the time and with the vet’s expertise and advice.
Hindsight is always 100%. Best wishes to you and Sugar.

Ally T

Oct 24, 2012
Big hugs to you & Sugar. She is a very beautiful cat!

I completely empathise & have been in your shoes with one of my own cats, who was also 20.

You are doing everything you can & more. Sugar knows how loved she is & i'm sure you are making her as comfortable as you can & the vets will be open very soon.


Sep 10, 2003
Hugs to you and Sugar.
When elder animals become ill, the choices for medical care are often between what's bad and what's worse. After living with her for 20 yrs, your instincts and intimate knowledge of her are your best assets. You just have to trust that the decision you made was in the best interest of Sugar.


May 19, 2020
I am so, so sorry <3. It’s so hard when they can’t talk and they can’t tell us what hurts and where it hurts. All we can do is our best, and you did what you thought was best for her. She is soooo loved and had such a good life to make it to the big 2-0! You are a good mommy to her and it’s hard not to blame ourselves when their little bodies start to decline.

Sending you (and Sugar!) hugs and loves.


Apr 22, 2004
Lots of kitty dust that she will perk up to her usual self soon.


Jun 23, 2005
I am so sorry to hear this and to feel your distress. There is nothing you did to cause this so please don’t feel so bad about that part of it. She is aged and if the surgery wasn’t the problem, it would probably have been the spot on her front leg. You were damned if you did, and damned if you didn’t.
Hopefully, you will get some encouraging words tomorrow from the vet. I know how hard it can be and I send good wishes to you and Sugar.


May 11, 2009
I’m so sorry for the situation you are in - waiting is so hard when our little creatures are in distress! From your own description, your love and care for her are clear and evident. Take comfort in knowing that everything you have done for her is out of love and care. Please let us know what happens tomorrow. Hugs to all of you!


Jul 18, 2015
Fingers and paws crossed here and Otto send boops to Sugar. I hope she’s just recovering from the stress of the surgery. Please don’t feel guilty regardless of if things don’t turn out so well. You did the right thing with the information you had at the time.
It’s obvious how much you love her. 4717E92D-42F5-4C90-BA44-CE8BAB00A0CD.jpeg


Aug 14, 2009
It’s Monday! Wait is almost over. I hope they can take Sugar right away today. Hang in there Mreader!!


Jun 8, 2008
Thinking of you and Sugar @Mreader and praying it all goes as well as possible ❤️


Apr 22, 2004
Awaiting an update (with positive news). Toe beans crossed.


Mar 31, 2018
@Mreader My heart went out to you reading your post about Sugar. I never had a cat..but I did have dogs that I loved with all my heart. I knew how horrible it was to wait to hear what a vet would say about my babies. You made the best decision for Sugar because you made it with love. I would have also done the surgery..Hopefully the vet will put your mind at ease today. She’s such a pretty girl..I hope she’s just recuperating from surgery. Big hugs..
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