
My Amazing Holy Grail - 9.9mm OEC!

Thanks guys!!!! ::) I don't think I will ever get sick of photographing her. She still hasn't had a "formal" photoshoot with a "real" camera yet. All these pics (minus Mara's pics) are from my iphone! This weekend is a long weekend, so I'll be posting more pics for sure!!!

Thanks for looking!!!
Who sets a diamond that size in a broach??? ROFLMAO! What a's just gorgeous!
WOW!!! she is stunning-and HUGE!! Congratulations on your beautiful stone!

And I have to also ask...what is the size of your pendant in the last few pics? It's gorgeous too!
armywife13|1346106789|3258139 said:
ForteKitty|1346094479|3258002 said:
After wearing it for 6 hours at work, I have realized that:

1) Bigger diamond = dirtier diamond. Everything is smudged because it sticks out more. Top, bottom, sides.. everywhere!

2) Bigger facets = more visible smudges! Every smudge is magnified. I'm not sure how I managed to get the culet dirty. :nono:

3) I haven't done an ounce of work today because I'm totally distracted. This is a HUGE diamond. :bigsmile:
I have run into the same issue with my 9.5 mm OEC.... I am cleaning it every day, sometimes more than once a day. I suppose it is a trade off for having a OEC honker-a trade off I gladly accept. ;))

Your baby looks absolutely gorgous and right at home in it's setting! I am 100000% jealous of your tiny fingers, I wish I could get coverage like that...but with my chunky size 7.5-8 fingers, I would never br able to afford a diamond big enough. I wonder if I would be a candidate for finger lipo..... :lol:

Carry little packets of disposable isopropyl rubbing alcohol wipes! They clean off oils better than anything else. I used to carry em to clean off my glasses lens, but now use it for bling :wink2:
Dear FK,
More pictures of HG, please! :love:

Love, LS
That is one beautiful diamond. Your posts about talking to it at work cracked me up. :lol:

More ring pictures please! Especially real life perspective shots.
Wow!! Fortekitty, what a gorgeous diamond!! It looks exquisite on you. Your pictures have sent my to a happy, dreamy place this morning at work (shhhh!), while I dream of ever finding a beauty like that!

Wear it in the best of health and happiness! :love: :love: :love:
Oh my, that is one fabulous HFG! What a find, FK! I'm totally green with envy. It looks absolutely huge and incredible on your hand. Wear it in the best of health!
Thanks, guys!!!!

Madelise, I'm going to get some wipes!

Kasey3|1346200050|3258889 said:
WOW!!! she is stunning-and HUGE!! Congratulations on your beautiful stone!

And I have to also ask...what is the size of your pendant in the last few pics? It's gorgeous too!

Thanks! My pendant is a 1.36ct oec. :)
Is it too HG junkie of me to request more perspective shots?
athenaworth said:
Is it too HG junkie of me to request more perspective shots?

I want to second this request!

Also, FK, in all your years of ebaying, have you ever come across any other well-cut 3-4 carats for a good deal (even if obviously not as great as this one!) before now? I want to know if there's hope for me! :bigsmile:
I honestly never really looked for a 3-4ct diamond in my 9-10 years of ebaying, so I dont know if those come up often or not. This find was a total accident. I was only looking for "european diamond", one around 2ct but with a higher crown since my 2ct is just "average crowned"... and it popped up. I didn't think I was going to win it even though I put my max bid quite a bit higher than I normally would risk. When I saw the email and saw that it ended at just under $15k, I was shocked. I think the reason it ended so low was because of the bad pictures and the lack of description. They basically had the estimated weight, color, and clarity, nothing else. Because it didn't come with any paperwork, it's probably considered high risk to many people. I took a chance because the State was selling it and figured they gotta be somewhat accountable, right? Plus I had purchased from them before and the diamond ended up way better than described, so I felt confident that this was worth a try.

More pics will be coming this weekend! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
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WOW, FK, your new bauble is absolutely GORGEOUS!!!! :love: :love: Enjoy it and wear it in the best of health and much happiness!! :appl: :appl: :appl:
ForteKitty, you scored an AMAZING deal. Well done!

As to a PP's question - I can comment that 3-4 ct OECs do *not* come up regularly on eBay, or anywhere for that matter. I did an intensive search last spring (which eventually yielded the stone in my avatar). IMO, a search for a nice, large OEC can take months or longer.

A search for a stone like FK's at that pricepoint is pretty much going to take years (or just never happen, IMO).

Even when I was searching with known reputable antique diamond vendors, there were not that many options on the market.

Again, well done FK! The stone is beautiful.

Thanks, FK and Anne! What a truly amazing and stunning find, FK, and I can't wait to see more pics!
I recall an antique cushion that sold on auction on ebay for $19k, it was more tinted and it was over 4ct.

There are a few other 3-4ct stones on ebay right now but they are in the range of $25k.
I looked on eBay when I was looking for my stone and I also have regular 'searches' ongoing automatically and haven't seen anything like this! FK did say the pics and info were not crazy faith-inspiring, but it had promise for the right risk-taker, hehe.

There is a 3.6c that has a lovely cut up there right now, it's been up for a while. I think it's $20k, but it also looks much warmer than the claimed color, which I think is N (from memory, maybe not right). But I think they also have a return policy.
Holy Cr@p!

I mean that in a good way!

That thing is awesome!

Are you going to halo it? :bigsmile:

Seriously gorgeous, where it in good health!
Your stone is STUNNING (well ALL your stones are lol) and while searching for a ring for my friend I stumbled upon this setting (for all of you looking for an authentic setting for 9+mm stones) not sure if this is something you'd consider but I figured I'd link it just in case :)

Also-if your considering parting with any antique rings in the 1-2k range that would work for an e-ring let me know. My guy friend is on the hunt to propose to his gf and I know you have quite the stash :naughty:

I can't wait to see more pictures-man that thing is GORGEOUS! :love:
I just found this and around page 3i started chuckling, then giggling, then laughing aloud. My hus
band and son asked what was up so i had to explain the whole scenario to them. Thereafter i put on my bling to finish reading the d posts. Beautiful stones, good humor...what else could a gal ask for? And i thought it was going to be a dull afternoon.

Enjoying the story and happy for your amazing find!
Thanks ladies!!! I took some more pics earlier and will be posting them shortly!

vintagelover229|1346431841|3260399 said:
Your stone is STUNNING (well ALL your stones are lol) and while searching for a ring for my friend I stumbled upon this setting (for all of you looking for an authentic setting for 9+mm stones) not sure if this is something you'd consider but I figured I'd link it just in case :)

I can't wait to see more pictures-man that thing is GORGEOUS! :love:

Thanks Vintagelover, I saw that one, but it's not really my style. I think I want something less ornate, and maybe slightly more modern?

iLander said:
Are you going to halo it? :bigsmile:

Seriously gorgeous, where it in good health!
Haha, no halo for me, it's too much!

wordie89 said:
I just found this and around page 3i started chuckling, then giggling, then laughing aloud. My hus
band and son asked what was up so i had to explain the whole scenario to them. Thereafter i put on my bling to finish reading the d posts. Beautiful stones, good humor...what else could a gal ask for? And i thought it was going to be a dull afternoon.

Enjoying the story and happy for your amazing find!

crotch-shots are always funny! :bigsmile:
last ones from this batch of pics!


Very nice! And I love the antique wedding band too, I am looking for something similar.
Your pictures are outstanding but of course, so is the stone! Truly a beauty!
Mara|1346385329|3260119 said:
I looked on eBay when I was looking for my stone and I also have regular 'searches' ongoing automatically and haven't seen anything like this! FK did say the pics and info were not crazy faith-inspiring, but it had promise for the right risk-taker, hehe.

There is a 3.6c that has a lovely cut up there right now, it's been up for a while. I think it's $20k, but it also looks much warmer than the claimed color, which I think is N (from memory, maybe not right). But I think they also have a return policy.

If it's the same one I am thinking of it was purchased recently and returned. I agree it's much warmer than the claim.

Dreamer_D|1346381522|3260112 said:
I recall an antique cushion that sold on auction on ebay for $19k, it was more tinted and it was over 4ct.

There are a few other 3-4ct stones on ebay right now but they are in the range of $25k.

I remember that 4 ct one, Dreamer, I believe JBEG has it on consignment.

Kim, I spent a lot of time looking on EBay when looking for my diamond. You have to set up auto searches and be fairly consistent to find the good deals, or just be in the right place at the right time. I've found a few great deals, one was worth 4 times what I paid for it-- I was in the right place at the right time, or just lucky that day, I guess. I will say that the larger 3+ ct diamonds are super hard to find if you're looking for a higher color and excellent cut and I ended up not finding one there. I was okay with my decision because EBay searching was taking quite a bit of time and at that point time was more valuable than money to me. ;)

Forekitty, those latest photos are FABULOUS! I think you've definitely found the best EBay deal ever! :)
Dreamer_D|1346543102|3261056 said:
Very nice! And I love the antique wedding band too, I am looking for something similar.

I completely forgot that this was in the safe, and it's a perfect match. The width, height, and engraving is perfect! It was an ebay find too, only $110!!!

MissGotRocks said:
Your pictures are outstanding but of course, so is the stone! Truly a beauty!

Thanks! iPhones take wonderful pictures. My point and shoot wasn't capturing any of the pastels I was seeing in person.

MyDiamondSparkles said:
Forekitty, those latest photos are FABULOUS! I think you've definitely found the best EBay deal ever! :)

Thanks! This is definitely my personal best. I don't anticipate ever finding another like it!
the new pictures are just dreamy!! That stack, oh boy, it is stunning!!! I think we need more pictures though!! I will never get tired of those pastels and the facetting!! :love: :love: :love:

You should do this for a living. You have an amazing eye!

This baby is UNREAL!!!! Thanks for sharing such a beauty!!!