
Mother-in-law said this looks like a dinner ring

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Oct 5, 2007
My husband''s parents are visiting for the holidays and my mother-in-law commented that my recently re-set ring doesn''t look like an engagement ring or a wedding ring, but a dinner ring. What do you guys think? There''s a whole long story that goes along with this, but I''ll tell you the rest after I get some opinions. I bought the ring intending to eventually switch it to my right ring finger, so I wanted something that wouldn''t look like an engagement ring on my right hand when I do make the switch.
What does it look like? Is it your default photo?
Is it the ring in your avatar? If so, I would agree with her that it doesn't look like a typical engagement ring, but so what. People do all different things with their rings. If you and your husband like it, that's all that matters.
Oops. Here''s the photo.

i think it looks pretty awesome!!! a lot of rings nowadays are more fancy like yours, i dig it!
I think you reset is beautiful, and it definitely does not look like a dinner ring. Wear your gorgeous ring with pride, littedebbie, I know I would!

When I think of "dinner ring" I think of something like this:

I actually totally disagree with her. It does look like an e ring, but very deco vintage to me. But I think it would make a great right hand ring too when the time is right!
I think it looks like a beautiful e-ring!
Your ring is gorgeous and looks great as an ering.
Thanks for the replies! I feel a lot better now.

Haven, I totally agree with you. I always called dinner rings "cocktail rings" and pictured them as looking like the one you posted.

I was also upset because when I told my mother-in-law that I hadn''t been looking for something that looked like an engagement ring because I planned to eventually get a new ring with a larger diamond and switch this ring to my right hand, she said, "Why? That ring is already too big. I like smaller rings." The diamond is a 1 carat round diamond. I happen to not think my current ring looks too large on my hand or that a larger stone would look too large, if it was tastefully set. But I found myself apologetically replying, "Well, it looks a lot bigger in this setting than it did in it''s old solitaire setting." Ugh! Why am I always such a wimp in the face of rudeness! 15 minutes earlier she had just been telling me about this honking big amethyst ring she has that whenever she wears it to church and plays the piano, it spins around, and clanks on the piano keys!

So then I, still apologizing for my ring say, "The only thing I don''t like about it is that some of the edges are a little sharp and I''m afraid of scratching people with it." So then she proceeds to suggest I re-mount the original diamond my husband gave me when we got engaged (a .40 oval) into a 5 stone ring like the one she helped my brother-in-law pick out for his wife when they got engaged. She''s going on about how great the ring is because it has these gold bars in between each diamond that sit up higher than the diamonds so the prongs don''t scratch people or get caught on things. I never cared for the ring and wanted to tell her that. But me being polite, just sat there nodding my head as she went on and on about it. I WOULD like to re-mount the stone into a new ring, but not like the one my husband''s sister-in-law has!

Sorry for the venting! DH fell asleep before I could fully vent to him!
I absolutely love your ring, your mother in law not so much. Seems like she''ll have something to say whatever you do so just do it anyway. As long as your husband is onboard with your upgrade plans perhaps it will make having to put up with her more bearable
I absolutely love your ring, your mother in law not so much

I mean I don''t wish her to stub her toe...just not lovey dovey over her!

That that LisaC wrote was too cute to write and I have to agree. Even if it were true...WHY WOULD SHE SAY THAT? Arggghhhh! No it isn''t true. And as a PSer you have spent far more time swimming in ring design than the the normal jewelry wearer. You are far more advanced and no longer a dinosaur such hem...she is!! Who says an ering has to be one lonely stone or one with some little side stones...not that that style is bad...there is not any rule you have to follow.

Bet she would flip to see Movie Zombies or someone else''s color stone instead of a diamond. Whew. What about Leons layers of pave?

You wear that beauty with unique pride...and do a few extra hand motions anytime she is near! Point to lots of things in the distance...keep that "DINNER ring" front and center!!! Never hide it!!
So. Not. A. Dinner. Ring.

It''s beautiful, actually - as an ering AND a RHR! In my mind, a dinner ring is gaudy and somewhat outdated looking. I totally agree with Haven''s thinking about what a dinner ring *would* look like... and totally disagree with your lovely mother-in-law.
littledebbie, being as your MIL is a fabulous lady, she did make, in my opinion one error when she said ", "Why? That ring is already too big. I like smaller rings."

HER likes are not the question here.....yours are.

As for looking like an engagement ring, if one reads any history of e-rings, one will see that that have come in all shapes and designs. The one you''ve chosen is lovely to you and that''s ALL that''s important.

All that said, I think it''s absolutely beautiful!
LittleD... all that matters here is that YOU like your ring. Your mother-in-law''s "opinion" carries no weight here. Bear with me. I just came off of an extended holiday visit with my mother. She is the Queen Of Unsolicited Opinions. LOL!

Your ring is beautiful. As an e-ring. As a RHR. Continue to enjoy it. And practice your fake smile and "well, that''s an interesting observation" statement for the next time your MIL is around.

I would never look at your lovely ring and think it looks like a dinner ring, and I have seen a few in my time!!

Its gorgeous, please don't give it another thought...dinner ring indeed!
Ahhh. Those MIL''s have some magical powers, no? Your ring looks like a fabulous antique.
No way MIL! I thinks it''s fabulous... I am always for something non tradidtional!
Please don''t let other people''s opinions influence your love of your ring. It''s gorgeous. It''s better for our health and our well being to go through life like a "wet duck" and just let all the stupid or hurtful comments slide right off your back. I got the same baloney too when we got engaged and my dumbass MIL didn''t even know the carat and a half stone in my ring (at the time) was a CZ. "It''s too big. I''d never wear that". Well luckily, she didn''t have to wear that because it wasn''t hers. Besides, she''d be hard pressed to find a man who would even think of buying her an engagement ring.

Wet duck. Just be a wet duck.... and smile. You''ve got to know, somewhere deep down inside they''re just jealous.
Thank you so much for all your support! It makes me feel like I''m not crazy! Door knob solitaire, your post was so funny! Yes, I will try to use my left hand in front of her as much as possible! I love the name you picked for yourself too, by the way. My husband always jokes about the size of the ring I''d like to get and refers to it as "the One ring to rule them all." It makes me laugh, but I''ve thought, "Not on Pricescope! There''s no way I could have the biggest on Pricescope!"
Little debbie,

Your ring is beautiful. Sounds like you brother-in-law is a mama''s boy having his mother pick gf''s ring for him. She must hate that her other son escaped her dominance and has a wife with beautiful taste and a mind of her own. If she likes smaller rings then she should wear one. Hope she doesn''t live too close!

Your ring is beautiful and it definitely doesn''t fit into dinner ring territory. She''s probably just thinking about the cost of it. Even after almost 25 years of marriage, my husband still underplays the "cost of things" to his parents, otherwise he still gets lectured about wasting his money. Bah! I say!
, NO WAY does your ring look like a dinner ring! At least not any that I''ve ever thought of. I love your ring and think it is beautiful whether you wear it as an ER or a RHR. Don''t let your MIL get you down. When mine says things like that I always just think to myself.....well thank goodness I don''t think that way!
Your ring is beautiful! Your MIL, on the other hand . . . [if you can''t say anything nice . . .]
It looks like an e-ring to me...definitely NOT a cocktail ring!
If that''s a cocktail ring then I need to hit the party circuit more often! Your ring is stunning and wonderful and so beautiful!!! Wear it with pride and ignore your MIL! She has an unfortunate habit of thinking everyone has the same preferences as her! That stunner is lost on her. She can''t possibly understand. Her loss!

And I''m so glad she didn''t have any say in YOUR ring! Your poor SIL...
MIL''s have a way of saying things.....mine does it to me ALL.THE.TIME.

Your ring is one of my favorites here on PS. I even sent a picture of your ring to my DH and he even said how beautiful it was! He has NEVER commented on anyones ring that I''ve shown to him here on PS. It''s a lovely, LOVELY ring and it DOES NOT look like a dinner ring AT ALL! It screams glamour, class, elegance and beauty. I would DIE for a ring such as yours. Really - I''m envious.

Wear it in good health, hun, and don''t worry about MIL.
BTW - could you please post more pictures of your ring? I would love to see more! It really is one of my top favorite rings!
Here is the difinition for a cocktail ring

Cocktail ring: A fancy design ladies ring using small diamonds and often small colored stones.

I do NOT think your beautiful engagement ring fits in this definitions catagory. Your ring is STUNNING!
This is a beautiful ring, transcending all time as a gorgeous piece. MILs can be impossible. Don''t let her belittle you or your choices. It is absolutely awesome - as a wedding ring.
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