
meet my new manolo....

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Oooooooh pretty!!!!!!!! You''ll have to add them over in the shoe thread

Barneys have the shoes I want in the sale right now - these ones - at $200 off!!! Probably the sale will be finished by the time I get over there
those shoes are beautiful hisdiamondgirl!! Gorgeous!

The sale will definitely still be on when you get there Delster-it was still on when I was leaving mid-july last year and two years ago and they still had quite a good selection. Those shoes that you''re after didn''t show up though-any other pics?
Hmmm, that''s odd. They''re no longer listed in the sale section. They were called Blixa. I''d happily get Tuccio, Mladari (love these
- hope this link works), Kirla, Zara, or maybe even Gelsoba as alternatives though. Depending on comfort of course too.

I guess I''ll just have to see what''s in the sale when I get over there!
That''s great to know about that it should still be on in two weeks, yippee
ooh I looked them up-they''re beautiful! What I always do with the sale is just go in with an open mind and see what they have.

On another note, I have the best mammy in the world. She''s put my name down for a pair of the manolo blahnik shoes that were in the sex and the city movie! I''d better buy her a better pressie from here!
Yes, open mind is most definitely the plan. If I can''t find a nice black pair for work, maybe I''ll get a pair of sparkling Sedarbys and then we can wiggle our toes across the Electric Sea at Lorelei and make her doubly jealous!!!

Your Mammy is adorable. When I saw those shoes in the movie I immediately thought of you
Thanks girls! I surely do love my new shoesies!!! I just have to find the perfect dress to wear with them now! Actually, my birthday is coming up at the end of the month so that is a pretty good excuse IMHO to go shopping again!
31.gif, those shoes are BEAUTIFULLY FANTASTIC
(I need a pair like that, that I can wear for work!)...I hope you find them on sale! Can''t wait to see pics of whatever you get!

And about the shoes in the SATC movie, I haven''t seen it yet, but are you guys talking about the zebra sedarabys? Love those too!
hisdiamondgirl-they''re the "something blue" pumps-they''re so beautiful! She texted me last night and told me that she has me on three waiting lists-gotta love a mammy that knows how important manolos are
Do you get to take your little Manolo home soon? I want more kitten pics!
Date: 6/12/2008 11:14:53 AM
Author: Delster
Yes, open mind is most definitely the plan. If I can''t find a nice black pair for work, maybe I''ll get a pair of sparkling Sedarbys and then we can wiggle our toes across the Electric Sea at Lorelei and make her doubly jealous!!!

Your Mammy is adorable. When I saw those shoes in the movie I immediately thought of you
Bee, any more pictures of Manolo? Such a cute kitty
LP-I''m getting him in two weeks
I have some more photos of him on my mobile phone but I can''t send them to my mac as my phone is rubbish-he''s so beautiful. He''s gotten so big and he''s at the age where his little tail is up high in the air and he''s interested in everything. D and I are going to visit him in the next few days! And his little eyes are so blue.
Date: 6/24/2008 12:38:32 PM
Author: bee*
LP-I''m getting him in two weeks
I have some more photos of him on my mobile phone but I can''t send them to my mac as my phone is rubbish-he''s so beautiful. He''s gotten so big and he''s at the age where his little tail is up high in the air and he''s interested in everything. D and I are going to visit him in the next few days! And his little eyes are so blue.

OMG that sounds unbearably cute - I can''t WAIT to see new pics of the little guy
Thanks AmberGretchen! I wish I could post the pictures that I have on my phone. They''re adorable. He''s definitely a poser in front of the camera
Date: 6/24/2008 2:49:33 PM
Author: bee*
Thanks AmberGretchen! I wish I could post the pictures that I have on my phone. They're adorable. He's definitely a poser in front of the camera
I am drooling in anticipation.....
I just love baby cats!
Date: 6/24/2008 2:52:50 PM
Author: Lorelei
Date: 6/24/2008 2:49:33 PM

Author: bee*

Thanks AmberGretchen! I wish I could post the pictures that I have on my phone. They''re adorable. He''s definitely a poser in front of the camera

I am drooling in anticipation.....
I just love baby cats!

Ditto Lorelei - I can''t wait to see pics of him - he sounds like such a character! I''m convinced there is nothing cuter than a baby kitty in the whole world...

We have a calendar from our local shelter where we volunteer with pics of itty bitty foster kittens - TOO CUTE!
I''ve collected Manolo!! He''s so beautiful and he''s mad! He has been running around, doing crazy jumps in the air, chasing everything including his tail. Unfortunately my memory card in my computer is broken but I''ll try and take photos on D''s camera later. Amber adores him and he''s chasing her tail the whole day. I''ll get photos later!
here''s my new baby!

Date: 7/15/2008 12:23:39 PM
Author: bee*
here's my new baby!
YAY, he is sooo precious; I bet you are in LOVE!!!
OMG!!!!!!! I am SOOOO jealous!!!! Congrats Bee!!

I am so glad he and Amber have bonded!!
Thank you Skippy and Lorelei! I''ve been trying to take photos of him all day but he''s so hyper! He hasn''t stopped running around all day and all the photos are blurry!

Can you get one of him and Amber together? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, so cute!
And he''s totally bullying Amber! Poor Muppy keeps wagging her tail and Manolo thinks it''s the best thing ever to play with! He loves her!

Here he is getting ready to pounce! I have to go out for a while but I''ll try and get more photos up tomorrow!

Date: 7/15/2008 12:42:05 PM
Author: bee*
And he''s totally bullying Amber! Poor Muppy keeps wagging her tail and Manolo thinks it''s the best thing ever to play with! He loves her!

Here he is getting ready to pounce! I have to go out for a while but I''ll try and get more photos up tomorrow!
What a li''l stinker!!!
O M G!!!!!!!!!! He is SOOOOOOOOOO Adorable! Akkkkk! I''m going crazy! I wanna kiss him!!
He looks sort of (in color) like one of my little babies did when he was just a wee one.

Have so much fun with him! Kittens are the BEST!!!!!!
Date: 7/15/2008 12:47:58 PM
Author: Lorelei
Date: 7/15/2008 12:42:05 PM

Author: bee*

And he''s totally bullying Amber! Poor Muppy keeps wagging her tail and Manolo thinks it''s the best thing ever to play with! He loves her!

Here he is getting ready to pounce! I have to go out for a while but I''ll try and get more photos up tomorrow!

What a li''l stinker!!!

He really is! He won''t stay still for any photos and I think he''s only stayed still and slept for about an hour since we got him! He got his first vaccine last night and loved being at the vets as there were so many things to play with! His nicknames trouble
Date: 7/15/2008 12:42:05 PM
Author: bee*
And he''s totally bullying Amber! Poor Muppy keeps wagging her tail and Manolo thinks it''s the best thing ever to play with! He loves her!

Here he is getting ready to pounce! I have to go out for a while but I''ll try and get more photos up tomorrow!

LOL he has that crazed kitten look of determination, "must stay on target".

he is seriously too adorable, I just want to snuggle him :).
Date: 7/15/2008 12:53:31 PM
Author: wishful
O M G!!!!!!!!!! He is SOOOOOOOOOO Adorable! Akkkkk! I''m going crazy! I wanna kiss him!!
He looks sort of (in color) like one of my little babies did when he was just a wee one.

Have so much fun with him! Kittens are the BEST!!!!!!

Thanks Wishful! He really is such a cutiepie!
Date: 7/15/2008 12:58:37 PM
Author: bee*

Date: 7/15/2008 12:47:58 PM
Author: Lorelei

Date: 7/15/2008 12:42:05 PM

Author: bee*

And he''s totally bullying Amber! Poor Muppy keeps wagging her tail and Manolo thinks it''s the best thing ever to play with! He loves her!

Here he is getting ready to pounce! I have to go out for a while but I''ll try and get more photos up tomorrow!

What a li''l stinker!!!

He really is! He won''t stay still for any photos and I think he''s only stayed still and slept for about an hour since we got him! He got his first vaccine last night and loved being at the vets as there were so many things to play with! His nicknames trouble
Those pics are cracking me up, he is definitely full of mischief!
Date: 7/15/2008 12:59:32 PM
Author: Deelight
Date: 7/15/2008 12:42:05 PM

Author: bee*

And he''s totally bullying Amber! Poor Muppy keeps wagging her tail and Manolo thinks it''s the best thing ever to play with! He loves her!

Here he is getting ready to pounce! I have to go out for a while but I''ll try and get more photos up tomorrow!

LOL he has that crazed kitten look of determination, ''must stay on target''.

he is seriously too adorable, I just want to snuggle him :).

He just has a manic look on his face all the time! I just found him climbing up the kitchen units a second ago!
bee he looks gorgeous and so full of mischief! Oh how I wish I could have a kitty!!!

How''s the new house feeling? You guys all settled in and loved up?
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