
Makeup and prices and bridal party

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Dec 22, 2008
I just had a makeup trial this past weekend and it was fabulous. And believe me, I''m verrrry particular and can do my own makeup. I know I will definitely hire her regardless of her price. She quoted $125 for me and $75 for each additional full face of makeup (if someone only wanted powder for example, it would be reflected in the cost). But I wanted to hear from some of you what kind of prices you''ve gotten or paid for your wedding day makeup and for bridal party and mothers.

Have you negotiated from the price quoted and in your experience how open have you found MUAs to be in that respect?

Also, did you or will you pay for makeup for all of your bridesmaids? (I have seven and FI and I will be moving soon, so it depends on budget in a couple months). As of now, I plan to take care of my mom''s and my MOH (she''s been helping me a great deal). One thing I thought about doing is telling them in advance that there will be someone there doing my makeup and they''re welcome if they''d like to get it done and just let them know the cost.

What have you ladies done or plan to do about makeup?



Nov 13, 2007
I did. I paid $100 for my Day-or and $65 for each BM. This was airbrush and I thought I got a great deal so I didn''t try to negotiate.

Also, only 3 of my BM''s wanted make-up so I wasn''t really in any position to bargain. How many of your BM''s are interested in getting their make-up done?

I think if you have over 5, you could probably bargain to $70 or $65 maybe?


Dec 22, 2008
Meresal, that''s exactly what I was wondering - thank you. If at least 6 others wanted their face done, I thought it would be worthwhile for the MUA and easier for me to negotiate down.

My MOH/cousin also liked how she did my face and she can be really picky herself. She seemed to think that once people saw my face and a couple others all made up, they''d probably jump in on that day and decide to do it, even if they otherwise had not considered it. This MUA is honestly that good.

I''ll just put out some feelers in a couple months and see how the girls respond.


Jun 8, 2009
If you REQUIRE your BMs to get their makeup professionally done, you should pay for it. But if you''re just offering them the option (which it sounds like you are), it''s fine to let them decide and pay themselves if they go for it (although it''s still a nice gesture to pay if you can afford it). Just make sure they know to decide in advance.


Nov 17, 2009
I''m an artist and that''s what I charge, it''s very fair. I think it''s pretty hard to find an artist who will translate what you want and make it perfect for you because a lot just do what they think you should do. It''s also hard to find one you like personality-wise.

There are so many horror stories out there of bad artists so if you really like her I''d just say yes and pay her fees, it''s so worth it. I was hired by a bride 2 weeks before her wedding because she had went in for her trial, which just the trial cost her $180 and she said the girl made her look like a drag queen. I didn''t believe her until she showed me photos...yep. Definitely bad.



Nov 13, 2007
Date: 2/2/2010 5:00:38 AM
Author: LilyKat
If you REQUIRE your BMs to get their makeup professionally done, you should pay for it. But if you''re just offering them the option (which it sounds like you are), it''s fine to let them decide and pay themselves if they go for it (although it''s still a nice gesture to pay if you can afford it). Just make sure they know to decide in advance.
Carib- As far as sending out "feelers" to your bridal party, I''ll share with you what I did.

I sent an email to all of the BM''s saying that I would pay for either the make-up OR the hair, and to let me know which one they were interested in. I also put the links to the websites so that they could check out the people themselves. Both the MUA and the hair stylist came to the suite the day of the wedding, so all I had to do was put together a time sheet once I knew what everyone wanted.

Neither of which were required though. For 2 of my sisters who didn''t have make-up or their hair done, I gave them $50 VISA cards to have a mani/pedi back in their home town. I also gave each BM a regular gift, which was a towel wrap with their first name initial monogrammed on it.

Also, I didn''t ask my hair stylist to negotaite on her per hour price, but I did get her to negotiate on her travel charge. She wanted to start charging me hourly as soon as she left her home, which was 45 minutes away, and we negotiated a set rate for her travel to the hotel and back home.
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