
LIW refresher


Jan 10, 2008
Hey ladies, this thread has probably been done before but I thought it would be a nice refresher for newer members like me who can't always remember everyone's stories and situations.

A little LIW survey:

How long have you and your SO been together?
At what point in the relationship did you seriously start discussing a pending engagement?
How long have you been an LIW?
Approximately when do you think the proposal will be (if you had to guess)?


Oct 17, 2012
How long have you and your SO been together? 8 years in February!
At what point in the relationship did you seriously start discussing a pending engagement? About 3 years ago. We were living in different cities though and had to figure that out first
How long have you been an LIW? About 6 years, lol. But I knew it wasn't the right time until this past year
Approximately when do you think the proposal will be (if you had to guess)? Next week!!! Ahhh!!!!

You need to fill out this too ;-)


Dec 23, 2010
misscuppycake|1358299557|3356479 said:
Hey ladies, this thread has probably been done before but I thought it would be a nice refresher for newer members like me who can't always remember everyone's stories and situations.

A little LIW survey:

How long have you and your SO been together?
It will be two years on June 11th.

At what point in the relationship did you seriously start discussing a pending engagement?
Hmm.... probably a couple months ago? I don't know to be honest.

How long have you been an LIW?
Probably since my early twenties. I've always wanted to get married early and be one of those people that'll live to celebrate their 50th anniversary. I apparently have a tainted bloodline; none of my grandparents made it past 65 or so, except one. All other relatives croak pretty early, too.

Approximately when do you think the proposal will be (if you had to guess)?
I wish I could guess. I'd like it to be sometime this year, but since he doesn't have the ring yet........ I am a long ways off, I'm thinking.


Sep 23, 2011

How long have you and your SO been together?

Three years and one month as of two days ago.

At what point in the relationship did you seriously start discussing a pending engagement?

About three months into our relationship, the topic of us marrying was brought up by him. Seven months into our relationship, we started seriously considering getting engaged ASAP, and he bought me my first diamond ring as a promisement ring. We were hoping to be engaged within the year and married pretty quickly, but things out of our control happened, and we had to accept that it couldn't happen. I'm happy for that stall now. :))

How long have you been an LIW?

I think I didn't really get into the LIW-itis part of my life until he bought my p-ring, and I started ogling diamonds. The sparkle factor hooked me in, and the calling and visiting of venues really made me go on LIW-rage. So that was July 2010. It has been 2.5 years.

Approximately when do you think the proposal will be (if you had to guess)?

I find out this weekend if it can happen within the next few months, or if we'll have to postpone for a while longer, in which I will give up my List Keeper position to the next waiting lady. We have everything already: the ring and our family's blessing to be engaged and married. It's all just situational now.

Thanks cuppycake!


Feb 29, 2012
This is nice! Even with our small list, it's hard to keep track of everyone sometimes!

How long have you and your SO been together?
Will be 3 years in October. So 2 years and 2 months officially.

At what point in the relationship did you seriously start discussing a pending engagement?
I joined PS shortly after Valentine's day last I believe it was around then.

How long have you been an LIW?
Just shy of one year.

Approximately when do you think the proposal will be (if you had to guess)?
After we graduate in May, before Christmas (or so he says). We have a ring, it's only a matter of getting it resized, informing our parents, and making sure we have some way to sustain ourselves financially upon graduation.


May 9, 2012
How long have you and your SO been together? Six years this past December.

At what point in the relationship did you seriously start discussing a pending engagement? It became a serious idea about half a year ago.

How long have you been an LIW? As above, but it had been quietly on my mind for a few years prior (not the right time).

Approximately when do you think the proposal will be (if you had to guess)? Some time between March 2013 and I guess April/May 2014, depending on circumstances.


Jan 10, 2008
lkc84|1358304271|3356532 said:
You need to fill out this too ;-)

Okay :)

How long have you and your SO been together? 3.5 years (4 years in April)
At what point in the relationship did you seriously start discussing a pending engagement? A few months after our 3 year anniversary
How long have you been an LIW? About 3 or 4 months, but I've only gone into hyper overdrive in the last month now that SO is actually ring shopping. I was a casual, level-headed human first. haha
Approximately when do you think the proposal will be (if you had to guess)? I honestly don't know. My guess is that it will be sometime in 2013.


Mar 26, 2012
How long have you and your SO been together?
1.5 years roughly

At what point in the relationship did you seriously start discussing a pending engagement?
4 months after dating, when I moved in lol Nov 2011

How long have you been an LIW?
Nov 2011

Approximately when do you think the proposal will be (if you had to guess)?
He says this year! I'm thinking if its not over the summer on my break from school it will be the end of the year. He knows better than to propose during school...I have to heavy of a course load to even get distracted.


May 24, 2012
How long have you and your SO been together?
We've been together for about 2.5 years.

At what point in the relationship did you seriously start discussing a pending engagement?
Hm, probably around 6 months into our relationship. It's complicated. But basically, he told me he saw me as his future wife and mother of his kids about 6 months in.

How long have you been an LIW?
Well, I guess since then, but I didn't actually start expecting that a proposal would be possible until late 2011. Then he told me that the absolute earliest I could expect a proposal would be around fall 2012. He purchased a diamond in December 2012. Now we are going to have it set, but he's going to hang onto the ring for a little while after it's finished.

Approximately when do you think the proposal will be (if you had to guess)?
Hell if I know. We're having a very special party mid-February, so it'd be really fun if it happened then, but it'll probably be later than that. My 25th b-day is early March. Hopefully it happens before April or May, because if he proposes too close to his brother's wedding date (early June), FSIL will completely flip out. And I am hoping it's not later than that, but only because I'm impatient.


Dec 13, 2009
How long have you and your SO been together?
6 years in April

At what point in the relationship did you seriously start discussing a pending engagement?
Marriage came up pretty early, within the first year. We started seriously discussing engagement about 3 years ago, but we were very young.

How long have you been an LIW?
I joined the list 3 years ago, but I probably should have waited. I joined not long after we discussed a pending engagement and went on our first ring shopping trip. Now I realize that we were way too young and I'm glad we didn't get engaged at that time. Since then, BF's brother passed away and then I couldn't find a job after I graduated from college. So, both of those things held us off for a while. Now I really feel like a LIW because I really am just waiting for him to do it. We have crossed everything off our "Before we get engaged we must..." list.

Approximately when do you think the proposal will be (if you had to guess)?
I am going to be very general and just say before summer. BF shouldn't take that long and has mentioned something about it happening before his birthday which is in late March. I'm keeping my fingers crossed and my mouth shut so that I don't ruin any surprise or any plans.


Apr 26, 2012
How long have you and your SO been together?
3.5 years (4 years in August).

At what point in the relationship did you seriously start discussing a pending engagement?
Well it is not "pending" yet but we have been discussing getting married, buying a house, having kids etc ... We started talking about it probably 1.5 years in the relationship (when he had to move to follow me when I started grad school) and more seriously the past year. We definitely want to built our life together!

How long have you been an LIW?
Probably 6 months.

Approximately when do you think the proposal will be (if you had to guess)?
I don't know because he is not "ready" for that yet. We talked about our respective timelines once (recently) and he said that he was getting there and maybe within a year. So I am hopping in 2013! :twirl: :confused:


Jun 12, 2012
How long have you and your SO been together?
11 years in April!!!

At what point in the relationship did you seriously start discussing a pending engagement?
This time last year

How long have you been an LIW?
Since then!

Approximately when do you think the proposal will be (if you had to guess)?
It better be this year or there might be some stabbing going on :naughty:
But it is only dependent upon finances so you never know


Jan 16, 2013
How long have you and your SO been together?
4 years

At what point in the relationship did you seriously start discussing a pending engagement?
It's hard to call it "pending" because we don't exactly have a timeline. We knew very early on that we wanted to get married, we're just not sure about the timing yet. He says he DOES know how he's going to propose--and that he's known for years. Well, now I've got big expectations, buddy. :Up_to_something:

How long have you been an LIW?
about 6 months

Approximately when do you think the proposal will be (if you had to guess)?
If I do nothing to push it, maybe early next year. Which is okay with me. It's feasible now and I definitely want it now, but I know that it might also make sense to wait until after we're done paying my tuition.


Nov 25, 2010
How long have you and your SO been together?

7 years

At what point in the relationship did you seriously start discussing a pending engagement?

about a year or 2 into it we started talking marriage and kids. he was always intended to have an indian arranged marriage so our situation was tricky. we lived together from day one and lived in secrecy for 6 years. until we had graduated from Uni and had worked for a year and then we came out of the relationship closet

How long have you been an LIW?

we told them we were a couple at the beginning of 2012 and me and my family met all of his family for the first time in June 2012. within an hour his dad and my dad were talking wedding finances. emotionally I think i've been a LIW for years but i knew nothing would happen until his family knew about me. But i think both our families and i have been formally waiting since June last year!

Approximately when do you think the proposal will be (if you had to guess)?

we're going to the US in just over a week to choose a diamond and have it put in a temp setting. we also have an engagement party booked for April 6 so I am thinking sometime soon!


May 15, 2012
Good thread MissCuppycake!

How long have you and your SO been together? 2 years this month… but we were friends for about 3 years before that because we work together. GASP! Hehehe.
At what point in the relationship did you seriously start discussing a pending engagement?
About a year ago.
How long have you been an LIW? My grandma gave us a diamond to use in my ring before she passed in April. I would say from that point on I considered myself a LIW.
Approximately when do you think the proposal will be (if you had to guess)? Well I have been promised it will happen before October 2013. Here’s to hoping it’s sooner


Jan 11, 2013
How long have you and your SO been together?
Our 9 year anniversary was February 16th; we've lived together nearly the entire time.

At what point in the relationship did you seriously start discussing a pending engagement?
I've wanted to get married since the first year we were together but my BF was not having it. To be honest, we've had a lot of hurdles in our relationship. We've had to learn to communicate and are still working toward the kind of relationship that nurtures and strengthens us both. Things are starting to really change for us which is what I have been praying for for years. So about six months ago, we were talking and my BF just said that he now knows he wants to marry me. He says he wants the stability and certainty of marriage--he's ready to grow up (his words). We've been talking rings and weddings ever since (and it's not freaking him out!) :appl:

How long have you been an LIW?
Even though I have longed to get married for years, I never allowed myself to plan until 6 months ago.

Approximately when do you think the proposal will be (if you had to guess)?
We've decided that we want to get married May 24, 2014, so I'm expecting a proposal by Summer. Our son's first birthday is on the fourth of July so I'm thinking it could be then :tongue:
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