
LIW-itis in full swing!! Just an update :-)


Jun 8, 2010
Hi all!

Haven't posted in awhile but I've been lurking, nothing new to share so haven't posted!

I'm 99% positive that sparkley things are at least 6 months out but I'm going crazy! We're about to go on this fabulously romantic vacation and we're meeting up with about 10 of our closest friends for the second half of the vacay. I just can't help but dream about how wonderful a proposal would be there!! It would be dreamy romantic and then a fabulous celebration. Perfection in my mind, but it's his deal. :) I got input into design and he got my silence on everything related to the actual proposal. More than fair!

I need coping strategies, stat! How do you deal when you know the timeline is getting close but you also know you shouldn't be expecting anything so soon!?


Apr 20, 2012
I don't know if this helps, but I try to remember that he probably has something planned out for you. There is a certain day and a certain way he wants to propose to make it special and memorable. I remember that SO was kind enough to let me design the ring of my dreams, so I can do my best to sit and patiently wait. I admit it isn't always easy and from time to time I get a little frustrated. When I get frustrated I try to remind myself that I would rather be sitting and waiting then pretending to love something my SO picked out. I'm sure he would have picked out a beautiful ring on his own, but I know it wouldn't be exactly what I would have wanted.

I hope it gets a little easier for you. Try to hang out with family and friends, keep yourself busy. I know when I was in school I didn't think about it as much as I do know that I am on winter break!!

Good Luck with your LIWitis and Merry Christmas!!!


Dec 23, 2010
I'm in a similar boat. I know that M plans on getting my ring after my car's paid off, which is roughly a year from now (however, I'm going to try and expedite the process thanks to a decent tax return *hopefully* :Up_to_something: )

I've recently gotten back into working out. I used to be a great long-distance runner when I was in middle school. I ran 6 minute miles, and finished my first 5K in 18 minutes. Now, of course, age has taken its toll on my whole body, mostly knees. And I picked up the disgusting habit of smoking, so now the last 5K I ran was around 29 minutes. :sick:

I've found that by gettin' on the treadmill, and blasting my favorite tunes, I tend to forget about e-rings and stuff. (But then thoughts of obtaining a size 2 wedding dress start to cross my mind :lol: ) But exercise, if done regularly, becomes an addiction. I've found that if I miss a workout, I'm so bummed. It really has helped me take my mind off things, plus by using the Nike+ app, I can help set goals for myself, which is a big motivator.

This is my outlet, as I don't have hardly any IRL friends that understand the whole LIW biz, so I can't talk to them about it.


Oct 2, 2008
Find something to distract yourself. Knowing it's a ways off is sometimes better than sitting on your hands waiting for me.

Andrew has had the ring since May. I'm dying because I know it's imminent. It's far worse than when it was far off. Try to enjoy the time. Focus on getting in shape and getting healthy. Look forward to wedding dress shopping! Join us in the bootcamp thread.

Hang out with friends, put it out of your mind, and try to pretend you don't know about it.


Jan 10, 2008
Something that always helps me is the mentality that if it doesn't come, then that's even more time that I get to fantasize and look forward to it. They say that the anticipation (of ANY enjoyable event) is often more exciting than the actual moment. Let yourself love the waiting period!


Jun 8, 2010
Thanks ladies, great advice. I was completely out of internet while I was with my family (surprising how much THAT helped the LIW-itis...) but I read as soon as I got back home! :read:

Your ideas of not only working out, but to make it a habit, are fab. Its like taking all that nervous, admittedly somewhat frustrating, anticipation and putting towards something that will just make me feel so awesome in the long run. I'm very close to my ideal weight/shape (lucky in that regard) but with some discipline,i.e. lay off the fast food and wine nights with the girls, I could totally hit my ideal in 6 months to a year. Which could, ironically enough :naughty: , be perfect timing for wedding dress shopping! :love: Or, more humbly, getting ready for engagement photos :D :loopy:

At this point (in the long run), I'm happy waiting because you are right - it can be fun. This trip is going to be so much fun with or without a proposal. The LIW-itis will totally kick in again a week when we get on the plane though!!! :rolleyes:

I'll keep lurking :Up_to_something: and admiring all the new baubles though!! Dust to everyone and hope y'all had a wonderful holiday!


Sep 23, 2011
Hi Halo! Did you want me to add you to our LIW list? :bigsmile: You never specified so I didn't want to preemptively assume you wanted a number ;))


Jun 8, 2010
Thanks doll, but no. I've been on and off the list in the past; same beau and I've found that the number makes the -itis worse!! Thank you very much for asking though! :loopy:

I'll just keep wishing dust on everyone and visiting when I'm having 'crazy LIW moments'. :lol:
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