
Ladies-In-Waiting Part III

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Nov 29, 2004
GG: sounds like "soon" is getting sooner for you! I think he was definitely doing some sort of research or something. Now you''ve got me wondering too!


Aug 20, 2004
That''s what I thought too, apple... somebody else thought he might be proposing tonight, but I was more of the research frame of mind. :)



Nov 29, 2004
At least he''s thinking about it...thats a step in the right direction!


Dec 6, 2004
GG-I hope that tonight is the night!

I am starting to feel like this is my therapy.

I have (hopefully) been bugging him less since I found you girls!

I seriously hope we have a successful shopping trip tomorrow.

Actually...I hope we just HAVE a shopping trip!

I wish I could post more and respond more, but we have a rule at work that we''re only supposed to use it for work purposes. I try to abide as much as possible....BUT IT''S HARD!!!

PS--has anyone seen this website?

It''s pretty cool, but I just wondered about the quality, etc....

Thanks and goodnight ladies in waiting!

PS-We should get our own thread!


Oct 28, 2004
GG -- Any updates for us this morning????!!!!!!

Croi -- I know you must be FREAKING out -- I would be too! Sounds like he''s taking his time because he doesn''t realize how much effort goes into the planning....Maybe you should mention that you are worried about certain aspects of the planning because you need your mom to help, but since she doesn''t "know" yet, you can''t ask her. hint hint. You don''t have to say outright that you need him to HURRY, but make it obvious that you are SERIOUSLY stressing about the wedding, and about how you''re going to have time for it all.

Lovey -- those earrings. WOW. oh wow.


Nov 19, 2004

My bf (soon to be fiance) both had a good laugh over the 15 children + 7 children....he thought we should have 2 more and try to make a new movie "cheaper by the TWO dozen." Thanks for the giggle!


Nov 29, 2004
Ama: I too was afraid that the ring shopping wouldn''t happen, even though we had a set time to go. I had visions of him suddenly having some work excuse or freaking out in front of the jeweler. But we actually went and then all of my fears were gone. You will have so much fun. Also tell them various aspects that you are looking for in your setting and they can show you things like that. The one we like, didn''t even look that great until we took it out of the case and saw it from angles and then it was "wow!"


Nov 29, 2004
Ama: I forgot to mention...I also asked my BF if there was anything that jumped out at him, that he wanted to look at, so that he didn''t feel like I was dominating everything, and for that much money he needs to like it too!


Nov 17, 2004
GoldenGirl - oh MY. I agree that something TOTALLY SNEAKY is going on
. Why did you have to leave the house? oooooh! This is too exciting.

Croi - Hi there. I''ve been reading your posts and I''m just thinking that it may be time to sit down with your BF and have a talk. May 1 is not that far away and your stress will only continue to increase... maybe you could just propose to him? I was just reading another thread about a girl who just did this and it worked out well. Hugs to you!



Dec 6, 2004
I am getting so excited about our shopping trip!
I have 2 dream proposal days....of course Valentine''s Day...OR...We''re going to Disney World w/ his entire family in March, so it would be AWESOME to get engaged there! At Cinderella''s castle or something....

I really am loving the Oval set east-west like a recent poster on the boards....I think his name was Huisman ?
Anyway, I want to look at those or see if they have anything close to that....

If not, I''m sticking to my round....

Good luck girls.


Jul 12, 2004
ohmygosh GG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- How are you not like jumping up and down and crazy? I''d be FREAKING out.. if he sent me away like that.. so he could do something "to make me happy"... I remember when I was waiting for my ring.. every time I would call Jeff and he wouldn''t answer his cell phone, or his mom told me he wasn''t at his house (Even if she told me where he "was"). I would suspect something was up.. because.. why wouldn''t he TELL me that he was going somewhere, or not have his phone on. I ALWAYS thought something was up.. of course.. it never was.. since he didn''t pick up my ring until the day he gave it to me.. and I didn''t even know that he had gone out there (I was in class or something).

blueroses - in this magazine I have.. there is an ad for Daniel K.. and I am totally drooling over this ring. I know you have posted the boxter before.. and its AWESOME.. This one is an asscher with a split shank and pave on the basket and little diamonds on the prongs?? I want it. I love love love my e-ring.. and I still get compliments from strangers on it just about everyday.. but SOMEDAY.. i want a big freakin asscher.. just to make people''s jaws drop. And I really like that asscher "U-ternity" band that Daniel K makes too..Definitely drool worthy.

for my wedding band.. I think I am gonna get the facets 2mm eternity band that noobie and others have.. There is a matching band for my ring.. and its cute.. but I REALLY want an eternity band. I tried on a small thin 7-stone or 10-stone band (just about the width of my finger in diamonds) and it was really pretty with my ring..but. all i could think was.. it would be prettier if the diamonds went all the way around. It won''t sit perfectly flush.. but it looks good still. MUST HAVE!!


Jul 12, 2004
ohh. icekid.. i had missed your story about the pendant you got!! THAT IS WONDERFUL! SO SPECIAL!! And the pendant is beautiful!! AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWww.
Why doesn''t my FI do sappy stuff like that? lol.


Apr 15, 2004
Hi Ladies!!!

Well....... I just got off the phone with Lesley @ Whiteflash.... and ordered my engagement ring!!!!!!!!!

I''m soooooooooooooo excited & I almost never thought "soon" would EVER get here ~ but it looks like "soon" is next week!!!

I will post details later (my boyfriend is on his way home right now ~ he is a dentist & the weather sucks so all of his patients cancelled).

A few quick notes:

Erin ~ you have so much patience & understanding!!

Croi ~ I bet your tummy is all tied up in knots!! I agree that maybe you need to gently & casually remind him that there is some "finalization" that can''t happen until it''s official. I had to have a similar kind of conversation because my boyfriend asked me about how we will pay for a wedding/what it will cost. I told him that I couldn''t determine any of that until we were officially engaged, etc. For example, my family will probably want to contribute something towards the wedding, but there''s no way to know for sure or how much until we''re engaged. I just had to remind him that a lot of these unknowns couldn''t really be determined until he sealed the deal.

GG ~ He has got to be planning something!! Very sneaky!! I''m getting excited for you!

Ama ~ enjoy the shopping and just look at EVERYTHING!! I was so surprised at the styles that I liked that I originally hadn''t considered. The Disney World proposal would be so great ~ and I saw that oval, very pretty & unique, it had personality.


Apr 15, 2004
Almost forgot, this is the chapel I want to use. It''s in Eureka Springs, Arkansas, in the Ozark Mountains:




Oct 8, 2004
WoW! Teebee!! I LoOOve the Chapel..

and GG.. you are really keeping us on pins and needles here...


Mar 2, 2004
teebee - that chapel is absolutely magnificent! I love it as it kind of reminds me of Wayfarer''s Chapel built by Lloyd Wright in Ranchos Palos Verdes, CA (my dream location). We''re both Frank Lloyd Wright afficianados . . . and if we can''t get the Usonian Temple, we may as well go for a chapel deigned by his son!



Nov 17, 2004
teebee - that is without question, the MOST incredible chapel I have ever seen. wow.

and again. wow.


Aug 20, 2004
Well, ladies, here''s my update this morning: absolutely nothing out of the ordinary last night (no surprise candlelight dinner, for instance) so I KNOW whatever he''s up to has to be a long-term sort of plan. Oh we did take my car to the grocery (cuz his doesn''t fit a cup of milk, lol) and his ATM receipt was on my front seat from two days ago where he''d left it... yesterday when I had to go away I picked it up to see what it was and I knew he hadn''t bought a ring because there''s too much money in his account for that! ;-) ..but he saw that it was uncrumpled (I''m a folder) and he got kinda... huffy? that I''d looked at it. Mostly playful, but a little weird behavior for him.

It''s a good thing I don''t think he''s having an affair or anything, lol!!!


Aug 20, 2004
WOW, teebee.... WHAT A CHAPEL!!! I want to get married outside but in a place like that I''d be happy to have an indoor wedding... I LOVE that it''s so organic!!


Nov 29, 2004
teebee: I love the chapel!!! And how exciting that you ordered your ering!!!


Nov 19, 2004
Hey everyone!

I see that many of you are back to work! The holidays went by so fast. I feel that letting all this out about my weight issues has told me that I am not alone in this. There are other people (SJS1234) that feel like this. I was thought of it as being this weird kind of condition I had. I have done counselling. Right after I stopped skating. It took me to a certain point and then there was no improvement. I''m a lot better then I was but still far from where I need to be. I''m going to rest on it for a few weeks and see where I want to take it from there. I''m sad, and I miss my boyfriend a lot but I am still functioning (a positive thing!)

Blueroses: He has family diamonds??? I think the sentiment behind that would be lovely. I like things that have tradition and meaning. Unfortunately, there is no such thing in my family because they lost everything during the war. I love asscher''s too. I think the reason I got off them was that I heard the asscher cut tends to be smaller in size for the carat weight (I might be wrong). AND SIZE is important to me. But if I had a million dollars, I would a 3 carat Royal Asscher! Dreams, dreams.

GG: WOW! Oh god.. anticipation. Does that mean you think it is going to happen in the next few days? How can you stand the suspense?

MelissaSue: Were you planning on wearing your grandmother''s dress? And no, I don''t think you''ll go crazy and make your bridesmaid''s wear ugly dresses. Bridezilla???

Croi: May 1st. That is going to be here in a heartbeat. My boyfriend''s sister got married in New York (but she was living in Canada) and the long distance planning was very hard. She made three trips to New York and nearly killed her fiance because he was in New York and she didn''t feel that he was doing enough. That being said, I''ve read so many books on Ireland and it sounds beautiful. And the wedding is about celebrating love, so even everything isn''t planned to the last detail, it is still about love.


Dec 6, 2004
TEEBEE---! I live in Arkansas. I"m about 3 hrs from Thorncrown Chapel- VERY POPULAR place for weddings!

Have you seen their website?

It''s got neat pics!


Oct 28, 2004
GG -- I'm still pretty new to this forum, and don't know you guys very well -- but I'm STILL SO EXCITED for you right now!!! I know it must be SOON! Keep filling us in on the little details!

Teebee -- holy maceral that chapel is SO pretty and unique! Your guests are going to be in complete awe! BEAUTIFUL! Do you have a wedding date?

Alley -- you are DEFINITELY not alone!! I think more women than not have those issues, it's just that for most it doesn't effect their daily lives as much as it does for you (and for me too, sometimes STILL). I have a friend who is so tiny -- i mean she's not SKINNY, but she's 5'0, about 115 lbs and has just enough meat on her bones to look sexy! and she thinks she's enormous. Hasn't been intimate with her husband in TWO YEARS because of it. It CAN tear apart a relationship if you don't address it -- but I know you know this. It's good that you are taking a little bit of time to step back and re-evaluate everything -- it's so difficult to know the right decision when there are complicated issues crowding the relationship. One step at a time girl! You'll figure it out! ...might want to send a little bird (your sister?) over to him, though, just to let him know that you will get back to him in the future with more of an explanation.....(even if he's been a jerk, he still needs some kind of teensy explanation......he's way confused right now too, I'm sure -- and sounds like his little ol heart is breaking!). Ok I'll stop now with all of the "mothery" advice. BLECH! sorry.

Oh, and I changed my avatar!! Aren't I GORGEOUS? It's my glamour shot!! LOVE IT????
ok, so that's not really me......
but I wonder if ol Liz would trade me a couple of her fabulous diamonds for a truckload of blue eyeshadow......hmmm.


Nov 29, 2004
SJS: I feel for your friends hubby...tell her to turn off the lights and she'll probably feel a lot more sexy after some bedroom activities.


Oct 28, 2004
Date: 1/5/2005 2:32:31 PM
Author: appletini
SJS: I feel for your friends hubby...tell her to turn off the lights and she''s probably feel a lot more sexy after some bedroom activities.
I''ve thought about sending her an anonomous package from an adult "toy" store!!!! maybe a little something to get her going! lol!! she would probaby DIE!


Nov 17, 2004
thanks everyone for the compliments! i absolutely love it too and it makes me feel so special! i told my bf a couple days ago that it was better than an engagement ring, and he said naaah maybe as good, since that means we''ll be together forever! aww.. i AM lucky. he is so sweet!

WOW teebee! that is soooooo exciting! congrats on the impending ring.. and that chapel looks really cool and unique~

GG- your boy is definitely up to something, and even if it''s not the ring i''m sure it will be something good!!

ally- glad to hear you''re hanging in there... and definitely know that you''re not alone! i hate that society makes women feel this way... it is really sad. perhaps try another counselor, or a group setting? this is not something you want to give up on, because i know how these feelings can take over, but you''ll be much happier if you can control them.

time to study....


Aug 20, 2004
Hey girls.. well, honestly, I don''t think it''s going to happen "soon", the girl "soon" as in the next month or two. I don''t know why but I just don''t. Realistically I could put it anytime between now and September...well actually, we''re going to Hawaii in November so maybe even as late as that??
The only thing I DO know is that he doesn''t like "holiday proposals" (and neither do I) so despite an upcoming Valentine''s Day and my birthday, I don''t expect it then.

I expect he was out checking out jewelers, bringing them custom ideas or looking at settings...something along those lines. Early stage planning type stuff.

Hey, for you girls that have been around a while...remember before Christmas when he ran a mysterious errand and I found a phone number in his pocket when I wore his hoodie and got all excited/curious and made my friend call the number to find out if it was a person or a business???..... HE WAS BUYING MY ROLLERBLADES. LMAO!!!
So who knows? I''ve asked for a Nintendo (old school!) for my birthday, maybe he was out doing something like that?? (I doubt it.... he''s a last-minute-shopper... but it is a possibility.)

I''m trying to squash my hopes because I do get the feeling that it''ll be a while.. but his sneaky behaviors just set off my girl radar!!!


Apr 15, 2004
Lauren ~ That chapel is stunning! I''ve always admired Frank Lloyd Wright. In fact, my parents friends, Harold & Sandy Price, commissioned Wright to design the Price Tower in Bartlesville, OK. I have a bunch of memorabilia (building brochures, furniture sketches, etc.) that Mr. Price gave me when I was doing a project for school on his architecture. If I were having a BIG wedding, I''d like to have it in the Boston Ave. Methodist Church in Tulsa designed by Bruce Goff who was a contemporary of and frequent correspondent w/ Wright:


GG ~ Sooooo, is there enough money in that account for a little bling? He''s got to be planning something big...

ally ~ I don''t know any of you all that well yet, but just wanted to tell you that I''m thinking of you. I hate that our body image can wreak such havoc in our lives, but I''ve been there as well. I''ve gained more weight that I''d like to admit over the last several years, but when I was at a weight that I was happy with I was very unhealthy - I never ate & hated to feel even the slightest bit satiated - I "enjoyed" being hungry & I would get mad at myself if I ate enough to not feel hungry - it was a really twisted way of living... But I do think that you might should give counseling another shot ~ it''s like a lot of things, sometimes you may hit a plateau & just need to continue & stick it out to eventually work through it. I think this maybe something you need to sort out in your own head for a week or few, but eventually your boyfriend may be able, once he understands what you''re struggling with, to be a good support system for you. In the meantime, I think it might be good if you can tell him that you miss him & hope to be able to explain better soon.

AMA ~ That''s so funny that you are so close!! I''ve only seen a couple of other fellow Okies on PS. I LOVE Thorncrown. My boyfriend & I went to Eureka for July 4th in 2003 and I just fell in love with that chapel - I got those photos from their website!

SJS ~ We haven''t really discussed dates yet (I want to get that ring in my hot little hands first!!). Your poor friend!! I used to know a girl who would hide from her husband when he''d get home (not like a little sexy game, but literally hide, like in a dark closet in order to avoid sex...).

Originally, I wanted to have a destination wedding in Mexico. And, since I''m playing like I''m 20 & have gone back to college full-time, I was planning on May... But, I want my grandpa to walk me down the isle & give me away but his health is not great ~ he has emphysema (sp?) and has to have regular breathing treatments & use oxygen at times so trying to coordinate all of that w/ flights & in a foreign country just seems like a nightmare, so that''s when I remembered Thorncrown Chapel in Eureka. So, now I''m either thinking fall (like early November?) because I think the fall foliage would be a stunning view from that venue, but I''m not exactly sure of the best time of year for fall foliage, and we wouldn''t really get a honeymoon because its in the middle of the semester. Or back to May, but 2006... I dunno, so much to think of!!


Nov 19, 2004
SJS1234: Oh I so identify with your friend. I haven''t let my boyfriend touch my tummy in a month because I gained two pounds. Does she exercise obsessively too? That is me. I have to exercise more when I''ve been bad. Chips. God. Cheese cake and chips. Is there anything better on this earth? Hmm.. wait...I also love ribs and steak. I think my world would be complete if I could eat those four things for the rest of my life
. And no it''s not MOTHERLY advice. It''s good advice! I do need to talk to him. He''s called me so many times, but I don''t know what to say yet. I have to get something straight in my head or else nothing will get done. We''ll just get back together and things will continue as is.

Your avatar! Oh is is Elizabeth Taylor? have you seen her picture book? I think it is called "My love affair with jewelerr" or something like that. So many beautiful pieces.


Aug 20, 2004
Welllllll........if I assume that he just got paid and still has to pay all his bills out of that money......we''re about halfway there. ''Nuff for a down payment on a custom!!

ally... I cannot even imagine. I love food too much to ever have an eating disorder. And I hate exercising too much to ever burn it all off. Hence the almost 30 pounds I''ve put on in the last year.
Metabolism, come back!!!

I just wanted to offer some ((hugs))... we are always our own worst critics.
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