


Jan 13, 2006
I was originally going to post this in packrats thread on Acne, but decided this was something that could benefit everyone, not just those with skin problems. However, for those of you with skin problems, this video may be encouraging.

I was recently introduced to this wonderfully natural (non manufactured) probiotic, (pronounced keh fear) and started drinking it just over a week ago. I was not planning on posting about it at all at this point, but when I started reading about how it is known for healing acne, I thought of packrat (and I) and wanted her to be able to start investigating it now in case she would decide to start drinking it. Then I thought I might as well just share now for anyone who is interested in naturally healing themselves/wanting to take charge of their health. The benefits from this fermented milk drink can be innumerable. Just a few are:

lowers cholesterol (long story short, lady I know started giving this to her husband when his doc wrote out the prescription for a statin. He never took the med. When two different blood tests revealed he had lowered it substantially, the doc conceded it had to be the kefir)
acid reflux
potent antibacterial
improves bone health
helps with allergies and asthma

The list could go on and on. It truly seems like a wonder drug, only that's the best part. It's not a drug (and usually tolerated by those that are lactose intolerant). It doesn't try to mask/alleviate symptoms of a health issue. It actually heals the body so the symptoms go away. My only question at this point is, why did I never hear about this from all the many doctors I've seen over the last several decades? I could answer that, but I'll refrain. Those that know why don't need the answer, and those that don't most likely wouldn't believe it.

I will post a link on it, there is so much to explain. There are literally tons of informative links and videos about it. Youtube is great for watching people make it and learning how to strain it, what it should look like, etc. This particular website is a wealth of info, however I would not recommend trying to purchase grains from him. People are now having trouble not receiving their orders (after $ is sent). Some say he is very sick and that's why, I don't know.

Here are a bunch of recipe ideas.

I purchased my grains from this gal.

This place gets stellar reviews as well.

It is super easy to culture, anyone can do it. It tastes like a very mild buttermilk, only with just a hint of effervescence. You can drink it plain, or flavor it with all kinds of things like extracts, fruit peels/juices, teas, etc. You can make smoothies, dressings, shakes. Use it anywhere you might use milk or buttermilk. I am doing cow milk from the store until I can find a raw milk source. (and please don't tell me not to drink raw milk because it might kill me, it won't. I have been there more than once or twice and done that. It's terribly healthy. But thanks for thinking of me ;))) You can also do goat milk, coconut milk and there is also a water kefir. I personally won't do that one, as I am wanting to get away from sugar. Truly realizing how toxic it is, besides being addictive. And we wonder why it's popping up in all sorts of foods it shouldn't be in....

I would not recommend drinking the store bought kefir, as from what I have learned, they pasteurize it and therefore kill off all the good guys that make it so healthy. And to a great degree that is understandable, as the yeast could/would be causing the cartons to explode. Besides, that stuff is super expensive. With a one time purchase of grains (make sure you get grains, not starter, and they will literally last forever if you take care of them), and the cost of a gallon of milk, you are set for days!

I am also wanting to learn about fermented foods, they are supposed to be very healthy/healing. I wish I had found all this a long time ago, but as they say, better late than never. And as always, I love sharing good and helpful things with others. So here's to a healthier and happier 2016!

ETA If anyone has a success story I would love to hear it.


Jan 13, 2006
ETA Forgot to list that this can help with depression and anxiety because of all the B's present. And I forgot to say that the word Kefir has Turkish origin that translates to "feel good".


Sep 16, 2009
I have been curious about this for a while. Thanks for sharing!


Jan 13, 2006
You're welcome chemgirl. Please come back and post about any positive results you get. I'd love to hear about them.


Jan 13, 2006
I should have really put this in my initial post. You can tell I really was not ready to post on all this, hence the disjointedness. <------ Is that a word? lol Anyway, this video is what sold me on trying Kefir. It is one womans testimony on her exposure/experience with Kefir and the wonderful results. The first is the short version at just 5 1/2 min. for those that don't have much patience. The second is the extended version at just over 17 min. I recommend the second, as it elaborates on the health issues this helped.



And this is her website.


Dec 12, 2008
I'll totally check into this, Ellen! Thanks for thinking of me, and thanks for posting it in it's own thread w/all this info!


Jan 13, 2006
You're welcome packrat. I really hope if you decide to try it, that you have as great of results as the gal in the vid. I have been doing searches and have found several people that say it either helped or cured their acne. Also good for age spots, redness, etc. I also wondered if people used it as a mask, and sure enough they do. There are apparently also studies being done (in infancy stages) for putting probiotics in make up and beauty products. But overall I think the home made version would be most beneficial.


Jan 13, 2006
Just wanted to update for anyone interested. Since starting the kefir, I have not noticed much change in regards to acne, however, I have definitely noticed a reduction in cravings for sweets. And I had quite a sweet tooth, so that is saying something.

But even more interesting is the change in my husband. He has had several strokes, and along with that is now on a statin for high cholesterol. Both of those have made real changes in his attitude, and not for the better. To put it politely, he can be kind of grumpy/argumentative. Since starting the kefir, there has been a marked difference. The first clue was one day he started whistling. This man doesn't whistle. Seriously. He is overall in a way better mood. And it's no coincidence, as he has been his "normal" self for several years.

Great stuff!


Jan 15, 2010
Good post! Since you mentioned acne, I'll add that you can apply kefir to your face for a soothing and softening acne masque. I battled acne for a while (and was always oily, dry, and sensitive) and kefir masques and raw honey masques both helped so much! I don't love the taste of kefir, so I thought I'd share the topical method.

Edit: oops, should have read the whole thread. You're already on it! :))


Jun 8, 2008
Ellen, so happy this is working out so well for you and your dh!

Another option for those of us who don't like or want to make their own kefir are fermented veggies which you also can make yourself or buy. Very helpful in terms of getting the necessary good bacteria into your system. Just wanted to share another beneficial option. They will keep in your fridge for months and are a great non dairy option.

Best wishes for continued success for you and your dh. :appl:


Jan 13, 2006
blingbunny, thanks for the kefir mask suggestion anyway! ;)) I haven't tried the honey yet. Just heard of a certain kind the other day that's supposed to be really good, Manuka. Have you used this or heard of it?

Missy, thank you. And yes, I have been reading up on fermented veggies, I definitely want to try making them myself. Just bought a cookbook called Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon that teaches how to ferment. I love sour kraut, but hubs is not a fan. I might be eating these all by myself. Good thing they have long shelf lives. :bigsmile:

I am really getting into studying traditional foods, I want to get away from all the garbage that's being offered as food. :/ I'm also reading a great book that goes against the "norm", Eat Fat, Lose Fat. One of the authors, Mary Enig held a PhD in nutrition and co-founded the Weston A. Price Foundation. (she also co-authored the other cookbook I mentioned above) She advocates eating the very saturated fats we are told are bad for us. And backs up her views with studies we never hear about that point to their many benefits. Very interesting!

I have wellness mama bookmarked (like her), but had not heard of stone soup, will check it out. Thanks again!


Jun 8, 2008
You're very welcome Ellen. I am so glad this is working well for both you and your dh.

Re the Manuka honey I have tried that (applying to my face) for my skin issues and I did it faithfully for months with no improvement over a year ago. Just sharing my experience but I have read it has helped others and it depends I guess on many factors. I will say applying the manuka to my face was a real mess LOL.


Jan 13, 2006
missy|1454156585|3984061 said:
You're very welcome Ellen. I am so glad this is working well for both you and your dh.

Re the Manuka honey I have tried that (applying to my face) for my skin issues and I did it faithfully for months with no improvement over a year ago. Just sharing my experience but I have read it has helped others and it depends I guess on many factors. I will say applying the manuka to my face was a real mess LOL.
Pics? j/k. ;))


Jun 8, 2008
Ellen|1454243204|3984571 said:
missy|1454156585|3984061 said:
You're very welcome Ellen. I am so glad this is working well for both you and your dh.

Re the Manuka honey I have tried that (applying to my face) for my skin issues and I did it faithfully for months with no improvement over a year ago. Just sharing my experience but I have read it has helped others and it depends I guess on many factors. I will say applying the manuka to my face was a real mess LOL.
Pics? j/k. ;))

Haha you know, I actually do have pics but I don't know if I would be able to find them. LOL. That might scare everyone away. :lol:


Jan 15, 2010
Ellen|1454155282|3984056 said:
blingbunny, thanks for the kefir mask suggestion anyway! ;)) I haven't tried the honey yet. Just heard of a certain kind the other day that's supposed to be really good, Manuka. Have you used this or heard of it?

I tried Manuka honey masks a couple years ago. I think it's made from the flowers of the tea tree (and tea tree oil has always worked for my spots), so I was really excited about it. It actually didn't do much for me as a topical application, but it was so pricey that I had to do something with it... so I just started putting it in warm tea and drinking it!

Raw honey (either from a local farm or locally produced raw honey bought at the local organic market) has worked best for me. It's quite thick and can be too exfoliating if you try to spread it too much with your fingers, so I spread it gently and let it melt over my skin to ensure complete coverage. Works well as a spot treatment, too! I dab a bit on and let it work its magic for an hour or so while I do other things.


Jan 13, 2006
Thanks for elaborating bb!
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