
job search is a soul sucking endeavor


Feb 2, 2011
I'm unhappy and very stressed at my current job. I work on a ferry in customer service and it's very face paced and stressful. I've just recently decided to look for a new job, I'm only 2 hours in and already my eyes are glazing over.

I got a lead on an organization that might have some postings. Nothing so far. I guess my best line of defense it to get that resume updated, references contacted, and prototype cover letter ready for adjustments.'s such a different world now than when I was younger. In my city, like many others, it's simply who you know or who you are related to. It's not impossible to get something, but the enormity of the coming search is overwhelming me already. I didn't sleep well so that's not helping. I'm going to pack it in until later and enjoy my day off. Revisions tonight but just for a short while methinks.

I'm thankful that I'm in the position of already having a job. Being jobless and money stressed would exponentially increase the stress of looking. Moment of gratitude...

But gosh I really hate job searching.

Anyone want to talk about that?


Jul 13, 2007
Currently, no one in the immediate family (DH and 2 daughters) even has a full time permanent job with benefits. For DH, it has been that way for 6 years. All we're seeing now are employment contracts with no benefits. You work full time hours or more, but only via a contract that can end and not be renewed. It's terrible. DH doesn't even get to take vacation time. I wish it were illegal here. We've actually written letters to MP's about it, because it's becoming "the norm". Just a way for business to save money and employees to suffer. I hope that's not what you're facing where you are! Take care and good luck.


Jul 27, 2011
Reconnect with former colleagues and see where they've gone to next and how they like it and if there are openings.

It could be worse - job searching without a job...


Aug 12, 2005
Sometimes you have to flip the situation and instead of looking for a job and expecting a company to have a position that fits your expertise or go out finding a company you want to work for and create a position for yourself. (This was recent advice given to me and it makes a lot of sense. If you're willing to be creative and think outside the "job search" box, you can come up with ways to market yourself and pitch your skills to a company in hopes they will see your value add and make a job FOR you.)

Networking is absolutely key. Tell anyone and everyone you know, and everyone you DON'T know, that you're looking for work. You will be amazed by the opportunities with which you're presented. Most will be things you don't really want to do. But a small percentage will be things that interest you, and somewhere in that small percentage may be the next step to the next chapter of your work life.

Freelance in the meantime. Do you like to drive? I recently began driving for Uber and wow, is it easy money! I turn on the app when I'm running across town to do errands and almost always pick up a fare or two, and then another 1-2 on the way back. And then I just drive when I feel like it. It's a good way to network, believe it or not, and it makes great fodder for conversation and sometimes for writing!


Sep 17, 2008
I'm the captain of my own fate, so to speak. I don't talk about where I work, but the type of work I do is actually rewarding.

I pay for my own health insurance, I have to pay for my own sick days and my own vacation days. Is it easy? hell no. It can be very stressful. I'm always under the gun for a deadline. I don't get paid overtime, even though I pull 70+ hours a week (especially right now!). But I wouldn't change it for the world. I'm blessed to be able to do the type of work I do, help millions of people though they have no idea I actually helped them, and do it all in my pajamas if I wanted to (or the buff :P2 who would know?)

My job keeps me humble though. If I mess up, I mess up a whole lot of folks too. And it reflects badly on the organization I work for and in turn, me. And I ALWAYS have to be in a class somewhere. Its a necessary evil because technology moves very fast in some areas.

Honestly if you hate your job its time to look for something else. And looking for a job its stressful all the way around. Heck I went 2 years looking for jobs to be turned down because "you might get bored" (yeah bullcrap!) or, "you have too much experience" (meaning I'm too old to work for you). And this is in Massachusetts where you would see ads requiring Admin Assistants to have a PhD...:roll

My niece showed me a job description that wanted someone right out of college with 10 years of experience. Who writes that crap??:roll2::confused2:

Job hunts are stressful, they just are. If you were looking to completely change career and needed a little boost of some verified college classes.

Lots of good (and free) classes there. They are not easy at all. I took a few that were hard as hell.


Feb 2, 2011
Monarch - never thought about it that way...and networking, yes! I can only tell so many people because word can't get back to my employer, but I mention it to as many people as I dare. Just the other day, my chiropractor gave me a tip about some hirings she heard about.

Arcadian - I've reinvented myself once before to get this job, so I can do it again. It does take a certain level of strength and perseverance when job searching. Connections seem to be key. As an introvert, the search can overwhelm me at times. Then I remember to take it one step at a time - and do a little (or a lot if time permits) every day. I try to ask a lot of questions and pay attention.

It took a long time for me to admit that my current job is a poor fit for my temperment and is making me physically ill. Once I admitted that to myself, I was quite relieved. Now I find that I loathe my job even more and dread going back. Like the admission to myself severed something...

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
@Begonia. And @lyra how are things going for you now a couple of years latter ?
Better i hope

Well if we are resurrecting this thread i went down to what we used to call the labour dept today
Things have changed a lot since i was a school lever
The people are really nice and helpful and freindly
Im not offically unemployed as im pigging backing on Gary's state pension
Because i am way under retirement age Gary loses a few dollars and i don't get the full anount
However its keeping food on the table and the power and internet on (not much else)
The govt recently changed the rules in that piggypacking is gone
I think it was originally for couples where perhaps the wife was a house wife
Anyway as we have a 19 year age gap its been nice to spend this time together - we were ment to be renovating the house till i found a job but Gary got sick with sarcodosis and it effected his eyes also
Then covid
So my nest egg was well and trully used up
I need to get back to work, back to people- not jusr money but i need to make freinds - we have made no freinds in the 3 years since we brought the house
The first year i boarded in the town i worked in while waiting for the transfer i was promised never came through
We just ran through money, my coming home every weekend on the bus and paying board and a mortgage etc
Anyway i have tried many times to make my cv
But i havn't been to a job interview for 17 years
Everything has changed
All the templates for cvs i could find were all geered toward proffesional work involving degrees not Bruce Springsteen blue collar type work

Ive been getting really down over it especially as now we have a couple of overdue bills
But the lady at work & income was so helpful - i only rang for help last Thursday and was told some one would contact me by the week between xmas and new year
Saturday i missed a call telling me someone would ring on monday ( i got an email Saturday)
Yesterday the cv lady rings up and says come down - today or tomorrow
So in i go today after her lunch
Just a youngish lady but very nice and encouraging
She says their job brokers are bringing in lots of jobs and im very employable
She is doing my cv - should be done tomorrow and she will help me with cover letters plus their is a grand for shoes/clothing - i have worn a uniform and work boots to work my whole working life
Anyway it was altogether a positive experience and i feel good about it


Jun 8, 2008
@Begonia when I find something overwhelming I compartmentalize and take it one day, one hour at a time. So try not looking too far ahead and take each day as it comes and do the best you can for that day. And you are so right that gratitude goes a very long way in making things palatable and tolerable. Wishing you much luck on your job search. May that dream job be realized sooner vs later.


Jun 8, 2008
Currently, no one in the immediate family (DH and 2 daughters) even has a full time permanent job with benefits. For DH, it has been that way for 6 years. All we're seeing now are employment contracts with no benefits. You work full time hours or more, but only via a contract that can end and not be renewed. It's terrible. DH doesn't even get to take vacation time. I wish it were illegal here. We've actually written letters to MP's about it, because it's becoming "the norm". Just a way for business to save money and employees to suffer. I hope that's not what you're facing where you are! Take care and good luck.

I'm sorry @lyra. Sending bucketloads of good wishes your family's way. (((Hugs))).


Jun 8, 2008
@Begonia. And @lyra how are things going for you now a couple of years latter ?
Better i hope

Well if we are resurrecting this thread i went down to what we used to call the labour dept today
Things have changed a lot since i was a school lever
The people are really nice and helpful and freindly
Im not offically unemployed as im pigging backing on Gary's state pension
Because i am way under retirement age Gary loses a few dollars and i don't get the full anount
However its keeping food on the table and the power and internet on (not much else)
The govt recently changed the rules in that piggypacking is gone
I think it was originally for couples where perhaps the wife was a house wife
Anyway as we have a 19 year age gap its been nice to spend this time together - we were ment to be renovating the house till i found a job but Gary got sick with sarcodosis and it effected his eyes also
Then covid
So my nest egg was well and trully used up
I need to get back to work, back to people- not jusr money but i need to make freinds - we have made no freinds in the 3 years since we brought the house
The first year i boarded in the town i worked in while waiting for the transfer i was promised never came through
We just ran through money, my coming home every weekend on the bus and paying board and a mortgage etc
Anyway i have tried many times to make my cv
But i havn't been to a job interview for 17 years
Everything has changed
All the templates for cvs i could find were all geered toward proffesional work involving degrees not Bruce Springsteen blue collar type work

Ive been getting really down over it especially as now we have a couple of overdue bills
But the lady at work & income was so helpful - i only rang for help last Thursday and was told some one would contact me by the week between xmas and new year
Saturday i missed a call telling me someone would ring on monday ( i got an email Saturday)
Yesterday the cv lady rings up and says come down - today or tomorrow
So in i go today after her lunch
Just a youngish lady but very nice and encouraging
She says their job brokers are bringing in lots of jobs and im very employable
She is doing my cv - should be done tomorrow and she will help me with cover letters plus their is a grand for shoes/clothing - i have worn a uniform and work boots to work my whole working life
Anyway it was altogether a positive experience and i feel good about it

Sending you so many good wishes and hugs @Daisys and Diamonds. May good fortune and a wonderful job be yours soon. XO.


Jan 9, 2015
@Begonia. And @lyra how are things going for you now a couple of years latter ?
Better i hope

Well if we are resurrecting this thread i went down to what we used to call the labour dept today
Things have changed a lot since i was a school lever
The people are really nice and helpful and freindly
Im not offically unemployed as im pigging backing on Gary's state pension
Because i am way under retirement age Gary loses a few dollars and i don't get the full anount
However its keeping food on the table and the power and internet on (not much else)
The govt recently changed the rules in that piggypacking is gone
I think it was originally for couples where perhaps the wife was a house wife
Anyway as we have a 19 year age gap its been nice to spend this time together - we were ment to be renovating the house till i found a job but Gary got sick with sarcodosis and it effected his eyes also
Then covid
So my nest egg was well and trully used up
I need to get back to work, back to people- not jusr money but i need to make freinds - we have made no freinds in the 3 years since we brought the house
The first year i boarded in the town i worked in while waiting for the transfer i was promised never came through
We just ran through money, my coming home every weekend on the bus and paying board and a mortgage etc
Anyway i have tried many times to make my cv
But i havn't been to a job interview for 17 years
Everything has changed
All the templates for cvs i could find were all geered toward proffesional work involving degrees not Bruce Springsteen blue collar type work

Ive been getting really down over it especially as now we have a couple of overdue bills
But the lady at work & income was so helpful - i only rang for help last Thursday and was told some one would contact me by the week between xmas and new year
Saturday i missed a call telling me someone would ring on monday ( i got an email Saturday)
Yesterday the cv lady rings up and says come down - today or tomorrow
So in i go today after her lunch
Just a youngish lady but very nice and encouraging
She says their job brokers are bringing in lots of jobs and im very employable
She is doing my cv - should be done tomorrow and she will help me with cover letters plus their is a grand for shoes/clothing - i have worn a uniform and work boots to work my whole working life
Anyway it was altogether a positive experience and i feel good about it

Thus sounds encouraging @Daisys and Diamonds !! We're all crossing our fingers for you! I'm sure every employer will be glad to have you on their team!!


Apr 22, 2004
I started with a new company this past August, so the experience is still fresh in my mind. The search for a new "home" is practically a full time job itself. It entails a combination of looking online and networking. I also left my old company because I could see the end was not good (management, future prospects, etc). I was constantly stressed and did not sleep well. It was a huge relief to finally leave that company. Persevere!


Feb 2, 2011
This was an older post but I'll update. Shortly after I posted this, I was injured at work. Struck from behind by a fire door several hundred pounds. It was broken and I had written it up, several times. It herniated severely 2 of my disc's bilaterally with nerve impingement. I had to give up my advanced workplace first aid ticket after 25 years, as I can't bend or lift with safety. My second career (golf course greenskeeper/remote first aid attendant) is no longer possible. I've decided to stay with the company that injured me (I put it that way deliberately) as it's a union job and have moved onto a shore-based position, as ship movement causes debilitating pain. My job is boring and monotonous but I have a job, something I remind myself of daily. I've spend enormous amounts of time on treatment and my life has changed irrevocably. I no longer hike much, garden, greenskeep, water aerobics...the list goes on. Then I was diagnosed with osteoporosis. I can't just go for a run, or hop on a bike to strengthen those bones, it would cause yet another painful relapse.

I get so angry sometimes when the pain is bad. This injury was preventable and I would sue the corporation I work for, if it were possible. It isn't. Chronic pain sucks. I'm employed however and that is something I'm so grateful for. The company can't get rid of me, or not easily, so there's that.


Apr 22, 2004
I just realized your post was from 2017. I am horrified to read of the accident and am sorry you are living with such horrible constant pain.

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
This was an older post but I'll update. Shortly after I posted this, I was injured at work. Struck from behind by a fire door several hundred pounds. It was broken and I had written it up, several times. It herniated severely 2 of my disc's bilaterally with nerve impingement. I had to give up my advanced workplace first aid ticket after 25 years, as I can't bend or lift with safety. My second career (golf course greenskeeper/remote first aid attendant) is no longer possible. I've decided to stay with the company that injured me (I put it that way deliberately) as it's a union job and have moved onto a shore-based position, as ship movement causes debilitating pain. My job is boring and monotonous but I have a job, something I remind myself of daily. I've spend enormous amounts of time on treatment and my life has changed irrevocably. I no longer hike much, garden, greenskeep, water aerobics...the list goes on. Then I was diagnosed with osteoporosis. I can't just go for a run, or hop on a bike to strengthen those bones, it would cause yet another painful relapse.

I get so angry sometimes when the pain is bad. This injury was preventable and I would sue the corporation I work for, if it were possible. It isn't. Chronic pain sucks. I'm employed however and that is something I'm so grateful for. The company can't get rid of me, or not easily, so there's that.

This is awful
I hope the shore based work is with nice people and in a safer environment especially with covid in mind
Our neighbour when we lived in Wellington, worked on the interislander doing week on week off, cooking for the crew and occasionally in the public cafe
Those things (ferrirs) are ginormouse trip hazards and it must be a killer standing on that steel floor all day, she did have really great work stories- the Cook straight is not a nice place in bad wheather- she has worked on the ferries for a long time and I'll never forget the storm she rang her husband and said she was scared
Im a land lover with no sea legs so I'm happy you are on land now Begonia
Did your equivalent of work safe (a govt agency) investigate your accident ? Your work must have had safety audits - your broken door should have been picked up
That could have resulted in a large fine here

It seems very unfair

I hope the festive season brings you happiness and pain relief


Aug 14, 2009
This was an older post but I'll update. Shortly after I posted this, I was injured at work. Struck from behind by a fire door several hundred pounds. It was broken and I had written it up, several times. It herniated severely 2 of my disc's bilaterally with nerve impingement. I had to give up my advanced workplace first aid ticket after 25 years, as I can't bend or lift with safety. My second career (golf course greenskeeper/remote first aid attendant) is no longer possible. I've decided to stay with the company that injured me (I put it that way deliberately) as it's a union job and have moved onto a shore-based position, as ship movement causes debilitating pain. My job is boring and monotonous but I have a job, something I remind myself of daily. I've spend enormous amounts of time on treatment and my life has changed irrevocably. I no longer hike much, garden, greenskeep, water aerobics...the list goes on. Then I was diagnosed with osteoporosis. I can't just go for a run, or hop on a bike to strengthen those bones, it would cause yet another painful relapse.

I get so angry sometimes when the pain is bad. This injury was preventable and I would sue the corporation I work for, if it were possible. It isn't. Chronic pain sucks. I'm employed however and that is something I'm so grateful for. The company can't get rid of me, or not easily, so there's that.

Oyy. F***ing h*ll.

"The company that injured you" - I'd love to see someone even try to argue. You wrote the damn thing up, what more could you possibly have done?

I'm bl**dy sorry B. I'm very glad they at least won't be able to call you an inconvenience and shove you under the carpet. I guess. At least you get to choose the timing of your GTFO. Even if not the manner. :angryfire:.

I'm legit angry right now. You don't deserve this.

I tripped over this update looking for a different thread that I was pretty sure you'd started. I'll hop over to that one. Still :x2 .


Feb 2, 2011
@Begonia. And @lyra how are things going for you now a couple of years latter ?
Better i hope

Well if we are resurrecting this thread i went down to what we used to call the labour dept today
Things have changed a lot since i was a school lever
The people are really nice and helpful and freindly
Im not offically unemployed as im pigging backing on Gary's state pension
Because i am way under retirement age Gary loses a few dollars and i don't get the full anount
However its keeping food on the table and the power and internet on (not much else)
The govt recently changed the rules in that piggypacking is gone
I think it was originally for couples where perhaps the wife was a house wife
Anyway as we have a 19 year age gap its been nice to spend this time together - we were ment to be renovating the house till i found a job but Gary got sick with sarcodosis and it effected his eyes also
Then covid
So my nest egg was well and trully used up
I need to get back to work, back to people- not jusr money but i need to make freinds - we have made no freinds in the 3 years since we brought the house
The first year i boarded in the town i worked in while waiting for the transfer i was promised never came through
We just ran through money, my coming home every weekend on the bus and paying board and a mortgage etc
Anyway i have tried many times to make my cv
But i havn't been to a job interview for 17 years
Everything has changed
All the templates for cvs i could find were all geered toward proffesional work involving degrees not Bruce Springsteen blue collar type work

Ive been getting really down over it especially as now we have a couple of overdue bills
But the lady at work & income was so helpful - i only rang for help last Thursday and was told some one would contact me by the week between xmas and new year
Saturday i missed a call telling me someone would ring on monday ( i got an email Saturday)
Yesterday the cv lady rings up and says come down - today or tomorrow
So in i go today after her lunch
Just a youngish lady but very nice and encouraging
She says their job brokers are bringing in lots of jobs and im very employable
She is doing my cv - should be done tomorrow and she will help me with cover letters plus their is a grand for shoes/clothing - i have worn a uniform and work boots to work my whole working life
Anyway it was altogether a positive experience and i feel good about it

I haven't been checking this thread! How did it go D??


Feb 2, 2011
@Begonia when I find something overwhelming I compartmentalize and take it one day, one hour at a time. So try not looking too far ahead and take each day as it comes and do the best you can for that day. And you are so right that gratitude goes a very long way in making things palatable and tolerable. Wishing you much luck on your job search. May that dream job be realized sooner vs later.

Just checking back here after being away. Thank you @missy! I'm no longer searching, but thank you!


Feb 2, 2011
This is awful
I hope the shore based work is with nice people and in a safer environment especially with covid in mind
Our neighbour when we lived in Wellington, worked on the interislander doing week on week off, cooking for the crew and occasionally in the public cafe
Those things (ferrirs) are ginormouse trip hazards and it must be a killer standing on that steel floor all day, she did have really great work stories- the Cook straight is not a nice place in bad wheather- she has worked on the ferries for a long time and I'll never forget the storm she rang her husband and said she was scared
Im a land lover with no sea legs so I'm happy you are on land now Begonia
Did your equivalent of work safe (a govt agency) investigate your accident ? Your work must have had safety audits - your broken door should have been picked up
That could have resulted in a large fine here

It seems very unfair

I hope the festive season brings you happiness and pain relief

It was mishandled from the get go. My doctor who was an old fart, refused to send me for an MRI for 1.5 years while I suffered several relapses. The localized pain, radiating pain and spasming muscles should have eased if it was "sprain/strain" as he maintained it to be. Not too sure how several hundreds of pounds of force equals sprain strain. I fought to see a physiatrist and finally did, where she ordered an MRI and we saw (finally) the extent of the injury

I applied to have Worksafe (our workers insurance company) reopen the case as recommended by the physiatrist. That was a year ago, and still no word. Ideally I would like a monthly pension or be paid a lump sum to help me offset financial costs and losses I've suffered (not to mention pain and suffering).

The ships are highly dangerous places. I could give you a list, but suffice to say, stay off a ship as an employer. Or at least my employer.

Thanks for asking D. Your care and concern warms my heart, as it does so many here on PS. I wish the best for you. Always.


Feb 2, 2011
Oyy. F***ing h*ll.

"The company that injured you" - I'd love to see someone even try to argue. You wrote the damn thing up, what more could you possibly have done?

I'm bl**dy sorry B. I'm very glad they at least won't be able to call you an inconvenience and shove you under the carpet. I guess. At least you get to choose the timing of your GTFO. Even if not the manner. :angryfire:.

I'm legit angry right now. You don't deserve this.

I tripped over this update looking for a different thread that I was pretty sure you'd started. I'll hop over to that one. Still :x2 .

Thanks little sister :) Your sharing my fury helps a lot.

2017 and 2018 were bad years with the injury and being bullied and harassed by a supervisor at the same place of employment. I had to take a hard look at myself after this dark period. I remember driving to work in the midst of it all, seeing a pedestrian overpass and thinking if I jump off it, I won't be in pain or have that psycho supervisor at me all day. That was my wake up moment.

I got some help (not enough, but some) and spent a lot of time reflecting on my people pleasing, good girl tendencies. I wrote that @#$%ing door up, and should have locked it out and put caution tape up saying "I refuse, this is unsafe". But I didn't. Then the ship listed and swung it closed, launching me. Living with that knowledge, my part of it has and is difficult. I had to look at my boundaries, and self worth. All of it hard hard work. Sigh. I'm not all the way there yet, but I'm on my way.

I inquired about suing my employer, based on a human rights violation. The lawyers want that retainer and need permission from my union to sue. Neither of this will happen. So, I wait to hear from Worksafe about my claim. They invested and lost millions 2 years ago, so I'm not hopeful.

Thank you dear girl. For listening and mostly for caring.


Feb 23, 2013
I inquired about suing my employer, based on a human rights violation. The lawyers want that retainer and need permission from my union to sue. Neither of this will happen. So, I wait to hear from Worksafe about my claim. They invested and lost millions 2 years ago, so I'm not hopeful.

@Begonia What about publicity, as in contacting the "Marketplace" program with CBC? They often get results from companies that are reluctant to be fair or responsive.


Feb 2, 2011
@Begonia What about publicity, as in contacting the "Marketplace" program with CBC? They often get results from companies that are reluctant to be fair or responsive.

I will absolutely go that route as necessary. It's been a year since my request to reopen the claim was submitted to Worksafe, with no answer yet. I have a friend who used to work in a Worksafe-type environment, and she'll help me draft a letter inquiring as to the status of my claim. That'll be happening in the next 2 weeks. If I'm denied, I'll contact any organization/agency/advocacy group I can think of. Thank you for the stellar tip!!

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
It was mishandled from the get go. My doctor who was an old fart, refused to send me for an MRI for 1.5 years while I suffered several relapses. The localized pain, radiating pain and spasming muscles should have eased if it was "sprain/strain" as he maintained it to be. Not too sure how several hundreds of pounds of force equals sprain strain. I fought to see a physiatrist and finally did, where she ordered an MRI and we saw (finally) the extent of the injury

I applied to have Worksafe (our workers insurance company) reopen the case as recommended by the physiatrist. That was a year ago, and still no word. Ideally I would like a monthly pension or be paid a lump sum to help me offset financial costs and losses I've suffered (not to mention pain and suffering).

The ships are highly dangerous places. I could give you a list, but suffice to say, stay off a ship as an employer. Or at least my employer.

Thanks for asking D. Your care and concern warms my heart, as it does so many here on PS. I wish the best for you. Always.

My old neighbour was working one day when we crossed over (the strait) she does week on week off mainly cooking for the crew unless they get short in the passanger cafe
She showed us around the crew quarters
she had the tinest little ensuit but at least they get their own cabin
yes, i could see so many dangers just with just having to step into a doorway (don't know the correct term)
She told us a few hard truths about evacuation abandon ship training.
They are trained to help those who can help them selves first - so the able bodied.
Also despite what they would tell us, no one is going to go back down to the vehicle decks to rescue dogs
I mean its a very cold light of day thing (except it could be in the middle of the night)

Her dad was also a seaferer
Im a dreadful sailer, i get sea sick just looking at the swell from land !
I don't think my survival instincts would win out over the sea sickness
She told her dad told her he had seen men 'lost' to sea sickness
She also works with this old bloke who was on the Waiheni in 68
she says no matter how hot the day he always wears his jersey because he remembers how cold the water was that awful day
but she always says how beautiful the south island always looks no matter the wheather

Getting back to your injury ....can you complain about the (lack of) care you received.
I mean here, its not the US - you can't sue - but we have very open avenues to raise concerns and complain about the treatment reveived that then goes to some sort of professional medical body

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
Thanks little sister :) Your sharing my fury helps a lot.

2017 and 2018 were bad years with the injury and being bullied and harassed by a supervisor at the same place of employment. I had to take a hard look at myself after this dark period. I remember driving to work in the midst of it all, seeing a pedestrian overpass and thinking if I jump off it, I won't be in pain or have that psycho supervisor at me all day. That was my wake up moment.

I got some help (not enough, but some) and spent a lot of time reflecting on my people pleasing, good girl tendencies. I wrote that @#$%ing door up, and should have locked it out and put caution tape up saying "I refuse, this is unsafe". But I didn't. Then the ship listed and swung it closed, launching me. Living with that knowledge, my part of it has and is difficult. I had to look at my boundaries, and self worth. All of it hard hard work. Sigh. I'm not all the way there yet, but I'm on my way.

I inquired about suing my employer, based on a human rights violation. The lawyers want that retainer and need permission from my union to sue. Neither of this will happen. So, I wait to hear from Worksafe about my claim. They invested and lost millions 2 years ago, so I'm not hopeful.

Thank you dear girl. For listening and mostly for caring.

Its so unfair

But i see you have two issues
The work safe one and the misdiagnosis
Best of luck with the program
Nothing like a bit of publicity and public outrage to get things moving


Aug 14, 2009
Thanks little sister :) Your sharing my fury helps a lot.

2017 and 2018 were bad years with the injury and being bullied and harassed by a supervisor at the same place of employment. I had to take a hard look at myself after this dark period. I remember driving to work in the midst of it all, seeing a pedestrian overpass and thinking if I jump off it, I won't be in pain or have that psycho supervisor at me all day. That was my wake up moment.

I got some help (not enough, but some) and spent a lot of time reflecting on my people pleasing, good girl tendencies. I wrote that @#$%ing door up, and should have locked it out and put caution tape up saying "I refuse, this is unsafe". But I didn't. Then the ship listed and swung it closed, launching me. Living with that knowledge, my part of it has and is difficult. I had to look at my boundaries, and self worth. All of it hard hard work. Sigh. I'm not all the way there yet, but I'm on my way.

I inquired about suing my employer, based on a human rights violation. The lawyers want that retainer and need permission from my union to sue. Neither of this will happen. So, I wait to hear from Worksafe about my claim. They invested and lost millions 2 years ago, so I'm not hopeful.

Thank you dear girl. For listening and mostly for caring.
Remember when you were little, and everything was fair, and your parents and teachers could fix anything?

There’s no winning against a toxic workplace. If you’d kicked up too much fuss you’d probably have been let go. And the odds of the ship making that door do what it did at exactly that time were so, so slim... I think many of us would have made the same choice that you did. I know I would have.

So relieved you were able to pull yourself away from that place B. That’s a scary thought. To know where you were. But... Uplifting, to see where you are now!

I hate the rainbows and silver linings speeches. You’re allowed to be angry without being made to feel like “wallowing is bad”. You’re allowed to feel like crap without being told to “pull yourself together”. I really hope the crappy days reduce. More home massages with that new table!! And tea and scones never don’t help...
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