
JFF: What makes you different?

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Aug 4, 2007
I thought it might be fun to post some of the things we think make us different or the things that help us to stand out as individuals. Sometimes I get the feeling that we ladies in waiting get lumped into one group of certain characteristics, but in fact we're a very diverse and interesting group of lovely, charming, intelligent women. So, tell us some things about you that set you apart from other people you know!

A few about me to get us started...

--I was the only female percussion major at my college (undergrad) for the first 3 years of my degree, out of about 30 of us total. Later there were more chicks, but at first it was just me!

--I have been told by more than a few that I'm crazy for doing the job I do (teacher in a special needs high school).

--I was born, raised and spent most of my life in the United States but now am a UK resident.

--I went to a fancypants grad school, which lots of people told me I was nuts to even apply to.

--I get cravings for salads!! Most of my friends think I'm bonkers, but the way some people will get cravings for chocolate or greasy burgers or somethings, I get intense cravings for salads from salad bars. They are just so good!

Ok, have to run to work (last day before break!!!), but please post some things about you while I'm gone!
Oh, that''s fun, gwen! I''m not a LIW, can I play?

- My friends often tell me that I must''ve been a man in another life, cause I lack many common female characteristics - I''m generally not really into shopping and I get exasperated if the shopping tour lasts more than 1-1.5h; I don''t like talking on the phone; I''m not curious AT ALL about other people''s life and thus completely gossip-inefficient, etc. (not saying all women are like that, just most I know

- I always wanted to make a career in painting, writing, poetry, an artist at heart in short - I am now a business lady who completely sucks at numbers and math.
(Thank God for the accountants, huh?)

- I love junk food to the extent of a mild (or not so mild) obsession!

- I don''t have a drivers licence and I''m not planning on getting one.

- I own dozens of pairs of shoes and only one or two of them are flats (I love high heels!) and not even one pair of sneakers. Oh, and about 95% of the clothes in my closet are black.

- The only alcohol I drink is vodka and funnily enough it doesn''t seem to have any effect on me whatsoever! If I set my mind to it, I''m generally able to drink the whole bottle and walk away without the slightest stagger. (Oh, the bets that I''ve won...
Of course you can play, AdiS!!! Sorry, I meant to say as much in the OP, that anyone who wants to play is welcome, but forgot (was kinda rushing out the door but wanted to type up the thread before I forgot

That's so funny about your shoe closet because mine is basically the exact opposite--I can't wear heels and basically LIVE in my sneakers!! But my wardrobe is similar to yours--I think probably about 90% black for me. All those years as a musician, wearing "concert black" to every performance add up!
Date: 12/19/2008 3:25:30 AM
Author: gwendolyn
Of course you can play, AdiS!!! Sorry, I meant to say as much in the OP, that anyone who wants to play is welcome, but forgot (was kinda rushing out the door but wanted to type up the thread before I forgot

That''s so funny about your shoe closet because mine is basically the exact opposite--I can''t wear heels and basically LIVE in my sneakers!! But my wardrobe is similar to yours--I think probably about 90% black for me. All those years as a musician, wearing ''concert black'' to every performance add up!
lol, I''m so used to my heels that I can barely walk when wearing flats. Last month I went to work with some leather moccasins and I was tripping all the time! I was lucky I din''t fall on my face. One of my male colleagues pissed himself laughing watching me. He was like "I know there are women who can''t for the life of them walk in heels, but I''d never seen a woman who can''t walk without them!"
Gwendolyn, I am also a special education teacher! I have my certification in cognitive impairment, but an currently working in a resource room with students with learning disabilities. I LOVED my time that I worked in a center based school for student with severe multiple/cognitive impairments! Although it is heartbreaking to see children like that, they really touched my heart and the people that work there are so kind and caring and fun. I don't think you're weird at all for wanting to work with this population! I think you're wonderful!

ETA- What makes me different? I'm a girl and I love to play video games, watch football, and drink beer! I'd rather go to the bar with the guys than go for coffee with the girls! (Girls tend to drive me nuts, and if there are too many together, I get a headache from all the yappin')
Oooh, can I play too?

- I'm probably the oldest LIW here (39), with the most children! (four...ages 2, 4, 8, and just turned 11).

- even though I work for a jeweler, my first career was in nursing! Great prep for becoming a mother.

- I left the nursing world after 11 years, and went to the corporate world. My last position before I became a SAHM was an executive assistant for Sprint PCS, with 6 admins that I coordinated. Going from that to being a S/WAHM was a really rough transition that took me over two years to get used to. The loss of the salary as well as the loss of the "prestige" of the position hit me hard.

- Despite all the crap I've been through in the last almost three years since my ex walked out, I never seem to lose my sense of humor.

- I have to be in the mood for chocolate (usually once a month, lol), and my favorite carpet picnic treats are a bottle of Moet & Chandon's White Star champagne, accompanied by a nice crusty baguette, brie, and pate foi gras! I'll take a steak over sweet treats anyday, and I could survive a week with nothing to eat but baked potatoes and Honeycrisp apples.
gwen, great idea!! First, I totally admire your choice of professions (you too Tuckins!). I''m an Occupational Therapist in school health so I see many of the same kids that you work with, however I only see them once or twice a month rather everyday!

AdiS, in spite of being 5''2" I also have dozens of pairs of shoes where the majority are FLATS! I love heels but my feet hurt after 20 minutes...except for my one splurge pair of miu mius that I can wear all day!

Ok...what makes me different?

- I DON''T eat chocolate!! I gave it up 4 Christmases ago because I had eaten an entire bag if Lindt chocolate balls in one sitting. I felt gross and gave up chocolate cold turkey. I haven''t gone back since! Being a dessert lover, it makes selecting and turning down desserts quite easy

- I have 3 separate jobs (all related to my profession) that keep me quite busy and pay the bills quite well but I only work about 25 hours a week. Don''t ask me how I got so lucky!

- I went to grad school because my parents said that it was their preference. I was deciding between OT and teacher''s college and since my parents NEVER try to sway our choices, the fact that they made a comment really spoke to me...and I had to honour that. I enjoy what I do but I definitely see myself getting my teaching degree or my M.Ed. in the future

- My BF wants to be Prime Minister of Canada and tells me I need to shape up to be the First Lady! (ie. curb my road rage!!!)

- Speaking of which, I am a pretty assertive (and, in my opinion, very good) driver in spite of being an asian woman! (not to perpetuate stereotypes or anything...
Such a cute thread! Can I play?

- I have red hair. Not super bright red, but a little darker. I''m the only person in my family other than my grandma to have this color hair, so it''s pretty cool.

- I rode horses for many years and got to play polo for a little bit in college which I loved (as soon as I have a little more extra cash to "rent" a horse I hope to start up again at a local club)

- I also played cello for as many years, but I''ve been a slacker and haven''t played for a few years now.

- I work for a very popular food company and get to eat whatever I want off the lines in the plants (I had a chocolate chip cookie fresh out of the oven for breakfast yesterday at 6am

- I''m almost 5''10", which makes buying pants and long sleeved shirts kind of difficult.

- I adore dogs. You know how some people get all gushy when they see a baby? I''m that way with dogs
I want one so badly but FI won''t let me get one until I have a job where I don''t travel
Gwen this is such a GREAT topic!! All the ladies here are so wonderful and it''s awesome to hear about little unique aspects in their lives...I''ve found a lot of commonalities with the ladies that have posted so far!!!

Gwen and Tuckins: I almost envy your line of work!! It truely takes a special person to be a special needs teacher. Although I''m not a teacher I do spend most of my free time as a Special Olympics volunteer. It is by far the most rewarding experiance in my life. I''ve coached multiple, volleyball, gymnastics, even bowling...It is definitely something that makes!

AdiS & Tuckins: I''m also not to much on the "girly" side. I relate much better to guys. I find women stressful in most situations...but on the other hand love female interaction. Guys just don''t get diamonds for some reason

Other AMS traits:

- I think I have a great ability to mediate disagreements. I don''t like to be in the middle of fights...but I don''t like to see people fighting either. Within our group of friends people will come to me to help work out disagreement. My mom and stepdad have even done it.

- I''m more of listener then a talker. People mistake that for shy, but I don''t consider myself shy...I enjoy learning about people''s lives, where they came from, how they act, why they are the way they are (which is probably why I''m enjoying this thread so much)

- Along the same lines...I''m a die hard people watcher. I can look at a group of people in a room for a couple minutes and if you took them all away I would be able to tell you what most everyone looks like and what they were wearing. My friends say that if I were to ever see a crime I would be the best at identifing someone in a line up.

Well I guess that''s all the important stuff...what makes me tick I guess...the rest is minor details

Again GREAT idea Gwen

PS. I''m a horrible typer/speller....please ignore errors
I am the most absentminded person in the universe sometimes. Like 2 weeks ago, when I went to the grocery store and lost my keys. Car and house keys, both. Had to call SO to rescue me, and the keys were never found. So SO gives me his copy of my house key, so that I can get into my apartment, and my roomie mailed me my spare car key. Of course, when I left SO's house, (4 hours away), I forgot to take my apartment key.
Left it on the desk. Fast forward to this morning, when I am packing to drive the 16.5 hrs to get home (taking the 60lb dog, and I won't fly her). I rented a car, since mine isn't in the best shape to make it that distance and through the mountains. Anyway, I lost the ##$%#$^$%#&@ keys! I cannot for the life of me find the keys to the rental car, and now my sister is going to be PISSED because I am probably going to get there a day later.


But I called SO, and he cheered me up and made me feel better, right when I was on the verge of crying. I really love him.

I decided to come zone out on PS for a bit since spending the last TWO HOURS looking for the keys.

So, that's me. I find the most incredible ways to make my life as complicated as possible. It happens all the time, and I typically take it in stride and laugh, but sometimes that I worry that I am losing my ever-loving mind!
oh trill - we''re soul mates when it comes to absentmindedness!
I lost my car keys (well, all of my keys) last week for 3 hours. it was on the spice rack.

- I played the upright bass all though middle school, high school and in a blues band. I also have an acoustic bass guitar.

- i hate cleaning, but i hate my messy apartment. (ugh i should really take advantage of this snowday)

- for the first time in my adult life, i chose not to support a friends band because of their political stance, yet the individuals are still good people.

- my ideal job is to work for planned parenthood paid or unpaid

- for vacation, i tend to enjoy the exotic but not always expected spots ... India!

-I LOVE chocolate, and I don''t just mean a little bit. I LOVE it! I could eat more chocolate than anyon I''ve ever met. And I''m sorry to all you US ladies, but your chocolate just does not compare to ours in the UK! I often replace meals with chocolate but never seem to out on weight! How lucky!

-I can knit. I love to find out people are pregnant because I love knitting things for the baby. At first I would end up with two different sized mittens, but I''m getting better now!

- I love computer games, but not really the modern ones, I loe the older ones like Pacman and will challenge anyone to beat me!! Mwah ha ha!

- I once went on a mini ghost train rollercoaster at a cheap airground and the train flew off the tracks and hit a wall! Not sure if that qualifies for this game but I love the story!
This is fun!

-I own about 70 pairs of shoes
-I speak 4 languages
-I can twist my arms around completely so the elbows face forward, like a cirque de soleil trick
-I finish a New Yorker and an Economist every week
Ok well lets see about me..

I am the ONLY left handed person in my family for 4 generations
I am a strawberry blonde with great hair but I can never find anything to do with it
I work for a non profit hospital
I have 2 step kids, my oldest has Autism and he has been a great strength for me to be more patient
I was my college commencement speaker
I was nomnated in college for national academic honors but never chose to do anything with it
I am horrible at math but yet I work in finance....

I am an avid scrapbooker
I love to travel
I was a foreign exchange student in high school and lived in Japan...
My So is 12 years older than me and I wouldn''t have it any other way
I drive an escalade (my first car I bought that came with a car payment)
I would love to learn to dress girly but I have no clue how. I am completely inept...except with jewelry...
Good topic Gwen!

- I was born in Toronto, moved to Montreal, back to Toronto (all in 9 years!), then to Seattle.
- FI was born in Montreal and moved to Seattle around the same time.
- I''ve been in dance classes since the age of 5! I loooooove it.

- I took Russian in college, but speak French almost fluently. Almost.
- I get along MUCH better with guys than with girls. Always have.
- Starbucks addict. Mmmm...

- I get really crabby when I''m hungry. FI knows to keep me fed.
Gwen, I worked in a special needs high school for several years. Nobody ever told me I was crazy for doing it, but I think doing it drove me a little crazy (and the rest of the teachers, too!).

Are you a classroom teacher or do you do individual or small group work?
Date: 12/19/2008 3:25:30 AM
Author: gwendolyn
All those years as a musician, wearing 'concert black' to every performance add up!
Even though I'd been a singer all my life, somehow all the 'concert black' has disappeared and I only have 2 black tops in my wardrobe (and neither are appropriate concert attire

I wanna play too!

- I was a primary member in one of the country's top collegiate a cappella groups for 4 years (makes for a lot of nerdy conversations when people discover that fact, and something that I never imagined would make my name recognizable to strangers).

- I'm horrible at math and science academically, but almost nothing interests me more than string theory and astrophysics.

- Few things make me happier than good mac & cheese.

- I'm a fully confessed Trekkie, unfortunately (I was raised on it by my scientist-filled family--Jean Luc Picard was like a second father to me
)... oh jeez

- I'm told constantly that I look like Naomi Watts, Holly Marie Combs, Elisha Cuthbert, Kelly Preston, Michelle Williams and/or Scarlett Johansson. I look like none of them. Seriously.

- I was the single caucasian member of a competitive hip hop dance team during high school.
Fun thread!

- I really enjoy old music from the 40''s. I especially like Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Glenn Miller, Duke Ellington, Benny Goodman.....
- Speaking of the 40''s- I have a classic style about me. Think Grace Kelly meets Jackie O meets Audrey Hepburn. Not only style but personality as well.
- I''m probably the most honest person you would ever meet. I never lie about anything.
- I also say what needs to be said when it needs to be said.
- I''m a vegetarian. I have been since the age of 4. Personal decsion, HUGE animal lover!
- I don''t drink. (No, I''m not mormon or a former alcoholic) I just don''t like the taste or the cost of it.

- I have to go into Tiffany everytime I''m at the mall. (as if you didn''t already know that!)
- I''d rather spend time with my boyfriend and family than anyone else (and I do)
- I''m very petite. I am 5''4" thin & tiny person (tiny build) who people always think is a teenager because of the way my body is built (lol!)
Great thread, Gwen!

- I''m the youngest of 7 kids, and I love my fun crazy big family :)
- My friendships are very important to me and I like to see at least one good friend at least once a week.
- Was a 3 sport athlete in high school and played the trumpet through college.
- Moved from NJ to Central NY (not a common move) in 2005.
- Interned in DC congressional office one summer- primary work included giving tours of the Capitol building & press releases
- Considered entering a religious order in college, now I coordinate youth ministry for two churches and I put my future in God''s hands, then met SO shortly after praying for direction.
- I love all kinds of music, (U2, Springsteen, Clapton, Bon Jovi, christian rock, Switchfoot, Lifehouse, country, bluegrass, jazz, blues, and swing) and I''m a sap for John Cusack movies!
Ooh great thread Gwen!

I cannot sing to save my life-they used to take me out of the class and put me drawing in the corner as I used to put other people off tune apparently

I could quite easily live without people but not without animals

My hair is just about down to my behind

I have my tongue pierced

I absolutely adore Manolo Blahnik shoes-in fact I spent about an hour today walking around his store over here. I have over 100 pairs of shoes (unfortunately not all Manolos!).

D just said I''m different as I like everything expensive

I''m addicted to Cheddar cheese-especially vintage red cheddar.
Fun topic, Gwen!

Hmmm....let''s see:

- I''m super addicted to traveling. I''ve only lived in my passport country for half of my life, and I''m currently plotting my escape (lol)

- I''m super impulsive about silly things. I love changing my hair and my nails and my make-up, but I''m really steady on things like jobs, school, etc.

- I have a lot of energy, so I''m usually goofing off somehow. When I''m at my weekend job (Build A Bear) I dance pretty much the entire time. It''s just more fun. I am very enthusiastic and very loud. You can pretty much always tell when I''m coming. I''m just kind of a big personality. BUT I get really nervous and shy when I first meet people...even if you can''t tell, lol.

- I love to sing, and I''ll sing (loudly) in the car in front of anybody. But ask me to just sing a song by myself? Yeah right. I won''t even do that in front of BF.

- I apparently have a very distinctive way of answering the phone at work. Any of my friends can imitate it, and every single one of my customers can tell it''s me in the first three words.

- I''m definitely a dog person, but I''ve got two cats that I just adore. (BF is probably getting a dog next week!!!!! WOOHOO!!)

- I''m almost fluent in Spanish (down from actually fluent two years ago) and plan on starting French classes in March.

- I want to go to a fancypants grad school. And if I get in, I''m going. Full stop.
I believe every exercise video, device and workout system advertisement that I see. Even though I know that I am vulnerable and guillible, I can't bring myself to be skeptical.

I told my parents that when I went to college, I would pierce my tongue, cut off my hair and dye it red. And I did. (but that was the extent of my youthful rebellion

I tend to love personal traditions, but hate cultural ones. I like to challenge cultural norms like weddings and religion and such, but I can't stand the idea of not keeping all of our wonderful family traditions, and I look forward to creating traditions with SO and his family!

I am incapable of reading one book at a time. Maybe I have ADD, but since about 3rd grade, I typically am reading at least 3 books at any given time. (non-school related, that is)

I used to be obsessed with chocolate, but then my tastebuds changed or something. Milk chocolate nows tastes like sugar, and I am morally opposed to moving on to dark chocolate. I do still feel passionate about French Vanilla hot chocolate, though!

My favorite movies are war movies and football movies, without question. SO really enjoys this about me. I don't really like romantic comedies, and I have to be in the right mood to watch them. I'm really into indie films and love quirky movies.

I would love to retire and join the Peace Corp with FH.

I am obsessed with finding the perfect turkey burger. I hate 90% of the ones I try, and yet I am utterly compelled to try pretty much every one that I encounter, and then I am disappointed and feel cheated. Vicious cycle.

I Still have not found those keys from earlier.
This is a good one, I love reading everyone''s threads. I will give mine a try.

I own my own condo - I bought it on my own right out of medical school

I also got 2 cats as soon as I bought my condo - despite all the warnings from the other residents that I was sending the message to guys that I wanted to be a single cat lady

I lost my mother a few years ago to breast cancer just as I was starting my clinical rotations

I love to run, and lift weights

I love the brain and could talk about it all day (but I am not a neurologist)

I can''t spell if my life depended on it

I am kind of quiet if I don''t know someone, that is miss interpreted as me being a snob by some people

I am tall and thin, and babyfaced, like dreamgirl, people also think I look like I am in my early 20''s. The thing is that does not go over well when they realize I am going to do something like a spinal tap. Usually after a conversation (because I do not talk like a teenager), they calm down and realize that, yes, I am really old enough to be a doctor

I hate cold
- The thinner I get, the less woobly I am on heels. I stick to flats though. And I love my running shoes!
- I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE running. I have big boobs and it is just not comfy. But I''ll do anything else!
- Total cat lady. They''re my babies!
- Went from a 3.8 average in high school, to whatever a C average is.. mostly because of one snotty comment from someone in a math class. I never returned to that class (so many hours to make up) and hung out only in the photo lab. That''s where I discovered my love for graphic design, photography, and photoshop

- Was totally the Art Teachers pet
- Movie Addicted! I''ve been to around 30+ movies in the theaters this year.. and BF and I buy way more than that a year.. WAY MORE
- Going back and reading what I wrote, I sound like a heavy, slow, moron that is lonely with cats... uhhhhh???

- I love to paint. I don''t think I''m any good, and that''s probably why I have so much fun doing it, and then they look pretty cool.


I''m OBSESSED with color. I mostly wear black, blue and purple, but anything else related to color, ooooh I love it..
Hahaha!! GREAT answers, everybody!! I love it, thank you all for sharing!

Date: 12/19/2008 2:20:54 PM
Author: TheBigT
Gwen, I worked in a special needs high school for several years. Nobody ever told me I was crazy for doing it, but I think doing it drove me a little crazy (and the rest of the teachers, too!).

Are you a classroom teacher or do you do individual or small group work?
Haha, yeah, I definitely feel a bit bonkers some days! I have quite a few teacher-friends, and many of them said, "Whoa, you''re totally crazy for wanting to do that--I know I never could!" Heh, some days I don''t think I can either!

I am a classroom teacher, although since we''re a special school, most of the classes are the same size as the small groups I used to teach in mainstream. I teach my year 8 (12 and 13 year old students mostly) kids math, English, geography and health (including sex ed in the spring
), and am also the music teacher for the school. With all the different subjects and the differentiation done for the students, my job keeps me VERY busy!

Ok, a few other things that I thought of...

--If at all possible, I will eat with a spoon rather than a fork. Spoons just make more sense to me.

--I too find men easier to be friends with than women, and I really miss my guys back home!

--I''ve sung in the National Cathedral.

--I was the first music major (undergrad) at my university to study abroad (went to Australia, it was fabulous!).

--I looooooove pj pants. I collect them. They are just so so comfy!

--I am a Mac person, not a PC person.

--I barely wear any make-up. Not to say I wouldn''t benefit from it (no doubt I would!), but most of the time I just wear liquid-to-powder foundation to cover up my annoyingly red cheeks and nothing else because I can''t be bothered.
In high school, I started teaching myself Sign Language. I was doing ok, but I had no one to sign with. So I taught my sister what I knew, but it wasn''t very helpful, because I signed to her, and she wouldn''t sign back.

A friend and I are learning French together, so that we have practice buddies!

I have P90x, and my goal is to do the whole 90days in 2009.

I will only get Rhodesian Ridgebacks when getting dogs. They are African Lion hunting dogs, and their hair grows backwards on their backs.

I have an IUD. (not common for single women with no kids in the US)

I have only kissed two people in my life. (romantically, that is) I can be quite prude.
Oh yeah, one more thing--here on the LIW board, I''m different because my boyfriend has been ready to get married for a while but we''re waiting because of me.
I took Welsh and Old English in college. What can I say, I like learning languages that are in no way useful to life
I do happen to see a Welsh woman regularly and I feel bad when I can''t remember more than a few phrases.

I went to a fancypants college, but it didn''t feel fancypants at all. Maybe because I''m an engineer and they tend to be the same from place to place.

I absolutely love visiting my college and FI and I go back a few times a year to walk around and eat at our favorite beer and pizza joint. It''s by far the prettiest place I''ve ever lived.

I''m an engineer, but I''m terrible at mental math. I can do math at a high level, but don''t make me add two numbers in my head.

I love to read and if something is considered a classic, I''m there. I''ll try anything, but I''m not afraid to say I don''t like it. I just don''t get Russian novels, for example, but I love Dickens.

I hate hot weather. Anything over 80 is ridiculously hot to me (and even 80 is pushing it). I could live at 70 degrees forever.

I love mafia movies.

I wish I liked running, but for some reason it''s really hard for me and I''ve never been able to run more than a couple miles at a time without stopping. I''m much better at road biking.

I rarely pay attention to lyrics in music (other than to sing along) and the sound of the instrumentals of the music mixed with vocals is far more important to me. This kind of applies to books as I''m more affected by how an author writes than what he''s writing about much of the time.

I much prefer to hang out with guys over girls. However, I will say that the older my friends get (many of our work friends are in their early 30s) the more I like the women. But college age girls just weren''t my thing.
AdiS, haha, that''s too funny about the shoes.
Also I find it amusing that you wanted a career in the arts but ended up in business, because I chose a career in the arts (music teacher and performer) and often thought I was silly not to go into business to make better money!

Tuckins1, aww, you are so sweet--thank you! Now I''m blushing.
You have a fantastic job as well, sounds like, so make sure you give yourself plenty of praise as well, m''dear. Oh yeah, and I love video games and football too!! Not so big on the beer, but I usually drink cocktails at the bar when I hang with my guys.

Winks_Elf, of course you can play too! Sounds like you''ve had some diverse working experience--nursing, then working for Sprint, stay at home mom and now you work for a jeweler? Very cool! A local family-owned jeweler or someone we may have heard of before?
Oh, and what are Honeycrisp apples? Never heard of them!

sammyj, thanks! Sometimes I wish I''d gone into OT myself simply because I am fascinated by sensory system disorders and wish I was more of an expert to better help my students that have sensory needs. Haha, too funny (now, at the time I bet it was quite ick) about your chocolate experience and why you don''t eat it now! And a hearty ''ROCK ON'' to your boyfriend for wanting to be the PM of Canada one day!

elrohwen, oooh, I love red hair! Used to dye mine because I covet it so. Bet it''s gorgeous!! And girl, you seriously need to get back into cello!! It is one of the most gorgeous sounding instruments out there and you just can''t let it slip like that!
Start practicing on Bach''s Cello Partidas for me, ASAP!
Yeah, I didn''t feel fancypants at my uni either. Yay for being an engineer! Half of my friends at home are various types of engineers and there''s just something about an engineer''s sense of humour and take on life that I absolutely adore! Oh, and I really admire the fact that you took Welsh--I keep meaning to take a road trip out to Wales to see the castles but the language scares me--not enough vowels and the consonants misbehave too!

ams, that is WONDERFUL that you''re a volunteer for the Special Olympics!! That is a great thing that you do that touches so many lives--thank you!
Haha, and I also enjoy people-watching, although sometime it weirds me out--people can do freaky things when they think no one''s looking, even out in public!

trillionaire, you totally need to put your keys on a lanyard and just wear them around your neck all the time.
I''m totally with you on the personal traditions too--I love them and can''t start really making some of my own with J! And you''re not a prude if you''re just a bit choosy about who you share germs with.

jcarlylew82, haha, sounds like you need a maid!
Do you have a plan to visit India anytime soon? A good friend of mine is from there and says that it''s more beautiful and has much better food than anyone seems to expect before they arrive.

chocolatefudge, what is your favourite UK chocolate? You sound like an expert, and I need to be sure I''m eating the right stuff! And how lovely that you can knit, especially mittens! This may sound weird, but I go to markets looking for hand-knit mittens because they usually are big and thick with chunky yarn and are super warm and adorable and I love them!

tessari, 70 pairs of shoes?!!
That''s amazing!! Oooh, not to diminish the awesomeness of knowing four languages though--which four do you speak?

Alexis, ooh, do you do scrapbooks of your travels? I''ve only done one proper scrapbook in my life and that was for my big trip to Australia, and I loved making it! Do you have all the special scissors that cut patterns for photo cropping and all that?

sunnyd, do you speak French because you lived in Montreal or is that just a coincidence? I love that you took Russian in college--do you remember any of it? And yay for dance lessons! Do you still do recitals or productions?

musey, haha, good for you that you''ve gotten rid of most of your concert black! I keep meaning to do that myself...
Can I also say that I *love* mac and cheese too? Mmmmm.... Your comment about Picard makes me think of my boyfriend--he''s said something similar about him.
And I could''ve almost written your sentence about string theory, except I''d have replaced that with black holes. I got to meet Stephen Hawking!! Sort of, very very briefly after he''d done a speech at my uni last year. It was so cool!!! He is hysterical.

DG, great taste in music, my dear! I am totally with you on the being a non-drinker because of the cost. I almost never drink because I can think of better things to do with my money!

CNYHopeful, wow, youngest of 7 kids! My mom is the eldest of 8, so whenever her family gets together, it is automatically a big bash! ''Fun'' and ''crazy'' would apply to them too, hehe! And I''ve got a think for John Cusack as well.

bee-star, oh no, that''s terrible about your music teacher!
Oooh, I would love to see a photo of your hair if it''s that long--I''ll bet it''s gorgeous! My hair is thin and fine and can''t grow past my shoulder blades! Haha, I love D''s comment about how you''re different.
Oh, and 100 pairs of shoes?!?!
Holy moly, I would love to see those babies too!

princesss, haha, too funny about your travel comment--where is your ''passport country'' and where do you plan on living next? And YAY about your fancypants grad school!! That''s exactly what I told myself when I applied to mine--if I get in, I''m going. So TONS and TONS of dust for you because I''d be thrilled for you if you got into yours!!!

LtlFirecracker, congrats on owning your own home and having your own lovely furry family! I would love to be able to say either of those things at this moment! However I am so sorry to hear about your mom. I''m sure you probably still miss her.

swedish bean, hahaha, no no no, you don''t sound like any of those things, do not fret! I wonder though, if you adore colour so much, why don''t you wear more of it? I would think you could totally rock it out if you loved it!

Hey trill, any luck with those keys?
Fun thread! Let me see...a lot of this you all probably already know but here goes!

-I'm a buyer for a clothing store, which is super fun. I pick out pretty much all of the men's and women's clothing, denim, shoes and accessories. Not too many people have my job so people always think it's interesting.

-I have a twin sister and I'm the youngest of 5 kids.

-I'm a big jock and I play on 3-4 different soccer teams depending on what time of year it is.

-I LOVE clothes and shoes more than most people, which works out since I get a discount at my store. I have an especially large collection of shoes and jeans.

-I was a college drop out until last year, when I went back, and I graduated last week at age 27.
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