
Jewel re-love


Aug 13, 2011
Hey there,

Has anyone ever lost enthusiasm for your blingies? I've stopped wearing mine and though I love browsing pricescope beauties I can't get excited about wearing anything. This coincided with the time I lost my Emerald Cut three stone - not easy to forgive myself but there it is. If I replaced it it would be on the same finger as my vintage picture-frame beauty anyway. I was thinking of trying a necklace/pendant or a totally different style.

Any advice from those who've been in the same situation? Should I try a do-over of my emerald cut three stone?


Aug 13, 2011
Maybe I should do a poll? First world problems...


Apr 21, 2010
I read your opening post earlier but just wasn't clear in my own mind as to how I wanted to respond - really what i want to say is:

Losing a piece of jewelry especially one that is meaningful is a real loss - while it is a first-world problem, it doesn't take away the fact that you lost a ring that meant something to you - and I think you don't have any interest in wearing bling these days because you are still processing that loss.

As much as bling is fun, bling is pleasure, bling is extra... it is also significant and meaningful and symbolic and often irreplaceable. if you are not feeling it these days, I wouldn't push it or force it or start any new projects. I'd wait until your joy and interest in bling comes back - sooner or later you'll find you'll have something in your mind, a diamond? a setting? a design? and that will get you going again. You'll realize you are bookmarking similar styles of rings/earrings/whatever, that you are getting focused on a particular project, that you are taking pleasure in the quest.

It has been years but I lost a ring that meant quite a bit to me - it was a ring my dad had made for my mom - the stone was sourced by a family friend and the setting was sourced by a great-aunt that had her own antique jewelry business - and it was given to me when I turned 18. It wasn't expensive, but it was beautiful and striking and filled with meaning to me. After I lost it, I stopped wearing most jewelry for actually a couple of years - I guess it was my signature ring and I wasn't ready to move on. I actually have one photo where the ring is prominent, and these days (and for a number of years) I take a lot of pleasure of seeing its representation and remembering the story of how the ring was made... the joy is back in that memory and it overwhelms the faint loss I also feel.

Your pleasure in jewelry projects will come back - let it take its time.

eta - ps. I do remember your emerald ring project - it was a beautiful ring that really suited you - I am sorry it is lost. Is it beyond possible that it could turn up?


Aug 25, 2009
I have falled out of love with a lot of jewelry I bought before finding PS. It just wan't my style so no love lost, just a big waste of money :(( However, I can understand how loosing your 3 stone would be a hurdle to get over. I got a FLY in a double halo for the birth of my daughter several years ago which I lost last Thanksgiving. I *LOVED* that ring and since loosing it I have had pretty much zero interst in getting another FCD to replace it. I just don't have enthusasiam at all for it.


Jan 11, 2006
Well, it certainly saves money when you're not in the mood to buy jewelry! My philosophy is that I don't want to buy just to buy. I want to wait until there is something I really love. So I do think you'll know when there is something you really want again. I am sure we all see beautiful things here daily that we wouldn't buy ourselves.


Aug 13, 2011
Thank you for the words of wisdom ladies.

Marymm - so sorry that your mother's ring. A ring hand made by a friend for your father to give to your mother is truly something special. The memory of the item and the meaning being the irreplaceable part is a great lesson. Glad you're back on the bling love after a mourning period. The 'signature ring' comment really struck me - it's true that when you wear something daily it becomes part of you and is infused with your energy as well as your look. Maybe my former ring was my 'signature'?

SB621 - the changing preferences, our tendencies to sometimes be a little fickle can come back to bite us. At least with jewelry there's more value in the items than other consumer goods/commodities. An FLY double halo is a great gift for a new mother. Sounds as though your aversion to the style is a reflection of still being torn up about it.

Diamond Seeker - thank you for the note, having a PS heavyweight opinion makes me pay attention. I think all your pieces have been true classic beauties, never more so than now! To your point though, I really did love wearing the 3-stone, more than any other accessory I've ever had. I think I'm writing this post because I'd like to enjoy wearing jewelry again.

Back to my 3-stone. It had no particular sentimental attachment, I bought it for myself as a RHR because I liked the look of it. I think what I enjoyed most was how different it was to most other rings out there yet a classic style. I just felt it suited me. I guess I'm not over the ring yet, the style in particular. My practical brain thinks of three approaches:

1. Go bling-free
2. Get over it and wear the transitional (it really is beautiful)
3. Try another project (jade or diamond pendant?)
4. Start another project - EC 3-stone do-over
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