
Is my ring sized too small???

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Dec 19, 2007
My new ring is a size 4.5. I love the fit on my finger - it generally does not roll around, etc. But it is hard to get on - harder than my other rings (which do roll a bit). So, how do you know what is the right fit? Should it be hard to get on? Are you better off a bit too small than a bit too big?


Jan 3, 2005
I''ve always heard that it should go on with not troubles, but that someone else should not be able to pull it off. if someone else can easily get it off your hand, then it''s too big. If you''re having a hard time getting it on and off, you might think of having it sized up a bit. Do your fingers swell in the summer? if so, it might only get to feeling tighter.


Aug 24, 2007
I think this partly depends on your finger shape too. If you have large knuckles, I think you want the smallest size you can get past them, so that the ring isn't floppy down below the knuckle. If you have skinny knuckles, where the finger flesh itself is all that is holding the ring on, then you want the ring to fit so it won't come off easily - in this case being a bit tighter than loose isn't a bad thing. I have small knuckles, and I have the problem that if I wear one of my rings by itself it fits nice, two is fine, but if I want that stacked look with 3, it starts to feel tight.


Jul 21, 2006
How does it feel to you? Is it uncomfortable? When you are wearing your rings, does it look your fingers are being indented by your ring(s)?


Apr 18, 2007
I have the same problem. My ring finally fits nice (I ate my way into the ring) and doesn't slip around anymore (the center stone was always falling to the side, now it stays straight up). I even had the "speed bumps" put on. My problem is, now that it looks straight all the time, I can't get it off. If I have it made big enough to get off, the center stone will fall over to the side again. It seems to be a no win situation. My knuckle is larger than the finger part. I was thinking maybe they could make a rubber slip-in device that would make it fit snug, but could be pulled out when ring needs to be taken off. I tried those little metal ring sizer things, but they kept poking me.

...I hate when my ring is floppy!.... I too would appreciate advice on this dilemma.


Nov 2, 2003
Hi, Ladies...
So sorry you are struggling with this problem with your beautiful rings.
I got engaged in 1989 and have been battling the "fit over the knuckle vs. not spinning" conflict ever since!
I''ve changed out my ring setting 4 times (my bad!) and have experienced how different style settings and setting heights "help" or "hurt".
But even with that, you still have to find a "happy medium", the best of both worlds, that works the best for you; something that will get over knuckle without actually traumatizing your finger (this can occur, believe me -- which then, over time, makes your knuckle ever LARGER and more problematic as far as the ring situation is concerned!) while also providing the minimum in "spin".
My fingers swell and constrict like mad, between the heat and cold, humidity and dryness, salt intake, wine intake, time of day, etc.
I have resigned myself to accept that sometimes my ring fits okay and sometimes it fits loose and sometimes snug.
What has definitely helped for me is to have a setting that is "low". Also, the setting is "well-balanced" in that the side stones sort of balance out the weight.
Here is another thing to consider:
If you have a wider shank on the ring, it gives it more stability, i.e. less spinning. However, if you have a more narrow shank, it is easier to get over the knuckle, especially if you have it sized more on the snug size.
I just want to add that your rings, saltymuffin, Diamond Dana, and hearts-arrow__girl, are really gorgeous!


Oct 14, 2005
Several of my rings have been made with a Euro shank ( flat at the bottom).... and for my thin fingers and large knuckles it's one of the best ways to keep my rings from turning.

LitagatoChick, another way and this is what I would recommend to you, is to make the shanks "comfort fit" rounded and smooth on the inside instead of flat. For me, this also tends to keep the ring fitting well even when it's as narrow as 3 mm
Comfort fit tends to hug the finger better and with the rounded smooth construction the ring slips on and off more easily when you need it to....yet, stays put when it's supposed to.


Dec 19, 2007
Thanks everyone. The ring feels perfect on, but taking it off over my knuckle is not easy. Getting it on is easier (does that make any sense??)
. I never thought I had particularly large knuckles, but they appear to be the problem. Once the ring is on, my finger is not indented. It looks and feels great on - it is just the removal process that is a little tight!

Mrs.Salvo, I don''t think my fingers swell much in the summer. I was pregnant a couple years ago, and did not notice any change in my ring size at all then. So I think I am safe in this regard.

Susi, I already have my rings "comfort fit", so no change can be made there.

My problem is my cleaning obsession (no, not the house, my ring!). I seem to need to do this daily, so I have to coax my rings off every day!! Can this really make my knuckles swell more, Headlight?? Yikes!! I don''t want to do damage.

If I sized up (it is at 4.5 now), should I go up less than a 1/2 size? How big/small of an adjustment to you typically make when looking for that perfect size??


Jul 21, 2006
You may want to just go to a jeweler and try on those finger sizing know the ones that look like one big keychain? If it is not too terrible tight, you may only want to do 1/4 size up, otherwise you may run into your ring spinning.


Dec 19, 2007
Actually, the more I think about this, I think that this ring may be a smidge small for a 4.5. All my other rings that I currently have are 4.5, and they fit well - snug, but not too hard to get off. Can I check if this ring is actually a 4.5???


Apr 26, 2007
Yep, without a problem: take it to a jeweler and ask them to slip it over a mandrel, and they should be able to tell you immediately.


Dec 16, 2007
I always had this problem with any ring I wore. I was a complusive knuckle-cracker in my high school years and really stressed out my hands. On top of that, in my professional life, I am a stylist who has my hands in and out of water all day long!

My husband ended up going for a euro shank aka. a rocker bottom...and it has been wonderful. My band and ering never roll, and its very comfortable.

As far as a ring being two long have you had the ring? My finger has gained a type of "dent" where my ring sits...


Feb 8, 2003
I''m so glad that LitigatorChick brought this up. I had this problem for years because I liked my rings to fit "just so" and not spin, but I am also affected by all the things that headlight mentioned especially heat, humidity, salt, spice, food allergies and time of day. Night was the worst for trying to get my rings off. And then came early menopause....... and all of a sudden, every ring I had was too tight. Something also happened with my knuckles as a result of the hormonal changes and I was shearing little layers of skin off my knuckle trying to get my rings, especially my eternity band, off. On top of all that I have Fibromyalgia and we have something that happens to our bodies during a flare called "subjective swelling" when we swell up slightly all over for no apparent reason. It all became a big pain in the patoot, so I made all my rings (except my eternity band) a 1/4 size bigger and although they may be a tad loose in cold dry weather, I''m no longer shearing skin off the sides of my knuckle when I try to get my rings off. Also, in the case of my three ring wedding set, having a tiny touch of solder put between each to hold them together made a huge difference. Now they don''t spin much at all. Headlight is right, the wider shank helps a lot.


Jan 18, 2007
ligator chick- I too have the same problem. It is the curse for those of us with big knuckles. My fiance went with me countless times to get my finger size checked because I anticipated this issue and we ended up with a 5 3/8. I guess it must fit like your 4 1/2- tight over the knuckles but comfortable on. I found that a little soap and cold water does the trick for getting it off. however, it doesn''t work as well in the mornings when my fingers are more swollen. I thought about changing it but i have only been wearing it for 2 weeks. And, I just figured it would be best to keep it snug for the following reason- geting the ring on and off is only a fraction of its wear, the rest of the time it is on your finger. If it looks good there but you have to fight with it occasionally in the privacy of your own bathroom with a lil soap and water, it is a small price to pay for having it sit upright the rest of the time!!


May 15, 2005
I cannot help to much, as I actually like my ring to be a bit bigger. I am really a size 5.25, but I wear a 5.75. Not a huge difference, but my fingers swell, and I hate having the ring too tight.


Nov 2, 2003
I think you should get the size checked. I''ve had the situation with some rings where they were supposed to make it such and such size, but it was a "smidge" under the line and it made a difference in how the ring fit (or, actually, didn''t fit!). However, maybe you should see what your other size 4.5 rings actually measure at... maybe they are actually a wee bit larger and all this time you thought you were a 4.5 based on what you were told your other rings were so you told your fiance you needed a 4.5....

Also, in terms of those ring sizers (the "keychain", as it was referred to), those don''t always give a good interpretation of how a ring sized in the size you choose will fit. There is something about a particular ring''s characteristics that can make it fit different than the sizer. The sizer just gives you a starting point, a general size guide. Thus, even if you''ve always worn a (confirmed size) 4.5, and even if your e-ring does measure out on the mandrel as a true 4.5, this particular e-ring just might need to be a wee bit larger to "fit" similar to your other rings.


Dec 19, 2007
I am getting a new wedding band made, so I am going to get this checked out when I meet with my jeweller. I held the ring against a ring that fits well (also 4.5) and they seem to be the same size. It could just be the shape. However, it is really getting to be a pain to get off, and as it is an Asscher, it really needs regular cleaning.

So I think I will just ask for the ring to be made a little bit bigger (even less than a 1/4 size). My jeweller is really awesome, so I think he should be able to help. I am just sad now that I have to be without my ring!!!


Oct 22, 2007
Since I''m no expert, I''ll tell you what my jeweler told me: the ring should be pretty tight. Not tight enough so you can''t get it off and on, of course - but on the tight side. My ering is a 6.5 and when my hands are cold it rolls around a little, but most of the time it doesn''t. And yes, in the morning and night it is harder to get on and off. My jeweler insists this is the way it should be - in fact he suggested my ring size is really a 6.25.
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