
Irate customers.

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Dec 27, 2006

I work in high-end clothing retail, in a pretty 'ritzy' area of town. Most of the people who come into the store are wonderful loyal customers, but every once in a while we get a few customers who just go nuts when things don't go their way, or they're not aware of our new policies because they don't read the literature that comes with their credit cards or posted in our store and/or website.

Our company had recently decided to do a major overhaul in policy changes, effective as of last September. We stapled notices to customers receipts for about a month before and after our new policies were effective, and they're also available on our website if customers want to view them. They are also posted directly in front of them as they check-out. Most of them involve exchanges/returns and the period of time in which you have to return or exchange them. We used to take things from ANY time, and people would literally bring back items from 2000 with their receipt and we'd have to honor that, damaged, worn, or not. In 2006 we changed it to 6 months. In 2007 it changed to 3 months. I understand their frustration, because I have to deal with it too. I have to take the abuse when things don't go their way, and then apologize for their inconvinence because my company decided to lower their 15 million dollar loss this year by not accepting damaged returns.

I get customers like this frequenty, and it usually rolls off my shoulders, but I'm wondering about the general population of people... Why do people think that they're the automatic exception to every rule?

Do they not realize that I can lose my job for not following the rules by constantly making exceptions for them? Do they not think I get audited for that?


Jan 1, 2007
Ugh. I can''t stand that mindset in people. I can definitely relate after working retail at high end (and one low end) stores! The stuff people try to bring back is ridiculous. Worn shoes, hemmed jeans, etc. You name it, they''ll try to bring it back.

I do have one recommendation, though-if you can, you should staple the return policy to every receipt, forever. That''s what we do at the store I work at and it really cuts down on problems.


Dec 2, 2005
sorry :-/ I''ve worked high end clothing retail as well, and sometime''s people''s attitude of entitlement just amazes me. To be fair, 90 percent of customers are great.


Mar 11, 2005
People like this are the reason I left retail years ago. The last retail job I had dealt with electronics and we had many people want to return TVs or stereos a couple of years old, or return open computer software when it was well-posted that you could only exchange it for the same if it was defective.


Jan 21, 2004
That's quite aggravating!
Curio, I am sorry you have to deal with that sort of person, even ocassionally, they are so TIRING!

I think it's people's sense of entitlement. It's not only in the high-end clothing industry, but certainly most prevalent in the high-end ANYTHING industry. Jewlery is NO exception! But at the high end stores that behavior is encouraged, and promoted by catering to them and as such there is a line of superiority drawn. You are there for THEIR service. You cease to be a person, you are just there for their service. I have seen it too often.

Some people's detachment is often linked to their entitlement so they can feel as if they are better than you, and better than their contemporaries, because after all they are always catered to because of their spending power and that should be respected and encouraged. In the end, they can have special treatment, but the more out of the way it is, the better they feel.

I say this because I watched a woman at a hotel get the penthouse suite (a whole top floor) and that was without reservations after whining. Then she demanded that it be set-up somewhat intricately before she arrive and didn't want to walk in until it was ready. In the meanwhile she would wait in a private room of the restaurant and enjoy a complimentary 2000 Château Margaux! She pushed the limits until she felt special enough.

Curio, people ask you to do things for them so THEY can feel special. You are irrelevant, and even doing whatever it is, if you were to get in trouble, they are long gone and it is not their concern anymore. Sad, but you have to just say, I apologize, but the rules are for EVERYONE. If someone can not accept that, it's their problem!


Oct 12, 2005
Sorry that you have to deal with nasty folks. I used to have to put up with that kind of crap at my last job although mine was hotel reservations. We sold non refunable/non cancellable pay in full at the time of booking reservations that caused a lot of problems. I could tell someone 3x the policies, send a confirmation with the polices via mail, email & fax & they would still call to cxl with the excuse they didnt understand, they didnt get any confirmation letter, etc. What really ticked me off is the people who booked online. Our site would tell them several times the policies & then require the person check a box saying the agree to the terms before the resv was confirmed. STILL, people had the audacity to make excuses of all kinds.

You really do come across a lot of ignorant people (& nice, of course) when you work directly with the public.

door knob solitaire

Jun 26, 2005

Nothing is more frustrating that not be able to express your frustration to the abusive customer. I did it once, and lost my position. (in highschool I worked in a restaurant at the mall, the public restrooms in the mall were where we had to send everyone. This mother...with a 3 year old toddler demanded she have the right to go through our kitchen and use ours. I refused her for health reasons. She took things in her own hands...stood toddler on table top, pulled his pants down, had he aim for a cup on top of the table! I went to her and told her to leave the premises immediately as I would not be responsible for my actions. I was a hair away from tackleing her and pouring the cupfull on her head!
. I think any judge would have stood behind me...unfortunately my boss didn't.) She felt she was entitled as she paid for a meal at THIS restaurant. Entitled? Geeze. I tell you this story to remind you IT COULD BE WORSE!!

Back to your subject...Banana had just changed their policy. Well last year prior to the holidays. The policy was stapled to a receipt, and one stuffed into my bag. It was also recited to me as I made my purchase. But I still have that mentallity that I relied on for years of my purchases there. They were so lenient on returns-I think it was three months. I strolled back after 6 weeks...and WHAT? Me? Ahhh don't understand I wasn't going to wear this for 2 months and I just tried it back on ...and WHAT? Ok Ok...I got it now, but lets go ahead and return this now....and all will be well. Didn't happen. Whoa is Me. I wasn't irrate...just frustrated that they could do this TO ME!!!
2.gif are right...I felt I was entitled to a little grace. It is ME AFTERALL.

I would like to suggest a policy for stores in the future that make drastic changes...the receipt for at least a 6 month period should be made longer...on the receipt you have the customer read and sign the new policy. No need to be lengthy...just that I understand the new policy ....sign here. Just like at a home agree to this...intial or sign and here. When the attempt to return is made after the new term, the receipt will be right there and it would clarify no exceptions.

Lets face it...some employees sound like recordings and as a consumer we block out there insincere comments anyway. "Welcome to ______how are you today? Just wanted to tell you if you try on our new slacks we will give you a coupon good for 30% off any purchase over $75. including all pants, not limited just to denium but twill also. This offer is good on todays purchases or any purchase within 30 days". WHAT???? Not kidding I was just recited this a few weeks ago. I just now decipered what she said as I composed this post.

I am guilty of not listening to the clerk. Tar and feather me! But I also feel your frustration...sometimes you want to scream! Or the very least, wish you had cup full of pee to pour on their heads!!


Who reads fine print? tells me terms and conditions on the purchase of a car...but I just bought a cute little top to wear to the tea party...what conditions? what terms? I give you give me the top and I have rights you know!!


Nov 1, 2003
That''s a pretty huge change no wonder they are not happy.


Jul 27, 2005
Date: 7/16/2007 2:13:24 AM
Why do people think that they''re the automatic exception to every rule?
Regular people generally don''t. SOCIOPATHS do. Sadly there seems to be new data that suggests perhaps their numbers are as high as 1 in 10 people. Also, sadly -- they have no empathy. They don''t care that you might get into trouble. They don''t care if you''re going to be audited. They ONLY care about getting their OWN way.

IMO - the best way to deal is just to be unerringly polite (but firm). Any crack in the polite facade will lead them to try to punish you or go over your head w/ management. They''ll lie and humiliate and have no boundries when it comes to "getting even". So don''t give them ammunition. (No matter how just your ire might be).


Dec 27, 2006

Yes, it's a huge change from the leniency we had before. And we still take things back from people who have receipts from 2005 and previous. As a matter of fact, we had a lady come in with receipts from 1995, with a bag full of clothing she allegedly paid full price for. The clothes smelled musty and smoky. She said she was sick, and couldn't return them on time. Our manager said, "You were sick or 12 years??" She wouldn't leave our store until we called customer support, in which we spent 3 hours trying to explain to her that we can't return half of her items because we don't know the item codes and descriptions anymore. The lady was a little crazy, she had her dollar bills individually wrapped in Starbucks napkins.

Unfortunatly for them, our computers don't keep records of items from before 2003, when they upgraded our systems, so we don't have records for original prices or item numbers before then. And if they come in without tags, there's no telling how much money they actually paid for them. They could have paid full price, or they could have paid 3.99 at a resale shop. People just come into our store thinking we have all the answers, that we keep pages and pages of records from 12 years ago of all the item numbers and descriptions of items 'just incase' someone decides to return something.

All of our policies are infront of the customers when they check out. They're also outlined at the bottom of our receipts, and people still don't read them. We have to obide by the return policy on their receipt. Those people who purchased things before 2005 can still return things at any time, those who purchased in 2006 can return within 6 months, and those who recently purchased things this year can only return after 3.


Funny you mention Banana.........
Not that I work there or anything.......

Yeah it could be worse. I've been called stupid and incompetent to my face over 4 dollars.
I've had a manager been called a liberal *3 letter word that starts with an F ends with a G* because we couldn't return an item that she had no proof of payment for.

People don't even listen to us when we're in the store. I can't even get an answer when I say hello.

"Hi there, how are you doing this afternoon?" *vacant stare*
"Did anyone help you today?" "No." Even though I SAW someone helping her.
"No? I'm terribly sorry about that, were you able to find what you needed, is there a size or a particular item I can get for you? Perhaps at another store?"
"Okay.." By then they're already on their cell phone chatting away to whomever.
"Your total is "$124.67, would that be credit or cash or...?" I pause while I wait for her to answer so I can enter in their payment method.. she swipes her card instead of answering me, then puts her card away.
I push the credit option and the machine beeps and tells her to swipe her card.
"Credit? I'm sorry ma'am, you'll have to run that card through one more time."
She sighs loudly as she takes her card back out of her bag.
"I already swiped it, I have to swipe it again??"
Instead of telling her she didn't answer me when I asked her what payment option she wanted, I put the blame on our computer and tell her it didn't take her card because it's slow.
"Now please sign and press accept when you're finished."
She's still chatting up her friend, faced away from me and doesn't hear my instructions. I start bagging things up while she chats. She turns around and wonders what's taking so long. I mime to her to sign the pad and press accept. She does so, then continues talking on her cell phone, and then leaves before the receipt prints out. By then a line has formed because she was chatting and not paying attention. Then I have to run after her after it finishes printing to give her the receipt before she leaves the store because she didn't hear me, and when I get back to the register, people are frustrated because they've been waiting.

This happens EVERY day, about 1 out of 10 people.



Jun 29, 2006
costco changed their policy from "ever" to 90 days, but items you bought prior to the change are NOT subject to the change... I have zero problem with a 90 day policy but if I bought something under one policy I DO think that same policy should remain in effect. If I bought something and had 6 months and you changed your policy to 3 months I think the item I bought with a 6 month policy should still be under its original policy. Just my thought on that one.


Jan 21, 2004
....Looks like someone deserves a spa day...

Working in any industry where you deal directly with customers is always a challenge. Sorry to hear these people are so clueless. All I can say is that we all seem to often lose that human connection at times, and i am glad you posted this, because maybe if enough people read it, and we recognize it, it will slowly reduce the number of people who think this behavior is "normal"...Big cities, it seems to be rampant as everyone''s in a rush and self-absorbed...


Jan 8, 2007
UGH. I could NEVER work in retail......ever!
Bad enough to work at a restaurant. Get this....I used to have people come in, ask me for a glass of water and a bowl of lemons. Then, they would MAKE THEIR OWN LEMONADE, even though we had lemonade to give them, just so it would be free.

I remember one time I was standing in line at bebe in the galleria. The line was about 6 people long, and the girl out front was asking about a million questions about a gift card that she got. Then she made the lady put her clothes in a clothes bag, but only in a way that met her was all very weird, and obnoxious. Everyone in line was line was getting antsy and annoyed, but she could care less. I couldn''t believe how well the cashier handled it though...she was amazing. I would have been through the roof.


Nov 24, 2006
Date: 7/16/2007 2:05:57 PM
Author: Cehrabehra
costco changed their policy from ''ever'' to 90 days, but items you bought prior to the change are NOT subject to the change... I have zero problem with a 90 day policy but if I bought something under one policy I DO think that same policy should remain in effect. If I bought something and had 6 months and you changed your policy to 3 months I think the item I bought with a 6 month policy should still be under its original policy. Just my thought on that one.
When did this happen?

Sorry Currio, that is no fun! Usually people who are angry are just unhappy or had bad things happen to them so they take it out on others.


Dec 27, 2006

I remember after 9/11 everyone was so polite. You could merge lanes without having someone flip you off or honk their horn at you, you could make a mistake in line and everyone was accomodating, people were so nice to each other.

Now, I can''t even drive 80 mph in the fast lane without someone tailgaiting me trying to get me to change lanes. The other day there was a HUGE fight in our grocery store over 2 customers who apparently were arguing about who was in line first.

Maybe I''m an idealist for expecting the best out of people.

lol, I guess I do need a spa treatment.


Jul 27, 2005
Date: 7/16/2007 2:13:43 PM
Author: luckystar112
I remember one time I was standing in line at bebe in the galleria. The line was about 6 people long, and the girl out front was asking about a million questions about a gift card that she got. Then she made the lady put her clothes in a clothes bag, but only in a way that met her was all very weird, and obnoxious. Everyone in line was line was getting antsy and annoyed, but she could care less.

This reminds me of I study I read one time ... its conclusion was that people stay on pay phones LONGER when someone else is waiting for it (I think it was 30% longer). It comes down to the human instinct to be territorial ... right now this phone is MINE MINE MINE. It''s even more desirable when someone ELSE wants it. Lemmie RELISH this phone, that I HAVE, that someone ELSE WANTS!!!


Jul 8, 2006

Let me start by saying that I feel rude or dismissive behaviour is unacceptable.

In my opinion consumers very often (not always) are abused paying over the odds for merchandise or services which sadly turn out to be below par. The majority of those consumers do not get satisfaction for these perceived or genuine grievances. Perhaps their expectations were too high, perhaps policies were misleading or perhaps they met and were served or serviced by a rogue that day. My point is that in a sea of those bad experiences certain consumers will place their tail between their legs and scuttle home on the bus, but others (the proverbial camels out to fetch straw) snap and in my opinion proceed to choose ''smaller'' battles they feel they can win, not by the validity of their claim but my the perceived superiority of their position. I''m not sure they would stay ''on hold'' with the cable company for the same $4 grievance you mentioned or write to the electric company for a Direct Debit fee gone wrong not because those companies make you jump through many employee hoops before you come into contact with any body authorised to make a rebate, but because they cannot assert their superiority in that situation to assure their victory. They are #12345 customer, not Mrs Take Notice Of Me because I am Superiour To YOU (because of social standing/$ spent etc).

In my experience, such customers merely require a little ego massaging and they go away no better off but much happier. We all get a raw deal from time to time, if you come across a person who feels you are the last straw to their sanity today, it is not unreasonable to take a step back and be the bigger person. You might want somebody to do the same tomorrow to you or your SO.

That said, courtesy is a two way street and nobody should be rude or dismissive


Jan 21, 2004
Date: 7/16/2007 2:37:47 PM
Author: Steel

Let me start by saying that I feel rude or dismissive behaviour is unacceptable.

In my opinion consumers very often (not always) are abused paying over the odds for merchandise or services which sadly turn out to be below par. The majority of those consumers do not get satisfaction for these perceived or genuine grievances. Perhaps their expectations were too high, perhaps policies were misleading or perhaps they met and were served or serviced by a rogue that day. My point is that in a sea of those bad experiences certain consumers will place their tail between their legs and scuttle home on the bus, but others (the proverbial camels out to fetch straw) snap and in my opinion proceed to choose ''smaller'' battles they feel they can win, not by the validity of their claim but my the perceived superiority of their position. I''m not sure they would stay ''on hold'' with the cable company for the same $4 grievance you mentioned or write to the electric company for a Direct Debit fee gone wrong not because those companies make you jump through many employee hoops before you come into contact with any body authorised to make a rebate, but because they cannot assert their superiority in that situation to assure their victory. They are #12345 customer, not Mrs Take Notice Of Me because I am Superiour To YOU (because of social standing/$ spent etc).

In my experience, such customers merely require a little ego massaging and they go away no better off but much happier. We all get a raw deal from time to time, if you come across a person who feels you are the last straw to their sanity today, it is not unreasonable to take a step back and be the bigger person. You might want somebody to do the same tomorrow to you or your SO.

That said, courtesy is a two way street and nobody should be rude or dismissive
This has lements I agree with, but in essence, even when I feel a superiority in my stance due to being right or wronged by the other party or company, the first thing I think is, let me talk to someone who can make a change. The customers service rep on the phone USUSALLY doesn''t have the power. I won''t whine and aggravate them, I will immediately ask for their manager. Saying, "listen, I want to resolve this as quickly as possible, and as helpful as you are, I don''t want to get you in trouble, so if the manager is available, I can speak with them and just resolve this and go home." ususally most people are happy to give that sort of aggravation up. Some feel like they are slighted as THEY have power too! And then you say, "Ok, can you give me a refund for this, with this as the case." I often hear. "Um, no, let me get my manager..." I''ve had that happen.

I think we all pay too much for inferior products and customer service is lately an empty practice in not getting fired and just punching a clock for a paycheck. BUT, when you approach people with a problem that clearly is not within the rules, I would not disturb the sales clerk, but try to get the one person who can over-ride rules into the discussion as quickly as possible, to see if it REALLY is not doable, then everyone is less stressed.

Case in point I had tickets to a show in Vegas. I never received the confirmation e-mail. I called the day of to confirm, because I am anal that way. They said the tickets were for two days earlier and the several hundred dollars spent were wasted on tickets for the wrong day. The rules were and always printed on the website as NO REFUNDS NO MATTER WHAT. And I ased the girl, so the mistake of the person who placed the order means that I am going to now lose over $700 for nothing?

Within minutes I had the manager on the line and she gave me stand by tickets with all the apologies and pulled out all the special treatment. Truly, I knew the policy, but sometimes there are things that go beyond. The managers are paid for such issues. She handled it perfectly. I never once pestered the customer service girl, I just said, "Yes i understand the policy, but please let me speak to the manager about other options." Done.

I sent a letter to the company about the manager doing a great job of taking care of us in such a situation. In my opinion when everyone does their job and goes above the call of duty that should always be positively reinforced. (sorry a bit off topic) but I am known as the queen of conflict resolution because I end up being the one everyone calls to fix such issues. I literally have a new one every day to fight...


Jul 8, 2006
Nicrez, I think you make two very good points (among others):

1. Like puppies and children we all respond to positive reinforcement. It is not just a courtesy to praise good service it is essential to reward it, else folk will stop and then younger people will have no good examples to look up to. The world will become an intolerant and ''work to rule'' (if even that) society.

2. Some rules are so nonsensical that they defy their own enforcement. Not for exploitation but as in your instance, some companies feel that in order to protect their interests they must batten down the hatches and do not realise that by doing so it creates an absurdity which must be righted in individual circumstances. Then they do not either inform the front line customer service staff of this and given them powers or resolution or allow them to recognise such sets of circumstances and proactively offer to transfer your call to an authoritive person. Such policies serve in my opinions to alienate potential forward thinking consumers and eliminate return custom from aggrieved and wronged customers who do not have the sense or conviction to ask for Mr Ronald McDonald himself (aka a decision maker).

Don''t blame the monkey - ask for the organ grinder
But I stand by my guns, an empathetic ''front liner'' can diffuse a conflict before it occurs, either by proactively passing it on for resolution or by offering a few kind words.



Aug 12, 2005
Sorry to hear about your customer issues, Curiopotter! It''s no fun trying to be polite and maintain a professional demeanor when you get a customer who has a bad attitude and thinks they''re above the law so to speak, and doesn''t have to adhere to current policies. I spent about 10 years in retail and three guesses as to why I left, LOL! I think any time a store changes its policies very drastically there will be some backlash, hopefully this phase will be over soon for you and your loyal customers remain, and the ones who don''t care for the policy will just have to find another store and its employees to verbally abuse!

Cute new avatar, btw!


Jun 29, 2006
Date: 7/16/2007 2:13:43 PM
Author: luckystar112
UGH. I could NEVER work in retail......ever!
Bad enough to work at a restaurant. Get this....I used to have people come in, ask me for a glass of water and a bowl of lemons. Then, they would MAKE THEIR OWN LEMONADE, even though we had lemonade to give them, just so it would be free.
I do this (okay not a *bowl*) all the time.... I got the idea from being a waitress and it was never any skin off my nose if they didn''t buy the lemonade! I only get water in restaurants, I know what the mark up on drinks is and it is one thing I refuse to pay when I go out. Rather put it toward something else. And sometimes I do squeeze lemon and put some equal in there and you know - it tastes NOTHING like the stuff restaurants serve. The stuff they serve is usually concentrate and is way too sweet and too strong as well. Nothing beats REAL lemons and sugar.... it does seem rather cheap to do it this way, but in my eyes it is a) a sugar control issue, b) a sour control issue or c) a quality control issue. I never have asked for a bowl of lemons for my drink. One slice will do. I do however ask for a bowl of lemons for my *salad*. I like a LOT LOT LOT of lemon on my salad and just a tiny bit of ranch dressing.

Anyway, I don''t think the free aspect is the only reason people would make their own lemonade in the restaurant LOL


Jun 29, 2006
Date: 7/16/2007 2:13:59 PM
Author: Skippy123

Date: 7/16/2007 2:05:57 PM
Author: Cehrabehra
costco changed their policy from ''ever'' to 90 days, but items you bought prior to the change are NOT subject to the change... I have zero problem with a 90 day policy but if I bought something under one policy I DO think that same policy should remain in effect. If I bought something and had 6 months and you changed your policy to 3 months I think the item I bought with a 6 month policy should still be under its original policy. Just my thought on that one.
When did this happen?

Sorry Currio, that is no fun! Usually people who are angry are just unhappy or had bad things happen to them so they take it out on others.
I think the guy said march or april - but I''d look into it.


Jun 29, 2006
Date: 7/16/2007 2:28:34 PM
Author: decodelighted

Date: 7/16/2007 2:13:43 PM
Author: luckystar112
I remember one time I was standing in line at bebe in the galleria. The line was about 6 people long, and the girl out front was asking about a million questions about a gift card that she got. Then she made the lady put her clothes in a clothes bag, but only in a way that met her was all very weird, and obnoxious. Everyone in line was line was getting antsy and annoyed, but she could care less.

This reminds me of I study I read one time ... its conclusion was that people stay on pay phones LONGER when someone else is waiting for it (I think it was 30% longer). It comes down to the human instinct to be territorial ... right now this phone is MINE MINE MINE. It''s even more desirable when someone ELSE wants it. Lemmie RELISH this phone, that I HAVE, that someone ELSE WANTS!!!
LOL I knew someone who would turn her motor off and refuse to leave if there was someone waiting for her parking spot. This was *years* ago, she was even younger than I and this was like 92? Every time someone is waiting for my spot I think of her. Now, if someone is waiting for my spot I don''t hurry up for them, but I can''t imagine just sitting there refusing to move until they drove away LMAO
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