
Insurance bogus deductions - best strategy


Jan 9, 2015
So, we've been burglarized in December (!!) and had an expert come over end of January. He checked that we had all the security measures in place (check, and some more, secret measures like another alarm that's not even on our policy) . He established with me that we had about 25 k worth of damages and stolen jewelry / luxury items that I've got proof of purchase for. He pretty much told me the gold items from our grandmothers were treated like cash and I had to get used to the fact that those were just bye bye (I never had them evaluated and I also had received two heavy chains from the inheritance for my girls on 12/25, two days before the break in.
He said that for everything I got proof of purchase for we'd get 98 % of the value on the receipts (or respective quotes) as per our policy.

Today we've received the cheque in the mail for - wait for it : 5214,77

No letter, nothing.

I just got off the phone, where the clerk basically explained some bogus deductions and referred to the expert's evaluation. He deducted some bogus percentagws off of each item (the window they smashed was literally 7 weeks old. He deducted 10 % for age of the windows. Which is, frankly, a total joke).

The best: even with his bogus deductions the sum we have received is still lower (??).

Since insurance contracts are different in all countries etc., I'd like some expert opinions on how to proceed:

Go full force (letter by lawyer, threaten to sue)

Or negotiate with them first?


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Jun 8, 2008
Oy that really blows. I am so sorry!

One: Don't cash the check.
Two: if you could afford it get a lawyer right away to scare them and accelerate the process.

I just asked my DH and his feeling is if a lawyer is involved it should accelerate the process in getting you what you want. But it will cost you money :( I am so sorry.

My DH did add if you are good negotiators you can try that route first. Good luck!!!

And (((Hugs))). I am so sorry @kipari and I hope you get the full amount.


Jan 9, 2015
Thank you @missy !!! And Greg!!

I'll mull it over some more. DH and I are good negotiators... We'll see if we have the energy to try that first.

Fun fact:
I texted DH : DON'T CASH in all caps first thing when he texted me the pic of the cheque.

I'm quite pleased I called the clerk right away: I was crying and I never cry usually, but he got the full distressed housewife thing from me. I think it might have been a good start.

I hope you'll have a wonderful day, @missy! Waving across the pond IMG-20200804-WA0008.jpeg


Jun 8, 2008
Thank you @missy !!! And Greg!!

I'll mull it over some more. DH and I are good negotiators... We'll see if we have the energy to try that first.

Fun fact:
I texted DH : DON'T CASH in all caps first thing when he texted me the pic of the cheque.

I'm quite pleased I called the clerk right away: I was crying and I never cry usually, but he got the full distressed housewife thing from me. I think it might have been a good start.

I hope you'll have a wonderful day, @missy! Waving across the pond IMG-20200804-WA0008.jpeg

Good luck and (((hugs))).



Feb 21, 2019
I am soo sorry about the break in and stolen items and also the poor check. Yes fight it. I would try to negotiate first and then if necessary bring in a lawyer. So sorry you're going through this. This is one of the things I fear most.
Your view is beautiful!


Sep 24, 2011
Have you checked the terms of your policy? I think it's awful that they did not send a letter with detailed accounting of values and deductions.
I would think the policy details what the process should be for claims and also for any formal appeals process.
I'm sorry you are going through this.


Feb 2, 2016
Don't cash the check that is essentially agreeing to the settlement. Even if you read the policy line by line it may not be clear, they really should have detailed in writing these deductions and how they came to these figures.

Sometimes all insurance companies need is the threat of litigation to change their minds. An example, we had a 20K medical bill from Yale, insurance wouldn't cover it, they said it wasn't medically necessary that I was kept at Yale overnight (pregnant and had an eye stroke so lost part of my vision in my left eye). We went back and forth and finally threatened to get an attorney and the bill, kid you not, magically disappeared. No co-pay it was like the bill never existed!

Here we have public adjusters who will serve as a liaison between the policyholder and the insurance company, not sure if they have them where you are. I think it becomes a lot harder in circumstances like this if you don't have an agreed value policy because they will try to get away with what THEY can replace it for. All jewelry is not created equal though, obviously a brand makes a big difference.

I'm sorry you are having to deal with this, we were burglarized, it was traumatic then to deal with this from the insurance is just insult to injury.


Jan 9, 2015
Thank you @Daisys and Diamonds (insert " Eye of the tiger" song) !!

@thanks @PreRaphaelite !! My invitation is still valid and always will be!!

Thank you @bling_dream19 ... I dealt with the break in ok, surprisingly... Thinking "I'm insured"... That one just pushed me over the edge, emotionally.

@Elizabeth35 : I went over the policy with the expert while he was in our home to evaluate everything himself.
It's surreal AND the cheque without detailed explanation was just the height of horrible.
They have sent clarification upon request.
We'll look into it when at home, write a detailed response and if this won't work, we'll definitely employ a lawyer...

I know it's their crappy strategy: make a lowball offer, hope people cash the cheque...

At least we're in a position to pay the repairs up front and negotiate and wait for the payment. Some people aren't and cash the cheque, just to repair doors /windows etc. and that's making the recourse even more difficult.
Crappy mean strategy all around


Nov 2, 2012
I don't know if this applies to your situation but I live in an area with a lot of weather-related disasters. I used to have a neighbor who NEVER accepted her insurance adjuster's figures but would then always get an independent insurance adjuster to give a second opinion on whatever her insurance company said. From what she said, she always did much better that way.


Jan 9, 2015
Don't cash the check that is essentially agreeing to the settlement. Even if you read the policy line by line it may not be clear, they really should have detailed in writing these deductions and how they came to these figures.

Sometimes all insurance companies need is the threat of litigation to change their minds. An example, we had a 20K medical bill from Yale, insurance wouldn't cover it, they said it wasn't medically necessary that I was kept at Yale overnight (pregnant and had an eye stroke so lost part of my vision in my left eye). We went back and forth and finally threatened to get an attorney and the bill, kid you not, magically disappeared. No co-pay it was like the bill never existed!

Here we have public adjusters who will serve as a liaison between the policyholder and the insurance company, not sure if they have them where you are. I think it becomes a lot harder in circumstances like this if you don't have an agreed value policy because they will try to get away with what THEY can replace it for. All jewelry is not created equal though, obviously a brand makes a big difference.

I'm sorry you are having to deal with this, we were burglarized, it was traumatic then to deal with this from the insurance is just insult to injury.

I'm so sorry for you - when I read your story about that stroke I can imagine how horribly stressful that was!!! I'm so relieved that it worked out well!
And that you and your beautiful son are ok.

Good point about the public adjusters . Here they're called public mediators of [insert domain] .

That might be the step after our negotiations and before the lawyer.

At this point they're playing the "good cop, bad cop" Game. The clerk is saying the expert advised this and the expert sais it's the clerk's call :wall:

Both, however, will be on vacation until September. 


Feb 2, 2016
Ah okay, I would definitely look into a mediator then, here if you have a public adjuster the company knows it needs to behave as there are expert eyes watching. Silly as that sounds but it is true. Maybe you could consult one and present the information and they could tell you what a likely outcome might be.


Jan 9, 2015
Ah okay, I would definitely look into a mediator then, here if you have a public adjuster the company knows it needs to behave as there are expert eyes watching. Silly as that sounds but it is true. Maybe you could consult one and present the information and they could tell you what a likely outcome might be.

Yes, we'll definitely do that!

Thank you @YadaYadaYada .
It wasn't my first thought, but definitely makes a lot of sense.


Sep 17, 2008
I'm so sorry you're dealing with this @kipari Unfortunately insurance companies are gross, no other advice for you....they'll do whatever they can to screw people. I have not had to fight with them about house stuff but I'm sure it will come one way or another.


Jan 9, 2015
I'm so sorry you're dealing with this @kipari Unfortunately insurance companies are gross, no other advice for you....they'll do whatever they can to screw people. I have not had to fight with them about house stuff but I'm sure it will come one way or another.

Yep, it just seems to be part of their cr*ppy game... I'm just drained after the full Covid lockdown with curfew, house reno hiccups. Playing their game is yet another thing on my plate to deal with.
Hugs to you @Arcadian and I hope you and your family are well (better in the cases you have shared previously) and stay safe and healthy!!!
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