
Im not sure im a "Diamond girl"


Jul 23, 2012
Ive been thinking a lot about this lately and i cant tell if im really a diamond engagement ring gal.

My husband doesnt care about my e ring, i could sell it if i wanted to.

But I just cant decide. Huge mistake? great idea? Id post this is CS or in RT but those subforums by nature are pretty bias.

I love my ring, i do. maybe im just getting a shopping bug.... but im just not sure Im a diamond gal.

Any advise from either side is welcome. :))


Hi Niel: Maybe you just need to update your setting? Something new to bling your bling. :wavey:


May 23, 2010
I think diamonds have their place, but CS are more interesting and variable in different lights.

The nicest compromise I ever saw was a round diamond center with sapphire trilliants (or maybe it was pears) on each side. It was so pretty and classic, I saw it on a friend 30+ years ago, and I'm still jealous! =)

I, personally, just got tired of a round diamond ring. They're everywhere.

Or maybe the shape just doesn't fit your personality?

But if you do want a CS E-ring, what stone are you considering?


Jul 7, 2013
Come and play in CS, and keep the ring.

DK :bigsmile:


Dec 6, 2014
The hubby may not care if you change it - but did he personally pick your ring? If so, does that carry sentimental value for you? While my wife isn't a 'Diamond Girl', the wedding and engagement rings that I/we picked had diamonds. Since I have become a gem geek I have actually asked my wife if she wanted to sell and upgrade to something with a Sapphire but she declined because of what the rings mean.

While you may end up with a ring that is aesthetically more pleasing to you, the sentiment may be lost.


Jul 23, 2012
Queenie60|1447781323|3950798 said:
Hi Niel: Maybe you just need to update your setting? Something new to bling your bling. :wavey:

I personally thing the ring is perfect in its current form. Changing the setting isn't the answer.

Which is why I'm torn, do I sell something I think is the perfect version of itself? Or do I because its perfect yet I still find something missing.


Jul 23, 2012
jordyonbass|1447781901|3950809 said:
The hubby may not care if you change it - but did he personally pick your ring? If so, does that carry sentimental value for you? While my wife isn't a 'Diamond Girl', the wedding and engagement rings that I/we picked had diamonds. Since I have become a gem geek I have actually asked my wife if she wanted to sell and upgrade to something with a Sapphire but she declined because of what the rings mean.

While you may end up with a ring that is aesthetically more pleasing to you, the sentiment may be lost.

Haha, I've already sold the ring he proposed with.

I made this ring myself.


Jul 23, 2012
iLander|1447781846|3950807 said:
I think diamonds have their place, but CS are more interesting and variable in different lights.

The nicest compromise I ever saw was a round diamond center with sapphire trilliants (or maybe it was pears) on each side. It was so pretty and classic, I saw it on a friend 30+ years ago, and I'm still jealous! =)

I, personally, just got tired of a round diamond ring. They're everywhere.

Or maybe the shape just doesn't fit your personality?

But if you do want a CS E-ring, what stone are you considering?

Red spinel or a cats eye chryso


Feb 11, 2006
Hi Neil,

I would consider the fact that you seem to enjoy creating new rings. You buy stones, set them, and then sell them. You know, I just couldn't believe you sold the one with the side diamonds. That was a keeper.

I'm not really sure which is your diamond engagement ring so I'll only comment on the marquise that you have. That was so wonderfully inexpensive that I think you should keep that one. I think you are itchy to create.

I,myself am not a lover of diamonds. I like colored stones with diamonds around them. I have a marquise like you, and some diamond earrings that I like. I have several bands, but would prefer colored diamonds more than anything. I have about 6, half yellow.

I wouldn't sell your ring until you are sure of a replacement idea. Don't be too anxious to sell.



Jul 23, 2012
smitcompton|1447782379|3950817 said:
Hi Neil,

I would consider the fact that you seem to enjoy creating new rings. You buy stones, set them, and then sell them. You know, I just couldn't believe you sold the one with the side diamonds. That was a keeper.

I'm not really sure which is your diamond engagement ring so I'll only comment on the marquise that you have. That was so wonderfully inexpensive that I think you should keep that one. I think you are itchy to create.

I,myself am not a lover of diamonds. I like colored stones with diamonds around them. I have a marquise like you, and some diamond earrings that I like. I have several bands, but would prefer colored diamonds more than anything. I have about 6, half yellow.

I wouldn't sell your ring until you are sure of a replacement idea. Don't be too anxious to sell.


Yes you're very right I definitely love to "create"

I am not wealthy, nor really on par with many of the people on this site. If I don't love something, I can't justify keeping it in a jewelry box on my desk.

The ring I'm referring to is my 5 stone. And you're also probably right it means something that I still haven't sold it. Lol.


May 19, 2014
I've thought about how I'd love for you to channel your amazing creativity, eye, and shopping savvy into a business for yourself. You definitely have a great eye for diamonds, so I consider you a diamond girl, but one doesn't have to be exclusive, in the gem arena, anyway, right?? I don' know.

I'm thinking you definitely should keep the ring that is a perfect version of itself until you know, and really know, that you want to sell.

But I'm pretty sure I would love to see what you come up with next, lol. I would love to see your 'gem girl' erring.

I enjoy having a couple of options of rings for my moods but if you must only have one I'm thinking it may change over time as your tastes and desires do.


Apr 22, 2004
The diamond folks are going to kill me but hey, what can I say, I'm a CS person. :tongue: I love the sparkle of diamonds but it doesn't have enough pizzazz for me to wear it everyday without getting bored. That's why I go for ECs (fun steps) and antique cushions (chunky facets and pastel flash). Even so, I get bored of it in a few days but found that when paired with colour, I can wear it everyday for weeks on end without getting bored. I wouldn't sell your ring just yet. I think you have to figure out exactly what you want first, and if it still involves diamonds, you might be able to reuse the stones.


Dec 6, 2014
Niel|1447782148|3950813 said:
jordyonbass|1447781901|3950809 said:
The hubby may not care if you change it - but did he personally pick your ring? If so, does that carry sentimental value for you? While my wife isn't a 'Diamond Girl', the wedding and engagement rings that I/we picked had diamonds. Since I have become a gem geek I have actually asked my wife if she wanted to sell and upgrade to something with a Sapphire but she declined because of what the rings mean.

While you may end up with a ring that is aesthetically more pleasing to you, the sentiment may be lost.

Haha, I've already sold the ring he proposed with.

I made this ring myself.

Well ignore everything then :lol:

After developing my gemstone obsession I've found that my interest in diamonds just seems to dwindle more and more as well. I'm fascinated by FCDs and by the large, famous diamonds.
But a 1 ct D IF Round Brilliant? Pssht :bigsmile:


Dec 17, 2008
I think the fact you brought it may mean that it's not your thing. Whether that means a CS or maybe something really different
only time will tell. How would you feel if you didnt have it but replaced it with a colored stone?

Then on the other hand maybe it's your need to be creative that makes you want to go for something different?


Aug 14, 2009
Niel... I think I'm the opposite of you and Chrono ::) I'm just not a coloured gems girl.

I gave it an "honest" try. And now I'm more sure of my preference than ever. You've given diamonds a try. And I think this sentence says it all: Or do I because its perfect yet I still find something missing.

For how long have you felt that something's missing? This ring isn't new to you - you've lived with it and worn it for long enough to know (and have confidence trusting) how you feel. But if you feel that the ring itself is a perfect representation of its style... what about an in-the-meanwhilst compromise like switching the center out for a red spinel?

As an aside - I think there's a lot of pressure on here to find Forever, and we of all people should know that nothing in the world of jewellery must be Forever ::) I'm glad you're questioning what pieces would make you happiest, it's way too much money to spend on something you don't completely, totally love!!


May 23, 2010
Niel|1447782187|3950815 said:
iLander|1447781846|3950807 said:
I think diamonds have their place, but CS are more interesting and variable in different lights.

The nicest compromise I ever saw was a round diamond center with sapphire trilliants (or maybe it was pears) on each side. It was so pretty and classic, I saw it on a friend 30+ years ago, and I'm still jealous! =)

I, personally, just got tired of a round diamond ring. They're everywhere.

Or maybe the shape just doesn't fit your personality?

But if you do want a CS E-ring, what stone are you considering?

Red spinel or a cats eye chryso

Yeah, I'd go for a big red spinel any day. That'd be awesome. :appl: :appl:


Apr 22, 2004
iLander|1447787997|3950878 said:
Niel|1447782187|3950815 said:
Red spinel or a cats eye chryso
Yeah, I'd go for a big red spinel any day. That'd be awesome. :appl: :appl:

One of my top favourites is my AVC flanked by 2 red spinel sides. :Up_to_something:


Jul 23, 2012
iLander|1447787997|3950878 said:
Niel|1447782187|3950815 said:
iLander|1447781846|3950807 said:
I think diamonds have their place, but CS are more interesting and variable in different lights.

The nicest compromise I ever saw was a round diamond center with sapphire trilliants (or maybe it was pears) on each side. It was so pretty and classic, I saw it on a friend 30+ years ago, and I'm still jealous! =)

I, personally, just got tired of a round diamond ring. They're everywhere.

Or maybe the shape just doesn't fit your personality?

But if you do want a CS E-ring, what stone are you considering?

Red spinel or a cats eye chryso

Yeah, I'd go for a big red spinel any day. That'd be awesome. :appl: :appl:
Well "big", no lol.

There's a 1 ct I have had an eye on for years. But that's as much as I could afford.

I could get a " big " cats eye though.

You guys are right I should sell it until I'm sure. But I don't know.


Sep 17, 2008
Neil, welcome to the darkside, we have cookies (and pretty gems!!!) :lol:

There's definitely a few of us who don't have lots money to just throw around but it also means we really shift through a lot of stuff looking for the best price for the gem. They way some know their diamonds, some just know their colored stones. One of my favorite rings is one that I paid less than 40 dollars on the center stone. Its a very vivid blue zircon, in a RG setting. The ring is dainty but its got POW to it! There's a few diamonds but IMO, they do make excellent sidestones :)

You could do what some have done and have a few "engagement rings". This way you don't totally regret not getting rid of the diamond if you're hesitating, it still remains your main squeeze, and they don't have to be too big either.

I know someone will want to slap me silly for saying it but...there's some really nice blue zircons out there to be had for not too much, and, while not an everyday type of stone, they're good for switching out when you need a little color ;)) I shacked up with a 7ct precision cut one currently, not set yet but I'm working on it...for someday...


Jul 23, 2012
Arcadian|1447793028|3950918 said:
Neil, welcome to the darkside, we have cookies (and pretty gems!!!) :lol:

There's definitely a few of us who don't have lots money to just throw around but it also means we really shift through a lot of stuff looking for the best price for the gem. They way some know their diamonds, some just know their colored stones. One of my favorite rings is one that I paid less than 40 dollars on the center stone. Its a very vivid blue zircon, in a RG setting. The ring is dainty but its got POW to it! There's a few diamonds but IMO, they do make excellent sidestones :)

You could do what some have done and have a few "engagement rings". This way you don't totally regret not getting rid of the diamond if you're hesitating, it still remains your main squeeze, and they don't have to be too big either.

I know someone will want to slap me silly for saying it but...there's some really nice blue zircons out there to be had for not too much, and, while not an everyday type of stone, they're good for switching out when you need a little color ;)) I shacked up with a 7ct precision cut one currently, not set yet but I'm working on it...for someday...

Funny you mention it I bought a " cheap" but vivid one from master cut recently and am currently having it set in a pendant. It's so captivating, the color, which is part of what has got my mind turning


Aug 1, 2012
I have been feeling the same way. Especially since It's mostly been sitting in the box. I think I wore it from March-June last year when I fist got it and then in spots here and there after that. Other than that. Just in the box. I put it on every so often to see how I feel and it just goes back in the box. I've been wearing just plain gold Cartier bands or my trinity or them stacked. When I look down I don't really miss it. I hadn't sold it yet because I have the same concerns as you do. So I guess this isn't really helping but wanted to say you're not alone.


Jul 23, 2012
hathalove|1447795410|3950942 said:
I have been feeling the same way. Especially since It's mostly been sitting in the box. I think I wore it from March-June last year when I fist got it and then in spots here and there after that. Other than that. Just in the box. I put it on every so often to see how I feel and it just goes back in the box. I've been wearing just plain gold Cartier bands or my trinity or them stacked. When I look down I don't really miss it. I hadn't sold it yet because I have the same concerns as you do. So I guess this isn't really helping but wanted to say you're not alone.

Are you at least wearig your new diamond band??


Aug 1, 2012
Niel|1447795859|3950945 said:
hathalove|1447795410|3950942 said:
I have been feeling the same way. Especially since It's mostly been sitting in the box. I think I wore it from March-June last year when I fist got it and then in spots here and there after that. Other than that. Just in the box. I put it on every so often to see how I feel and it just goes back in the box. I've been wearing just plain gold Cartier bands or my trinity or them stacked. When I look down I don't really miss it. I hadn't sold it yet because I have the same concerns as you do. So I guess this isn't really helping but wanted to say you're not alone.

Are you at least wearig your new diamond band??

Oh yes. As a right hand ring and it is interesting to me. I love it. I think I also do better with bands. Haven't really figured out if that's true yet but it seems to be what I am most consistently wearing.


Oct 24, 2012
Yssie|1447787193|3950872 said:
Niel... I think I'm the opposite of you and Chrono ::) I'm just not a coloured gems girl.

I gave it an "honest" try. And now I'm more sure of my preference than ever. You've given diamonds a try. And I think this sentence says it all: Or do I because its perfect yet I still find something missing.

For how long have you felt that something's missing? This ring isn't new to you - you've lived with it and worn it for long enough to know (and have confidence trusting) how you feel. But if you feel that the ring itself is a perfect representation of its style... what about an in-the-meanwhilst compromise like switching the center out for a red spinel?

As an aside - I think there's a lot of pressure on here to find Forever, and we of all people should know that nothing in the world of jewellery must be Forever ::) I'm glad you're questioning what pieces would make you happiest, it's way too much money to spend on something you don't completely, totally love!!

Yssie, I'm like you I think. I love the idea of a CS. Then I wear one for a day or two and then I'm bored. I might be ok with it on my right hand.

Niel, if you're not, you're not. :). All good. Sometimes it takes a lot of trial and error to figure out what we really want, what we really identify with. Also, being a creative type, you can't really turn it off. Just embrace it, have fun with it and we can have fun seeing what you come up with. Don't forget to share your projects though!!


Aug 1, 2012
Side note. I am definitely a ring person. I have my solid few that I wear daily and don't take off which now includes the beg band...and a huge handful of other rings that I switch in and out depending on what I'm doing. Lots of rainbow moonstone, turquoise and labradorite. Some huge and some small. Nothing ultra gem quality that warrants a post on the color forum though.


Sep 28, 2010
Re: Im not sure im a "Diamond girl"

5-stone, right? Can you wear it with your CS flavor of the day? Your wedding band stays constant and true but it accessorizes itself based on your mood &/or outfit with a spectacular CS solitaire?


May 11, 2012
Make something with diamonds and coloured stones. Best of both worlds. I love both. I agree with the posters above maybe you are not bored with diamonds specifically but just need new projects to do, I am like that too, I get one thing it can be beautiful but then I am like, what can I make next..... I confess I enjoy the hunt for the stone more than the wearing of it, and that is not a P/S thing I have always been like that.


Jun 15, 2015
Re: Im not sure im a "Diamond girl"

arkieb1 said:
Make something with diamonds and coloured stones. Best of both worlds. I love both. I agree with the posters above maybe you are not bored with diamonds specifically but just need new projects to do, I am like that too, I get one thing it can be beautiful but then I am like, what can I make next..... I confess I enjoy the hunt for the stone more than the wearing of it, and that is not a P/S thing I have always been like that.

Yep, I'm with you. It's all about the hunt!


Apr 2, 2006
Clearly you don't have a sentimental attachment to your e-ring... maybe it's the concept of "the ring" as a symbol that you're not drawn to? Would you be happier with no engagement/wedding ring at all, just freeing up that finger space for whatever strikes your fancy on a given day?

I think your e-ring is lovely, and I love that it's very much your own creation. So if it were me, I'd start saving for something to alternate with it, rather than something to replace it with. But it sounds like you might be too practical to have two rings for one finger - so maybe what you'd like is to just replace whatever you designate as you e-ring with something new and different from time to time.
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