
If you have one, what is your life's 'mission'?


Apr 30, 2005
What is your life's 'mission'?

I didn't have kids, so I suppose mine is pointing out, and argue against, some wrongs I perceive.
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Dec 6, 2014
My life's mission is to ensure a roof stays over the heads of my wife and son, that's what is most important even if it means the eventual breakdown of my body as an elderly man (starting to do more strength and conditioning work outs to avoid this from happening)

Side-mission is to make enough money that my wife can walk away from her career and be a stay at home mother, which is potentially on the cards for her if a possible opportunity works out for me soon!

Ally T

Oct 24, 2012
To leave the world in a better place. I work hard at helping others & being kind. I work hard at making a difference to the children’s lives at my school & I work hard at creating a happy, healthy & harmonious home for my family, teaching right from wrong, good morals, how to look after the nature & creatures around us & of course, the importance recycling as much as we possibly can.

It is also my life’s mission to take my children to many & diverse places. I want them to see poverty as well as luxury. They are bright, kind & caring girls who want to save the planet. And the turtles. They REALLY want to save the turtles. I will be a happy bunny if they both follow their dreams into environmental studies.


Jun 8, 2008
We exist on this earth for some undetermined period of time. During that time we do things. Some of these things are important. Some of them are not important. And what is important gives our life meaning and happiness. So I do not have a life mission per se but if I had to list something this is my list.

1.To enjoy each day to the best of my ability

To that end my dh and I get infinite joy from cycling on our tandem by the sea whenever weather permits. We cycled 10,000 miles last year and are on track to be close to that this year. It brings us joy and bliss and time is seamless when we are cycling. We hike in weather we cannot cycle in and we just love being active outdoors. We love being surrounded by nature. By the woods and the ocean and everything in between.

2. To help as many animals as I can

We work with animal rescues to trap, neuter and release feral cats. To give them medical care when they need it and to find homes for those who would benefit from having a home (since true ferals are generally not home suitable but it depends). And to feed the local ferals (we have quite the set up my dh built for feeding them) and any other feral we encounter. We always have cat food with us just in case we run into a cat who needs food when we are away from home.

3. To love my friends and family and be loved

I am grateful for all my loved ones. People who love me for me and the people I love for who they are. I don't have time for nonsense or fake friendships and as I have gotten older I am much wiser and have cut those out of my life who don't belong there. Who do not deserve my love and friendship and I am so much happier for this.

4. To be kind and try making others days brighter. This one can be challenging because some people are miserable so I am kind when I can be but when others make it impossible I try to ignore but I am human so am not perfect. This is why I prefer animals to many people.

I enjoy helping those in need who I can help. I am an empath and an introvert so it can be challenging to see others in pain but I do my best to help soften that pain when I can. Also, I smile at people we meet and try to brighten their day. It makes me feel good and hopefully it makes them feel good. It is not hard here because most people here are quite friendly and nice and you want to go out of your way to help in whatever way you can. I am fortunate because I love living here and I like the people who live here

Officially I have no life mission nor do I feel compelled to do so but the above is how I live my life without (before today) putting it into words


Jul 7, 2013
Not sure if I have a mission or even missions, however, certain incidents in my teens made me the way I am today.

1. Be financially independent and do not rely on being supported by another person such as a husband/OH/SH/whatever.

2. Have the courage to voice my own opinions even if they are different to those of the majority.

3. Have the courage to go it alone if necessary.

4. Do not be a sheep and follow blindly.

5. Look back with fondness; look forward with hope and optimism; and live and enjoy the present. Life is too short for "what if's".

And lastly, as stated in my signature:

Treat each life events like a dog: if I can't eat it, hump it or play with it, then p!$$ on it and walk away.

DK :))


Mar 13, 2004
My life mission was and still is to be the best mom and role model to my 2 kids (who are now young adults). To lead with love but not coddle and spoil them. To show them how to be strong and resilient and self sufficient in a cruel and hard world, but also to let them know they have me to cheer them on or give them a hand when they are faltering.


Feb 2, 2016
Not sure if this qualifies as a “mission” I feel like some people in this world have a mission they are born to fulfill. I have never had that, but my mission or purpose in life is to end the cycle of abuse within my family. That means being a better more compassionate parent to my kids so they don’t have to deal with lifelong effects of abuse. As a young child I would tell myself in my head that someday I would have my own family and it would be better than the one I had.

Over the years I have also tried to help as many animals as possible both though adoption and volunteer work.


Oct 1, 2015
My life's mission is to ensure a roof stays over the heads of my wife and son, that's what is most important even if it means the eventual breakdown of my body as an elderly man (starting to do more strength and conditioning work outs to avoid this from happening)

Yeah me too.

Work and work and work so I can put enough away to get my girls through college without debt and keep myself fed and sheltered after retirement. That’s hard enough to do alone - with a husband who doesn’t make any financial contribution - I don’t have the bandwidth for anything more than that right now.


Jul 13, 2007
My kids were and still are my only mission in life. I will never be a grandmother through circumstance, not choice. Maybe through both. My youngest daugther doesn't want kids at all, oldest's husband can't have them. So it's not where I intended to be in many ways, it's just the way it is, and at 61 I don't have a ton of time left anyway IMO. I'm satisfied. I used to be more of an activist minded person. Now I just want quiet. Others have to take up causes. I'm done.


Apr 19, 2004

To be honest, accountable, kind and sincere.

And not mind that people know I don't eat butter, chocolate and leftovers.



May 15, 2014
My daughter is mid-30's so I'm all done "raising" her. She turned out as I'd hoped, a warm hearted, independent woman who has common sense and no prejudices. Aware of the differences around the world as I travelled with her to other countries her whole life so she wouldn't be in a mind set that where she lived was the way it was everywhere. My job is done there.

My personal motto is "To stand up for what I think is right, even if I'm standing alone" (I stole that quote but it fits). I try to be honest and it might be to a fault. I try to always be fair. And kind. I'm not sure these are missions, but it's what I strive to do.

Otherwise, I volunteer in animal rescue. Maybe I like dogs more than some people.....


Jan 7, 2009
TO advance "WONK" as a mark of status in diamonds...hahahaha

Seriously- Jordy really hit it on the head. Keeping a roof over the heads of the family really does take a lot of one's effort.....


Aug 5, 2009
Wow, some serious, truthful, heartfelt, and beautiful expressions in this thread!
I suppose my mission(s) at this point in my life would be :
*to be as kind as I can to humans, even the really misguided ones , but NOT to the purely evil ones
*to love all non human critters( not cockroaches and fire ants though!)
* to help as many dogs and cats as I can. They just keep finding me!
* to always be grateful for my health and my family
* to stop having lust in my heart for the “Graff Pink” diamond;)2


Jan 3, 2013
It was not my life mission to start but, I’d say at this point, my days are filled trying to touch (ie nurture/support/mentor) as many of my students that I am able to reach. My own kids are pretty awesome grownups now and it saddens me to see what so many kids miss out on these days.
It’s amazing what the two words, “thank you,” can mean coming from a student, especially when it’s so rarely used. I absolutely live for the thank yous. ;-)
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