
I was so tempted to mail the cats to Tanganyika this morning


Nov 27, 2007
Warning: this post is full of cat disgustingness. If you can't stand to read about a vast array of nasty cat bodily functions, skip it!

Today we had a fun cat fest of utter grossness. I must share it, it's far to horrible to keep to myself. :bigsmile: First, bear in mind the house currently reeks of cat pee. I had an, erm, little incident with a garbage bag with a hole in it, which acted as the perfect strainer, releasing an unbelievably vast amount of pee all over the floor. And despite many scrubbings, and repeated dousings with Anti Icky Poo the stench still lingers- I am guessing it got tracked somewhere I haven't been able to determine yet. (Yes, Anti Icky Poo is really the name of the cleaner- it's a bacterial cleaner designed to destroy anything biological and nasty, like urine or residue from decomposing corpses. :errrr: Really. Says so on the bottle. I think mine might be too old though.) The pee stench isn't actually the cat's fault- the only thing that isn't- but it adds to the vileness in general.

Anyway, I woke up and discovered cat vomit all over the single small carpet in the house. The cats, of course, prefer to puke on the small carpet rather than the much larger space consisting of hardwood floors and slate tiles. So that was great, if not terribly unusual.

Then I went into the kitchen and found they'd somehow upended the food dish, which was very full. Rat, the food washer, was apparently irritated with this and tried to "fix" it by washing the kibble- dropping a bunch of it into the water dish, creating a gluey mass of ick in there too. (The water dish is across the house from the food, to try to cut down on kibble-washing. It doesn't really work.) Then he'd subsequently whacked the water bowl in frustration, making a large, foody puddle there as well. Yay. So while I was surveying this mess, and the startling quantity of vomit, O.P. went into action.

O.P. is hyperthyroid and has some food sensitivities. He has, therefore, had chronic diarrhea for years. But I finally have found the right combo of meds and food, and so his poo is finally solid. You'd think this would be a good thing, right? Well, O.P. doesn't. After not having solid poo for years, he freaks out and thinks :-o :-o :-o :-o ZOMG SOMETHING IS CRAWLING OUT MY BUTTTTTT. And erupts out of the litter box mid poo, usually going about warp 8, showering the house with a fountain of litter and poop. And then does the ghastly gross butt scoot across the whole house to try to rid himself of the alien sensation in his butt. This doesn't end well for his butt or the house, or the human who haplessly tries to clean up his trail of destruction. :sick:

So, he did the whole routine this morning, with more poo than usual thrown in for fun. There's not much to be done once he starts- you just have to resign yourself to mopping the house, and then spending the day chasing him trying to wipe his butt. I used to try to stop him but that just results in him racing off, hiding, and then wiping his butt somewhere worse like the slate tile, which is harder to clean, so you kind of have to just sit back, try not to gag, and wait the disgusting process out. :knockout:

After cleaning up that unholy mess (thank god for rubber gloves), I went into the living room. And discovered O.P., having finished with the butt-wiping, was now puking on the carpet (again!!) and Rat was following after him, gleefully eating it. :???: ("Ooooh O.P. magically made food! And it's warm! YUM.") So I tried- futilely- to keep Rat from eating the rest of the vomit, totally failed, then finally cleaned up what was left after Rat's, um, snack, doused the house with Anti-Icky-Poo yet again, and sat down thinking I'd surf the net to try to take my mind of cat nasty. That's when I discovered it.

The final eff you from the cats. A tiny turdlet, perched meaningfully on the lid of my laptop. I have no idea which one put it there or how, but yes- a small turd. Right smack dab on the laptop lid. Sighhhhh. I thought it was a kibble, so DH picked it up to dispose of it, and discovered it's true nature with his bare hands. :errrr:

I was seriously tempted to express mail them all to Tanganyika. There may have been a tear or two of abject frustration shed as well. Now, in the early evening, they're all curled up innocently pretending they're not possessed little machines of vile, uholy destruction plotting how to smear more bodily secretions on every surface in the house.

Oh wait. I forgot that I also found Rat snuzzling my Kindle lovingly, smearing it with quantities of green snot. He has a sinus infection that has been wretchedly persistent, and has resulted in ridiculous quantities of grody green snot smeared on pretty much ever surface he likes to sit on- that is, everywhere. And O.P. *re-butt-scooted* down the freshly mopped hallway, too. Seriously. Now they're all worn out from their rampage and pretending to be all snoozy and adorable and cute. Fat chance.

I wonder if I can spray Anti Icky Poo directly on O.P.'s butt? Tempting. Tempting indeed. (Kidding... sort of.)

Anyway, after several hours of scrubbing, mopping, sweeping and more scrubbing, the house is sort of presentable and there's only the lingering aroma of cat pee left. PLEASE BE DONE GUYS. PLEASE.


Aug 14, 2009
Re: I was so tempted to mail the cats to Tanganyika this mor

Oh LGK - I'm laughing so hard I'm tearing up. You poor dear, and your poor DH!

:knockout: :knockout: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:


Apr 4, 2010
Re: I was so tempted to mail the cats to Tanganyika this mor

hahahahaha :lol: :lol:
LGK I hope you either took the ring off for all of this mess or gave it a good bath!


Apr 26, 2007
Re: I was so tempted to mail the cats to Tanganyika this mor

You know, I think the last time I actually laughed out loud at something on the internet, it, too, was related to cat-butt: an advice column to Tomato Nation that was signed, "They Call Him Ass-Dreads." That was 7 or 8 years ago, and I'm pretty sure it says something about me.

It will probably be at least that long again, or longer, as it will be tough to beat " ZOMG SOMETHING IS CRAWLING OUT MY BUTTTTTT" (I really am picturing the look on his face, and, yeah, cracking up, as we speak - poor kitty).

And you? You deserve an award of some sort. Or possibly a medal. POOR, POOR LGK. The Most Holy Order of the Feline Effluvia? We can make it up in some nice frozen-spit diamonds?

P.S. - I found it. I figure, after the day you've had, you deserve a laugh in return ....


Apr 30, 2005
Re: I was so tempted to mail the cats to Tanganyika this mor

No hacked up hairballs?


Mar 8, 2010
Re: I was so tempted to mail the cats to Tanganyika this mor

Oh man, lol. Sounds like you had a pretty ridiculous day. I started laughing part way through, and the farther in I got the crazier I started laughing. And I thought that the Fat Man throwing up twice in one day was bad. I can't even imagine how much you must have to mop your floors.


Jan 1, 2007
Re: I was so tempted to mail the cats to Tanganyika this mor

Hahaha I love hearing disgusting cat stories...probably because it doesn't make me feel so alone! But sorry you had to deal with all of this in one day! :cheeky:

One of my kitties (I won't name names to spare him/her the embarrassment :oops: ) also occasionally does the mid-poop jump out of the litter box and ends up with poop in their fluffy hammer pants. And yes I have taken this cat to the vet about this, and no issues were found. So I guess I'm just lucky?


Feb 18, 2010
Re: I was so tempted to mail the cats to Tanganyika this mor

Not only do you get a free pass to mail then to tanganyICKa, but you should sent them postage due.

Circe, great that dredlock of advice is preserved on the net after nine years. I understand that sheep are notorious for that same problem. In NZ the butt dreds are called dags and you can imagine what an insult it is to call someone a dag. Has always made me uncomfortable to buy groceries at d'agostino's, especially after hearing their jingle about the "dag bag". This is undoubtedly where the dreaded dredlock got it's name!


Nov 27, 2007
Re: I was so tempted to mail the cats to Tanganyika this mor

kenny|1302053360|2888804 said:
No hacked up hairballs?
Dude. Don't give them ideas! As far as I could tell, no hairballs... or at least if there were, I wasn't quick enough to see them before they were, er, reconsumed.

Circe, I will have to read that shortly. I do need a laugh. It's true, cat butt is pretty entertaining at times... at least AFTER the fact!

Thing, the fluffy hammer pants! Yes! That's the problem. I love that term for them. Rat & O.P. both have a fabulous set of hammer pants going on. Rat's are significantly more presentable today :sick:

Manderz, you guessed it. Mopping is a multiple times a day activity sometimes. You can mop with Anti-Icky-Poo too, thank god.

Slg- nope! The ring was on, haha. It was, thankfully, protected from the worst of the vileness with rubber gloves, at least. I am planning to insert myself (and the ring) into the jacuzzi tub for a LONNNNNGGG soak shortly, actually!

Yssie :bigsmile: DH was so horrified. He can't stand any sort of cat yuck- I am the litterbox cleaner by default, he gets easily grossed out.

movie zombie

Jan 20, 2005
Re: I was so tempted to mail the cats to Tanganyika this mor

you are a good kitty mom!



Apr 23, 2008
Re: I was so tempted to mail the cats to Tanganyika this mor

OMG. Just...OMG. I nearly peed myself, and now my face hurts. That is hilarious, but I am so sorry!


Oct 7, 2004
Re: I was so tempted to mail the cats to Tanganyika this mor

I'm so sorry for laughing, but this is too funny! My cats are now wondering what the crazy lady is laughing at.


Mar 10, 2010
Re: I was so tempted to mail the cats to Tanganyika this mor

Do I see diapers in a certain kitty's future? :bigsmile: :lol:


Jan 30, 2008
Re: I was so tempted to mail the cats to Tanganyika this mor

OMG! I'm DYIN'!!

My floor-sanding story about being showered head to toe in cat-pee scented sawdust from an edge sander doesn't even make a blip on the radar compared to this! Too too funny. But I feel your pain, I do. I have had one "dirty" cat in my life. We parted ways early. I couldn't take it, honestly.

I know this is a tiny off-topic here, being about DOGS (sorry!) but your writing style is about as funny, so I have to link this piece. I posted it in another recent thread, but I don't think any one read it. It is freaking hilarious and the pictures are stellar. I nearly cried when I read it. Enjoy!


Oct 7, 2004
Re: I was so tempted to mail the cats to Tanganyika this mor

at least it wasn't diahrrea streaking all over the house... :bigsmile:


Jun 4, 2008
Re: I was so tempted to mail the cats to Tanganyika this mor

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Ok, honestly, none of our emoties are really sufficient to describe how hard I was laughing during this. Like, I may have had a tear running down my face at one point.

I'm so sorry you had to deal with this! I swear, it's a good thing cats DO have their adorable quiet moments, otherwise we'd pitch them out the window :razz:

And my mom's dog eats her own poop if we don't stop her!


Jan 8, 2008
Re: I was so tempted to mail the cats to Tanganyika this mor

Eww. If you give them a bath tell them I have cuddles waiting for them in Tanganyka. My kitty peed in my husband's car and no amount of enzyme shampooing would get the smell out. What did finally (after TWO YEARS of suffering) was taking it to a detailer and having them pump ozone into it for three days. I believe there are people who can do that same thing for your house (I've also seen ozone generators for sale) but you and the kitties will have to vacate.


May 23, 2010
Re: I was so tempted to mail the cats to Tanganyika this mor

UGH! :errrr:

I know you're trying to sound like it's a hoot (and I admire that), but I would have been pretty pissed (pun!).

I think your story beats my "cat barfing up a live tapeworm, dogs try to eat it" story. All 3 dorks taken to the vet for giant pills.

Worst poop story is from the little dog, who got constipated and needed . . . well . . . help. Ewwwwwww. . .

This thread is a good diet plan though, I'm skipping breakfast. :lol:


Jun 25, 2007
Re: I was so tempted to mail the cats to Tanganyika this mor

Reason number 1280198204921802810298310281 why I don't have an inside cat anymore.

Although my yorkie mix does end up with the A** dreads every once in a very blue moon.


Dec 17, 2008
Re: I was so tempted to mail the cats to Tanganyika this mor

You have me in tears! I've had some bad cat/bodily/fluid days but I dont think anyone can top yours!
Hoping the rest of the week is a dryer/cleaner/calmer week for you and your pets. :sick:


May 18, 2008
Re: I was so tempted to mail the cats to Tanganyika this mor

:o :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Jul 23, 2005
Re: I was so tempted to mail the cats to Tanganyika this mor

LMAO!!! That's too funny. :lol:


Sep 1, 2009
Re: I was so tempted to mail the cats to Tanganyika this mor


OMG! That is so disgusting and awful and HILARIOUS all at the same time.

We've got 2 cats and 2 dogs so I understand your suffering!


Jun 22, 2007
Re: I was so tempted to mail the cats to Tanganyika this mor

OMG, I was reading this at work and trying really hard not to laugh, but it didnt work!!! I am sure my co-workers think I am crazy... haahaa

I am sorry this happened to you, but the way you write about it was just hilarious, thank you for the laugh :halo: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Sep 3, 2009
Re: I was so tempted to mail the cats to Tanganyika this mor

Oh, tears of laughter & commiseration all over my keyboard. I thought I had the Oscar-winning Worst Cat in the Universe, but you beat me in spades, poor girl! You earn a halo simply for keeping this natural wonder. What the hell is it about rugs & animals? Our whole downstairs is hardwood except the family room -- where does the Cat Who Barfs Everywhere start off, every time? On the effing rug, a durry you can't clean with anything but mild soap & water! How many times a day? Can't count that high. Dogs get the trots -- with the whole house to choose from, they always deposit wet nasty piles of poo on the yellow durry. Does it feel nice & warm on the butt or what?

I've suspected finding my cat in my driveway, with all his problems & misbehaviors, was punishment for my myriad sins, which, if true, means you sinned bigger than I did! Chin up, they don't live forever. :sick:

--- Laurie


Aug 8, 2005
Re: I was so tempted to mail the cats to Tanganyika this mor

I'm sorry honey. I'm laughing too. In sympathy. I can't imagine having to deal with all of that in one morning.

It pretty much is close to what we dealt with last week... but it was spread out over a week, and without the cat pee to add to it. My sympathies. We just bought a wet steam floor cleaner. Highly reccommed in the investment. Spray with anti-bacterial whatever you like then go over it with steam cleaner. Lock cats up someplace with torture implements to impress upon them the gravity of it all. The last part doesn't work. The first part does.


I do keep wipes around to attack Frodo's butt (and legs and tail, and whatever else needs it) with. He's on antibiotics and it's diarrhea for him. I just grab him, and start going to town on him with the wipes. He doesn't appreciate it. I do.


Feb 18, 2010
Re: I was so tempted to mail the cats to Tanganyika this mor

I just saw the title of this thread and thought for a minute that it was a follow up titled,
So I Attempted to Mail the Cats to Tanganyika This Morning

Is there such a thing as late onset dyslexia?


Jan 11, 2006
Re: I was so tempted to mail the cats to Tanganyika this mor

Oh lord, I'm laughing because I so feel your pain. I've currently got five of the little bastards in the house (two are fosters) and am far too familiar with the uses and relative efficacy of various enzymatic pet mess cleaners. Things have been much improved on the cat puke front since I switched to a hairball prevention dry food, but they still manage to wreak havoc almost daily. I don't know which is worse...your poopy butt-dragger, or my old allergic cat who is now blind and (possibly willfully) incontinent who needs to wear a soft e-collar constantly so that she doesn't rip all of her fur out. My sympathies.


May 2, 2008
Re: I was so tempted to mail the cats to Tanganyika this mor

Okay, so the intern who sits outside my office is peering in here right now, wondering what I'm giggling about, and I definitely can't tell him it's about cat poop/puke without further compromising my role as his wise and decorous mentor. But I'm dying over here! I'm sad for you because your predicament sounds awful, but it is absolutely hilarious at the same time. Whew. Must keep giggling under control . . .
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