
I want to start wearing makeup, but I don''t know where to begin

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Oh, and about once a week I do an apricot scrub to exfoliate, followed by sleeping in a light layer of vitamin E creme (CVS brand). People tell me I look a lot younger than my age. I think it''s my mother''s genes mostly, but I don''t hang out in the sun and am reasonably good to my skin.
Thanks again, everyone! I will be sure to keep you updated about what I decide on and what works.
Date: 8/28/2008 1:57:31 PM
Author: WishfulThinking
Gemgirl, is there any way to do that without access to a clinique counter? I am definitely interested in starting with skincare because that sounds so logical, and I think it would make me feel more healthy overall. However, unless a clinique counter is something I can find in a basic department store [my options are JC Penny, Macy''s, and Sears] I''m most likely out of luck.

Would Sephora work for something like that? Any other products that might work? Ordering online?
Sure Wishful, you can go to Macy''s and they can help you. To start, you''ll have to buy your facial soap (most of us use "mild"), your toner (cleanser), your moisturizer (almost everyone I know uses "Dramatically Different" but it comes in regular and oil free) and their great exfoliating scrub in the tube. Let them help you to figure out what color your skin tone is, so you can sort of block out in your mind what colors will look most natural on you, then you can go to Sephora (great store) and shop for things you know will look good on you. The key to this whole thing is to first find out what you can wear and what will make you LOOK made up. We don''t want to go there... There are too many women walking around with far too much stuff on their faces.

You can order from on line but it''s best to start out with the help of an expert. Also, do you know if your skin is normal, oily or a combo? That will dictate which skin care products you''ll need. Most of us when we''re young are either normal or combo (that pesky T zone). It''s kind of fun to get the full treatment from the salespeople the first couple of times out.
Date: 8/28/2008 2:19:48 PM
Author: Irishgrrrl

Date: 8/28/2008 1:53:11 PM
Author: gemgirl
Wishful, if I were you and I was starting from scratch, I''d start with good skin care first. I''m a twenty six year Clinique user, so I have to recommend that you go to a Clinique counter, have your skin typed and buy your soap, toner, exfoliator and moisturizers first. Use all of that for a couple of weeks, have your skin clean, smooth and in good condition, then go back and have them help you find a nice lightweight foundation and a nice neutral non garish blush. (Powders are the easiest to work with) After that, a neutral base and highlighting shadow, (mine is beige shimmer) and a couple of lid shadows in neutrals like a taupey brown and a medium gray (like Taupestry and Charcoal). Everyone, no matter what your skin color, can wear those shades. Try to stay away from color colors because they''re faddish and they come and go. Look at all the models in the finest magazines and they''re all made up with varying shades of neutrals on their eyes. Last, a good lip color. You''re young so stick with anything lightweight and glossy. Have them help you to figure out what your underlying skin tone is and that will help you to choose your blush and lip color. Women usually fall into either the pink/blue undertone category or the yellow/orange category. If you''re a pink, go for rosey or plummy blushes and lip colors, if you''re a yellow/orange like me, go for the peachy apricoty rusty shades but nothing too dark. Make-up is made to enhance our natural features and skin tones, not to paint them.

Forget what''s in style now and always go for what looks best on you.
AMEN to everything Gemgirl said!

I am a CLINIQUE FREAK, and I can''t imagine ever using anything else! If you go to their website (, you can take a quiz which will tell you your skin type, and then recommend products that work for you. Also, while you''re there, make sure to sign up for ''Club Clinique,'' which will send you e-mails with sales/bonus offers about once a week. You would not believe all the free Clinique stuff I''ve gotten over the years!!!

Good luck, and have fun with this!

ETA: Wishful, if you''d rather do this in person, I believe Macy''s DOES have a Clinique counter. (At least our Macy''s does.)

I love free give away time Irish. I save all of my pinks and roses and give them to my girlfriend, and she saves all of her peaches and apricots and gives them to me. It works out great! Also, those small tubes of Dramatically Different are great for your purse. I have a tube everywhere I am (my handbag, my nightstand, the car, the kitchen) I''d like to buy Dramatically Different by the vat to save money.

The only product I buy from any other line is Estee Lauder for eye shadows.

Wishful, the one thing we didn''t mention is that Clinique is free of dyes and fragrances. A lot of make lines are not and you end smelling like a perfume factory. Clinique is pure and non-comedogenic (it won''t clog your pores and cause break outs).
I am so sorry if someone mentioned this already. I skimmed but did not see it. I gotta run soon but had to throw this out there. I have long loved the makeup and skincare reviews of Paula Begoun (aka and writer of the "Don''t go to the Cosmetics Counter Without Me". I think her most recent edition is the 7th. I gotta get that one my most recent is the 6th.

It is like PS for cosmetics and skincare. It really gives the most amazing reviews of cosmetics and skincare. It talks about what to spend money on and what you can save on. There are great products to be found at every price point.

Like sometimes a cheaper company and an expensive company have the same parent company thus nearly identical product with one having fancier packaging. She talks about pigment quality, price, how well something wears throughout the day, what potential irritants are etc. That is essential for me since I have sensitive skin and irritating stuff causes major problems for me. No scents in my makeup or facial skincare please.

Years after she wrote and reviewed cosmetics she started her own cosmetics and skincare line with all she had learned. I use and love her skin care line. It is affordable and the best I have found for my sensitive skin. Oh I love her oil blotting papers too.

Her reviews have saved me a bundle of money over the years not to mention saved me from potential unpleasant skin reactions.

When I buy from cosmetics I make sure to buy from companies that don''t test on animals. There are a variety of online lists you can find for companies that do and do not test on animals. For me that is very important.

I am a cheapskate but I feel good tool/brushes are essential for proper makeup application. An artist needs her brushes. I don''t use animal brushes either. I make sure that I don''t buy any cosmetics that come with an animal brush included. I splurged and got Urban Decay''s cruelty free Big Buddha brush set Good Karma brushes and I love them. I make sure to keep my brushes super clean to keep them in tip top shape and my skin happy.

For basics I think sunscreen is the most essential cosmetic/skincare product for sure. Nicely maintained brows can help give a polished look as well in addition to wearing the best hair color and clothing color for you. Just those things can give a grown up polished look. These things are essential like a well prepped canvas.

Some women who are not into cosmetics or just super busy can look fab just with the right colors by their face provided by hair color and clothing and since we are on PS jewelry. Add a great haircut and clothing in the perfect color to highlight you, and well groomed brows and sunscreen and lip balm and maybe a hit or mascara (clear even)if they feel like it. A full makeup look does not look right on everyone.

I think that makeup should be fun, not something every woman feels like she has to wear come rain or shine but something people who want to wear can have fun playing around with. I like makeup ranging from natural to dramatic-it depends on mood,circumstance,lifestyle and what looks good on the person. Have fun with it whether you like a vampy dramatic look or a barely there minimal look or both depending on the day. The key is finding the match for what looks good on you and having fun. has some useful reviews as well.

I have a few suggestions too!

1. I totally agree with whoever recommended watching What Not to Wear and get tips from Carmindy - she is so talented and usually does a fresh, natural looking face. If you go on and do a search for Carmindy''s five minute face, there is a full video of what she does to get that look AND shows what products she uses (bought all from Sephora).

2. As far as how to apply, if you are good at not getting sucked in to sales pressure (haha I''m not), go to a Trish Macavoy counter. They tend to have great artists, and what they do is listen to what you want (i.e. natural/polished), and they will do one eye and show you how to do it, and then you do the other yourself! So I found that it was actually a really good lesson. I actually do like their products, but they can be expensive. But worth it for the lesson I''d say!

3. Ditto on Bare Escentuals - go to Sephora and get them to try it on you and then walk around the mall for a bit and see how it feels. Somepeople don''t like it but most love it.

4. I use Laura Mercier''s tinted moisturizer and find it light and I put it on like moisturizer and it gives that fresh glowy look.

5. I think if you are just starting out, that 5 minute face thing is a good start (I don''t mean to harp on it, but you don''t want to go buy a tonne of product and feel overwhelmed right?!).

Good luck and let us know how it goes!
Date: 8/29/2008 3:27:54 PM
Author: 2Artists
I am so sorry if someone mentioned this already. I skimmed but did not see it. I gotta run soon but had to throw this out there. I have long loved the makeup and skincare reviews of Paula Begoun (aka and writer of the ''Don''t go to the Cosmetics Counter Without Me''. I think her most recent edition is the 7th. I gotta get that one my most recent is the 6th.

It is like PS for cosmetics and skincare. It really gives the most amazing reviews of cosmetics and skincare. It talks about what to spend money on and what you can save on. There are great products to be found at every price point.

Like sometimes a cheaper company and an expensive company have the same parent company thus nearly identical product with one having fancier packaging. She talks about pigment quality, price, how well something wears throughout the day, what potential irritants are etc. That is essential for me since I have sensitive skin and irritating stuff causes major problems for me. No scents in my makeup or facial skincare please.

Years after she wrote and reviewed cosmetics she started her own cosmetics and skincare line with all she had learned. I use and love her skin care line. It is affordable and the best I have found for my sensitive skin. Oh I love her oil blotting papers too.

Her reviews have saved me a bundle of money over the years not to mention saved me from potential unpleasant skin reactions.

When I buy from cosmetics I make sure to buy from companies that don''t test on animals. There are a variety of online lists you can find for companies that do and do not test on animals. For me that is very important.

I am a cheapskate but I feel good tool/brushes are essential for proper makeup application. An artist needs her brushes. I don''t use animal brushes either. I make sure that I don''t buy any cosmetics that come with an animal brush included. I splurged and got Urban Decay''s cruelty free Big Buddha brush set Good Karma brushes and I love them. I make sure to keep my brushes super clean to keep them in tip top shape and my skin happy.

For basics I think sunscreen is the most essential cosmetic/skincare product for sure. Nicely maintained brows can help give a polished look as well in addition to wearing the best hair color and clothing color for you. Just those things can give a grown up polished look. These things are essential like a well prepped canvas.

Some women who are not into cosmetics or just super busy can look fab just with the right colors by their face provided by hair color and clothing and since we are on PS jewelry. Add a great haircut and clothing in the perfect color to highlight you, and well groomed brows and sunscreen and lip balm and maybe a hit or mascara (clear even)if they feel like it. A full makeup look does not look right on everyone.

I think that makeup should be fun, not something every woman feels like she has to wear come rain or shine but something people who want to wear can have fun playing around with. I like makeup ranging from natural to dramatic-it depends on mood,circumstance,lifestyle and what looks good on the person. Have fun with it whether you like a vampy dramatic look or a barely there minimal look or both depending on the day. The key is finding the match for what looks good on you and having fun. has some useful reviews as well.

Ditto! I started using Paula''s products a few months ago and LOVE them, my skin has never looked better. I even get compliments on it from strangers! I am a beauty product fiend (I have closets full) and this has proven to be the best for your $$. Also, Olay regenerist serum is awesome for eye cream (not the eye cream one, just the regular serum-- double the product for same price), or just everywhere!

I would compare the products to Clinique, as in they are fragrance free and she has a 3/4 step system. She doesn''t try to sell multiple products that do the same thing (her facial moisturizer is an eye cream too).

I haven''t tried any of her makeup, but MAC is one of my favourites, also Lancome (gorgeous pink sparkly blush!) and Estee Lauder eyeshadows. Loreal and Maybelline for drugstore brands.
Date: 8/28/2008 11:32:32 AM
Author: BeachRunner do some great stuff, really, really cheap. A DOLLAR an item. (I don''t rate they''re mascara or eyeshadow - so steer clear of those).

Has anyone else tried ELF cosmetics? Its sounds like an amazing deal, but I''ve never heard of them!!

I''ve picked up a couple of their items. The eyeshadow I bought was ok but the color wasn''t very noticeable... maybe if you dip your brush in water first then it would be better. The package was a little small but not bad for $1. The mascara wasn''t amazing but works in a pinch. I saw someone mention awhile back that there is a certain brand of mascara that washes right off and doesn''t smudge but I think it was one of the more expensive ones. The ELF mascara doesn''t smudge either so that was nice and probably 1/20 the price of the other.
Date: 8/29/2008 3:27:54 PM
Author: 2Artists
I am so sorry if someone mentioned this already. I skimmed but did not see it. I gotta run soon but had to throw this out there. I have long loved the makeup and skincare reviews of Paula Begoun (aka and writer of the ''Don''t go to the Cosmetics Counter Without Me''. I think her most recent edition is the 7th. I gotta get that one my most recent is the 6th.

It is like PS for cosmetics and skincare. It really gives the most amazing reviews of cosmetics and skincare. It talks about what to spend money on and what you can save on. There are great products to be found at every price point.

Like sometimes a cheaper company and an expensive company have the same parent company thus nearly identical product with one having fancier packaging. She talks about pigment quality, price, how well something wears throughout the day, what potential irritants are etc. That is essential for me since I have sensitive skin and irritating stuff causes major problems for me. No scents in my makeup or facial skincare please.

Years after she wrote and reviewed cosmetics she started her own cosmetics and skincare line with all she had learned. I use and love her skin care line. It is affordable and the best I have found for my sensitive skin. Oh I love her oil blotting papers too.

Her reviews have saved me a bundle of money over the years not to mention saved me from potential unpleasant skin reactions.

When I buy from cosmetics I make sure to buy from companies that don''t test on animals. There are a variety of online lists you can find for companies that do and do not test on animals. For me that is very important.

I am a cheapskate but I feel good tool/brushes are essential for proper makeup application. An artist needs her brushes. I don''t use animal brushes either. I make sure that I don''t buy any cosmetics that come with an animal brush included. I splurged and got Urban Decay''s cruelty free Big Buddha brush set Good Karma brushes and I love them. I make sure to keep my brushes super clean to keep them in tip top shape and my skin happy.

For basics I think sunscreen is the most essential cosmetic/skincare product for sure. Nicely maintained brows can help give a polished look as well in addition to wearing the best hair color and clothing color for you. Just those things can give a grown up polished look. These things are essential like a well prepped canvas.

Some women who are not into cosmetics or just super busy can look fab just with the right colors by their face provided by hair color and clothing and since we are on PS jewelry. Add a great haircut and clothing in the perfect color to highlight you, and well groomed brows and sunscreen and lip balm and maybe a hit or mascara (clear even)if they feel like it. A full makeup look does not look right on everyone.

I think that makeup should be fun, not something every woman feels like she has to wear come rain or shine but something people who want to wear can have fun playing around with. I like makeup ranging from natural to dramatic-it depends on mood,circumstance,lifestyle and what looks good on the person. Have fun with it whether you like a vampy dramatic look or a barely there minimal look or both depending on the day. The key is finding the match for what looks good on you and having fun. has some useful reviews as well.


Mrs.2Artist (and Mr.2Artist, for that matter) always has some valuable insight to share! Thanks! I agree 100%, looking neat and "put together" will go a long way towards making you look a lot more sophisticated. Consider investing in a great cut and/or color, as well as some classic (or perhaps more mature) articles of clothing, as well. Good luck
Great new responses, thank you!

Gemgirl- I will definitely head to Macy''s then. Thank you for the specific product suggestions; those are so helpful when I have no idea what I am looking for! I think my skin is oily, but it might be a combo. I will be sure to check with the person at the counter, perhaps they can help me figure it out.

Also, good to know they''re non-comedogenic. My skin breaks out pretty easily.

Mrs. 2Artists- Thanks for the input! That website looks so incredibly helpful. I can''t wait to check it out. Thanks for all of the encouragement and suggestions about hair and clothing. Those are probably the next steps, although I''ll admit that I adore my hair the way it is, even though having a long style with no layers or bangs or anything and in my natural color probably makes me look less sophisticated. People tell me I should change it and they''re probably right, but it''s a hard step!

October2008Bride- Thanks for the suggestions! I love What Not to Wear, but I have never seen the five minute face. I will search for it on youtube. You''re totally right that I don''t want to go buy tons of products and be overwhelmed and broke!

shimmer- Thanks for chiming in! I will be sure to look into the products you mentioned.

somehowcollide- You''re totally right! I do need to work out the wardrobe, and I think next summer when I''ve graduated and am entering the workplace will be a good time. As I said to Mrs. 2Artists above, I''m terrified to do anything to my hair, but probably ought to!
Shimmer those Paula''s Choice products really do rock don''t they! Heaven sent!

Aww thanks somehowcollide you are too sweet!

Hi WishfuThinking-there is nothing at all wrong with long hair-I am a long hair girl myself that is how I prefer my own wavy hair. Long hair suits some people best, short hair suits some people best and medium hair suits some people best. Don''t worry there are many polished ways to style any hair length. With the stuff I do I either need very short hair to stay out of my face or long hair that I can pull back. Long suits me so that''s what I wear.

For long hair like yours there are many classy ways to part it, sweep it back, twist it up. Endless possibilities for presenting a gorgeous adult professional image. So no worries.

As for color natural is just fine. In fact many look best with their natural (or natural childhood color). Others look better with a little help from the bottle to liven things up. All in good fun!

Again if you have sensitive skin that breaks out easily-(and I feel you sister)it is really good to research and check out the product before putting it on your face. That way you can have more fun trial and less not fun error. Even a lipstick or haircare with the wrong ingredients can cause break outs or irritation for those prone to them. I get hives from any wonky stuff that goes on my skin-so this extra step of checking out Paula B. reviews helps keep my skin much happier.

Also one thing that I am very conscious of with makeup and skincare is to not use stuff that is too old. If you have seen pics of old cosmetics/skincare and what grows on them/in them-wow yuck yuck yuck. I only keep stuff for as long as it is good for. Some of it goes up pretty darn quickly. Look up cosmetics shelf life for a primer. I limit the amount that I have so that I can replace it when it is too old. I keep stuff out of warm damp bathrooms and keep them somewhere cool and dry.
Best luck and have fun with it.

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