
I want to start wearing makeup, but I don''t know where to begin

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Jan 10, 2007
Hello helpful ladies,

I have never been a make-up wearer, but I am really interested in starting to, well, wear makeup. I feel so young without it, and I really wish for people to take me more seriously; when I mention this to people, they often suggest that a make-up overhaul [or in my case, actually wearing it for once] might be helpful in making me look a bit older and more mature. It sounds so silly all typed out, but there it is.

Hopefully no one will jump on me for admitting that above reason, but if it helps, even that aside, I am not a huge fan of my skin, so it would be nice to have even, beautiful skin finally.

The problem is that at the ripe old age of 21 years old I have never shopped for make-up before. Well, I have gone to a drugstore like CVS and randomly bought off the shelf, on occasion, but I never felt like I had a clue what to get or how to put it on and it never looked very good. I am sure I am doing it all wrong. That is where you come in! It is time to make that fateful leap. I am looking for a natural look, something I can wear everyday without feeling overdressed or showy; neutral tones, mostly. Good foundation or concealer or whatever they call the stuff that goes on the bottom to make my skin look just fab.
My skin is a little bit prone to breakouts and just slightly oily, if that info helps at all.

My questions:
How do I shop for make-up?
Where do I go? Where do you go?
Is it a good approach to go to a store and consult with someone who sells make-up? I really don't want to get coerced into buying something for the sake of the salesperson completing a sale, and I really want honest opinions about what "works" on me rather than a sales pitch.
What brands do you find work for you? Any magic companies I should be looking out for that will miraculously transform me into a glowing goddess of sophistication? [

Thanks in advance for anyone who manages to plow through the wall of text and offer assistance!


Jun 26, 2008
Hello! I''m guilty of a *slight* make-up addiction, so perhaps I can help you, or at least tell you how I go about make-up buying/wearing. First of all, I don''t blame you for the wanting to be taken seriously thing--when I don''t wear make-up and blow-out my hair, I often get (unappreciated) comments about looking very young so I know exactly how you feel.

What kind of stores do you live near? Personally I
sephora, but it''s also a bit overwhelming and the people working there have been of little help to me in the past, so you might try elsewhere first. They have an amazing selection though. I usually find CO bigelow to be a little more helpful, and they also have great stuff. OH and in the unlikely chance you live near a shu uemura (I think there''s only a few in the country, luckily I live in Boston practically down the street from one) THEY ARE AMAZING! Especially for picking out colors, maybe it''s just this guy that works in the Boston store I always see, but I tell him what I''m looking for (i.e. soft or smokey or bright, etc) and he picks out the perfect eye shadows. Ok, so I guess to sum this up you could probably shop successfully in a bunch of different places, but if the sales associates are good, use them!

As far as what I wear-well, take this with a grain of salt because different make-up works for different skins types- but for foundation I love the Bare Essentials loose mineral powder. I know it seems kind of gimmicky, but a friend recommended it to me, and I find that it evens out my skin w/o looking caky. Also, you can use just a little and add more if you need it, so it doesn''t feel like you have a ton of gunk on your face. It blends really well too. Then I use a dusting of blush, and if I have any blemished or bags under my eyes, a dab of concealer. For eye shadows I usually go for Nars or Shu Uemura, and whatever my favorite mascara of the moment is (I tend to prefer "lengthening" mascaras). I rarely wear eyeliner unless I''m going out, but if you use brown pencil instead of black it looks less heavy.

I know this sounds like a lot, but it''s actually really quick once you get your routine down. All that takes me about 5 minutes each morning. And obviously you may find that you not use all of these, or may choose to include something else that I don''t. It''s all about playing around and seeing what you like and what works for you.

Ok, a couple more tips: quality make-up brushes do a world of good. They''re kind of expensive, but if you take care of them (read: wash them regularly) they''re last a long time. Oh, and I love the "play up one feature" rule. I tend to go for the eyes because I think they''re one of my better features, as are my lashes, but if you do this go easy on the lips. I usually just use a tinted balm. Or, if you do a lipstick that really pops, don''t over-do it with the eyes. You''re probably not to worried about this as you said you plan to use mostly neutrals but just fyi.
Alright, one last bit of advice then I''ll shut up, I swear.
If you have any friends IRL that are into make-up definitely talk to them! My best friend is OBSESSED, she has more make-up than...well, anyone else I know. But I always ask her about any new finds or brands she likes, and if she finds something good she lets me do a test drive to see if I like it, before I go out and buy it myself.

Good luck, let us know how it goes!


Jun 26, 2008
OH, just wanted to add. About the blush, just a heads up: although I lovvve the bare essentials powder, I also picked up there loose mineral blush and found it to be much to sparkly for my taste. Actually, I usually just get the Covergirl blush from CVS because I haven''t yet found a brand that I really love. I''m in the market though! And I''ve noticed that a lot of my friends are hesitant about using blush because they think it''s old-ladyish or something, but I think when it''s the right color and it''s used in moderation it really brightens your face up a lot.


Sep 10, 2007
Thanks for starting this thread! I also have been trying to find a "look" and have trouble with colors and finding the right products. Really, the only makeup experience I have is with my ballet stage makeup which is NOT exactly a fresh, daytime look lol.


Dec 25, 2007
great post.

It took me many tries to get something I finally feel a comfortable putting on.

I have uneven skin and somewhat large pores. I do see that liquid foundation seems to amplify the the pores and the uneven skin. The powder seems to do a better job at giving a smooth look.

I use Body Shops'' foundation. I like to use a brush to apply powder. I use MAC''s lip balm for lip color and shine. I don''t use a eye liner. I haven''t figured out how to use it to give a natural look.


Jan 26, 2008
Oooh, me! Me! Me!

I''m an absolute makeupaholic. Can''t leave the house without makeup on... seriously. :) I love it!

If I were you I would aim for a natural look and start with just a light base, some blusher, mascara and lipstick or lipgloss.

Right, you''re going to think I''m mad here, but I''m going to recommend a couple of incredibly cheap items - because quite honestly they''re brilliant. do some great stuff, really, really cheap. A DOLLAR an item. (I don''t rate they''re mascara or eyeshadow - so steer clear of those).

Buy the shielding hydro tint, which is sp15. It will give you a lovely even skintone without making you look like you''re wearing loads of makeup. Buy a couple of shade and experiment with what suits you. You can even mix two together if you want. If you want some fun, buy one of their foundation brushes to apply it with.

If you''re prone to oiliness, get their powder to dust lightly over the top, or for a more natural result, choose their shine eraser papers, which just blot the oil off your face.

Buy the All Over Color Stick in ''Pink Lemonade'', draw a stripe along each cheekbone, and blend in with your fingers. This will give you a natural looking blush, as well as highlighting your cheekbones - this is a great product!

The Hypershine lipgloss is gorgeous - try the ''Flirt'' colour.

For mascara, you can''t beat Christian Dior... so I would definitely have a little splurge there (and after saving so much with the E.L.F stuff, why not?!). Unless you''re naturally very fair skinned & blonde, I would choose black mascara.

Oh, and buy a set of eyelash curlers if you don''t have naturally curled lashes. You use them before you apply mascara. :)

There. One recipe for an (almost) instant goddess!

I have tried a LOT of makeup brands, including many, many premium & designer brands... and the ELF stuff is very, very good.

x x x


Jan 26, 2008
Date: 8/28/2008 6:10:20 AM
Author: lovegem
great post.

It took me many tries to get something I finally feel a comfortable putting on.

I have uneven skin and somewhat large pores. I do see that liquid foundation seems to amplify the the pores and the uneven skin. The powder seems to do a better job at giving a smooth look.

I use Body Shops'' foundation. I like to use a brush to apply powder. I use MAC''s lip balm for lip color and shine. I don''t use a eye liner. I haven''t figured out how to use it to give a natural look.
Either try a tinted moisturiser type product, like the ELF one (or Benefit''s ''You Rebel is nice)... or, you might like Laura Gellar''s ''Balance & Brighten''.. which is a face powder that really evens out skin tone & brightens the face, rather like a foundation.

I actually like to use both. :)

x x x


Jun 25, 2008
Yay fun!
Hee hee. I never leave home without foundation, mascara and something on my lips. Eyeshadow/liner is reserved for special occasions. But I have crappy skin, so I need the full coverage of a liquid foundation.

If you've never worn makeup before, you might want to consider going to a department store and asking someone at the Clinique counter (or whatever) to show you some basic options. They can look at your skin type, let you know if you need something full coverage, or if a powder base will work. Don't let them talk you into buying a crapton of stuff if it's not what you want, LOL.

I tend to go to Rite Aid and buy several shades of foundation, mascara etc, and then take back the ones that don't work (that's the beauty of Rite Aid - you can return opened products!) This is assuming you're in the states though. I wear L'Oreal True Match makeup, because it covers without taking over my face, LOL.

I really think your best bet would be to go in and talk to someone at a department store counter. Maybe start with foundation/powder, mascara and some lipstick in a light, reasonable neutral shade. You can always branch out from there and get more creative!


Dec 16, 2007
Here are my recommendations for an esy make-up routine that looks great and will take 5 minutes once you get the hang of it

1: Apply mousturizer. It will allow the foundation to more eavenly cover your skin.

2: Light foundation. I used to use the expensive MAC brand, but after losing my luggage switched to Cover Girl TruBlend and I looove this foundation. It is very sheer and light and is easy to apply just with your fingers. So add this by just applying it to you face much like you would apply a moisturizer--pump one squirt onto the back on your hand, then use a finger from the other hand to take little daps and then spread it in a circular motion on your skin with a medium pressure until that section looks even and seamless. Repeat until your face is covered.

3: Blush. Must have!! I use Maybelline but any brand worksl, buy your own brush though. Do a little smile and get it on the apples then work the blush up towards your hair line following your cheekbones.

4. A little eye shadow. I like Cover Girl in "mink", it is a slightly shimmery light taup that will look good on most skin tones/eye colors and is lovely. Apply to eye lid and belnd it so it doesn't have a line. Buy your own brush again.

5. Mascara. I like Great Lash in the pink bottle with the green lid. Upper lashes only or it may smudge. At night you can add lower for a more dramatic look.

6. Tinted lipgloss, whatever you like.

You can get all of these priducts at the local pharmacy and they are all inexpensiv and really good quality. I get complimented on my makeup all the time
even though it is very simple.

I TOTALLY recommend watching "What not to Wear" the american version, Carmindy gives great tips for people who don't wear makeup and it will help watching someone else apply it. I DO NOT recommend getting a make-over at the mall or at a make0up counter. They will apply too much and you will hate it.

Good luck!


Mar 18, 2007

Okay. Finally something I know a fair amount about.

Bare Escentuals is great if you know how to apply it. However, it looks REALLY made up on a lot of people, so if you''re going for something easy, I wouldn''t necessarily reccomend it. Plus, it can get kind of pricey (but then, good make-up will do that).

So here''s what I use (keep in mind, my skin ranges from wonderfully clear but still red and splotchy to just plain nasty and broken out).

-I use Physician''s Formula concealer. It''s great and doesn''t aggrivate (spelling?) the acne. Green to cover red, yellow to cover dark. Green then yellow to cover zits. But lightly!
-Mac StudioFix foundation. I put it on once, it doesn''t look cakey, and it stays on all day. It''s matte, so there are no shiny zones. And it covers. Boy, does it cover. In my experience, you need to find a MAC *store*, not a counter. Counters don''t have enough people working to really focus on you. They''ll help you find the colour and formula that works best for you. Liquid will be better, I think, since you won''t have to use a sponge that can trap oil and bacteria and just spread it around your face.
-Baby powder to set. They''ll try to sell you powders that match the foundation, but a light dusting of baby powder works just as well.
-I use MAC blush. What you want is either something light and rosy and kind of bright (but BARELY applied, and just to the apples of your cheeks) or something with a pinky-bronze colour (I love "Soft Mink" by Cover Girl) to sweep along the cheekbones and on the apples of the cheeks for definition.
-Eyeshadow is fun, but complicated. I''d stick with just a brown liner pencil for some definition until you have the hang of everything else. (Please don''t forget to put foundation on your eyelids! It evens skin tone and helps eyeshadow stay on.)
-Maybelline Full and Soft mascara is WONDERFUL! Easy to use, and keeps lashes long and full without being clumpy. Great brush. Bend the tip just a little bit so you don''t have to do the awkward arm sticking out everywhere to avoiding poking yourself in the eye move.
-I love coloured glosses for lips. It gives tint without being too bold, and you can put it over dabs of lip colour and rub in to intensify the colour.

AND (in case that wasn''t enough) for weekends I am a huge fan of Neutrogena Mineral Sheers. It comes in the brush, and you just shake it and it comes into the brush. It doesn''t cover *as* well, but it still gives decent coverage. Plus it really helped clear my skin up! Keep it with you to reapply during the day. But you just need that, a bit of mascara, and lip gloss and you''re good to go! 2 minutes flat.

Now, I do the whole long set up on top, and it takes me 5 minutes. Really. Once you get the hang of it, it''s very very quick.


Mar 18, 2007
By the way, MAC stores (and counters, for that matter) can seem a little stand-offish. So don''t be afraid to wave somebody down and make them help you. Every person I''ve ever met that worked there is SUPER knowledgable about the products, and helpful once you get their attention.


Jul 30, 2008
1,493 do some great stuff, really, really cheap. A DOLLAR an item. (I don''t rate they''re mascara or eyeshadow - so steer clear of those).

Has anyone else tried ELF cosmetics? Its sounds like an amazing deal, but I''ve never heard of them!!


Feb 27, 2008
Date: 8/28/2008 9:20:54 AM
Author: SanDiegoLady

Date: 8/28/2008 8:48:34 AM
Author: geckodani
Yay fun!
Hee hee. I never leave home without foundation, mascara and something on my lips. Eyeshadow/liner is reserved for special occasions. But I have crappy skin, so I need the full coverage of a liquid foundation.

If you''ve never worn makeup before, you might want to consider going to a department store and asking someone at the Clinique counter (or whatever) to show you some basic options. They can look at your skin type, let you know if you need something full coverage, or if a powder base will work. Don''t let them talk you into buying a crapton of stuff if it''s not what you want, LOL.

I tend to go to Rite Aid and buy several shades of foundation, mascara etc, and then take back the ones that don''t work (that''s the beauty of Rite Aid - you can return opened products!) This is assuming you''re in the states though. I wear L''Oreal True Match makeup, because it covers without taking over my face, LOL.

I really think your best bet would be to go in and talk to someone at a department store counter. Maybe start with foundation/powder, mascara and some lipstick in a light, reasonable neutral shade. You can always branch out from there and get more creative!
I''d march myself right down to Sephora and have them do a Bare Escentuals make over on you... you''ll walk out glowing. If you lived close, I''d help you myself.. :)
I second the Bare Escentuals idea. It''s so easy to use and it''s great for skin that can be oily. You can get a "starter kit" that includes everything you need (brushes and all)... then you''d just need to buy mascara and lipstick/ lipgloss (B.E. has great options for that). I really think it''s impossible to mess up with applying this makeup

If you live close to a store that sells then you could stop in and get it or you can order it online (that''s what I do). If you order it online you also get a DVD that tells you how to apply it. The makeup is very light and easy to wear (so if you don''t usually wear makeup it won''t feel uncomfortable). You also get to pick 2 colors for the kit (if you order it) so if you''re unsure which shade you can get both and see what works for you... the makeup is very forgiving so if the shade is a little off it really won''t matter.

Just in case... check out their website... That''s the Bare Minerals site (where you can order the starter kit) but there is also a link to the Bare Escentuals site.

My Target store is also carrying these kits so you might check there too.


Jul 25, 2005
IMO, if you want to look older,

MATTE colors. A little shimmer/pearl in your highlighter on the brownbone, eyelid, and cheekbone is ok, but otherwise, mostly matte. Especially blush, it's my favorite for versatility. It's easy to go shimmer overboard on cheeks IMO, after your bronzer, blush, and highlighter.
Also, colors that aren't super vibrant, think neutrals and colors which are described as "dirty" or "soft." You can wear a super vibrant blush if you have a...SKUNK brush, namely the MAC 187. Also, less pearl and glitter/luster in your lipstick. I find drugstore lipsticks to be a little too glittery, so I stick with cream finishes or department store brands.


May 18, 2008
I’m not a make-up person. I usually slap on some mascara with lip gloss and I’m out the door. But this is what I have learned from the different types of makeup I have tried: invest, invest, invest. It’s easy to go to CVS or any other pharmacy and pick up some eyeliner and mascara but not worth it in terms of quality. You are better off going to a Department Store or some place like Sephora and getting high quality makeup. It’ll be pricy at first but worth it.

I highly suggest attending one of the department makeup shows. Macy’s does them all the time. Now keep in mind that the people putting the makeup on are only pretend professionals so if you end up looking like a clown (I did) don’t get scared. The point of the shows is so that you try on different shades and find one that works for you.

I use Clinique''s mascara and eyeshadow. I used to use covergirl but it''s hot in FL and by the end of the day I would look like a racoon. I was passing through Macy''s and decided to pick up the mascara to try it out. I can sleep with it on (not likely but has happened in the past) and wake up with a tiny smudge. It doesn''t smear at all. I


Jul 30, 2007
Just have to throw in a shout out for Benefit makeup--they have some great stuff as well. I second the idea of going to a Sephora/MAC store/Department store makeup counter (or a few) and having them try out some looks on you. It''ll give you a much better idea of what you like and what works on your skin.

Also, I have to try this bare escentuals that everyone is always raving about! *Goes to look up the nearest Sephora location*


Jul 25, 2005
yaknow how people only wanted less than a ct, or a 1 ct, or never wanted to upgrade? and then they found PS?

don't let that happen to you with makeup. I have more than I can use in this lifetime.

For your color needs, Bobbi Brown (not her lipsticks, though) and Clinique should be good for a beginner. MAC brushes, or Essence of Beauty at CVS. Foundations and concealers are highly personal, you might have to dabble around. I like Shiseido and Maybelline foundations. Concealer recs from Bobbi Brown, Make Up Forever, MAC...drugstore concealers are usually not full coverage.


Mar 17, 2008
I LOVE makeup but find that I can''t wear a lot of products without my face freaking out on me. I have combination allergy prone skin (ie, I can''t wear most lipsticks/glosses because my lips will swell up and get pus-y... ewww). I brush Everyday Minerals Silk Dust on my face and it combats oily-ness nearly all day without contributing to further breakouts. It will feel gritty if you put too much on; a light dusting will do. I recommend doing this (with this product or another balancing powder) to start so your face will get used to having something on it.

On a daily basis, I use the silk dust, an eyeshadow base (NECESSARY to avoid creasing), a neutral shadow, mascara, and lipgloss. I will of course add in more when I''m going out, but keep it simple to start and you will be amazed how subtle makeup can make you feel!


Jan 10, 2007
Oh my gosh you are all so helpful!! Thank you!
I''m totally printing this thread out and highlighting the important sections to take with me when I go shopping. [And, of course, the salespeople will look at me like I''m crazy for carrying around a message board printout

Thank you oceanlove, lovegem, Cleo, geckodani, dreamer_dachsie, San Diego Lady, princess, applequeen, JulieN, fireyred, and ladypirate!

I will definitely invest in my own brushes. I''ve always hated the ones they provided, and I''m glad to hear it isn''t just me.

Oobiecoo- it''s so funny you mention the dance stage makeup because I think that is one of my problems as well. The only times I''ve ever worn makeup were for theater and dance performances... which is obviously not street makeup.

It sounds like the Bare Essentials makeup might be a really good option for me. I''ve heard great things about it, but I am not a very trusting person, so it''s taken about 50 recommendations so far for me to decide to give it a shot. I definitely like the idea of a non-liquid foundation because, like lovegem mentioned, my pores really stand out and it looks rather horrific.

Cleo- Thanks for the budget-friendly recommendation! I will check that website out asap. Even if it doesn''t work out, it''s not like I''ve blown my savings on it. I will check out the other brands you mentioned as well. Thanks for being so specific!

SDL- Sephora! One just opened in a nearby mall! How convenient. I will have to check it out, although I admit that it''s a little bit intimidating. The store is just so big, and so many products, and I have not a clue what I am talking about... I suppose that is what the sales associates are for.

princess- Physician''s Formula has always looked intriguing to me, since I have such temperamental skin. It sounds like we have similar skin types- yay for us.
Unfortunately there is no MAC store anywhere nearby. Ah, the joys of living in the wilderness...
I will try the babypowder trick for sure. It''s a silly question, but how do you apply it? Do I shake some out of the bottle onto a lat surface and then use a regular brush? How do you do it?

applequeen- A DVD! That is just what I need!
Thanks for the link. Online shopping can be quite convenient since I live in a rural area where we don''t have as many stores, especially not the more "high end" stuff. I will also check target.

Thanks again, everyone! :)


Jan 13, 2006
Date: 8/28/2008 11:49:40 AM
Author: fieryred33143

I’m not a make-up person. I usually slap on some mascara with lip gloss and I’m out the door. But this is what I have learned from the different types of makeup I have tried: invest, invest, invest. It’s easy to go to CVS or any other pharmacy and pick up some eyeliner and mascara but not worth it in terms of quality. You are better off going to a Department Store or some place like Sephora and getting high quality makeup. It’ll be pricy at first but worth it.

I highly suggest attending one of the department makeup shows. Macy’s does them all the time. Now keep in mind that the people putting the makeup on are only pretend professionals so if you end up looking like a clown (I did) don’t get scared. The point of the shows is so that you try on different shades and find one that works for you.

I use Clinique''s mascara and eyeshadow. I used to use covergirl but it''s hot in FL and by the end of the day I would look like a racoon. I was passing through Macy''s and decided to pick up the mascara to try it out. I can sleep with it on (not likely but has happened in the past) and wake up with a tiny smudge. It doesn''t smear at all. I
I was thinking Lady of the Evening, but clown works.
Been there, done that, never again.


Jan 10, 2007
Thank you, JulieN and jsm! It''s good to know how many options there are, and that I don''t necessarily have to have a glam and glitzy look to wear make-up. :)


Feb 8, 2003
Wishful, if I were you and I was starting from scratch, I''d start with good skin care first. I''m a twenty six year Clinique user, so I have to recommend that you go to a Clinique counter, have your skin typed and buy your soap, toner, exfoliator and moisturizers first. Use all of that for a couple of weeks, have your skin clean, smooth and in good condition, then go back and have them help you find a nice lightweight foundation and a nice neutral non garish blush. (Powders are the easiest to work with) After that, a neutral base and highlighting shadow, (mine is beige shimmer) and a couple of lid shadows in neutrals like a taupey brown and a medium gray (like Taupestry and Charcoal). Everyone, no matter what your skin color, can wear those shades. Try to stay away from color colors because they''re faddish and they come and go. Look at all the models in the finest magazines and they''re all made up with varying shades of neutrals on their eyes. Last, a good lip color. You''re young so stick with anything lightweight and glossy. Have them help you to figure out what your underlying skin tone is and that will help you to choose your blush and lip color. Women usually fall into either the pink/blue undertone category or the yellow/orange category. If you''re a pink, go for rosey or plummy blushes and lip colors, if you''re a yellow/orange like me, go for the peachy apricoty rusty shades but nothing too dark. Make-up is made to enhance our natural features and skin tones, not to paint them.

Forget what''s in style now and always go for what looks best on you.


Jul 30, 2008
Yes, get thee over to Sephora, ASAP! I know it''s kinda intimidating but it''s like a candy store once you try it! I can wander around in there for HOURS. It may not be the cheapest place to buy make up but their selection is amazing, you can try everything and you can return opened items, no questions asked.

I use Bare Minerals too and really like it. The others have given great suggestions. I''ll toss out one more. Try Smashbox''s photo finish primer. Sephora carries it. It''s a bit expensive but totally worth it. It''s creamy but light as a feather and you can apply it with your fingers. Use it before any foundation or in place of one. I don''t know what''s in it but it makes your skin as smooth as a baby''s bottom and your make up will go on beautifully on top of it. Sometimes I use it alone for a natural, makeup-less look.

Have fun!


Jan 10, 2007
Gemgirl, is there any way to do that without access to a clinique counter? I am definitely interested in starting with skincare because that sounds so logical, and I think it would make me feel more healthy overall. However, unless a clinique counter is something I can find in a basic department store [my options are JC Penny, Macy''s, and Sears] I''m most likely out of luck.

Would Sephora work for something like that? Any other products that might work? Ordering online?


May 18, 2008
Date: 8/28/2008 1:35:11 PM
Author: Ellen

Date: 8/28/2008 11:49:40 AM
Author: fieryred33143

I’m not a make-up person. I usually slap on some mascara with lip gloss and I’m out the door. But this is what I have learned from the different types of makeup I have tried: invest, invest, invest. It’s easy to go to CVS or any other pharmacy and pick up some eyeliner and mascara but not worth it in terms of quality. You are better off going to a Department Store or some place like Sephora and getting high quality makeup. It’ll be pricy at first but worth it.

I highly suggest attending one of the department makeup shows. Macy’s does them all the time. Now keep in mind that the people putting the makeup on are only pretend professionals so if you end up looking like a clown (I did) don’t get scared. The point of the shows is so that you try on different shades and find one that works for you.

I use Clinique''s mascara and eyeshadow. I used to use covergirl but it''s hot in FL and by the end of the day I would look like a racoon. I was passing through Macy''s and decided to pick up the mascara to try it out. I can sleep with it on (not likely but has happened in the past) and wake up with a tiny smudge. It doesn''t smear at all. I
I was thinking Lady of the Evening, but clown works.
Been there, done that, never again.
Have you ever seen The Other Sister where she goes to the mall for a free makeup trial and they only do half of her face?



Jan 13, 2006
Date: 8/28/2008 2:09:59 PM
Author: fieryred33143

Have you ever seen The Other Sister where she goes to the mall for a free makeup trial and they only do half of her face?

<-----happened to this person

No, I haven''t.
I''m sorry.


Jun 3, 2008
Date: 8/28/2008 1:53:11 PM
Author: gemgirl
Wishful, if I were you and I was starting from scratch, I'd start with good skin care first. I'm a twenty six year Clinique user, so I have to recommend that you go to a Clinique counter, have your skin typed and buy your soap, toner, exfoliator and moisturizers first. Use all of that for a couple of weeks, have your skin clean, smooth and in good condition, then go back and have them help you find a nice lightweight foundation and a nice neutral non garish blush. (Powders are the easiest to work with) After that, a neutral base and highlighting shadow, (mine is beige shimmer) and a couple of lid shadows in neutrals like a taupey brown and a medium gray (like Taupestry and Charcoal). Everyone, no matter what your skin color, can wear those shades. Try to stay away from color colors because they're faddish and they come and go. Look at all the models in the finest magazines and they're all made up with varying shades of neutrals on their eyes. Last, a good lip color. You're young so stick with anything lightweight and glossy. Have them help you to figure out what your underlying skin tone is and that will help you to choose your blush and lip color. Women usually fall into either the pink/blue undertone category or the yellow/orange category. If you're a pink, go for rosey or plummy blushes and lip colors, if you're a yellow/orange like me, go for the peachy apricoty rusty shades but nothing too dark. Make-up is made to enhance our natural features and skin tones, not to paint them.

Forget what's in style now and always go for what looks best on you.
AMEN to everything Gemgirl said!

I am a CLINIQUE FREAK, and I can't imagine ever using anything else! If you go to their website (, you can take a quiz which will tell you your skin type, and then recommend products that work for you. Also, while you're there, make sure to sign up for "Club Clinique," which will send you e-mails with sales/bonus offers about once a week. You would not believe all the free Clinique stuff I've gotten over the years!!!

Good luck, and have fun with this!

ETA: Wishful, if you'd rather do this in person, I believe Macy's DOES have a Clinique counter. (At least our Macy's does.)


Jan 10, 2007
Thanks for the input, panda! The photo finish primer sounds just divine. I love when my skin is soft and smooth, but admittedly I do a pretty half-hearted job taking care of it. With all of your help and encouragement I am well on my way to a promise to myself to do better.

Thank you, Irishgrrrl for letting me know where to find the elusive clinique counter! I will check out the local Macy''s and hopefully they will have one. I am off to take their quiz and sign up for the goodies.


Jul 25, 2005
Date: 8/28/2008 2:34:35 PM
Author: WishfulThinking
Thanks for the input, panda! The photo finish primer sounds just divine. I love when my skin is soft and smooth, but admittedly I do a pretty half-hearted job taking care of it. With all of your help and encouragement I am well on my way to a promise to myself to do better.

Thank you, Irishgrrrl for letting me know where to find the elusive clinique counter! I will check out the local Macy's and hopefully they will have one. I am off to take their quiz and sign up for the goodies.
IMO, save your money on SM photo finish primer. Try Monistat Anti Chafing Gel, or the CVS generic. (it's the exact same thing.) Primer is good to stop oilies. If I get oily anyway, blotting sheets or some NYC Smooth Skin face powder.

When I was 21, I still had breakouts, and OTC meds didn't work. a combo of BC pills and Retin A micro has helped a lot.


Apr 4, 2006
I use Merle Norman. Love it. My daughter (college age) is hooked, too. She and I wear very different things, though. She wears their version of mineral powder make up and I wear something with a more dewey look going on. I highly recommend them.
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