
I think it's getting ready to go down again (Covid)


May 15, 2014
I’m having the same problem @autumngems with a niece. It’s making me very nervous.

My adult daughter would not get vaccinated and she and I had many testy conversations about it and I really haven't seen her except a few times outdoors this summer. Last week she learned that an unvaccinated co-worker in a different state, early 40's, young kids, is in the hospital and not doing well at all. And another co-worker in the Great Lakes area who is vaccinated, tested positive and has symptoms, but mild. That made her schedule an appointment and she got her first shot Saturday. Nothing I said could get her to do it, but this happening with her co-workers did, even though she still wasn't thrilled with the idea. I think fear finally got to her, more than any words I could say ever would. Needless to say, I'm relieved.


Jun 7, 2014
My adult daughter would not get vaccinated and she and I had many testy conversations about it and I really haven't seen her except a few times outdoors this summer. Last week she learned that an unvaccinated co-worker in a different state, early 40's, young kids, is in the hospital and not doing well at all. And another co-worker in the Great Lakes area who is vaccinated, tested positive and has symptoms, but mild. That made her schedule an appointment and she got her first shot Saturday. Nothing I said could get her to do it, but this happening with her co-workers did, even though she still wasn't thrilled with the idea. I think fear finally got to her, more than any words I could say ever would. Needless to say, I'm relieved.

I‘m happy your daughter changed her mind and got vaccinated. I know this had to be a huge relief for you. My niece is in her early thirties. I couldn’t love her more if she were my own daughter. I would do anything to get her to change her mind.


May 15, 2014
I‘m happy your daughter changed her mind and got vaccinated. I know this had to be a huge relief for you. My niece is in her early thirties. I couldn’t love her more if she were my own daughter. I would do anything to get her to change her mind.

Unfortunately, it may take someone she knows, or is close to, to get severely ill, hospitalized or even die before the wake up call comes. Luckily my daughter didn't need to experience a death to go forward, despite her lingering concerns. But it is a tough situation to try to convince someone you love to get vaccinated, without totally alienating them. I quit bringing it up in every conversation. But I did bring it up as it applied to different circumstances. For instance, she works remotely and her company is in Florida. What if they made her attend a meeting there? How would she feel about getting on a plane and going to that meeting? Her uncle is terminally ill. Wouldn't she like to be able to see him soon? etc. But again, I spaced it out and tried to just drop it into a conversation instead of lecturing her. Nothing I said did any good anyway, but maybe it put little things in her head that were the seeds of doubt that helped to turn the tide when the co-workers got sick. I don't know, but whatever it was, I'm grateful.


Jun 30, 2014
I thought it was because people expected to be staying home and not going to stores, etc. so they stocked up on those types of things. But maybe that was just my assumption.

I remember reading that in addition to the hoarding, the problem was the supply/distribution change. Toilet paper for commercial places is different type, packaging, distribution, etc...none of it an easy change when more toilet paper was needed in homes and not the other places. That's why some restaurants offered a free toilet paper with your order. I joked that if I got desperate, I would sneak into the office and steal their toilet paper :lol:

@TooPatient I just took my elderly mother to California to spend her birthday with her siblings. We thought about cancelling but we already cancelled last year's trip due to Covid and there have been many age related health issues since. We wore KN95 masks on the plane, there was a party but everyone was vaccinated and tables set up outdoors for eating...and we had a separate smaller masked get together with her sister who is immune compromised. I hope your time with family is as special as ours was.


Mar 22, 2017
Are you east coast?

I'm in Ohio - near Wright-Patterson AFB. And our vaccination numbers in this state are NOT good......

I'm so sorry about the situation with your daughter and her fiance. I can't imagine being in your shoes having to watch that and being powerless. Sending healing (and more rational) thoughts their way, and hugs to you.


Jul 24, 2003
I'm in Ohio - near Wright-Patterson AFB. And our vaccination numbers in this state are NOT good......

I'm so sorry about the situation with your daughter and her fiance. I can't imagine being in your shoes having to watch that and being powerless. Sending healing (and more rational) thoughts their way, and hugs to you.

My family is from Ohio (Columbus).
Our base (MCAS Cherry Point, NC) just went Health Protection Condition Bravo + today.
Thank you, it's terribly hard when your child calls and asks you to come get her because she is scared and you can't. She has anxiety attacks and this has doubled them.
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