
I think I may have found it...


Jul 30, 2011
I've had my eye on a certain sapphire online for a while now, and I keep going back to look at it and drool.

I decided to take an eye-candy break during work and I saw that the price had dropped considerably!! It's a gorgeous stone, no window that I can see, well within my size range and a nice strong color (unless the photos are off).

And it's on sale right now!!!!! I'm considering asking J if he'd be willing to go ahead and get it! I don't want it to be snatched up! Then he would have a few more months to save up for a setting. Heck, I'd be willing to buy it and let him pay me back later (not that he'd go for that... I think).

But yeah, I've seen him drop more on his gaming habit, so I'm practically twitching over here. But I'm not sure how close he is to wanting to buy something. He said around the end of this year, but we still have a while to go before 2013 and I don't think he's quite there yet. :blackeye:



May 15, 2012
Ravenne|1348852251|3276058 said:
I've had my eye on a certain sapphire online for a while now, and I keep going back to look at it and drool.

I decided to take an eye-candy break during work and I saw that the price had dropped considerably!! It's a gorgeous stone, no window that I can see, well within my size range and a nice strong color (unless the photos are off).

And it's on sale right now!!!!! I'm considering asking J if he'd be willing to go ahead and get it! I don't want it to be snatched up! Then he would have a few more months to save up for a setting. Heck, I'd be willing to buy it and let him pay me back later (not that he'd go for that... I think).

But yeah, I've seen him drop more on his gaming habit, so I'm practically twitching over here. But I'm not sure how close he is to wanting to buy something. He said around the end of this year, but we still have a while to go before 2013 and I don't think he's quite there yet. :blackeye:


All you can do is ask, right? :bigsmile:

Even if it gets stashed away for a while...


Jun 23, 2011
Buy it and say he can use it for your ER or you'll set it in a the but if it's "the one" don't let it slip away IMO! Good luck!


Sep 23, 2011
tammy77|1348858577|3276091 said:
Buy it and say he can use it for your ER or you'll set it in a the but if it's "the one" don't let it slip away IMO! Good luck!



May 7, 2012
Ravenne, the same thing happened to me!

We'd been talking about engagement for awhile but he obviously wasn't ready to *do* anything yet. That is, until I found "the stone." I explained to him how much I loved this specific sapphire and how I'd been looking around and hadn't found anything close to it. He could tell I was really excited about it, and agreed to buy it that very day (another couple was also looking at it, so that put a little pressure on..)

I agree with everyone else - if you love it, don't let it slip away. Definitely mention it and see how he feels. You never know, maybe he'll be relieved to be able to buy one he *knows* you love. Best wishes! :))


Sep 23, 2011
I've had MANY "the one" diamonds slip away. My last "the one" was actually The One. If I had settled on any earlier "the one"s, I would have never gotten my The One in the end, when SO was ready.

Just adding the "other side" here for a toss :wink2:


Jul 30, 2011
Madelise - See, that's what I'm worried about.. I really like this One, but what if another One pops up 3-4 months from now that I love even more?! LOL What a mess. :loopy:


Oct 4, 2011
It is so hard to know what is the best or right thing to do, but I firmly believe that things come and present themselves to us, for a reason.

People, things, events.... Tell your BF this is possibly *THE* stone for you, tell him you are not pressuring him but if he was thinking along these lines, this would be the stone. Then - leave it be. Easy for me to say and I have not yet mastered the "leave it be" portion of this plan, but I do try, and sometimes, another alternative pops up unexpectedly!!

As an example, my DD just bought herself a cute little used car with very low KM's and a great body (well, the car AND DD, actually!! lol!) and we went thru about 4 or 5 'this is IT' car options before this one was found! Throwing in my two cents, similar to what Madelise has suggested above!

I hope it all works out in your favour!


Sep 23, 2011
Enerchi|1349016144|3276824 said:
As an example, my DD just bought herself a cute little used car with very low KM's and a great body (well, the car AND DD, actually!! lol!) and we went thru about 4 or 5 'this is IT' car options before this one was found! Throwing in my two cents, similar to what Madelise has suggested above!

Yup! I have watched so many of my "the one"s get purchased, and each time, my heart sank and secretly wished SO was trying to surprise me. I emailed him so many damn links to wonderfully priced, great performers.. and he never even looked at them, I don't think.

My rules for these "THIS IS IT! THIS IS THE ONE, I MUST HAVE IT!" types of materials is that.. if it's a ridiculously priced item that is an absolute steal :!: like, for instance, it's being liquidated or it's being sold on the secondary market like DB/Ebay for a very good price.. AND you have the $$ in your bank account, go ahead and love yourself and buy it. If SO doesn't like it, it's fine, it is your own gift to yourself.

If not, there will always be more opportunities for more purchases in the future.

I might have too many gifts to myself, though :X


Oct 2, 2008
So...did you show him?


Jul 30, 2011
I did show him. Pulled it up, showed him the picture and he was like "It's pretty!" which is his normal reaction when I show him a sparkly. I went on a little more saying it's perfect and exactly what I'm looking for and it's on sale. He asked how much and when I told him, he said "That's not bad." And then changed the subject.

Oh well... If it isn't meant to be, then it isn't. If I'm meant to have this stone, then it will still be available when he's ready to buy.


Sep 23, 2011
Ravenne|1349032338|3276955 said:
I did show him. Pulled it up, showed him the picture and he was like "It's pretty!" which is his normal reaction when I show him a sparkly. I went on a little more saying it's perfect and exactly what I'm looking for and it's on sale. He asked how much and when I told him, he said "That's not bad." And then changed the subject.

Oh well... If it isn't meant to be, then it isn't. If I'm meant to have this stone, then it will still be available when he's ready to buy.

Does he know where it's listed, so that he may refer to it if he's searching? Let him know how to find it if he's ready to buy, and let him know how rare it is to find a great combo of cut/precise color you want/ size/ price, and if he's ready he'll buy. Leave it at that. If he's not, you'll find more "the one"s later, trust me ;))


Oct 2, 2008
madelise|1349039317|3277001 said:
Does he know where it's listed, so that he may refer to it if he's searching? Let him know how to find it if he's ready to buy, and let him know how rare it is to find a great combo of cut/precise color you want/ size/ price, and if he's ready he'll buy. Leave it at that. If he's not, you'll find more "the one"s later, trust me ;))
Agreed. This is all you can do right now. Madelise is right, though. If he doesn't buy it you will find another "The One" stone. I think we all do that to ourselves...


Jul 30, 2011
I don't know how to get him that information without seeming like I'm pushing. I don't email him things like this ever and he doesn't know any of the "good" sapphire websites. He does know how I feel about places like Kays and Zales though. Anyway, he's made it clear that he doesn't want to do the buying without me there because he doesn't trust his judgment on these things. I also would prefer he didn't join this forum. It's where I can let out my jewelry/LIW crazy without showing it to him. LOL

There's a gem and mineral show coming to our city soon. He's said he'll go with me so maybe I can at least get his interest sparked then. I may even find something there. Who knows... I don't know if I trust myself to buy from a show. I think I've gotten good at picking out decent sapphires on a computer screen... but I haven't gotten many opportunities to test myself in real life. Hm. We'll see.


Nov 7, 2004
Actually, if you can go to a gem show and see gems in person, I think that is a BETTER way to pick a stone. You can look at it under different light conditions, ask lots of questions, and see what it looks like in REAL LIFE (a photo just isn't the same).

good luck. I hope that you can do your research, and your boyfriend um mans up or at least brings some money, see what happens at the gem show.


Sep 23, 2011
part gypsy|1349119140|3277523 said:
Actually, if you can go to a gem show and see gems in person, I think that is a BETTER way to pick a stone. You can look at it under different light conditions, ask lots of questions, and see what it looks like in REAL LIFE (a photo just isn't the same).

good luck. I hope that you can do your research, and your boyfriend um mans up or at least brings some money, see what happens at the gem show.

Great idea! Then you get to collect business cards and contacts for your SO to hold onto. :naughty:


Jul 30, 2011
part gypsy said:
Actually, if you can go to a gem show and see gems in person, I think that is a BETTER way to pick a stone. You can look at it under different light conditions, ask lots of questions, and see what it looks like in REAL LIFE (a photo just isn't the same).

good luck. I hope that you can do your research, and your boyfriend um mans up or at least brings some money, see what happens at the gem show.

I would love to buy there. Lol! I'm a very visual person. And as far as I'm concerned, as long as I like the way it looks, I'm okay if it's not the "perfect" stone in stats. I'm just worried that they will be passing BE treated stones as higher quality. I don't mind basic heat, but the more intense treatments are a no go for me. I agree a photo just doesn't cut it.

I've bought things with a card at this show before (not stones, unfortunately, though I might this time..), so I know the big deal booths have that capability. If nothing else, there's always checks. ;-) Lol. I do wonder if the reason he's so lukewarm is simply because it's online and it doesn't feel real to him. Fingers crossed... :D

madelise said:
Great idea! Then you get to collect business cards and contacts for your SO to hold onto. :naughty:

I never thought of that! It's a great plan! Muchas Grasias! I do looove collecting business cards. :tongue:
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