
I know where my SO is going to propose....


Oct 17, 2012
Hi Ladies, I went MIA during the holidays, but I'm back now. Congrats to everyone who got engaged over the holidays :bigsmile:

So....I didn't get my "by the end of 2012" proposal I was promised. However, I did find out when SO is planning to do it. We booked a trip to a place later on this month that has a LOT of significance to us and our relationship. When I got a little moody just after Christmas wondering where my ring was, he all but confirmed that he is planning to propose on our trip. He said "wouldn't it mean so much more if I did it there?" While it could be a way to throw me off, I'm really doubting it. He had said months ago that he was thinking of doing it there and I had said once that it would be my dream proposal location.

While I don't know exactly how he's going to do it, and I don't know what the ring looks like, I can't help but feel a little bit disappointed since I now know the 4 day window of when he's going to propose. Did anyone else have this happen? Did it affect how you felt? I'm so excited, but also bummed that the surprise element is more or less gone. I'm sure once he asks I'll be so excited I won't care but I also feel like thinking "oh, it's the 22nd, better go get my nails done!" kind of takes the magic away a bit....


Nov 16, 2003
lkc84|1357235564|3346393 said:
Hi Ladies, I went MIA during the holidays, but I'm back now. Congrats to everyone who got engaged over the holidays :bigsmile:

So....I didn't get my "by the end of 2012" proposal I was promised. However, I did find out when SO is planning to do it. We booked a trip to a place later on this month that has a LOT of significance to us and our relationship. When I got a little moody just after Christmas wondering where my ring was, he all but confirmed that he is planning to propose on our trip. He said "wouldn't it mean so much more if I did it there?" While it could be a way to throw me off, I'm really doubting it. He had said months ago that he was thinking of doing it there and I had said once that it would be my dream proposal location.

While I don't know exactly how he's going to do it, and I don't know what the ring looks like, I can't help but feel a little bit disappointed since I now know the 4 day window of when he's going to propose. Did anyone else have this happen? Did it affect how you felt? I'm so excited, but also bummed that the surprise element is more or less gone. I'm sure once he asks I'll be so excited I won't care but I also feel like thinking "oh, it's the 22nd, better go get my nails done!" kind of takes the magic away a bit....
Focus on the "fantastic" & let everything else go. This man LOVES you & is putting his heart & head into planning the "perfect" way to ask you to be his wife!!!

I had a similar scenario, but I was so excited about the MAN, I really didn't care that I knew the weekend get-away when he'd planned to propose.

Well, at least I THOUGHT I knew the exact timeframe & location, but the weekend before our "proposal" trip, he'd planned to take me shopping for vacation clothes (which wasn't unusual since he often takes me shopping, especially before a trip or event). On our way back to my place, we stopped for dinner & all of our closest friends & family were there ... for his big proposal! Boy was I surprised!!

So don't be so sure you KNOW the actual timeframe & details, just make sure to enjoy every minute of it!!


May 7, 2012
I know exactly how you feel, because I knew pretty much every detail of mine!

There were small details I did not know, however - like the fact that he had gone out in search of the perfect little box to wrap the ring in so it wouldn't be TOO obvious it was in his pocket. Also, I didn't know the exact location where he would do it (neither did he, until he scoped it out hours before!). Those are the little things that seem the most important to me now, and even though I *really* wanted a surprise, I'm really happy about how it all happened.

I know you will be, too. :bigsmile:


Oct 2, 2008
gatorblue|1357399789|3347968 said:
I know exactly how you feel, because I knew pretty much every detail of mine!

There were small details I did not know, however - like the fact that he had gone out in search of the perfect little box to wrap the ring in so it wouldn't be TOO obvious it was in his pocket. Also, I didn't know the exact location where he would do it (neither did he, until he scoped it out hours before!). Those are the little things that seem the most important to me now, and even though I *really* wanted a surprise, I'm really happy about how it all happened.

I know you will be, too. :bigsmile:
Ditto this. I was 99% sure I had it down too a few possible dates and we were on the last of those days and we had loads of things planned - I knew it was going to happen but still didn't know where or at what point that day. Just enjoy it! I promise all those thoughts will be GONE after it happens. Our proposal was perfect, memorable, sweet, wonderful, amazing. Yours will be too.


Nov 4, 2009
lkc84|1357235564|3346393 said:
Hi Ladies, I went MIA during the holidays, but I'm back now. Congrats to everyone who got engaged over the holidays :bigsmile:

So....I didn't get my "by the end of 2012" proposal I was promised. However, I did find out when SO is planning to do it. We booked a trip to a place later on this month that has a LOT of significance to us and our relationship. When I got a little moody just after Christmas wondering where my ring was, he all but confirmed that he is planning to propose on our trip. He said "wouldn't it mean so much more if I did it there?" While it could be a way to throw me off, I'm really doubting it. He had said months ago that he was thinking of doing it there and I had said once that it would be my dream proposal location.

While I don't know exactly how he's going to do it, and I don't know what the ring looks like, I can't help but feel a little bit disappointed since I now know the 4 day window of when he's going to propose. Did anyone else have this happen? Did it affect how you felt? I'm so excited, but also bummed that the surprise element is more or less gone. I'm sure once he asks I'll be so excited I won't care but I also feel like thinking "oh, it's the 22nd, better go get my nails done!" kind of takes the magic away a bit....

I'm sure it's not the ideal picture you had in mind, but I agree with everyone else, just ENJOY it. I think it's great he was so thoughtful about it, like feeling like the location of the proposal would be meaningful, and maybe he didn't want you to start freaking out and getting another case of LIWitis because he didn't propose by the end of the year. In addition, you don't know how he'll propose, so that'll definitely be a surprise, and all you have to do is sit back and enjoy the whole experience, and then croon over your new bling! :)

mary poppins

Apr 10, 2010
About a week before the proposal, I knew the 24 hour period within which DH (BF at the time) was going to propose, but I didn't know exactly when, where or how, nor had I seen the ring. Although I chose the setting, DH selected the center stone and I hadn't seen the actual ring yet.

Knowing the 24 hour period didn't ruin it for me at all. On the contrary, I was eager with anticipation without having any LIW uncertainty, smiling all the time and practically skipping down the street knowing my guy was going to propose soon. Saying to myself (in my head, not out loud), as applicable as the week progressed:

I'm getting engaged next week! I'm getting engaged next week!
I'm getting engaged on Tuesday or Wednesday! I'm getting engaged on Tuesday or Wednesday!
I'm getting engaged in a couple of days! I'm getting engaged in a couple of days!
I'm getting engaged tomorrow or the next day! I'm getting engaged tomorrow or the next day!

I was practically bursting not telling anyone the secret. Well, I told my hair stylist who was excited for me. And it was still fun getting my pre-proposal manicure because I knew a ring was going to be added soon, so I looked at my finger and imagined it there. I also switched a RHR to my left once in a while to get used to seeing and feeling a ring on that finger.

When the 24 hour period arrived, of course I was very eager and excited when we got together and during the course of the day and evening.

When he proposed and afterwards, it didn't matter that I knew the time frame in advance because . . . we were engaged! I got my guy, he got his girl, the ring was more beautiful than I could have ever imagined, and we were starting our life together!

Enjoy the pre-proposal excitement. Sounds like only a couple of more weeks of official singledom for you. :loopy:


Jun 23, 2011
I knew that my DH was going to propose on our trip to SF and I even had a suspicion of during what event. I ended up being right but it didn't matter in a bad way. It was PERFECT! I agree with everyone else, knowing approximately when/where won't spoil it unless you let it. ;)) You don't know what he's going to say, or exactly where it will be or how he'll do it. There's plenty to surprise you still! Enjoy the anticipation and savor every moment! :bigsmile:


May 9, 2012
You'll be bursting with butterflies and excitement knowing its coming! Perhaps you won't be FLOORED with shock, but you will get all of the fun anticipation, and then hopefully at least a wee shock. ;-)

Excited for you!


Oct 17, 2012
Thanks so much for the sanity check ladies!! I'm glad to know that even though you knew what was up, you were still excited and everything was what you hoped for! We are at T-minus 1 week and I have to say I'm getting excited, even a little nervous. :-o The best part is we are planning a Google Hangout with some of our friends from college, and turns out the day that will likely work for everyone is the day after we get back. So I'll get to share the news in (sort of) person!


Dec 4, 2012
lkc84|1358276816|3356225 said:
Thanks so much for the sanity check ladies!! I'm glad to know that even though you knew what was up, you were still excited and everything was what you hoped for! We are at T-minus 1 week and I have to say I'm getting excited, even a little nervous. :-o The best part is we are planning a Google Hangout with some of our friends from college, and turns out the day that will likely work for everyone is the day after we get back. So I'll get to share the news in (sort of) person!

AH I'm so excited for you!! You are still going to have a fabulous experience! Make sure to post some pictures of that beauty! :)
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