
I just wanna say -- the random comments thread

Cozystitches|1442890048|3930408 said:
Ok, so just a vent:

I'm sorry that you're upset with me, however I believe that you should be upset with you as it's not my fault. You made a poor choice, my trying to help (a bit late) is not a reason to be angry w/me.

Parent: OH MY GOODNESS! Yes, I made a comment (one that's made regularly) and in the MS arena it's normal (not cursing), you vented to the Principal, who spoke w/me. Then weeks later you came to me, I apologized. Now you are venting AGAIN to another teacher and wanting to go to the super? Fine.

Team: I'm tired. Please can't we all just get along? Please?

Heads: Oh my, yes lots of kids have Fs. There are 208 MISSING in kids not doing their work. Please tell me again, that I need to do more???


Breathe....Cozystitches.....breathe.....I think teaching is an incredibly stressful job but teachers are so, so crucial. Hang in there...we appreciate everything you do for society. No one ever forgets their favorite teachers - they stand out in your mind forever. Hugs xxx
I totally agree with Jambalaya. I can't remember the names of the teachers I hated but I could never forget my favorite teacher. It's truly one of the hardest professions next to being a parent but it's also one of the most rewarding.
Thanks, Jambalya

It just sucks to have 2 weeks of late nights (staying till after 7pm 5 nights at school over those 2 weeks), being behind and having to the be chastised (again) over the same nonsense.

I will hold onto the student who came who said she loves genetics (LOVE IT!) because I got her interested in it. :dance:
Thanks CharmedOne.... :)
Your very welcome Cozystitches. Your commitment is inspiring. Those kids are lucky to have you. So many thanks to you for doing all you do. [emoji4]
Thanks again...its very hard when I look at the time and effort I put in and then at the pay...lets just say that it's so very sad when I break it down to hourly rates.... :errrr: ;( :nono: :silenced:
On a more positive note:

I found (and purchased) some AWESOME station labs (read: 8 stations where they have to do something/watch a video/answer questions/match cards/etc) and I've done 3 in my classes so far. Love them! AND the kids liked them too!!! :D Another plus, in Genetics (which again I LOVE) we are doing a Super Hero project where you have super people (villain or hero) mom and dad and they get to figure out what superbabies they have. :D :clap: :dance: Way fun stuff!

Now to just find the grading fairy... :wall:
Him and me
Her and I
Sara and I's problem

Are we not teaching grammar anymore?

I've been meaning to "ax" that question for some time now { :angryfire: }
Amber St. Clare|1443134461|3931436 said:
Him and me
Her and I
Sara and I's problem

Are we not teaching grammar anymore?

I've been meaning to "ax" that question for some time now { :angryfire: }

I'm not really sure if your examples are correct or not (showing my ignorance!) :oops:

Should it be:

He and I
She and I
Sara's and my problem

Are mine correct? That's what I would write instinctively, but I couldn't articulate the rules.
We do teach grammar, however it seems as though the kids (and parents don't care)....I'm not the best at grammar (I teach science)
Him and I
Her and I
Mine and Sarah's problem

Today the writing teacher showed the essays that students wrote. The topic: Why is attendance important? Poor teacher had to justify why it's important and then read/grade them.'s pretty sad to read a few, and to see the poor spelling and grammar :wall: :wall: I could give examples but it was so sad....
I like the sound of "Mine and Sarah's problem" better than "Sarah's and my problem", but on the other hand, you wouldn't say "Mine problem" if you took out Sarah - but maybe that's not the point. Oh, hell - now I'm confoozed!
Maybe the construction is just inherently awkward and you'd re-cast to say "Our problem" or "The problem that Sarah and I have"?
Him and me, her and me. (Give it to her; give it to me... it's up to him; it's up to me).

He/she and I. (He is going to the market; I am going to the market)

Sarah's and my or Sarah's and mine, depending on the context. That's Sara's and my car; the car is Sara's and mine. (in the fist case "my" describes the car, in the second, it serves as a posessive - that's my car; the car is mine.)

It helps if you think of which pronoun you would use if there were only one "person" involved.

That's as technical as I get. :wink2:

BDW, not to rant on the original rant, but that's part of the reason I'm becoming less and less inclined to issue mental demerits for bad grammar - the stuff is just so darn confusing, and I think most people try - or at worst, echo what they learned growing up!

Except for apostrophes, of course. I always note and often :rolleyes: apostrophe errors.
I made the mistake of going to the rock and mineral store the past ten days I've bought blue chalcedony drop earrings and a pink tourmaline ring.

Today they had a beautiful blue chalcedony bangle that matched the earrings I bought earlier this week, and a stunning pair of abalone shell earrings with matching pendant - all on clearance! So I bought all three! The abalone earrings are long drop ones, three flowers each, and the pendant is also a flower. They all glow beautiful shades of green.

And all of it was so inexpensive - under $400 for all five items, and they are so very pretty! Really cheered me up :appl:
Jambalaya|1443149408|3931538 said:
I made the mistake of going to the rock and mineral store the past ten days I've bought blue chalcedony drop earrings and a pink tourmaline ring.

Today they had a beautiful blue chalcedony bangle that matched the earrings I bought earlier this week, and a stunning pair of abalone shell earrings with matching pendant - all on clearance! So I bought all three! The abalone earrings are long drop ones, three flowers each, and the pendant is also a flower. They all glow beautiful shades of green.

And all of it was so inexpensive - under $400 for all five items, and they are so very pretty! Really cheered me up :appl:

Haha, thanks Amber! I've already put the abalone shell pendant and earrings in Show Me The Bling, and the pink tourmaline and silver ring is being sized. Tomorrow I'll try to take photos of the blue chalcedony earrings and bangle! :wavey:
I love me some chalcedony! Second for pics pretty please!!!

I've said this before, but some of the worst grammar/usage I've come across is from teachers (I am allowed to disclose tgat because I taught for 13 years).
Then stand by tomorrow!

How is that possible re. teachers!! Maybe their brains are fried by all the stress. :bigsmile:
Seriously, lots of love and hugs to you all!!! I really appreciate having an outlet to vent and for your support!!!

I officially have my first client! It's a six month project, but they set up the comtract for a year term. One of my former coworkers works for the client now and when I told him that I was looking he really went up to bat for me. I am so lucky to have such an awesome network of co-friends!

:love: :love: :love:
This morning I saw a women putting gas in her car while wearing a pink bathrobe. I can only hope it was an emergency and she hadn't
planned on getting out of the car until she realized she had no gas. I see pajama pants probably at least twice a week but a bathrobe
is a new sighting for me. :sun:
So, I emailed David Klass this evening about a quote on a 5 stone and I had a response within EIGHT minutes! How's that for fast response??? AND so I'm soooo glad that I listened to PSers (and hubby :nono: ) about the no go on the yellow 5 stone on Saturday. The custom made with diamonds is only a bit more and it's custom! Did I mention CUSTOM???? Sigh, too bad I'm only saving :( I could have it in less than 2 months.....sigh...where's my winning lotto ticket???
Cozystitches|1444096382|3935234 said:
So, I emailed David Klass this evening about a quote on a 5 stone and I had a response within EIGHT minutes! How's that for fast response??? AND so I'm soooo glad that I listened to PSers (and hubby :nono: ) about the no go on the yellow 5 stone on Saturday. The custom made with diamonds is only a bit more and it's custom! Did I mention CUSTOM???? Sigh, too bad I'm only saving :( I could have it in less than 2 months.....sigh...where's my winning lotto ticket???

I'm excited for you CS! :dance: I have heard such good things about David here on PS, he does beautiful work and seems to be so reasonable in his pricing. Hang in there, I know the waiting (and saving!) is tough but you'll get there!
junebug17|1444229778|3935778 said:
Cozystitches|1444096382|3935234 said:
So, I emailed David Klass this evening about a quote on a 5 stone and I had a response within EIGHT minutes! How's that for fast response??? AND so I'm soooo glad that I listened to PSers (and hubby :nono: ) about the no go on the yellow 5 stone on Saturday. The custom made with diamonds is only a bit more and it's custom! Did I mention CUSTOM???? Sigh, too bad I'm only saving :( I could have it in less than 2 months.....sigh...where's my winning lotto ticket???

I'm excited for you CS! :dance: I have heard such good things about David here on PS, he does beautiful work and seems to be so reasonable in his pricing. Hang in there, I know the waiting (and saving!) is tough but you'll get there!

Thanks JuneBug! :D It helps to have the picture that I sent David (a mash up of his profile plus the bezeled/milgrained top I like) as my lock screen. That and taking 60% of my "play" money into savings....still have play money and savings. :D
Cozystitches|1444270545|3936079 said:
junebug17|1444229778|3935778 said:
Cozystitches|1444096382|3935234 said:
So, I emailed David Klass this evening about a quote on a 5 stone and I had a response within EIGHT minutes! How's that for fast response??? AND so I'm soooo glad that I listened to PSers (and hubby :nono: ) about the no go on the yellow 5 stone on Saturday. The custom made with diamonds is only a bit more and it's custom! Did I mention CUSTOM???? Sigh, too bad I'm only saving :( I could have it in less than 2 months.....sigh...where's my winning lotto ticket???

I'm excited for you CS! :dance: I have heard such good things about David here on PS, he does beautiful work and seems to be so reasonable in his pricing. Hang in there, I know the waiting (and saving!) is tough but you'll get there!

Thanks JuneBug! :D It helps to have the picture that I sent David (a mash up of his profile plus the bezeled/milgrained top I like) as my lock screen. That and taking 60% of my "play" money into savings….still have play money and savings. :D

Oh yeah, it definitely helps to have a pic you can stare at lol! I'm hoping your project is underway very soon!
Someone asked me this week if I am pregnant. I am not. I have a 10 week old and while yes, I am not as thin as I was before our baby was born, I really didn't think I still looked pregnant. But apparently I do to some. Great. Just great.
I am sorry April20! If it makes you feel any better when I put on my first 20 lbs 8 years ago I got that a lot and had people offer their seats to me on the subway which made me :oops: as I quietly declined by shaking my head no.
April, I feel you. I had to argue w/my dentist one time when my youngest was around three or four. "When are you due?" Ummmmyeahno I'm not pregnant. No, really, when are you due? Um really and truly, I am NOT pregnant, this gut is left over from my kids, thanks for noticing. "Oh um..gosh for some reason we have it in the computer that you were pregnant last time you came in, oops, we must've just left it in from a long time ago, let's go ahead and delete that.." :rolleyes:
April20|1444342847|3936430 said:
Someone asked me this week if I am pregnant. I am not. I have a 10 week old and while yes, I am not as thin as I was before our baby was born, I really didn't think I still looked pregnant. But apparently I do to some. Great. Just great.
:silenced: :nono: I'm sorry :( This sucks! My baby is 9 and this point the "baby weight" is my fault. 10 WEEKS? Um, I was good with a shower and hair combed. :D Don't worry about stupid comments and snuggle the baby :)
The kicker was it was someone I know and I was holding my daughter so it's not like I ran into someone I hadn't seen in forever that didn't know I recently had a baby. Oh well. 9 months on, 9 months off, right? Oh and note to self: wear better shirts.
April20|1444415321|3936703 said:
The kicker was it was someone I know and I was holding my daughter so it's not like I ran into someone I hadn't seen in forever that didn't know I recently had a baby. Oh well. 9 months on, 9 months off, right? Oh and note to self: wear better shirts.

Oh, well if that's the case then they are just an idiot. Seriously, who ask someone who is holding a 10 week old baby when their
baby is due??? :roll: