
I just wanna say -- the random comments thread

Date: 12/18/2009 4:04:22 PM
Author: D&T
oye! Just avoided an accident that I was about to be in, can''t help the shaking now
Glad you''re okay! Near misses are scary, but not nearly as scary as an accident actually happening. You''re not posting while driving are you?!?
Date: 12/18/2009 1:57:29 PM
Author: Haven
I amuse myself by writing mock articles and sending them to my loved ones rather than just coming out and saying ''This and that happened, yadda yadda yadda.'' My mother says I''m a lunatic, but I think it''s hilarious.

You should write for The Onion!
Date: 12/18/2009 1:57:29 PM

Author: Haven

I amuse myself by writing mock articles and sending them to my loved ones rather than just coming out and saying ''This and that happened, yadda yadda yadda.'' My mother says I''m a lunatic, but I think it''s hilarious.

I remember some of your posts like this - I agree about The Onion!
If you''re driving on the freeway in free-flowing traffic, and you''re hitting your brakes a lot...


Rant over.
Date: 12/17/2009 1:07:58 AM
Author: monarch64
Date: 12/17/2009 12:37:02 AM

Author: yssie

15 jars of apple butter, and pear butter and orange marmalade in the works
Maramalade reminds me of Paddington Bear. Since this is the random thought thread I thought it would be ok to interject that.
I think of Paddington Bear every time I eat marmalade. Which sadly, isn''t very often. Remind me to add marmalade to my shopping list. I''ve got a major craving.
Okay, I just loggged into the BGD blog to see what is up, and someone hacked into it! Unless they have started selling purses recently
Date: 12/19/2009 6:47:39 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
Okay, I just loggged into the BGD blog to see what is up, and someone hacked into it! Unless they have started selling purses recently src="">

AH! So funny! Poor Brian, he needs to up the security measures.
I''m thinking of having him set my new sapphire depending in his price ranges. He makes some gorgeous rings!

Also, I had told Gene to hold off mailing the sapphire because I was leaving for China this morning, but turns out the airport shut down so I''m here till Tuesday. I could have had him mail it! D''oh!
Date: 12/18/2009 4:08:10 PM
Author: April20

Date: 12/18/2009 4:04:22 PM
Author: D&T
oye! Just avoided an accident that I was about to be in, can''t help the shaking now
Glad you''re okay! Near misses are scary, but not nearly as scary as an accident actually happening. You''re not posting while driving are you?!?
thanks April. Nope got back to the office to post
Date: 12/19/2009 6:47:39 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
Okay, I just loggged into the BGD blog to see what is up, and someone hacked into it! Unless they have started selling purses recently
oh no, hope it''ll be fix soon
Date: 12/18/2009 3:50:48 PM
Author: Matata
I am home alone with a 5lb. box of my favorite chocolates.
Toss them while you still have time!!! I threw out part of a box of chocolates to keep from eating them all. Later I contemplated digging them out of the trash.
Talk about lack-of-selfcontrol issues.
Today we went to see Avatar. . .Sam Worthington in the movie is soooo hot.
Someday we''re going to get married. He already is wearing a promise ring I gave him.
It''s just me and the doggies in a snow storm. Hubby is in FLA for business, kids come home in a few days. I can''t wait to all be together... I miss them terribly.
aww kaleigh, greg was gone for a few days and portia and i really missed him. he should be landing any minute now..! hope you guys are all back together soon.

ala matata... i just opened a new sees candies box. and it's ALL MINE.
Date: 12/19/2009 7:48:24 PM
Author: Kaleigh
It''s just me and the doggies in a snow storm. Hubby is in FLA for business, kids come home in a few days. I can''t wait to all be together... I miss them terribly.
ahhh, I''m sorry Kaleigh. That must be hard.
I''m glad you have your dogs to keep you company.
Yesterday, I got a call, out of the blue, from an old flame who'd dumped me to pursue being non-monogamous b/c he thought no woman was worth settling down with. He's now unemployed, working odd jobs, has some health problems, can't afford his health insurance after February, and may be about to lose his home and/or some other possessions. And he had rethought our relationship and realized he'd made a huge mistake. Really? Ya think? Life is just a little easier w/ a reliable partner, isn't it.

Truthfully, the only emotion I can still feel about this man is fear. There is no way I ever want to see him again.
Date: 12/19/2009 9:05:51 PM
Author: HVVS
Yesterday, I got a call, out of the blue, from an old flame who''d dumped me to pursue being non-monogamous b/c he thought no woman was worth settling down with. He''s now unemployed, working odd jobs, has some health problems, can''t afford his health insurance after February, and may be about to lose his home and/or some other possessions. And he had rethought our relationship and realized he''d made a huge mistake. Really? Ya think? Life is just a little easier w/ a reliable partner, isn''t it.

Truthfully, the only emotion I can still feel about this man is fear. There is no way I ever want to see him again.
Date: 12/19/2009 6:57:34 PM
Author: MakingTheGrade
I was leaving for China this morning, but turns out the airport shut down so I'm here till Tuesday. I could have had him mail it! D'oh!
Uh Oh MakingTheGrade, sorry about airport troubles
I meant to pack up for Vegas this morning, [SIL's 40th, hello it's Christmas you idiot!] it's almost 7pm not happening.....can you tell I'm excited to see Cher...yeah, very. Z z Z z Z z
It''s snowing. A lot.

DH and I just walked to the grocery store and Blockbuster a little while ago to stock up on some food and movies for tomorrow. We''re turning this blizzard into a movie-hot chocolate-cuddling marathon! I''m actually really excited
i have red sparkly nail polish and green sparkly nail polish and no idea which color/combination of the two i want to do. perhaps it''s only this hard to choose sine it''s so late at night.
Hrrmm I like pie mmmmmm pecan pie yum I could also go some beer right now too been an interesting week
Last paper of my Undergrad --> done.


(6 years flies by)
My brother''s new girlfriend is WONDERFUL! I didn''t slip and call her by the wrong name thankfully. I like her muchly!

Trapper''s had a fever since last night and it scared us so bad. It was up to 103.5. It came back down this am, but then a couple hours ago was 104. It''s back down again..Called Dr and she verified we were doing the right things and that as long as he''s hydrated it will be ok. He slept w/me last night and I spent the whole morning snuggling w/him until JD got back from his Defensive Tactics training.
I went for a bike ride this morning and forgot my gloves. It was so cold after a mile, my hands actually hurt. I had to call DH and have him bring my gloves! It was beautiful out though, no more rain and gray! At least until Thursday.......
I wish they had liposuction for fingers. My fingers are short & chubby. Kinda screws my diamond to finger ratio.
Date: 12/20/2009 5:26:56 PM
Author: Travel Goddess
I wish they had liposuction for fingers. My fingers are short & chubby. Kinda screws my diamond to finger ratio.

Me too! My finger fat is carried on top of my finger and it looks like I have pudgy fat fingers. Well compared to people here, I do, but I have the smallest fingers out of my friend group!
Ok, the picture on the front of Leon''s page - the Giants player laying on his back playing with a Siamese cracks me up. WTF Leon?
This evening when putting out the rubbish bins for collection I overheard my neighbour telling a friend about someone''s $23,000 Motorbike. I smiled to myself when he explained that said friend''s wife agreed to the purchase on the condition she got a diamond of the same value.
You know- that made me think. Guys are so willing to spend over $20k on toys like that.. that don''t nearly last as long as diamonds.... so why can''t women spend $20k on diamonds??

You''re right. They CAN.