
I just wanna say -- the random comments thread


Sep 16, 2009
Still waiting on my doctors appointment.

Annoyed at myself for waiting too long. Also annoyed at the husband for going on and on about how he can't see anything wrong and I'm being paranoid. I probably would have called sooner had I felt empowered rather than like a hypochondriac.



Jun 8, 2008
Don't worry chemgirl- at least you are getting it checked out. Sending you more good luck dust. :appl:

Welcome back Rosebloom! Missed you and looking forward to seeing your new dream ring beauty soon. :love:

VR, what, no pics of the lovely and elegant Maya? C'mon, we need pics here! :wavey:

manderz, you are a good daughter in law and don't worry about the money at this juncture. They were all good choices I am sure and you are young and will be fine. Enjoy the benefits of your LASIK and good luck!


Sep 16, 2009
Thanks Missy! Hope you get good answers soon!

A bit of back story. I was very ill last fall. Irregular bleeding, stomach pain, GI distress. I spent the better part of 3 months in the bathroom. I ended up with malabsorption and multiple deficiencies. I was freaking out and my mind was going to all of the worst case scenarios. Doesn't help that all of this left me anemic so I had a general weakness and fatigue.

After several months and many doctors it was determined that the bleeding was caused by my birth control, the stomach pain was h pylori, and the GI distress is a rare form of colitis.

All of these issues are now either corrected or under control.

During this ordeal one of the doctors suggested that I have an anxiety disorder and that could explain many of my symptoms. DH really latched on to this idea and now tries to deflect me and redirect my attention when I have a medical concern. Frustrating and something we are discussing.

Now to stay calm until Wednesday!


Sep 1, 2009
Chemgirl -- sorry you have concerns. I'd be getting that checked out too! I hope it turns out to be nothing. Are you seeing the same doctor who said you have anxiety? That doesn't sound like a reasonable thing to tell someone who is having real medical issues :nono:
Could you get on a cancellation list so you can maybe get in sooner? I know the waiting is hard.


Sep 16, 2009
Thanks TooPatient!

Not the same doctor. That was the ER doc who saw me after I fainted in my driveway and was found by my neighbor. Yeah fun times.

They said if I feel any kind of lump they could squeeze me in sooner, but otherwise I have to wait. The key is staying away from Google until after testing.

DH is getting an ear full today. Just so mad at myself (and him) for waiting on checking something I saw months ago. He still can 't see what I'm talking about but I'm sure it's there.

Eta: he gets annoyed at me when he sees me doing self exams in the shower. I'm "feeding the anxiety" and it's "pathological behavior". They freaking tell you to check once a month. There are TV commercials about it.


Aug 13, 2011
missy said:
Aoife|1396791235|3648332 said:
Missy, I haven't been around for a while, but have been catching up on what has been going on on PS, and was very sorry to read about the health problems you have been having. They sound so frightening and stressful. The symptoms you are having sound terrible enough, but the lack of definitive answers make an already stressful situation even worse.

Have you considered going somewhere like the Mayo Clinic? The advantage there is that on difficult or puzzling cases such as yours there is a multi-disciplinary, team approach, rather than the kind of piecemeal doctor-of-the-day process you are going through now. It's something to consider.

In any case, sending healing thoughts your way.

Thank you Aoife. I did consider the Mayo Clinic but not sure they would accept me (I think there is a long waiting list) and I am also not sure they could help me any more than the NYC doctors I am seeing. I did some research to find a multi disciplinary medical team in NYC but am running into some difficulties. Tomorrow I am seeing my dermatologist for our standing appointment (unrelated issue) and he is a very smart guy so I am hoping he has some ideas as to where I can turn next... I just hope someone figures it out soon.

I so appreciate you thinking of me and your good wishes!

Not true re: Mayo turning patients away and having long wait times.

Prayers for your recovery.


Sep 1, 2009
Ah! One of the selective-vision husbands...

I had giant flakes of skin on my face that nothing would help plus huge rashes up my legs and DH couldn't see anything. Got to the dr and she looked from across the room (on her way over to me) and saw exactly what I was talking about.

I sometimes wonder if guys just want us to be healthy and are so afraid of what being sick could mean that they just refuse to let themselves see problems.

Maybe your regular dr can set your DH straight on what hypochondria is and how awareness is not feeding anxiety.


Jun 8, 2008
chemgirl|1397232168|3651811 said:
Thanks Missy! Hope you get good answers soon!

A bit of back story. I was very ill last fall. Irregular bleeding, stomach pain, GI distress. I spent the better part of 3 months in the bathroom. I ended up with malabsorption and multiple deficiencies. I was freaking out and my mind was going to all of the worst case scenarios. Doesn't help that all of this left me anemic so I had a general weakness and fatigue.

After several months and many doctors it was determined that the bleeding was caused by my birth control, the stomach pain was h pylori, and the GI distress is a rare form of colitis.

All of these issues are now either corrected or under control.

During this ordeal one of the doctors suggested that I have an anxiety disorder and that could explain many of my symptoms. DH really latched on to this idea and now tries to deflect me and redirect my attention when I have a medical concern. Frustrating and something we are discussing.

Now to stay calm until Wednesday!

Thanks Chemgirl. You too and I am so glad your past health ordeals are now corrected. So scary and it pisses me off that the anxiety thing was even brought up. It's so easy for doctors and others to dismiss one's very real symptoms as being caused by anxiety. To the point that they might stop looking for the real cause. I think your dh needs some gentle re-education because that is stressful for you and also not helpful.

I make a big effort not to show that I am upset when I am at the doctors offices because that catchall of having your symptoms being dismissed as anxiety is something we have to actively avoid. Unfortunate because ofc who wouldn't be anxious with going through a never-ending journey of tests and doctors and still no answers while in considerable pain and discomfort. But no, we have to maintain calmness and coolness no matter how much you are suffering or that anxiety diagnosis might come out. To my doctors credit (and mine too haha) that has not (yet) been brought up. I am hoping to keep it that way so they can focus on helping figure the puzzle out.

Thank you quaddio for the info and also for your good wishes and prayers. I truly appreciate it. I will keep the Mayo clinic in my back pocket for now as the doctors are still trying to figure it out.

Warning-long post updating condition so feel free to ignore.

I saw a neurologist today and had my first neurological exam and also had an MRI done of the neck and head. Should find out results sometime next week.
I also saw my internist today (busy day spent mainly waiting around to have the MRIs done) and he said he would look over the past 8 plus weeks and see if he could figure anything else out.

Fighting the feeling of being overwhelmed because it was an emotionally exhausting day and still no closer to any answers. My chest/back/arms/neck are still burning and my chest still hurts-dull ache now but also the squeezing is still present. I have 2 appointments next week. First with an esophageal specialist for a consult (my gastroenterologist wants me to be evaluated for that sensor insertion on my esophagus oh joy). Second appointment with cardiologist because she didn't do any tests on me when I saw her for the consult weeks back and my dermatologist thinks I need to have tests.

Today my internist agreed about getting some cardio tests done but thinks the echo (that I scheduled with her) should be a stress echo. So there it is. No answers and still lots of burning/pain and overall discomfort.

The neurologist offered me meds like Lyrica, Neurontin or Cymbalta but I declined for now stating I wanted answers first. He said that doesn't make sense-he used the example if I had a headache wouldn't I take some aspirin or Tylenol. I don't know-those meds seem a bit stronger with probably more side effects than aspirin or Tylenol. Am I wrong? Anyway we left it that I would call him if I changed my mind.


Sep 1, 2009
Missy -- DH took Lyrica for a few months after seeing the neurologist. No real side effects for him. He started pretty low dose and increased a little every few days as needed until there was some improvement. It helped take the edge off the misery. Not a complete fix which was sort of good as he was still able to be very specific with the specialists about where the pain was and what sort, but at least it wasn't the curl-up & cry sort of thing he'd started with!

I think he also took Neurontin, but I can't remember that one specifically. He was on 5-6 different prescriptions PLUS all the vitamins they were trying...

Anyway, just wanted to pass that on in case it helps at all. I know we were both afraid of issues being caused by medications so were super careful to add one at a time and really note any sort of changes.


Jun 8, 2008
TooPatient|1397268613|3652167 said:
Missy -- DH took Lyrica for a few months after seeing the neurologist. No real side effects for him. He started pretty low dose and increased a little every few days as needed until there was some improvement. It helped take the edge off the misery. Not a complete fix which was sort of good as he was still able to be very specific with the specialists about where the pain was and what sort, but at least it wasn't the curl-up & cry sort of thing he'd started with!

I think he also took Neurontin, but I can't remember that one specifically. He was on 5-6 different prescriptions PLUS all the vitamins they were trying...

Anyway, just wanted to pass that on in case it helps at all. I know we were both afraid of issues being caused by medications so were super careful to add one at a time and really note any sort of changes.

Thanks for sharing that info Too Patient. You have been so helpful throughout all this and I appreciate that. I will research the meds and see what might be best for me should I decide I need it. I will say each night has gotten progressively more difficult due to the chest ache and trying to fall asleep quite the challenge. It is difficult dealing with this but I am hanging in there. Just hoping for a successful resolution to what has been a surreal nightmare for me for over 2 months now. Makes shingles look like a walk in the park. :blackeye:


Feb 18, 2010
I have been in the ER at Beth Israel all day. Woke up at six in awful pain and then started throwing up. That went on for a few hours. Then the pain was unbearably worse and I couldnt get up off the floor, where I was writhing like Merce Cunningham. that too went on for about two hours, with more vomiting, all of which was only mucus. I managed to call a friend who sent an ambulance. in forty minutes they put two liters of saline into my by IV, and some pain killer and anti nausea stuff. With the edge off the pain I ws able to send a few texts, then got the email from Brad about the new items. I was just looking them over when the Doctor came in. I talked to her but kept looking at the TGT update, because you know, priorities. She ordered a CAT scan, I sent an email requesting a stone from Brad. I did not get the stone from Brad, But I did get a 5.5mm kidney stone. well not yet; it moved from kidney to bladder, where it now waits like a snow flake in a snow globe. They gave me a prescription of percocet to take the edge off the pain while the stone passes out.

This spinel is 5.5 mm too!



Jun 8, 2008
VapidLapid|1397605944|3654082 said:
I have been in the ER at Beth Israel all day. Woke up at six in awful pain and then started throwing up. That went on for a few hours. Then the pain was unbearably worse and I couldnt get up off the floor, where I was writhing like Merce Cunningham. that too went on for about two hours, with more vomiting, all of which was only mucus. I managed to call a friend who sent an ambulance. in forty minutes they put two liters of saline into my by IV, and some pain killer and anti nausea stuff. With the edge off the pain I ws able to send a few texts, then got the email from Brad about the new items. I was just looking them over when the Doctor came in. I talked to her but kept looking at the TGT update, because you know, priorities. She ordered a CAT scan, I sent an email requesting a stone from Brad. I did not get the stone from Brad, But I did get a 5.5mm kidney stone. well not yet; it moved from kidney to bladder, where it now waits like a snow flake in a snow globe. They gave me a prescription of percocet to take the edge off the pain while the stone passes out.

This spinel is 5.5 mm too!

OMG and LOL! So glad you are feeling better and hopefully that stone will pass easily. You poor thing. Kidney stones are awfully painful. And LOL on having your priorities straight haha. But sorry you did not get the spinel from Brad. Hopefully your own stone will be passing painlessly through so you can save that one for your collection. :cheeky:


Aug 1, 2008
My FIL had a colonoscopy and endoscopy last week. On Friday afternoon, they got a call from the nurse that the doctor wanted to see them. No other information and the appt wasn't until today. FIL has been having trouble with his esophagus- choking some when he eats and they found pooled saliva during the test last week. Needless to say, they were freaked out and assumed he had esophageal cancer, which is always fatal. My DH decided to take them to the appt for support and I went as well. We all pile into the room. The doctor comes in and looks surprised to see all of us. At that point, i realized that this is probably NOT cancer. It turns out he has an allergy!!!!!! He needs to see an allergist and needs an inhaler to reduce/eliminate the spasms causing his issues.

Want to talk about sweet relief? The doctor said cancer was never a concern for him. So why couldn't they tell them that when they called on Friday?!? My poor ILs spent an entire weekend researching and freaking out!


Sep 1, 2009
April20|1397610475|3654119 said:
My FIL had a colonoscopy and endoscopy last week. On Friday afternoon, they got a call from the nurse that the doctor wanted to see them. No other information and the appt wasn't until today. FIL has been having trouble with his esophagus- choking some when he eats and they found pooled saliva during the test last week. Needless to say, they were freaked out and assumed he had esophageal cancer, which is always fatal. My DH decided to take them to the appt for support and I went as well. We all pile into the room. The doctor comes in and looks surprised to see all of us. At that point, i realized that this is probably NOT cancer. It turns out he has an allergy!!!!!! He needs to see an allergist and needs an inhaler to reduce/eliminate the spasms causing his issues.

Want to talk about sweet relief? The doctor said cancer was never a concern for him. So why couldn't they tell them that when they called on Friday?!? My poor ILs spent an entire weekend researching and freaking out!

Glad it is just an allergy!

Your poor ILs! I know they aren't supposed to have the assistants share stuff over the phone, but if you've done tests and stuff maybe the dr should call the patient so they aren't fearing the worst! Or at least have the assistant get the patient on the phone and have the doctor come over to explain?


Mar 26, 2006
Happy day after tax day kids!

In a moment of madness I agreed to do taxes at H&R Block this season on my days off from my regular job. The experience was grim beyond words (mostly attributable to one total bully of a "tax pro" in the office -- who I frequently overhead saying things that were just pain INCORRECT to clients), and the icing on the cake was the RAT who ran through the office, took a lap around the reception area, and headed down the stairs to the storage room at about 10 pm on April 14. Maybe he was frantically looking for receipts for his unreimbursed business expenses like every other client who came in the last few days. Needless to say I spent all of yesterday ready to spring onto my desk at the first sign of fur and whiskers.

But it's OVER.

Now back to my regularly scheduled life...


Sep 16, 2009
Finally going in for my doctors appointment.

Of course DH is at a conference and will be flying so I can't text him updates.

I do have plans to eat junk food, cupcakes, and watch cheesy musicals with a girlfriend tonight so that's something to focus on.


Sep 16, 2009
And doctor says he's pretty sure its fibrocystic breast disorder. Still have the ultrasound to map everything out, but he says he'd bet his license that it's a collection of cysts.

Relieved, but will be happy after the ultrasound is clear.


Jun 8, 2008
chemgirl|1397681437|3654585 said:
And doctor says he's pretty sure its fibrocystic breast disorder. Still have the ultrasound to map everything out, but he says he'd bet his license that it's a collection of cysts.

Relieved, but will be happy after the ultrasound is clear.

That is great news Chemgirl. Very common and it is not anything to worry about. Hoping your ultrasound is all clear!


Mar 8, 2010
April20|1397610475|3654119 said:
My FIL had a colonoscopy and endoscopy last week. On Friday afternoon, they got a call from the nurse that the doctor wanted to see them. No other information and the appt wasn't until today. FIL has been having trouble with his esophagus- choking some when he eats and they found pooled saliva during the test last week. Needless to say, they were freaked out and assumed he had esophageal cancer, which is always fatal. My DH decided to take them to the appt for support and I went as well. We all pile into the room. The doctor comes in and looks surprised to see all of us. At that point, i realized that this is probably NOT cancer. It turns out he has an allergy!!!!!! He needs to see an allergist and needs an inhaler to reduce/eliminate the spasms causing his issues.

Want to talk about sweet relief? The doctor said cancer was never a concern for him. So why couldn't they tell them that when they called on Friday?!? My poor ILs spent an entire weekend researching and freaking out!

MIL had the same thing today! Turns out she's had Crohn's disease and diverticulitis for years, and we never knew. She's very non-compliant unless we babysit her, and even then it can be a struggle to get her on the right track, so I'm not surprised to hear it. We'll have an appointment next week once pathology results are back, to determine course of treatment. We had the same experience, expecting (and freaking out over the possibility of) cancer, and ending up with something less serious and much more manageable. I'm so glad for your FIL!


May 11, 2009
Today is my 3rd wedding anniversary! :appl:

DH and I are on completely opposite work (and uni) schedules until Monday. ;(

But we have all day Monday off together - the first since Jan! :appl:


Aug 1, 2008
TooPatient|1397636619|3654232 said:
April20|1397610475|3654119 said:
My FIL had a colonoscopy and endoscopy last week. On Friday afternoon, they got a call from the nurse that the doctor wanted to see them. No other information and the appt wasn't until today. FIL has been having trouble with his esophagus- choking some when he eats and they found pooled saliva during the test last week. Needless to say, they were freaked out and assumed he had esophageal cancer, which is always fatal. My DH decided to take them to the appt for support and I went as well. We all pile into the room. The doctor comes in and looks surprised to see all of us. At that point, i realized that this is probably NOT cancer. It turns out he has an allergy!!!!!! He needs to see an allergist and needs an inhaler to reduce/eliminate the spasms causing his issues.

Want to talk about sweet relief? The doctor said cancer was never a concern for him. So why couldn't they tell them that when they called on Friday?!? My poor ILs spent an entire weekend researching and freaking out!

Glad it is just an allergy!

Your poor ILs! I know they aren't supposed to have the assistants share stuff over the phone, but if you've done tests and stuff maybe the dr should call the patient so they aren't fearing the worst! Or at least have the assistant get the patient on the phone and have the doctor come over to explain?

I get diagnosis needs to come from a doc but I really wanted to ask if it would kill them to have the nurse says "nothing serious". For Pete's sake, my mil was discussing how to best invest his life insurance policy to make sure she's set. I was mentally designing an in-law cottage in my back yard so she's not alone!


Aug 1, 2008
justginger|1397693381|3654707 said:
Today is my 3rd wedding anniversary! :appl:

DH and I are on completely opposite work (and uni) schedules until Monday. ;(

But we have all day Monday off together - the first since Jan! :appl:

Congrats! I hope you enjoy your Monday!

Our 7th is Sunday. We're going to brunch. I am excited!


Aug 1, 2008
manderz|1397688560|3654655 said:
April20|1397610475|3654119 said:
My FIL had a colonoscopy and endoscopy last week. On Friday afternoon, they got a call from the nurse that the doctor wanted to see them. No other information and the appt wasn't until today. FIL has been having trouble with his esophagus- choking some when he eats and they found pooled saliva during the test last week. Needless to say, they were freaked out and assumed he had esophageal cancer, which is always fatal. My DH decided to take them to the appt for support and I went as well. We all pile into the room. The doctor comes in and looks surprised to see all of us. At that point, i realized that this is probably NOT cancer. It turns out he has an allergy!!!!!! He needs to see an allergist and needs an inhaler to reduce/eliminate the spasms causing his issues.

Want to talk about sweet relief? The doctor said cancer was never a concern for him. So why couldn't they tell them that when they called on Friday?!? My poor ILs spent an entire weekend researching and freaking out!

MIL had the same thing today! Turns out she's had Crohn's disease and diverticulitis for years, and we never knew. She's very non-compliant unless we babysit her, and even then it can be a struggle to get her on the right track, so I'm not surprised to hear it. We'll have an appointment next week once pathology results are back, to determine course of treatment. We had the same experience, expecting (and freaking out over the possibility of) cancer, and ending up with something less serious and much more manageable. I'm so glad for your FIL!

Thank you! It was a bad scare!

I hope your MIL cooperates! I have friends with Crohns and it's not easy!


Mar 25, 2013
The moment when you realize that you spent an insane amount of money buying acrylic yarn for chemo caps and nicu blankets ....

And missed the email missive that asked all caps to be made from cotton for the seasonal change.

Bought 17 skeins of yarn and I can't use them.
Well I can but I *can't* knowing that its not comfortable.
The entire point of making the caps is to bring comfort.

Dh thinks I bought it on purpose to add to my yarn stash.

I think sofa throw is now in the works..


Sep 1, 2009
chemgirl|1397681437|3654585 said:
And doctor says he's pretty sure its fibrocystic breast disorder. Still have the ultrasound to map everything out, but he says he'd bet his license that it's a collection of cysts.

Relieved, but will be happy after the ultrasound is clear.

That is great!


Sep 1, 2009
Dee*Jay|1397655753|3654304 said:
Happy day after tax day kids!

In a moment of madness I agreed to do taxes at H&R Block this season on my days off from my regular job. The experience was grim beyond words (mostly attributable to one total bully of a "tax pro" in the office -- who I frequently overhead saying things that were just pain INCORRECT to clients), and the icing on the cake was the RAT who ran through the office, took a lap around the reception area, and headed down the stairs to the storage room at about 10 pm on April 14. Maybe he was frantically looking for receipts for his unreimbursed business expenses like every other client who came in the last few days. Needless to say I spent all of yesterday ready to spring onto my desk at the first sign of fur and whiskers.

But it's OVER.

Now back to my regularly scheduled life...

:lol: :lol:

I hope you get to have a few days off to relax after all that!

The guy who does our taxes won't even work with you if you put it off to the last minute. I've seen him e-mailing at all hours of the day and night as the deadline gets closer so I see why he put that requirement in his contract! (he's not all that strict about it, I think it is more just to get people to give him stuff already...)


Mar 2, 2010
Fair weather friends suck. Especially when its unexpected. Add to this that my dad is in the hospital (he's ok but its no fun). Suck suck suck suck. I just want to whine. I've cried a bit and I'm just bummed...and I think aunt flo is on her way which makes me bummed too. I just want to eat chocolate ice cream in the bathtub. Calgon Take me away!!! :D


Sep 1, 2009
Cozystitches|1397705565|3654805 said:
Fair weather friends suck. Especially when its unexpected. Add to this that my dad is in the hospital (he's ok but its no fun). Suck suck suck suck. I just want to whine. I've cried a bit and I'm just bummed...and I think aunt flo is on her way which makes me bummed too. I just want to eat chocolate ice cream in the bathtub. Calgon Take me away!!! :D

DO IT!!!

BTW, this is best if you light some candles and shut the lights off.

Not that I did this yesterday... :bigsmile:

Sorry your dad is in the hospital. I hope he feels better soon.


Mar 2, 2010
TooPatient|1397794663|3655376 said:
Cozystitches|1397705565|3654805 said:
Fair weather friends suck. Especially when its unexpected. Add to this that my dad is in the hospital (he's ok but its no fun). Suck suck suck suck. I just want to whine. I've cried a bit and I'm just bummed...and I think aunt flo is on her way which makes me bummed too. I just want to eat chocolate ice cream in the bathtub. Calgon Take me away!!! :D

DO IT!!!

BTW, this is best if you light some candles and shut the lights off.

Not that I did this yesterday... :bigsmile:

Sorry your dad is in the hospital. I hope he feels better soon.

Thanks TooPatient. I have had quite a bit of chocolate lately. :)


Jun 8, 2008
Cozystitches|1397705565|3654805 said:
Fair weather friends suck. Especially when its unexpected. Add to this that my dad is in the hospital (he's ok but its no fun). Suck suck suck suck. I just want to whine. I've cried a bit and I'm just bummed...and I think aunt flo is on her way which makes me bummed too. I just want to eat chocolate ice cream in the bathtub. Calgon Take me away!!! :D

Hey Cozy, hope your dad recovers in full and gets to come home from the hospital soon! And hugs to you. When you are feeling like this the best thing to do is eat chocolate ice cream in the bathtub so do it and enjoy! Just make sure to put on some of your favorite music while relaxing in the tub. What a lovely way to wind down and reduce your stress. Hugs!
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