
I found my wedding dress!!!!!!

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Feb 13, 2006
I finally found my wedding dress! So my mom and I were meeting up with a seamstress about a badly damaged sample dress that was 50% off. It was a gorgeous AA lace/tulle overlay that was discontinued. We spent an hour at least brainstorming and thinking of ways to fix or cover up the multiple tears. The store had called AA to see if they could still recut the dress or send new tulle panels or lace appliques to help with the alterations, but they refused. Eventually, we decided it wasn''t worth the money and there just had to be something else out there that was similar or "my dress".

We leave the store defeated, about to head home, I didn''t even ask if she wanted to go out to dinner because she had had a stressful day at work. As we are about to get in our respective cars, she says, "now I want to go dress shopping with you." To which I replied, "well there is a David''s 10 minutes away." It was a plan. I had kind of wanted to go to this David''s because the first one I had gone to was smallish, and this one was the largest in the Twin Cities. So we catch a bite to eat and go. OMG, there were SO many dresses in my size, and the new fall collection had come out!

So I try on about 20 dresses or so, revisit a few of my old favorites. Then I come upon this chiffon strapless. Nothing special rings in my head immediately. Then I step out to the mirrors. At first I just like it, then my mom gasps and starts to tell me how beautiful I look in it. The more I look, the more I move, the more I like. We try on a few more. Nothing compares to how I feel in this dress. It is COMFORTABLE, airy, light, non-constricting. And I feel like a bride. I knew I would not be the "OMG this is the one." And it is true. I decided to sleep on it. But I haven''t stopped thinking about this dress. Day and night. I have shown it to a million people. So I have an appointment in 3 hours to go back, try it on, and purchase it! Ack! Here is a link, and I am working on attaching photos so you don''t have to go to the link. I will be sure to get pictures of me in it. We didn''t even have the camera with because I wasn''t expecting to go dress shopping that night! I''ll stop babbling now, I could just squeal I am so excited!

My Dress!
Congrats!! It is beautiful, and looks so comfy!! I''m pretty sure that''s the dress the model is wearing on the cover of the Oct/Nov Modern Bride magazine sitting on my desk!! Did you get pictures of you in it?? We need to see!!
That is really a gorgeous dress! when can we see pics of you in it?????
Great dress!! You better get some pics of you in that you''ve finally found "the one"...HELLO!!!!!! Pics!! Pics!!! I''ll be waiting!!
It looks lovely!!!!!!!!!! I can''t wait to see pics of you in it!!! Congrats on finding the dress!
Yay, that is so exciting!! Can''t wait to see photos of you in it, hon!
I''m finally home! Mom and I went to a fabric store and Michael''s to look for some stuff. Mom is going to try and do the alterations herself to save a chunk of money. We are looking for something to make straps.

So I just tried cropping, compressing, renaming, and everything I know how and the stupid pictures won''t upload!
I am going to restart my computer and pray!

I might just scream aloud! For some reason I can''t upload pictures. It''s not like I have never done this before! Ever since H and I downloaded Skype, our computer has been haywire. I am downloading Norton Antivirus now and running that. Hopefully, later this evening I will be able to post pictures.
Sparkles, that dress is TDF! Love it and can''t wait to see pictures.

It might not just be your computer. I was trying to upload pics about an hour ago and I kept getting the error message. My file size is fine and I named it something weird, so I think it may be a PS issue. Fingers crossed it''s not your computer!
I guess I give up for the night
I hope you are right TG and tomorrow it is all fixed! Sorry ladies (and gents)! I just want to add that I waited until the day of to post because I knew if I posted back on Wednesday that I found my dress and waited until today to get to post pictures, it would have been ridiculous. Sigh ...
Don''t you worry about it. We do of course want pictures, but it is too exciting an accomplishment, picking out *YOUR* dress to waste the energy bashing in the computer. Yay! It is beautiful. I really like the detailing around the empire waist. Can''t wait to see it on you.
That is a truly divine dress. So romantic and bridal, just gorgeous!!!!
It''s gorgeous! I can''t wait to see pics of it on you.
Thank you ladies! Sadly uploading pictures is not working this morning either. But I was successful in messaging the admin so hopefully by the time I get home from work, all will be well! Crossing my fingers!
Very simple and pretty.
i love the flow-iness of the dress!
Beautiful! I love it!
so pretty!!!!!!
Okay, so still waiting for the meantime I went back and looked at your others, because this one reminded me of one of ''em. Turns out it reminded me of my favorite from all your trips - #4 from trip 4. Looks similar, no?

I can''t wait to see this one on ya!!!
The problem has been fixed! So here is my dress with the vintage lace I picked up with H's mother. I am going to make a shawl or flowing bolero type thing out of it since my shoulders must be covered in the sanctuary.

My dress010  with lace V9743.jpg
Yay! Ok, so I was really bloated yesterday, and I could totally tell while trying on my dress. It was a little more snug. What can I say, it was a really rough weekend. Lol, ok excuses, excuses!

My dress001  front view 9V9743.jpg
Hard to tell, but the lace that runs around the waist, also goes all the way down the train which is where I am planning on attaching the bustle so the lace can be shown off.

My dress004 back view V9743.jpg
Detail of the lace on the dress! It looks like a rose flower actually, and my lace shawl is lilies. But I think the lace on the dress is so minor, the vintage lace will go just fine.

My dress007 detail 9V9743.jpg
Side view just because I am having fun now that I can FINALLY upload pictures! So this dress is not the one that gives me the most vavavoom figure. But I feel it is quite flattering, and the comfort level was just too impressive to pass up!

My dress006 side view 9V9743.jpg
One last pick from online to show the back details. Whew, so I hope you all like it. Now I get to start thinking about making my shawl, making a veil, and finding shoes! WoooHoooooo!

V9743 detail of back.jpg
I love it!!! You look great in it!!! This is the best dress you''ve tried on and posted pics off!!And the lace you bought prior will definitely work with the dress!
Yay!! Beautiful dress...looks great on you! I like it the best out of all of ''em!!!
you look beautiful---i love the idea of the lace shaw, so romantic! congrats on finding the dress!!
it looks beautiful on you!!! congrats!!
Yay! You look beautiful!! Wear it well!
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