
How to be normal after a breakup.


Mar 6, 2010
I don''t know if this post belongs in this section of the site, but I recognize quite a few of you from my earlier days as a LIW, some of you are now married and some are still single and I know that a few of you have been through similar train wreck relationships like I have.

I finally broke up with my ex at the end of January, as in, moved out, split up our crap, started dating other people. I had threatened him several times before, and our final descent really began last Spring, so by January I wasn''t even really upset about it. Terrified of the future, yes, scared of dying alone, yes, but missing him, or wanting to work things out? Absolutely not.

I think that he has ruined me for all other men. I feel like I am damaged goods. I don''t know how I can ever trust anyone again. I remember the way that I used to be, I was open and happy and honest, and I''m just not that way anymore. I''ve been dating this guy for like three months. I think that I like him a lot, and I think about him quite a bit, but we have absolutely nothing in common, he is getting divorced, basically I am just getting myself into a situation with someone who there is little chance of getting any kind of commitment from. I''m keeping everything inside, all of my feelings are so bottled up. It''s like I don''t want to act like I like him because I don''t want him to get, I don''t know, I guess the satisfaction out of hurting me if things end. Why would I even have that thought process???

We had a discussion about a month ago, but honestly we were both hamboned and I can hardly recall what was said. It was opening day and we were in a suite for his work, and I''m not one to turn down free booze. I said something about how I liked him (how scandalous!), he told me that he liked me a lot too, and brought up that he had introduced me to his daughter and he wouldn''t do that if he didn''t like me. I asked him if he was sleeping with anyone else and he got a bit offended and said that he wasn''t, and he said that my asking him that made him wonder if I was. I think that we came to some kind of agreement about not seeing other people, but I don''t remember, and don''t know if conversations about monogamy that are made while naked and hammered are legally binding. Plus, I''m not one to trust anything any guy says these days.

I don''t even know why I like him so much, maybe it''s just the distraction factor. We''re kind of like Harry and Charlotte, he does not have the look that I typically go for. I''ve always like tall jock types, while he is shorter, really skinny and balding. Most of my friends have been kind of shocked and told me that I can do much better, but he gets more attractive to me every time I see him, and the sex is amazing. With both of our schedules, we only see each other once or twice a week,but I feel like I am always the one initiating the plans. Well, he was drunk on Friday night and kept trying to get me to come over but I was out with friends so I didn''t. We''ve been dating for three months, shouldn''t one of us have pulled the trigger and been like "let''s be together" by now?

I know that I should just let things develop at their own pace, which is going pretty slow, and which is probably best for both of us now. I''m just used to (in my previous life as a single person) meeting someone, really hitting it off and being together immediately without any confusion as to each other''s feelings. I moved in with my ex within six months (but that obviously didn''t work out for me). This week I''m not going to suggest that we hang out at all, make plans with my friends and see if he ever asks me to do anything. I guess I''ll have my answer if he doesn''t.

God, I''m just torturing myself and making myself crazy. He told me he likes me, he holds my hand in public, kisses my forehaed, introduces me to his friends and I still can''t believe that he really likes me?? Thanks a lot, evil ex for ripping my heart out Indiana Jones style and making me into this psycho Bridget Jones woman!!


Mar 11, 2010
Okay, here''s my honest opinion. You shouldn''t be dating anyone right now.

mary poppins

Apr 10, 2010
It sounds like he likes you but you are giving alcohol, your ex and your friends too much power here. Have serious conversations like the ones you describe when you are sober or have had only one drink. What''s the point of having a conversation like that when you can''t remember what you each said afterwards? Not too productive, to say the least. Your ex is in the past and you are letting him control your present and future by blaming him rather than taking responsibility for yourself. And your friends are telling you that you can do much better based on his appearance? How shallow is that? What about his personality and the way he treats you and others. Dating your "type" didn''t work in the past. Kudos for you for being open to going out with another "type" who is probably becoming more attractive to you because he treats you well and and can express himself.

I agree with the previous poster though. Perhaps you''re not ready to date.


Oct 22, 2009
yeah, i kinda agree with kitty.

sure, have some fun, but it takes time to heal from a long term relationship, and some time alone wouldn''t be a bad thing.


Nov 2, 2006
Date: 4/28/2010 1:56:31 PM
Author: KittyGolightly
Okay, here''s my honest opinion. You shouldn''t be dating anyone right now.


In your other thread you made a comment about "knowing how to pick ''em." I think a lot of that comes from just not being ready to date again. Once you''re happy and healthy and in a good mental and emotional place, you''ll be able to find a man who you can have a fulfilling relationship with. Until then it''s going to be bad boys and others who are otherwise unsuitable or unavailable.


Mar 8, 2010
Date: 4/28/2010 2:40:53 PM
Author: Hudson_Hawk
Date: 4/28/2010 1:56:31 PM

Author: KittyGolightly

Okay, here''s my honest opinion. You shouldn''t be dating anyone right now.


In your other thread you made a comment about ''knowing how to pick ''em.'' I think a lot of that comes from just not being ready to date again. Once you''re happy and healthy and in a good mental and emotional place, you''ll be able to find a man who you can have a fulfilling relationship with. Until then it''s going to be bad boys and others who are otherwise unsuitable or unavailable.

I agree. I too have been in a relationship that ended really before I moved out......a year before...but it still took some time to heal from it before I was truly in a healthy place to start dating again. And that is coming from someone who never considered themselves damaged, ruined for other men or unable to trust ever again.

Just because someone is a change of pace from what you knew before, does not mean that they, or the relationship, is right for you.

I really recommend you take some time off from dating..period...and that you also take some time to talk to a therapist. It sounds like you still have a lot of things going on and I really think therapy can be invaluable and a wonderful gift to yourself if you really put your efforts into it. Given you are still thinking of yourself as damaged, distrustful, or ruined for others....I think that therapy is really almost a necessity in fact in this case.

Good luck.


Mar 25, 2010
I think you need to work on YOU right now. And you can still enjoy his company and date him, but never put his needs above your own while you figure yourself out.

After my divorce last year, I totally thought I was fine. I felt sane. I felt normal. And then I started a new relationship and made the same mistakes I made in the past relationships. I realized that I did have issues to deal with and sought out therapy for the first time in my life. And holy F word, that was the best decision I have ever made. In the past year, via several one-on-one sessions (and two couples sessions with my new love), I have totally gotten myself back. I finally LIKE myself again (still working on loving myself) and I''ve learned a bunch of tools to stop being harmful in my current relationship (aka ditching passive aggressive behavior).

That would be my suggestion-- seek out a therapist, get yourself back, then offer yourself to others.


Apr 19, 2004

Refrain from boning or hamboning or anything that involves chicken dinners (or whatever the popular vernacular is....)....I have a feeling that kind of behavior isn''t good for one''s self esteem.



Mar 6, 2010
I probably should have taken some time off from dating for myself. That was my intention, then I met this guy the first night I went out and slept with him way too fast. I think that I slept with him so quickly just to really put the nail in the coffin with my ex. I was never expecting to actually "fall" for this guy - I mean he isn''t my type AT ALL, I thought it was a safe choice.

It''s really weird because the last six months to a year with my ex were were easily the worst, lowest, loneliest, darkest months of my life. I was having anxiety attacks and was depressed to a point where I had to go to a doctor. I would literally lay in bed at night feeling like my heart was going to explode and that I was going to die. After I broke things off with him, I felt a million times better and I have not had a single anxiety attack ever since and I have not needed any medication, even when navigating stressful life changes, like finding a new job, buying a new car and finding a new place to live. I guess I probably took that as a sign that I was ready to date again, but it does seem that I am repeating some mistakes (going after guys who are unable or unwilling to completely be with me). Maybe I''ll cool things off with this guy for a bit and see how things look in a few weeks or months. I don''t want to blow it though, he really makes me laugh even though he is kind of corny. I think that my friends were kind of disappointed in his appearance because I had talked him and the physical aspect of our relationship so much that they were probably expecting to see Roger Federer in the flesh.


Nov 2, 2006
Date: 4/28/2010 3:22:11 PM
Author: canuk-gal

Refrain from boning or hamboning or anything that involves chicken dinners (or whatever the popular vernacular is....)....I have a feeling that kind of behavior isn''t good for one''s self esteem.




Nov 24, 2004
Date: 4/28/2010 3:22:11 PM
Author: canuk-gal

Refrain from boning or hamboning or anything that involves chicken dinners (or whatever the popular vernacular is....)....I have a feeling that kind of behavior isn''t good for one''s self esteem.

good god you gals know how to make me laugh this week!


Mar 6, 2010
Oh Sharon, you''re so old school. Reminds me of the tips on Millionaire Matchmaker.. :)


Nov 2, 2006
"It's not to go IN-*points to mouth*, In *points to crotch* or IN *points to butt*!!! Unless you're monogamous that is..." Love Patty!


Sep 20, 2007
I''d break it off and heal yourself.


Apr 19, 2004
Date: 4/28/2010 3:30:02 PM
Author: Starset Princess

Date: 4/28/2010 3:22:11 PM
Author: canuk-gal

Refrain from boning or hamboning or anything that involves chicken dinners (or whatever the popular vernacular is....)....I have a feeling that kind of behavior isn''t good for one''s self esteem.

good god you gals know how to make me laugh this week!


Apr 19, 2004
Date: 4/28/2010 3:36:32 PM
Author: CatLady
Oh Sharon, you''re so old school. Reminds me of the tips on Millionaire Matchmaker.. :)
I''ll take that as a compliment...


Mar 23, 2009
You didn''t take any time to become happy with who you are again. You cannot have a healthy relationship if you are not happy by yourself, and fully healed. The fact that you jumped into bed with this guy so quickly and while you were in a vulnerable state has probably contributed to a false sense of intimacy and to be perfectly honest, it probably led to you having feelings for him that you might not have developed otherwise (He''s not your type, right?).

Break it off with him. If a relationship with him develops later down the line, great, but you need to be alone right now. Don''t think for one second that casual sex will fix anything. It only makes it worse. Take time out for you.
Good luck!


Jul 11, 2008
Catlady - I went through an awful break-up/relationship in late 2008/early 2009. I dated people after that, but I was a mess/dissaster waiting to happen.

I decided I needed time for myself. I did all the things I wanted to do. I turned down dates/men. I worked out. Enjoyed time with my family and friends. God a new job/promotion.

One day I met my current SO randomly. I wasn''t expecting it/looking for it, it just happened! I took it slow and made sure that''s the person I wanted to date. Put off sex for a long time to make sure it wasn''t just a physical attraction. I guess my point is time is the best drug of choice for you. Let time heal you!!! You''ll see how much happier you''ll be as time goes by!

Good luck!


Dec 16, 2007
How to be normal after a breakup....that''s a loaded question.

After a breakup you go through an adjustment period. You''re living a new life, surrounded by new things--maybe even living in a new home. You''re "normal" routine is disrupted because you''re minus one. Only time and new routines over that period make you feel "normal" again...but it''s not an overnight process and there is no magic salve you can use to speed up the process. Just like when you get into a relationship, and there is the period of adjustment where you aline your lives...the same doubly true for when you''re untangling them. I once heard it takes something like 1 month for every 3 you were together to feel better about breaking up...but that seems like junk science to me.

Dating a new person is always''re not damaged beyond repair, but you are healing. I don''t know the ins and outs of your past, but people are always left with scars when a relationship ends. Hence, again, the healing process.

I don''t think you need to be alone for an extended period of time, or put yourself and your heart up on a shelf until you''re brand-new, because frankly that will never happen. But I do think you need to have "experiences". Date casually, even more than one guy if you feel like it. Rushing back into another serious something can feel good for a minute, but it rarely lasts. You''re finally able to put yourself and your needs first, take advantage of this time.

If you do like this guy, date him. Don''t put outlandish pressure on need to label it or get all philosophical about it...just enjoy it. If it grows, welcome it...if it doesn''t, thats okay too. In the end, whatever is meant to be will be.


Jan 17, 2010
Date: 4/28/2010 1:56:31 PM
Author: KittyGolightly
Okay, here''s my honest opinion. You shouldn''t be dating anyone right now.

I''m with Kitty on this one too


Jan 7, 2010
What Kitty and others have said may well be true - you are probably not in an emotional position to be with anyone in a meaningful way at the moment.

That said, everyone sort of finds their own way back to "normal". For me that meant moving overseas, throwing myself into work and a new environment, having a couple of flings, then coming home, settling back in and then eventually starting something new (just over a year after the split). Taking time to focus on different, new, things and learning to be alone (and content alone - that is the key), those were the most important aspects for me. If for you it''s about working it out as you go whilst you date other people and figure out what you can/can''t give, can/can''t do, can/can''t accept etc, then that may just be your journey.

But I would be careful - you don''t want to leave others as "collateral damage" in your wake.


Mar 6, 2010
This week went by without him asking me to do anything. We texted a few times and that was it. Today I was looking at and guess who has a profile on there? So.. yeah, just not that into me. At least now I know where I stand. It was a fun 3 month rebound thing, I don''t have any ill will towards him.

Guilty Pleasure

May 16, 2008
I guess it''s a moot point now, but maybe the advice will help for the next encounter. Do NOT go out with anyone who is in the process of getting a divorce. Regardless of the situation, regardless of how long he has been separated, regardless of what he tells you... blah blah blah. You''re just setting yourself up for a drama-filled mess!

Good luck to you, sweetheart. I am a firm believer in time healing all wounds. You really will feel good again. Until then, I say fake it until you make it - do positive things for yourself, develop a routine that is healthy, don''t actively seek out a surrogate boyfriend or fake intimacy because you''re just filling space with something else that will need to be removed later.


Jun 27, 2008
This proably won''t be well received, but...

Have a fling (check) and get it over it (check) and the work on yourself (which i take it you are now focusing on?).

I''m a clinger, and what honestly helped me get over my last serious breakup, was having a fling. It allowed me to get that need of being with someone, but without the commitment of a relationship (becuase it was a fling, and nothing else). Then I was able to finally figure myself out (which I did, yay!).

Everyone''s version of "fling" is different, so of course i will add my PSA of practicing safety!

PS - sorry if this message is jumbled. Its 6 am and I still think i am recovering from this weekend


Mar 31, 2010
I''ve never had a rebound fling I didn''t end up regretting. Ever. But I know everyone is different, so maybe it can be a good thing, as long as both parties involved are on the same page. The problem here seemed to be the CatLady wasn''t on the same page. She was hoping for more closeness, a relationship, validation, a renewed sense of self-worth. These things weren''t coming from this fling, nor will they come from any fling. So it doesn''t seem to me that a fling was really what the OP needed. CatLady, I hope you truly are feeling better about things now and are taking the time to work on yourself. You are not "damaged" and you are very much deserving of a wonderful relationship, but I agree it''s important that you first get yourself to a place where you feel you deserve happiness...happiness will come to you then.


Mar 6, 2010
I talked to him about it. I honestly am a pretty big hypocrite because I''m dating other people too. The way that I feel and the way that I act towards him are totally different. He asked me to do something last night and I was pretty pissed because we really didn''t talk all week or over the weekend. I had something else to do last night and I told him that I wasn''t able to have casual sex anymore. Then he said that he didn''t think that it was casual, and that he liked me and that he missed me and wanted to talk about things sometime this week. I told him that I needed more attention than he was giving me and he said he felt the same way and we have been texting all day today.

I think that a good, adult conversation about our feelings will be a good thing. Obviously we''re both pretty confused about where the other one stands. This time I''ll make sure to bring it up when neither a party bus nor a luxury suite have been involved too. Gah, I hate dating!
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