
How LONG Was the Engagement?


Dec 8, 2011
We were casual friends for a few years, but officially started dating in November 2010. Got engaged January 2012 (so 1 year and 2 months later) and married September 2012 (engaged for 8 months). We've been married 7 months :love: When you know, you know and there is no need to wait!!


Jun 8, 2008
Happy Anniversary Circe!

We met in 1999 and had our first date Nov 12th, 1999 in Central Park (and around this time I told him I never wanted to get married as he brought the subject up around then or close to that time anyway). Luckily for me he knew better. :cheeky:

He proposed Jan 2004 on a snowy day in the Park (after a near miss in 2002 where I nearly fainted (literally) when he brought the subject of marriage up) and we set our wedding date to Nov 13th, 2004. I wanted as long an engagement as possible in order to get used to the idea though he wanted to get married as soon as possible. He had been carrying the engagement ring around for many months waiting for snow as he wanted to propose in the park (scene of our first date) on a snowy day. Very romantic.

So though our original wedding date was set for 5 years after our first date we ended up marrying in August 2004 because I felt *totally* ready by then (at that point I knew I couldn't live without him) and we were moving in together (and I am sort of old fashioned that way).
So we have 2 wedding dates. First date we eloped to the courthouse almost on a spur of the moment decision. I say almost because in NY there is a 24 hour waiting period from application for license to getting married so we applied for the license on Monday August 2nd, 2004 (I told him on Sunday August 1st I was ready to get married now lol) and got married on Tuesday August 3, 2004 and then my dh went off to work LOL as it was an unplanned wedding date. We got married for a second time on the original set date of November 13, 2004 almost 5 years from our original first date.

And to echo MayK's sentiment-I married a real life prince as well. I might have waited a really long time to be sure but it was worth it. He is so my perfect match in every way and I still pinch myself almost every day that I am so lucky that I get to share my life with him.


Jan 7, 2010
I was engaged for 14 months, and he proposed ten months into our relationship. Married for 2 years, still working out the teething problems (it's your turn to cook, no it's your turn! Are you sure? Yes I'm sure!)


Dec 8, 2011
rosetta|1367245341|3436602 said:
I was engaged for 14 months, and he proposed ten months into our relationship. Married for 2 years, still working out the teething problems (it's your turn to cook, no it's your turn! Are you sure? Yes I'm sure!)

Lol...I love that you called them 'teething problems'! This part of the marriage has never been a problem for us, since I love to cook. When DH does cook, it's one of the same three things (quesadilla, burrito or pizza, usually lol) so I am more than happy to be the one taking care of 98% of our meals. Plus, he does the dishes, so I am extra fine with it!


Apr 13, 2008
We got engaged on our one year anniversary. However, we were very close friends for many years before then, so we didn't have that awkward "getting to know you"/ "honeymoon" phase. We were married one year and three days after that. We have been married for almost 6 years now. I'm loving it! :bigsmile:


Mar 13, 2008
I'm horrible with years, so I had to count back from our wedding date:

Married: Oct 2009
Engaged: Easter 2008
Started dating: April 2006? I'm pretty sure about this date
First met at a party: snowy Chicago night in 2005

We'll be celebrating our 4th wedding anniversary this Oct.


Nov 7, 2004
We were together about a year and half? before we moved halfway across the country and rented a little house together. He proposed 4 years later in January, we eloped March of that year. It was still fun and romantic to get married and it changed our legal status, but not our relationship status. However regardless if we didn't get married then, would of wanted to get "hitched" before kids came along.

We are not the extreme as good friends of ours who are celebrating 25 years together of unwedded bliss
So been together 23! years, married 17 of those. Crap that makes me feel old...


Jan 7, 2012
Met February 17
Married November 18 of the same year.

We have been married since 1994 with one going to college and one going into kindergarten. We had a courthouse wedding when I was 5 months pregnant. We didn't get to have the big wedding we wanted. My husband refused to wait, saying he wanted us to be married before the baby was born. Wow, time flown by so fast. We will be married 20 years next year. We want to renew our vowels just haven't decided how to do it.


Feb 3, 2008
We actually never really 'met'. We went to the same small high school and knew who each other were, but we never spoke and never had a class together. Considering how small our graduating class was that is pretty amazing. After going to college for a year, I came home and
went to church with a girlfriend. He was in the lobby. Anyway, after talking to me and sitting with me for three months, DH finally asked me out. That was Jan-March 1979! We married in July 1980. It will be 33 years this July. I am still madly in love with him.


Jan 7, 2010
FancyPantsSparkles|1367245636|3436606 said:
rosetta|1367245341|3436602 said:
I was engaged for 14 months, and he proposed ten months into our relationship. Married for 2 years, still working out the teething problems (it's your turn to cook, no it's your turn! Are you sure? Yes I'm sure!)

Lol...I love that you called them 'teething problems'! This part of the marriage has never been a problem for us, since I love to cook. When DH does cook, it's one of the same three things (quesadilla, burrito or pizza, usually lol) so I am more than happy to be the one taking care of 98% of our meals. Plus, he does the dishes, so I am extra fine with it!

I too am the cook, he can only grill fish or make pasta (he does the dishes though)

But I ain't having it: I want to come home to a great meal some nights so husband is now going to a cooking class! I got a chicken stir fry yesterday night, and he's making a fish stew tonight. We're getting there slowly but surely....


Dec 8, 2011
rosetta|1367331904|3437309 said:
FancyPantsSparkles|1367245636|3436606 said:
rosetta|1367245341|3436602 said:
I was engaged for 14 months, and he proposed ten months into our relationship. Married for 2 years, still working out the teething problems (it's your turn to cook, no it's your turn! Are you sure? Yes I'm sure!)

Lol...I love that you called them 'teething problems'! This part of the marriage has never been a problem for us, since I love to cook. When DH does cook, it's one of the same three things (quesadilla, burrito or pizza, usually lol) so I am more than happy to be the one taking care of 98% of our meals. Plus, he does the dishes, so I am extra fine with it!

I too am the cook, he can only grill fish or make pasta (he does the dishes though)

But I ain't having it: I want to come home to a great meal some nights so husband is now going to a cooking class! I got a chicken stir fry yesterday night, and he's making a fish stew tonight. We're getting there slowly but surely....

That is awesome! I keep telling DH that I would love for us both to take a cooking class for a fun little date night. Maybe I will need to seriously check that out soon because I would LOVE to come home to dinner already on the table. When DH does start dinner, I usually take over anyway, as he feigns ignorance lol


Jan 7, 2010
FancyPantsSparkles|1367332624|3437320 said:
rosetta|1367331904|3437309 said:
FancyPantsSparkles|1367245636|3436606 said:
rosetta|1367245341|3436602 said:
I was engaged for 14 months, and he proposed ten months into our relationship. Married for 2 years, still working out the teething problems (it's your turn to cook, no it's your turn! Are you sure? Yes I'm sure!)

Lol...I love that you called them 'teething problems'! This part of the marriage has never been a problem for us, since I love to cook. When DH does cook, it's one of the same three things (quesadilla, burrito or pizza, usually lol) so I am more than happy to be the one taking care of 98% of our meals. Plus, he does the dishes, so I am extra fine with it!

I too am the cook, he can only grill fish or make pasta (he does the dishes though)

But I ain't having it: I want to come home to a great meal some nights so husband is now going to a cooking class! I got a chicken stir fry yesterday night, and he's making a fish stew tonight. We're getting there slowly but surely....

That is awesome! I keep telling DH that I would love for us both to take a cooking class for a fun little date night. Maybe I will need to seriously check that out soon because I would LOVE to come home to dinner already on the table. When DH does start dinner, I usually take over anyway, as he feigns ignorance lol

You should DEFINITELY do it. My husband doesn't like cooking, but I realised it was because he is clueless about it. I'm a terrible and impatient teacher, and I end up taking over. He really needed another impartial teacher. He has enjoyed putting good food on the table, and getting the praise! He's only been to a few classes, and his food is not gourmet but it's a vast improvement. I told him we can't have kids until I know he can feed them nutritious food if I'm ever not around. If I'm not careful, I might end up doing dish duty every night!!


Nov 4, 2011
We met on a blind date in Sept. 91. Engaged on Hallowe'en morning '92. He came to my front door dressed in a white bunny suit carrying "carrots" with the greens still on. They were wrapped in pink ribbon and there was a little ring box nestled in amongst them....
We married in June the following year. It is coming on 20 years.
I do most of the cooking as his repetoire is limited and I really do enjoy it. He does all the yardwork, home repairs, car maintenance (even filling mine up with gas), and the grocery shopping. So, even when I get a little tired of cooking on some nights, I really can't complain.


May 27, 2010
We met over the phone in December of 90 (while i was a senior in HS and he was 21).

We met for our 1st face to face March of 91, he proposed June of 91 (my prom), and we got hitched the same year, November 1, 1991.

Everyone thought i was pregnant because i was getting married straight outta HS. I turned 18 on October 23rd, the 1st Saturday was November 1st.

Engagement was 5 months. We will be married 22 yrs this year.


Nov 8, 2008
We met on March 18th, 2010 after my nursing school classmate and I decided to hang out with her and her bf's friends. I saw him and I was instantly enamored! :love: We started dating on April 26th, 2010... and got engaged on October 23rd, 2011... and subsequently got legally married (no ceremony yet, we're focusing on buying a house first) on April 26th, 2012, on our 2 year anniversary <3.

We've been married literally a little over a year and it's the best decision I've ever made.


Jun 18, 2004
We met May 1995, started dating October that year. I dumped him in December and we got back together May 1996. Engaged May 1999, married September 2001. 17 years together and 12 years married this year! I feel way to young to be saying I've been with my man for 17 years, I'm 33.


Jun 21, 2011
We were engaged for 11.5 months and got married a few months shy of our four year dating anniversary. Our one year wedding anniversary is in three months!


Dec 29, 2006
We got married 14 months after getting engaged. We got married after dating almost 5 years.


Mar 4, 2010
1 year and 9 months


Jan 16, 2013
We met on December 26th 1995
He proposed on 7th June 1996
We engaged on 17th July 1996 and three hours later we get married
Our daughter born on 14th July 1997
And we still are going strong :lol:
Love my husband; he's like an antique diamond. He isn't a man who's perfect, but perfect man for ME!!


Jan 7, 2012
Met February 17, 1994
Married November 18, 1994
Had our first child April 25, 1995
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