
How Do You Store Your Jewelry?


Nov 27, 2012
I'm pretty new around here; I lurk a lot but don't post much. Nice to meet you all!

I'm amassing a decent jewelry collection. This is awesome, but it does make me wonder the best way to store it at home. Right now, I have it in a safe, most pieces in their individual presentation boxes, but I'm running out of room.

My first thought is to get a gun safe. We need one anyway, and it should have room for both jewelry and firearms. But I'd really like to see my jewelry. I would like a locking glass case to store everything in, but this doesn't seem secure at all.

And ideas would be fantastic! Thanks!


Sep 23, 2011
There are jewelry safes that are velvet lined and pretty presentation-wise. In the time being, you can remove them from their boxes and store them in soft cloth pouches or even just fabric folded up, in between each piece to prevent scratching. Presentation boxes can take up quite a bit of space, so you can put that outside of the safe, empty, somewhere else. Maybe only keep your "dailies" outside of the safe with the presentation boxes?

My dailies are kept on a ring holder. There are dishes and little ceramic figurines sold for the purpose of holding jewelry.

Oh, and welcome :wavey:


Feb 8, 2003
I'm not a gun owner, so I don't know about how gun safe look...can you buy a gun safe but redecorate the interior to look more presentable to jewelry?

Though...before you decide on any sort of storage, the most important question is to do you have your jewelry insured? Get proper insurance first, then worry about storage second. If you don't have insurance on some pieces, then they should be housed in your bank safe deposit box.


Oct 24, 2012
Hi mixer, welcome! Looking forward to seeing your collection in the SMTB thread.

Unfortunately, I don't have any easy answer to the perennial question of how to store valuable jewels. Apparently, safes can be crowbarred out of the floor, bank safe deposit boxes can be rifled....I do not know the answer.

I used to have mine all put away and have only my dailies out, and I decided I would rotate a set of dailies. It didn't work out that way, as life got busy and I ended up just not wearing the majority of my stuff. Now, I have too much of it out in little jewel boxes or holders, but it's easy to wear different things every day. I've found that this way I really get maximum enjoyment out of my collection. I have some stored in a container that is so masked and camouflaged that I really don't think a burglar would find it. Right now, though, too much is out, probably, and this thread has reminded me of that. But if I sock it away somewhere "safe", I simply don't wear it. It's a real conundrum. I do have a convincing set of decoys in the jewellery boxes of luxury high-end household-name jewellers.

In an ideal burglar-and-fireproof world, I'd have one of those long mirrors that opens to reveal an enormous amount of jewellery storage inside. But it would be a burglar's dream.

I'd be interested to hear others' answers. Seems you either a) give the game away by installing a safe, b) pack the jewellery away and never wear it, c) have it out, wear it, enjoy it, and risk losing it if someone breaks in.

I haven't found a solution that I'm happy with yet.


Jan 7, 2010
I've put the vast majority of mine away in a bank safe. Yes I don't get to wear it much, but a lot of my jewellery is not for everyday wear and I don't mind going to get it for a formal occasion. I have a set of keys for my box which cannot be opened unless both I and the bank's set of keys are inserted and turned at the same time. The vault is also fireproof. I can't get that level of security in a home safe.

Everything I keep at home gets worn everyday. I just wouldn't feel safe keeping jewellery boxes at home as I feel I'm far more likely to get burgled at home rather than a bank is likely to face a heist.


Jul 2, 2010
We have a in ground floor safe that I cannot open! I can never spin the numbers correctly! This Christmas we gave my DH a very nice HUGE gun safe. It is deep in a closet and someone will be hard pressed to haul that sucker out of the house. It is lined in cushy grey fabric and has about 4 deep shelves I've transformed into my home for baubles. There is enough room for each piece to remain. In its original box. The guns are standing upright and other important papers are in here also. We have a light that we can turn on attached to the door. I've actually contemplated putting a full length mirror on the inside of the door!
My "good stuff" is in here and the more frequently worn stuff is on my dresser in something similar to this.



Jul 17, 2008
My BFF has a safe that weighs over 800 lbs and Is near impossible to move. They had to reinforce the floors to hold it. If I go on vacation I leave my stuff and a copy of my will with her.


Apr 30, 2005
A safe deposit box at a bank far from home.


Nov 27, 2012
Brilliant ideas, thanks so much!

My collection is insured well, with individual insurance on each higher valued piece and a rider to cover the rest. I'd much rather have it home with me so I can actually wear it than in a safety deposit box.

I think I'm leaning towards the gun safe. I can store the non-everyday pieces in there and then take out what is necessary otherwise.

I just had this vision of making a display case like you'd see in a jewelry store in my bedroom. I wonder how much convincing it would take for my husband to go along with that...

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